® Wireless Equipment Monitoring System

Komtrax Brochure

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Wireless Equipment Monitoring System

Page 2: Komtrax Brochure


Information is key...KOMTRAX gathers critical machine information to make fleet managementeasier and more effective. This data provides key information about youroperators, machines, conditions . . . and more.

KOMTRAX is Komatsu's remote equipment and fleetmonitoring system. Leading-edge wireless technolo-gy and a secure, user-friendly, Web-based applicationprovide critical information . . . anytime, anywhere.

Fact-Based Fleet andAsset ManagementKOMTRAX tells you whereyour machines are, whatthey are doing, and howthey are doing it. It pro-vides “total fleet manage-ment” capabilities forimproved fleet utilization,reduced downtime, moreprecise job costing, andlower Owning andOperating costs.

Equipment OperationInformationKOMTRAX can help keepyour machines operatingat peak performance andprovides useful informa-tion on operator habitsand abilities. KOMTRAXalso provides the informa-tion you need to maximizeoutput through increasedefficiencies, for just-in-time maintenance, pre-ventative maintenance orrebuild scheduling, andoperator training.

Improved DistributorSupport Using information provid-ed by KOMTRAX, yourdistributor can align theirmanpower, processes,and inventories to bettersupport your parts, main-tenance and serviceneeds. Accurate and time-ly information can improveresponse time and helplower costs and decreasedowntime.

User-Friendly Web-Based SystemThe KOMTRAX applica-tion is Web-based andprovides a wealth of infor-mation in a user-friendlyformat. A variety of chartsand graphs, as well asuseful search and filterparameters, make findingwhat you need fast andeasy. Data can also beprovided for custom office applications ordownloaded directly intospreadsheet applications.

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Features• Location• Geofencing • Service Meter Reading• Operation Maps• Fuel Level• Water Temperature• Cautions• Maintenance Replacement Notification• Working Hours• Load Frequency• Engine Lock• Abnormality Codes• Average Hourly Fuel Consumption• Machine Operating Information• Monthly and Annual Reports• Web Application

and more…

Features listed above are examples of information provided by KOMTRAX installed in a PC200-8 excavator.

Time of daythe machine


Daily engineon time

Actual daily workinghours of machine

Hours of daily attachment use

Fuel level at end of day

High water temperature reached during day’s operation

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Better information...decisions...returns

KOMTRAX provides timely information so that you, your distributor, and Komatsu can be moreproactive and respond faster.

KOMTRAX will allow you to gain greater control overyour operations and help increase machine componentlife, reduce catastrophic failures, eliminate mostunplanned downtime, and manage your business better.

Web Application andCustom ApplicationsThe KOMTRAX Web appli-cation allows you to seeall machine informationusing easy-to-view maps,graphs, and charts. A vari-ety of search parametersare available to quicklyfind information aboutspecific machines basedon key factors such as uti-lization rates, age, variousnotification messages, and

more. Access and viewingrights can be controlled sothat the right people seethe right information.

KOMTRAX informationcan also be downloadedinto spreadsheet programsfor further analysis oruploaded directly intoexisting office systems.

Distributor SupportKOMTRAX will help yourdistributor increase theirlevel of support for yourmachines and your specificneeds. With the improvedlevel of information provid-ed by KOMTRAX, your dis-tributor can take a moreproactive approach andanticipate your service andmaintenance needs, aswell as current and futureparts requirements.

The informationKOMTRAX provides willalso lead to faster productimprovement measuresfrom Komatsu, increasingcomponent life and reduc-ing the life-cycle cost andkeeping your equipmentworking at its optimal level.

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More FinancialAdvantagesWhen it’s time to trade-in orsell your equipment, having acomplete and accuratemachine life history mayincrease the resale value ofyour equipment. Also,Komatsu’s geofencing andengine lock features reducethe possibility that machineswill be misused or stolen.This can, in many cases,reduce insurance costs.

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KOMTRAX gives you more control over yourmachines by providing critical information aboutyour equipment and their operation. Abnormalitycodes relayed to your Authorized KomatsuDistributor, as a potential problem is occurring,allows for a higher level of support, a reduction ofexpense, and less unscheduled downtime.

Machine operation monitoring can facilitateproper maintenance scheduling and can indicate apotential problem before a minor or catastrophicfailure occurs. Operator monitoring provides accu-rate productivity and utilization information, whichwill improve efficiency and assist with new operatortraining. Additionally, the user-friendly KOMTRAXWeb application can help you easily review andmanage all of the information KOMTRAX collects, anytime ... anywhere.

