Kiran Project Work

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employees welfare

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Hindustan coca _ cola beverages private ltd.

BY D. KIRAN KUMAR H.T NO : 131211672013




Department of Business AdministrationMALLA REDDY INSTITUTE OF MANGEMENT

(Affiliated to OSMANIA University) HYDERABAD

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I hereby declare that this project report titled “ Employee Welfare measure.” is

submitted by me to the department of MBA, Malla reddy institute of management affiliated

to O.U, is a bonafied work undertaken by me at HINDHUSTAN COCA COLA

BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. HYDERABAD and is not submitted to any other university or

institution for the award of any degree or diploma.



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This is to certify that the project report title “Employee welfare measures” in partial

fulfillment for the award of MBA program of department of Business Management, O.U ,

Hyderabad, under the guidance of MR. BHARDWAJ SIR.

This has not been submitted to any other universities or institutions for the award of any




Name and

Signature of the guide

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I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the people who have guided and helped me in the

course of completion of my project.

The last 40 days with HCCBPL had been full of learning and sense of contribution to the


A successful project can never be done by an individual to whom the project is assigned ,

lest the individual get the help and guardianship of a person.

I feel immense pleasure to express a deep sense of gratitude to Mr. SRINIVAS, Team leader for HR

who has given me an opportunity to do my project in HCCBPL Moula _ali unit .

I am also very thankful to Ms. VEENA, HR Manager HCCBPL, my industry guide MR. SRINIVAS

for his cooperation in providing me all the necessary information for doing this project. I had got

ample of guidance regarding the project and procedure to get a fair idea to know how to begin. Their

precious advice was very fruitful to go ahead with the project.

I would also like to thank Mr. BHARDWAJ SIR , for help and guidance offered to me.

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Objective of the study

Scope of the study

Research Methodology


Review of Literature


Company profile


Data analysis



Findings and suggestions





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Introduction to the study

Welfare is a broad concept referring to a state of living of an individual or a

group , in a desirable relationship with the total environment- ecological

economic and social. Economic welfare includes both social and economic content

of welfare social welfare is primarily concerned at social development by such

means as social legislation. Social reform social service, social work , social

action. The object of economics welfare is to promote economic production and

productivity and through development by increasing equitable distribution .

Employee welfare is an area of social welfare conceptually and operationally. It

covers a broad field and connotes a state of well being , happiness , satisfaction,

conservation and development of human resources.

Employee welfare is an important facet of industrial relations, which acts as an

extra dimension to worker. The growth of industrialization and mechanization

has gradually improved the importance of employee and their welfare measures:

employers have also realized the importance of their role in providing these extra


Employee welfare , though it has been proved to contribute to efficiency in

production . which is expensive each employer depending on his priorities gives

varying degree of importance to employee welfare. Today welfare has been

gradually accepted by employers in almost every organization. The state only

intervenes to widen the area of applicability of employee welfare measures. The

welfare of employees is very much essential , in order to build a sense of loyalty

on the part of the employee towards the organization


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Need for the study

Human resource is important for any organization. As employees are assets of any

organization it is important to look after the welfare of the employees. The

working environment in a factory adversely affects the workers health. So, it is

necessary to provide them with all the facilities which can improve their work


In present scenario the welfare of the employees are much

taken care off . this is the one which helps everyone to know what the various

amenities are provided by the organization. So it helps the employees to know

the employee response towards welfare measures and to what level employees are

satisfied and where they need to develop.

Scope of the study

The study is confined to HCCBPL Moula –Ali on Employee welfare measures. It is to prepare the report of employee with regard to employee welfare measures in HCCBPL.

Objectives of study

To study the employee welfare measures implemented in Moula –Ali plant . TO study the effectiveness of welfare measures implemented by Moula-Ali plant. To ascertain satisfaction level of employees towards existing welfare measures.


