Diocese of Dunedin Ko Te Tonga kei te Karaka - The South Calling: 6 May 2021 More new ministries, reporting on the national AAW gathering and another Gospel Conversation. Click here for a printable version of this newsletter. If you have any articles for inclusion in the next edition, please forward these to [email protected] by 9 am Monday 10 May. We appreciate any news and photos you have to pass on. Remember that we are at Alert Level 1: Keep scanning COVID-19 tracer apps, stay at home (and get tested) if you feel unwell, be safe at church - no intincting (dipping) bread into wine and use the sanitiser provided. Opportunities for daily prayer can be found on our Prayer Resources web page. Welcoming Anne van Gend, Diocesan Community Ministry Enabler On Sunday 2 May the Rev'd Dr Anne van Gend was welcomed into her role as Diocesan Community Ministry Enabler in a special service at St John's Waikouaiti. It was more than just celebrating "another pair of hands" to try and do a challenging task... Over 40 people from as far west as Kurow in North Otago through to Dunedin gathered to share bread and wine together, may of them representing smaller faith communities in isolated locations. Anne was prayed for and blessed as she was officially welcomed into her new role. Bishop Steve talked during the service on how this was not just a call to a new ministry for Anne, but a renewal of God's challenge to all of us as we seek to look at ways to connect people to faith throughout the Diocese. The Eucharist centered around three scripture passages: Genesis 12:1-8 (the call of Abram), Acts 8: 26-40 (Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch) and Mark's account of the resurrection in Chapter 16. In all of these there is a sense of taking an unknown path, reaching out to people on the margins, especially with Philip leaving a very successful revival in Samaria to go even further "on the edge" to speak to a traveling official as his chariot sped through the wilderness. As one of the smallest Dioceses in New Zealand with one of the largest geographical areas, we are "the outermost ends of the earth" with our own set of unique challenges. The Gospel of Mark has the women departing in terror and distress when the angel told them to go back to Jerusalem: it can feel overwhelming at times, but the story of the Church is one of people being renewed, equipped and given the strength to do quite extraordinary things. Terror and distress do not have the final say. It was fitting to have the service at St John's in Waikouaiti, not only as the oldest surviving Anglican church building in Otago and Southland still in use (since 1858), but as it represents a small, faithful community who are looking at ways they can continue to minister to their community. It represents one of many faith communities facing similar challenges. Already Anne has started to connect and reflect on ways that communities like this can be supported in being "good news" to others around them, and how they can respond to the same call that God has for us all. H ave a look at some photos which capture some of this occasion , and keep Anne and our smaller faith communities in your prayers as we continue to discern what God wants us to be and do.

Ko Te Tonga kei te Karaka - The South Calling: 6 May 2021

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Diocese of DunedinKo Te Tonga kei te Karaka -The South Calling: 6 May2021

More new ministries, reporting on the national AAW gathering and another GospelConversation.

Click here for a printable version of this newsletter. If you have any articles for inclusion in the nextedition, please forward these to [email protected] by 9 am Monday 10 May. Weappreciate any news and photos you have to pass on.

Remember that we are at Alert Level 1: Keep scanning COVID-19 tracer apps, stay at home (andget tested) if you feel unwell, be safe at church - no intincting (dipping) bread into wine and use thesanitiser provided.

Opportunities for daily prayer can be found on our Prayer Resources web page.

Welcoming Anne van Gend,Diocesan Community MinistryEnablerOn Sunday 2 May the Rev'd Dr Anne van Gend waswelcomed into her role as Diocesan Community MinistryEnabler in a special service at St John's Waikouaiti. It wasmore than just celebrating "another pair of hands" to try and

do a challenging task...

Over 40 people from as far west as Kurow in North Otago through to Dunedin gathered to sharebread and wine together, may of them representing smaller faith communities in isolated locations.Anne was prayed for and blessed as she was officially welcomed into her new role.

Bishop Steve talked during the service on how this was not just a call to a new ministry for Anne, buta renewal of God's challenge to all of us as we seek to look at ways to connect people to faiththroughout the Diocese.

The Eucharist centered around three scripture passages: Genesis 12:1-8 (the call of Abram), Acts 8:26-40 (Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch) and Mark's account of the resurrection in Chapter 16. In allof these there is a sense of taking an unknown path, reaching out to people on the margins,especially with Philip leaving a very successful revival in Samaria to go even further "on the edge" tospeak to a traveling official as his chariot sped through the wilderness.

As one of the smallest Dioceses in New Zealand with one of the largest geographical areas, we are"the outermost ends of the earth" with our own set of unique challenges. The Gospel of Mark hasthe women departing in terror and distress when the angel told them to go back to Jerusalem: it canfeel overwhelming at times, but the story of the Church is one of people being renewed, equippedand given the strength to do quite extraordinary things. Terror and distress do not have the finalsay.

It was fitting to have the service at St John's in Waikouaiti, not only as the oldest surviving Anglicanchurch building in Otago and Southland still in use (since 1858), but as it represents a small, faithfulcommunity who are looking at ways they can continue to minister to their community. It representsone of many faith communities facing similar challenges. Already Anne has started to connect andreflect on ways that communities like this can be supported in being "good news" to others aroundthem, and how they can respond to the same call that God has for us all.

