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Korenine sloven NA VRH / TOP skega naroda

ZBORNIK14. mednarodne konference


PROCEEDINGSof the 14th International Topical Conference


Ljubljana, 4. junij 2015Ljubljana, June 4th, 2015

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CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji  Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 

903(4)(082) 811(082) 811.291.3(082) 930.2:003.071(082)

MEDNARODNA konferenca Korenine Slovenov in Evropejcev (14 ; 2015 ; Ljubljana)  Zbornik 14. mednarodne konference Korenine Slovenov in Evropejcev, Ljubljana, 4. junij 2015 = Proceedings of the 14th International Topical Conference Origin of Slovenes and Europeans, Ljubljana, June 4th, 2015 / [uredil Marko Hrovat]. - Ljubljana : Jutro, 2017

ISBN 978-961-7024-00-5 1. Dodat. nasl. 2. Hrovat, Marko, 1966- 289344768

Zaradi številnih novih odkritij in njih raziskav, je izid 14. številke Zbornika nekoliko zastal.Od 14. konference je številka Zbornika usklajena s številko konference, saj 13. konferenca ni bila sklicana.

ZahvalaZahvaljujemo se g. Petru Jandáčku iz Los Alamosa, ZDA, ustanovnemu članu projekta

Korenine, za nesebično podporo pri izdaji Zbornika.

AcknowledgmentWe are grateful to Mr. Petr Jandáček from Los Alamos, USA, the founding member

of the project Korenine, for his generous support to publish the Proceedings.

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Kazalo Contents

Marko HrovatUJIK INSCRIPTION AND OVERVIEW OF THE RAETIC LANGUAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Marko HrovatPIŠTA INSCRIPTION AND WHERE DID THE RAETI DISAPPEARED TO?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Marko HrovatTHE RI INSCRIPTIONS AND THEIR RELATIONS TO THE VENETI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Petr JandáčekSŁәŊ (SLON) WAS APPARENTLY THE TRANS-EURASIAN WORD FOR MAMMOTH/ELEPHANT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

Mila Deacon WENDISH IN ANCIENT GAUL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

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Marko Hrovat



PovzetekNapis Ujik, tehnično imenovan tudi NO-3, je eden od treh retijskih napisov, ki na

široko odpirajo vrata v razumevanje starodavnega retijskega jezika. Osupljivo je, da vsa dolga desetletja, v katerih so strokovnjaki poskušali razvozlati retijske napise s pomočjo različnih jezikov, od semitskega, madžarskega, do romanskih jezikov; ta jezik z napisov živel pred njihovim nosom in se še dandanes govori v sosedstvu. Žal pa je bil zaradi brezmejne nadutosti velikih jezikov v njihovi senci popolnoma zapostavljen. Vse to pa kaže, da je treba resnico pogosto iskati ravno v obratni smeri kot trdi visoka znanost. Za znanost je tragično, da so domala vsi svetovni znanstveniki s pristojnih področij stopicali v slepi ulici, ne zavedajoč se svoje zablode. Med tem časom pa so bile postavljene mnoge, premnoge znanstvene teorije in napisana številna dela, za katera so bile porabljene nepregledne vreče denarja. Žal v podporo popolnoma napačnim znanstvenim stališčem o Retih, na katerih podlagi nikdar ne bi razvozlali skrivnost tega starodavnega jezika.

Na osnovi dokončno pojasnjene vsebine napisa Ujik in drugih retijskih napisov, imamo sedaj neposreden vpogled v ta antični jezik, ki še vedno živi med nami. Ta jezik, jezikovni fosil Evrope pa je Slovenščina sama. Ne Slovanščina, ki je nastala šele v 19. stoletju, pač pa Slovenščina, jezik, ki se danes govori v Sloveniji in okoliških državah! Več kot presenetljivo je, da ta jezik, v 2500 letih, izvzemši zadnjih 200 let, skoraj ni doživel sprememb. To pa zanika znanstvene trditve, da so jeziki podvrženi relativno hitrim in neprestanim vplivom in spremembam! To vedenje pa tudi nakazuje, da se slovenski jezik tisočletja ni kaj dosti spreminjal. Tako tudi ne od časov pred približno 4000 leti, ko so se Sloveni iz Evrope selili na ruske planjave in naprej v severno Indijo. Jezik teh napisov je razumljiv malodane vsakomur, ki pozna slovenska narečja. Še največ posebnosti iz napisov je ohranjenih v zahodnih in severnih narečjih. Iz vsebine besedila napisa Ujik je razvidno, da je bila ta bronasta broška posvečena Ujiku, v zahvalo za spoštovanje boginje RI in za prelepo petje in molitve posvečene njej. Iz besedila lahko sklepamo, da je moral biti Ujik boginji RI popolnoma predan. Tudi slovnica iz napisa Ujik je popolnoma slovenska. Prav zaradi tega je bila slovenščina v veliko pomoč pri odstrtju skrivnostnega pomena tega retijskega besedila.

Za današnje velike narode, predvsem za Nemce in Italijane, ki skozi vsa stoletja genocidno uničujejo slovenščino, bo zelo težko in stresno sprejeti za njih zoprno resnico in dejstvo, da v antični srednji Evropi niso igrali nikakršne vloge. V resnici niso niti obstajali, v času, ko je slovenski jezik opeval in pisal veličastno pesem po večjem delu Evrope. Le kako bodo ti strokovnjaki preoblikovali bajko o priselitvah Slovanov v 6. stoletju?

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PrefaceUndoubtedly, there will be many well-intentioned suggestions, how to understand the

inscriptions in a very right way. Every vaticinator should know, that there is a huge abyss between an idea, a personal believe and proven fact, which also agree with the contents, semantics and common sense. I guess, no one has an idea, how I was enlightened with the knowledge.

The expressions Slovenes, Slovene should not be confused with the expressions Slavi, Slavic language, for it is also a new invention, not existed before mid-19th century. The word Slovani was introduced by the Czech Linguist Dobrovský. An existence of the lat. word Sclaveni, or ger. word Slawen before 19th century correspond to the word Sloveni (Slovenes), and not to unexisting Slavs. The words Sclaveni or Slawen had been sometimes used also to denote the languages, not people, related to the Slovene, like: Wendish, Slovak, Czech, Polish, Russian, Bulgarian, Macedonian or Serbian. None of the noted people ever considered themselves being Slavs before 19th century. Therefore, proclamation that the ancient and medieval Slovenes of the Central Europe were Russians, Serbs or even Croatians (falsified nation) would be an ultimate blemish of the truth.

I thank a lot to Prof. Dr. Anton Mavretič of the Harvard University, Corresponding member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and Honorary citizen of Metlika Commune; for supporting and reviewing my English style of writing and helping me to bring it closer to the Academic English.

Basic dataObject: Ujik shield - bronze plaque in the shape of a shield.Size: 10 x 6.8 cmLetter height: 0.9 – 1.6 cmPeriod: BC 699 – AD 50[1]

Craftsmanship: Engraved

Site: Village Mechel/Meclo is situated on the slope, about 744 m above the sea level. Village is positioned some 2 km SW from the Cles (ger. Glöß, rtr. Clés), a small town in the region of South Tyrol, now in northern Italy. The site is covered by a mountain range on the west side, while in opposite side its panorama is wide opened to the Non valley, including the part of lake Lago di Santa Giustina

Location: 46° 21' 0" N, 11° 1' 12" ECurrent location: Museum Castello del BuonconsiglioInventory Nr.: 4525Inscription mark: NO-3

Script: North Italic script (Sanzeno alphabet)Language: Slovene

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Starting position: Top center from letter PWriting direction: Both sidesReading style: Repeating three times from the ; markInscription: UKIIU ELAUMI.VLEP;ISEIR.UlEPLetters: 20 monophthongs, 4 diphthongsPunctuations: 3Transliteration:* PELV.RIESI;PELF.INVALE VIIKV * Transformation of the Raetic letters to the Latin letters one by one,

without influence of the contents or explanation of the inscription. Where the Raetic letter represents more than one sound (C = /k/, /ʧ/

To read this part, please click here

No. of letters: 28No. of words: 8

Interpreter: Marko HrovatDate revealed: 23.2.2015

Interpretation of Stefan Schumacher (2004)[2]

Thesis Work: Die rätischen Inschriften, Institut for Language and Literatur at University of Innsbruck 2004

[S]IUPIKU PHELURI ESI PHELVINU ALE “I have founded (the sign); heal, lord of the light, my god Phelvinu.”

SIUPIKU “I have founded” = Akk. šapaku “to found”, Hebr. suf “to let flow (= to found)”

PHELURI “lord of the light” = Akk. bel uri “id.”ESI “heal (Imp. Sing. masc.)” = Akk. asû “physician”, Aram. ’assi, Arab.

’asa, ’asa “to heal”PHELVINU “lord of the boulders” = Raet. *bel venniuALE “my god” = Akk. elu, ilu “god; goddess”, Hebr. allat “goddess” + Gen.

Sing. 1. c. –i “my”

Schumacher reports that the first I in word UKIIU has a dot on the top, that looks similar to sign p. The upper dot was the reason, which had led him to an incorrect conclusion, that this sign is representing a letter P. Wondering about of co-occurrence of signs P and p he had no idea how to explain it.[3] I would say that a punctuation above the first I, marks the /j/ sound, while the second I stands for /i/ sound. Because of co-existence of two II letters, it is easier for reader having the information, which unequivocally points out the J sound.

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Figure 1: Ujik shield.[4]

Interpretation of Marko Hrovat (2015)Inscription: UKIIU ELAUMI.VLEP;ISEIR.UlEPTransliteration: PELV.RIESI;PELF.INVALE VIIKV

To read this part, please click here

Explanation of idiomsl Irrespective of being turned in the opposite direction from other letters, it has to be

read as L. After letters ß lEP /pjɘl/[5],[6] are read, the same letters shall be read from l in reverse à lEP, but this time together with 4th letter U. Why so? Because the punctuation mark on the left bottom side of the letter ‹u› designates, that the letters read in the reverse direction, ends at this point. It follows that the second word involves letters UPEL. For this reason, the correct reading, resulting in first two words revealed: PEL LEPU /pjɘl ljɘpu:/[5],[6].

Figure 2: Semi-palindrome part.

. Punctuation marks are assigned in some marked places in the text, which inform the reader how to read the inscription correctly. Such mark usually designates a position between two words. Therefore, the 1st letter belongs to first word, while the next letter

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Raetic Slovene slk. Slovene

Pjel ljepu RI jesi i mualej.Pjel vı mualej,pjel vı mualej,pjel vı mualej. Ujiku

Pjel ljepu RI sъ i muolu.Pjel vь muolъ,pjel vь muolъ,pjel vь muolъ.


Pel si lepo RI in molil, pel v molitvi, pel v molitvi,pel v molitvi.


Table 1: Complete words of the Ujik inscription in Raetic and Slovene.


You were singing beautifully and praying to RI.Singing in prayer,singing in prayer,singing in prayer.

To Ujik

Table 2: All words of the Ujik inscription in English.

GlossaryRaetic Slovene Grammar lit. Slov. English

pjel pjel, pel verb 2sg. pt.ct. pel singing

ljepu ljepu, lepu, lepo adv. lepo beautifully

RI1 noun f. dat. sg.

jesi jesi,2 jъs, sъ, si lnk.verb 2sg. pr. si (you) were

i3 i, in conj. in and

vi4 vi, vь, vu, adv. v in

mualej5-7, 8/9 muolъ, muolu, molu verb 2sg. pt.ct. molil praying

mualej5-7 muolej,8/9 muolit, molitu grnd. f. loc. sg. molitvi10 prayer

ujiku ujiku,11 ujьku, ujьcu noun m. dat. sg. ujcu to ujik

Table 3: Ujik inscription glossary.

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molel / molil > muolel > mualel > mualej

11 ujiku Locative case of slv. noun ujik with its varieties ujec and ujek, in the meaning of ‘uncle by mother’s kin, mother’s brother’.

Inscription lessonFrom words of the Ujik inscription it can be gathered out, that the Raetic priests and

prayers were singing and praying to the god. Further on, it is anticipated, they perform the prayer in singing much often. The one who sung the prayer, did his best, to sing it as beautiful and devoted to the RI as he can. The RI was the highest goddess of the Raeti. More about RI can be found in the contribution of the “RI inscriptions” within these Proceedings. From the Ujik and other Raetic inscriptions, it is expected a very high devotedness of the Raetic people. The text dedicated to Ujik is written in the 2nd person, in a singular masculine gender. Word ujiku is a dat. case of the noun ujik, which is used

Picture 1: Location of the inscriptions studied.

to designate a mother’s brother. Word ujec (ujek, ujik) means uncle by mother’s kin, and traces of its use can still be found in the present-day Slovene speech, while in literal Slovene

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it almost came out of usage. From explanation above it is evident, that the suffix -u in the Raetic word ujiku is a grammatical form in a dat. case of the nom. m. noun ujik. A dative case ujiku is a response to the question, whom to the inscription on the shield had been dedicated to? The answer is, to the one, who is uncle of the plaque giver, by sister’s kin. And that one is Ujik, or Ujiku in Slovene dative case.

Overview of the Raetic, the Celtic and the Slovene RelationsUjik inscription is considered to be a Raetic one. The Raeti had been assigned as a

Celtic tribe by many ancient writers. Not just Raeti, but also surrounding neighbors were also called the Alpine Nations ‘Alpini Populi’ by the Romans. Titus Livius was the first ancient historian who brought out the information about Alpine Nations, and named them the Celts.[12, p.42]

The Raeti were of non-Celtic originFrom the text of the ancient writers it is evident, that the conception of who were

Celts and what is the meaning of the notion “Celtic”, was quite confusing. Some of the ancient writers considered a few tribes as the Celtic one, while other ancient writers report the same people to be none Celtic tribes. Tacitus report: “..Raeti and Vindelici and of the Gallians..”,[12, p.53] which clearly suggests that at least some Romans distinguished the Raeti and Vindelici from the Galls, as a none Gallic tribes. The same author inscribed in the following text: “These peoples, and also the Pannonians, the Raeti, the Norics, the Mysians of Europe, and the other neighboring tribes who inhabited the right bank of the Danube, the Romans distinguish from one another just as the various Greek peoples are distinguished from each other.”. From Tacitus writing it is seen that Raeti were in good relations with surrounding neighboring people. That shows the affinity among those nations. In later text, Tacitus directly pointed out, that all enumerated nations, including Illyrians, were considered to be a part of Illyria, which stretches as far as to Euxine (Black) Sea.[12, p.57] From those writings it is suggested that all those peoples were related in a common language. After the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, these marginal lands fall out of the sovereignty of the Roman central power. When Roman supervision vanished, the name Slovenes suddenly appears on those territories.

The Raeti were CeltsOn the other side the Horatius consider the Raethi as a Gaulish people[12, p.45], and

Strabon talks about Norics as to be kin to the Celtic people. Further on, he also talks about the Breuni, Ucenni and Vindelici as Celtic people.[12, p.41] Plinius Secundus said that the Raeti were adjoined by the Norici, and that the Raetia was a Gall land.[12, pp.51–2] Flavius Claudius Julianus had written down: “...Western Alps inhabit the Gallians, the Raeti, however...”,[12,

p.61] and within following text he exposed: “..with the troops of the Norics and the Raethi who constitute the corps of the Celtic troops.”[12, p.64] Titus Livius reported: “…Raeti, have

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without doubt this (i.e. Etruscan) origin...”, especially they preserved the Etruscan language uncorrupted.[12, p.14] Similar, about the Raeti as descendants of the Etruscans, was claimed by Plinius Secundus.[12, p.47] Etruscan language belongs to Tyrrhenian group of languages.

The Raeti were SemiticMeyer, Risch and Hubschmid are of contrary opinion, which assigned the Raetic as

a non-Indo-European language.[12, p.43]. Alfréd Tóth and Linus Brunner even argue the idea, that Raetic is an extinct Semitic language. Nevertheless, it is the fact that no one really revealed the Raetic language! But the scientific claims without any serious basis are propagating on and on. Some of them carried out even some lists of nouns, adjectives, verbs, pronouns, etc. of the Raetic language. Acting in such a way in the scientific literature without any proofs is at least irresponsible, and for sure not admissible. Approaching that way of researching the Raetic language, Raetic people and Raetia itself, every claim seems to be possible. The statement about Raetic dialects: “..Raetic must have been dialectally strongly differentiated..” and notation in a paragraph before: “..differentiating between Raetic and non-Raetic tribes, one depends wholly on historical linguistics..”[12, p.49], inter alia shows the Raetic language as staying in the darkness of the linguistic twilight.

The Raeti SurvivedLucious Flavius Arrianus reported that Raetic language was still spoken in the 2nd

century AD.[12, p.14] Observations about the Raeti could be found until the collapse of the Roman Empire, and on the basis of the ancient sources, probably yet a century later, which is, up to the 6th century. A German artist Albrecht Dürer painted a portrait of a Slovene village woman on the Brenner Pass, on the Alps. He named this portrait from the 16th century ‘Una villana Windisch’, which means nothing else than a Slovene peasant woman.[13, p.455],[14] Also, some later writers reported about the Slovene1 language in northern Italy, Tyrol and in Switzerland. The Friulian historian M. A. Nicoletti reported as early as the mid-16th century, how in Friulian medieval parliament Slovene language had been used. At that time the Friulian language was not fully formed yet.[13, p.456],[14] The statement also suggests, that Friulan and most likely also the other Rhaeto-Romance languages, Romansh and Ladin, are all newly formed languages.

The Raeti were SlovenesThat shows that the Raetic language in the far away Alpine valleys had been persisting

until 19th century. As it was clearly shown by the explanation of the Ujik inscription, the

1 Sloveni should not be confused with Slavi. The word Slav, Slavs is a modern invention, introduced by the Czech scholar Dobrovský, which came into usage only about 150 years ago. Until the second half of the 19th century, the Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Serbs, Croats, part of later Poles and some smaller nations, did not considered themselves Slavs. Early historical records of the words Sclavi, Slavi, Slaven, etc. had been using to designate a specific ethnos living between the Baltic, Adriatic and Black sea. The term Slavi had been applied only to Slovenes (Sloveni), and the name had been used until the late New Age.

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term Raetic language is what is nowadays known by the term Slovene language. The Slovene language in this case should not be confused with the modern term of Slavic language, or with a kind of Serb or Russian language. The Raetic language is undoubtedly the same language as the modern Slovene language is! Indeed, only minor linguistic changes had been occurring in the last 2500 years. More about the Celtic origins and their language, the Raetic origins and the name traces, the Raetic tribal names and the Celto-Slovene relations, can be found in the contribution of “Pišta inscription” within these Proceedings.

The Origin of the Celts and Their LanguageWho were the Celts? The answer is not quite simple. A lot of thesis has been defended

and an enormous number of papers had been written about them, irrespective of the lack of material, cultural remains and specially an absence of the language evidence. Scholars have been disputing about the Celtic origin and about their expansion over the Europe. On the basis of the oldest archeological remnants, the most believable cradle of the Celts is the Urnfield culture (1200 BC) of the Central Europe. First Celtic culture is considered to be the Hallstatt culture (800-450 BC), followed in much of the Central Europe by the La Tène culture (450~50 BC). La Tène culture had been ruined by the Romans.

TerritoryBy the 6th century BC, Celtic culture spanned over many parts of Europe. On the

north, they expanded to the upper Rhine, following east by the Main River to Bohemia and west Carpathian mountain range, and down to the Danube River, including Pannonia and Danube valley. From those lands westwards, including Norici, Raeti and Helveti north of Alp’s mountain range. This area, named by rich archeological site as Hallstatt in Noricum, is sometimes also called a Celtic homeland. Within La Tène Iron Age, the Celtic culture supposed to expand to much of the Central Europe, to north Balkan, France and to British Isles. In a smaller range, Celts expanded also to Iberian Peninsula, northern Italy and as far as to the central parts of Asia Minor.

CultureThe Hallstatt iron-working culture has arisen directly from the Urnfield culture (c.

700-500 BC), thus proto-Celtic is considered to be of the same language, as late Urnfiled culture. On the other side the Urnfield culture is being connected to Veneti people, whose ethnical descendant were Slovenes, which had already been demonstrated by some scholars.[15] Western Hallstatt zone is commonly associated with the Celts, while eastern Hallstatt zone with the Illyrians. The lack of the reliable language remnants leads to dispute on the Celtic origin. Illyrians seemed to have been an elusive phenomenon that cannot have been determined at all. In the time of the Roman conquest of the Alpine territory, there were organized states of the Raetia, Vindelicia and Noric. They cooperated with each other, and it would be a great surprise, if they would have not spoken the same language.

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names that denote one and the same nation. The most likely development of the name Helveti can be seen from the lower instances:

Slъvi / Suъvi > Slъve(n)ci > Hlъveci > Hъlveci > Helveti (lat.)

Helvetia = Selvecija < Slevecija < Slъve(n)ci

The name Sleveci is very alike to the slv. word slavec ‘nightingale; slv. literally “talking bird”, known as the beautiest singer. The name Sleveci coul also be a derivative of Sloveni, Slъveni or Slъvenci ‘Slovenes’. The Slovene word slovo ‘word’ derives from the root *slov-, as in the case of the name Slov- + -eni > Sloveni. The name Sloveni is a synonym for those, who speak the same language, which is clearly understandable to them. The verbatim meaning of this expression is “people of the word”.

SlawiSaluvii, the military tribal confederation of the south France, lived between the Rhône

River and Alps, above the city of Marseille, is believed to be the first transalpine people subdued by the Romans. The Greeks were expressed their name with the letters of Salues or Saluves (Σάλυες).[25] The variant of letters υ and ς are expressed in the names Salüeś or Salueś, where /ś/ denotes the soft /ʃ/. Considering the Greek suffix -es and -os similar to Latin -es, -os, which corresponds to the Slovene collective suffix -i, would resulted in the name Salui, instead of Salues. Regarding the fact that the consonant pair -sl- was not familiar to the Greek language, it is anticipated that they transformed the aboriginal name by metathesis of the neighbor vowels, as in many other cases. Considering that the Greeks most possibly transformed syllable sla- to sal- by metathesis, as in some other cases, disclose the understanding of the anticipated original name Slaui or rather a variant Slawi. This case clearly reveals the primary word Slawi, which designates the name of the Celtic confederation. The Greek name Σάλυες therefore expresses nothing else than the name Slawi or Slovenes in nowadays English.

List of Abbreviations:2sg adv Adverbconj Conjunctiondat Dativegrnd gerundloc Locativef Feminine

lnk Linkingm Masculinen Neuternom Nominative

pt.ct Past continuous

ger German gr Greeklat Latinrtr Rhaeto-Romanceslk Literally Sloveneslv Slovenesrb Serbianstcs Old Church Slovene

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References1. Stefan Schumacher, Corpus inscriptionum Raeticarum completum et emendatum, “p. 150 no.

