S+ S FAV REPORT 354K VIEWS 17 COMMENTS 10 VOTES BUILD GUIDE DISCUSSION (17) MORE YASUO GUIDES CHEAT SHEET Cull Health Potion Warding Totem STARTING ITEMS Zeal Boots of Speed Dagger RUSH Statikk Shiv Infinity Edge Berserker's Greaves Furor CORE Blade of the Ruined King The Bloodthirster LIFE STEAL Randuin's Omen Frozen Mallet Banshee's Veil Dead Man's Plate Lord Dominik's Regards Mortal Reminder Guardian Angel Spirit Visage Mercurial Scimitar Trinity Force PICK 2 Statikk Shiv Infinity Edge Berserker's Greaves The Bloodthirster Lord Dominik's Guardian Angel STANDARD FULL BUILD I Hope You Brought Friends YASUO BUILD COMMUNITY CUPS VIEW ALL TOURNAMENTS ON MOBAFIRE Write guides to win sweet prizes - check out our S6 Guide Contest now! YASUO BUILD GUIDE BY KMAN4EVAH S6 Yasuo Mid Guide - If You've Come to Kill Me... Kman4evah Last updated on November 30, 2015 Mark of Attack Damage 9x Seal of Armor 9x Glyph of Magic Resist 9x Quint of Attack Damage 3x Hide item names Yasu MORE TOP YAS S6 Yasuo Mi Come to Kill BY KMAN4EVAH YASUO GUID STATIKK SH BY NOMEEE S6 | Patch 5 Yasuo Guide BY CHRISTIANNO In Depth Ya Season 6 (U DECEMBER 1$ REGISTER JANUARY (8: REGISTER CREATE GUIDE Builds & Guides LEAGUE OF LEGENDS Database & LOL WIKI Tournaments LEAGUE OF LEGENDS Community LOL FORUMS & NEWS Watch League STREAMS & VIDEO League of Legends Champion Guides CHAMPIONS MOBAFIRE NETWORK +2 0 UTOPUS MOBAFIRE NETWORK MORE SITES

Kman4evah's yasuo guide

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Page 1: Kman4evah's yasuo guide







Cull Health Potion WardingTotem


Zeal Boots ofSpeed



Statikk Shiv Infinity Edge Berserker'sGreaves ­Furor


Blade of theRuined King




Frozen Mallet Banshee's Veil Dead Man'sPlate




Spirit Visage


Trinity Force


Statikk Shiv Infinity Edge Berserker'sGreaves ­





I Hope You Brought FriendsYASUO BUILD



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S6 Yasuo Mid Guide - If You've Come to Kill Me...Kman4evah Last updated on November 30, 2015

Mark of AttackDamage

9xSeal of Armor

9xGlyph of Magic


9xQuint of Attack



Hide item names



S6 Yasuo Mid Guide ­ If You'veCome to Kill Me...BY KMAN4EVAH


S6 | Patch 5.22 | 100% CritYasuo GuideBY CHRISTIANNO133

In Depth Yasuo Mid/Top GuideSeason 6 (Updated)








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League of Legends Champion Guides CHAMPIONS


Typewritten Text
I've never quite been happy with cull. I find that you only really get benefit out of its passive gold bonus if you play lane immaculately. I think you net 120 g from the passive + sell back. That means that if you lose more than 6 CS due to your opponents zoning, it was a loss on investment, and you would have benefitted more from the combat stats of something like a doran's blade
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Give your readers more guidance. Give them an idea of when they want to pick what item.
Page 2: Kman4evah's yasuo guide

Furor Regards

1 4 5 7 9

3 14 15 17 18

2 8 10 12 13

6 11 16

Ferocity: 18

Cunning: 0

Resolve: 12





Pros / Cons





Skill Sequence


Interesting Notes

Farming Your Way to Mid­Game

















Typewritten Text
I thought that E max was the way to play yasuo, since its damage and cooldown significantly decrease, whereas Q's CD doesn't. Additionally, E max makes it harder for opponents to itemize against you. For masteries, i really dislike the lack of 2% lifesteal, and the lack of executioner. That extra damage is huge.
Page 3: Kman4evah's yasuo guide

Hello everyone, Kkman4evah here. This is my first guide, which will cover my favorite champion byfar: Yasuo the Unforgiven!.

Make sure to comment with anything that you feel I missed, needs to be improved, or to tell me whatyou think I did right!

