8/8/2019 kkksum2pp http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/kkksum2pp 1/2 THE KORPORATE KANNIBAL KOOKBOOK: OVERVIEW Corporate Cannibalism is devouring the world. Our human proclivity to devour, defend, defeat and consume is consuming us. We are about to to kill off humanity by killing off our host. We are leeching and leaching our way to extinction. A re-design of government and the economy is the only thing that can keep our kill-for-profit instinct from getting even more out of hand. This book is a good start on a new design. All of us are responsible for this race to extinction and good guys and bad guys are all pretty much the same in blame for keeping up the game. We humans all possess a proclivity to be narcissistic cannibals. Instead of trying to reform this fundamental part of our nature, let’s use it. Kind of a funny idea, cannibalism to control cannibals. In our corporate cannibal controling, hand-designed, new system of government, we feed rich people to poor people and take all their shit and give it back to the folks they stole it from. O.K. laugh, then. You think it’s funny or preposterous? There’s more. In the future, every penny earned in excess of a billion dollars by individuals or corporations is 100% taxed. Any individual or corporation who tries to get by with exceeding that amount of net worth, gets killed and eaten in a ritual communion--a ceremony in which we simultaneously affirm our true nature and re-distribute wealth and protein from the top, weeding the garden by consuming the top consumers. Aha! No parasite can afford to use up one hundred percent of it’s host. Adjustments short of extinction occur in nature or else extinction occurs. We either adjust consciously or we die from our uninformed proclivity as takers. Eating from the top is t he best solution to preserve humanity by preserving our host. So we suggest the simple idea: A Billion is Enough. Anything more is addiction, for which we have a cure. This is an automatic solution to global warming and many other crises. Funny idea, huh? There are six other ideas that support using our proclivity for cannibalism to actually correct the excesses of cannibalism. These ideas make up an ongoing system of citizen control called “deep democracy.” Government by the people. Very funny idea! 1. Campaign Finance Reform--End campaign donations and make them against the law. All elections are paid for by the government with the same amount of funds and airtime for all candidates. Imagine the politicians hollering. Now that is funny! 2. A New System of Justice--Based on sustainability instead of greed. Oh Sure! Ha!


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Corporate Cannibalism is devouring the world. Our human proclivity to devour, defend,

defeat and consume is consuming us. We are about to to kill off humanity by killing

off our host. We are leeching and leaching our way to extinction. A re-design of 

government and the economy is the only thing that can keep our kill-for-profit instinct

from getting even more out of hand. This book is a good start on a new design.

All of us are responsible for this race to extinction and good guys and bad guys are all

pretty much the same in blame for keeping up the game. We humans all possess a

proclivity to be narcissistic cannibals. Instead of trying to reform this fundamental

part of our nature, let’s use it. Kind of a funny idea, cannibalism to control cannibals.

In our corporate cannibal controling, hand-designed, new system of government, we

feed rich people to poor people and take all their shit and give it back to the folks

they stole it from. O.K. laugh, then. You think it’s funny or preposterous? There’s

more. In the future, every penny earned in excess of a billion dollars by individuals or 

corporations is 100% taxed. Any individual or corporation who tries to get by with

exceeding that amount of net worth, gets killed and eaten in a ritual communion--a

ceremony in which we simultaneously affirm our true nature and re-distribute wealth

and protein from the top, weeding the garden by consuming the top consumers. Aha!

No parasite can afford to use up one hundred percent of it’s host. Adjustments short of extinction occur in nature or else extinction occurs. We either adjust consciously or 

we die from our uninformed proclivity as takers. Eating from the top is the best 

solution to preserve humanity by preserving our host. So we suggest the simple

idea: A Billion is Enough. Anything more is addiction, for which we have a cure. This

is an automatic solution to global warming and many other crises. Funny idea, huh?

There are six other ideas that support using our proclivity for cannibalism to actually

correct the excesses of cannibalism. These ideas make up an ongoing system of 

citizen control called “deep democracy.” Government by the people. Very funny idea!

1. Campaign Finance Reform--End campaign donations and make them against the

law. All elections are paid for by the government with the same amount of funds

and airtime for all candidates. Imagine the politicians hollering. Now that is funny!

2. A New System of Justice--Based on sustainability instead of greed. Oh Sure! Ha!

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3. A Truth Machine--How to build and begin to use a systematic sequencing of human

intuition and technology to determine who is lying and who isn’t with a high

degree of certainty, and how the world will change when lying is no longer 

possible. Hilarious. But some people will moan and holler a lot on the way to this.

4. A New, Deeply Democratic Form of Government--that has never existed before. It is

based on 6 month periods of paid jury duty by citizens randomly selected from

voter rolls. Participants are honored with the task of a once in a lifetime

opportunity to use the social technology of the World Cafe and similar proven

methodologies. This allows for co-intelligent, co-hearted, brilliant empathetic

decision making by temporarily responsible citizens with very short term limits.

5. The establishment a World Commonwealth--This is not a federation of nation states

or corporations. This is a one world government with more power than nation

states. This is controlled by the same term limited deep democracy described

above, duplicated and structured world wide. Nation states still exist but the world

economy and well being are no longer subject to the whims of rich cannibals,

because they’re overruled by compassionate citizens. Surely I must be joking.

6. The establishment of a Worldwide Meritocracy--People who do great things are

rewarded with responsibility and pleasant lives and lots of paid vacations, for 

being brilliant, compassionate, hard working and doing a good job. Unbelievable.The book ends with an inspiring list of wonderful examples of healing and recovery of 

our world, that are going on right now. There is also a list of corporate cannibal

candidates for elimination and ritual death, whose goods could help the evolution of 

redistribution. So is this damned book a joke or not? Kinda hard to tell. Depends.

The Korporate Kannibal Kookbook: Recipes for Ending Civilization and Avoiding

Collective Suicide is shocking to psyche and system and an affront to commonly

held ideas of morality--as creative new ideas always are. But since conventional

morality is what fucked us up in the first place, a substitute must be found. This new

beginning is seriously better. It helps the transition to a sustainable world. Really.

Go to www.radicalhonesty.com and click on “Store” to order this book, or pick it up in

your local bookstore or on Amazon. Brad Blanton, Ph. D., Author of Radical Honesty 

and 5 other books. This is the best damned book I’ve ever written! No kidding!