NO-3”, Trismegistos, acc.: Feb. 27 2015, http://www.trismegistos.org/tm/detail.php?tm=2184462. Stefan Schumacher, “Die Ratischen Inschriften - Geschichte und heutiger Stand der Forschung”,

Innsbucker Beitrage zur Kulturwissenschaft, Archaeolingua, vol.Sonderheft 121, no.2nd Extended Edition, Innsbruck, 2004, pp.342–69

3. Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum, Universität Wien, acc.: Feb. 18 2015, http://www.univie.ac.at/raetica/index.php?title=NO-3

4. Alfréd Tóth & Linus Brunner, Raetic, an extinct Semitic language in Central Europe, Mikes International, The Hague 2007, p.70

5. Help:IPA for English, Wikipedia, acc.: Jan. 31 2016, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA_for_English

6. Vowels, Wikipedia, acc.: Jan. 31 2016, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vowel7. Marko Hrovat, Eastern Upper-Carnilolan dialect, “Father’s speech of the Upper East Carnilola

dialect (Krajno Brdo in Črni graben valley)”, Mar. 6 20158. Freising Manuscripts, “The oldest Slovene and Slavic text. Transcription from 10th century; original

presumably from 8th century.”, Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, acc.: Aug. 27 2015, http://www.nuk.uni-lj.si/bs.html

9. Zinka Zorko, Koroško mežiško narečje v luči novih glasoslovnih raziskav, Univerza v Mariboru, Maribor 2000, pp.40–1

10. Perdih Anton, “Betacizem po toilminsko”, Proceednings of the 5th International Conference - Origin of Europeans, Jutro, Lublana 2007, p.113,115,120

11. Franc Ramovš, Historična gramatika slovenskega jezika II – Konzonantizem, Učiteljska tiskarna, Lublana 1924, p.50,61–3,66,163

12. Alfréd Tóth & Linus Brunner, Raetic, an extinct Semitic language in Central Europe, Mikes International, The Hague 2007

13. Matej Bor, Jožko Šavli & Ivan Tomažič, Veneti naši davni predniki, Editiones Veneti, Lublana 198914. Albrecht Dürer, Windisch Baeuerin, Artflakes.com, acc.: Mar. 18 2015, http://www.artflakes.com/

de/products/a-dot-duerer-windisch-baeuerin15. Matej Bor, Jožko Šavli & Ivan Tomažič, Veneti : first builders of European community, Editiones

Veneti, Wien 199616. Kerry Ann McKevitt, Identity and History: A Look at the Celtic Past of Galicia, Mythologizing,

acc.: Feb. 11 2015, http://www4.uwm.edu/dept/celtic/ekeltoi/volumes/vol6/6_13/index.html17. Edward Lhuyd, “An account of the languages, histories, and customs of the original inhabitants of

Great Britain”, Archaeologia Britannica, Irish University Press, Oxford 1971, p.290, http://books.google.si/books?id=KmsuAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover

18. Reitia, Wikipedia, acc.: Mar. 3 2015, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reitia19. Greek - English Dictionary, Perseus Digital Library, acc.: Mar. 24 2015, http://www.perseus.tufts.

edu/hopper/resolveform?type=start&lookup=rht&lang=greek20. Rhetia, Theoi Greek Mythology, acc.: Feb. 26 2015, http://www.theoi.com/Nymphe/NympheRhetia.html21. Maks Pleteršnik, Slovensko-nemški slovar, P-Ž, 2. del P-Ž, Založba ZRC, Lublana 2006, p.42322. Pliny the Elder, “Pliny’s Natural History – Book XXX (English); Chapter XX”, Theoi Greek Mythology,

Harvard University Press, Massachusetts 1949, acc.: Mar. 2 2015, http://www.masseiana.org/pliny.htm#BOOK III

23. Pliny the Elder’s Natural History – Book 3 (Latin), Chapter XX, Number 133, penelope.uchicago.edu, acc.: Mar. 4 2015, http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/L/Roman/Texts/Pliny_the_Elder/3*.html

24. Franc Ramovš, Historična gramatika slovenskega jezika II – Konzonantizem, Učiteljska tiskarna, Lublana 1924

25. Salyes, Wikipedia, acc.: Feb. 25 2015, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salyes

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AbstractUjik inscription, technically named NO-3, is one of the first three Raetic inscriptions.

These inscriptions widely open the door to understand the ancient Raetic language. It is astonishing that for all those long decades, the inscriptions have been tried to be explained with the help of different languages, from Semitic, Hungarian to Romance languages, while the language of the inscriptions was alive, and has been spoken in the nearby country. In the shadow of large European languages, it was totally ignored, because of their infinite haughtiness, which shows that the truth can be often found just in the opposite direction than it is scientifically claimed. For the science sake it is very tragic, that almost all scholars worldwide, were tripping into dead-end, and not being aware of their (errors) aberration. At that time, many, too many worthless, even noxious thesis and books have been written, and endless money has been spent to support these wrong positions. Considering the “scientifically adopted knowledge about the Raetic language”, which is completely wrong, the truth would have been never revealed.

On the bases of the ultimately revealed Ujik inscription, we have now the insight directly to the ancient language, which is still alive and spoken as a fossil language of the Europe. That ancient language is the Slovene itself. Not Slavic language, where a common expression for it had sprung up only in the 19th century. However, the Slovene language has its proper name, and it is nowadays spoken in the Republic of Slovenia and in the neighboring lands. After about 2500 years the language used in the inscriptions, surprisingly did not change much. The statement conflicts with the scientific claims of rapid and constant change of spoken languages! These inscriptions suggest that Slovene language practically did not change much for thousands of years. The same cannot be claimed for other central European languages. The language of this inscription is easily intelligible to almost anyone who understands the most of Slovene dialects, especially the western part. The bronze shield itself had been dedicated to Ujik, in gratitude of his piety to the RI deity, and beautifully singing and praying to her. From the contents it can be seen, that Ujik was completely committed to RI. Also the grammar of the Ujik inscription is completely Slovene type, and therefore it was great help to us to unravel this semantic mystery of the Raetic text.

Up until now, the larger nations of Europe, the Germans and Italians in the first place, have been ruining the Slovene language by genocide for a long time. They will accept the truth that they played no role in the ancient Central Europe very hard. Tiresome truth is that they did not even exist in those times, when the Slovene language had been singing, writing and spreading magnificent culture throughout the Europe! The question is how will those scientists remodel their mythic fairy tale about the Slavic migrations from the East in 6th century AD?

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Marko Hrovat


PovzetekNapis Ujik, tehnično imenovan tudi CE-1, je eden od treh retijskih napisov, ki na

široko odpirajo vrata v razumevanje starodavnega retijskega jezika. Osupljivo je, da vsa dolga desetletja, v katerih so strokovnjaki poskušali razvozlati retijske napise s pomočjo različnih jezikov, od semitskega, madžarskega, do romanskih jezikov, je jezik z napisov živel pred njihovim nosom in se še dandanes govori v bližnjem sosedstvu. Žal pa je bil ta jezik, zaradi brezmejne nadutosti velikih jezikov, v njihovi senci popolnoma zapostavljen. Vse to pa kaže, da je treba resnico pogosto iskati ravno v obratni smeri kot trdi visoka znanost. Upoštevajoč znanstveno sprejeta stališča o jeziku Retov, ki so popolnoma napačna, ne bi nikdar razvozlali skrivnost tega starodavnega jezika.

Bronasta žara ali situla je bila uporabljena za pogreb moške osebe z imenom Pišta. Ime Pišta je pri Slovencih tudi po 2500 letih še vedno živo in se uporablja predvsem v vzhodnih predelih Slovenije. Kot kaže so žalujoči žaro pokrili z nekim pokrovom. Iz napisov te žare je razvidno, da so bili Reti prepričani v obstoj posmrtnega življenja in da duša umrlega po smrti potuje v nebesa. V okviru svojih prepričanj so umrlemu pripravili hrano in pijačo, ki naj bi ju potreboval na poti. Verjeli so torej, da lahko duša umrlega uporablja posvetne stvari. V Pištovi žari so zares našli sledove vina. Iz napisov pa je mogoče sklepati, da so mu žalujoči pripravili tudi hrano in priložili glaž za vino. Kot kaže je bil v navadi, da so žalujoči umrlemu klicali poslovilni klic ‹ave› in ga spodbujali, naj le gre v višave in si privošči ples in veselje. Pištova žara je okrašena z držalom ročaja, v obliki nekoliko stiliziranega križa. Ker se križi kot votivni simbol pojavljajo tudi pri RI napisu, je s tem uporaba križa kot simbola povezanega z vero, dokazana daleč pred začetki krščanstva. Najdba dveh pol-palindromov na Pištovi žari je prav tako veliko presenečenje.

Na osnovi dokončno pojasnjene vsebine napisa Pišta in drugih retijskih napisov, imamo sedaj neposreden vpogled v ta antični jezik. Presenetljivo je, da jezik Retov še vedno živi kot jezikovni fosil Evrope. Ta antični jezik je Slovenščina sama. Ne Slovanščina, ki je nastala šele v 19. stoletju, pač pa Slovenščina, jezik, ki se danes govori v Sloveniji in sosednjih državah! Več kot presenetljivo je, da ta jezik, v 2500 letih skoraj ni doživel sprememb. To zanika znanstvene trditve, da so jeziki podvrženi relativno hitrim in neprestanim vplivom in spremembam! Zapisano vedenje pa nakazuje, da se slovenski jezik tisočletja ni kaj dosti spreminjal. Tako tudi ne od časih selitev Slovenov iz Evrope na ruske planjave in naprej v severno Indijo. Jezik teh napisov je razumljiv malodane vsakomur, ki pozna zahodno slovenska narečja.

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Že sredi 19. stol. so Italijani vedeli, da je ime Rezi povezano z Reti, zato je nesprejemljivo namerno italijansko zavajanje, da Rezijani niso Slovenci, saj je očitno, da lahko Rezijane štejemo za potomce Retov, ki so se imenovali tudi Rezi. Za današnje velike narode, predvsem za Nemce in Italijane, ki vseskozi genocidno uničujejo slovenščino, bo zelo težko in stresno sprejeti za njih zoprno resnico in dejstvo, da v resnici niso niti obstajali, ko je slovenski jezik opeval in pisal veličastno pesem širom Evrope.

Veliki narodi v slovenski soseščini, kot so Italijani in Nemci, so slovenski jezik v preteklosti namenoma uničevali in to na njihovih matičnih ozemljih. Žal pa se to še vedno dogaja. Z asimilacijsko politiko Slovencem vsiljujejo rabo večinskega jezika. Poleg tega pa z različnimi omejevalnimi administrativnimi ukrepi, posredno in neposredno izvajajo sistematičen pritisk na Slovence. Vsebina štirih napisov, ki so jih našli na področju Italije in Avstrije, je sedaj dokončno pojasnjena s pomočjo slovenščine, kar dokazuje kulturno veličino slovenskega jezika. S pomočjo slovenskega jezika, pa sem v nadaljevanju raziskav uspešno pojasnil še nekatere druge retijske, venetske in galske napise. Vsa ta nova odkritja kažejo na prisotnost Slovencev na obširnem ozemlju srednje Evrope in širše. Dodatna odkritja bodo predstavljena v bližnji prihodnosti. Že v starodavnih časih, ko se je slovenski jezik uporabljal za opevanje, čaščenje boga in v umetnosti, jezik današnjih velikih narodov še niti obstajal ni. Zato je pričakovati, da bodo znanstveniki teh velikih nacij sprejeli sveto resnico o Slovencih z veliko odpora, zanikanja in zvitosti.

PrefaceUndoubtedly, there will be many well-intentioned suggestions, how to understand the

inscriptions in a very right way. I guess, no one has an idea, how I was enlightened with the knowledge. Every vaticinator should know, that there is a huge abyss between an idea, a personal believe and proven fact, which also agree with the contents, semantics and common sense. A destructive purpose can be recognized from usurpation, relativization and ignorance.

The expressions Slovenes, Slovene should not be confused with the expressions Slavi, Slavic language, for it is also a new invention, not existed before mid-19th century. The word Slovani was introduced by the Czech Linguist Dobrovský. An existence of the lat. word Sclaveni, or ger. word Slawen before 19th century correspond to the word Sloveni (Slovenes), and not to unexisting Slavs. The words Sclaveni or Slawen had been sometimes used also to denote the languages, not people, related to the Slovene, like: Wendish, Slovak, Czech, Polish, Russian, Bulgarian, Macedonian or Serbian. None of the noted people ever considered themselves being Slavs before 19th century. Therefore, proclamation that the ancient and medieval Slovenes of the Central Europe were Russians, Serbs or even Croatians (falsified nation) would be an ultimate blemish of the truth.

I thank a lot to Prof. Dr. Anton Mavretič of the Harvard University, Corresponding member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and Honorary citizen of Metlika Commune; for supporting and reviewing my English style of writing and helping me to bring it closer to the Academic English.

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IntroductionThe Pišta urn originating from 4th - 5th c. BC had been found in 1825 in the Cembra

village. It was used for ceremonial purposes, and was filled with wine.[1] The rim of the urn and the handle has 6 engraved inscriptions in the Raetic alphabet, which originates from Etruscan alphabet. Many scholars (Giovanelli, Mommsen, Pauli, Batisti, Mayr, Morandi, Mancini, Toth, etc.) have has been trying to explain the inscriptions, but without meaningful success.

Basic dataObject: Bronze urnName: Pišta urn (Situla Pišta)Obsolete name: Situla GiovanelliSize: height 28 cm, bottom diameter 23 cm, top diam. 24 cmLetter height: 8-9 mm with two deviations: shortened I 5 mm and prolonged V 11

mmPeriod: 5th – 4th century BC[2] Craftsmanship: Engraved

Site: Village Cembra is lying in South Tyrol, northern Italy, about 660 m above the sea level, on the top of some 100 m hilly plateau.

Location: 46° 10' 30" N, 11° 13' 19" E Current location: Museum Castello del BuonconsiglioInventory Nr.: 6387Inscription mark: CE-1

Script: North Italic script (Sanzeno alphabet)Language: SloveneStarting position: Last S of the inscription part 1Writing direction: SinistroverseReading direction: dextroverse: inscription part: 1, 4b, 6b

sinistroverse: inscription part: 2, 3, 4a, 5, 6a

Inscription part 1: SUCMESUC àInscription part 2: EYaMIRT Inscription part 3: UMaYLEV Inscription part 4a: aMILaXUMIVaMLEg ßInscription part 4b: aMILaXUMIVaMLEg àInscription part 5: EVaIXIQUMiQULInscription part 6a: ILE„ESIVaL ßInscription part 6b: ILE„ESIQaL àLetters: 79 monophthongs, 6 diphthongsSignals: 2; after last a at the part 4a and after last I at the part 6a

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* Transformation of the Raetic letters to the Latin letters one by one, without influence of the contents or explanation of the inscription.

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Interpreter: Marko HrovatDate revealed: 27. 2. 2015

Interpretation of Linus Brunner and Alfred Toth (1987)[3]

Thesis Work: Die Rätische Sprache enträtselt, St. Gallen, 1987

a) LAVISE ŠELI “Enjoy (pl.) the silence!”

b) VELKHANU LUPINU PITIAVE KUS[A] ENKUS TRINAKHE “I, Velkhanu, have made for Upinu from Padua the bronze vessel.”

c) PHELNA VINUTALINA “Mix the wine jug!”

LAVISE “enjoy (Imp. Pl., instead of *lavisu)” = Arab. laus- “to taste, to sample”ŠELI “silence” = Hebr. šeli “silence”VELKHANU “place name Volcena in Emilia (Italy)” (?)LA, LI, L “for (dative)” = Sem. la, li, lo, l “id.”UPINU (proper name)PITIAVE “from Padua (Latin Patavium)”ENKUS “bronze (Acc.)” = Hebr. nehušah “ore”, Aram. nhs “copper, bronze”TRINAKHE “I have made” = Greek draino “I do, I make”, IE root *der-“, with Sem.

endingPHELNA “mix (Imp. Pl. fem.)” = Akk. balalu, Hebr. balal “mischen, mengen”VINUTALINA “wine jug” = IE

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Interpretation of Marko Hrovat (2015)Inscription: gELMaVIMUXaLIMa aMILaXUMIFaMLEg UMaYLEV EYaMIRT SUCMESUC



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Figure 1: Pišta urn.[4]

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MeaningRaetic Slovene slk. Slovene

Suč me suč,tri maχe,vej lχanu.Gjel ma vinu šalima,an i lažun i van ljej.Lub’mu Pišti ave.L a vis sej pjelii lebej si bal.

Suč me suč,tri mъχe,(se)vej lъχanu.Jel m’pa vinu šalima,an i glažun i van ljej.Lubъmu Pišti na vejki.Lъ va vis se pjelii lъbej si bal.

Sukaj me sukaj,tri mige,pa lahno.Jelo in vino pošiljamo,pa tudi glaž in vanj vlij.Ljubemu Pišti na veke.Le pelji se v višavein privošči si ples.

Table 1: Full word by word translation of the Pišta inscription in the Raetic and the Slovene language.


Turn me turn,three little bits,but carefully.We are sending a food and vine,and also a glass to pour into it.To beloved Pišta, ave.Just go upwards (to heaven)and enjoy a dance.

Table 2: Full words of the Pišta inscription in English

Another case of Inscription ‘L a vis…’Bronze urn found in Matrei by the Brenner at the location coordinates 47° 7’ 52” N

/ 11° 27’ 11” E, has been marked with siglas: WE-1,[12] PID 188 and LIR MAT-1. It has a similar inscription on the handle like the Pišta urn. According to Stefan Schumacher the inscription consists of the letters l@FISES written dextroverse. To start the translation, we will assume the usage of the same letters. This suggestion will lead us to partition it the same way as the Pišta urn. Considering the same idioms and rules would give the words: l @ FIS ES in transliteration: L A FIS ES and transcribed: L A FIS jES, what would mean:

Raetic Slovene slk. Slovene EnglishPišta L a vis sej pjeli.. Lъ va vis se pjeli.. Le pelji se v višave.. Just go upwards..WE-1 L a vis jes Lъ va vis jezdь* Le pelji (se) v višave Just go upwards

Table 3: Full words of the WE-1 inscription in Raetic, Slovene and English

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Figure 3: Sketch of the Pišta urn.[3]

Inscription LessonFrom the words of Pišta inscription it can be recognized, that the Raeti have used

very simple coding system. It can be seen from the words SUC ME SUC, which could not be understood by reading it in the writing direction. They used a lid to cover the urn. From the pictures, it is not clearly seen if the urn has holes or hasps, neither urn has a lid, which was certainly made for that urn. It is very clear that Raeti strongly believed in a live after death. For that matter they prepared everything they believed the dead person would need for the journey to the heaven. So, they were convinced that the soul of the dead would have need for the food and drink, and even it could pour the vine to drink it. Therefore, they imagined that he would be capable of using the earthly physical things. The mourners have been attending to decent departure from the soul, which they believed, is touring into the heaven. They used the farewell greeting ave for the dead, encouraging him just to go upwards (to heaven) and enjoy the dance, pleasure and entertainment. It is quite remarkable that the man’s name Pišta, which is still in use among Slovenes, had being in use yet some 2500 ago and more. To prove a point of using Slovene word glaž ‘glass’ so far back in time must be a total surprise, for the linguists who have been asserting the German origin of the glaž. The usage of two semi-palindromes on Pišta’s urn is also a great surprise, because it was never even presumed. In my opinion the author of the inscription made a very good job semantically, as well as grammatically. On the other hand, the two semi-palindromes yet additionally prove the correct elucidation of the Pišta inscription. The Pišta urn and other Raetic inscriptions show that Slovene language up until now stayed almost unchanged. The same holds true for the grammar. The urn is adorned with the handle holder in a shape of stylized cross from the outer side. Together with the crosses used in

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14 vis It indicates what is upwards, the sky or heaven in this case. Word nebo ‘sky’ and nebesa ‘heaven’ has the same root in Slovene language for millenniums. The word vis indicates the Raeti definitely believed, that the heaven is up there, where the sky is, and beyond. Some Slovene words originating from the root *vis can be seen from the lower instance: vis ‘something upwards (hands, jumping, rising, grooving)’viš ‘height’višava ‘height, altitude’etc.

16 lebej Is an imperfect singular 2nd person verb in the meaning ‘to treat oneself to’. It is derived from slv. verb lьbit, lubъt, lubit, slk. ljubiti that have nowadays meaning ‘to love’ in the first place. Beside ‘to love’, it also has meaning of: ‘to like’ when feeling a favor to someone; ‘to like’ when feeling a positive relation to something (work, earth, justice, freedom, peace, smile, birds, the picture, etc.). Mind combination: ne lubi se mi, means ‘I don’t like (to work, to go, to awake early, to

drive, etc.’

Contrary without negation ‹ne›, the positive response is formed, like in words: Jedel je koliko se mu je lubilo. ‘He ate as much as he like (wish, want) to’Če se ti lubi vina, ga natoči. ‘If you wish (like / want) to have the wine, just

pour it’

From the context of the word lebej it can be seen, that mourners are stimulating the soul of the dead, to dance and take a pleasure in the highest, as much as he likes to.

17 bal The word bal designates ‘dance, ball, conviviality, celebration’. In Slovene is still alive, although in general not much in use. Contrary to the affirmation of Slovene linguists, the noun bal ‘dance’ derives from slv. verb valati, slk. valjati ‘to roll, to trundle’. Anyway, the betacism influenced to switching of morphemes /b/ and /v/, one way or the other. Some words related to noun bal are:balet ‘ballet’valiti ‘to roll’vališ ‘gravel’val ‘wave’etc.

By the Slovene etymologist, Marko Snoj, the word bal was borrowed from ger. noun ball, and ger. word ball earlier from fr. verb bal ‘dance’. The French word bal developed from fr. verb balier ‘to dance’, which derives from lat. ballāre.[22, p.29] This is totally incorrect assertion, which is also clearly proved with the Slovene word bal, engraved on the Pišta urn some 2500 years ago. The etymology of the lat. word ballāre can be unequivocally explained with the Slovene verb balatь, valatь, slk. valjati ‘to roll’, while lat. root *bal- ‘bath’ reveals no semantics.

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Where did Slovenes Disappear to?The notion that the Slovene language and the Slovene nation in the past had been settled

in a great part of the Central Europe, which is completely unthinkable, and unacceptable to present western science and politics. Moreover, the first reveals of the Lepontic, some talk about “early Celtic” language suggests, that the Lepontic derives from Slovene, or at least the Lepontic had very close relations to it. At that time, the Celts had mixed with other local tribes on the territories to which they migrated. Therefore, it is possible, that Celtic, after melting with other languages had changed. Why did the Slovene language become extinct in the large part of the Central Europe? Why only slight remnants of the Slovene language have been preserved in Europe?