Yasuo is a complex champion that is easy to learn, but very hard to master. He puts out a TON of AD inmid to late game, but his squishiness throughout keeps him from going all out early in team fights.The Windwalker can wreck tanks and mages alike with his ultimate, Last Breath, which gives him50% bonus armor penetration (which gets him through Randuin's Omen, Frozen Heart, and similaritems). He can also tear down high­health targets with his Steel Tempest, which applies on­hit effects

such as Blade of the Ruined King.

All in all, he's a well rounded champion that can be used as a Top­Lane, Mid­Lane, and in some casesan ADC if built to do so, but this guide will only go over his mid­lane game.

Pros / Cons


Strong early game

Mid­game = 100% CRIT

Scales very well into late game

Passive shield helps with staying alive, even through overcommitting

Very mobile when around minions

If you get ahead, you typically stay ahead


VERY difficult to master

Immobile when there are no minions nearby

VERY item dependent (he doesn't begin to snowball until Shiv is completed)

If you fall behind, you very rarely come back

Yasuo is a squishy mess when he falls behind. He is vulnerable to ganks and he can't engage and be the "kill"champion that he's meant to be. But a fed Yasuo can easily carry a team into late game.


Page 4: Kman4evah's yasuo guide

Flash is hands down the best current Summoner Spell. It has the ability to throw you into a team fight to snaga few kills before they're all gone, OR zap you away from a potential death. Any laning champion should take this

spell, it's simply too useful to not get.

Ignite meshes very well with Yasuo's constant pressure. Any champions who survive Yasuo's all­in will rarelysurvive an Ignite afterwards.

Exhaust is another viable option. The slow means your opponent has no chance of running away due to yourdash, and the 40% reduction in damage means that you can wail on them without much damage being taken.However, with your dash your opponent should never be out of range, and if you're planning on going all­in you

shouldn't be low on health to need the damage reduc.

Barrier is another option. The large shield is like another Flow shield, but as squishy as Yasuo is you shouldn'tbe rushing into a fight if you would be taking enough damage to warrant both Barrier AND your Flow shield.



Greater Mark of AttackDamage


Greater Seal of Armor9

Greater Glyph of MagicResist 9

Greater Quintessence ofAttack Damage


Due to item changes, Yasuo's base runes have changed slightly from last season.

Greater Mark of Attack Damage: Due to the buff in Statikk Shiv, Crit runes are no longernecessary. With Yasuo's passive, Statikk Shiv and Infinity Edge (or more simply, the Cloak of Agilitythat builds into IE) puts you at 100% Critical Chance. You should have these built by mid/lategame, so getting to this point as fast as possible is key. Increasing Yasuo's damage will help himpower farm faster and increase his damage output.

Greater Seal of Armor: Armor runes will help Yasuo take basic attacks from minions andchampions.

Greater Glyph of Magic Resist: Since most mid champions are casters, MR will help Yasuosurvive pokes from their abilities.

Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage: This is changed for the same reason as the Marksof damage.

Viable Alternatives:

Greater Quintessence of Life Steal: Yasuo doesn't have any sustain until he can beginbuilding items. Lifesteal quints can help keep you in lane until you can build Zeal.

Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed: Yasuo's Steel Tempest has a CD reduction frombonus attack speed (from runes, masteries and items) that stops at 60%. That being said, havingmore attack speed in the beginning of the game allows you to AA and use Q more often, whichmeans more damage output and faster farming.* Greater Quintessence of Critical Chance AND/OR Greater Mark of CriticalChance: Your critical chance caps out at 100% from all sources, and is met just by building yourStatikk Shiv and either the Infinity Edge or Trinity Force. That being said, your Keystone Mastery isactive the entire game, which means building critical chance in your runes helps you trade withrelatively low damage taken, and keeping your enemy out of lane means free farming. These runeswill be wasted after you get your items, but the early sustain and damage increase can be worth it ifyou normally power­farm or power­level into mid­game.

Greater Seal of Scaling Armor: Because Yasuo has his Flow shield, his early game mitigationfrom basic attacks is very good in bursts. If you'd prefer the higher armor in late game, scaling sealswould definitely be a good choice.



5/5 1/1 5/5 1/1 5/5 1/1 5/5 1/1 5/5 1/1

New mastery tree means many changes to Yasuo as a character.

18/0/12 gives Yasuo a TON of AD, along with the health to get through the early game, and the new keystonemastery Warlord's Bloodlust helps to increase his survivability throughout the game.

