Kingswood High School Year 11 Information for Parents & Students Preliminary Course Assessment Booklet 2016

Kingswood High School · Kingswood High School Year 11 Information for Parents & Students ... This booklet is designed to help you plan for the assessments in your PRELIMINARY

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Kingswood High School

Year 11

Information for Parents & Students

Preliminary Course Assessment Booklet


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INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS & PARENTS Timing of Preliminary and HSC Courses 3 Requirements for the Award of the HSC 4 Satisfactory Completion of a Course 5 Internal Assessment 5 Preliminary Course Assessment Program 6 Notification of Assessment Tasks 6 Difficulties with Assessment Tasks 6 Non-completion of Preliminary Course Assessment Tasks 7 Malpractice in Completing an Assessment Task 7 Right of Appeal against Non-Completion of Course 7 Accumulating the HSC 7 Life Skills Vocational Courses Work Placement Student Responsibilities Glossary

8 9 9 10 11

Glossary of Terms and Key Words Official Warning Letter Requirements Determination Misadventure

12 13 14 15

Assessment Task Pro Forma 16 Marking Scheme Pro Forma 17 Student Reflection Term Dates SUBJECT ASSESSMENT POLICIES

17.5 18 19

Agriculture 20 Ancient History 22 Biology 24

Business Studies 26 Chemistry 28 Community and Family Studies 30 Drama 32 Earth & Environmental Science 34

English – Standard 36 English as a Second Language (ESL) 38 Studies of English 40 Exploring Early Childhood 42 Food Technology 44 Geography 46 Industrial Technology – Timber and Furniture Industries 48 Information Processes and Technology 50

Legal Studies 52 Mathematics 2 Unit 54

Mathematics General 56 Mathematics Extension 1 58 Modern History 60 PD/H/PE 62 Photography 2 Unit 64 Physics 66 Senior Science 68 Society and Culture 70 Sport, Life & Recreation – 2 Unit 72 Visual Arts 74 Visual Design 76 Vocational Education and Training Courses – Assessment 78 Hospitality 80

Sport Coaching 82

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Information for Students and Parents


Students undertaking study for the Higher School Certificate have to complete two components for each course - a Preliminary Course and a Higher School Certificate (HSC) Course. Satisfactory completion of the Preliminary course is a prerequisite for entry into an HSC Course. The New Higher School Certificate uses a standards-referenced approach for assessing and reporting student achievement. Teachers will provide more detailed information about the actual HSC examination for each subject as the course progresses. Half yearly and Trial Preliminary examinations will follow Board of Studies examination specifications. This booklet is designed to help you plan for the assessments in your PRELIMINARY. It informs you of all the tasks, the date they are due, the weighting of each task and the outcomes being assessed in each task.

Timing of Preliminary and HSC Courses

Preliminary courses will generally be studied by Year 11 students during Terms 1, 2 and 3. All Preliminary course work in a subject must be completed satisfactorily to be eligible for the award of the Year 11 Record of Achievement and / or HSC. The Board of Studies requires the school Principal to certify satisfactory completion. Assessment of HSC courses begins in Term 4 after Week 5.

The final date for students to change a Preliminary course is the end of Week 4, Term 4. Students must complete the subject change form in consultation with the year adviser. This form requires a parent signature and discussion with Head Teachers of the faculties involved. If subjects are changed, students must check that they remain eligible for the HSC and ATAR if seeking one.

Separate arrangements will be made in consultation with the Year Adviser and Deputy Principal, for students accumulating the HSC over several years.

Assessment of Preliminary courses Assessment is carried out by schools for the Board of Studies (BOSTES). It consists of assessment tasks in each subject. Assessment tasks are designed to give students credit for:

Aspects of their courses which may not be tested in formal examinations, e.g. practical skills, research skills, field studies and oral skills etc.

Achievement throughout the whole of the course rather than an isolated examination at the end of the course.

HSC Courses will begin in Term 4 for Year 11 students who have satisfactorily completed their Preliminary courses, and continue during Terms 1, 2 and 3 of Year 12.

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Separate arrangements will be made for students on Pathway, accumulating the HSC over several years.

Requirements for the Award of the HSC To be eligible for the award of the HSC, students must have satisfactorily completed courses that meet the pattern of study required by the Board of Studies (BOSTES).

To qualify, students must satisfactorily complete the Preliminary pattern of study comprising at least 12 units and a HSC pattern of study comprising at least 10 units. Both the Preliminary course and the HSC course patterns must include:

at least 6 units from Board Developed Courses

at least 2 units of a Board Developed Course in English

at least three courses of 2 units value or greater (either Board Developed or Board Endorsed)

at least four subjects,

students may not include any more than 6 units of the following Science courses: Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Environmental Science, Physics & Senior Science in meeting the 12 Preliminary or 10 HSC units.

Senior Science may not be studied in combination with Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Earth & Environmental Science in Year 11, students have the opportunity to elect to pick up Senior Science in Year 12 without penalty.

Information processes and Technology and Computer Technology may not be studied in the same conjunction.

Students must also:

complete the practical, oral or project works required for specific courses

satisfactorily complete the internal assessment requirements for each course

sit for and made a serious attempt at the Higher School Certificate examinations.

Satisfactory Completion of a Course Principals are required to certify that students have satisfactorily completed Preliminary/HSC courses. The course completion criteria are as follows.

A student will be considered to have satisfactorily completed a course if, in the principal‟s view, there is sufficient evidence that the student has:

a. followed the course developed or endorsed by the Board; and b. applied themselves with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences

provided in the course by the school; and c. achieved some or all of the course outcomes.

Principals may determine that, as a result of absence, the course completion criteria have not been met. Students will receive early warning in writing if they are in danger of receiving an “N” (non-completion of course requirements) determination for any course. In accordance with Department of Education and Communities policy students over 17 can be expelled from a government school for unsatisfactory participation in learning based on a documented pattern of unsatisfactory completion and/or non-serious attempts to achieve course outcomes as specified by the Board of Studies (BOSTES)

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Internal Assessment of Preliminary Courses

Students will complete an internal assessment program for each Preliminary course. All assessment tasks and requirements must be satisfactorily completed to be deemed eligible for entry into HSC courses.

Preliminary Course assessments do not contribute to HSC assessment. A separate booklet outlining internal assessment requirements and task schedules for each course will be provided for HSC course commencement at the beginning of Term 4.

At the end of the Preliminary course the school is required to provide the Board of Studies (BOSTES) with a grade (A-E) to represent the performance of the student in the internal assessment procedures applied throughout the year.

Assessment grades submitted by a school for each course are intended to measure students‟ achievements relative to set standards applied at the end of the Preliminary course. Assessment performance is based on achievements measured at points throughout the course. Measuring achievement at points during the course provides a better indication of student achievement than a single examination.

a. It increases the accuracy of the final assessment of each student‟s achievement by using multiple measures.

b. It caters for any knowledge and skills outcomes that are better assessed in specific settings or at specific times e.g. research or fieldwork skills, thus broadening the base of the assessment.

Formal Examinations and Reports

The school will report on student progress each semester in Year 11. There will be a formal examination for Year 11, late Term 1. Yearly Examinations for Year 11 will occur towards the end of Term 3. The weeks indicated in subject policies may vary slightly. The Assessment rank will be recorded as a cumulative rank on both reports issued in Year 11.

Notification of Assessment Tasks

Teachers will give at least two calendar weeks’ notice in writing of each assessment task. An agreed format will be used to notify all assessment task requirements. This information will include: date set, date due, relative value of this task (weighting) outcomes to be assessed, clear task description and details of marking schemes. Teachers will provide students with clear feedback based on the marking schemes and indicating their achievement of outcomes. Students must discuss any questions they have about the marks and grades awarded for an individual piece of work with their teacher at the time the work is handed back. No assessment tasks will be carried out or excursions held in the week prior to examinations. If the due date for a particular task has to be changed to an earlier date, two calendar weeks‟ notice in writing will still be given. Students who are absent on the day a task is set are responsible for finding out at the earliest opportunity what work was completed or set during their absence. An extension of time should not be expected, without adequate documentation.

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Difficulties with Assessment Tasks

Students must make a genuine attempt at assessment tasks. If students are having problems with an assessment task, or with work in general, they should discuss the matter with their teacher at the first opportunity. Parents with concerns regarding these matters are encouraged to contact the Faculty Head Teacher to arrange an interview with the relevant teacher.

