Case Study : Komatsu Ltd. and Project G (A) Presented To : Mr. Tarun Anand Presented By : The Challengers Aishwarya Garima Karthik Mubashshir

KOMATSU Case Study

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Case Study :Komatsu Ltd. and Project G (A)

Presented To : Mr. Tarun AnandPresented By : The Challengers Aishwarya Garima Karthik Mubashshir Pranav Sohel Sharan Sukhmani Varuna Vimla

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Case Synopsis

Positioning : “ Total Technologies Enterprise”. Competition : Competitive Advantage Market dynamics : Currency fluctuation,

demand-fluctuation. Market Positions : Market Share, Presence in

Domestic & International Markets Pricing decisions : Increased Product Prices Ineffective & Unstable Management :


Diplomatic and Participatory

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Case Problems

Unstable Management & Different Leadership Style

Autocratic Leader Diplomatic Leader Participatory Leader

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Case Problem: Kawai’s Era (1964 – 1982)

Established Total Quality Concept Introducing Management by Policy New System of Control i.e. PDCA Cycle

a. Plan

b. Do

c. Check

d. Act

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The Nogawa’s Era (1982 – 1987)

Price Cutting & Aggressive Sales tactics Huge capital investment to cut costs Expanding product line Research and Development Activities

Leadership Style : Highly Autocratic

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Tetsuya Katada Era(1989 – 1990)

During his Era : Stagnant Sales Less Demand of Construction Equipments

Changes : Abolish Top Down Management Approach New Slogan Revive growth in stagnant Construction

Equipment Market Capture Other Segments : Robots, Plastics,


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Case Inference

Exhibit 1 Depicts : PDCA Cycle Exhibit 2 Depicts : Market Share/ Position of both Komastu &

CAT Construction Equipment Sales Presence in Domestic & International Market Exhibit 3: Market Dynamics Demand fluctuations Currency fluctuations Govt. Policies

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Tanaka’s Era (1987 – 1989)

Focus on Domestic Market. Pricing Decisions Focus on Internationalization

Leadership Style : Diplomatic

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Conclusion and Recommendation

Impact of Leaders decisions i.e. bottom line and top line

Recommendation : Strong Foot fold in their Domestic Market. More stable and transparent

management. Product Diversification & portfolio of


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