The Roman IssueThe answer suggests that it is the result of the process, which started with the Roman

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members of the European community, who have been unjustly subdued by the interests of the larger nations.

Purging Language TracesThe town Windisch Matrei in eastern Tyrol used its name for the centuries, until the

end of the 2nd World war, when Germans changed its name to Matrei in Osttirol. To whom was the ancient adjective Windisch, which desidnates the Slovenes, so disturbing, that in spite of its steady use, it had to be exterminated? A German historian Wilhelm Neumann from the Austrian part of Carinthia had claimed, that the adjective Windisch in the name of Windisch Matrei, has nothing to do with the national name of Windisch. Therefore, nothing to do with the Slovenes! In the name of German science, he propagated idea, that the adjective Windisch was used only to distinguish the Matrei in the East Tyrol, from another Matrei which is located under the Brenner Pass! Throughout these historical times, everyone and especially Germans know it well, that Winden is an exonym for Slovenes. The purposeful German ignorance shows their enormous insolence.

Purging the Slovene ContinuityIn spite of the fact, that Germans in previous times through many centuries called

Slovenes with the exonym Winden. Their scientists, at the beginning of 20th century, invented a new, so called

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Extermination with the help of PowerThe population census of Austro-Hungarian monarchy started in 1846 and had been

misusing the data by showing the increasing number of “Germans” in the monarchy, where German was an official and administrative language. In Slovene lands within the Austrian monarchy, the German language became predominant in towns for the last two centuries, with the help of state administration and bureaucracy. The local towns were totally surrounded by the Slovene language. The same, Germanized and un-Germanized Slovene population was stretching far into the countryside. Irrespective of greater Slovene majority, the German was taught exclusively in all Slovene lands. Young Slovenes were taught German language by using different teaching methods in their schools. There are many cases of punishment of Slovene pupils in schools and in public, in the case of using just a single aboriginal word. Therefore, many Slovenes in the census declared themselves as speakers of the German language in public. The Austrian census questionnaire completely

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Raeti found in the 19th CenturyWhy the Italian Scholars lead us astray? At least from the book written by Benedetto

Giovanelli, “Dei Rezj e d’ una iscrizione Rezio-Etrusca” from the mid-19th century, it is clear that the terms Rezi and Rezia were well known to Italians. Author of the book carefully studied ancient sources, and on that basis, he stated, that the ancient Raeti were in fact Rezi or Rezj. He uses the name Rezj most often. Rezj lived in those mountains above Verona and Lake Como. Furthermore, he asserted that they lived in the country of Rezia. The name is a written from for the land name REZIA.[24] Because of his immediate use of the word Rezi and Rezia we strongly believe, that in the Southern Alps around Trento, where author lived, the domestic population still recognized the Rezian linguistic expressions in the 19th century. Therefore, it is indisputable fact, that the Italian scholars conceal the knowledge about Rezi and Rezia on purpose. Having such strong proves, what else could be anticipated than the Slovene valley of Rezia and their Slovene inhabitants were nothing more than descendants of the ancient Raeti. The Slovene language that the Rezians spoke in the present days is even more corrupted with the language influences than the ancient language of the Raeti was. Hence the present Rezian dialect is a bit more distant from the Slovene language than 2500 years old Raetian. Giovanelli in his work saw the origin of the Rezi in the name Razeni. The Razeni were named Tirreni in

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Croati, a Nation of FalsificationOn the historical maps of Europe which have been using for the last two centuries,

the Croatian state can be seen as drawn up to the Drava River. Such falsifications are total abuse of science and primary sources. By detailed studies of the Croatian history and statements of their scholars it is revealed, that the Croats are falsifying the history extensively. It is obvious, that there were no Croats found east of the Dinaric Mountain Range before 16th century. After the Turks invaded Dalmatia, the Croats fled towards the north onto the Slovene lands. After some decades they gradually took power over the Slovenes. Not much later, they started converting the numerous facts, documents and aboriginal language. They usurped everything about Slovenes. The words Sloveni, Slovenci, slovensko, etc. had been transformed into Hrvati, hrvatsko, etc.; claiming with the help of science, that the names Slovenci or Slovinci found in the written sources, actually have meaning of Croats. The Pannonian Croatia and Dalmatian Croatia is a Croat invention from the 19th century, which never existed in the history. The Croatians hush up that the newly invented term “Pannonian Croatia” is actually the ancient

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of Yugoslavia, when democracy was restored, the democratic Croatia did not returned lands, which occupied in the time of dictatorship. Let’s return to the story of the wine name. In the 20th century, the names Refošk and Teran were classified precisely in the wine trade. It was establish that only one vine sort exists. The vine Refošk grown in the Karst area gives the wine named Teran, while in Istria, around the city of Koper, it gives the wine named Refošk. Distinguishing is necessary, because wines differ essentially in their characteristics. Slovenia invested much to the trade mark of Refošk and Teran, which was also protected by the European trade law. In the process of joining the European Union, Croatian did not claim any rights of using the name of Teran. After Croatia get a member of EU, they started perfidious actions to get the right of exceptional use of the wine name Teran, based on the vine name Teran, which was already abandoned in the professional wine trade for decades.

There are many other conflicts, which origin in the Croatian occupation of the Slovenes. One among others can be gathered from census. Slovenes was a nation twice as larger as the Croats, at the beginning of the 19th century. Number of Slovenes decreased by 50 % in the last 200 years, while at the same time, Croats expanded enormously their number. Today, number of Croatians more than doubled, comparing to Slovenes. Even after 1991, when democracy was established, the Croatian extermination machine has been pushing the last remaining native Slovenes in Croatia to speak Croatian with their children at home.[26] More data about Croat historical, political and linguistics manipulations, about seizure enormous Slovene territories, about denationalization of Slovenes, etc., are systematically collected in the book "Anton Vramec in Slovenci"![27] Sparse information on the above subject could be found also in other papers.

List of Abbreviations:1sg First person plural1sg First person singular2sg Second person singularacc Accusativeadj Adjectiveadv Adverbconj Conjunctionc.num Cardinal numeraldat Dativedu Dualf Femininegen Genitiveimp Imperative moodintj Interjectionlnk Linkingm Masculinen Neuter

nom Nominativepl Pluralp.prn Personal Pronounpr Present tensepr.ct Present Continuousprn Pronounprps Prepositionprtc Particler.prn Reflexive Pronounsg Singular

blr Belarusiancz Czechdlž Lower Lusatianfr Frenchger Germangr Greek

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References1. Valle di Cembra: la Situla, Cembrani D.O.C., acc.: Apr. 16 2015, http://www.cembranidoc.it/Val-

di-Cembra/la-Situla2. Il territorio trentino nella storia europea - Archeologia e propaganda, FBK Press, acc.: Apr. 1 2015,

http://storiaterritoriotrentino.fbk.eu/content/archeologia-e-propaganda3. Alfréd Tóth & Linus Brunner, Raetic, an extinct Semitic language in Central Europe, Mikes

International, The Hague 2007, p.714. Benedetto Giovanelli, Dei Rezj - dell’ origine de’ popoli d’ Italia e d’ una iscrizione Rezio-Etrusca,

Stamperia Monuani, Trento 1844, p.15. Help:IPA for English, Wikipedia, acc.: Jan. 31 2016, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA_for_

English6. Voiced glottal fricative, Wikipedia, acc.: Apr. 3 2015, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voiced_glot-

tal_fricative7. Perdih Anton, “Betacizem po toilminsko”, Proceednings of the 5th International Conference -

Origin of Europeans, Jutro, Lublana 2007, pp.101–338. Raetica - Character variants, Vienna University, acc.: Feb. 4 2016, http://www.univie.ac.at/raetica/

index.php?title=Category:Character9. Yat, Wikipedia, acc.: Feb. 8 2016, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yat10. Freising Manuscripts, “The oldest Slovene and Slavic text. Transcription from 10th century; original

presumably from 8th century.”, Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, acc.: Aug. 27 2015, http://www.nuk.uni-lj.si/bs.html

11. Voiceless alveolo-palatal sibilant, Wikipedia, acc.: Feb. 16 2016, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voiceless_alveolo-palatal_sibilant

12. WE-1 inscription, Vienna University, acc.: May 9 2015, http://www.univie.ac.at/raetica/index.php?title=WE-1

13. Maks Pleteršnik, Slovensko-nemški slovar, “megnit, mig,..”, vol.1. del A-O, Založba ZRC, Lublana 2006, pp.536–7, 560, 563-6

14. Vilko Novak, Slovar stare knjižne Prekmurščine, ZRC SAZU, Lublana 200615. Resian Dictionary, “word vinu”, Resianica, acc.: Apr. 11 2015,

dictionaryForm.do16. Maks Pleteršnik, Slovensko-nemški slovar, A-O, 1. del A-O, Založba ZRC, Lublana 200617. France Bezlaj, Etimološki slovar Slovenskega jezika A-J, 1. knjiga A-J, Mladinska knjiga, Lublana

197718. Marko Snoj, Slovenski etimološki slovar, Založba Modrijan, Lublana 2003, p.17419. ave, Wiktionary, acc.: Apr. 15 2015, http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ave20. Ave, Online Etymology Dictionary, acc.: Apr. 15 2015, http://www.etymonline.com/index.

php?term=ave21. Marko Razpet, Kako se reče po cerkljansko, Jutro, Lublana 2006, pp.107–1422. Marko Snoj, Slovenski etimološki slovar, Založba Modrijan, Lublana 2003

lat Latinmk Macedonianpol Polishpsl proto-Slovenertr Rhaeto-Romancerus Russian

slk Literally Sloveneslv Sloveneshr Serbo-Croatianstcs Old Church Slovenesvk Slovakukr Ukrainian

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23. Matej Bor, Jožko Šavli & Ivan Tomažič, Veneti naši davni predniki, Editiones Veneti, Lublana 1989, p.456

24. Benedetto Giovanelli, Dei Rezj - dell’ origine de’ popoli d’ Italia e d’ una iscrizione Rezio-Etrusca, Stamperia Monuani, Trento 1844, pp.12–38

25. Benedetto Giovanelli, Dei Rezj - dell’ origine de’ popoli d’ Italia e d’ una iscrizione Rezio-Etrusca, Stamperia Monuani, Trento 1844, pp.31–3

26. Jože Primc, Okamneli mož in druge zgodbe iz Zgornje Kolpske doline, Zbirka Glasovi, 15, Kmečki glas, Lublana 1997, pp.12, 15–6

27. Andrej Šiško, Anton Vramec in Slovenci, Zavod Lipa, Koper 2014

AbstractPišta inscription, technically named CE-1, is one of the first three Raetic inscriptions, which are widely opening the door to understanding the ancient Raetic language. It is rather astonishing that for all those long decades, that these inscriptions have been tried to be explained with the help of many different languages, from Semitic, Hungarian to Romance languages, while the real studied language was alive all those times, and has being spoken in the nearby country. In the shadow of larger European languages, the Slovene language was totally ignored. This shows that the truth could be often found just in the opposite side than scientifically clamed. Considering the present day scientifically adopted knowledge about the Raetic language, which is completely wrong, the truth would have never been revealed. The bronze urn had been used for burial purposes of the person with the masculine name Pišta, which after 2500 years is still in use among Slovenes. It seems the mourners used a lid to cover the urn. From the inscription, it is clear that Raeti strongly believed in a live after death, and also that the soul of deceased will travel to the heaven. For this reason, they prepared a food and a drink, which would accompany the soul of the dead for his needs on the journey to the heavens. So, they believed, the dead soul is capable of using the worldly things. Therefore, the urn was filled with wine. It can also be gathered from the inscription a presence of food and a drinking glass for wine. The mourners used the farewell greeting ‹ave› after death, and encourage him to go upwards, to the heaven and enjoy a dance and pleasure. The urn is adorned with a handle holder in the shape of stylized cross. Together with the crosses used in the RI inscription it is proving, that the symbol of cross had being used in connection of the faith much before the Christianity. Using of two semi-palindromes on the Pišta urn is also a great surprise. On the basis of the ultimately revealed Pišta inscription, the insights to the ancient Raetic language will be fully disclosed. Surprisingly, the Raetic language is still alive and lives as a fossil language of the Europe. That ancient language is Slovene itself. Not Slavic, which term had been invented only in the 19th century, but the Slovene language, that is nowadays spoken in the Republic of Slovenia and neighboring lands. After 2500 years, the language of these inscriptions, surprisingly did not change much. That fact is in conflict with the scientific claims that languages change rapidly and constantly! This may suggest that the Slovene language didn’t change much for thousands of years. Not even from the time of its migration to northern India. The language of inscription is easily intelligible to almost anyone who understands the western Slovene dialects.

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The Italians, at least in mid-19th century undoubtedly knew, that the name Rezi is closely connected to the name Raeti. Therefore, it is unacceptable to us, that Italian scientific community by design misled and spread the preposterous idea, that Rezians, a Slovene minority in the valley of Rezia in Italy, are not Slovenes! Moreover, it is obvious that the Slovene minority in Rezia can be considered as direct descendants of the Raeti, which were also named Rezi in the past. Up until now, much larger nations in the central Europe, such as Italian and Germanic speaking peoples, have been ruining the Slovene language in their lands. They have been implementing assimilation policy to the Slovene people, not only by forcing the language of majority to them, but also by restrictive administrative measures and by direct, as well as indirect, systematic pressure. Four inscriptions found in Italy and Austria, are fully interpreted by the use of Slovene language, which is proving its great cultural heritage. With the help of the Slovene language, I also revealed some other Raetic, Venetic and Gallic inscriptions by now. All of these newly revealed findings indicate a large presence of the Slovenes throughout the Central Europe, and will be published in the near future. In the past centuries, when the Slovene language had been performed in singing, writing and worshiping, the languages of presently much larger nations were not even existing. It is anticipated that the scholars of those larger nations will accept the truth of the Slovene language and it worthiness in these archaic translations. It may be hard for them to accept such unexpected truth in these reveled inscriptions. These translations may lead the scientist from those nations to much higher opportunity to collaborate and make even better revelations.

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Marko Hrovat


PovzetekRetijski napisi RI so eno od najbolj zapletenih antičnih umetniških del. Poleg za tisti čas običajnih črk, napisi vključujejo še zapleteno simboliko, pike, oznake, preusmeritve ter usmerjene in odebeljene črke. Retijski napisi dokazujejo, da je slovenski jezik od antičnih časov naprej ostal skoraj nedotaknjen. Podoben pojav je opaziti pri slovnici. RI napisi so razkrili nekatere arhaične oblike v jeziku Retov, kot je naprimer besedo št (štekanje), končnico -ej, ipn. Reti so imeli, v nasprotju z našim mnenjem, zelo jasne predstave o nebesih, vicah in o peklu, o njihovih vmesnih stopnjah ter o tem, kako in zakaj je nekdo obtičal na neki stopnji med peklom in nebesami. Presenetljivo odkritje je, da se je simbol križa uporabljal za duhovne namene že davno pred pojavom krščanstva. Reti in ostala ljudstva soseščine, so kot kaže bila monoteistična, ki niso verovali v same pobobe božanstev. Te so jim bile le najboljši nadomestek za slikovno predstavo tistega, česar niso mogli zaznati z očmi. Tako so Reti uporabili sonce kot nadomestek za boginjo RI, ki je bila po njihovem pojmovanju najvišje oz. edino pravo božanstvo. Sonce je namreč najmočnejši vir svetlobe, a vendarle je le slab približek domnevo močne bleščave boginje RI. RI napisi so bili vklesani v jamsko steno visoko v gorah, kjer se strečuejo trije naravni elementi: zrak, zemlja in voda, katerim je v času ritualov družbo najverjetneje delal še četrti element, ogenj. Izbira te gorske jame za retijsko svetišče je morala biti dobro premišljena in je do nje verjetno vodila tudi romarska pot. Da so napise verjetno uporabljali tudi za religiozne namene, kažejo primeri skakanja iz enega dela napisa na drugega, ponavljanje delov besedila in izvajanje besedila v petju. Iskanje izvora imena RI je vodila do raziskave venetske besede jekupetaris, ki presenetljivo vključuje ime boginje RI. To pa kaže na veliko sorodnost, ki sta jo v verovnju izkazovali obe ljudstvi. Posledično lahko pričakujemo vsaj nekatere pisne sorodnosti obeh ljudstev. Znanje jezika Retov na široko odpira vrata presenetljivim odkritjem, ki jih skrivajo RI napisi. Osnovna zgodba napisov odkriva versko vsebino besedila, ki govori o motiltvi, o tem kaj je prav in kaj ne, vključno s posledicami in opozorili pred napačno potjo. Vendar pa vjkjučujejo tudi svarila pred peklom, kot najnižje stopnje človeškega odklona od resnice in luči. Pravilnost mojega branja RI napisov ne potrjuje le vsebina napisov, pač pa tudi semantika. Raziskovalci, ki se bodo lotili odkrivanja ostalih, še neraziskanih retijskih napisov, bodo brez znanja Slovenščine in njenih narečij naleteli na nepremostljive težave. RI napisi potrjujejo, da so Slovenci v antiki naseljevali velik del Evrope. Napisi tako zavračajo sprejeta stališča in dogme zgodovinske in jezikoslovne znanosti, njihova izhodišča pa postavljajo na glavo. Da bi obe znanstveni področji uskladili z resnico, ju bo v prihodnosti potrebno od temeljev naprej preurediti in napisati na novo.

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PrefaceUndoubtedly, there will be many well-intentioned suggestions, how to understand the

inscriptions in a very right way. Every vaticinator should know, that there is a huge abyss between an idea, a personal believe and proven fact, which also agree with the contents, semantics and common sense. I guess, no one has an idea, how I was enlightened with the knowledge.

The expressions Slovenes, Slovene should not be confused with the expressions Slavi, Slavic language, for it is also a new invention, not existed before mid-19th century. The word Slovani was introduced by the Czech Linguist Dobrovský. An existence of the lat. word Sclaveni, or ger. word Slawen before 19th century correspond to the word Sloveni (Slovenes), and not to unexisting Slavs. The words Sclaveni or Slawen had been sometimes used also to denote the languages, not people, related to the Slovene, like: Wendish, Slovak, Czech, Polish, Russian, Bulgarian, Macedonian or Serbian. None of the noted people ever considered themselves being Slavs before 19th century. Therefore, proclamation that the ancient and medieval Slovenes of the Central Europe were Russians, Serbs or even Croatians (falsified nation) would be an ultimate blemish of the truth.

IntroductionIn the summer of 1957, on a mountain high above the Lake Achen, a sensational

discovery was found. Mountaineer Walter Riedl from Innsbruck and the Steinberger teacher Franz Schmid had been discovering the Schneidjoch region near the Guffert cottage. In a cavernous gap in which a small spring is rising, they discovered inscriptions engraved on one of the cave walls. The inscriptions are arranged in 7 rows, which are long between 1-2 m and vary in their condition. Tapes consist of over 100 letters and were not carved all at the same time. This is the longest Raetic text ever found. Two lines of the inscription were discovered later and published, Mayr in 1962 by sigla RI-8 and Prosdocimi in 1971 by sigla RI-9. The cave had been well known to the local population yet before, which proves that the cave was vested long ago. Numbers of the year 1825 and 1866 are engraved in the soft stone. There should be no doubt, that mountain shepherds had already seen the mysterious signs, but they did not make a big deal of it. In the mid-20th century the information about the inscriptions finds a way to the. Since then, archaeologists and paleographers have dealt with this unique Tyrolian find. A mountain spring rises in the cave, which indicates with certainty a sanctuary nature of the cave. So far, the inscriptions by the foothills of the Schneidjoch Mountain are dated to about 500 BC. As Stefan Schumacher in his work ‘Die rätischen Inschriften’ pointed out, the letters of the RI inscription were not alike to those known in the Bolzano area, but are indicating an older writing system.[1] Hans-Walter Roth, director of the Institute of Professional Scientific Contact Optics in Ulm, says that he had discovered, with the help of digital recording techniques, several new images, which age are preliminary estimates to goes back to around 3600 BC. The place of worship may had had an important astronomical role.[2],[3] Particularly striking is about a 15-centimeter

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tall figure at the cave exit, which is expected to show a horse and a rider. The height and shape of the figure, which had been destroyed in their lower part by later inscriptions, is reminiscent of Neolithic representations. Roth estimates the origin of the figure to be approximately 2800 BC.[2],[3] By some new claims of a German amateur archaeologist, the oldest figures may possibly go as far back as the Neolithic or Bronze Age.[2]

Basic DataObject: Cave wall, material limestoneName: RI inscriptionObsolete name: ST rock, Steinberg inscriptionSize: height 4 m, width 3 mLetter height: RI-1: 7-8 cm, RI-2: 8-12 cm, RI-3: 9-13 cm, RI-4: 9-11 cm, RI-5: 5-9

cm, RI-6: 5-9 cm, RI-7: ?1, RI-8: 3-8 cm, RI-9: about 10 cmPeriod: >5th BC[1], 5th – 1th BC[5] Craftsmanship: Engraved

Site: The RI cave is lying on the north slope of the mountain Schneidjoch (1811 m), overgrown with sparse pine trees, about 1420 m above the sea level. The cave is situated just about 1600 m from the German (Bavarian) - Austrian (Tyrol) border, which is stretching along the top of the mountain range, situated on the north.

Location: 47°34'21.08" N, 11°47'40.62" E Current location: In situAlternative sigla: ST-1..9, IR 106..114, LIR STN-1..9

Script: North Italic scriptLanguage: Raetic (Slovene)Starting position: First C of the RI-1 inscriptionWriting direction Sinistroverse: Inscriptions RI: 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 3d, 4a, 5Dextroverse: Inscriptions RI: 3c, 4b, 6, 7, 8Mixed: Inscriptions RI: 9

Primary inscriptions (dots and colons have an orientation purpose)RI-1: EQ@WMIMUXEISEIRTS`CRI-2: TEQ@WMIRtS@CISE'MW@TIRRI-3a: 1IEQ@WM1IRtS@C2ISE2M'MISERI-3b: E1IEQWQ1RI-3c: 2ISiE(Fi)2 àRI-4a: EQ@WMiFIX@[EQIt§1 The inscription RI-7 was still readable in 1957, while it is no longer recognizable today.[2],[4]

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RI-4b: § àRI-3d: tS@CRI-5: EF~@’REKEq@‘WN@kWTI|EiIiRI-6a: S¦K@}i àRI-6b: ¦K@}iEsT@iMWi@}EG@KWIIs à

1, 2 A position of doubled contents within the RI-3 inscription.