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Research Methodology

For the present study questionnaire method is used to get the data from employees. Questionnaire is an inexpensive way to gather data from a potentially large number of respondents. A distinction is made between open – ended question asks the respondent to formulate to formulate his own answer; whereas a close _ ended question has respondent pick an answer from a given number of options . In the present project closed_ ended questionnaire is used .Analysis is done by calculating the percentages and depicting those pictorially using bar charts.

The present data is collected through structured questionnaire method distributed among the employees in the organization.

Sampling Method

Sampling procedure is a method of selecting no of employees from the organization in order to

Distribute the questionnaire to get the required information.

Total population : total employees in the company are 250

Sample size : 50

Sampling units : Employees 5yrs experience

Sample Technique : Simple Random sampling

Sample Area: Hyderabad


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5Theoretical Review

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Development of human resources is essential for any organization they would like to be

dynamic and growth oriented. It is now widely recognized that workers constitute a major

resource in any organization. The organizational efforts are directed to develop this resource

in any organization. The organizational efforts are directed to develop this resource to

unleash the latent potential in them: the organization will bloom with energy; it is on this

count that employee welfare measures become highly relevant. Organization provider’s

welfare facilities to their employees to keep their motivation level high. The employee’s

welfare schemes are those schemes compulsory to provide by organization in compliance to

the laws governing employee health and safety.

The non-statutory schemes those differ from industry to the industry and organization to the

organization, which are over and above the statutory ones. Employee welfare is a

comprehensive term including various services, benefits and facilities offered to employees

by the employer. Through such generous fringe benefits, the employer makes like worth

living for employees. The welfare amenities are extended in addition to normal wages and

other economic rewards available to employees as per the legal provision. According to

Dr .Parandikar. “labor welfare work is for improving health, safety and general well being

and the industrial efficiency of the workers beyond the minimum standard lay down by the

labor legislation. “The basic purpose of labor welfare is to enrich the life of employees and

keep them happy and contended.

Welfare measures are both statutory and non-statutory. Labor laws require the employer to

extend certain benefits to employees in addition to wages.

According to a report of the ILO, welfare can be understood as meaning such services,

facilities and amenities, which may be established in or near an undertaking to enable the

persons employed in to perform their work in healthy environment. From employee point of

view, employee welfare measures are very important because in today’s industrial

environment, a worker is constantly exposed to tremendous physical and mental stress,

accidents of various kinds. No amount of wages can compensate the employee adequately.

He needs an extra or added stimulus and support to meet his requirements and maintain

himself and his family. Employee welfare measures have become an integral part of

industrial organization in almost all the countries. These measures create a sense of

belongingness and adequacy in the minds of workers, which benefit the organization in the


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Strategic overview

Labour welfare is undertaken by various groups within and outside an organization to

improve the living conditions of workers. The objective is to make the worker happy,

healthy, committed and loyal.


The concept of ‘employee welfare’ is flexible and elastic and differs widely with time,

region, industry, social values and custom, degree of industrialization, the general social

economic development of the people and the political ideologies ata particular time. It is

almost molded according to the age group, sex, socio-cultural background, material and

economic status and educational level of the employees in various industries.


“Anything done for the intellectual, physical moral and economic betterment of the workers,

whether by employers, by the government or by other agencies, over and above what is laid

down by law or what is normally expect of the contractual benefits for which workers may

have bargained”. “Welfare services should mean such services, facilities, and amenities as

adequate canteens, rest and recreation facilities, sanitary and medical facilities, arrangements

for travel to and from place of work, and for the accommodation workers employed at a

distance from their homes; and such other services, amenities and facilities, including social

security measures, as contribute to the conditions under which employees are employed”

---------Committee on employee welfare

“the voluntary efforts of the employers to establish, within the existing industrial system,

working and sometimes, living and cultural conditions of the employees beyond what is

required by law, the custom of the country and the conditions of the market---------

Encyclopedia of social sciences



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Welfare measures are designed to take care of the well-being of the employees they do not

generally result in any monetary benefit to the employees. Nor arethese facilities provided by

employers alone. Governmental and non-governmental agencies and trade unions too,

contribute towards employee welfare.