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Again, give your readers an idea of when you want to pick what. For instance, you would probably want to pick exhaust into a counter matchup like zed or leblanc.
Page 5: Kman4evah's yasuo guide

: I prefer this over Fury due to the cap on Steel Tempest's CD. This will improve his Q and

E damage throughout the entire game. But, just like with attack speed quints, if you prefer to havethe faster farming opportunity, Fury is definitely a viable option.

: This is much better than Feast solely because of the 20s cooldown. You deal more

damage, while taking slightly more, which can be mitigated with your flow shield.

: This is scaling AD and AP runes combined into 1 mastery, which is awesome because that

means it'll boost both Q and E's damage. I don't believe Vampirism is a viable choice herebecause we don't benefit from spell vamp, and Yasuo has enough mitigation that the lifesteal wouldbe negligible.

: This is a much better choice from Oppressor because there is no way for you to self­proc

Oppressor, which means it goes to waste. And because Yasuo is an assassin, as long as you aren'tbehind, at one point or another you'll have killed all 5 enemy champions, which means you get fulluse of this mastery.

: Your main damage is AD, which means you need Armor Penetration much more than Magic

Penetration. The increase in your E damage from Piercing Thoughts wouldn't be anywhere nearthe damage increase to your Q from Battering Blows.

: Yasuo is a kill champion, so he will be going after enemy champions non­stop once he gets

his first item, and possibly before that if he can out­farm and out­level his enemy. Since he shouldhave 20% crit very early, he will also have a high chance of triggering this mastery very early in thegame. Taking this mastery will drastically increase his chance of surviving both early­game tradesand later game all­ins, since most of not all of his hits will be crits by the team­fighting point.

: This works better than Unyielding simply because you won't get much of anything out of

it. Yasuo doesn't have a high base armor or MR, so a % bonus doesn't help much. The HP regen alsohelps you stay in lane longer.

: This works to help keep your damage taken down from minions and keep you in lane longer.

The boost from Explorer is also wasted on Yasuo because he won't be walking through the riveror brush too much until later game when he's roaming.

: This works better than Veteran's Scars because this buffs all of Yasuo's sustaining

abilities: Your base health regen, lifesteal from BORK or BT, the healing from Warlord's Bloodlust,Yasuo's Flow Shield, and also the shield from BT. The more sustain, the better you are in lane andthe faster you can snowball.

: Having more health regen to stay in lane longer, to me, is better than having Flash and

Ignite back at a slightly faster rate with Insight . After the first or second ignite (first or secondkill), you won't need it a lot unless you're up against someone like Dr. Mundo or someone with ahigh amount of lifesteal/healing. This mastery is also buffed by Runic Armor.


> = > > >

Yasuo has a very standard build, but the new masteries and buffs have changed it slightly.

I start with Cull instead of Doran's Blade because of the gold income buff. The small amount of health ismitigated by your passive shield, and the loss of 3 damage is mitigated by getting to your Shiv faster. Yasuo alsowrecks minions when he is on par or ahead of his opponent, so getting to the 100 cap of Cull shouldn't take an

abnormally long time.

After rushing into your Statikk Shiv and completing your Infinity Edge, you have the option of Bladeof the Ruined King or The Bloodthirster, depending on the enemy team's composition. High health = BORK,otherwise BT is the way to go. If you take BORK, you can also replace your Berserker's Greaves with Mercurial

Treads or Ninja Tabi, since you will hit Steel Tempest's CD cap with BORK and Shiv.

From there, it's all about the enemy comp. Is the enemy full AP? Grab a Banshee's Veil and Spirit Visage. Full AD?Grab Randuins and Mallet. Standard game? Grab Lord Dominik's and GA. The combinations are endless, and at one

point or another you'll probably use all of the choices that can be used with Yasuo effectively.