Have a look at some photos which capture some of this occasion, and keep Anne and oursmaller faith communities in your prayers as we continue to discern what God wants us to be anddo.

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Anglican Association of WomenNational Gathering 2021Dot Muir attended the Association of Anglican Women (AAW)conference in April and reports on what took place.

I was privileged as the Association of Anglican WomenDunedin Diocese President to attend this conference lastmonth.

This conference was held in the lovely setting of StMargaret’s College, 12 Winchester St Christchurch.

As I am the newly appointed president and only learningwhat all these wonderful ladies do to help others in ourcommunities and overseas, it was a really learningexperience for me.

The accommodation in 3 of 6 dormitories of St Margaret’sboth with 14 beds where each person had their own cubicalwas quite different from our home environment but also

very comfortable and warm.

The conversations held over supper in the common rooms was so important, the time we learnt ofother groups activities and fund raising ideas.

Worship and presentations of a candle to each Diocese was held in an lovely old chapel that hadbeen transported to St Margaret’s from another region. Many other worship times were heldaround tables, and having all the groups from all over NZ paraded with their banners in theTransitional Cathedral on the Sunday was certainly a special occasion and after lunch in TheCommunity of the Sacred Name.

Workshops Included:

Coping with Grief with Joanne Smith: Messy Church with Angela Brown: Anglican Missions Board with Steph Fry: Flax Weaving with Gianne Harrison.

Everyone enjoyed these so much it was difficult for the organisers to move people on.

Special speakers : Rev'd Dr Pauline Stewart, Support for families and Rosie Fife from CMS. Allworkshops and special speakers were so engaging.

The Theme of the conference was Renewal, and for the next three years it is to be Refresh, Renew,Rejoice.

Thank you to you all


Dot Muir

Thy Kingdom Come 2021Who is in your prayers right now to be drawn into the love ofChrist?

Last year Thy Kingdom Come was very different because ofthe Coronavirus. For many in the world this is still a verychallenging time, but the heart of the movement remainsunchanged - to pray for people to know the hope, peace andlove of Jesus Christ. A virtual launch (webinar) took placethis year on 9 March.

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A variety of things will be happening from 13 to 23 May, and you are invited to be part of this inwhatever way you can. You may find the Diocese of Wellington's website helpful with suggestionsof how you can become involved.

Have a look at the international They Kingdom Come website for more information andresources on how you and your Parish can be involved this year.

Cheques and Visiting MinisterformsThe days of cheques are numbered, with the Diocesan Bank(ANZ) no longer accepting these for payment from the end ofMay 2021. We have also changed our Visiting Minister Formto take this into account.

By now your own bank should have been in touch to talkabout new arrangements once cheques are phased out. If

you have not heard from them or made any arrangements, please do so as soon as possible.

The Diocesan Office will not be able to accept cheques for payment of invoices after 26 May 2021.Please make sure any cheques are with us before this date.

The visiting minister forms have also been updated to reflect this change. Please email or postyour forms to us as usual, but don't make any payments to us. We will check that your calculationsare correct and send you an invoice.

You can find all current Diocesan Forms on our website in the Resources area.

Children and Youth Leaders SafetyTrainingThe Diocese of Dunedin is committed to ensuring theSafety of Children and Young People. Our Child, Youth,and Family Educator is providing two workshops in Mayfor those that minister to Children and Young People.

If you regularly minister with children and young people inthe Diocese of Dunedin it is a minimum requirement that

you attend two workshops every three years. These two workshops are being provided during themonth of May. They will cover abuse and how to respond and safety and boundaries in yourministry. These workshops are designed to be interactive and to get you thinking about your specificministry context. These workshops are also a great opportunity to meet others who are ministeringto children and young people.

Protection and Abuse

This workshop provides a basic understanding of abuse and how to respond.

When: 17th of May 2021, 6pm - 9pmWhere: The Diocesan Office, 1A Howden Street, Green Island

Dinner provided

Safety and Boundaries

This workshop provides a basic understanding of safety and boundaries in your ministry

When: 24th of May 2021, 6pm - 9pm

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Where: The Diocesan Office, 1A Howden Street, Green Island

Dinner provided

Contact our Child, Youth, and Family Educator to register for these training events:

Rev. John Graveston, Email: [email protected] or phone 0220496029

Gospel ConversationsContinuing in our Gospel Conversations, this week we talkabout the Gospel for Easter 6, Sunday 9 May 2021.

See all the videos in this series on our website

In this Gospel Conversation for Easter 6, the DiocesanMinistry Educator Michael Godfrey is joined by Bishop Steve Benford, Katie Marcar (University ofOtago New Testament lecturer) and Steve Mitchell (Pilot and Businessperson, Invercargill). Theconversation is on John 15: 9-17 exploring what it might mean to be the True Vine... on being lovedand loving each other. Who would have thought that God wants to be our friend....?!

