Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Madurai is established in the premises of Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai. This KVK was established as farmers training centre during 1971 and converted into KVK under the control of Tamilnadu Agricultural University (TNAU). KVK is fully involved for the development of the farmers of Madurai district for more than four decades. KVK Madurai fully financed by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) from March 2004 under zone X. There are seven taluks and 13 Blocks,669 revenue villages in this district. Paddy is the major crop grown here. Pulses, oil seeds, small millets, cotton, sugarcane, banana, vegetables, flower crops were cultivated in this region. The mandate of KVK is to develop and disseminate location specific technological modules at district level through Technology Assessment, Refinement and Demonstration and to act as Knowledge and Resource Centre for agriculture and its allied activities. The specific activities carried out are on-farm testing, frontline demonstrations, training of farmers, extension functionaries, farm advisory services. KVK is working in these areas to overcome the major problems faced by the farmers like uncertainity of rainfall, depletion of ground water, labour problem, loss in crops due to pest and disease incidence. Introduction of hybrids and varieties, Precision farming, Soil moisture conservation, Integrated Pest and disease management in crops, High density planting, SSI, SRI in Paddy Mechanisation, Value addition of Agricultural and Horticultural crops are the major technologies disseminated to the farmers. On Farm Testing (OFT) Conducting on-farm testing to identify the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems in the District. Front Line Demonstrations (FLD) Conducting frontline demonstrations to establish production potential of various crops and enterprises on the farmers' fields. On and Off Campus Trainings KVK imparts on and off campus trainings for the farmers, Self Help Group members , farm women, unemployed rural youth for entrepreneurship development. Trainings are also given along with Department of Agriculture, Horticulture, NADP, National Horticultural Mission. Technologies are also transferred to Extension officials of Madurai District during Monthly Zonal Workshop of every month. Soil and Water testing Lab Soil and Water testing Lab was established at KVK , Madurai to analyse NPK status of soil for the benefit of the farmers. Plant Health Diagnostic Lab The Plant Health Diagnostic Lab was established at KVK , Madurai to analyse the Disease and pest infested plants, advisory and diagnostic services were given for the farmers. Processing and value addition of food using business incubators KVK established a business incubator for Processing and value addition of food using business incubator unit for the farmers, Self Help Group members , farm women, unemployed rural youth for entrepreneurship development. In this unit cereals, pulses, small millets, fruits, vegetables, mushroom, milk, oil seeds, coconut, spices can be converted into value added products by using this machinery. Moreover extruder, cabinet drier, fruit pulper, coconut scrapper, mixer machineries were also been established for value addition. From these units farmers can increase their income and also creates employment opportunities for them.

Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Madurai is Soil and Water

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Page 1: Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Madurai is Soil and Water

Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Madurai is

established in the premises of Agricultural

College and Research Institute, Madurai. This

KVK was established as farmers training

centre during 1971 and converted into KVK

under the control of Tamilnadu Agricultural

University (TNAU). KVK is fully involved for the

development of the farmers of Madurai district

for more than four decades. KVK Madurai fully

financed by Indian Council of Agricultural

Research (ICAR) from March 2004 under zone

X.There are seven taluks and 13

Blocks,669 revenue villages in this district.

Paddy is the major crop grown here. Pulses, oil

seeds, small millets, cotton, sugarcane,

banana, vegetables, flower crops were

cultivated in this region. The mandate of KVK

is to develop and disseminate location specific

technological modules at district level

through Technology Assessment, Refinement

and Demonstration and to act as Knowledge

and Resource Centre for agriculture and its

allied activities. The specific activities carried

o u t a re o n - f a r m t e s t i n g, f ro n t l i n e

demonstrations, training of farmers, extension

functionaries, farm advisory services. KVK is

working in these areas to overcome the major

problems faced by the farmers like

uncertainity of rainfall, depletion of ground

water, labour problem, loss in crops due to

pest and disease incidence. Introduction of

hybrids and varieties, Precision farming, Soil

moisture conservation, Integrated Pest and

disease management in crops, High density

planting, SSI, SRI in Paddy Mechanisation,

Value addi t ion of Agr icul tural and

Horticultural crops are the major technologies

disseminated to the farmers.

On Farm Testing (OFT) Conducting on-farm testing to identify

the location specificity of agricultural

technologies under various farming systems

in the District.

Front Line Demonstrations (FLD)Conducting frontline demonstrations to

establish production potential of various crops

and enterprises on the farmers' fields.

On and Off Campus Trainings KVK imparts on and off campus

trainings for the farmers, Self Help Group

members , farm women, unemployed rural

youth for entrepreneurship development.

Trainings are also given along with

Department of Agriculture, Horticulture,

NADP, National Horticultural Mission.

Technologies are also transferred to Extension

officials of Madurai District during Monthly

Zonal Workshop of every month.

Soil and Water testing Lab Soil and Water testing Lab was

established at KVK , Madurai to analyse NPK

status of soil for the benefit of the farmers.

Plant Health Diagnostic Lab The Plant Health Diagnostic Lab was

established at KVK , Madurai to analyse the

Disease and pest infested plants, advisory

and diagnostic services were given for the


Processing and value addition of food using

business incubatorsKVK established a business incubator

for Processing and value addition of food

using business incubator unit for the farmers,

Self Help Group members , farm women,

unemployed rural youth for entrepreneurship

development. In this unit cereals, pulses, small

millets, fruits, vegetables, mushroom, milk, oil

seeds, coconut, spices can be converted into

value added products by using this machinery.

Moreover extruder, cabinet drier, fruit pulper,

coconut scrapper, mixer machineries were

also been established for value addition. From

these units farmers can increase their income

and also creates employment opportunities

for them.

Page 2: Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Madurai is Soil and Water

For further details contact

Krishi Vigyan KendraAgricultural College & Research Institute

Madurai – 625104.Office: 0452 – 2422955

E mail: [email protected]

Minimal Process unitA Minimal Process ing un i t i s

established in KVK under the INSIMP

(Initiative of Nutritional Security through

Intensive Millet Promotion ) scheme to carry

out the operations like cleaning, milling,

pulverizing and sieving of millet grains.

Extension activities Field days, exposure visits, radio talks,

TV talks,film shows, exhibition, farm advisory

services, Kisan Mela,Diagnostic field visit,

Monthly Zonal Workshop,Campaigns,

seminars, meetings and Demonstrations, were

arranged for the benefit of the farmers.

Demonstration UnitsMist chamber, Vermicompost , Shade Net

Nursery unit were established at KVK,

Madurai for the benefit of the farmers.



MADURAI – 625 104


Dr. S.Suresh, Ph.D Dean

Agricultural College and Research Institute,

Madurai – 625104.

Staff Details

Dr. Chelvi RamesshProgramme Coordinator

Dr. K.P. VanethaSMS (Agrl. Extension)

Dr. B. Usharani SMS ( )

Dr. K. ManonmaniSMS (Plant Pathology) Dr. R. Arun Kumar SMS ( Horticulture) Dr. A. Kalaiselvan

SMS ( Food Science & Nutrition ) Mr.C. Karunaithasan

Programme Asst. (Technical) Mrs. N.Ramya

Programme Assistant (Computer) Mrs.E. Kayathridevi

Farm manager

Agrl. Entomology