Nature of welfare

Welfare mans faring or doing well. It is a comprehensive term, and refers to the physical,

mental, moral an emotional well-being of an individual. Further, the term welfare is a relative

concept, relative in time and space. It, therefore, varies from time to time, from regon to

region and from country to country. Employee welfare, also referred to as betterment work

for employees, relates to taking care of the well-being of employees by employers, trade

unions, and governmental and non-governmental agencies. Employee welfare has two

aspects- negative and positive. On the negative side, employee welfare is concerned with

counteracting the baneful effects of the large-scale industrial system of production-especially

capitalistic, so far as India is concerned-on the personal/family, and social life of the worker.

On its positive side, it deals with the provision of opportunities for the workers and his/her

family for a good life an understood in its most comprehensives sense.

Need of employee welfare measures

The need for the labor welfare arises from the very nature of the industrial system, which is

characterizes by two basic factors: one, the condition under which work is carried on are not

congenial for health: and second, when a labor joins an industry, he has to work in an entirely

strange atmosphere, which creates problems of adjustment one author calls these two factors

“the long arm of the job” and “the social invasion of the factory”

The working environment in a factory adversely affects the workers health because of the

excessively heat or cold, noise, odors, fumes, dust and lack of sanitation and pure air etc. lead

to occupational hazards. This has been referred to as “the long arm of the job which stretches

out its adverse effects on to the worker long after his normal 8-hour work.” Hence, the need

for provision of welfare services within the premises of the factory or plantation arises, When

a worker, who comes from rural areas to work in a factory, he has to work and live in


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unhealthy, congested factories and slum areas, with no outdoor recreation facilities, to escape

from the tiring conditions of his tedious and tiresome job, he absents himself, becomes

irregular and is often in-disciplined. Hence, the need for providing welfare services arises.

There is a social reason also as pointed-out by the Labor Investigation Committee(LTC). “the

provision of canteens, improves the physique, entertainment, reduces the incidence of vices:

medical aid and maternity and child welfare services improve the health of the workers and

bring down the rates of general, maternal and infantile morality: and education facilities

increase their mental efficiency and economic productivity. The need for labor welfare was

strongly felt by the Royal Commission on Labor as far as in 1931, primarily because of lack

of commitment to industrial work among factory workers and the harsh treatment they

received from their employers.

This need was emphasized in free India, by the constitution which contains the following articles in this regard. The state shall, within the limit of its economic capacity and development, make effective provisions for securing the right to work, to education and to public assistance in cases of unemployment, old-age, sickness and disablement and in other cases of underserved want. The state shall make provision for securing the just and human condition of work and for maternity relief. The state shall endeavour to secure, by suitable legislaltion or economic organization or in any other way, to all workers, agricultural, industrial or otherwise, work, a social an cultural opportunity: and in particular, the state shall endeavour to promote cottage industries on an individual or cooperative basis in rural areas.


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Aims of Employee welfare

The employee welfare work aims ar providing services facilities which enables the workers

employed in factories or industries to perform their work in healthy, congenial surroundings

conductive to good health and high morale.

1. It is partly humanistic, for it enables the workers to enjoy a fuller and richer life.

2. It is partly economic because it improves the efficiency of the worker and increase


Scope of the employee welfare

The labor investigation committee: “Anything done for intellectual, physical, moral and

economic betterment of the workers, either by employers, by the government or by other

agencies over and above what is laid down by law, or what is normally expected on the part

of the contracted benefits for which workers may have bargained”.

The committee on employee welfare

Today, welfare is generally accepted by employers. The state steps into widen the area of

applicability only. Welfare is being looked at as a social right of workers. The committee

described it as social security measures that contribute to improve the conditions under which

workers are employed in India.(1969 report) Labour welfare includes both statutory and non-

statutory activities under taken by employers, trade unions and both the central and state

governments for the physical and mental development of workers.