Each week the Diocesan Ministry Educator engages with a panel of biblical thinkers, in a free-flowingconversation about the forthcoming gospel reading. The idea of these conversations is to tease outand float ideas about and responses to the weekly passage, not as an academic exercise but as acreative dance with the text and the Spirit who enlivens the text for us.

Link to Video

Social Service Funds GrantsThe Social Justice Committee (SJC) has opportunities fromtime to time for parishes and other Diocesan organisationsto apply for grants. A further funding round is taking placewith the closing date of midday Friday 14 May 2021.

Please note that funding is limited and the Social Justice Committee may not be able torecommend assisting all applicants with their total costs.

Grants are made by the Diocesan Council on the recommendation of the Social Justice Committeeand are expected to be sought on a quarterly basis, with the ability to consider urgent applicationsoutside that time-frame on a one-off basis.

In March 2021 the following funding applications submitted during the last funding round wereapproved by Diocesan Council: Leslie Groves Society for new beds for the Sheen Street rest home;South Centre for new computer purchases; Parata Anglican Charitable Trust for a washer-disinfector; Home of St Barnabas Trust for new laptops (for remote working); Anglican FamilyCare for Home Based Support.

Social Service Funds: The closing date for applications for all grants is middayFriday 14 May 2021.

Please note that most of the funding available in this category are for projects that comeunder the definition of aged care.

Application forms (see below) may be submitted on-line using this link or in hard copy, but in eithercase must be sent to the Social Justice Committee care of the Registrar (Mr Andrew Metcalfe), sothat they can be considered by the Social Justice Committee on 16 May, with the Diocesan Councilconsidering grant recommendations at its 18 May meeting.

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Application forms/further information:

Social Service Funds Grant Application Form (pdf version) (a form you can write on andsend back, see attachments at the end of this article) or Social Service Funds GrantApplication Form (Word version that you can type into and send in – also attached at theend of this article).

Contemporary theology in 21Ccontext:Journalist Ian Harris has for 20 years written newspapercolumns on sacred and secular, faith and reason, in the ODTand Dominion Post. In Hand in Hand he compiles 59 of thesecolumns with a Foreword by Bishop Richard.

The columns are rich in contemporary theology in thecontext of 21C society. Great resources for sermons or study


With pre-order discounts of 15% until 9 May, copies are available for $25.50 via Bishop Richard -email [email protected]. Tel 04 976 6050. P&P $5.50 if posted.

For orders of 5 or more please contact the publishers (see attached flyer) who offer free postage.

Vaughan Park Scholarships 2022The Governance Board invites applications for Vaughan ParkResidential Scholarships in 2022.

A Scholarship offers the successful applicant a supportiveand encouraging space and place for reflection, study andwork. Comfortable en-suite studio acommodation and allmeals are provided.

I te Pāpaho - In the MediaKeeping up to date with recent news about our parishes,organisations and the wider church.

Latest Videos

See our Faith Communities webpage (it may take a fewmoments to load)

See also the full article about the above Gospel Conversations series.

Local Media

Fifty Years of Anglican Family Services Documented: Fifty years of "creative, responsive, andinnovative" work has been celebrated by Anglican Family Care (ODT, 28 April 2021).

Saints in Coffee Jars: The relics discovered from a Christchurch Icon - an article from the Spinoffabout some interesting discoveries under the demolished Christchurch Catholic Cathedral (26 April2021).

National Anglican News at Taonga CWS launches India CovidAppeal

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Christian World Service has opened an urgent appeal to help their partners in India to protect poorand marginalised communities from the impact of the country's widespread coronavirus outbreak.

Helping NZ honour Prince Philip

Wellington’s Cathedral of St Paul has joined with the New Zealand Government’s Department ofInternal Affairs(DIA) and the state Visits and Ceremonial Office(VCO) to host a national memorialservice for HRH Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh.

Anglicans back EcoChurch start-up

Christian conservationists A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand and Eco Church coordinators inWellington and Auckland Dioceses are encouraging Anglicans to join a national Eco Church network.

In the National & International Media

(with thanks to the Diocese of Christchurch)


India’s plight is horrific. Let’s pray for India and if possible, give to the India CWS appealBoth Cathedrals are in the news this week: Anglican and Catholic.Eco Church and A Rocha ANZ are encouraging all Anglican Churches to join the nationalnetwork.Pasifika Church Ministers to model getting the vaccine.You're invited to Living God's Future Now conversation—Stephen CottrellVaping is a smoking cessation tool—yeah right?

Worth a look

Shincheonji: Korean church or dangerous cult?New Chch Catholic complex to cost $100millionWhat John Stott can teach today's EvangelicalsWhy ancient biblical scholars argued for reparationsCofE focuses on technical college chaplaincy missionNZ biker ministry transforms addicts into disciplesUK Methodists dump Shell over weak climate planNZ Plymouth Brethren face abuse accusationsAussie Orthodox found siphoning aged care fundsUK vicar climbs Everest in his church belltowerIsrael mourns 45 dead in Jewish festival tragedyGeorge Floyd, St James and the power of namesArtists sets out on 10 women of faith fresco chapelChaplain highlights therapeutic power of natureAB Wales: don't let kindness vanish with CovidRC Sudan bishop shooter may have church linkUS Cathedral installs holocaust survivor statueLady Tureiti Moxon calls for Crown apologyChristchurch to light up the sky for MatarikiAll emergency housed NZers need social workersBrexit returns Northern Irish clergy to peacekeepingAbp York: Opposing racism is a gospel imperativeGafcon Deputy admits to adultery while ArchbishopGuilty verdict 'island of justice in river of Black pain'Faith leaders praise Derek Chauvin guilty verdict

Events and Calendar

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Events and CalendarRead on for events throughout the Diocese, includingcommunity events which may be of interest.....

