krim vco

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PENGARUH VIRGIN COCONUT OIL (VCO) DI DALAM BASIS KRIM TERHADAP PENETRASI ZAT AKTIFHenny Lucida, Vinny Hosiana dan Vivi Muharmi Jurusan Farmasi FMIPA Universitas Andalas Padang E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACTA study on formulation of cream in a base containing Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) with Piroxicam (1%) as a model has been undertaken. VCO concentration in the creambase were made 0 %, 31%, 36% and 41% respectively to determine the influence of VCO concentration on the penetration profile of the drug. The profil of penetration was d tr n db u i Fa zd fs n c l(eta t e wt temi si a dp 8 eemi e y s g rn i i e v rc ly ) i h n f o u l i p h cs k n H e n phosphate buffer as membrane and medium respectively. Concentration of piroxicam released was determined spectrophotometically at wavelength 353.2 nm. Results indicated that the penetration profile of piroxicam from formula 1, 2 and 3 followed zero order kinetic with the slope (k) of 0.0171 (r = 0.9913); 0.0217 (r = 0.9869) and 0.0217 (r = 0.9939) respectively, while that from formula 4 followed Higuchi equation with the slope (k) of 0,0570 mg/sec (r = 0.9853). The highest rate was observed from Formula 4 (VCO concentration was 41%). Statistical anlysis showed that VCO affected the release of piroxicam from the formulation significantly (p0,01) yang menunjukkan bahwa penetrasi piroksikam dari masing-masing formula krim sangat berbeda nyata. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji beda nyata terkecil terhadap data konsentrasi piroksikam yang

berpenetrasi setelah 240 menit dengan uji Student Newman Keuls (SNK) , hasilnya dapat dilihat pada Tabel V.


Tabel V. Hasil uji beda nyata terkecil terhadap konsentrasi rata-rata piroksikam berpenetrasi setelah 240 menit. 0,828 0,760 0,740 Formula I II III Rata-rata 5,7957 6,4766 7,2616 IV 9,1115 3,3158* 2,6349* 1,8499* III 7,2616 1,4659* 0,7850* II 6,4766 0,6809 I 5,7957 Keterangan : * = berbeda nyata, = nilai nyata terkecil Formula 0,602 IV 9,1115 -

KESIMPULAN Penelitian ini menunjukkan Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) di dalam basis krim dapat meningkatkan laju penetrasi piroksikam melalui mebran kulit mencit secara in-vitro. Selanjutnya VCO juga meningkatkan konsentrasi berpenetrasi secara bermakna ( p