Letters: monophthongs diphthongs read twice double letterRI-1: 14 3 x E, 1 x X 1 x 2nd I RI-2: 18 2 x E 1 x 1st W 1 x tRI-3a: 17 3 x E 1 x tRI-3b: 5 1 x ERI-3c: 3 (2) 1 x ERI-3d: 3 1 x t




* Transformation of the Raetic letters to the Latin letters one by one, without influence of the contents or explanation of the inscription. If

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No. of letters: 181No. of words: 56

IPA pronounceRI-1: /ʧaːst riː jεsi jɘj ʃtә wnɪ muʌːlɘj/[6],[7]

RI-2: /riːtʌu wnә jεsiː ʧaːti riː muʌːlɘt/[6],[7]

RI-3a: /jεsiː nә njεsiː ʧaːti riː muʌːlɘj iː/[6],[7]

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RI-3b: /luːbɘj jε/[6],[7]

RI-3c: /jә sɪ jε (vy)/[6] RI-3d: /ʧaːt/[6]

Later inscriptions RI-7:2 KWiSE àRI-8: @ŽRIs@W¥iKI àRI-9: LIT@WQI à

Transliteration* RI-7: KViSERI-8: ASTRISAEiKIRI-9: LITAVPINo. of letters: 25

Interpreter: Marko HrovatDate revealed: 22nd of August 2014, finalized 17th – 22nd of February 2015

2 The inscription RI-7 was still readable in 1957, while it is no longer recognizable today.[2],[4]

Picture 1: The RI cave entrance.[4],[8]

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Transliterations and Interpretations of the RI InscriptionThe inscriptions had been tried to be resolved by some linguist in the past, but their results

differed even in transliteration. Two lines of the inscription were found later and published under RI-8 by Mayr in 1962[9] and RI-9 by Prosdocimi in 1971.[10] The inscription RI-7 still readable in 1957[11], is no longer recognizable today[2],[4] Nevertheless the entire inscriptions are rather extensive, and the content is presumptively sequenced. The understanding of their interpretations is unresolved up to nowadays. The prerequisite to understand inscriptions correctly is to determine the language and the contents of the text. Neither of these conditions had been implemented before. Experts were more or less successful in transliterations, but besides names and grammatical forms in unknown language, they did not offer any proper understanding of the inscriptions. From very extensive corpus of letters, they succeeded to find out just names of supposed Gods and/or a worshipper like: Kastri, Etuni, Ritali, Mnesi, Ennesi and Usipe. There are three exceptions among scholars: Mayr, Serafimov and Vodopivec, who dared to try to resolve the mystery of the RI inscriptions. The results of the scholars are listed chronologically in paragraphs below.

≈ This sign marks the inscription number signs that the author did not investigate the inscription or an explanation is the same as an early one.

Transliteration of Vetter (1957)[11]


RI-8: ≈RI-9: ≈

Transliteration of Karl Maria Mayr (1960)[9],[12]


RI-9: ≈3 The inscription RI-7 was still readable in 1957, while it is no longer recognizable today.[2],[4]

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Interpretation of Karl Maria Mayr (1960)[9],[12]

These inscriptions that have been translated soon after emerged, can be seen as follows:

In German: “Wasser ist da”[2]

RI-1: “Dem Kastor hat hier Frau Etuni geopfert”RI-2: “Frau Ritali hat hier dem Kastor geopfert”RI-3: “Hier hat Frau Mnesi dem Kastor geopfert”RI-4: “Usipe der Gefangene hat geopfert”RI-5: “Hier hat Elvas Wasser geschöpft”RI-6: “Gestiftet hat Estas das Votivbild”RI-7: “Kuse …”

In English: “Water is here”

RI-1: “Kastor has sacrificed here a woman Etuni”RI-2: “Kastor has sacrificed here a woman Ritali”RI-3: “Kastor has sacrificed here a woman Mnesi”RI-4: “A prisoner Usipe has been sacrificed”RI-5: “Elvas here scooped water”RI-6: “Estas has donated the votive figure”RI-7: “Kuse …”

A well springing from the above crevice could have had a cult image in the past. In the ancient world, Castor and Pollux were regarded as a water dispenser on perilous journey. Therefore it could be concluded: “There were obviously highly cultivated people at work, who arduously traveled to the health source from the North and South. In return for the drinking water in water-poor area, they perhaps conceived a perpetuating commemorative inscription. In these inscriptions they possibly show a sacrifice to a patron God, in contrast to only fleeting presence with bare wall scribbling like it is done even today”.

Transliteration of Prosdocimi (1971)[10],[13]


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Transliteration of Joppich (1971)[13],[14]


Transliteration of Schumacher (1992)[13]


Transliteration of Schumacher (2004)[15]


Transliteration and Interpretation of Pavel Serafimov (2006)[16]

RI-1: KASTRI ESI ETU MNI LAPE Kastri you are (dead) at this stone, you little one.

RI-2: RITALI ESI KASTRI MI APET You are mourned Kastri, my love.

RI-3: ESI MNESI KASTRI MALI You are (so) small Kastri.

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RI-4: AZI PESHA TIAN LAPE Me (the) sad father, you little one.

RI-5: ESI TU PANU APEKER A KVE You are obedient to the Lord in your destiny.

RI-6: SAKAT ESTA NU ATE FACATE Become crippling on the spot, if you desecrate (this grave).

RI-7: ≈

RI-8: ARISA EKI Wrote here (this).

RI-9: ≈

Transliteration and Interpretation of Vinko Vodopivec (2009)[17]

RI-1: KA STRI ESI ETU N NUAL E What you have done here let be new.

RI-2: RITAU IESI KA STRI NUAL E TU You hunt and what you have done here is new.

RI-3: ESI MNE SI KA STRI NUAL E What you have done to me is new.

RI-4: ATI LEŽATI V NUAL E Father to be lying for you is new.

RI-5: IESI TU PANU A PEKE RIA KVE You are here Sir but is there hell or heaven?

RI-6: SADA T ESTA UIS ATE BAKA TI Now here remain, oh father and nana.

RI-7: KI SE Who oneself. 4

RI-8: A RISA E KI But he was drawing here.

RI-9: LI TIA UPI5 Only there hope.

Another Vodopivec Variant (2009)[17]

RI-1: KA STRI ESI ETU N NUALE What you have done here isn’t in vain.

4 The likelihood of correct interpretation of such a short and unreliable inscription is certainly very low.5 The pseudo-irregular inscription is the cause of very different transliteration, thus I took over interpretation of other linguists.[15]

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RI-2: RITAU IESI KA STRI NUALE TU Although you yerked your work is worthless.

RI-3: ESI MNE SI KA STRI NUALE What you have done to me is worthless.

RI-4: NTI LEŽATI V NUALE To lie inside is worthless for you.

RI-5: IESI TUPANU A PEKE RIA KVE You are oaf but is there hell or heaven?

RI-6: SAKAT ESTA UIS ATE BAKA TI I love you, remain father and nana oh.

Fig. 1: Wall with the RI inscriptions positioned in situ.[18]

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I was drawing here.RI-9: LITI A UPI

Fly and hope.

Interpretation of Marko Hrovat (2015) Primary inscription: Transliteration:



Later inscriptions: Transliteration:RI-7:6 KWiSE à KVISERI-8: @ŽRIs@¥iKI à ASTRISAEiKIRI-9: LIT@WQI à LITAVPI


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[ Is representing a latter ‹Ž› /ᴣ/.[6]

6 The inscription RI-7 was still readable in 1957, while it is no longer recognizable today.[2],[4]

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the letter of E, which in the most cases stands for the sound pair ‹je›. There are two differences between letters. Instead of vertical line, the top diagonal line is jutting left of the vertical line. A blockade of the vertical line is indicating an absence of the sound of /j/ in the symbol of ¥. Another difference to letter of E is its diagonal line, which is curved to the bottom. The shape of the curved part resembles to letter of W. The letter of ‹v› joint with other vocals forms 5 different pairs, which occur in the Slovene vocabulary. Those words deviate much from each other in number of examples. Letter pair of ‹ve-›, which appears at the beginning of the literal Slovene words, occurs in 38,01 % of all similar examples. The next most frequent pair is ‹vi-›, which appears only in 23,34 % of words, while the pair of ‹va-› appears in 16,66 % of slk. words.[26] Very interesting is slv. word veter ‘wind’, which was in the Latin or presumably even in the early Etruscan shortened to eter, lat. aether ‘pure, bright air, the ether’.

Continuous Writing and ReadingHere is an example of continuously written text, consisting of three words: UEMSUG.

Without knowing the language and meaning of the inscription, it is almost impossible to find out the contents and even more to partition contents to words in a correct way. The upper Raetic text is corresponding to the following Latin letters: GUSMEU. If the last letter

Fig. 2: Wall with RI inscriptions.

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of any word and the first letter of next word were the same, there would be no need to write it twice. Because of continuous reading, the same letter would lay one by the other. The same sounds laying one by another are usually articulated as a one prolonged sound. For that reason, when inscription is written continuously, without interspaces, there is no need to write the same letter twice, if one stands beside the other. The upper example has two such letters, which appear in the inscription just once, instead of two times. Bringing out a partition of words, we get the notation with 2 ‹s› and 2 ‹m› letters:

GUSMEU > GUS SM MEU /gus sъm meu/

Written in literal Slovene the example looks like: GOS SEM IMEL ‘I had a goose’, but pronunciation of those words /gos sъm meu/ is very accurate expression in the Slovene language. This example clearly shows the great visual difference between continuous writing UEMSUG, and writing the text by considering interspaces UEM MS SUG. As one can see, it has a failing impact to resolving the true understanding of the inscription.

Words Partitioning Written with Double LettersOn the bases of the rules mentioned above and the knowledge of the language, which

has been used by our ancestor’s writer, the inscription is dispensed to the following words:

Sinistroverse part

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linked with each other in any way. Letter of I represents a conjunction ‘and’ when it is read in the 1st group, while in the 2nd group, the letter of I is joined with the following letter of E /ε/, which are linked in a word ‹je›. Why letters of ‹i› and ‹e› are used separately to express the sounds of /jε/ and are not depicted in a single letter of E? Because these combined letters, which appears in two different meanings, result in some anticipated inclination.

Fig. 5: Letters of EI EQUL of the 2nd group in the RI-3b inscription.

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The correctness of the reading of the RI inscriptions is clearly proven by semantics. Scholars not being familiar with Slovene language will have many problems to designate the right meaning of other unrevealed inscriptions.

Raetic PronunciationThis chapter illustrates how the original inscriptions are transformed to ultimate

meaning. The Raetic language cannot be restored without the help of the Slovene language. Revealing the ancient Raetic words becomes evident, that ancient Raetic and modern Slovene are not only related languages, but are nothing more than two different names of the same language. The Slovene language almost did not change for many long centuries, all the way back from the Raetic time. The Raetic pronunciation can be restored on the bases

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of the Slovene language, as can be seen from the study below. Letters which are explained in details are shown in the first three columns (1st Raetic letter, 2nd corresponding Latin letter, 3rd pronunciation). On the right side, the original inscription is shown, explanation of examined letter, fully restored sounds of inscriptions written in Latin letters and their pronunciation.

Primary inscriptions


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ČAST RI JESI JEJ ŠT ¨NI MUALEJ/ʧaːst riː jεsi jɘj ʃtә wnɪ muʌːlɘj/[6],[7]

RI-2: TE6Q@WM5 IR tS@C ISE4 'M3W2 W1@TIR

Fig. 8: The RI-2 inscription.

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RI-3b: E5I4 E3Q2WQ1

Fig. 10: The RI-3b inscription.

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See explanation of the letter E. Yatization of monophthong ‹E› /ε/ is resulting in the diphthong of ‹jE› /jε or ‹Ej› /εj. The yatization has been used very often in the Slovene dialects, like the next instances show: mjene /mjәnε/ slk. mene ‘me’[27]

pjelat /pjәlat/ slk. peljat ‘to drive’[27]

pejlat /pεjlat/ slk. peljat ‘to drive’[28, p.115]

mlejt /mlεjt/ slk. mleti ‘to mill’[28, p.130]

vejm /vεjm/ slk. vem ‘I know’[29]

lies /ljεs/ slk. les ‘wood’[30, p.14]

ciesta /cjεstaː/ slk. cesta ‘road’[30, p.14]

γriemo /γrjeːmo/ slk. gremo ‘let’s go, we are going’[30, p.14]


For detailed data about letter of E and other letters or sounds see the upper chapters “Explanation of the Idioms” and “Slovene Pronunciation”.

The restored Raetic or Slovene pronunciation of the RI inscriptions, partitioned and including all the letters and their sound peculiarities, are presented below.

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MeaningRaetic SloveneČast RI jesi jej št ni mualej. Čast RI jesъ jej št ni mualь.Ritau n' jesi časti RI mualet. Ridau nъ jesъ časti RI mualъt.Jesi n' njesi časti RI mualej i lubej je? Jesi nъ njesi časti RI mualъ i lubъ je?Jel j ti lježaš j vi mualej? Jel jъ ti lježaš jъ vъ mualъj?Lej čast! Lej čast!Jij jes ti tu ćanu, va pjeker jaćt vej. Jij jesь ti tu činu, va pjekel ječъt bej(š).Stakat i štakat i ješčt, a i nujat jega ku j jšč. Stakat i štukat i ješčъt, a i nujat jega ku

jъ jъšč.

Čuj se…* (stakat i štakat i ješčt…) Čuje se…*

Astri ś ča ejki! Astri sъ ka vejki!Li taupi! Li tarpi!

Table 1: All the words of the RI inscription in the Raetic language, with the Slovene translation. * Was inserted in front of the RI-6 inscription in the following centuries. For letter ь and ъ see References.[31]

slk. Slovene EnglishČast RI si ji tu zunaj molil. You prayed honor RI out here.Romal si (sem) ven časti RI molit. You wandered out here to pray honor RI.Če njej nisi časti RI molil in jo ljubil? If you didn’t pray honor RI and attested love to her?Če ji ti lažeš v molitvi? If you are lying to her in prayer?Glej (svojo) čast! Look at your honor!Če si ji ti to počel, v pekel pejt ječat (ječo služit).

Doing it to her, go to hell jailing.

Stokat in (se) kregat in jêčat, a tudi potešit njega ko bo ješč.

To groan and quarrel and sob, but also to satisfy him in the case of hunger.

Čuje se…* It is heard…*

Ozri se v večnost! Look out to eternity!Ali trpi. Or suffer!

Table 2: Full words of the RI inscriptions in the literal Slovene and in the English.

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language show, that word mualej ‘pray, prayed’, found in this inscription, was most likely a dialect variety of Slovene verb molel, slk. molil ‘pray’. Considering akanye and diphthongization, the word molel would have developed to form:

molel / molil > muolel > mualel > mualej

9 ridau Some words deriving from root *rid- has been dying out in the Slovene language, but nevertheless, they are still using. Example of words deriving from the root *rid- are:

Kaj ritaš? ‘Why are you jerking?’; in wider sense it means moving, kicking around, not being still, moving hither and thither, shifting.

Pleteršnik is in its dictionary noted next words:[38, p.423] rida ‘turn, bend, curve, hairpin bend, serpentine winding, serpentine

road’ rajda ‘the road made zigzag’ ridast ‘serpentine road’

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18 ječъt The Slovene language knows the same meaning of that supine word as the Raetic language did. Especially it had been used before an influence of the literal Slovene. Some of varieties are listed below:[39, p.359]

ječa ‘jail, prison’ jčati ‘to keep, to hold back, retain, to hold in prison (cage)’ jčiti ‘holding or retaining in jail (prison, cage, gaol)’ etc.

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21 štakat The Raetic word does not exists in the Slovene language in the same form, but in the variety štokat (consider akanye) and štükat. Otherwise, both slv. words

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ješč ‘having a good (hearty) appetite’[26]

on je zelo ješč ‘he is a good eater’[26]

ješčәc ‘eater’[47]


25 se Word ‹se› is not reflexive personal pronoun as it is used in the most cases, but is an auxiliary (verb). Switching of verb to a passive form, can be seen from the following instances:

bliska se ‘it lightens’ < bliskati ‘to lighten’ mrači se ‘it is growing dark’ < mračiti ‘to dark’ etc.

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28 ča Word is a softened form of the word ‹ka›, while preserved the same meaning. Nowadays it is mainly using the shortened form ‹k›, ‹h› ‘to, towards’, while in

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dialects also the longer form is using. An example from the Polane dialect is showing similar word: ka, slk. tja, tam ‘there, in that direction’.[49]

29 li Is a conjunction shortened from ‹ali›. Word ‹li› ‘or’ preserved the same meaning and written form in the Slovene, as it had in the Raetic language. Otherwise, word ‹li› has two meanings in Slovene dialects. The 1st one is ‘or’, and the 2nd one has a meaning of ‘only, merely, solely’.[50] The English words cannot be always strictly used to express slv. word ‹li›, as it can be seen from next cases:[26]

le on ‘only he, nobody but he’ le tokrat ‘(for) this once’ le malo ‘only a little, not much’ etc.

The RI Goddess

Evidence of the name RIBy the knowledge I gathered up to now, it can be claimed, that RI was the highest deity

of the Raeti. But besides the Raeti, it seems she was also the divinity of neighbor nations and other distant nations. The name RI can be restored from many votive inscriptions, which mentioning the RI goddess directly. How do we know that letters of RI do not belong to any part of some other expression? Such a short pair of letter undoubtedly occurs also in other words, but this fact does not deny the existence of the name RI. The RI deity has been successfully restored from the Ujik inscriptions and RI inscriptions, with the help of semantics. On the Ujik plaque, the noun RI is mentioned once, while it is mentioned 3 times directly and once indirectly in the RI inscriptions. The RI divinity is also widely refereed in Venetic inscriptions.

Mystery of the Word JekupetarisThe most interesting word, which is repeating in different inscriptions, is a compound

JEKUPETARIS, with its varieties. The word jekupetaris has been considering as a unique word by many Venetologists. But, is such a statement correct? The scholar Matej Bor explains the meaning of ‹jekupetaris› with slv. word peketaje, which means ‘trotting’. Such interpretation is probably a result of the fact, that in a few cases inscriptions are depicted together with the figure of horse team. Contrary to other scholars, I found the word ‹jekupetaris› being consisted of three words: ‹jek›, ‹u› and ‹petaris›. With the help of knowledge I gathered from studying the Raetic inscriptions, it can be concluded that Veneti used similar writing rules as Raeti. Both nations spoke the same language. Thus, letter of ‹k› could be used to express the sound of /k/ or /ʧ/ or /c/. The written word ‹jek› therefore corresponds to the sounds of /ječ/, which means in slv. ‘iti, jet, ječ’; eng. ‘to go, to drive’. Raetic word ‹u› has the same meaning as slv. ‹u› /u/, slk. ‹v› /u/ ‘in, into’, whereas the

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‹reitia›[53] indicates that it is linked to the term write, writing somehow. Presumption shall be a matter of detailed investigation of all artifacts, which have the letters reitia inscribed. I will make an investigation and comparison of the word reitia to the RI goddess in the near future.

Fig. 12: Proclaimed letters reitiai inscribed on the ruling-pen (Es 45).

Name Mary / MariaThe triple symbol contains letters ‹mari›, which could indicate an abbreviation of words

‹Matь RI› ‘Mother RI’. Name Maria had been most likely developed from the word Ma(t)ri. But why would be a Latin letter of ‹M› involved within putative RI symbol, while the Raetic letter M /m/ is used in other inscriptions? RI-1..6 inscriptions are showing semantically and graphically unified form. Since inscriptions RI-7, 8 and 9 were engraved some centuries later than RI-1..6 inscriptions, maybe even after the collapse of the Roman Empire, when the Raeti were undoubtedly acquired with Latin letters. On other side, they had been still knew their aboriginal script. So, it is possible they used the Raetic letter Ž (st), which at the same time designates a turned Latin letter ‹M›. If presumption is correct, the Raetic letters @ŽRI besides ‹astri› also has another meaning. The word ‹mari› most probably derives from words ‹mat› + ‹RI› ‘mother RI’. The RI had being considered to be the mother of the Gods, so she was probably known by beloved term ‹mat RI› as well.

Fig. 13: Does the symbol involves a name Mari(a)?

Since the Slovene language is attested as the closest IE language to the Sanskrit, it is suitable to check out its lexicon. Just a few examples of many, that regard words linked to the written form matri are listed below:[54]

mātṛí a mother; the divine mothers or personified energies of the principal deitiesmātṛigṛiha temple of the (divine) mothers

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mātṛimandala circle of (divine) mothersmātali divine being associated with Yama and the Pitris (regard r > l)

Compound word matRI presumably developed to word ‹mari› by the following transformation:

Mat Ri > Ma(t)RI > Mari

Considering suffix /-a/, which is usually assigning to f. names, the term ‹mari› would be changed to word ‹maria›. The development of the name Maria is presented by the lower instance:

mari- + -a > Maria / Marija

It is a question, whereas the name Maria existed yet in ancient times or not? No matter we have no written sources about the early name Maria; this finding can be in help to prove that name Maria in Europe, is going back in the time, far before Christianity emerges. Worshiping of Marija is practicing more than worshiping of Jezus in many parts of Slovene lands! Is favoring of the Maria an issue of the ancient memory of the Slovenes? A habit of depicting Maria symbol in the way, where letters are interlaced among each other, can be traced back in time for centuries.

Fig. 14: Interlaced Maria symbol has been using for centuries.

The name Matrei, appearing in the Alps is also significant. It most probably indicates the place of the temple, where Mat RI goddess had being glorified in ancient times?

Inscription Lesson RI inscriptions are one of the most complex ancient works ever made. Many scholars had

been researching Raetic inscriptions, but without real success. One of the most important reasons is wrong interpretation of the Raetic letters, and the second reason is total ignorance of the Slovene language. After determining the meaning of each letter in a correct way, understanding of the text could still stay unresolved, without considering letter peculiarities. It is very surprising that scholars, who researched the Raetic inscriptions, completely overlook many special indications like: symbolism, dots, marks, directions, letter positions and heavy letters. The investigation bring up the a new cognition, that every peculiarity should be estimated by researching the meaning. RI inscriptions revealed some archaic

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forms like word ‹št› ‘here’ (štekanje), suffix -ej, etc., which are still using in the Slovene language. The Raetic inscription shows that the Slovene language, up to nowadays, stayed almost unchanged. The same tendency is indicating the Raetic grammar. The correctness of reading of the RI inscriptions is clearly proved, not only by correct transliteration, but moreover by semantics. The general story shows a religious text, talking about prayer, what is right and what is wrong, together with consequences, warnings, including the hell as the last stage. It can be anticipated the Raeti performed payer also in singing, by repeating some text patterns in verses.