Let us know anything that your Parish, community service or other organisation is doing andwe will place it here. Make sure you visit this page regularly and keep all that is going on inyour prayers.

Link to Diocesan Office Calendar

Regular meetings and events at/organised by the Diocesan office in a monthly calendar format

Link to Christian Calendar

Dates for feast days and other Christian observations

SHARED WORSHIP OPPORTUNITIESDaily Morning Prayers: Tuesday to Saturday at 9 am via Zoom with Bishop Steve. Nocomputer or smart phone? Telephone 04 886 0026 (it may be a toll call depending on yourplan), then key in the meeting ID: 959 771 603 66Daily Evening Prayer: Tuesday to Friday at 5 pm with Bishop Steve. Meeting ID: 934 84250283See our website page for details on connecting electronically and in-person toworship.CHILDREN AND YOUTH TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES

Scope Way to Go ConferenceRefresh the mess: Messy Church Australia National ConferenceIntergenerate and Children's Spirituality Summit

See separate article for more information


CONTEMPORARY SERVICE: 7pm @ All Saints Invercargill on the first and third Sundays of eachmonth except January.

FELLOWSHIP GROUP & Tea Monday 10 May 6 - 9pm @ Jocelyn Graeme's home. Jocelyn will be thespeaker. Please bring a meal contribution. Jocelyn's home is 68 Pomona Rd East(Turn right at theMakawera Country Club)

SOUTHLAND FAITH THINKING: EXPLORING THE TRINITY Friday 7 May 7 - 9pm & Saturday 8 May 9-12pm. Seminar room @ First Church in Tay St.

You can register by simply clicking here (preferred method). It opens a pre-filled e-mail. Fill in yourname/names and click send. Alternatively you can phone the administrator Tracy Christie at FirstChurch Invercargill (218 2560). She is there mornings only Tuesday through Friday.


23rd May 7pm Holy Trinity 61 King St - Invercargill

Poster attached.



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FALLING LEAVES AND GATHERING KINDLING - An Autumn Retreat with the Rev. Dr. HilaryOxford Smith and harpist and singer, Julie Saraswati.

Friday 7th May 2021 9.30am – 4pm @ 296 Teschemakers Road, Oamaru.

$95.00 per person.

Please see attached poster for full details.

To register: Please email [email protected] or ‘phone 021 0283 5435.


Balclutha Presbyterian Church, 72 Clyde Street, Balclutha

A chance for lay preachers and interested people to get together and share resources, shareconcerns and learn some new skills.

All lay preachers and interested people are invited. This is being run by the Methodist Synod ofOtago and Southland, though both the organisers – Dorothy and Rachael – are also on the Executiveof the New Zealand Lay Preachers Association (NZLPA) and are hoping this will become a semiregular event for people across Presbyterian, Anglican and Methodist churches.

See attached Poster for details.


Social Justice advocates and experts in Aotearoa are invited to a Social Justice Hui

POSTPONED - New date August 27th - 29th 2021

This was previously scheduled for May 14th - 16th.

If you have already secured your own accommodation or flights and need help to reschedule orcancel these, please feel free to email me.

If you have already registered for the hui, I will be in contact soon to confirm attendance to the laterdate.

I hope to still see you at the hui when it is run in August, more details including a programme, willbe released soon.

Please email me with and questions or concerns.

Kristy Boardman

[email protected]

AFFIRM Training Opportunities - a variety of these are planned for 2021, see the flyer attachedbelow:

Prayer and walking in Spirit with SOMA (short-term mission experts), 4 Tuesday evenings 4-25MayWorldviews and Communicating across cultures with BTC, 4 evenings in the weeks of June 7-29Sharing the faith in practice with Church Army (gospel sharing experts), 3 Tuesday evenings27 July—10 AugustPrayer Ministry in the Spirit’s Power with SOMA (short-term mission experts), 4 evenings inthe weeks of September 6—27Confidence in the Bible with Bishopdale College, 3 evenings in the weeks of October 18—November 1

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OTHER COMMUNITY EVENTS People in Place - Environmental Sustainability

Monday 17 May at Leith Valley Presbyterian Church.

A cross-discipline professional development, for ministers, youth workers, pastoral & communityworkers, as well as counsellors, by Silvia Purdie.

This training day will cover practical sustainability for churches and community agencies, and it willalso be training in what is emerging as ‘green practice’, i.e. promoting both human andenvironmental wellbeing.

More information and registration at: www.place.net.nz/training

Poster also attached below.