The significance of welfare measures was accepted as earlier as 1931, when the royal

commission on labor stated: the benefits are of great importance t the worker, which he is

unable to secure, by him. The schemes of labour welfare may be regarded as a wise


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investment because these would bring a profitable return in from of greater efficiency. The

working environment in a factory adversely affects the health of employees because of

excessive heat, noise, fumes, dust and lack of sanitation and pure air. Such oppressive

conditions create health

Problems of workers. These have to be contained through preventive steps aimed at improving a lot of workers. The second reason in favour of welfare work is called the ‘social invasion of the factory’. Workers face many adjustment problems when they take up factory work. The congested environs, noisy machines, slum areas, monotonous jobs affect the psyche of rual ties that come to cities in search of jobs. To escape from such trying conditions, the worker absent himself becomes irregular and shows signs of discipline. Such changes-known as the social invasion of the factor-cell for extra inducements in the work place in addition to normal wages, so that the worker begins to enjoy a fuller and richer life. Another social reason pointed out by the labour investigation committee reads thus: “the provisions of canteens improves the physique; entertainment reduces the incidence of vices; medical aid, maternity and child welfare services improve the health of the workers and bringdown the rates of general, material and infantile morality; and educational facilities increase their mental efficiency and economic productivity.

Employee welfare work thus, serves the following purposes:

Enables workers to have a richer and more satisfying life

Raises the standard of living, the workers by indirectly reducing the burden on their

Absorbs the shocks injected by industrialization and suburbanization on workers

Prevents social evils like drinking, gambling etc by improving the material, social

and cultural conditions of work

Congenial environment because of welfare measures will act as a deterrent against

such social evils

Promote a sense of belonging among workers, preventing them from resorting to

unhealthy practices like absenteeism, labour turnover, strike etc: welfare work


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makes the service in mines more attractive to workers. It improves the relations

between employers and employees. “It promotes a real change of heart and a

change of outlook on the part of both employees and the employer”,

Objectives of Employee Welfare

1. To provide better life and health to the workers

2. To make the workers happy and satisfied

3. To relieve workers from industrial fatigue and to improve intellectual, culture and

material conditions of living of the workers

Features of Employee Welfare

Labour welfare includes various facilities, services and amenities provided to

workers for improving their health, efficiency, economic betterment and social status

Welfare measures are in addition to regular wages and other economic benefits

available to workers due to legal provisions and collective bargaining

Labour welfare schemes are flexible and ever changing. New welfare measures are

added to the existing ones from time to time

The purpose of labour welfare is to bring about the development of the whole

personality of the workers to make a better work force

The very logic behind providing welfare schemes is to create efficient healthy, loyal

and satisfied labour force for the organization.

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The purpose of providing such facilities is to make their work life better

and to raise their standard of living. The important benefits of welfare

measures can be summarized as follows:

Facilities like housing schemes medical benefits, and education and

recreation facilities for workers to pay more attention towards work and

thus increases their productivity

Employee welfare measures increase the productivity of organization and

promote healthy industrial relations there by maintaining industrial peace

Types of welfare activities

General welfare measures

According to industrial Law these are the various welfare activities the Organization has to

provide to their employees.


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Section (42) Washing facilities:-

(1) In every factory

(a) Adequate and suitable facilities for washing shall be provided and

maintained for the use of the workers therein:

(b) Separate and adequately screened facilities shall be provided for the

use of male and female workers:

(c) Such facilities shall be conveniently accessible and shall be kept


(2) The state government may, in respect of any factory of class or

description of factories or of any manufacturing process, prescribe standards

of adequate and suitable facilities for washing.

Section (43) facilities for storing and drying clothing:

The state government may in respect of any factory or class or description of

factories, make rules requiring the provision therein of suitable places for keeping

clothing not worn during working hours and for the drying of wet clothing.