Head Teachers, in consultation with the Deputy Principal, may consider a variation to the scheduled date of an assessment task if requested in advance in writing by parents or guardians. Such a request must provide an acceptable reason for the student‟s inability to complete the task by/on the due date.

Non-completion of Preliminary Course Assessment Tasks

Students must make a genuine attempt at assessment tasks that, taken together, contribute in excess of 50% of the available assessment marks for the Preliminary course. If an attempt at a particular task scores zero, it is a matter for the teacher's professional judgement whether it is a genuine one. Completion of tasks that carry a total weight of exactly 50% is not sufficient; tasks with a total weight in excess of 50% must be attempted. If this is not the case, the Principal must indicate to the Board of Studies (BOSTES) that the course has not been satisfactorily completed,

Assessment tasks which are not completed on/by the due date will receive a zero mark for assessment purposes.

Exceptions to this policy are at the discretion of the Head Teacher in consultation with the Deputy Principal. Students must complete an Illness/Misadventure form (sample on page 14 in this document) and provide documentary evidence e.g. doctor‟s certificate before their case is considered. Students are expected to provide this documentation to their teacher, at the subject‟s first lesson after they return to school.

School assessment marks will not compensate for factors such as extended illness, misadventure or domestic problems. However on the basis of satisfactory documentary evidence, for example, a doctor‟s certificate, the Principal may allow a student to complete a substitute task or, in exceptional circumstances, allow the student to be given an estimate based on other evidence.

Non-completion of Preliminary Course Requirements (N Determination)

Students will be provided with written warning if their progress in a particular course is unsatisfactory, and their parents/caregivers informed of what is required for the student to satisfactorily complete the course. Students who have not completed course requirements by the end of Term 3 despite advice from teachers, Head Teachers and their Year Adviser, will be registered with the Board of Studies as having not completed Preliminary course requirements.

Students in this position will need to consider the following options, depending on how many Preliminary courses they have not satisfactorily completed:

a. Discontinue the subject, taking into account the minimum number of units to qualify for a HSC (10 units) pattern of study requirements.

b. Repeat the Preliminary course in the following year, while beginning HSC courses in other subjects, prior to undertaking the related HSC course in the third senior year. The student would need to check that this was possible, as the school timetable may not enable students to study the required Preliminary/HSC courses.

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c. Repeat the Preliminary course only in the following year, then study the full number of approved HSC courses in the third senior year

d. Consider other options outside Kingswood High School. The Careers Adviser is available to assist with information regarding TAFE and other possibilities.

These options may extend students‟ time at school by at least a year. Students need to make the commitment to complete all Preliminary course requirements to avoid being in this position.

Right of Appeal against Non-completion of Course Requirements Determination

Students may appeal against a Preliminary Course non-completion of course requirement determination (N) by completing the official Board of Studies appeal form and lodging it with the Principal, who will review the case. The appeal process will be explained to any students in this position by the Principal and Deputy, at the end of Term 3, Year 11.

Students who change schools or repeat. Students who transfer to this school before the final date for the entry of grades for Preliminary courses in Year 11 will be assessed by the school based on the tasks completed at this school. Information from the student‟s previous school may also be taken into account. In the case of students who transfer to this school between the final dates for the entry of grades for Preliminary courses their previous school will provide their assessment. Students who transfer from interstate or overseas will be assessed on the tasks completed at this school, following a four-week settling in period. Students repeating a Preliminary Course will be given an assessment based on their repeat Preliminary Course only.

Malpractice in Completing an Assessment Task

Malpractice is any activity undertaken by a student that allows them to gain an unfair advantage over others.

Malpractice includes but is not limited to:

Copying someone else‟s work in part or in whole, and presenting it as your own

Using words, ideas, designs or the workmanship of others in practical and performance tasks without appropriate acknowledgement.

Using material directly from books, journals, CD‟s, the internet or any other source without reference to the source.

Building on ideas of another person without referring to the source.

Buying, stealing or borrowing another‟s work and presenting it as your own

Damaging or destroying another student‟s work

Paying or having someone else complete the task for you

Submitting work which another person such as a parent, tutor, subject expert or a sibling has contributed substantially

Breaking published school examination rules

Using non approved aides during an assessment task

Providing false explanations for work not handed in by the due date

Assisting another student to engage in malpractice.

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Parents will be informed of any instances of malpractice and a zero penalty will be imposed for copying, plagiarism, having someone else do the work for you or any other action that is deemed by the school to give the student an unfair advantage over others.

Life Skills Stage 6 alternate study program for Preliminary and HSC Life Skills subjects cater for all students who require alternate patterns of study. To access this curriculum, students, parents and teachers need to recognise the students need and agree on the access of the Life Skills curriculum. Students may access Life Skills for one or more subjects based on individual need. To meet this commitment, the Board of Studies has developed Life Skills courses for Stage 6 in each broad area of learning. The courses are:

English Life Skills

Mathematics Life Skills

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Life Skills

Human Society and It‟s Environment Life Skills a. Aboriginal Studies Life Skills b. Business and Economics Life Skills c. Citizenship and Legal Studies Life Skills d. Geography Life Skills e. History Life Skills f. Society and Culture Life Skills g. Studies of Religion I Life Skills (available from 2015) h. Studies of Religion II Life Skills

Science Life Skills

Creative Arts Life Skills course provides students with the opportunity to study outcomes and content drawn from any of the modules. The Creative Arts Life Skills course must not duplicate any of the outcomes and content being undertaken in any additional courses being studied.

a. Creative Arts Life Skills b. Visual Arts Life Skills c. Dance Life Skills d. Drama Life Skills e. Music Life Skills

Technology Life Skills a. Agriculture Life Skills b. Design and Technology Life Skills c. Food Technology Life Skills d. Industrial Technology Life Skills e. Information Processes and Technology Life Skills f. Textiles and Design Technology Life Skills

Work and the Community Life Skills These courses have Board Developed status and can be used along with other Board Developed courses to meet requirements for the award of the Higher School Certificate. Each Life Skills course comprises a 2 Unit Preliminary course and a 2 Unit HSC course. There will not be an external examination for Life Skills courses.

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Vocational Courses Vocational courses have continuous assessment of competencies. The instructor at school, TAFE or the workplace may assess these formally or informally. Students may have formal examinations in particular courses. Students may also elect to do the optional external HSC examination A compulsory element of assessment is the satisfactory completion of work placement in a relevant industry.

Work Placement

Work placement is a mandatory requirement for every VET course. Failure to complete work placement in either the Preliminary or HSC year will render the student ineligible for the award of a Preliminary and HSC Credential. If a student exits the course at the end of the Preliminary year they must have completed a minimum of 35 hours work placement to satisfy Board of Studies requirements.

Accumulating the HSC (Pathways) While the current two year program of study is likely to remain the usual method of completing the HSC, it is possible for students to accumulate the HSC over up to five years, providing:

1. Preliminary courses are completed before the HSC courses which follow them;

2. On completion of the accumulation, all HSC pattern-of-study requirements have been met for both the Preliminary and HSC courses, i.e. at least 12 Units of Preliminary and 10 units of HSC courses are required.

Both patterns of study must include:

at least 6 units from Board Developed Courses

at least 2 units of a Board Developed Course in English

at least three courses of 2 units value or greater (either Board Developed or Board Endorsed)

at least four subjects

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Student Responsibilities

Students are responsible for: • attending school and timetabled classes regularly; • showing that through genuine effort and achievement they have met all

the requirements of the courses they are studying; • participating actively and cooperatively in all lessons; • completing all homework satisfactorily; • checking with their teachers as soon as possible after an absence to find

out what work needs to be completed; • completing each assessment task to the best of their ability; • handing in all assessment tasks for marking on or by the due date; • reading the HSC Assessment Information Booklet carefully and keeping the

outlines for each subject studied in their folder.


It isn‟t a case of good luck with the H.S.C. assessment.

Your H.S.C. assessment mark and your rank will be determined by the

amount of effort that you apply to your studies in each subject.

The subject assessment guidelines provide general

information about H.S.C. assessment in each subject.