The latest April newsletter from South Centre is below.

The latest UCANZ newsletter is attached below.

For Southland News to pass on, contact Keith Gover: [email protected] or 027 2224055For all other news, contact the Diocesan Office

Vacancies: 6 May 2021A regular update of Diocesan vacancies and those furtherafield.

Diocese of Dunedin

Anglican Parish Vicar required for Saint Peter’s Caversham, Dunedin

A traditional Anglo-Catholic benefice in Dunedin, New ZealandSolid foundation of Anglican worshipEngaged and supportive congregationProgramme of community contactOpportunities to grow the parishLarge vicarage and grounds suitable for a young familyOutdoors activities abound from coast to alpsA university city with excellent education at all levelsMinimal COVID restrictions at present

For further information see: www.stpeterscaversham.org.nz

Applications close on 30 June 2021.


Otago Peninsula Parish


The Otago Peninsula Anglican Parish is seeking a permanent part-time Priest in Charge/Vicar.

The post is open to any Priest in Anglican Orders who is entitled to live and work in New Zealand.

The parish is able to support a 50% stipend, and the appointee would be ably supported by a strongteam of lay-leaders, two local priests and a number of retired clergy. The appointee would be aperson who values and enhances this leadership, and the appointment would be for a three-yearterm in the first instance. Accommodation and/or an accommodation allowance on a pro rata basiswould be arranged with the successful applicant.

The Otago Peninsula is on the edge of Dunedin City, which provides rich experiences of arts, sports,

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academic and other cultural benefits. The parish includes suburban and scattered ruralcommunities, and has reflected that diversity over its long history. The story of the parish since itsconception has been one of creative and adventurous approaches to ministry and mission. Theparish has a strong record of exploring creative and inclusive models of ministry, empowering lay-leadership, engaging actively in social justice issues, affirming women’s priestly and other ministries,all underpinned by often innovative yet always faithful sacramental and liturgical worship. In July2019 the Parish voted to consolidate its ministry, mission and outreach and its liturgical life at StMichael and All Angels’ Church in Andersons Bay. The appointee would lead the cooperativeamalgamation of the individual faith communities (and their differing traditions), while continuingthe parish’s developing connections with the various communities that form the demographic of theOtago Peninsula.

The Bishop of Dunedin is looking to appoint Priests who are practising and modelling lives of prayer,a commitment to the Bible, and witnessing to the risen life of Jesus Christ.

To request a Parish Profile or to make informal enquiries please contact:

Rt Reverend Steven Benford (Bishop of Dunedin) PO Box 13170, Dunedin 9052 New Zealand.

Email: [email protected] Phone: (03) 488 0826

To apply, please send a formal letter of application, your CV/resumé, and the details of tworeferees to the above address.


Anglican Family Care: For current vacancies see their website here_______________________________________ Diocese of Christchurch Amberley Parish Part Time 0.75 FTEVicarThe Parish of Amberley seeks a new Vicar to provide strong and inspirational spiritualguidance and leadership. We are looking for an ordained priest who can relate to all agegroups, especially young people, and who has a good appreciation of the church’s role in ruralcommunities. Our new vicar will be able to build on existing community connections andrelationships, and have the energy and motivation to meet the demands of building a parish.We seek a vicar who will have a good sense of humour and be relaxed, warm and welcoming.

Amberley is an active, growing, rural service centre town, in North Canterbury, home to the HurunuiDistrict Council, and approximately 40 minutes’ drive from the centre of Christchurch city. A parishprofile and an expression of interest form are available by emailing the Executive Assistant at theDiocese of Christchurch: [email protected] or by phoning 03 348 6701.

Applications, which must include a CV, a response to the profile of not more than four pages, and astatement about your faith and personal approach to ministry, are requested by 5 pm Tuesday 8June 2021 and are to be sent to [email protected]


Full time Vicar Woodend-PegasusParish

Our diverse, vibrant, multi age range, growing faith community seeks a full-time Vicar - someonewho is able to open new connections in the growing community while sustaining and expandingexisting connections; someone who is sympathetic to the needs of all age groups; who has a strongliturgical base but is open to new styles and approaches in worship, building on the existingdiversity of worship styles. We need a person who can lead and inspire, has a positive outlook and isable to foster our talents.

Our traditional whitewashed Anglican Church sits on the northern boundary of the Woodendtownship and the parish encompasses the growing Pegasus and Ravenswood developments. Themission fields of this growing region are extensive and will be rewarding.

If the Holy Spirit prompts you to apply, we look forward to meeting you. A parish profile and anexpression of interest form are available by emailing the Executive Assistant at the Diocese ofChristchurch: [email protected] or by phoning 03 348 6701.

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Applications, which must include a CV; a response to the profile of not more than four pages, and astatement about your faith and personal approach to ministry, are requested by 5 pm Monday 24May 2021 and are to be sent to [email protected]


Diocese of Nelson All Saints Parish, Nelson - Vicar (full-time)

The All Saints parish is looking for a new parish leader who can get to know us, teach us, challengeus and help us to keep alive the vision to introduce people to Jesus Christ and make disciples whomake disciples. We need someone who is focused on relationships and not programmes, can lead alarge staff and ministry team, and can work with the wider Anglican church in the Nelson Diocese.