Section (44) Facilities for sitting:

In every factory suitable arrangements for sitting shall be provided and maintained

for all workers obliged to work in a standing position, in order they may take

advantage of any opportunities for rest which may occur in the course of their work.

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If, in the opinion of the chief inspector, the workers in any factory engaged in a

particular manufacturing process or working in a particular room are able to do their

work efficiently in a sitting position, he may, by order in writing, require the occupier

of the factory to provide before a specified date such seating arrangements as

practicable for all workers so engaged or working.

The site government may, be notification in the official gazette, declare that the

provisions of sub-section (1) Shall not apply to any specified factory or class or

description of factories or to any specified manufacturing process.

Sections (45) First – aid appliances:

(1) There shall in every factory be provided and maintained, so as to be readily

accessible during all working hours first – aid boxes or cupboards equipped with

the prescribed contents, and the number of such boxes or cupboards to be

provided and maintained shall not less than one for every hundred and fifty

workers ordinarily employee in the factory.

Section (46) Canteens:

(1) The state government may make rules requiring that in any specified wherein

more than two hundred and fifty workers are ordinarily employed, a canteen or

canteens shall be provided and maintained by the occupier for the use of the


(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the forgoing power, such rules may provide


The date by which such canteen shall be provided.

The standards in respect of construction, accommodation, furniture and other

equipment of the canteen;

The foodstuffs to be served therein and the charges which may be made therefore;

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The constitution of a managing committee for the canteen and representation of

the workers in the management if the canteen;

The items of expenditure in the running of the canteen which are not be taken into

account in fixing the cost of foodstuffs and which shall be borne by the employer;

Section (47) Shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms:

(1) In every factor wherein more than one hundred and fifty workers are ordinarily

employed, adequate and suitable shelter or rest rooms and a suitable lunch room,

with provision for drinking water, where workers can eat meals brought by them,

shall be provided and maintained for the use of the workers;

(2) Provided that may canteen maintained in accordance with the provisions of

section 46 shall be regarded as part of the requirements of this sub section:

Provided further that where a lunch room exists no worker shall eat any food in

the work room. The shelter or rest rooms or lunch rooms to be under sub-section

(1) shall be

sufficiently lighted and ventilated and shall be maintained in cool and clean

condition. The state government may.............

Prescribe the standards in respect of construction accommodation,

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furniture an other equipment of shelter, rest rooms and lunch rooms to be

provided under this section:

By notification in the Official Gazette, exempt any factory or class or

Description of factories from the requirements of this section.

Section (48) Crèches:

(1) In every factory wherein more than (thirty women workers) are ordinarily

employed there shall be provided an maintained a suitable room or rooms for the

use of children under the age of six years of such women.

(2) Such rooms shall provided adequate accommodation, shall be adequately lighted

and ventilated, and shall be under charge of women trained in the care of children

and infants.

(3) The state government may make rules...........

Prescribing the location and the standards in respect ofconstruction, accommodation,

furniture and other equipment of rooms to be provided under this section;

Requiring the provision in factories to which this section applies of additional facilities

for the care of children belonging to women workers, including suitable provision of

facilities for washing and changing their clothing’

Requiring the provision in any factory of free milk or refreshment or both for such


Requiring that facilities shall be given in any factor for the mothers of such children to

feed them all the necessary intervals.

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Section (49) welfare officers:

in every factory where in five hundred or more workers are ordinarily the occupier

shall employ in the factory such number of welfare as may be prescribed.

The state Government may prescribe the duties, qualifications and conditions of

service of officers employed under sub-section (1)

Section (50) Power to make the rules to supplement this chapter:

The state government may make rules-

Exempting, subject to compliance with such alternative arrangements for the welfare

of factories from compliance with any of the provisions of this chapter.

Requiring in any factory or class or description of factories that representatives of the

workers employed in the factory shall be associated with the management of the

welfare arrangements of the workers. These are the various welfare activities which

follow by the organizations to improve the living standards and the health of the

employees. The meaning of employee welfare may be made clearer by listing the

activities and facilities which are referred to as welfare measures.