Each subject will provide more specific information to


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BOARD DEVELOPED COURSE: Developed by the Board of Studies and contributes to the HSC & the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR)

BOARD ENDORSED COURSE: Board Endorsed Courses are offered by the Board of Studies to all schools and have been developed from exemplary school-designed courses. They contribute to the HSC but not the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank. BOARD OF STUDIES WEBSITE: www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au


Account Account for: state reasons for. Report on. Give an account of: narrate

a series of events or transactions

Analyse Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out

and relate implications

Apply Use, utilize, employ in a particular situation

Appreciate Make a judgement about the value of

Assess Make a judgement of value, quality, outcomes, results or size

Calculate Ascertain/determine from given facts, figures or information

Clarify Arrange or include in classes/categories

Compare Show how things are similar or different

Construct Make; build; put together items or arguments

Contrast Show how things are different or opposite

Critically Add a degree or level of accuracy depth, knowledge and

understanding, logic,

(analyse/ questioning, reflection and quality to (analysis/evaluation)


Deuce Draw conclusions

Define State meaning and identify essential qualities

Demonstrate Show by example

Describe Provide characteristics and features

Discuss Identify issues and provide points for and/or against

Distinguish Recognise or note/indicate as being distinct or different from; to note

differences between

Evaluate Make a judgement based on criteria; determine the value of

Examine Inquire into

Explain Relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things

evident; provide why and/or how

Extract Choose relevant and/or appropriate details

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Extrapolate Infer from what is known

Identify Recognise and name

Interpret Draw meaning from

Investigate Plan, inquire into and draw conclusions about

Justify Support an argument or conclusion

Outline Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of

Predict Suggest what may happen based on available information

Propose Put forward (for example a point of view, idea, argument, suggestion)

for consideration or action

Recall Present remembered ideas, facts or experiences

Recommend Provide reasons in favour

Recount Retell a series of events

Summarise Express, concisely, the relevant details

Synthesise Putting together various elements to make a whole

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Kingswood High School PO Box 336 KINGSWOOD NSW 2747

Phone: 4736 1202 Fax: 4736 6011 email: [email protected] Dear [Parent/Caregiver]

Re : OFFICIAL WARNING – Non-completion of a Higher School Certificate Course

I am writing to advise that your son/daughter is in danger of not meeting the Course Completion Criteria for the Higher School Certificate course in, ________________________. The Board of Studies requires schools to issue students with official warnings in order to give them the opportunity to redeem themselves. Please regard this letter as the_____ (eg 1st, 4th) official warning we have issued concerning___________________________. A minimum of two course-specific warnings must be issued prior to a final „N‟ determination being made for a course. Course Completion Criteria In Year 12, students must make a genuine attempt at assessment tasks that contribute in excess of 50% of available marks. Completion of tasks worth exactly 50% is not sufficient; tasks worth in excess of 50% must be completed. To date,______________________________________has not satisfactorily met___________________of the Course Completion Criteria*. The following table lists those tasks, requirements or outcomes not yet completed or achieved, and/or for which a genuine attempt has not been made. In order for___________________________ to satisfy Course Completion Criteria, the following tasks, requirements or outcomes need to be satisfactorily completed:

Task Name/Course Requirement?Course


Date Task Initially Due

(if applicable)

Action Required by student

Date to be Completed by (if applicable)

* Course Completion Criteria

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The satisfactory completion of a course requires principals to have sufficient evidence that the student has:

a) followed the course developed or endorsed by the Board; and b) applied themselves with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and

experiences provided in the course by the school; and c) achieved some or all of the outcomes

Please discuss this matter with _____________________________________________ and contact the school (Student‟s Name) if further information or clarification is needed. Yours sincerely ________________________________________ _________________________________

Class Teacher/Head Teacher Principal

------ --------

please detach this section and return to the school



I have received the letter dated ________________________ indicating that __________________________ is in danger of not having satisfactorily completed___________________________ (course name). I am aware that this course may not appear on his/her Record of Achievement. I am also aware that the „N‟ determination may make him/her ineligible to

proceed to the Higher School Certificate course. I am also aware that the „N‟ determination may make him/her ineligible for the

award of the Higher School Certificate. Parent/Guardian‟s signature: _________________________________ Date:_________________ Student‟s signature: _________________________________________ Date: _________________

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Kingswood High School PO Box 336 KINGSWOOD NSW 2747

Phone: 4736 1202 Fax: 4736 6011 email: [email protected]

School Certificate/Preliminary Course/HSC Course APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CONSIDERATION FOR

ILLNESS – MISADVENTURE If illness or misadventure prevents a student from completing an ASSESSMENT TASK on or by the due date The school must be advised immediately the situation is known (before the due date if possible) and

On the day of returning to school this form must be collected from the Head Teacher PART A – To be completed by the student and signed by parent BEFORE completion by teachers

STUDENT‟S NAME: ………………………………………….Roll Group:………………. Year:…………………..

COURSE: ……………………………………………………….CLASS TEACHER:……………………………….

NATURE OF ASSESSMENT TASK:…………………………………………………………………………………

DATE SET:…./…./….. DATE DUE:…../…../……


Reasons for Consideration. Attach supporting documents (e.g. medical certificates, supporting comments, etc) Note: In the case of an application on medical grounds medical certificate MUST accompany the application Signature of Student……………………………. Signature of Parent…………………………………………….

PART B – To be completed by the class teacher BEFORE the application is submitted to the Head Teacher

Recommendation by Class Teacher Teachers are requested to write a recommendation based on the student‟s reasons. Please see your HT if you need help Signature of Class Teacher…………………………………Date…………………………………………………………………

PART C – Decision of Head Teacher/Deputy Principal

Estimate based on late completion of the task…………….

Estimate based on all other assessment tasks……………..

Estimate based on a substitute task set & completed……..

Extension of time granted until…………………………...

Zero mark to be given (eg late submission)………………..

Show as non-serious attempt……………………………….

N Award warning to be issued……………………………..

Other action…………………………………………… ……………………………………………

Signature of Head Teacher…………………………………………. Date…./….../….. Signature of Deputy Principal ……………………………………. Date…./…../…... Note: Copy to student/Original to Central File

Kingswood High School

Course Name:

Student Name

Date Issued Date Due:

Task Name Task Weight % Time to complete task:

The following course outcomes will be assessed:

You need to do the following to complete this task:

Course: Date Due: __/ __ /__

Date Received: __/ __ /___ Task


Received by:



Marking Scheme

Marking Criteria Marks


High Level




Still to be achieved

Teacher Feedback

Level of Achievement




h L












ll t

o b




MARK / Comments: ______________________________________________________________________




______________________________________________________________________ 17

Student Reflection

Answer the following questions after completing the task and submit with your work. 1. How did you know what had to be done to complete this task? ____________________________________________________________________



2. Looking at my work and using the levels of achievement I believe this work is

(tick one only)

Excellent High Substantial Satisfactory Elementary Still to be Achieved

Because: ____________________________________________________________________



1. I need to ask help with: ____________________________________________________________________



Signed: __________________________ Date: ___ / ___ / _____ Teacher Comments ____________________________________________________________________



Signed: __________________________ Date: ___ / ___ / _



Term 1 Wednesday 27th January 2016 Friday 8th April 2016

Term 2 Tuesday 26th April 2016 Friday 1st July 2016

Term 3 Monday 18th July 2016 Friday 23rd September 2016

Term 4 Monday 10th October 2016 Friday 20th December 2016


1st January 2016 New Year Day

26th January 2016 Australia Day

25th March 2016 Good Friday

28th March 2016 Easter Monday

25th April 2016 Anzac Day

13th June 2016 Queen‟s Birthday

3rd October 2016 Labour Day

25th December 2016 Christmas Day

26th December 2016 Boxing Day







A Student: P1.1 describes the complex, dynamic and interactive nature of agricultural production systems P1.2 describes the factors that influence agricultural systems P2.1 describes the biological and physical resources and applies the processes that cause changes in plant production systems P2.2 describes the biological and physical resources and applies the processes that cause changes in animal production systems P2.3 describes the farm as a basic unit of production P3.1 describes the role of decision-making in the management and marketing of agricultural products in response to

consumer and market requirements P4.1 applies the principles and procedures of experimental design and agricultural research P5.1 identifies the role of associated technologies and technological innovation in producing and marketing

agricultural products


PRELIMINARY AGRICULTURE - 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Component (Syllabus)

Weighting (Syllabus)

