Scene 2 Enter LEONATO and an old man, his brother ANTONIO LEONATO How now brother, where is my cousin your son? Hath he provided this music? ANTONIO He is very busy about it. But brother, I can tell you strange news that you yet dreamt not of. LEONATO Are they good? ANTONIO As the event stamps them, but they have a good cover; they show well outward. The Prince and Count Claudio, walking in a thick-pleached alley in mine orchard, were thus much overheard by a man of mine: the Prince discovered to Claudio that he loved my niece your daughter, and meant to acknowledge it this night in a dance; and if he found her accordant, he meant to take the present time by the top and instantly break with you of it. LEONATO Hath the fellow any wit that told you this? ANTONIO A good sharp fellow; I will send for him, and question him yourself. LEONATO No, no, we will hold it as a dream till it appear itself. But I will acquaint my daughter withal, that she be the better prepared for an answer, if peradventure this be true. Go you and tell her of it. Enter ANTONIOS son and BALTHASAR the musician Cousin, you know what you have to do. [To the musician] O I cry you mercy friend, go you with me, and I will use your skill. Good cousin have a care this busy time. [Exeunt ACT 1 SCENE 2 31 MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING 30 10 15 20 25 5 Leonato asks his older brother, Antonio, whether the music for the evening has been arranged. Antonio has been told by a servant that he has overheard Don Pedro telling Claudio that he is in love with Hero and will tell her so during the dance. Her father says Hero needs to know that this might happen. 1 cousin The word often just means a relation, not necessarily our use of ‘cousin’. 5 Are they good? Is the news good? 6–7 As ... cover We shall see, but it looks likely 8 thick-pleached alley A walk or avenue of trees whose branches have been trained to meet in an arch overhead. 9 orchard orchard or garden 10 discovered revealed 13 accordant agreeable 14 take ... top seize the opportunity 16 wit intelligence 22 peradventure perhaps 25 I ... mercy please forgive me (Leonato has asked him to be present and now isn’t using him.)

KS3 & GCSE Literature - Heinemann Shakepeare Much Ado About Nothing

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Take a look at our new editions from Heinemann Shakepeare for KS3 and GCSE Literature. These sample pages are taken from the new Much Ado About Nothing text.Why choose Heinemann Shakespeare? *An established series you can trust. *Hard-wearing and practical editions represent excellent value for money. *New easy-to-use classroom activities make plays more accessible to students. *Spacious new page design and clear navigation through the text means these new editions are the most accessible yet. To find out more, or view other samples from the new Heinemann Shakespeare series, visit us now at http://www.pearsonschoolsandfecolleges.co.uk/Secondary/Literature/Shakespeare/HeinemannShakespeare/HeinemannShakespeare.aspx

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Page 1: KS3 & GCSE Literature - Heinemann Shakepeare Much Ado About Nothing

Scene 2

Enter leonato and an old man, his brother antonio

leonato Hownowbrother,whereismycousinyourson?Hathheprovidedthismusic?

antonio Heisverybusyaboutit.Butbrother,Icantellyoustrangenewsthatyouyetdreamtnotof.

leonato Aretheygood?

antonio Astheeventstampsthem,buttheyhaveagoodcover;theyshowwelloutward.ThePrinceandCountClaudio,walkinginathick-pleachedalleyinmineorchard,werethusmuchoverheardbyamanofmine:thePrincediscoveredtoClaudiothathelovedmynieceyourdaughter,andmeanttoacknowledgeitthisnightinadance;andifhefoundheraccordant,hemeanttotakethepresenttimebythetopandinstantlybreakwithyouofit.

leonato Haththefellowanywitthattoldyouthis?

antonio Agoodsharpfellow;Iwillsendforhim,andquestionhimyourself.

leonato No,no,wewillholditasadreamtillitappearitself.ButIwillacquaintmydaughterwithal,thatshebethebetterpreparedforananswer,ifperadventurethisbetrue.Goyouandtellherofit.

Enter antonio’s son and balthasar the musician

Cousin,youknowwhatyouhavetodo.[To the musician]OIcryyoumercyfriend,goyouwithme,andIwilluseyourskill.Goodcousinhaveacarethisbusytime. [Exeunt

act 1 Scene 2


Much ado about nothing








1 cousinThewordoftenjustmeansarelation,notnecessarilyouruseof‘cousin’.

5 Aretheygood?Isthenewsgood?

6–7 As...coverWeshallsee,butitlookslikely

8 thick-pleachedalleyAwalkoravenueoftreeswhosebrancheshavebeentrainedtomeetinanarchoverhead.

9 orchardorchardorgarden

10 discoveredrevealed

13 accordantagreeable

14 take...topseizetheopportunity

16 witintelligence

22 peradventureperhaps

25 I...mercypleaseforgiveme(Leonatohasaskedhimtobepresentandnowisn’tusinghim.)

Act 1.indd 30-31 10/26/09 4:26 PM