A comprehensive list of welfare activities is given by Moorthy in his monumental

work on employee welfare.

1. Welfare Measures inside the work place and

2. Welfare Measures outside the work place.

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Each group includes several activities

1. Welfare Measures inside the Workplace

I) Conditions of the work environment

a. Neighborhood safety and cleanliness: attention to approaches

b. Housekeeping; up keeping of premises-compound wall, lawns, gardens and so

forth, egress and ingress, passengers and doors; white-washing of walls and floor


c. Workshop sanitation and cleanliness, temperature, humidity ventilation, lighting,

elimination of dust, smoke, fumes and gases

d. Control of effluents.

e. Convenience and comfort during work, that is, operative posture seating


f. Distribution of work hours and provision for rest hours, meal times and breaks.

g. Workmen’s safety measures, that is, maintenance of machines and tools, fencing

of machines, providing guards, helmets, aprons, goggles, and first-aid equipment.

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h. Supply of necessary beverages, and pills and tablets, that is, salt tablets, milk, and


h. Notice boards; posters, pictures, slogans; information or communication.

II) Conveniences

a. Rest rooms, wash basins, bathrooms, provision for spittoons; waste


a. Provision of drinking water, water coolers.

b. Canteen services; full meal, mobile canteen.

c. Management of workers cloak rooms, rest rooms, reading room and


III) Workers health services

Factory health centre, dispensary, ambulance, emergency aid, medical

examination for employees, health education, health research.

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IV) Women and child welfare

Antenatal and postnatal care, maternity aid, crèche and child care: women’s

general education: separate services for women workers, that is, lunch rooms,

toilets, restrooms, women’s recreation; family planning services.

Worker’s recreation

Indoor games; strenuous games to be avoided during intervals of work.

V) Employment follow-up progressive of the operative in his/her work, his/her

adjustment problems with regard to machines and workload, supervisors and

colleagues; industrial counselling.

VI) Economic services

Co-operative, loans, financial grants: thrift and saving schemes: budget

knowledge, unemployment insurance, health insurance, employment bureau,

profit-sharing and bonus schemes; transport services, provident fund, gratuity

and pension, rewards and incentives, workmen’s compensation for injury,

family assistance in times of need.

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a. Formation and working of various committees, that is, works committee,

safety committee, canteen committee, consultation in welfare area, in

production area, in the area of administration, in the area of public relation.

b. Workmen’s arbitration council.

c. Research bureau.

VII) Worker’s Education

Reading room, library, circulating library, visual education, literary classes,

adult education, social education, daily news review, factory news bulletin,

cooperation with workers in education services.

2. Welfare Measures outside the Work place

i) Housing bachelors quarters, family residence according types and rooms.

ii) Water, sanitation, waste disposal.

iii) Roads, lighting, parks, recreation, playground

iv) Schools; nursery, primary secondary and high school.

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v) Markets, co-operatives, consumer and credit societies

vi) Banks

vii) Transport

viii) Communication: post, telegraph and telephone

ix) Health and medical services; dispensary, emergency ward, out patient and in-

patient care, family visiting

x) Recreation; games, clubs, crafts centre’s cultural programmes that is music

clubs, interest and hobby circles, festival celebrations, study circles, reading

room and library, open air theatre, swimming pool.

Athletics, gymnasia.

xi) Watch and ward, security

xii) Community leadership development: council of elders, committee of

representatives, administration of community services and problems, child,

youth and women’s clubs.

Intra-mural Facilities

Intra- mural activities consist of facilities provided within the factories and include medical

facilities, compensation for accidents, provision of crèches and canteens, supply of drinking

water, washing and bathing facilities, provision of safety measures, activities relating to

improving conditions of employment, and the like.