At your fingertips...

KOMTRAX provides the information youneed to make the best possible operationsand management decisions . . .

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KOMTRAX utilizes a net-work of global positioningsatellites to tell you whereyour machines are at alltimes; assisting with logis-tics, fuel scheduling, andscheduled maintenance,as well as discouraging oreliminating theft and unap-proved usage.


Your Distributor can assistin creating operation areas(Geofences) that indicatewhere your machines areexpected to operate. If aposition report is receivedthat is outside of yourdefined areas, a notifica-tion is generated and dis-played on-line.

Service Meter Reading

Equipment hours can betracked for a variety ofuses including service andmaintenance scheduling.This eliminates the need tobe at the job site or to relyon another party to logand call in current hours.

Operation Maps

KOMTRAX tells you whattimes of the day yourmachines are operating;whether they are workingwhen they should be.

Fuel Level

Fuel level informationhelps you better managefuel service schedulingand can help determinewhich machines are work-ing hardest. A 15-bargraph shows how muchfuel is in the tank at theend of the day.

Water Temperature

The high water tempera-ture mark of the day isreported nightly.


You will know if a cautionlight flashes in the cab.The caution explanationand time it occurred, aswell as number of occur-rences, are displayed onthe website for yourreview.

Abnormality Codes

Abnormality codes aretransmitted only to yourKomatsu Distributor sotechnicians can trou-bleshoot the machinebefore arriving at the jobsite. This reduces travelexpense, downtime, andensures that the properparts are with the mechan-ic when they arrive, thefirst time.

MaintenanceReplacement Notification

Alerts indicate when youneed to change replace-ment items like filters andoil, for increased machineproductivity, maintenancescheduling, and longerequipment life.

Working Hours

Detailed operation infor-mation tells you how andwhen the machine is beingused and how productiveyour machines and opera-tors are. The easy to fol-low bar chart showsengine-on time, work timeas a reflection of the pres-sure relief valve, andattachment operating time.

Load Frequency

Knowing hydraulic pres-sure levels and the loadsof your machines can helpyou better schedule com-ponent replacement andprevent major failures. Italso works as an earlywarning sign for potential

overload or underload sit-uations and can tell youwhether you are using theproper sized machine forthe task.

Engine Lock

A number of engine lockand un-lock capabilitiesassure that your machinesare only operated in desig-nated areas and duringdesignated days and times.

Average Hourly FuelConsumption

Taken from the fuel injec-tion valve, you can get atrue reading of the actualfuel consumed and anaverage over the operatingperiod. This can help iden-

tify machines which areworking too hard, or nothard enough, as well asthose that may need maintenance.

Machine Operating Info

Key operation informationlike excavation, travel, dig,relief, and hoist times canhelp monitor operator per-formance and assist withtraining of new operators.

Monthly and Annual DataReports

Summaries of all criticaldata are available to helpwith fleet utilization analy-sis, machine scheduling,future equipment purchas-es, job costing, etc.

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KOMTRAX is installed in almost all new Komatsu construction equipment including:

- Excavators - Smaller Dump Trucks- Crawler Dozers - Motor Graders- Wheel Loaders- Articulated Dump Trucks

In fact, it can be installed in any piece of equipmentusing a 12V or 24V electrical system, includingservice trucks and utility machines. Additionally,KOMTRAX is available as a retrofit for oldermachines or non-Komatsu equipment.

Contact your local Komatsu Distributor foradditional information.


AESB309-02 ©2008 Komatsu Printed in USA D08(5M) C 8/08(EV-1)

www.KomatsuAmerica.com Materials and specifications are subject to change without noticeis a trademark of Komatsu Ltd. Japan

Network Connection

Should be connected to Internet or Komatsu Intranet. Internet linespeed of more than 1Mbps is recommended, but not necessary,for smooth display of maps and other graphics.


- IBM PC/AT compatible- CPU: Intel Pentium 300MHz or above (recommended)- Memory: 256MB or above (recommended) - HDD: 1GB usable hard disk space (recommended) - Display: 16-bit, 1024 X 768 or higher (recommended)


- OS: WindowsXP/Windows2000- Browser: Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or above- Electronic authentication not required for customers.

Required for distributors and Komatsu users.

System requirements