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4

Half Yearly Examination

Farm Case Study Research Report Plant/Animals

Pests and Disease Yearly Examination

Overview 15% 10% 5%

Farm Case Study 25% 20% 5%

Plant production 30% 5% 10% 15%

Animal Production 30% 5% 10% 15%

OUTCOMES P1.1, P1.2, P2.3 P2.3, P3.1, P5.1, P4.1

P2.1, P2.2 P1.1, P1.2, P2.1, P2.2, P2.3, P3.1, P4.1, P5.1

TOTAL MARKS 100% 10% 30% 20%



PRELIMINARY ANCIENT HISTORY OUTCOMES _______________________________________________________________________________

A Student: P1.1 describe and explain the contribution of key people, groups, events, institutions, societies and sites

within the historical contexts P2.1 identify historical factors and explain their significance in contributing to change and continuity in the ancient

world P3.1 locate, select and organise relevant information from a variety of sources P3.2 identify relevant problems of sources in reconstructing the past P3.3 comprehend sources and analyse them for their usefulness and reliability P3.4 identify and account for differing perspectives and interpretations of the past P3.6 plan and present the findings of historical investigations, analysing and synthesising information from a range of

sources P4.1 use historical terms and concepts appropriately P4.2 communicates knowledge and understanding of historical features and issues using appropriate oral and written




PRELIMINARY ANCIENT HISTORY - 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5





Term 1

Week 6

Term 1

Week 10

Term 2

Week 9

Term 3

Week 6

Term 3

Weeks 9

Reconstructing the Past


Half Yearly Examination

Source based written analysis

Historical Investigation


Yearly Examination

Knowledge and understanding of course content

40% 10% 10% 20%

Source based skills 20% 5% 5% 10%

Historical inquiry and research

20% 5% 10% 5%

Communication of historical

understanding in appropriate forms

20% 5% 5% 5% 5%

OUTCOMES P1.1, P2.1, P3.1, P3.6 P1.1, P2.1, P3.1,

P3.3 P3.4, P3.5, P3.6 P3.2, P3.3, P3.6

P2.1, P3.1, P3.4,


TOTAL MARKS 100% 15% 25% 15% 20% 25%

PRELIMINARY BIOLOGY OUTCOMES _________________________________________________________________________________________

A Student:

P1 outlines the historical development of major biological principles, concepts and ideas

P2 applies the processes that are used to test and validate models, theories and laws of science, with particular emphasis on first-hand

investigations in biology

P3 assesses the impact of particular technological advances on understanding in biology

P4 describes applications of biology which affect society or the environment

P5 describes the scientific principles employed in particular areas of biological research

P6 explains how cell ultra-structure and the coordinated activities of cells, tissues and organs contribute to macroscopic processes in organisms

P7 describes the range of organisms in terms of specialisation for a habitat

P8 analyses the interrelationships of organisms within the ecosystem

P9 explains how processes of reproduction ensure continuity of species

P10 identifies and describes the evidence for evolution

P11 identifies and implements improvements to investigation plans

P12 discusses the validity and reliability of data gathered from first-hand investigations and secondary sources

P13 identifies appropriate terminology and reporting styles to communicate information and understanding in biology

P14 draws valid conclusions from gathered data and information

P15 implements strategies to work effectively as an individual or as a team member

P16 demonstrates positive values about and attitudes towards both the living and non-living components of the environment, ethical behaviour and a desire for a critical evaluation of the consequences of the applications of science


PRELIMINARY BIOLOGY - 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Component (Syllabus)

Weighting (Syllabus)

Term 1

Exam Week

Term 2 Week 4/5

Term 3 Week 6

Term 3 Exam Week

8.2, 8.3

Half Yearly Examination

8.2, 8.3 Field Study

8.4 Investigation

8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 Yearly Examination

Knowledge and Understanding 40% 5% 7.5% 7.5% 20%

Skill In: * First Hand * Investigations * Communication of Information

30% 10% 10% 10%

Skill In: * Scientific Thinking * Problem Solving * Communication of Understanding & Conclusions

30% 5% 7.5% 7.5% 10%


P4, P6, P7, P8, P9 P1,P2,P3,P11,P13,

P14,P15,P16 P2,P3,P5,P10,P11,P12 P1,P2,P5,P6,P10,P14,P16


100% 10% 25% 25%




The Student:

P1 discusses the nature of business, its role in society and types of business structure

P2 explains the internal and external influences on business

P3 describes the factors contributing to the success or failure of small to medium enterprises P4 assesses the processes and interdependence of key business functions P5 examines the application of management theories and strategies P6 analyses the responsibilities of business to internal and external stakeholders P7 plans and conducts investigations into contemporary business issues P8 evaluates information for actual and hypothetical business situations P9 communicates business information and issues in appropriate formats P10 applies mathematical concepts appropriately in business situations


PRELIMINARY BUSINESS STUDIES - 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Term 1 Week 10/11

Term 2 Week 4

Term 3 Week 2

Term 3 Week 9

Components (Syllabus)

Weight (Syllabus)

Business Management –

Nature of Business

Business Management

Business Planning All Topics

Half Year


Written Response

Business Plan Research Task

Yearly Examination

Knowledge and understanding of course

content 35% 5% 10% 5%


Stimulus Based Skills 20% 10%


Inquiry and Research 20%

10% 10%

Communication of Business information, ideas and issues

in appropriate forms 25% 5% 5% 10%


OUTCOMES P1, P2, P3, P4 P4, P5, P8 P4, P8, P9

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6,


TOTAL MARKS 100% 20% 25% 25% 30%



A Student:

P1 outlines the historical development of major principles, concepts and ideas in chemistry

P2 applies the processes that are used to test and validate models, theories and laws of science with particular emphasis on first-hand

investigations in chemistry

P3 assesses the impact of particular technological advances on understanding in chemistry

P4 describes applications of chemistry which affect society or the environment

P5 describes the scientific principles employed in particular areas of research in chemistry

P6 explains trends and relationships between elements in terms of atomic structure and bonding

P7 describes chemical changes in terms of energy inputs and outputs

P8 describes factors that influence the type and rate of chemical reactions

P9 relates the uses of carbon to the unique nature of carbon chemistry

P10 applies simple stoichiometric relationships

P11 identifies and implements improvements to investigation plans P12 discusses the validity and reliability of data gathered from first-hand investigations and secondary sources P13 identifies appropriate terminology and reporting styles to communicate information and understanding P14 draws valid conclusions from gathered data and information P15 implements strategies to work effectively as an individual or as a member of a team

P16 demonstrates positive values about, and attitude towards, both the living and non-living components of the environment, ethical behaviour

and a desire for a critical evaluation of the consequences of the applications of science


PRELIMINARY CHEMISTRY - 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Component (Syllabus)

Weighting (Syllabus)

Term 1 Week 7

Term 1 Exam Period

Term 3 Exam Period

Term 3 Exam Period

8.2 Investigation

8.2 & 8.3 Half Yearly Examination

8.4 & 8.5

Practical Test

8.2, 8.3 8.4, 8.5

Yearly Examination

Knowledge and Understanding

40% 5% 15% 5% 15%

Skill in: * First Hand Investigations * Communication of


30% 10% 20%

Skill in: * Scientific Thinking * Problem Solving * Communication of

Understanding & Conclusion

30% 10% 5% 10% 5%


P16 P1,P2,P3,P8,

P9,10,P16 P2,P11,P12,P13,

P14,P15,P16 P2,P4,P5,P7,P8,P16

TOTAL MARKS 100% 25% 20% 35%




P1.1 describes the contribution an individual’s experiences, values, attitudes and beliefs make to the development of goals

P1.2 proposes effective solutions to resource problems

P2.1 accounts for the roles and relationships that individuals adopt within groups

P2.2 describes the role of the family and other groups in the socialization of individuals

P2.3 examines the role of leadership and group dynamics in contributing to positive interpersonal relationships and achievement

P2.4 analyses the inter-relationships between internal and external factors and their impact on family functioning

P3.1 explains the changing nature of families and communities in contemporary society

P3.2 analyses the significance of gender in defining roles and relationships

P4.1 utilises research methodology appropriate to the study of social issues

P4.2 presents information in written, oral and graphic form

P5.1 applies management processes to maximise the efficient use of resources

P6.1 distinguishes those actions that enhance wellbeing

P6.2 uses critical thinking skills to enhance decision-making

P7.1 appreciates differences among individuals, groups and families within communities and values their contributions to society

P7.2 develops a sense of responsibility for the wellbeing of themselves and others

P7.3 appreciates the value of resource management in response to change

P7.4 values the place of management in coping with a variety of role expectations