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Extra-mural Facilities

Extra-mural activities cover the services and facilities provided outside the factory such as

housing accommodation, indoor and outdoor recreational facilities, amusement and sports,

educational facilities for adults and children, and the like. It may be stated that the welfare

activities may be provided by the employer, the government, non-government organizations

and the trade unions.

Statutory and Non-statutory

Statutory Provisions

These are mandated by the factories act, 1948 and some other acts. The statutory benefits are

washing facilities, storing and dry clothing, and facilities for sitting,

first-aid boxes, canteens, shelters, restrooms, crèche room facility and welfare officer.

Non-statutory Provisions

Non-statutory benefits, also called voluntary benefits, include loans for house building,

education of children, leave travel concession, fair price shops, loans for purchasing personal

conveyance and a host of other facilities

Merits and Demerits f welfare Measures

Employee Welfare is justified for several reasons. It is desirable to recollect the services of a

typical employee. The industrial employee is indeed a solider safeguarding the social and

economic factors of the industrial economy, and his/her actions and interactions within the

industrial framework will have a great impact and influence on industrial development. The

social and economic aspects of the life of an employee have a direct influence on the social

and economic development of the nation. Most welfare facilities are hygiene factors which,

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according to Hertzberg, create dissatisfaction if not provided. Remove dissatisfaction, place

an employee in a favorable mood, provide satisfiers, and then motivation will take place.

Welfare facilities, besides removing dissatisfaction, help develop loyalty in workers towards

the organization.

Welfare may help minimize social evils, such as alcoholism, gambling prostitution, drug addiction, and the like. A worker is likely to fall a victim to any of these if he/she is dissatisfied or frustrated. Welfare facilities tend to make the employee happy, cheerful and confident looking. A further argument in favor of employee is that a reputation for showing concern helps improve the local image of the company as a good employer and thus assists in recruitment. Welfare may not directly increase productivity, but it may add to general feeling of satisfaction with the company and cut down employee turnover.

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Coca-Cola Enterprises, established in 1986, is a young company by the standards of

the Coca-Cola system. Yet each of its franchises has a strong heritage in the traditions of

Coca-Cola that is the foundation for this Company. The Coca-Cola Company traces it’s

beginning to 1886, when an Atlanta pharmacist, Dr. John Pemberton, began to produce Coca-

Cola syrup for sale in fountain drinks. However the bottling business began in 1899 when

two Chattanooga businessmen, Benjamin F. Thomas and Joseph B. Whitehead, secured the

exclusive rights to bottle and sell Coca-Cola for most of the United States from the Coca-

Cola Company

Company AnalysisAccording to the Individual - Audited financial statement for the Year of 2011, total net operating revenues increased with 17.76%, from INR 3,886.72 tens of millions to INR 4,576.9 tens of millions. Operating result increased from INR 430.65 tens of millions to INR 537.49 tens of millions which means 24.81% change. The results of the period decreased -7.10% reaching INR 198.1 tens of millions at the end of the period against INR 213.23 tens of millions last year. Return on equity (Net income/Total equity) went from 78.17% to 8.56%, the Return On Asset (Net income / Total Asset) went from 14.07% to 8.19% and the Net Profit Margin (Net Income/Net Sales) went from 5.49% to 4.33% when compared to the same period of last year. The Debt to Equity Ratio (Total Liabilities/Equity) was 104.59% compared to 555.55% of last year. Finally, t

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The Coca-Cola Company and its network of bottlers comprise the most sophisticated and

pervasive production and distribution system in the world. More than anything, that system is

dedicated to people working long and hard to see the products manufactured by the

Company. This unique worldwide system has made The Coca-Cola Company the world’s

premier soft-drink enterprise. From Boston to Beijing, from Montreal to Moscow, Coca-Cola,

more than any other consumer product, has brought pleasure to thirsty consumers around the

globe. For more than 115 years, Coca-Cola has created a special moment of pleasure for

hundreds of millions of people every day.