Skill Sequence

> > >

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This is an OK defence of Cull. As a reader, i'm still not sold though. You'll need to add more to your defence to really prove to me that cull is better than doran's blade.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

is Yasuo's passive, and where most of his power comes from. With this passive, Yasuo's critical chance is

DOUBLED, but he does 10% less damage with his critical strikes. Without Infinity Edge, this means that his critsdeal 180% damage, with IE his crits do 225% damage. His resource bar also fills with Flow, which he gets by

moving (including dashing with E). At maximum flow, the next time he is hit by anything he gains a shield equal tohis Flow for 1 second and his Flow resets.

blinks you to any nearby airborne target, dealing moderate damage and granting you maximum Flow and a

buff for 50% BONUS armor penetration. This only applies to armor granted by Runes, Items and Masteries. Thiscan also be used on enemies affected by Blitz's Q and similar effects, along with any abilities (including your own)

that knock­up champions. Like all ultimates, this is leveled up at every opportunity.

is your bread and butter. It's considered a skillshot basic attack: It's cooldown is based on your attack

speed (minimum cooldown of 1.33 seconds, or 60% bonus AS), can critically strike, does more damage with AD,and applies on­hit effects. If this hits any unit, it grants a stack of Gathering Storm. At 2 stacks, Yasuo's next castshoots a whirlwind that knocks any hit units airborne. You can also use this while dashing; if you do, it's cast in asmall circle instead. With the high amount of damage and the potential for safe farming opportunities, Steel

Tempest should be leveled up 2nd.

is your mobility tool in lane. You dash through your target, doing a flat amount of damage (increases with

AP) that also increases with multiple casts (25% increase in damage per stack, max 2 stacks). If Steel Tempest iscast while dashing, Tempest is cast in a circle instead of in a line. This has an extremely low cooldown, and is your

#1 way of both engaging and disengaging in lane. Level this up 3rd.

provides very good protection in lane. When cast, a wall is launched in any direction that stops all

projectiles (this includes Baron and Dragon auto­attacks). This DOES NOT stop non­projectiles such as Lux's Ult.Because the cooldown is only lowered by leveling and CDR, and the wall stays for the same amount of time

regardless, this can be leveled up last.


Yasuo is a very combo­based champion. A lot of his damage and mobility comes from using all of his abilities as fastas possible and as many times as possible. Here are some of the basic combos that every Yasuo player should


E+QCasting Q while dashing causes Q to be cast in a circle. This is an easy way to hit all of the minionsin a wave at one time, or to hit multiple enemies at one time in a team fight. If this is the 3rd castof Q, it also knocks all the units hit aitborne, so make sure to hit as many as possible.

3Q+EWith this combo, you stack up your Q until you have your whirlwind ready. Lock onto your enemy,cast whirlwind, and as soon as the whirlwind leaves the blade dash onto the enemy. This does aquick large amount of damage and is a very good engage or disengage tool depending on thedirection of the dash.

R+QYour ult suspends the enemy in the air for 1 second. In later stages, this is just enough time thatthe cooldown on your Q is over, so as soon as you hit the ground, use Q again to get another quickamount of damage in with your 50% bonus armor pen.

Mastering these combos can open up a very dangerous side of Yasuo that can easily outmaneuverand out damage anyone he comes across. There are many more combos that can be done, andmore moves that can be done on top of these (3Q+E+R+Q for example), but mastering the basics

is the first step to mastering the champion as a whole.

Interesting Notes

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It's possible if your opponent is standing in a minion wave to cause E+Q to damage your opponent too. This can be especially useful in damaging your opponent in all-ins, as it allows you to charge your Q, deal your opponents damage, and dodge your opponents skillshots a lot easier.
Page 7: Kman4evah's yasuo guide

Yasuo has many small quirks and mechanics to him that can make or break your playstyle with him. A few notesthat will help explain him as a champion and also my item and rune/mastery choices:

Yasuo's Q has a minimum CD of 1.33 seconds, which is met by obtaining 60% bonus AS. Anyexcess over this is still viable, your AA's will still be faster, but your Q still will not come any quicker.

Way of the Wanderer decreases the Critical Damage of Yasuo's Q by 25% instead of 10%. Becauseof this, after a certain AD cap (somewhere slightly over 300 AD), you'll begin to do more damagewith your auto attacks than your Q. Make sure that in late game team fights and 1v1's that you'reconstantly AA'ing in between your Q casts to do the most damage possible.

Yasuo is an EXTREMELY mobile champion. Stuns, roots, etc. can all throw his character completelyoff balance and stop any combo you were working on. Practicing your Wind Wall can mean thedifference between being a sitting duck and casting Last Breath on the entire enemy team.

Farming Your Way to Mid-Game

Yasuo, just like every champion in League of Legends, has his own way to snowball in game. While champions likeRyze, Nasus, and similar champions are what I would refer to as "farm" champions, or champions that would preferto stay out of combat and kill minions for Creep Score, Gold, or other more specific reasons, Yasuo is a "kill" stylechampion similar to Katarina or Zed. What this means is that the best way to gain an edge on his opponent is tosecure a few kills on the enemy laner in order to increase his CS and gold advantage, which snowballs him into

mid­game where he gains an immense power spike. How to do this depends on what your enemy's style of play is.