Our vision is: “To be an all-age, multicultural community shaped by Jesus” responding to Jesus’ GreatCommission (Matt 28:18). We believe the parish is being called into a space of healthy growth,equipping us as disciples on a mission to reach our neighbourhoods. The new vision is one wherewe welcome a richer and fuller experience of God through people of all ages, different cultures andbackgrounds–all invited to belong, everyone helping someone, together in worship and as family onmission.

We have a long history as an evangelical church, and we are looking for someone who is a goodteam leader; a skilled biblical preacher and teacher; can accept and manage responsibilities as theexecutive leader; can communicate vision and lead others towards that vision and they can delegateand give people room to exercise their gifts and skills.

Due to Covid-19 border restrictions, applications are restricted to New Zealand citizens or thosewith permanent residency.

Expressions of interest can be made through the Bishop's office by sending a formal letter ofenquiry and current CV, to the Bishop's PA, [email protected] or Ph: 03 548 3124

Closing date: Friday May 28, 2021

See attached Parish profile


Victory Parish, Nelson. Minister in Charge, 0.7 FTE

Victory Church is a diverse community who seek to live by faith in Jesus Christ, to be known by loveand to be a voice of hope. We are a church made up of different cultures, ages, and backgrounds.Our vision is:

“Cross Culture. Life in Jesus Shared”.

We are looking for a 0.7 FTE Minister in Charge to lead a team of committed lay people to builddisciples and reach out to impact and transform the local community. The ability to communicatevision and to build relationships in a multi-cultural setting are key qualities we are looking for. VictoryParish is looking for someone to provide good biblical teaching and be open to what the Holy Spiritis doing amongst us and the wider community.

Due to Covid-19 border restrictions, applications are restricted to New Zealand citizens or thosewith permanent residency.

Expressions of interest can be made through the Bishop's office by sending a formal letter ofenquiry and current CV, to the Bishop's PA: [email protected] or Ph: 03 5483124 Closing date: Friday May 28, 2021

See attached Parish profile


Blenheim South Parish - Vicar (full-time)

St Christopher's is looking for a full-time Vicar to lead a team of committed lay people to builddisciples and reach out to impact and transform the local community. We have a long history as anevangelical church, deeply valuing good biblical teaching and a missional focus. Our church is wellresourced and we are looking for someone with a passion for the gospel, good relational skills,management skills and who is a genuine team worker.

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Expressions of interest can be made through the Bishop's office by sending a formal letter ofenquiry and current CV, to the Bishop's PA, [email protected] or

Ph: 03 548 3124

Closing date: Friday 4 June 2021 . This is a re-advertised position.


Diocese of Wellington St Michael and All AngelsNewlands


Are you up for leading our efforts to bring God’s Kingdom into the heart of the Newlandscommunity?

We are a loving, stable, and eclectic body of faithful disciples desiring to reach out in practical waysto embrace and support the growing Newlands community. Our vision is to be and to buildcommunity. We run a food co-operative, help provide community lunches, hold a school uniformexchange and our buildings are available for community use. But we want to do more. A projectbeing managed by the Diocese will see much needed affordable housing built on our land soon.

We’re looking for an ordained parish leader who will both help us to build up the spiritual heart ofour parish and to challenge and enable us to better serve God in our local community. You can learnmore about us by reading our parish profile at St Michael and All Angels Newlands - Parish Profile(smn.org.nz).

The position is up to 0.7FTE. We have a five-bedroomed vicarage beside the church but are open todiscussing alternative housing arrangements with you.

Applications, including your c.v and a covering letter describing your sense of call to serve at StMichael’s, should be sent to the Bishops’ assistant Paul Carey [email protected] no laterthan Friday 14 May 2021.



World Council of Churches

Programme Executive Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation

See attached information below

Bishop Steven's Diary 6 - 12 May2021To invite Bishop Steven to an event or make an appointmentto see him, please contact his EA Nicola [email protected] or 03 488 0826. Thank you.

Thursday 6 and Friday 7 May


Saturday 8 May

9am Daily Morning Prayers - Zoom

Sunday 9 May

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10am - Winton

2pm - St Mark's Otara

7pm - Cathedral - A Service of thanksgiving for the life of HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Monday 10 May

Day off

Tuesday 11 May

9am Daily Morning Prayers - Zoom

10.30am Diocesan Trusts Board and Diocesan Council meeting

5pm Daily Evening Prayers - Zoom

Wednesday 12 May

9am Daily Morning Prayers - Zoom

Various meetings

5pm Daily Evening Prayers - Zoom

Synod 2021 Essential InformationAll you need to know and links to essential documents forSynod in 2021. Please note: If we move from Alert Level 1 toAlert Level 2 or above, this Synod will be held virtually usingZoom.

Webpage: https://www.calledsouth.org.nz/synod-info/

This is the best way to access the most important information about Synod (currently beingupdated)

Parish and Local Churches Annual ReturnsSee separate article on this. These are now overdue, please send completed forms to theDiocesan Office as soon as possible.