PRELIMINARY COMMUNITY & FAMILY STUDIES - 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Course Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5

Components Weighting Term 1 Week 6

Term 1 Exam Period

Term 2 Week 7

Term 3 Week 7

Term 3 Exam Period


Management Task

Half Yearly Exam

Individuals & Groups


Families & Communities Task

Yearly Examination



20% 10% 10%

Individuals and


40% 25% 15%

Family and


40% 25% 15%

OUTCOMES P1.1, P1.2, P5.1,P6.1

P1.1,P1.2,P4.2, P5.1,P6.1,P6.2

P2.1,P2.3, P4.2,P6.2

P1.2,P2.1,P2.3, P4.2,P3.1,P6.1

P1.1,P1.2,P2.1,P2.2,P2.3, P2.4,P3.1,P3.2,P4.2,P5.1,



100% 10% 10% 25% 25%




A Student:

P 1.1 describes the function and application of a variety of computer software P 1.2 applies computing terminology appropriately in practical situations P 1.3 uses appropriate computer software in a given context P 2.1 describes aspects of human activity which have developed into computer applications P 2.2 explains the principles and functions of specific hardware components P 2.3 evaluates the suitability of hardware in a particular context P 3.1 applies a range of project management techniques in the development of a solution P 3.2 analyses and documents the steps involved in problem-solving and applies them to producing computer-based solutions P 3.3 implements, tests, debugs and evaluates solutions using current common application packages P 4.1 identifies and reflects on the social and technological implications when making decisions about the use of computer software P 4.2 evaluates the use of a computer-based solution compared to non-computer solutions P 4.3 identifies social and ethical issues related to the use of computer software P 5.1 evaluates the suitability of software applications in a particular context


PRELIMINARY COMPUTING APPLICATIONS - 2016 Internal Assessment Program,

Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6

Components (Syllabus)

Weight (Syllabus)

Term 1 Week 4

Term 1 Week 8

Term 2 Week 3

Term 2 Week 8

Term 3 Week 3

Term 3 Week 9

Hardware and Software Skills

15% 15%

Graphics I 15% 15%

Spread sheets I 15% 15%

Desktop Publishing I 15% 15%

Graphics II 20% 20%

Spreadsheets II 20% 20%


1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 4.1,


1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2,

4.1, 4.2, 5.1

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 5.1

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.3, 5.1

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1,

4.3, 5.1

1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1

TOTAL MARKS 100% 15% 15% 15% 15% 20% 20%



The Student: P1.1 understands dance as the performance and communication of ideas through movement and in written and

oral form

P1.2 understands the use of dance terminology relevant to the study of dance as an art form

P1.3 develops the skills of dance through performing, composing and appreciating dance

P1.4 values the diversity of dance as an art form and its inherent expressive qualities

P2.1 identifies the physiology of the human body as it is relevant to the dancer

P2.2 identifies the body’s capabilities and limitations

P2.3 recognises the importance of the application of safe dance practice

P2.4 demonstrates appropriate skeletal alignment, body-part articulation, strength, flexibility, agility and coordination

P2.5 performs combinations, phrases and sequences with due consideration of safe dance practices

P2.6 values self-discipline, commitment and consistency in technical skills and performance

P3.1 identifies the elements of dance composition

P3.2 understands the compositional process

P3.3 understands the function of structure as it relates to dance composition

P3.4 explores the elements of dance relating to dance composition

P3.5 devises movement material in a personal style in response to creative problem-solving tasks in dance composition

P3.6 structures movement devised in response to specific concept/intent

P3.7 values their own and others’ dance activities as worthwhile

P4.1 understands the socio-historic context in which dance exists

P4.2 develops knowledge to critically appraise and evaluate dance

P4.3 demonstrates the skills of gathering, classifying and recording information about dance

P4.4 develops skills in critical appraisal and evaluation

P4.5 values the diversity of dance from national and international perspectives 34

PRELIMINARY DANCE – 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Components (Syllabus)

Weight (Syllabus)

Term 1 Week 8

Term 2 Week 3

Term 2 Week 6

Term 3 Week 9

Safe Dance, Technique and Performance

Half Yearly Exam


Yearly Examination

Appreciation 40% 20% 20%

Performance 40% 40%


OUTCOMES P1.1, P1.2, P1.3, P2.1, P2.2, P2.3, P2.4, P2.5,


P1.1, P1.2, P1.3, P1.4, P4.1, P4.2, P4.3, P4.4, P4.5

P1.1, P1.2, P1.3, P1.4, P3.1, P3.2, P3.3, P3.4, P3.5,


P1.1, P1.3, P1.4, P2.3, P2.4, P2.5, P2.6, P4.1, P4.2, P4.3, P4.4, P4.5

TOTAL MARKS 100% 40% 20% 20% 20%



The Student: P1.1 develops acting skills in order to adopt and sustain a variety of characters and roles P1.2 explores ideas and situations, expressing them imaginatively in dramatic form

P1.3 demonstrates performance skills appropriate to a variety of styles and media

P1.4 understands, manages and manipulates theatrical elements and elements of production, using them perceptively and creatively

P1.5 understands, demonstrates and records the process of developing and refining ideas and scripts through to performance

P1.6 demonstrates directorial and acting skills to communicate meaning through dramatic action

P1.7 understands the collaborative nature of drama and theatre and demonstrates the self-discipline needed in the process of collaboration

P1.8 recognises the value of individual contributions to the artistic effectiveness of the whole

P2.1 understands the dynamics of actor-audience relationship

P2.2 understands the contributions to a production of the playwright, director, dramaturgy, designers, front-of-house staff, technical staff and producers

P2.3 demonstrates directorial and acting skills to communicate meaning through dramatic action

P2.4 performs effectively in a variety of styles using a range of appropriate performance techniques, theatrical and design elements and performance spaces

P2.5 understands and demonstrates the commitment, collaboration and energy required for a production

P2.6 appreciates the variety of styles, structures and techniques that can be used in making and shaping a performance

P3.1 critically appraises and evaluates, both orally and in writing, personal performances and the performances of others

P3.2 understands the variety of influences that have impacted upon drama and theatre performance styles, structures and techniques

P3.3 analyses and synthesises research and experiences of dramatic and theatrical styles, traditions and movements

P3.4 appreciates the contribution that drama and theatre make to Australian and other societies by raising awareness and expressing ideas about issues of interest


PRELIMINARY DRAMA – 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5

Components (Syllabus)

Weight (Syllabus) Term 1

Week 8 Term 2 Week 3

Term 2 Week 10

Term 3 Week 8

Term 3 Week 9


Half Yearly Exam Schools Drama Festival

Costume Design

Yearly Exam – Australian Theatre


30 % 15% 15%


40% 15% 10% 15%

Critically Studying

30% 15%


OUTCOMES P1.1, P1.2, P1.3, P1.4, P1.5, P1.6, P2.1, P2.3, P2.4

P3.1, P3.2, P3.3, P3.4

P1.1, P1.2, P1.3, P1.4, P1.6, P1.7, P1.8, P2.1, P2.2, P2.4,


P2.1, P2.2, P2.4, P2.6

P2.2, P2.6, P3.1, P3.2, P3.3, P3.4


100% 30% 15% 25% 15% 15%



A Student: P1 outlines the historical development of major Earth and Environmental Science principles, concepts and ideas

P2 applies the processes that are used to test and validate models, theories and laws of science with particular emphasis on first-hand

investigations in Earth and Environmental Science

P3 assesses the impact of particular technological advances on understanding in Earth and Environmental Science

P4 describes applications of Earth and Environmental Science which affect society or the environment

P5 describes the scientific principles employed in particular areas of Earth and Environmental Science research

P6 identifies the origins of Earth’s resources

P7 identifies and describes the physical and chemical features of the environment

P8 discusses the interplay between the internal and external forces which constantly reshape the Earth’s


P9 describes and locates available resources in Australian environments

P10 describes human impact on the local environment P11 identifies and implements improvements to investigation plans

P12 discusses the validity and reliability of data gathered from first-hand investigations and secondary sources

P13 identifies appropriate terminology and reporting styles to communicate information and understanding in Earth and Environmental


P14 draws valid conclusions from gathered data and information

P15 implements strategies to work effectively as an individual or as a member of a team

P16 demonstrates positive values about, and attitudes towards, both the living and non-living components of the environment; ethical behaviour;

and a desire for critical evaluation of the consequences of the applications of science 38


EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES PRELIMINARY - 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Component (Syllabus)

Weighting (Syllabus)

Term 1

Exam Week

End Term 2

Term 3 Week 4

Term 3 Exam Week


Half Yearly Examination

8.3 Investigation

8.4 Field Study

8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 Yearly Examination

Knowledge and Understanding






Skill In: * First Hand * Investigations * Communication of Information





Skill In:

* Scientific Thinking * Problem Solving * Communication of Understanding & Conclusions







P1, P2, P3, P4, P5. P6, P8, P13, P14

P5, P8, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15

P4, P7, P8, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15

P6,P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14,









A Student:

P1 demonstrates understanding of how relationships between composer, responder, text and context

P2 demonstrates understanding of the relationships among texts

P3 develops language relevant to the study of English

P4 identifies and describes language forms and features, and structures of particular texts shape meaning and influence responses

P5 describes the ways different technologies and media of production affect the language and structure of particular texts

P6 a student engages with a wide range of texts to develop a considered and informed personal response

P7 selects appropriate language forms and features, and structures of texts to explore and express ideas and values

P8 articulates and represents own ideas in critical, interpretive and imaginative texts from a range of perspectives

P9 assesses the appropriateness of a range of processes and technologies in the investigation and organisation of information and ideas

P10 analyses and synthesises information and ideas into sustained and logical argument for a range of purposes and audiences

P11 draws upon the imagination to transform experience and ideas into text

P12 reflects on own processes of responding and composing

P13 reflects on own processes of learning


PRELIMINARY ENGLISH STANDARD 2016 – Internal Assessment, Kingswood High School

Components (Syllabus)


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3

Task 4

Task 5

Task 6

Task 7

Term 1

Week 5

Term 2

Week 10

Term 2

Week 4

Term 2

Week 7

Term 3

Week 2

Term 3

Week 6

Term 3

Week 9

Area of Study

Listening Task

Formal Exam Non-Fiction

Reading Task

Area of Study

Speaking Task











Understanding how meaning is affected by context, medium of

production and influences 40% 15% 10%


Describes, analyses and explains how language forms and features of texts

shape meaning 25% 10%


Personal response with detailed interpretation analysis, synthesis &

evaluation of texts 15%



Composes with control of language for audience, purpose & context

about ideas, information & values 20%



P1, P3, P5,

P7, P11

P2, P3, P4, P7

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6,

P7, P8, P9, P10

P1, P3, P4,

P7, P8

P1, P3,

P6, P7, P10

P2, P3,

P4 P6, P7,

P10, P11

TOTAL MARKS 100% 15% 10% 10% 25% 10% 15% 15%



A student:

P1 demonstrates an understanding of the relationships between composer, responder, text and context

P2 identifies and describes relationships among texts

P3 demonstrates understanding of cultural reference in texts

P4 develops language relevant to the study of English

P5 demonstrates understanding of how audience and purpose affect the language and structure of texts

P6 interprets texts using key language patterns and structural features

P7 describes the ways different technologies and media of production affect the language and structure of particular texts

P8 uses a variety of textual forms appropriately, for different purposes, audiences and contexts, in all modes

P9 engages with a wide range of texts to develop a considered and informed personal response

P10 assesses the appropriateness of a range of processes and technologies in the investigation and organisation of information and ideas

P11 analyses and synthesises information and ideas from a range of texts in a range of modes and media

P12 draws upon the imagination to transform experience into text

P13 reflects on own processes of responding and composing

P14 reflects on own processes of learning English


PRELIMINARY ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) - 2016 Internal Assessment Program,

Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Task 5

Term 1 Week 8

Term 2 Week 4

Term 2 Week 10

Term 3 Week 6

Term 3 Weeks 8/9

Components (Syllabus)

Weight (Syllabus)

Area of Study (AOS)

Oral presentation on an aspect of


Area of Study (AOS)

Film Identifying film techniques and

describing how they create meaning in


Elective 1: Writing for


Elective 2:

Australian stories Response to

Drover‟s Wife

Yearly Examination Area of Study (AOS) –

Listening and writing 25% Elective 2 – reading 5%

Listening 20% 10%


Speaking 20% 15% 5%

Reading 20% 10% 5%


Writing 25% 10%


Viewing/Representing 15% 15%

OUTCOMES P1, P3, P5, P9 P3, P4, P6, P7,

P13 P2, P4, P8, P9,

P13, P14 P1, P3, P4, P5, P6,

P10, P12, P13

P2, P4, P7, P8, P11, P12

TOTAL MARKS 100% 15% 20% 20% 15% 30%


PRELIMINARY STUDIES OF ENGLISH OUTCOMES ___________________________________________________________________________________

A student: P1.1 has experience of extended and short texts in a range of forms to gain knowledge, understanding and appreciation of how English is used to convey meaning

P1.2 explores the ideas and values of the texts P1.3 identifies how language and other techniques are used to convey meaning in extended and short texts in a range of forms P2.1 comprehends written, spoken and multi-modal texts at an appropriate level to enrich their personal lives and to provide a sound

basis for current and future education, careers and citizenship P2.2 demonstrates skills in expression in English at an appropriate level of accuracy and fluency to enrich their personal lives and to

provide a sound basis for current and future education, careers and citizenship P2.3 demonstrates familiarity with the language conventions of a variety of textual forms, including literary texts, informative texts

and texts used in vocational contexts P3.1 recognises a range of purposes for and contexts in which language is used and the appropriate text forms, vocabulary, style and

tone when writing and speaking for those purposes

P3.2 recognises a range of audiences and the appropriate text forms, vocabulary, style and tone when writing and speaking for those audiences

P4.1 plans and organises, with teacher support to complete tasks or projects, both individually and collaboratively

P4.2 works effectively, both as an individual and within a group, to locate and communicate information and ideas related to a variety of topics

*Area of Study (AOS): 60% *Electives: 40%


PRELIMINARY ENGLISH STUDIES - 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5

Assessment Components

Weight „The Big Screen‟-

Film Review


Through English

Job Application

and Interview

„Part of the

Family‟ – Cook

Book &



Through English

Portfolio of


Yearly Exam

Term 1

Week 8

Term 2

Week 4

Term 3

Week 4

Term 3

Week 7

Term 3

Weeks 9

Reading 25% 5% 5% 15%

Writing 25% 5% 5% 15%

Speaking and listening 25% 15% 10%

Viewing and Representing 25% 10% 5% 10%

OUTCOMES P1.1, P1.2, P1.3,

P3.1, P3.2

P2.1, P2.2,

P3.2, P4.1

P1.4, P2.3,

P4.1, P4.2

P1.4, P2.3,

P3.1, P4.1

P1.2, P1.3,

P2.1, P2.2

TOTAL MARK 100% 15% 20% 15% 20% 30%



A Student

1.1 analyses prenatal issues that have an impact on development

1.2 examines major physical, social-emotional, behavioural, cognitive and language development of young children

1.3 examines the nature of different periods in childhood – infant, toddler, preschool and the early years

1.4 analyses the ways in which family, community and culture influence the growth and development of young children

1.5 examines the implications for growth and development when a child has special needs

2.1 analyses issues relating to the appropriateness of a range of services for different families

2.2 critically examines factors that influence the social world of young children

2.3 explains the importance of diversity as a positive issue for children and their families

2.4 analyses the role of a range of environmental factors that have an impact on the lives of young children

3.1 evaluates strategies that encourage positive behaviour in young children

4.1 demonstrates appropriate communication skills with children and/or adults

4.2 interacts appropriately with children and adults from a wide range of cultural backgrounds

4.3 demonstrates appropriate strategies to resolve group conflict

5.1 analyses and compares information from a variety of sources to develop an understanding of child growth and development

6.1 demonstrates an understanding of decision making processes

6.2 critically examines all issues including beliefs and values that may influence interactions with others


PRELIMINARY EXPLORING EARLY CHILDHOOD – 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5

Components (Syllabus)

Weight (Syllabus) Term 1

Week 7 Term 2 Week 1

Term 2 Week 7

Term 3 Week 8

Term 3 Weeks 10/11

Pregnancy & Childbirth Topic


Half Yearly Examination

Child Growth & Development – Research Task

Promoting Positive Learning Environment -


Yearly Examination

Knowledge & Understanding

70% 10% 20% 10% 5% 25%

Skills 30% 5% 5% 15% 5%

OUTCOMES 1.1, 1.2, 5.1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5,

2.3, 2.4, 5.1, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2,

4.3, 6.1, 6.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 4.1,


TOTAL MARKS 100% 15% 20% 15% 20% 30%



A student:

P1.1 identifies and discusses a range of historical and contemporary factors which influence the availability of particular foods

P1.2 accounts for individual and group food selection patterns in terms of physiological, psychological, social and economic factors

P2.1 explains the role of food nutrients in human nutrition

P2.2 identifies and explains the sensory characteristics and functional properties of food

P3.1 assesses the nutrient value of meals/diets for particular individuals and groups

P3.2 presents ideas in written, graphic and oral form using computer software where appropriate.