Knowledge about the Raetic language is opening the door to the surprising revelation, which is hidden with the RI inscriptions. My experience shows, that knowledge of the Raetic written rules can be in help to examine the Venetic inscriptions. RI inscriptions are rich source of patterns, which shall be considered when other inscriptions will be investigated. Scholars not being familiar with the Slovene language will have many troubles to designate the right meaning of other unrevealed inscriptions.

RI inscriptions totally reject the accepted enigma about settlement of Slavs in the 6th century. Not Slavs, but Slovenes were aboriginal people of the great part of the Central Europe. The new knowledge revealed, is rejecting an officially accepted thesis, brought out by historical in linguistic science.

How will the European Science React?It will be interesting to contemplate how will the German and other European linguistic

science react on these splendid revelations of the Raetic inscription. Perhaps they will act in the form of dialog? On the basis of the past experiences, it is expected that the German scientists will shuffle the smoke. It will be expected to see them denying a clear and undisputable ascertainment, and producing errant explanations with incredible statements like: “Those artifacts had been made in the territory of Slovenia and later brought to Raetia by trade or by Celtic wanderers, who had accidentally died in Raetia”. It is also possible, that the claims will wade even further in affirmations. Perhaps they will assert that the revealed artifact inscriptions did not originate in present Slovenia, but in the lands beyond the Carpathian Mountains. We have no idea how will those history and linguistic scientists resist the mythic fairy tale about the Slavic migrations in 6th century?

Acting that way will be a notable signal that the RI and other inscriptions are explained correctly. Scientists frequently behave in the matter of language, as it would have existed on the same territory for a very long time, which disputes the Slovene language, that had been spoken in the great part of Europe in antiquity, but is now isolated to a very reduced place. This is especially evident for the languages that are considered to be the oldest, like Persian, Greek and Latin. From this point, it is believed, that in antiquity the Apennine peninsula was settled by tribes, which spoke Latin and related languages. But is expectation correct? Since we do not have very accurate sources about the ancient tribal languages, the only possible source of information are the inscriptions. All information about non-Greek and non-Latin aboriginal languages we have, are therefore hidden in those inscriptions!

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There were many scientists who were trying to reveal the meaning of inscriptions, but with very limited success. Until now, the scientists were usually recognizing just strange names or words weirdly deformed. The best previous results achieved by Matej Bor, who claimed that the Venetic inscriptions are of the Slovene origin.[55]

As in the case of the RI and other Raetic inscriptions can be seen, the Raeti had been written in the pure Slovene language, which did not change much in last 2500 years! Ancient authors claimed that Etruscans and Raeti spoke the same language. Also some modern other scholars have demonstrated that the Etruscan language could be understood with the help of Slovene language. This resume leads us to conclusion, that in the northern half of Italy, in the Alps and in the large part of the Central Europe and the Balkans, the Slovene language had been widely spoken in Antiquity, which persists in many distant places up to the medieval times. It is quite evident that aboriginal language of Italy vanished. Foreign language is usually spreading frequently from centers of power like cities and towns. The Romans practiced this Romanization widely and effectively. From the superior position, the Latin language was spreading from towns to the surrounding land, and gradually further on. The 1st denationalization had been Latinizing the aboriginal Slovenes, which enlarged the speakers of the Italian and the Rhaeto-Romance languages. The 2nd stage of denationalization had been Italianization and Germanization of the Rhaeto-Romans and further on Italianization and Friulization of the Slovenes, which still drives on. The language is obviously very changeable matter, which switches relatively fast to the superior ruling language. The subdued language changes even faster under unpleasant conditions of prohibitions, pressures and punishment.

List of Abbreviations1sg First person plural1sg First person singular2sg Second person singularacc Accusativeadj Adjectiveadv Adverbaux.v Auxiliary Verbconj Conjunctionc.num Cardinal numerald.prn Demonstrative Pronoundat Dativedu Dualf Femininegen Genitivegrnd gerundimp Imperative moodintj Interjection

lnk Linkingm Masculinen Neuternom Nominativepl Pluralp.prn Personal Pronounpr Present tensepr.ct Present Continuousprn Pronounprps Prepositionprtc Particleptc.-l participle -lr.prn Reflexive Pronounsg Singular

cz Czechd.blk Bela Krajina Slovene dialect

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13. Stefan Schumacher, “Die Ratischen Inschriften”, Die Ratischen Inschriften, Geschichte und heutiger Stand der Forschung, Innsbrucker Gesellschaft zur Pflege der Geisteswissenschaften, Innsbruck 1992, pp.191–274

14. Julius Joppich, “Tonabdruck und Korrektur zur Lesung der Felsinschriften nach Emil Vetter, bei: A L Prosdocimi”, Innsbucker Beitrage zur Kulturwissenschaft, Note di epigrafica Retica, vol.Bd. 16-, Innsbruck, 1971, pp.15–6, 41–4

15. Stefan Schumacher, “Die Ratischen Inschriften - Geschichte und heutiger Stand der Forschung”, Innsbucker Beitrage zur Kulturwissenschaft, Archaeolingua, vol.Sonderheft 121, no.2nd Extended Edition, Innsbruck, 2004, pp.342–69

16. Pavel Serafimov, “Steinberg Inscription”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference - Ancient

d.scr Carinthia Slovene dialectd.gor Gorenska Slovene dialectd.gbr Goriška Brda Slovene dialectd.pkm Prekmurje Slovene dialectdlž Lower Lusatianglž Upper Lusatianegp Egyptianeng Englishfr Frenchger Germangr Greeklat Latinmk Macedon

pol Polishpsl proto-Slovenerae Raeticrtr Rhaeto-Romancerus Russianshr Serbo-Croatianslk Literally Sloveneslv Slovenessk Sanskritstcs Old Church Slovenesvk Slovaktrc Turkic

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Conference - Origin of Europeans, Jutro, Lublana 2009, pp.161–7718. RI wall with inscriptions, tourentipp.de, acc.: Sep. 5 2015, http://www.tourentipp.de/de/img/

touren/c/schneidjoch_02.jpg19. Perdih Anton, “Betacizem po toilminsko”, Proceednings of the 5th International Conference -

Origin of Europeans, Jutro, Lublana 2007, pp.101–3320. Voiceless alveolo-palatal affricate, Wikipedia, acc.: Apr. 22 2015, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

Voiceless_alveolo-palatal_affricate21. Raetica - Character variants, Vienna University, acc.: Feb. 4 2016, http://www.univie.ac.at/raetica/

index.php?title=Category:Character22. Marko Razpet, Kako se reče po cerkljansko, Jutro, Lublana 200623. Yat, Wikipedia, acc.: Feb. 8 2016, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yat24. Jana Kordež, Mežiško narečje v Bajžah s Koroške, Univerza v Mariboru, Maribor 200925. Fran Miklošič, Lexicon palaeoslovenico-graeco-latinum, Braumueller, Vindobonae 186226. ZRC SAZU & co-authors, Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika, ver. 1.0, DZS27. Marko Hrovat, Eastern Upper-Carnilolan dialect, “Father’s speech of the Upper East Carnilola

dialect (Krajno Brdo in Črni graben valley)”, Mar. 6 201528. Adam Bohorizh, Arcticae horulae succisivae, Vitebergae 158429. Adam Bohorizh, “Examen Sintaxe”, Arcticae horulae succisivae, Vitebergae 1584, p.730. Barbara Ivančič Kutin, Slovar bovškega govora, Založba ZRC, Lublana 200731. Reduced vowels ь and ъ, “Reduced vowels defining voice characteristic more precise then ' or ә.

Temperate ь as ә in ‹bottle› and more experssive ъ as ә in article ‹the›.”32. Podgorski, Slovniški pomenki, Kmetijske in rokodelske novice, Lublana, Mar. 5 1862, p.7433. Franc Ramovš, Historična gramatika slovenskega jezika II – Konzonantizem, Učiteljska tiskarna,

Lublana 192434. Freising Manuscripts, “The oldest Slovene and Slavic text. Transcription from 10th century; original

presumably from 8th century.”, Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, acc.: Aug. 27 2015, http://www.nuk.uni-lj.si/bs.html

35. Zinka Zorko, Koroško mežiško narečje v luči novih glasoslovnih raziskav, Univerza v Mariboru, Maribor 2000

36. Franc Ramovš, Historična gramatika slovenskega jezika II – Konzonantizem, Učiteljska tiskarna, Lublana 1924, p.8,61–3,66,163

37. Mihaela Koletnik, Slovenskogoriško narečje, Slavistično društvo Maribor, Maribor 200138. Maks Pleteršnik, Slovensko-nemški slovar, P-Ž, 2. del P-Ž, Založba ZRC, Lublana 200639. Maks Pleteršnik, Slovensko-nemški slovar, A-O, 1. del A-O, Založba ZRC, Lublana 200640. Vilko Novak, Slovar stare knjižne Prekmurščine, ZRC SAZU, Lublana 200641. Resian Dictionary, “word vinu”, Resianica, acc.: Apr. 11 2015,

dictionaryForm.do42. Vilko Novak, Slovar stare knjižne Prekmurščine, ZRC SAZU, Lublana 2006, p.74343. Close front rounded vowel, Wikipedia, acc.: Aug. 31 2015, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Close_

front_rounded_vowel44. Maks Pleteršnik, Slovensko-nemški slovar, 2. del P-Ž, Založba ZRC, Lublana 2006, pp.637, 639,

64245. Marko Razpet, Kako se reče po cerkljansko, Jutro, Lublana 2006, pp.107–1246. Dušan Škrlep, Slovar poljanskega narečja, Kulturno društvo dr. Ivan Tavčar, Gorenja vas 2010,

pp.58–947. Maks Pleteršnik, Slovensko-nemški slovar, 1. del A-O, Založba ZRC, Lublana 2006, p.36648. Voiceless alveolo-palatal sibilant, Wikipedia, acc.: Sep. 11 2015, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/


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49. Dušan Škrlep, Slovar poljanskega narečja, Kulturno društvo dr. Ivan Tavčar, Gorenja vas 2010, p.30

50. Vilko Novak, Slovar stare knjižne Prekmurščine, ZRC SAZU, Lublana 2006, p.22351. Williams Monier, A Sanskrit-English dictionary, The Bhaktivedanta Book, Chennai-Indija 2002,

pp.880–152. Marcel Detienne, The Writing of Orpheus: Greek Myth in Cultural Context, Johns Hopkins

University Press, Baltimore 2003, http://books.google.si/books?id=YTkjHT6N9nIC53. Giovan Battista Pellegrini & Aldo Luigi Prosdocimi, La lingua venetica, I-Le iscrizioni, Istituto di

glottologia dell’ Università di Padova, Padova 1967, pp.140–6854. Williams Monier, A Sanskrit-English dictionary, “mātṛí, mātṛigṛiha and mātṛimandala p. 804;

mātali p. 807”, The Bhaktivedanta Book, Chennai-Indija 2002, pp.804, 80755. Matej Bor, Jožko Šavli & Ivan Tomažič, Veneti naši davni predniki, Editiones Veneti, Lublana 1989

AbstractRI inscriptions are one of the most complex ancient arts ever made. Beside usual text,

it also involves complicated symbolism, dots, marks, directions, turned letters and heavy letters. The Raetic inscription shows that Slovene language up to nowadays stays almost unchanged. The same tendency is indicating the Raetic grammar. In RI inscriptions some archaic forms can be found, like word ‹št› ‘here’ (štekanje), suffix -ej, etc. Contrary to our knowledge, the Raeti had very clear conception about paradise, purgatory and hell, then the stages between, and how and why someone stuck in it. The inscriptions surprisingly reveal a cross, which was used as a religious symbol, fare before Christianity. It clearly shows that the Raeti and other neighboring people were monotheists. They did not worship an object itself as a God, but the object was just the best possible representation of the God to them. They aware very well, that God could not be seen with eyes. The RI goddess, as the highest deity, was depicted with silhouette of the sun.

The Raeti depicted the sun excellently, together with all details, which show its divine nature. The sun-disk also involves information about Midsummer, “Christmas” time and Equinox position. It is also holding daylight proportional to the geographic position of the northern part of the Raetic land. This sophisticated symbolism is interlaced with instructive supplement of paradise, hell and all stages between, which are linked with the cross-paths structure, of which only one path, the way through the heart, is leading to the paradise. The Raetic highest divinity and the Egyptian highest God Re are both depicted with the sun-disk, which are of the same shape. The position of their symbols is alike, while interpretation of its meaning changes by the time. Investigation indicates that most likely the Egyptians adopted the Raetic symbol, and not in reverse. RI inscriptions were engraved in the cave wall, high in mountains, where all three elements meet; air, earth and water, and was the most probably supplemented also by fire, when the rituals were performed. The position of the mountain, symbolized as a “church”, was well weighed and was probably the object of pilgrimage. The inscriptions used in rituals indicate jumping from one part of the text to another, repeating it and performing it in singing.

Investigation of the RI name led to the Venetic word jekupetaris, which surprisingly involves the name RI, and therefore is showing strong connections between the Raeti

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and Veneti pantheon. It is anticipated, at least in some writing rules, the similarities between the two nations. The knowledge of the Raetic language opens the door to amazing revelation, which RI inscriptions contain. First of all, the general story shows a religious text, talking about prayer, what is right and what is wrong, together with the consequences, warnings the hell as the lowest stage. The correctness of the reading of the RI inscriptions is clearly proved by semantics. Scholars not being familiar with the Slovene language will have much trouble to designate the right meaning of other unrevealed inscriptions. The RI inscriptions prove that the Slovenes settled a large part of Europe in antiquity. They are rejecting the presently accepted forms, which have been brought out by historical and linguistic science.

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Petr Jandáček



PovzetekVideti je, da je bil SŁƏŊ kamenodobna vse-evrazijska beseda za slona. Oblika SŁƏŊ

je ohranjena kot SLONN v jeziku Samijev na Laponskem, kot ZILONis v Latviji, SŁOÑ na Poljskem, SLON v vseh drugih slovanskih jezikih ter oblike SIOŊ, SAŊ, ČAŊ, ZAAN, MASAN, ZO itn. po Aziji. Po objavi dveh prispevkov o tem sem raziskoval v Kambodži, Vietnamu, Laosu in zlasti na Tajskem ob živih slonih. Litovska beseda za slona je DRAMBLYS in kamboška (Hmeri) je DAMbREY. Prepričljivo je dejstvo, da je od Laponske do Tajske beseda za slona neka oblika besede Słəŋ.

IntroductionDuring last years I studied the words for the animal Elephant in central and western

Eurasia as well as in southern Africa [1-3]. My results were commented from the point of view of DNA Genealogy [4]. The DNA Genealogy data indicate that the word SŁƏŊ (SLON) seems to be carried by the Eurasian haplogroup K-M9, which arose around 55,000 years ago [4], if not already by people of a previous haplogroup. From haplogroup K-M9 derived later the haplogroups N, O, P, Q, R, R1a, R1b. Haplogroup O is predominant one in China, Tibet, Vietnam, Cambodia, and generally in South East Asia. Those carry word SLON in variations. Haplogroup Q is represented in Mongolia, among some Siberian people, and among Native Americans. Haplogroup R1a has the highest content among Slavic people. Again, they are SLON-saying population. FEL-FEEL-PEEL-PIL–saying populations belong mainly to Semitic people having haplogroups J. There is at present only a highly stretched assumption that the latter group of words possibly developed in a way similar to SŁƏŊ > SƏŁƏŊ > SƏŁƏ > SƏlƏ > PƏLƏ > FƏlƏ > Fel > El Fel > Elefant. How and when the West-European people having haplogroup R1b received the word Elefant / Elephant is not yet clear. There is indicated a Semitic influence. Another not yet resolved question is whether the African words for Elephant derived from the people of haplogroup E of about 45,000 years ago.

It is also interesting that haplogroup C, which is now characteristic for Mongols and Australian Aborigins, existed about 36,000 years ago on the Russian plane [5], where it could had been in contact with the haplogroup I Europeans.

The remote similarity between Eurasian and southern African words for Elephant

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may indicate a much earlier origin of a SŁƏŊ-like word for Elephant. It could had been the heritage of the BT people of about 70,000 y ago or even of the Alpha people of about 160,000 y ago or even of their predecessors of more than 200,000 y ago. All of them knew the animal Elephant in one or another version. Whether this word originated in Africa or Eurasia is not yet clear since there is no sufficient proof for African origin of Homo sapiens sapiens [6].

South East Asian field researchMaria Gimbutas established Lithuanian as the “Sweetheart Language” of Indo-

Europeanists. Ostensibly some of the predecessors of the Baltic languages once extended eastward all the way to the Ural Mountains [7].

In Lithuanian, the word for “Elephant” is “DRAMBLYS” and in Latvian the word for “Elephant” is “ZILONIS”. Evidently the two extant Baltic languages are not related in their words for “Elephant”. We should ask if these two Baltic words for “Elephant” are related to any other words in the world. Alas! The Cambodian (Khmer) word for Elephant is “DAMREY” (in fact pronounced “DAMBREY”) [8]. In my travels through South East Asia

Slavic (general) SLONPolish S”u”OŇSaami/Lapp SLONNRoma SLONOKalderash woroSLANO, SLONOLatvian ZiLONUSMongol ZAANChinese SeeAHNgHakka (south China) SiONgJapanese ZOTibetan GLANLaotian SANgThai* CHANgLongNeck Karen T!sA!ŋBalong maSA NHmong SUEHKhmu SIJANGNorthern Thailand JANGMon (Tibetan-Burmese) C¡OUNgTocharian A onKaLAMTocharian B onKoLMo

* The CH in the Thai word is more like a S¡, thus S¡A Ng

Table 1. Words for ELEPHANT in Eurasia.

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in 2015 I witnessed that the indigenous people categorically drop the “s” sound at the end of a word. When speaking English they say “pry” instead of “price”, “how” instead of “house”, “sick” instead of “six” or “whore” instead of “horse”. This prompts me to speculate that the original Khmer word for “Elephant” used to be “DAMBREYS”. Possible understanding of the word DRAMBLYS = the trumpeting animal. In Slovene: trobiti = to trumpet; tromba (oldfashioned) = the trumpet, the trump; trobec = elephant’s nose. In Czech: troubiti etc. Similar forms of the word are common throughout Europe.

Abbreviated forms of the Latvian word “ZILONIS” are found in Laos as “SAN” and in Lapland’s Sa mi language as “SLONN”. From Arctic Scandinavia - to Tropical South East Asia there is a continuous and contiguous series of words for “Elephant” which resemble the Latvian ZILONIS.

As languages evolve and speciate they have a proclivity to simplify and abbreviate long words. Using this model, we can speculate that the Baltic languages indeed have retained very ancient and protracted words for “Elephant”. Below are a few samples, which demonstrate that majority of Eurasian languages have words for ELEPHANT which categorically start with a dental - S or Z and terminate in a nasal N or ŋ.

The Tocharian words are likely from the Slavic-like word for “TUSKS” = OKEL, KEŁ or KEL. nGAr is the Thai word for “Ivory”. The “r” is semi silent and “Ł” like, and ergo the word is close to nGAŁ and not very different from KEL.

In the dialect in villages east of Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, the word for SLON is pronounced suən with accent on the short ə [9].

The first 15 lines in the list in Table 1 were relatively easy to obtain, (what in America we call “Low Hanging Fruit”). The LongNeck Karen, Balong, Hmong, Khmu, Northern Thai, Standard Thai, and Mon information was acquired IN SITU in South East Asia from and through our guide Kasemchati Chotichawong who often put me in touch with Native speakers for example the lady Sao who provided the Balong word “maSAN” and a LongNeck Karen lady gave me the native word T!sA!ŋ.

I found it very reassuring that the new sources confirmed my hypothesis that words for “ELEPHANT” are PREDICTABLY similar across Eurasia even though the languages belong to DIFFERENT FAMILIES such as Sino-Tibetan, Tibetan-Burmese, Mon-Khmer etc.

Experience has taught me that linguists at most universities have contempt for writings such as this Slavo-Centric Information since it does not conform to the 19th Century linguistic paradigm - “BOX”. It is by design that this paper is written in a style, which avoids academic sophism. Sophism is a deceptive style of writing, which creates a jargon to keep amateurs from publishing common sense. It works like a liturgical language to keep common sense folks from maturing into “heretics”. This paper is intended for common sense people of Eurasia who have a mind open to new understanding and not confined to the academic “box”. This is evidence that Slavic Languages are a bridge between PAN-EURASIAN and more recent - INDO-EUROPEAN.

The TransEurasian linguistic reconstruction SŁəŋ is a blend of sounds, which typically constitute the word for ‘ELEPHANT” from Lapland (the homeland of the Sámi People in Arctic Scandinavia) to Thailand (in Tropical South-Eastern Asia).

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SŁƏŋ fine-tuning is subject to modification as it passes through various Language Families across all of Eurasia. For instance, Sá mi language in Norway and Sweden is a Uralic Language, Latvian is a Baltic Language, Polish is a Slavic Language as also are Russian, Polabian, Slovenian, Macedonian, and tongues of most locales between Ljubljana, Skopje, Vladivostok and Prague. Mongolian is an Altaic Language. Tibetan and Chinese belong to Sino-Tibetan family. Thai and Lao languages belong to the Tai-Kadai family. Other Language Families, which embrace the SŁƏŋ model as their word for “ELEPHANT” include Tibetan-Burmese, Japonic-Ryukyuan, and Mon-Khmer. There are spillovers into Alaska and the NW coast of America in the Athapaskan Languages, and into the Horn of Africa with Amharic.

In spite of the fact that we are dealing with eleven different Language Families and a plethora of individual languages, the words for “ELEPHANT” categorically begin with a dental S/Z and end with a nasal N, ŋ or Nj, Ň.

The middle part of SŁƏŋ (Łә) ranges in pronunciation from A or O or UO, WO to an alveolar contact L, to Polish Ł, to schwa = ә - as undifferentiated semivowels. Not surprisingly, in Eastern Asia, speakers avoid the “L” sound.

Thus we are dealing with the fact that in Deep Structure the word SŁƏŋ is ubiquitous. In local Specific Expression it is subject to ethnic modifiers.

Please allow here a humorous but true analogy to biochemistry. Most people recognize that by DNA a Chimpanzee is 98% similar to a Human Being. But, most people do not know that Plants and Animals are also largely similar and some proteins contain nearly identical arrangements of amino acids. Thus, in the basis of biochemistry, it is legitimate to refer to the soybean as a “Human Bean”. On the one hand it demonstrates that Nature invented DNA based on Adenine, Guanine, Thymine and Cytosine only once and bestowed it upon all subsequent life. And, on the other hand it suggests some Mammoth Hunting group coined the word SŁƏŋ and it became a loan word all across Eurasia and across Beringia and to Ethiopia.

Czech works well to demonstrate how to mutate the “N” in SLON into the “Ň” (Slovenian “NJ”) in derivatives of the word. Thus One SLON but several SLONjI. Female Elephant is a SLONjICE, a baby Elephant is a SLUNjE. In other words the N is palatalized as in KONj.