17-19 September 2020: Second Session of the 61st Synod @ St Matthew's Church,Dunedin

Synod will convene on Friday 17 September at 7.00 pm with the Synod Eucharist (venue to beconfirmed). (Clergy are not robing for this service).

Synod will reconvene Saturday 18 September at 8.30am (St Matthew's Dunedin) and willconclude no later than midday on Sunday 19 September.

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Lay representatives to Diocesan Synod are elected on a two year cycle with representativeselected at Parish/Local Church AGMs in 2020.

Key dates to be aware of:

Beginning of June - request for reports (for Synod book) and mail out to Synod reps(catering forms and if only require Synod book electronically, accommodation options).Reports are due 22 JulyThursday 29 July - last day to submit any Bills to the Registrar (50 days before Synod)Thursday 5 August - Bills (and Motions printed in the Synod book) submitted to theCommittee on Statutes and Standing Orders (43 days before Synod)Thursday 19 August - Bills and Motions returned to the Registrar (28 days before Synod)Monday 16 August - request for printed copy of Synod papiers deadline (we will beprinting the Synod book in 3 parts: Part 1 - Synod Proceedings and Paperwork (sent to allSynod reps); Part 2 - Reports (by request only, available on-line); Part 3 - FinancialInformation (by request only, available on-line). More information about requesting papersbelow.Friday 20 August - Synod paperwork printedFriday 27 August - Synod books and other paperwork posted out plus available on-line(21 days before Synod).Friday 3 September - Deadline for further notices, motions, petitions, questions plus lastday for notification of any Synod Representative alternates.

The Synod Book - in progress, see time frames above. The Synod book will be made availableelectronically. If you want a hard copy to take with you to Synod, you must contact the Registrarbefore close of Business (4 pm) on Monday 16 August, and we will arrange printing of this for you(click on the link in the above line, this will generate an email with Request for Synod Book in thesubject line)

Catering - More information to follow, deadline Thursday 9 September 2021

Pre-Synod Archdeaconry meetings for all Lay and Clergy reps: Details to be confirmed.


Attendance - Leave of Absence

All Synod reps are expected to attend this session of Synod. If you are unable to attend, email theBishop via his Executive Assistant, Nicola Wong with Request Synod Leave of Absence in thesubject line, or phone 03 488 0826.

A reminder that the Guide to Synod is useful to have a look at, especially for newer Synodmembers.Also, check out the 2020 Yearbook which contains a record of the proceedings from Synod2020.

If you have any questions please contact the Diocesan Office: [email protected] orphone 03-488-0821

Revised Statutes Now AvailableDiocesan Council (as the Standing Committee of theSynod) is able to amend Schedules and Regulations fromtime to time. Three changes have been made this yearto Statutes 3, 17 and 27. These are now available and wewill post them out in the next few weeks to all who havepreviously requested hard copies.

Statute 3: The Parishes, Regional Deaneries and LocalChurches Amendment Statute 2019

Statute 17: The Diocesan Institutions Statute 1918 (2006)Statute 27: The Stipend and Allowances Statute 1972 (1973)

The motions made at Diocesan Council that brought about these changes are as follows:

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Diocesan Council January2021

Motion 22.1: That material in connection with the Second Session of the 61st Synod 2021 heldvirtually or in person between the dates of 17-19 September be issued both electronically and inprinted form, on the basis that electronic copies (published Friday 20 August) and/or whererequested printed copies (sent out on Friday 13 August) to be received by Friday 20 August 2021,being 28 days before that Synod. (Please note, this is not a change to a Statute, but lays out theprocedure for Synod Paperwork for this year).

Motion 24.2 - Policy Resolution Statute 27: Assistant Curate in Training Stipend – That thestipendiary rate for an Assistant Curate in training be set at 0.9333% of a full stipend, to recognisethe training component involved.

Diocesan Council March 2021

Motion 10: That the Co-operative Parish of Brockville be removed from the first Schedule of Statute3.

Diocesan Council April 2021

Motion 14: That the Invercargill Homes for the Aged (Takitimu) be removed from the Schedule ofStatute 17.

Please let us know if you want a copy of these sent to you (and you haven't received thesepreviously), including if you would like it in A4 (larger) or A5 (smaller) size.

10 Steps to Less Waste in 10 MonthsOne of our Five Marks of Mission is to strive to safeguard theintegrity of creation and sustain and re-new the life of theearth. Here is Step 4 of the challenge for the month of May.

The following is a resource for churches and whanau. Please copy and share (freecopyright). More material and videos at: www.conversations.net.nz/rubbish-challenge.html. Bible verse: Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you maydiscern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.

‘Big Idea’

Cheap and convenient is not always good! If we take into account the long-term cost of plasticwaste, cheap disposable items are actually very costly. They do harm to creation. Doing what weknow is wrong is sin, and damages our relationship with God.

Question - for reflection & discussion

How do you respond to the challenge that buying cheap throw-away things is wrong, even a sin?

Watch video at www.conversations.net.nz/rubbish-challenge.html

Action Step for May

Review what single-use items you buy.