If your enemy laner is a farming champion, they're generally going to be staying a safe distance awayfrom you to avoid any damage. Casters have the advantage on you here, because they're practicallyinvulnerable while they stay behind the minions, and you're completely open to taking damage as youtry to farm. Against these types of champions you're going to have to find some way to push them outof the lane. These champions can normally stay in lane for a VERY long time if they aren't messed


Forcing them out of lane by dashing in and attacking allows you to free farm and deny themexperience at the same time.

Having a strong jungler come in to gank will keep them down for an extended period, which meansmore farming. Make sure they can either sustain the turret damage, or have a movement­stoppingability (stun, root, knockup, knockback) to keep them from running.

Slow your farming rate down (this is the hardest and least effective option due to Yasuo's playstyle,and should not be done unless the enemy jungler is camping your lane).

Against a roaming/kill champion, it's going to be a duel of who can power­farm faster and push theirlane opponent back the farthest without dying in the process. Playing against any other kill championwould fall under this. It'll be mostly a skill­based process where you'll have to capitalize on your

enemies' weaknesses and mistakes before they capitalize on yours.

Keeping them zoned from minions and away from farming will leave them behind while you powerlevel.

Having your jungler come in for a gank or two can push them even farther behind, and since thesechampions generally work in a similar fashion to Yasuo, keeping them behind makes them relativelyuseless until they can catch up.

Make sure to not dive too much, because they'll most likely be calling for their jungler to gank aswell.

Typewritten Text
Casters are a little safer because they have a distance buffer over yasuo. Show with screenshots and pictures of how you use the minion wave to quickly close the gap between you and your opponent.
Typewritten Text
I dislike all of the colors in this section. I'd suggest using columns with little pictures here and there to make the text look a little less overwhelming. Teah your readers how to captalize on your opponents weaknesses and mistakes.
Page 8: Kman4evah's yasuo guide


Knowing the right play­style to go against a champion can save you a lot of time and prevent most of your deaths.Each unique opponent also has their own style of play with their champion, so make sure to adjust to both the

champion AND the person controlling them.


All in all, Yasuo is an extremely fun champion that can zig zag across the Rift better than almost any otherchampion and deal tons of damage at the same time. While very difficult to master, he is well worth the time and


An excellent Yasuo player can single­handedly turn a game in his team's favor, or a bad one can cost his team thegame.

Which one will you be?


11/16/2015: Updated rune chapter to include options and to explain choices; mastery tree to explain choices;added Farming Your Way to Mid­Game chapter; added Combos chapter; general aesthetic changes as I get betterwith coding :)

11/23/2015: Guide has been altered to reflect the change to Warlord's Bloodlust (now only proc's when hitting anenemy CHAMPION); slight wording changes

11/30/2015: Guide has been slightly reworded (I've misspoken a lot and said that Yasuo's AS was a max of 60%bonus, when that is only the max AS that goes to Steel Tempest's cooldown).

Thanks to jhoijhoi's Making a Guide guide for all the coding techniques I've used to make this guide!Thanks to gibbsey97,YDabid, and jiraiyazeraki for their amazing Yasuo fan art!Thanks to anEscapedtestSubject for helping to improve my mastery choices!

11/19/2015: Thanks to Tdfootball for helping to improve the Rune chapter and the item selection!

11/30/2015: Thanks to CityBlazer for pointing out some of my mistakes!


Typewritten Text
Seriously - teach through example. Try and generalize the mistakes your opponents make, and make it into some kind of rule that your readers can follow.
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Please add a section on how to position in team fights, and how and when to use your wind wall. I'd even go as far as categorizing the specific abilities that need to be wind-walled (Charm, death sentence, Rocket grab, Cocoon, e.g.)
Page 9: Kman4evah's yasuo guide


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League of Legends is a team based, real time strategy game setin a mythical world of swords & magic where epic battles decidethe fate of mystical nations. Game players take on the role of aSummoner who conjures and controls champions to fight for themat the Institute of War. During game play champions gainexperience and items to enhance their skills and abilities. Howplayers develop and play their champions can be the differencebetween a crushing defeat or a glorious victory!

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