Thus the ŋ at the end of SŁƏŋ may manifest itself an N or Nj or ŋ, depending on locale or other modifiers.

ConclusionSŁƏŋ was apparently the Paleolithic Trans-Eurasian word for “ELEPHANT” at a

time when most economy was based on the MAMMOTH and the Tusks/Ivory, Bones, Skins, Flesh, Fats, Wools, Dung and other resources of the giant creature. Like petroleum today, commerce 10,000 to 20,000 years ago was based on the elephantine products and exploration. Mammoth tusks provided the nearest thing to metals and plastics before the chalcolithic. Jewelry, beads for wampum trade, sculpture (Venus Figurines), religious items and other objects of value adorned the living and the dead. Mammoth bones and tusks

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were used for igloo-like dwellings covered by SŁƏŋ skins and heated and lit by flaming mammoth blubber. Mammoth shoulder-blades were lids to sarcophagi. Dried dung was fuel and smoldering mosquito repellent. It was also dog food for coprophagous canines.  The skull of an Elephant is very human-like but gigantic, and with an opening in the middle of the forehead which could accommodate a single giant eye.  When found out of context, such giant skulls spawned the myths about Papinijuwari, TSONoqua and Cyclops or omniscient SŁƏŋtovid.  “SŁƏŋ” is preserved as “SLONN’ in the tongue of the Sámi of Lapland, ZILONis in Latvian, Słoň in Polish, Slon in all of the other Slavic languages and variants of SIOŋ, Saŋ, Čaŋ, Zaan, maSan, Zo etc in Asia.

AcknowledgementValuable discussions with Prof. Anton Perdih are thankfully acknowledged.

References1. Jandáček Petr, 2013, “Slon” in the language of mammoth hunters. Root-words for elephant. Part

I. Why are the words for ELEPHANT so similar across EURASIA? Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, 6(11), 1884-1888

2. Jandáček Petr, 2013, “Slon” in the language of mammoth hunters. Root-words for elephant. Part II. SLON in the minds of Gravettien/Pavlovian/Kostienkian and other Mammoth Hunters. Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, 6(11), 1889-1895

3. Jandáček Petr, 2014, “Slon” in the language of mammoth hunters. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Topical Conference Origin of Europeans. Jutro, Ljubljana, 109-118

4. Klyosov Anatole A., 2013, A Comment from the Editor, Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, 6(11), 1895-1997

5. Seguin-Orlando Andaine, Korneliussen Thorfinn S., Sikora Martin, Malaspinas Anna-Sapfo, Manica Andrea, Moltke Ida, Albrechtsen Anders, Ko Amy, Margaryan Ashot, Moiseyev Vyacheslav, Goebel Ted, Westaway Michael, Lambert David, Khartanovich Valeri, Wall Jeffrey D., Nigst Philip R., Foley Robert A., Mirazon Lahr Marta, Nielsen Rasmus, Orlando Ludovic, Willerslev Eske, 2014, Genomic structure in Europeans dating back at least 36,200 years. Science 346, 1113

6. Klyosov Anatole A., 2014, Reconsideration of the “Out of Africa” Concept as Not Having Enough Proof, Advances in Anthropology. Vol.4, No.1, 18-37 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/aa) http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/aa.2014.41004

7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baltic_languages8. Based on the fieldwork by Petr Jandaček in S. E. Asia, 20159. Perdih Nada, Personal information, 2015

AbstractSŁƏŊ was apparently the PALEOLITHIC TRANS-EURASIAN word for “ELEPHANT”.

SŁƏŊ is preserved as SLONN in the tongue of the Sámi of Lapland, ZILONis in Latvian, SŁOÑ in Polish, SLON in all of the other Slavic languages and variants of SIOŊ, SAŊ, ČAŊ, ZAAN, MASAN, ZO etc in Asia. After publishing two papers I did additional field-

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research in Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, and especially in Thailand with living elephants. The Lithuanian word for “Elephant” is “DRAMBLYS” and the Cambodian (Khmer) word for “Elephant” is “DAMbREY”. More compelling is the fact that in a continuum from Lapland to Thailand the word for “Elephant” is some form of “Słəŋ”.

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Mila Deacon


PovzetekPrispevek dokazuje, da izrazi Vendi, Kelti in Galci pravzaprav označujejo eno in isto ljudstvo ter da ta imena označujejo ljudstvo prvotnih Evropejcev. Nadalje prispevek odkriva, da so Galijo v antičnih časih naseljevali Vendi. Potrditev tega najdemo v vendskih napisih z ozemlja treh Galij, ki izvirajo še izpred rimskih časov in iz časov rimske okupacije (250 BC and 600 AD). Besedila zapisana na teh pomnikih že sama po sebi nedvoumno sporočajo, da se je na področju današnje Francije in na sosednjih ozemljih, v tem času govoril vendski jezik. Dejstvo je, da vendski jezik še danes zavzema velik del evropskega prostora. Tudi zajeten seznam vendskih besed iz časov rimske in poznejše franko-germanske okupacije vodi do samoumevnega zaključka, da so morali na nekdaj na teh ozemljih bivati Vendi. Večina teh starih napisov z ozemlja treh Galij izhaja iz spomenikov posvečenih bogovom, svečenikom, itn. Nekaj njih je bilo vrezanih v lončevino, ki so jo izdelovali na ozemlju treh Galij in v druge izdelke namenjene domači uporabi, kot so: posoda, kozarci in lončeni vrči. Le majhen delček nekdaj obsežne zbirke napisov se je ohranil v celoti. Nekateri napisi na javnih spomenikih so bili poškodovani že v času Rimskih napadov na Galce. Večino starih galskih napisov so namerno poškodovali poznejši kristjani, da bi izkoreninili vse sledi poganstva. Vendar tudi ti bori ostanki napisov iz poškodovanih predmetov nedvomno razkrivajo, da je na ozemlju treh Galij že v pred-rimskih in rimskih časih živelo ljudstvo Vendov. Med drugim prispevek podaja tudi vpogled na razvoj in pomen izrazov Galci, Kelti, celinski Kelti, Vendi in Indo-Evropejci ter pokaže, da vsi ti pravzaprav pripadajo enotnemu jeziku, antični vendščini, ki se je ohranila celo v švedskih izrazih Slowen(d)sk in Swensk. Dodatne dokaze predstavlja širok nabor vendskih osebnih, domačih in poklicnih imen, imena družbenih položajev, kot tudi plemenska in duhovniška poimenovanja, ki so bila uveljavljena v času rimske okupacije treh Galij. Omenjen je tudi bistven in izjemen doprinos različnih vendskih plemen in njihovih družin k vojaškemu, političnemu in kulturnemu razvoju rimske civilizacije, vse od ustanovitve rimske države, pa do propada rimskega cesarstva v 5. stoletju.

IntroductionIt is deplorable that long after independent and objective researchers - like Dr. Jožko

Šavli, Rev. Ivan Tomažič, Matej Bor, Anthony Ambrozic, et al. - had published ample and compelling evidence that the presently generally accepted version of Wendish history is grossly misleading, their research continues to be officially ignored. No effort has been made by any official institution to evaluate the new evidence and to correct the glaring misinformation now presented to the public as proven facts.

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The main reason for contributing my insights and discoveries is to strengthen their positions and add to their credibility. The fact that I have arrived independently to the same conclusions as they did - while pursuing different venues in my search for answers and tapping different sources - is by itself strong proof that our conclusions are correct. Particularly, because I have gained the same insights unaware that anyone else was also researching these subjects or what their research has revealed.

The compelling evidence collected, contradicts almost everything we are told about Wends in our history books. Wends have certainly not arrived in their present homelands between the 6th and the 9th century A.D., as historians insist. They are Europe’s natives, direct descendants of its first permanent settlers, farmers.

Taking into account the many new discoveries, much of the European history will have to be revised; particularly the interpretation of Germany’s dubious past. A total review is required of all aspects of the presently officially propagated Wendish and European history, further research needs to be done, and Europe’s history books will have to be rewritten.

Our research also proves, even at its present early stage that Wendish is not a modern Slav language, and has not evolved in the last millennium from the original Serbo-Croatian or Old-Slavic as officially claimed. It is in fact the oldest European language, the mother of all Indo-European languages. However, the artificial, mongrelized, literary Slovene language, which has been replacing traditional Wendish dialects everywhere, is well on the way of evolving into a new Slavic language. Wendish dialects, still spoken in most Wendish farming communities and in most Wendish homes, are unique and ancient. They retained the ancient dual form.

Only a couple of thousand years ago, Wendish was still the most widespread language in Europe, its lingua franca. Its vocabulary and basic grammar has influenced the formation of all classical and modern Indo-European languages, as well as many other languages in other parts of the world. Today, it is in danger of extinction, due to deliberately destructive policies of all governments in whose jurisdiction Wends reside, which force all Wendish children in Germany to learn Sorbish in school. Elsewhere, Wendish children are forced to learn the literary Slovene language. They are aided by Slovene governments, indoctrinated and misled into trusting the falsified version of their history to be based on facts.

Wendish scholars must ensure that their nation’s history books, taught in school to their children, are speedily corrected. This must be done before their ancestral language has become extinct and before their true identity is erased from everyone’s memory. It is shameful to continue to present to their young a demeaning version of their nation’s history, now that ample evidence is easily accessible proving it to be false.

All Wends should know their nation’s real history, their ancestor’s accomplishments, their enterprising spirit and creativity and their contribution to some of the world greatest civilizations. When planning the future of their children, they should be guided by the wisdom of their ancient forebears. Above all, their ancestors loved freedom and independence. They were, with reason, proud of their nation and heritage. They equally respected the independence, freedoms, religions and customs of all ethnic groups and other races.

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Wends in the Tres GalliaeThe now available evidence discloses also that Wends had at that time a highly evolved

social and economic systems and flourishing cities. Their aristocracy, responsible for their administrative, religious and cultural functions, was financially self-sufficient, involved in various trades, manufacturing and export. Therefore, Wendish farmers were not taxed and revolted repeatedly when forced to pay taxes as soon as Gaul was annexed by Rome.

Obviously, the thousands of books already written by European archaeologists and historians on Celts, will remain for Wends an excellent and inexhaustible source of information about their ancestors’ historic accomplishments, culture, science and art.

My main source of information for these Wendish inscriptions, are publications of a Harvard linguist, Prof. Joshua Whatmough’s Keλtika: Being Prolegomena to a Study of The Dialects of Ancient Gaul; and his life’s work, a meticulously researched, almost 1400 pages long book: The Dialects of Ancient Gaul. He knew some ten languages, classical and modern, Romance and Germanic, including Insular Celtic. Unfortunately, he was not very successful in interpreting Gallic inscriptions because he was not acquainted with Wendish, and did not realize that Insular Celtic had substantially changed due to Britain having suffered several foreign invasions. He knew also no Slavic languages which would have been helpful to him, as they have retained a considerably larger number of Indo-European words and grammatical structures than Romance and Germanic languages - due to their having evolved without a protracted foreign occupation.

List of Subheadings:

Origins of terms Gaul and Celt.The territory of the Three Gauls.The deliberate destruction of inscriptions found in Tres Galliae.The problem of constant misspelling of Wendish personal names and words in Roman texts.Wendish inscriptions from pre-Roman and Roman times (250 BC to 600 AD) in the Tres Galliae.Samples of Wendish names in Tres Galliae. Examples of Wendish texts on Gallic inscriptions.Some Gallic toponymsWendish partnership with early Rome/Wendish articles ta and ti.Wendish historic personalities, leaders from the Tres Galliae, Roman Emperors of Wendish descent. Origins of terms Wend, Wind and Sloven(d)c. Wendish priesthood, their troveds, vids and veds.Names of Wendish gods in Tres Galliae.Other nations’ pride in their Celtic roots.The planned physical and cultural genocide of Wends.

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Origins of terms Gaul and Celt To avoid any misunderstanding, I would like to clarify first the origins of some terms

I use constantly in this article, particularly for those of you who perhaps wonder what the difference is between a Gaul and a Celt. I must assure you that all the following names: Gaul, Celt, Continental Celt, Kelt, Galat, Wend, Solwend and even Ancient Indo-European, refer to the very same people. A people who all spoke in the past – and some do even today - closely related dialects of the same language, easily understood by all of them, one of the most ancient languages in the world. Only the origins of all these names differ. Therefore, I will first try to explain where all these names came from.

I will let Caesar clarify the terms Celt and Gaul for you. In his De Bello Gallico he states clearly: “We, Romans, call them Gauls, but they call themselves Celts”. And he knew what he was talking about. Celts seem to have been once their general name, whether they lived in Europe or in Asia, or anywhere else.

Due to Romans, they became known also as Gauls, Galli in Latin. This name is derived from Galati / Galli, the name Romans became acquainted with when they first came across them in Asia Minor, in the second century BC after Hannibal’s wars. Less than a century later, Romans were confronted in Southern France with a people who called themselves Kelts/Celts, who spoke the very same language as those Galati whom they had earlier encountered in Mesopotamia, and a few centuries earlier in northern Italy and on the Illyrian Adriatic Coasts. In France Romans needed the Celtic coast for their army’s easy access to Spain where they were fighting Carthaginians.

I myself prefer to call Celts Wends or Solwends because I believe them to be two of the oldest names under which they were known, long before the Megalithic times.

The second group of Gauls/Wends to suffer from Rome’s expansion was Gauls in Illyricum and Dalmatia, where the Wendish Tolenti / Dolenci resided already in pre-Roman times.

If the word Celti is pronounced dialectically, with an open e-vowel, it can easily be heard and spelled as Calti. We know that Romans constantly misheard sounds in foreign words. In this case, they also heard a G sound where Wends had a K sound. Thus Calti became Galti. And, as Romans also habitually inserted vowels between two consonants in foreign words - to make them easier to pronounce - in Latin texts Galti became Galati, or Galli. That is the only reason why Celts are known to us also as Gauls.

The territory of the Three GaulsThe Roman Tres Galliae were founded in Emperor Augustus’ times in 12 BC by Drusus

after a wave of Gallic uprisings. Its civil, military and religious centre was Lugdunum ‘sun-god’s Lugh’s home (dom?)’, today’s Lyon, located at the junction of these three new imperial provinces.

Most evidence presented in this article, consists of Wendish inscriptions, texts and names, originating between 250 BC and 600 AD in these 3 provinces. It proves beyond any reasonable doubt the fact that Wends were living there in pre-Roman and Roman times.

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The territories of the Three Gauls covered the following territories:1. Alpine Regions: Alpes Maritimae; Regnum Cottii [Kotni] ‘in a corner, of a mountain

valley’; Alpes Graiae [krajne] ‘on the border, on the edge (of the Alps)’ with Vallis Poenina.

2. Gaul Proper – in which most of the Wendish inscriptions were excavated - covered: Narbonensis; Aquitania; Lugdunensis; Belgica; Germania Inferior; and Germania Superior; and

3. Middle Rhine and Upper Danube: Agri Decumates; Vindelici, today’s German Bavaria.

The deliberate destruction of inscriptions found in Tres GalliaeMost of these ancient Wendish inscriptions originating in the Tres Galliae in pre-

Roman and Roman times (250 BC – 600 AD) are badly damaged and fragmented. The

Map 1: The territory of the Tres Galliae.

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stone monuments and plaques, on which they are written, were deliberately smashed to pieces, then buried or thrown into rivers and lakes where they eroded further. Some of them were vandalized already by Caesar’s soldiers in the wars he had led against Gallic tribes. Half a millennium later, Christian zealots as soon as their religion had become the official religion of the Roman Empire, began destroying everything connected with pagan religions. Inscriptions honoring pagan priests and gods, appeals for their help and their gratitude when heard - whether inscribed on stone monuments or metal plaques - were destroyed by them. In particular, the inscribed texts suffered damage. Christians tried to make them illegible, regarding them the devil’s work.

Names of potters inscribed on their products had a better chance of survival, and thousands of them are left. Many of them, found throughout these areas, have still popular Wendish names inscribed of them, with the word aut or avid, ovit, wrapped around, added. This term probably referred to the way pottery products were either packaged, or manufactured, perhaps wound around or inside a form.

Most of these ancient Wendish inscriptions were found in Southern France and in present Belgium, Holland and the lower Rhine Valley. Thousands of well preserved Wendish names of potters, incised on pottery produced in the Three Gauls, prove that these potters were Wends.

Gradually, during the first few centuries under the rule of Rome, Wendish in these inscriptions began to turn into a kind of pidgin Latin. Towards the end of this period, even a few Frankish names began to appear, particularly on pottery.

The problem of the constant misspelling of Wendish personal names and words in Roman texts

The main difficult we are confronted with when looking for Wendish words and names in Roman texts, in this context those used in areas of the Roman Tres Galliae, is their constant mishearing and misspelling by Roman writers. As mentioned, the Three Gauls were founded in response to a Gallic rebellion provoked by the census of Gallia Comata, kosmata, the long-haired Gaul. Its capital was Lugdunum, today’s Lyon.

August 1st, the inaugural day of the Lugdunum sanctuary, was a day celebrating the anniversary of Augustus’ victory at Alexandria, as well as the Gallic day sacred to their sun-god Luch, the light. Romans, whose alphabet had no letters for sibilants č, š or ž , so common in Wendish, spelled his name Lugh. To write Greek names and Wendish sibilants, Romans mostly used their letter x. As a sun-god, Lugh was identified with Apollo and with the Roman sun-god Sol, whom Romans had inherited from Italian Wends.

The first high priest of the Lugdunum sanctuary was Caius Julius Vercondaridubnus, an Aeduan aristocrat. His name indicates his Roman citizenship and his Gallic, i.e., Wendish origins. In the typically Roman spelling of his name, we can clearly discern two Wendish words: vercon, vrhovni ‘high, chief ’ and daridubn, dar davan ‘offerings giving’, a descriptive title of their High Priest, the conveyor of offerings to their gods.

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We know from the example of the name of the famous Gallic organizer of the all-Gallic uprising against Caesar’s army, Vercingetorix ‘veršni/vršni redarič’, how grossly misspelled Wendish words and names were by Romans. Fortunately, comments they frequently added to such names help us in deciphering them. For instance, in Vercingetorix case, Roman authors explain that he was a Gallic Chief magistrate ‘redar’, responsible for ensuring red ‘order’ in his tribal area.

What Romans believed to be Gallic personal names were, in fact, mostly their professions or honorific titles. An example is the famous British warrior queen, usually referred to in Roman texts as Boddícca. This is obviously not her personal name, as historians believe. It is the term referring to a Wendish female military leader, a Vodílka. Romans called her the queen of the British Piceni tribe. As they were obviously Wends, their name was most likely Jekleni ‘hardy, steely’. Together with neighboring tribes, she organized and led an uprising against Romans and destroyed an entire legion in 60/61 AD. It is equally hard to guess who she really was, when one looks at the name under which she is now remembered in Wales - where a Wendish dialect was once spoken there is now hardly recognizable as such because of a 500 years long Roman, and later Anglo-Saxon and Norman occupations. In Welsh she is now known as Buddug / Vuduk. But the Welsh word for a pig is still the Wendish puis.

I will give you one example of how Celtic scholars presently interpret Gallic names. The name of the Chief priest of the Lugudunum sanctuary, analyzed above, is obviously his priestly title, Vercondaridubnus. They translate it as the dark one of great wrath. They regard ver- to be a prefix implying a hierarchy, above, highest, supreme, which is surprisingly close to the real meaning of Wendish verhovni/vrhovni. They equate con- or com- with the Latin con- or com- , meaning with. They believe that Dari describes a violent emotion, and that dubn means dark, shadowy; hidden, secret. Dubnos they interpret as the deep world, the underworld - for them a suitable connection for a pagan priest. Dubn could in fact be the Roman spelling of Wendish doln, lower-lying.

Wendish inscriptions from pre-Roman and Roman times (250 BC to 600 AD) in the Tres Galliae

These mostly badly fragmented ancient Gallic inscriptions, discovered mainly in present France, Belgium and Holland are the most convincing proof that Wendish was spoken in ancient times in these parts of Europe. Some of them are also from other Celtic areas in Northern Italy, the Alps, and a few are from the area of the pre-Roman Wendish Illyricum, reaching from the town presently named Vienna, over the Pannonian Plain to the Dalmatian Adriatic coast. Almost all the examples I quote, are described minutely in Harvard Professor Joshua Whatmough’s book.

It is ironic that the thoroughly indoctrinated political and scholarly elites continue to assure us that, throughout this very same period of time, Wends were still wandering about the morasses beyond the Carpathian Mountains in Eastern Europe, totally unaware of the existence of the high Roman civilization flourishing in the West.

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To prove my point, that Wends are direct descendants of European natives, Europe’s first permanent settlers, I rely mainly on 4 sources:1. toponyms with Wendish roots, found on ancient and modern maps of these Gallic

areas;2. Wendish vocabulary and grammatical forms retained in the new Romance languages,

evolved there under the Roman occupation; and in Germanic languages, formed during the expansion of the Frankish Holy Christian Roman Empire;

3. Various glosses found in Greek and Roman writers; 4. And above all, the already mentioned ancient inscriptions, made, during this period,

meticulously described in Harvard prof. Whatmough’s book, The Dialects of Ancient Gaul.

The first two sources on which I rely, i.e., Wendish toponyms and Wendish vocabulary of languages spoken there today, occur also in all other modern European languages, as well as in Latin. The last two sources on which I rely, glosses and ancient inscriptions, are the subject matter of this subsection of this article.

Archaeologists have tried to put these broken pieces of inscribed monuments together again, wherever possible, but they seldom succeeded in making much of the entire text legible. The missing and damaged words make many inscriptions incomprehensible. However, one can usually detect at least a couple of undamaged Wendish words. Even the little that is left, paints a clear picture of the language used in them.

As the Islamists destroys the World heritage in the name of god, the Christians were pulverizing museums and libraries, packed full with tablets and ancient scrolls, covered with ancient texts written in cuneiform and other ancient scripts. Among them are thousands of texts written in Wendish dialects, lost for ever.

Fortunately, we still have some legible inscriptions from Ancient Gaul, particularly from the Tre Galliae. The earliest Wendish inscriptions were excavated in today’s Provence. Gradually the language on their monuments began to reflect the increasing influence of Rome, their administration, legions and merchants, causing Wendish dialects to gradually turn into a pidgin Wendish-Latin. Towards the end of the Roman Empire, with the spread of Christianity by Franks, even a few “Germanic” names begin to appear here and there, mostly inscribed on pottery.

I can quote here the texts of just a few of these inscriptions. All the material quoted there, are my rough notes on Prof. Whatmough’s book The Dialects of Ancient Gaul. They may be useful to those interested in the subject who has no access to his book.