When do disposables seem a good option?

for large numbers of peoplefor picnics and outside eventsfor hygiene reasons

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Explore alternatives.

Choose to stop buying throw-away items such as cups or plastic cutlery.


Lord have mercy – we confess to you:we like what is easy and convenient.Christ have mercy – we ask of you:renew our lives to live your way.Lord have mercy – we offer to youall we value and choose and buyto the praise of your glorious grace.Amen.

To receive the resource (free!) each month (Feb-Nov this year only) please email:[email protected]

Caring for Creation: A-Z Tips forChurchesHow are you doing when it comes to one of our Marks ofMission, caring for creation? Eco Church has a fun practical

pointers for churches you could use as a starter...

Link to Posters Have fun - and let us know if there are any stories you canshare.

arocha.org.nz ecochurch.org.nz

A Faith Thinking Course: GoingDeeper into 1 CorinthiansThe latest Faith Thinking course is taking place from 7 to 9pm, Thursday 6 May 2020

This Course costs $20.

To enrol please go to: https://www.otago.ac.nz/continuingeducation/index.html

Faith Thinking courses are jointly organised between the Theology Programme and some DunedinChurches, and supported by Continuing Education at the University of Otago.

Paul Trebilco Professor of New Testament Studies

Trustee required for Selwyn CollegeBoardSelwyn College Board of Governors are looking for a newTrustee with financial expertise.

The Board of Governors, appointed by Synod under theDiocese of Dunedin Statute 19, are responsible for governance of the College. The Board ischarged with promoting an inclusive academic residential community founded on the principle ofmutual care, valuing and promoting the physical and spiritual well-being of all of its members.

We are looking for someone who is a practicing accountant of some experience, preferablyincluding governance. It is with excitement the Board progresses a feasibility plan for buildingreplacement, nurtures and develops its role as part of the University campus and strengthens its

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special character as a Diocese of Dunedin organisation.

If you would like to find out more or make any suggestions on who we could approrach, pleasecontact Selwyn College Board of Governors Chair, Anne Stevens QC at [email protected].

If you are interested, please contact the Diocesan Registrar [email protected] andcomplete the following forms as part of your application:

Application form to the Diocese of Dunedin Trusts Board (the Board which appoints membersonto Diocesan Organisation Boards or Trusts), Charities Declaration and Declaration ofAdherence for Trust Boards.

Have a look also at our Boards Orientation Letter for more information

Microsoft Office Available at NotFor Profit RatesParishes have sometimes asked if they can access MSOffice for church and clergy at the discounted ratesavailable to registered charities. We are able to arrange

this for any Parishes or Churches that are interested.

What's available?

There are two different Microsoft bundles we can offer to Parishes. These are a fraction of the pricefor a regular personal or business subscription, and it means that you have a version of Microsoftthat is always up to date. The days when you could purchase a one-off licence is gone, as may arefinding out when they renew any Parish/Church laptops or computers.

Microsoft Office 365 Business Premium - $4.50 Ex GST per Month ($54 plus GST per year, non-charity rate $239 per year)

Contains Desktop and Web versions of the following applications, hosted email with ExchangeOnline, and Cloud Storage.

Microsoft WordMicrosoft PowerPointMicrosoft ExchangeMicrosoft PublisherMicrosoft AccessMicrosoft Outlook

Microsoft 365 Business - $7.60 Ex GST per Month ($91.20 plus GST per year, non-charity rate$377.68 per year)

Contains everything in Office 365 Business Premium, as well as:

Microsoft Advance Threat Protection (Antivirus)Microsoft Mobile Device Management (Lock stolen/lost devices)

How does this work?

Any Parishes or Churches that would like to sign up with charity licencing will need to bemigrated to the Diocesan Charity Tenant as we all share the same licencing number.Parishes/Churches will still retain their own individual mailboxes and domains (webaddresses) but the billing and management would be done directly under from the Diocesanoffice. There will be technical time involved in migrating Parishes/Churches to this Diocesan charitystatus deal, the time needed to do this will vary in each situation: there will be a one offcharge for this based on the hours it takes. OneCall will give an estimate for this beforebeginning any work.

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There is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with each Parish or Church (see attached).This includes billing arrangements, what to do if you need help with any problems (how tolog these, including what you need to say so that we know which Parish/Church the problemrelated to for any billing that may need to happen).

More than one computer?

Microsoft 365 licencing is done on a per user basis, each user can install office, and otherapplications on up to 5 devices (mobile phones and tablets do not count). We will ask you toidentify exactly what you need on your MOU return.


Please email the Registrar with an initial expression of interest, and return any completedMemorandums of Understanding.

Safeguarding and Abuse - Updateon Diocesan WebsiteWe have updated the Diocesan Website with information onsafeguarding and abuse, including a new complaintsprocess.

Link to webpage

We will continue to develop local processes around this andare waiting for further information from the national church. We will update the Diocese once wehave more clarity around this, but in the meantime we encourage all Parishes with a functioningwebsite to include a link to the above page, and note any local processes/contact details if you havethese in place.

© All rights reserved, Diocese of Dunedin 2021 | Terms