The Company aims at increasing shareowner value over time. It accomplishes this by

working with its business partners to deliver satisfaction and value to consumers through a

world wide system of superior brands and services, thus increasing brand equity on a global

basis. They aim at managing their business well with people who are strongly committed to

the Company values and culture and providing an appropriately controlled environment, to

meet business goals and objectives. The associates of this Company jointly take

responsibility to ensure compliance with the framework of policies and protect the

Company’s assets and resources whilst limiting business risks. The biz system of Coca-Cola

employs approximately 94,000 people. The vast Indian operations comprise 25 companies

owned bottling operations & 24 franchises owned bottling operations On the distribution

from 10 ton trucks, open-bay wheelers that can navigate

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PROFIT: Maximizing return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall


PEOPLE: Being a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be.

PORTFOLIO: Bringing to the world a portfolio of beverage brands that anticipate and

satisfy peoples’ Desires and needs.

PARTNERS: Nurturing a winning network of partners and building mutual loyalty.

PLANET: Being a responsible global citizen that makes a difference.

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Create consumer products services and communications customer’s

Service and bottling system strategy process and tools in order to create

Competitive advantage and deliver superior value to-Consumers as a

superior beverage experience. Consumers as an opportunity to grow profit

through the use of finished drinks. Bottlers as an opportunity to make

reasonable to grow profits and value added Suppliers as an opportunity to

make reasonable when creating real value added in environment of system

wide teamwork, flexible business system and continuous improvement

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The above study reveals the following

From the above study it is found that HCCBPL is following welfare measures like _ canteens , Restrooms , Washing allowances, crèche room facility ,Drinking water facility ,Frist aid appliances , Health and Medical facilities and other Financial services

It is found from the above study that 100% of respondents are satisfied , with the existing welfare measures and they feel that employee welfare creates sense of belongingness among employees towards the organization

It is observed that100%of respondents say that management accept the demands of employees and responds positively which improves their satisfactions level

It is observed from the above study that 80% of employees are satisfied with the crèche room facility and sitting facilities in the organization

It is found from the study that 8% of the employees are not satisfied with the urinals and spittoons and with the hygiene conditions in restroom

It is observed from study that 50% are satisfied with the physical and other working conditions in the work place and 10% neutral and 0% are dissatisfied

More than 3/4th of the employees are satisfied with the welfare measures outside the workplace and with other financial services

It observed that the 70% of the employees are satisfied with the overall welfare measures in organization.


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The following suggestions are given to improve welfare measures in HCCBPL

Crèche room should be renovated and required items should be provided It is better if more number of sitting arrangements are provided to employees so that

they can work effectively Machines and also by using the candles for better filtration process and same should

be arranged in restrooms and other places in working area More number of spittoons and washrooms should be provided and should be kept in

convenient places It is suggested to improve the hygiene condition in canteens , restrooms and

washrooms, it should be improved by washing daily with washable substances and also by using naphthalene balls in order to prevent bacteria.

The general suggestion is given by employees that organization should provide facilities like yoga, sports and other recreational facilities where the employees feel to work more and they don’t feel like tired.

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From the above study it is concluded that, most of the employees are satisfied with the existing welfare measures in the organization . most of the employees responded positively for the welfare activities provided to them which can improve their living standards. As welfare measures plays a vital role to improve the satisfaction level of the employees. Human Resources are very much important for any organization to increase their productivity. In order to keep their satisfaction level high HCCBPL is also providing them with all the statutory and Non _ statutory welfare measure. According to industrial law HCCBPL is providing the employees with all the welfare facilities where employees are satisfied with the organization. The overall satisfactory level of employees is high and the productivity will be more.


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P.K.MALLIK, Industrial Relations, Himalaya Publishing House. K. ASWATHAPPA, Human Resource Management , McGraw

_ Hill Publishing House P. SUBBA RAO, Human Resource Management & Industrial Relation , Himalaya

Publishing House.

http://www. Coca_ colaindia.com/

http://www.google .co.in/h1=en&source=hp&q=coca