As mentioned, a large number of these ancient Gallic inscriptions are from southern France where the population was literate already in the early part of the first millennium BC. During the earliest centuries, some of these inscriptions were written in the Etruscan or in the Greek alphabet. At that time, many Greek traders had begun to settle in the Cote d’Azure and in the rest of the Wendish Provence.

When attending the gymnasium, I read the legend about the founding of Marseilles, in which a princess named Peta. She was a daughter of the local Celtic king, who had married a Greek merchant. To establish her future family, she was given by her father the

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area where Marseilles is located today. The name Peta is the Wendish term for a fifth child or a fifth daughter. It is the kind of name that was popular also among Romans. They called their children Primus, Decius, Quintus, fifth son.

Ever since, I suspected that Wendish may have been spoken in Southern France in ancient times, because many legends bases on historic events. My suspicions were proven right when in 1980 I accidentally acquired the Dialects of Ancient Gaul. This book is a treasure trove of information about the spread of Gauls/Wends in southern, central and Western Europe, in pre-Roman and Roman times. It confirmed my suspicion that Wends were indeed the original Europeans, its first permanent settlers and its first farmers.

Prof. Whatmough was a highly respected professor of linguistics at Harvard. The contents of his book are the result of his life-long meticulous research of Gallic inscriptions, made in pre-Roman and Roman times. In its 1,500 pages, he describes, in minute detail, what is left of these inscriptions, kept in various European museums and private collections. He had personally inspected each inscription, mentioned in his book, and had attempted to fill the gaps in their texts, to decipher them and try to interpret them, despite their imperfect condition. The value of his book lies almost entirely in his careful descriptions of inscriptions, and the rich bibliographical data he cites on the subject of Celts.

The conclusions he reached, and the opinions he held about the meaning of these inscriptions and specific words, are disappointing. Although his linguistic knowledge was extensive – he knew over 10 classical and modern languages, including Hebrew and insular Celtic - he knew no Wendish. As a result, with the exception of a few Wendish words, which he knew from Ancient Greek, Latin, and Insular Gallic, the meaning of these inscriptions eluded him, as it continues to elude most other linguists.

He did not realize that the Breton language, and even more so the so-called Insular Celtic languages, although based on Wendish, were substantially affected and changed by Latin, Frankish and many other languages. One of these languages, spoken in Ireland, shows even the impact of at least one non- Indo-European language. As a result, some of his conjectures are at times embarrassingly wrong.

I have already explained that I used also other sources when trying to find out whether Wendish was really spoken throughout ancient Gaul. Some glosses found in books of classical writers – who at times mention in passing a Celtic word and even add its Latin equivalent - are quite useful. I will mention here just one, drosg, Wendish drozg, mentioned by a Roman as the Gallic term “for a specific kind of singing bird”.

I gained some information on the continued presence of Wends in Central France, formerly the home of the Celtic Arverne tribe, from the book The History of Franks, written in the 6th century AD by the Bishop Gregory of Tours, the best historian the 6th century managed to produce. He is describing the violent times during Roman Empire’s final stages of disintegration. Most of his time, he spends describing miracles his ecclesiastical predecessors and his friends had performed. Most of the historical events he describes are interesting, he had witnessed them himself. Now and then, he mentions individuals whose names are obviously Wendish. In his time, France was a multi-cultural society, with the original Gallic population already totally Romanized, desperately trying to protect itself and their properties and wealth from Goths, Franks, and the Allemanni, invading Gallic

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territories, pillaging and murdering, and declaring their loyalty to Christianity, while robbing their richly endowed churches.

Gregory’s ancestors were members of a prominent Wendish-Gallic aristocratic family of one of the most important Gallic tribes in the ancient Provence, the Avergni. His family’s intriguing Romanized Wendish name, Ampagatius, was obviously originally either Oni Bogati ‘those rich ones’, or En Bogati ‘a rich one’; if one considers the typical Roman way of spelling Wendish words.

Gregory’s ancestors had become Roman senators when the Provence was incorporated into the Roman Empire. His family produced even one of the earliest Wendish Christian martyrs in 174 A.D. In later centuries, many members of his and his wife’s families were elected Bishops in their home town, Avergne, the later Clermont. He himself was the seventeenth Bishop in his family. His tribe name, Avergni, may be the Roman spelling of their original Wendish name, Ta Verni ‘devout pagans’.

Another leader of a Celtic/Wendish tribe, from today’s central France, was a king of the Senoni tribe. He ruled in the first half of the 4th century BC. He had the same name, Ambagatius. According to the Roman historian Livius, this king had sent some of his tribe’s young men to find land for themselves and their future families in the Po Valley or in Etruria. These young men became famous, because their request to the Roman government for lands on which they could settle, was rudely rejected. Offended, they attacked and defeated the Roman army at Allia, then proceeded to Rome and occupied it in 490 BC - a humiliating defeat Romans could never forget. Descendants of these brave Wends, may have settled down in the central area of the Italian Adriatic coast, which later carried their name, Senoni.

From Gregory I learned that there were Wends among the highest Celtic and Roman aristocracy, and, looking at some of their names, one can conclude also that plutocrats were ruling already in those distant times.

According to Prof. Whatmough, Celtic warriors were recruited only from members of their aristocracy. Their farmers were free men. They did not have to pay taxes, nor serve in the army – unless they volunteered when their tribe was endangered. Their aristocracy worked their own fields, as Roman patricians used to up to Cato’s times. On the other hand, members of Wendish aristocracy were involved in all kinds of trades and manufacture. Potters were not slaves, says Whatmough, they were members of the upper class. Their Gallic glassware and pottery products were successfully exported throughout the Roman Empire. This was one of the reasons why many Gallo-Roman families had become extraordinarily rich. This is confirmed today by archaeologists describing their recent excavations of various Celtic graves, loaded with precious possessions.

They were able to build mansions and fortresses, townhouses and temples. They acquired luxury goods, home-made and imported. Their kings and other members of aristocracy were known to have distributed gold and silver among the general public at religious and public events, celebrations and elections. In that respect, their system hardly differed from that of ancient Rome. This is not surprising. After all, Wendish tribes were active in both societies.

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We have to thank the fact that members of the literate Gallic upper class worked in the production of glass ware and ceramics - and to their habit of signing their products with their personal names - that we now know for certain that Wends had in Roman times lived throughout Gaul. Wendish names appear on their products from one end of Gaul to another, from the Mediterranean Cote d’Azure to the North Sea, Brittany, Holland and Belgium. We now know that these items were made by hundreds of Wendish Vladomirs, Hleudomirs, Dragos, Kaitomars, Lubis, etc.

To give you an idea of the extensive evidence about the presence of Wends in Gaul, mentioned in Whatmough’s book, I will quote here just a couple of pages from it. In them he gives personal names of potters and other Gallic Wends from all three parts of Roman Gaul. I add my comments in square brackets.

Samples of Wendish names in Tres GalliaeHere is a typical random sample of names from Provence and in Aquitania. Idenical

and similar Wendish names appear in all Gallic provinces. They are easily recognizable as being Wendish names, as soon as one removes the Roman ending -us:

Nattia [Nadia (name)]Noric(us) [Noričan] ‘a Carinthian Wend’Olosto [Ulasta/Vlasta (name)]Pelli(us) [Beli] ‘the white one’Precilia [preklja] ‘pole, rod, stick; a thin and tall girl?, a twiggy?’Sabina [Slavina (from Slavini/Sloveni)]Sabin(ius) [Slavin (from Slavini/Sloveni)]Sali(us) [zali] ‘handsome’Senkio [sinko] ‘son’Silan(us) [silan, siln] ‘powerful, mighty’Tomalla [ta mala] ‘he little one’Solimar(io) [Solimir (name), sol] ‘the sun god’; [mir] ‘peace’Solimari(us) [Solimir (name), sol] ‘the sun god’; [mir] ‘peace’Solimar(us) [Solimir (name), sol] ‘the sun god’; [mir] ‘peace’Taetania [Tatiana (name)]Trocci(us) [Dragi/Drag, Droh (name), sin Kaitimara?]Trocci(us) [Dragi/Drag, Droh (name), sin Kaitimara?]Vaet(ius) [ved/uedei] ‘sage’Varena [Verena (name), varen/varna] ‘secure, safe’Varenia [Verena (name), varen/varna] ‘secure, safe’Vassil(us) [vesel] ‘happy, cheerful’Velabelli(us) [velk beli] ‘the big/tall white one’Velad(us) [Vlad (name)]Veci(us) [velki] ‘tall’

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Vebromara [Dobromara (name), Dobromira (name)]Vellaco [velak/veliak] ‘a man of note, a distinguished man, a magnate’Venimara [Vendimira? (name)]Venimar(us) [Vendimira? (name)]Verc [verh/vrh] ‘summit, peak, top’; as in Vercingetorix [vrshni] ‘chief, top’,

[redarič] ‘magistrate’Verina [Verena (name)] Vired(us) [v redu] ‘in order’, [vred] ‘order-maker, magistrate, policeman’Vitto [Vid (name)]Vit(us) [Vid (name)]Vocc(ius) [volki] ‘wolves’

The following is a page, chosen at random, with a few more “local and ethnic names” from Aquitania, between the Pyrenees and the Garonne. According to Whatmough, this was the area of the Celtic tribes Chatti, Tubantes, Hilaeuiones, Siduni, Suebi and Usipii. Note that he includes Swabians, Suebi as a Celtic tribe.

Belenni [Belini] ‘worshippers of Belin?’Bercorat(es) [vrh] ‘summit’, [gorate] ‘mountainous’Bigorra castrum [v gori] ‘on the mountain’Boiat(es)/Boias [boji] ‘fighters, warriors’Borodat(es) [bradat] ‘bearded’. It seems that priests wore beards even in Gallia

Togata.Bocco [bog] ‘god (divine name)’Calagorri(s) [gola] ‘treeless, bare’, [gora] ‘mountain’Ceuenna [kamen] ‘stone’, [kamena] ‘rocky’; (Ceuenna now Cévennes)Kemmen(on) [kamen] ‘stone’, [kamena] ‘rocky’; (Kemmenon now Cévennes)Cossion [kozio] ‘pertaining to goats’, [cosit] ‘mow’, [kosat (se)] ‘to wrestle,

compete’, [vezat] ‘to bind, to unite’Cossio Vasatum [Kozja Vas] ‘the Goat Village’, [vas] ‘village’Crebenn(us) [greben] ‘ridge, crest of a mountain’Dagobit(us) [Dragovid (name)] ‘drag, dear’, [vid] ‘seer’Dagober [Dragover (name), drago] ‘dear’, ver] ‘believer, priest?’ Ritomar(us) [Radomir (name), rad] ‘fond of ’, [mir] ‘peace’Lassuni [Lesna Vas, les] ‘wood’, [laz/laze] ‘clearing, new land’Losa vicus [Lesna Vas, les] ‘wood’, [laz/laze] ‘clearing, new land’Sennat(es) [seno] ‘hay’Spariani uicini [sbor/zbor] ‘meeting, congregation’, [barie] ‘bog, swamp, marsh’,

[bariani] ‘marsh dwellers’Treuidon [Trevid] ‘a Druid’; This supports my interpretation of the term Druid,

being a Trovid, a seer, not a tree venerator.Vassei [vas] ‘village’, [v vasei] ‘in the village’

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Vernosole [varno selo] ‘a safe settlement’, [varen/-a/-o] ‘safe, protected’, [selo] ‘settlement’, [verno selo] ‘loyal settlement, settlement of the devout’, [vern/-a/-o] ‘believing, devout, loyal’

Cala [skala] ‘rock’, [gola] ‘bare’Sorin(us) [Zorin/Zoran (name)]Tici [tihi] ‘the quiet one’ Vera [Vera (name)], vera] ‘faith, belief ’Verana [Verena (name)]Verina [Verena (name)]Vindemiali(s) [mali] ‘little, small, the little Wendt/Windt’Mala [melje] ‘scree, shale, sand’Bocco Hrausoni [bocco/bog] ‘god’, [hrosni/grozni] ‘terrible, tremendous, fierce’Tala [tla] ‘ground (clay)’, [tla] ‘soil, ground, earth’; appears also in some

native American tongues. Taking into account the frequent changes from L to R, even Latin terra, may be derived from this Wendish word.

Duria [dirya] ‘runs fast’; river Drava < diryava; Sanskrit: Diryava ‘fast- flowing river (in Bombay)’, river Derotcha in Switzerland.

Vara [vir] ‘spring’ Iscitto Deo [zaščita] ‘protection, God Protector?’Silun(o) Deo [Silun/silen bog] ‘mighty god’Vlat(us) [Vlado (name)] ‘ruler, leader’Mirobod [Mirovod (name), mir] ‘peace’, [vod] ‘leader, duke’Marobod [Mirovod (name)]Milo [Milo (name)]Rogat(us) [Rogat] ‘with horns’, [rog] ‘horn’Luppa [Luba (name), perhaps Lubka (name)]Samo [King Samo (name) of Noricum]Silan(us) [Siln/silen] ‘mighty, powerful, strong’Viran(us) [Vran/gavran] ‘raven’

Most of the above cited names, but not all, are names of potters. According to prof. Joshua Whatmough, men involved in the mass production of pottery were definitely all free men, not slaves. At the La Grauesenque pottery was a centre of mass-production, a recorded total of more than 750,000 vases produced by some 70 potters. Their productivity reached its peak in the middle of the 1st century A.D., established not long before the time of Tiberius. Here mixing of Gaulish with Latin is typical, as is the mixed Etrusco-Latin of vase-inscriptions at Commachio and in Campania. They counted in Celtic, but talked in a mixture of Celtic and Latin, as did workers in the linen and silver industries.

At the Blickweiler potteries we find idioms like gol or gollat [gol / golat] ‘plain, nude, without decoration?’. Some graffiti are marked ris [risan] ‘drawn, painted, decorated with

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pictures’ or prinas [pri nas] ‘at our place’. Among potters were also Lubas, Dragas, and other women. This reflects the fact that Wendish women had everywhere equal rights, at times even superior rights. Even the Teutoni tribe, also speaking a Wendish dialect, when looking in the 110 BC for virgin land for their families to settle on in southern France, asked their women to decide whether and when their warriors ought to attack or retreat. Celtic druidesses, judges like Veleda [Vlada] from the lower Rhine valley, were often preferred to their male counterparts. Even Roman citizens used to let her decide their cases.

I will add to these Wendish names a couple of longer, but incomplete and damaged inscriptions, to show that even such fragments can clearly indicate the kind of language the original text was written, that they were composed in Wendish dialects. As there was no literary Wendish at that time, writers were using their own imagination in how to spell their dialectical speech, each using his own imagination when interpreting the sounds he thought he heard.

Examples of Wendish texts on Gallic inscriptionsThe following are a few examples of inscriptions, although badly damaged and

incomplete, yet one can at a glance recognize them as Wendish inscriptions with a typical Wendish vocabulary and an ancient grammatical structure. Hundreds of such fragmented texts are described in Prof. Joshua Whatmough’s book.

Note: Wherever there is an erased or illegible letter in the text of the inscription, a half bracket sign is inserted.

The following are from southern Gaul, with my interpretation and comments added in brackets:Gallic: magiononumanu/uutlobilicedani Wendish: Magu nonu Manu/v tla bi lika dani [nono] ‘grandfather’, [tla] ‘the ground/

floor’, [lik] ‘likeness, body’ English: To the magician grandfather Manu, into the ground the body would be laid.

Gallic: ]t sole. se solso lia se Wendish: (bogu) Solu. s solzo lije se English: (to sun god) Sol, with flowing tears / spilling tears.

Inscription on the back of a stone statue of Mercury, with winged hat and money bag, 2.5 feet across the shoulders:Gallic: apr[onios/ieu[ru.s]o[sin/esum/i[aro]Wendish: a prinesem Ievru slosin / zločin JesumjarouEnglish: but I am bringing to the priest Yesomir’s sinn/guilt; Iasomar, was also the

name of an ancient Japanese hero.

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An inscription from Bouches-du-Rhône:Gallic: poreixou galliakos dede BelenoWendish: poraižau je Galc k dedu Belenu; If the r in the first word is an l, we get:

[položu (je)] ‘he layed down, offered, presented’, Galliak, Gaul / Celt / Wend, [dedu] ‘to the father/grandfather’, [Belenu / Belinu] ‘to sun-god Belin’. If it was the letter r, as prof. Joshua Whatmough assumed, we get: [porajžau (je)] ‘he came travelling’, [po reižou / po raiži] ‘after the journey’, [raiža] ‘travel, journey, trip’. In either case the inscription makes sense only in Wendish.

English: Gaul came to grandfather Belen/ Gaul travelled to grandfather Belen / came to visit.

From Saint-Remy de Provence, influenced by Greek and Latin, inscription on a cippus [kip] ‘statue’:Gallic: tavk olatiskos[Wendish: dauk ola stiskos / stiskaš / stiskač [dauk] ‘tax’, [olia (gen.)] ‘oil’, [stiskat] ‘to

press, erpress, to force, to crush’English: Tax on oil enforcer / collector.

Gallic: monimentum/nertomari/namantobogiWendish: Nertomarov monument bogu Nemantu; [monument] ‘monument’, [Nertomara]

‘Nertomar’s (name)’, [Namanto bogu] ‘to god Nemantu’English: Nertomar’s monument (erected to) to god Nemanto.

Gallic: moniminto/ Aththedomari/orbiotali Th/fili Wendish: monument / kip od Vedomara, zdelan od njegovih sinov; [monument

Athedomira / (A)vedomira] ‘Vedomir’s monument’ [orbodali / robotali] ‘made’, [rob] ‘slave, worker’; Russian: robotali ‘they worked’. Later incorporated into the German language, as Arbeit, work.

English: Vedomar’s monument, created by his sons.

Prof. Joshua Whatmough mentions that the Celtic government’s tax collector was called Tauk olat iskos [dauk vlade iskaš / iskač] ‘government’s tax seeker / tax collector

(see above)’. In the Greek alphabet: Dieukauvo [devkovo (acc.)] ‘belonging to a goddess / virgin’, [deuka] ‘a goddess, a girl’.

Romanized Gallic:Gallic: Moniminto Aboedomari orbiotali filii Wendish: Monument od Vedomara obutali / zidali (sini)English: Vedomar’s Monument built by his sons.

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A very touching inscription, a women pleading to be granted relief from her affliction, her deathness affliction, her deathness:Gallic: Mais aballana uxelodunum camboglanis bana esicaWendish: Ma jaz obolana željo danem / dam ko mi pokloniš bi enga iezika; [ma] ‘but,

and’, [jas / jaz] ‘i’, [obolana] ‘ill, afflicted’, [u željo] ‘as a wish’, [čelo] ‘forehead’, [čelu ] ‘dativ sing. of čelo’ or: [žali] ‘in distress, in sorrow’ or [ušla] ‘I came’, [danem k bogu] ‘given to god / I give to god’, [pokloniš] ‘you offer / grant’, [jesik / jezik] ‘tongue’, [num / nem] ‘deaf ’, [vana / ven] ‘out of, from’, [jezika] ‘(gen.) tongue, language, speech’

English: But I, suffering afflicted with deafness, am asking you grant me my speech.

In connection with trade, comes the following Wendish linguistic jewel: [tragula [dragulji] ‘precious stones’

Inscription from Trier:Lenus Mars [len] ‘lazy’; originally, still in Venetic [leni] ‘honorable, noble, gracious god Mars’.

Wendish aristocracy was called Tigur(i)ni and Tagorini [ti gorni] ‘these upper ones, these high up; these noblemen’, [ta gorini, (singular) ta gorni] ‘this upper one; this nobleman’. The second i-vowel in this word, is obviously the Roman habit of inserting a vowel between two consonants in Wendish words, to make them easier to pronounce. Many Roman writers remarked that Gallic aristocrats were called Tigorini in all Celtic societies.

Some Gallic ToponymsToponyms: Breoidurus/Briuodurum (now Brionne, Briare, Brueres) [bruoduor]

‘mansion at the bridge’, from [bru/brv] ‘footbridge’, [duor/dvor] ‘royal court, mansion’. The ending -durum in Gallic city names, is obviously the Wendish – [dvor] ‘court, mansion, the seat of a king’; around which eventually the city developed.

Varates, now Varas [Vrate] ‘gate, door’.

Erel, [orel/orl] ‘eagle’, Gothic: ara, German: Adler. The name of the Austrian Arlsberg mountains area, bordering on Switzerland, are obviously derived from Wendish [orl] ‘eagle’.

The ancient Gallic town Vindonissa (probably pronounced Vindonica), now called Windisch, located in central northern Switzerland.

Local names ending in Wendish [-briga] ‘mount’ [bregi] ‘hills’ are specially numerous in Celtiberia, as are, in certain parts of Gauls, those ending on Wendish [-ialum] ‘clearing’, [jalov] ‘barren, sterile’.

Ligurian toponym Cemenelon (now Cimiez), is written Kémmenon in Greek sources. [Kamenelom/ kamenolom] ‘stone-quarry’.

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We know that all ancient Wendish toponyms and personal names were highly descriptive. One example, that immediately comes to mind, is the toponym [Krtine o(m)b peči] ‘mole hills at the rock’. It describes that place perfectly. There is a chain of tree-covered small hills, with an enormous, mountain-high bare rock in the background. It is today a famous Italian Alpine tourist resort, with an ostensibly Italian name, Cortina D’Ampezzo. However, this name has in Italian no meaning whatsoever.

This should convince anyone that Wends are simply Celts, and that Celts are also called Gauls. Caesar in his De Bello Gallico states clearly: “We call them Gauls, but they call themselves Celts.” Celtic/Wendish was spoken throughout most of Europe during the Roman Empire. In some areas, like the Lower Rhine area, the Alps and in present Austria and eastern Switzerland it was still spoken in farming areas well into the 19th century. And it continues to be spoken by some 2 million Wends in Germany – where their cultural heritage was declared last year protected by UNESCO as the first ever cultural heritage.

Wendish partnership with early Rome. The revealing Wendish article [ta] ‘the’ and [ti] ‘the (pl.) these (pl.)’

Many noble Wendish families of the Veneti, Sabini [i.e., Slavini/Sloveni] and Etrusci tribes – all of whom spoke Wendish dialects - were, no doubt, also among the ranks of the early Roman patrician families, members of the Etrusci and Sabini aristocracy. A large number of names popular among them imply Wendish origins. Names like Videus, Vedeus, Ovid, point to an old connection to Wendish priesthoods. And we know that all Roman priests up to the very end of the Empire performed their religious duties in the Etruscan tongue.

The bilingual Roman historian Livy (a Venet - as Romans spelled Wend) tells us in his Roman History that Etruscans spoke the same language as his own people, Veneti. “Only” he stressed “a more refined version of the Veneti dialect.”. Therefore, even the great Roman historian, Livy, may have been called at home [Libi / Lubi] ‘darling’.

Even names like Tacitus make me wonder whether they are not derived from originally Wendish names. Any name that starts with a [Ta, Ti or To] ‘the’ - the Wendish definite article – draws my attention and arouses my suspicion that it may have a Wendish origin. Hittites called their sun god, Talepi, obviously [Ta Lepi] ‘the beautiful one’. The famous “Germanic” Cheruscan prince Arminius’/Rmeni’s little son was called in Roman texts Tamali. No doubt, he was a Wendish [Ta Mali] ‘the little boy’. In Charlemagne’s times Charl’s relative, the duke of Bavaria, former Vindelicia, was called Tassillo, obviously [Ta Silni] ‘the powerful/mighty one’. In an 11th century Bavarian chronic, a local administrator had the pleasant Wendish name Talubi, [Ta Lubi] ‘the darling’.

The famous Roman historian, Tacitus, may have been the descendant of a Cis-Alpine Wendish family. They may have been called [Ta Hitri] ‘the speedy one’. Or, if a syllable was reversed with passing of time, [Ta Tih] ‘the quiet one’.

In this group belong also Gallic aristocracy: Tigorini and Tagorini, the Roman spelling of [Ta Gorni] ‘an aristocrat’ and [Ti Gorni] ‘aristocrats’. This term was used for nobility throughout Celtic Europe, including Britain.

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Names of some great Wendish historic personalities and leaders from the Tres Galliae, Roman Emperors of Wendish descent

Vercingetorix (82 BC – 46 BC) ‘Vršni Redarič’, was a nobleman of the Celtic Arverni tribe. He united all Gallic tribes in a revolt against Caesar’s forces in 52 BC. In previous attempts of revolt, such as that led by Ambioric in 54 BC, the uprising had only local support. Vercingetorix had led the united Gauls in their most significant revolt – causing great losses to Romans – and defeated Caesar’s legions at the Battle of Gergovia. Applying the divide and rule tactics, Caesar created internal divisions among various Celtic tribes and thus eventually defeated Vercingetorix’ army in the Battle of Alesia. He took him prisoner in 46 BC and had him strangled in revenge. Napoleon III erected in Alesia a 7-meter-tall statue of Vercingetorix in 1865, inscribed: “La Gaule unie, formant une seule nacion, animée d’un même esprit, peut défier l’Universe.”

Vindex (videž/videz ‘a seer’, from which is likely derived the name vitez) was a member of an aristocratic Gallic family of Aquitania and a senator under Emperor Claudius. He held the position of a Roman governor in one of the most important Roman provinces, Gallia Lugdunensis. Its capital was the originally Wendish Lugdunum (Lyon), the second most important city of the Empire, next to Rome. In 67/68 AD, he rebelled against Nero’s tax policy and supported Galba, to replace Nero as the new Emperor. Vindex was defeated in a battle near modern Besançon. Historian Cassius Dio wrote about him: “Vindex was powerful in body and of shrewd intelligence, skilled in warfare and full of daring for any great enterprise; and he had a passionate love of freedom and a vast ambition.” When Galba became the Emperor, he struck coins to commemorate Vindex, to whom he owed his position.

All the following Roman Emperors whom I will mention next, and there are many more of them, seem to have had a Wendish background:

For example, one of the names of the highly popular Roman Emperor, Antoninus Pius, (86 AD – 161 AD) was Boianus, the Wendish Bojan, derived from Wendish [boj] 'a battle'. We know that his ancestors were an aristocratic Gallic family from the Provence. They may have belonged to the Wendish warrior cast, because only members of Celtic aristocracy were trained as warriors.

Gallic/Wendish aristocracy, including their highly educated druids and druidesses (troveds and trovedas, trovids and trovidas) were respected by Romans and treated as equals - as soon as their territories had become an integral part of the Roman Empire. Many of them were immediately granted the senatorial status. Others were admitted into high military positions. As were, for example, both Wendish princes of the Celtic Cherusci tribe, Arminius / Rmeni (18/17 BC – 21 AD), whom I have already mentioned, and his brother Flavus, who was a high officer in the Roman army. Their names indicate, one in Wendish, the other in Latin, a person with golden yellow or reddish-yellow hair.

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We know that within a couple of generations, sometime immediately, the most competent and respected members of these noble Wendish families had become Roman consuls and Roman Caesars.

Another Wend was Emperor Traianus Decius (249 AD – 251 AD). He was the first Romanized Illyrian who had reached this status. He was born in the village Budalia near the city Sirmium, now Sremska Mitrovica, 55 miles west of Belgrade. Sirmium was a very important Wendish city in the Roman Empire, a home of many Roman Emperors. It was the capital of the Wendish Illyricum which originally covered the Pannonian Plain and Dalmatia, the home of the Tolenti, as Romans spelled the name of the Wendish Dolenci. Decius was the first Roman Emperor to die in a battle against a foreign enemy, and lost in it also his son, fighting Goths in Bulgaria.

A generation later, Roman Emperors Diocletian, [Devi zakleti] ‘pledged to the divinity’ (284 AD - 305 AD) was also a Wend. He was born in a village in present Dalmatia, which was in Roman times, as already mentioned, settled by the Wendish tribe Dolenci, spelled as Tolenti on early Roman maps. He must have been a Wend. There are no reports of Roman farming colonies having been established there.

There were also several less important later emperors and caesars who had a Wendish background, particularly during the existence of the so-called Gallic Empire in the 3rd century AD. There is no plausible reason why non Gallic politicians should have tried to regain freedom and become independent of Rome to create an independent state, and then call it the Gallic Empire – had they not been Wends. The initiative for this Gallic Empire came from the lower Rhine area.

Marcus Cassianius [Kozjani?] Latinius Postumus was a Gallic general, likely from the Wendish tribe of the Batavians, in present Holland, who was proclaimed emperor of the Gallic Empire / Imperium Galliarum. It was a breakaway part of the Roman Empire that functioned de facto as a separate state from 260 AD to 274 AD. It originated during the so-called Crisis of the 3rd century. It was established in the wake of barbarian invasions and instability in Rome. At its height, it included the territories of Germania, Gaul, Britannia and (for a time) Hispania. After Postumus’ assassination in 268, it lost much of its territory, but continued under a number of emperors and usurpers. It was retaken by Roman emperor Aurelian after the Battle of Châlons in AD 274.

The Roman “Crisis” continued as the Emperor Valerian was defeated and captured by Persians in the battle of Edessa, together with a large part of the Roman field army in the east. This left his son Gallienus in very shaky control. Shortly thereafter, the Palmyrene Empire, which came to encompass Egypt, Syria, Judea and Arabia Petraea, also broke away. The governors of Wendish Pannonia also staged unsuccessful local revolts. The Emperor left for the Danube to attend to their disruption. This left Postumus, the governor of Germania Superior and Inferior in charge at the Rhine border. An exceptional administrator, Postumus had also protected the Germania Inferior against an invasion led by the Franks

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in the summer of 260. He defeated the Frankish forces at Empel decisively. There were no further Germanic raids for another 10 years. All this made Postumus one of the most powerful men in the west of the Roman Empire.

The Gallic Empire was at its greatest territorial extent after its creation by Postumus. The imperial heir, Saloninus and the praetorian prefect Silvanus stayed at Colonia Agrippina, today’s Cologne, to check on Postumus’ ambitions. Postumus laid a siege on it, and put both of them to death, making his revolt official. His capital was either Cologne, Trier or Lyon.

The Gallic Empire had its own praetorian guard, two annually elected consuls (not all of whose names have survived) and probably its own senate. According to the numismatic evidence, Postumus himself held the office of consul five times. The last emperor of the Gallic Empire was Tetricus (271AD – 274 AD). And the list goes on. The Gallic Empire was symptomatic of the fragmentation of power during the third-century crisis. It also represented autonomous trends in the western provinces, including proto-feudalistic tendencies among the Gaulish land-owning class whose support is thought to have underpinned the strength of the Gallic Empire, and interplay between the strength of Roman institutions and the growing salience of provincial concerns. One of Postumus’ primary objectives as emperor was evidently the defense of the Germanic frontier. In 261 he repelled mixed groups of Franks and Alamanni to hold the Rhine limes secure. Thus, he was not only the defender and restorer of Gaul, but also the upholder of the Roman name. All these Gallic Emperors had likely a Wendish background. All of them were men of action, ambition and courage.

I will mention another Wend, who was famous for his virtues, not for his deeds. He was born in Potovje, Poetovio, today’s Ptuj in Slovenia. Senator P. Clodius Thrasea Paetus was a man of character and a man of peace. Thrasea is probably how Romans tried to spell his Wendish name, which may have been Draže. The Wendish [Peti / Pet] ‘the fifth’, is the equivalent of the Roman personal name Quintus.

Thrasea had the misfortune of living in Nero’s time. It is reported that, having butchered so many illustrious men, Nero then desired to destroy virtue herself, as Roman writers report, by causing the death of Thrasea Paetus, and the death of another Wend, the virtuous Barea Soranus [Varia] ‘?’, [Zoran; zora] ‘dawn, aurora’. Thrasea Paetus – obviously a Wend, proud of his origins, still using the name [Peti] ‘the fifth child’, instead of the Roman “Quintus” - was the remarkable leader of the party of opposition in the Senate which yearned for the restoration of the Republic and set up the younger Cato as their ideal. Thrasea was the embodiment of their virtues. He was simple in his habits, incorruptible in his deals, and out of sympathy with the luxury of Rome.

Origins of terms Wend, Wind and Sloven(d)cI will start with the term Wend, and Wind. They are the general names for all those

people who speak today - or have spoken at any time in the past, anywhere in the world - dialects closely related to today’s Wendish, i.e., Slowensk. Wendish is an ancient language.

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The oldest, original, meaning of terms Wind and Wend may have been simply “a human, a person”. An intelligent creature capable of observing – [Vi(n)di] means, ‘he sees, a creature capable of accumulating knowledge’, [Ve(n)da] ‘means knowledge’. It seems that in the most distant past in their evolution, human tribes chose this word to identify themselves not so much as a separate group of people, but to distinguish themselves from other primate and animal species. For example, both names [Inuit and Ainu] have in their language this very meaning ‘a person, a human’.

Both these terms, Wends and Winds have retained their original form as the name for all Wendish people. Later, when their religion had evolved, these words lost their nasal form when used in terms connected to knowledge and religion. These nasals no longer existed at the time when Sanskrit Vedas were written some 3 thousand years ago.

By a simple slip of the tongue, the first syllable in Solwinds and Solwends was eventually inversed, for easier pronunciation, and they became Slowends and Slowinds, today’s Slovenci and Slovinci. In Wendish areas occupied by Romans and Franks, where new official languages were introduced, their name underwent a more radical change. For example, it changed to Swi(n)sk in Switzerland and to Swensk in Sweden, where Wends had already lost their identity and forgotten the meaning of their ancient name after having been converted to Christianity.

Wendish priesthood, their troveds, vids and veds Wends may have acquired their name much later, because of their impressive, highly

educated Druids / Trovids, who were divided into two classes, Veds, sages, scholars, and Vids, priests, prophets and seers. Their education was long and demanding, and they had to possess a photographic memory. To qualify as a druid, boys and girls were trained for more than 20 years, learning everything by heart. However, they were allowed to use writing for personal correspondence and business.

The presently generally accepted interpretation of the name Druid regards it to be derived from the Sanskrit word [dreu / drev] ‘a tree’. This does not make much sense because Ancient Wends did not venerate only trees, they respected and venerated everything Mother Nature was providing - springs, rivers, mountains, as well as trees. The present interpretation, showing pagan druids in a rather ridiculous light, is likely slanted to please Christians who demonized everything pagan – as victors always demonize those they have overthrown.

In my opinion, Druid’s name implies that they were devoting their lives to the study of various trinities: Veds in sciences, Vids in philosophy and religion, and various subtrinities. [Tro] in Wendish means ‘triple’, as in [Tromostovje] ‘the triple bridge’ in Lublana. The name Druids itself is the Roman spelling of the Wendish name of these highly educated Wendish Trovids and Troveds.

Celtic scholars stress that the national Celtic symbol was the Triskeles - a Greek word meaning three-legged – as David’s star is for Jews. It looks like a 3-branched swastika. Because they have found triskeles on the Isle of Man, in Sicily, and as far away as the

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Philippines, it may have belonged to just one branch of Celts. The 4-branched swastika, found in a much larger area once settled by Celts, was more likely to have been the original ancient Wendish symbol, popular also in India where Wends had settled.

Troveds, the ancient Wendish scholars, studied everything connected with the secular world: 1. the past (study of history), 2. the present (all arts and all sciences) and 3. the future (plans and hopes for their people’s future activities).

Trovids were priests, prophets and seers, explorers of the spiritual world:1. the lower realm of the dead, headed by Črni Bog, the Black God, the God of Darkness;2. human environment, in which humans and various spirits / deities exist, ruled by

mother-earth Goddess, usually called Baba, but known also under other names, like Semela / Zemla, the Earth, in ancient Greece; and

3. The upper realm, presided by the life sustainer, sun-god Sol, also called Belin, in France and Great Britain, Bel, in Phoenetia, Carthage, Spain and North America, or Baal.

We know that their knowledge had qualified Wendish druids to teach various subjects at Roman universities - after they were already forbidden to practice their ancestral religion. Although writers like Cicero, who mentions this, did not go into any detail, it is likely that they taught subjects in which ancient Wends excelled: astronomy, mathematics, physics, agriculture, architecture, geography and shipbuilding. Roman prohibition of their practicing their ancestral religion was founded solely on their fear that Wendish priests, trusted and respected by their own people, would organize further uprisings against them.

All previous Gallic revolts against Rome were namely led by druids/trovids and members of Wendish aristocracy. For instance, Vindex was obviously a Videž, a priest and prophet.

Names of some Wendish gods in Tres GalliaeTaruos Trigaranus, “the bull with the 3 cranes”, obviously 3 ravens [tur] ‘wild bull’,

[tri] ‘three’, [ga(u)ran] ‘raven’. Pictures of these ravens are represented on Slovene situlas. They are not cranes.

Magusanus / Hercules [mogochen] ‘mighty’.

Ogmius, the god of eloquence and the power of speech; perhaps Ogni, [ogen] ‘fire’, fiery speech. Ogni was known also in India and even on Hawaii, as the god of fire.

Boruo/Bormo, the god of warm springs [bor / vor / vi] ‘spring, fountain’.

Mercurius Dumias, a local god [dom] ‘home’ perhaps [domač] ‘pertaining to a home’.

Cernunnus, a chthonic deity [črni bog] ‘the black god’, [črn] ‘black’, [črnun] ‘the black one’. Chrni bog was also known under this Wendish name to the ancient Britons, and was, as already mentioned, still venerated by Wendish farmers in the lower Rhine area, close to Holland, in the early of the 19th century.

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Deae Matres/Matronae [matere] ‘mothers’, spirits of the springs, rivers, forests, mountains, guardians of the land and its inhabitants.

Other nations’ pride in their Celtic rootsMany European nations point proudly to the fact that their ancestors were the famous

Celts. In the introduction of a recently published book on Celts, written by Ian Barnes, The Great Historic Atlas of Celts, he writes: “Celts made an outstanding contribution to World’s Art and Culture, and many European cultures continue to be influenced by their Celtic roots.” Barnes praises them, although he is not even aware of the real extent of their influence, their real history.

Many nations pride themselves of having Celtic roots (English, Irish, Scots, Bretons, Frenchmen, Spaniards, even Germans). Their archaeologists and historians have written thousands of books describing their heroic history, their art and their other achievements. I truly appreciate their work, because they had collected vast amounts of factual data about Wends/Celts, their history, their art and their social set up. Wends would not have had the resources, to carry out such research. All the authors of these books carefully avoided mentioning the name Wend, although Wends are the only remaining direct descendants of those Celts they are writing about and praising.

No doubt, many of these official scholars know the truth, but prefer not to rock the boat, afraid to provoke the anger of their secular and religious leaders who finance them, and to lose their well-paid and secure jobs. Today, individuals like Snowden are rare, and like him unwelcome, even hated. I am sure that many professional European scholars know the truth, because it is so obvious. After all, even I, a lay person, with little time to spend on the subject, managed to discover the truth about Wends, and that quite accidentally without really trying.

The planned physical and cultural genocide of WendsMany George Orwell’s insights and visions have proven prophetic. He stated also that

“The easiest and most effective way to carry out the genocide of a people is to destroy its history and the awareness of its identity.” 3,000 years before him, the Spartan sage, Lycurgus, had also come to the same conclusion. He said “A people without a past also do not have a future.”

ConclusionRoman Tres Galliae, where ancient Wendish inscriptions cited in the above article

were discovered, originating between 250 BC and 600 AD, covered the area of today’s northern Italy, Alpine regions, France, Belgium, Holland, the Rhine Valley and Bavaria.

According to today’s generally accepted version of European history, Wends were post-Roman newcomers in Central Europe, originating somewhere beyond the Carpathians,

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who had never lived in western or northern Europe and had contributed nothing to western civilizations.

This theory is proven to be mistaken by the thousands of ancient Wendish inscription and names occurring throughout the Roman Three Gauls, quoted in the above article. It contradicts also the fact that ancient toponyms with Wendish roots are found throughout Europe, including its western and northern areas. They were already decades ago researched by Dr. Jožko Šavli and his colleagues. Contemporary historians also do not seem to have noticed that not only Latin but also all modern Indo-European languages, including the recently evolved Romance and Germanic languages, had inherited a vast number of ancient Wendish words and grammatical structures.

Examples of Wendish inscriptions and names mentioned in this article, and hundreds of additional examples of Wendish texts and names, from these areas, mentioned in my notes from Prof. Joshua Whatmough's books, prove beyond a reasonable doubt: 1. That in pre-Roman and Roman times, Wendish dialects were spoken throughout the

Three Gauls, created by Drusus in 12 B.C., in response to the Gallic rebellion provoked by his census of Gallia Comata / cosmata.

2. Wendish inscriptions excavated in the territories of the Tres Galliae, dating from 250 BC and 600 AD, show also that Wendish tribes were the most widespread and powerful tribes in these areas. This is understandable, because Wendish was the language of the first permanent settlers of Europe, its first farmers, who formed the largest section of most populations up to the end of the 19th century. That is the reason why Wendish was the lingua franca of Europe up to the expansion of the Roman empire and the introduction of Christianity.

3. Reports of Roman historians and the mentioned ancient inscriptions prove that Wendish tribes were holding in Tres Galliae, in pre-Roman times, influential social, military, political and religious positions. Examples: King [Bogatai] ‘a wealthy man’, [bogat] ‘rich’ of the Wendish Arverne tribe in today’s central France, whose young warriors defeated the Roman army and occupied Rome between 390 and 387 BC. It is interesting and revealing that a Slovene TV interviewer, Dr. Bogataj, carries today the same name.]

4. I explain in my article why the terms Gallic, Celtic, continental Celtic, Wendish, and the now supposedly “extinct” original ancient Indo-European language, on which all classical and modern Indo-European languages are based, refer to the same language.

5. Therefore, todays generally accepted linguistic theory - claiming that the ancient Indo-European language is extinct, that Celtic languages are just another subgroup of Indo-European languages - is equally mistaken.

6. In fact, the original ancient Wendish dialects, whose roots reach back into the Ice Age, continue to be spoken by some 2 million Wends - direct descendants of the first European farmers - in various farming communities in six Central European states, between the Baltic and the Adriatic coasts.

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References1. Prof. Joshua Whatmough, Prolegomena and Records of the Dialects, Harvard Studies in Classical

Philology, Volume LV; Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts 1944.2. Prof. Joshua Whatmough, The Dialects of Ancient Gaul, Harvard University Press, Cambridge,

Massachusetts 1970.3. Livy, History of Rome, The Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press, Cambridge,

Massachusetts 1911.4. Saint Gregory of Tours, The History of Franks, Columbia University Press, New York 1916.5. Theodor Mommsen, The History of Rome, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1868.6. Matej Bor, Joško Šavli, Ivan Tomažič, Veneti, naši davni predniki, Editiones Veneti, Ljubljana,

1989.7. Claude Brixhe and Michel Lejeune, Corpus des Inscriptions Paleo-Phrygiennes, Institut Français

d’Études Anatoliennes, Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations, Paris 1984.

AbstractThis article present evidence that the term Wends, Celts, Gauls and original Europeans,

refers to the same people. It also presents evidence, consisting mainly of Wendish inscriptions originating in the Tres Galliae territories during pre-Roman and Roman times (250 BC and 600 AD), that Wends were living in Gaul in ancient times. These Wendish texts alone, inscribed on monuments, suffice as irrefutable proof that Wendish was spoken at that time in France and all adjoining areas. The fact that the Wendish vocabulary forms a large part of all European languages, even those evolved under the Roman and Franco-German occupation, leads also to the logical conclusion that Wends must have lived in all those areas in earlier times. The ancient inscriptions found in Tres Galliae only confirm that fact beyond any reasonable doubt. Most of these inscriptions come from monuments dedicated to their gods, their priests, etc. Some of them are also inscribed on pottery, produced in Tres Galliae, and on other household items like pans, cups and pitchers. However, few of these inscriptions have survived in their entirety. Some, inscribed on public monuments, may have been accidentally destroyed during Gallo-Roman wars. However, most of them were intentionally damaged and broken up later by Christian’s intent on rendering all pagan texts illegible. Nevertheless, even these fragmented, damaged inscriptions reveal the undeniable fact that Wends have lived in all parts of the Three Gauls already in pre-Roman and Roman times. I explain also the evolution and the meaning of terms like Gallic, Celtic, Continental Celtic, Wendish and Indo-European, and show that all of them refer to just one language, the ancient Wendish language, known today as Slowen(d)sk, or Swensk in Sweden. Additional evidence I present, gleaned from historic sources are the numerous Wendish personal and family names, names of professions, social positions, as well as priestly and aristocratic honorific titles, popular in Roman times throughout the Tres Galliae. I mention the overwhelming and essential contribution of various Wendish tribes and families to the military, political and cultural evolution of the Roman civilization, from the founding of Rome to its demise in the 5th century.

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Korenine Slovenov in EvropejcevOrigin of Slovenes and Europeans

[email protected]

Zbornik 14. mednarodne konference


Proceedingsof the 14th International Topical Conference


Voditelj projekta – Head of the ProjectMarko Hrovat

Uredil – Edited byMarko Hrovat

Kraj – VenueCankarjeva ulica 1/IV, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

Prelom in oprema – Typesetting and layoutJulijan Kodrič, ONZ Jutro

Založnik – PublisherZALOŽNIŠTVO JUTRO, Jutro d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slovenija

Izšlo – PublishedLjubljana, Slovenija 2017

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