P4.1 selects appropriate equipment, applies suitable techniques, and utilises safe and hygienic practices when handling food

P4.2 plans, prepares and presents foods which reflect a range of the influences on food selection

P4.3 selects foods, plans and prepares meals/diets to achieve optimum nutrition for individuals and groups

P4.4 applies an understanding of the sensory characteristics and functional properties of food to the preparation of food products

P5.1 generates ideas and develops solutions to a range of food situations



PRELIMINARY FOOD TECHNOLOGY – 2016 Internal Assessment Program – Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Components (Syllabus)

Weight (Syllabus)

Term 1 Week 8/9

Term 2 Week 8

Term 3 Week 7

Term 3 Week 9/10

Food Availability Food Availability and Selection

& Nutrition Half Yearly Task /50

Food Quality Properties Task /30

Preliminary Examination Task /50

Nutrition 30% 10% 20%

Food Availability and

Selection 30% 20% 20%

Food Quality 40% 20% 20%

OUTCOMES P1.1, P1.2,

P4.2 P2.1, P3.1, P3.2, P4.3, P5.1 P2.2, P3.2, P4.1, P4.4

P1.1, P1.2, P3.2, P4.4, P2.2, P5.1

TOTAL MARKS 100% 30% 30% 20% 20%


P1 differentiates between spatial and ecological dimensions in the study of geography

P2 describes the interactions between the four components which define the biophysical environment

P3 explains how a specific environment functions in terms of biophysical factors

P4 analyses changing demographic patterns and processes

P5 examines the geographical nature of global challenges confronting humanity

P6 identifies the vocational relevance of a geographical perspective

P7 formulates a plan for active geographical inquiry

P8 selects, organises and analyses relevant geographical information from a variety of sources

P9 uses maps, graphs and statistics, photographs and fieldwork to conduct geographical inquiries

P10 applies mathematical ideas and techniques to analyse geographical data

P11 applies geographical understanding and methods ethically and effectively to a research project

P12 communicates geographical information, ideas and issues using appropriate written and/or oral, cartographic and graphic forms


PRELIMINARY GEOGRAPHY - 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 4 Task 5

Component (Syllabus)

Weighting (Syllabus)

Term 1 Week 7

Term 1 Weeks 9-10

Term 3

Week 10

Term 3 Week 9

Skills Test Half Yearly Examination

Senior Geography Project Yearly Examination

Knowledge and Understanding of Course Content


5% 10% 5% 20%

Geographical inquiry and research, including fieldwork 20%


Geographical tools and skills 20%

10% 5%


Communication of geographical information, ideas and issues in appropriate forms


5% 5% 10%


P8, P10 P2, P3, P8, P10, P12 P8, P9, P11, P12 P3, P4, P5, P8


100% 15% 20% 30% 35%



____________________________________________________________________________________________ A Student:

P1.1 describes the organisation and management of an individual business within the focus area industry

P1.2 identifies appropriate equipment, production and manufacturing techniques, including new and developing technologies

P2.1 describes and uses safe working practices and correct workshop equipment maintenance techniques

P2.2 works effectively in team situations

P3.1 sketches, produces and interprets drawings in the production of projects

P3.2 applies research and problem-solving skills

P3.3 demonstrates appropriate design principles in the production of projects

P4.1 demonstrates a range of practical skills in the production of projects

P4.2 demonstrates competency in using relevant equipment, machinery and processes

P4.3 identifies and explains the properties and characteristics of materials/components through the production of projects

P5.1 uses communication and information processing skills

P5.2 uses appropriate documentation techniques related to the management of projects

P6.1 identifies the characteristics of quality manufactured products

P6.2 identifies and explains the principles of quality and quality control

P7.1 explains the impact of one related industry on the social and physical environment


P7.2 identifies the impact of existing, new and emerging technologies of one related industry on society and the environment


Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5

Components (Syllabus)

Weight (Syllabus)

Term 1 Week 10

Term 1 Week 11

Term 2 Week 3

Term 3 Week 8

Term 3 Week 10

Half Yearly Examination

Industry Study and Report

Theory Joints Knockdown

Fittings Finishes

Hand and Power Tools

Practical Projects and Folio Marking

Preliminary Course Examination

Industry Study 15% 5% 5% 5%

Design 10%


Management and Communication

20% 5% 5%

5% 5%

Production 40% 40%

Industry Related Manufacturing

Technology 15% 5% 10%

OUTCOMES P1.2, P2.1, P4.3

P6.1, P6.2

P1.1, P2.1, P3.2, P5.1, P5.2

P7.1, P7.2

P3.2, P4.3, P5.1, P5.2, P6.1, P6.2

P3.1, P2.2, P3.1 P3.3, P4.3

P4.1, P4.2 P5.1,P5.2

P1.1, P1.2, P4.3, P6.1, P6.2, P7.1, P7.2

TOTAL MARKS 100% 10% 15% 10% 55% 10%



A Student: P1.1 describes the nature of information processes and information technology P1.2 classifies the functions and operations of information processes and information technology P2.1 identifies the information processes within and information system P2.2 recognises the interdependence between each of the information processes P3.1 identifies social and ethical issues P4.1 describes the historical development of information systems and relates these to current and emerging

technologies P5.1 selects and ethically uses computers based and non-computer based resources and tools to process information P6.1 analyses and describes an identified need P6.2 generates ideas, considers alternatives and develops solutions for a defined need P7.1 recognises and applies management and communication techniques to project work P7.2 uses technology to support group work


PRELIMINARY INFORMATION PROCESS AND TECHNOLOGY – 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6

Components (Syllabus)

Weight (Syllabus)

Term 1 Week 5

Term 1 Week 9

Exam Period

Term 2 and 3 Every 2 Weeks

Term 3 Week 5

Exam Period

Pamphlet / Flyer & Individual Oral Presentation of a System

News Articles

Half Yearly Examination

Class Activities Major Group Project

Yearly Examination

Introduction to Information Skills & Systems

20% 5% 2% 5% 3% 5%

Tools for Information Processes

50% 10% 3% 10% 7% 10% 10%

Developing Information Systems

30% 5% 10% 10% 5%


1.1,1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.2

1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 4.1, 6.1, 6.2

1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2

1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1,

6.2, 7.1, 7.2

1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2,

7.1, 7.2

1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2,

7.1, 7.2

TOTAL MARKS 100% 15% 10% 15% 20% 20% 20%



A Student: 1.1 establishes and maintains communication in French 1.2 manipulates linguistic structures to express ideas effectively in French 1.3 sequences ideas and information 1.4 applies knowledge of the culture of French-speaking communities to interact appropriately 2.1 understands and interprets information in texts using a range of strategies 2.2 conveys the gist of and identifies specific information in texts 2.3 summarises the main points of a text 2.4 draws conclusions from or justifies an opinion about a text 2.5 identifies the purpose, context and audience of a text 2.6 identifies and explains aspects of the culture of French-speaking communities in texts 3.1 produces texts appropriate to audience, purpose and context 3.2 structures and sequences ideas and information 3.3 applies knowledge of diverse linguistic structures to convey information and express original ideas in French 3.4 applies knowledge of the culture of French-speaking communities to the production of texts



Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5

Task 6

Components (Syllabus)

Term 1 Week 6

Half Yearly Examination Term 1, Week 10

Term 2 Week 5

Term 2 Week 9

Term 3 Week 4

Yearly Examination

Term 3, Week 9

Listening Objectives 1

& 2 15% 20%

Reading Objectives 1

& 2 15%


Writing Objectives

1 & 3 5%


Speaking Objectives 1

& 3 5% 10%

OUTCOMES 1.3, 1.4 1.2, 1.3 1.1, 1.4 2.1, 2.2, 2.4,

2.5, 2.6 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4

2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4,

2.5, 2.6, 3.2


15% 20% 5% 20% 10%




A Student:

P1 identifies and applies legal concepts and terminology

P2 describes the key features of Australian and international law

P3 describes the operation of domestic and international legal systems

P4 discusses the effectiveness of the legal system in addressing issues

P5 describes the role of law in encouraging cooperation and resolving conflict, as well as initiating and responding

to change

P6 explains the nature of the interrelationship between the legal system and society

P7 evaluates the effectiveness of the law in achieving justice

P8 locates, selects and organises legal information from a variety of sources including legislation, cases, media,

international instruments and documents

P9 communicates legal information using well-structured responses

P10 accounts for differing perspectives and interpretations of legal information and issues



Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4


The Legal System The Legal System Law in Practice The Legal System, The Individual and the Law, Law in


Media File Half Yearly Examination Research Task

Yearly Examination

Term 1 Wk 7 Term 1 Wk 9 Term 3 Wk 6 Term 3 Wk 9

Course Content

60% 5% 30% 5%



20% 10% 10%

Communication 20% 5% 5%


OUTCOMES P1, P6, P8, P9 P1, P2, P3, P6 P3, P4, P5, P7, P8, P10

P1, P4, P5, P7, P9, P10

TOTAL MARKS 100% 20% 30% 20%




The Student:

P1 demonstrates confidence in using mathematics to obtain realistic solutions to problems

P2 provides reasoning to support conclusions which are appropriate to the context

P3 performs routine arithmetic and algebraic manipulation involving surds, simple rational expressions and

trigonometric identities

P4 chooses and applies appropriate arithmetic, algebraic, graphical, trigonometric and geometric techniques

P5 understands the concept of a function and the relationship between a function and its graph

P6 relates the derivative of a function to the slope of its graph

P7 determines the derivative of a function through routine application of the rules of differentiation

P8 understands and uses the language and notation of calculus


PRELIMINARY MATHEMATICS - 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Components (Syllabus)

Weight (Syllabus) Term 1

Week 9 Term 2 Week 7

Term 3 Week 3

Term 3 Week 10

Half Yearly Examination

Arithmetic, Algebra & Plane Geometry

Test Trigonometry & Real


Test Linear Functions &

Quadratic Polynomial

Yearly Examination All previous topics plus Derivative of a Function

Concepts, Skills and techniques

50% 10% 10% 10% 20%

Reasoning and Communication

50% 10% 10% 10% 20%

OUTCOMES P1,P2, P3, P4 P1, P2, P3

P4, P5 P1, P2, P4, P5

P1, P2, P3, P4 P5

TOTAL MARKS 100% 20% 20% 20% 40%



The Student:

PG1 uses mathematics and statistics to compare alternative solutions to contextual problems

PG2 represents information in symbolic, graphical and tabular form

PG3 represents the relationships between changing quantities in algebraic and graphical form

PG4 performs calculations in relation to two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures

PG5 demonstrates awareness of issue in practical measurement, including accuracy, and the choice of relevant units

PG6 Models financial situations relevant to the student‟s current life using appropriate tools

PG7 determines an appropriate form of organisation and representation of collected data

PG8 performs simple calculations in relation to the likelihood of familiar events

PG9 uses appropriate technology to organise information form a limited range of practical and everyday contexts

PG10 justifies a response to a given problem using appropriate mathematical terminology

PGVA develops a positive attitude to mathematics and appreciates its capacity to provide enjoyment and recreation


PRELIMINARY GENERAL MATHEMATICS 1 & 2 – 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Components (Syllabus)

Weight (Syllabus) Term 1

Week 9 Term 2 Week 7

Term 3 Week 6

Term 3 Week 10

Half Yearly Examination Algebra &


Test Finance &


Test Statistics & Linear


Yearly Examination

All previous topics plus Probability

Concepts, Skills and

techniques 50% 10% 10% 10% 20%

Reasoning and

Communication 50% 10% 10% 10% 20%



PG1,PG6,PG7,PG8, PG9


PG1,PG4,PG7,PG9, PG11

PG1,PG2,PG3,PG4, PG5,PG6,PG7,PG8,


TOTAL MARKS 100% 20% 20% 20% 40%



The Student:

PE1 appreciates the role of mathematics in the solution of practical problems

PE2 uses multi-step deductive reasoning in a variety of contexts

PE3 solves problems involving permutations and combinations, inequalities, polynomials and circle geometry

PE4 uses the parametric representation together with the differentiation to identify geometric properties of parabolas

PE5 determines derivations which require the application of more than one rule of differentiation

PE6 makes comprehensive use of mathematical language, diagrams and notation for communicating in a wide variety of situations


PRELIMINARY MATHMATICS EXTENSION 1 – 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Components (Syllabus)

Weight (Syllabus)

Term 1 Week 9

Term 2 Week 7

Term 3 Week 3

Term 3 Week 10

Circle Geometry Half-Yearly Exam

Permutation and combination

Trigonometry and Circle geometry

Yearly Examination

Knowledge 50% 10% 10% 10% 20%

Application 50% 10% 10% 10% 20%


PE1, PE4, PE5 PE6

TOTAL MARKS 100% 20% 20% 20% 40%



A Student:

P1.1 describe the role of key individuals, groups and events of selected studies from the eighteenth century to the present

P1.2 investigate and explain the key features and issues of selected studies from the eighteenth century to the present

P2.1 identify forces and ideas and explain their significance in contributing to change and continuity from the eighteenth century to the


P3.1 ask relevant historical questions

P3.2 locate, select and organise relevant information from different types of sources

P3.3 comprehend and analyse sources for their usefulness and reliability

P3.4 identify and account for differing perspectives and interpretations of the past

P3.5 plan and present the findings of historical investigations, analysing and synthesising information from different types of sources

P4.1 use historical terms and concepts appropriately

P4.2 communicate a knowledge and understanding of historical features and issues, using appropriate and well-structured oral and

written forms



Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Syllabus Components


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5

Case Study 1 Speech

Half-Yearly Examination

Case Study 2 Historical


The World at the Beginning of the

Twentieth Century In-class Essay

Yearly Examination

Term 1 Week 6

Term 1 Weeks 10-11

Term 2 Week 8

Term 3 Week 6

Term 3 Week 9

Knowledge and understanding of course content

40% 10% 10% 10% 10%

Source-based skills: analysis, synthesis and evaluation of

historical information from a variety of sources

20% 5% 5% 5% 5%

Historical inquiry and research including mandatory historical

investigation 20% 5% 10% 5%

Communication of historical understanding in appropriate

forms 20% 5% 5% 10%

OUTCOMES P1.1, P1.2, P3.2, P3.5, P4.1, P4.2

P1.1, P1.2, P3.2, P3.3, P4.1

P1.2, P3.1, P3.2, P3.3, P3.5, P4.2

P1.1, P2.1, P3.2, P3.3, P3.5

P1.1, P1.2, P2.1, P3.3,

P3.4, P4.1, P4.2

TOTAL MARK 100% 15% 20% 20% 20%




The student: P.1 performs music that is characteristic of topics studied P.2 observes, reads, interprets and discusses simple musical scores that are characteristic of the topics studied P.3 improvises and creates melodies, harmonies and rhythmic accompaniments for familiar sound sources reflecting the cultural and

historical contexts studied P. 4 recognises and identifies concepts of music in a wide variety of musical styles P.5 comments on and constructively discusses performances and compositions P.6 observes and discusses the concepts of music in works representative of the topics studied P.7 understands the capabilities of performing media, explores and uses current technologies as appropriate to the topic studied P.8 Identifies, recognises, experiments with and discusses the use of technology in music P.9 performs as a means of self-expression and communication P.10 demonstrates a willingness to participate in performance, composition, musicology and aural activities P.11 demonstrates a willingness to accept and use constructive criticism


PRELIMINARY MUSIC - 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Components (Syllabus)

Weight (Syllabus)

Term 1,Week 6 Term 1, Week 8 Term 2, Week 4 Term 3 ,Week 9

Musicology Half Yearly Exam Composition Yearly Examination

Performance 25% 5% 5% 15%

Musicology 25% 15% 10%

Aural (Listening)

25% 10% 5% 10%

Composition 25% 5% 20%

OUTCOMES P1, P2, P3, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11

P1, P2, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11

P2, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11,

P1, P2, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11

TOTAL MARKS 100% 25% 25% 25% 25%



A student:

P1 identifies and examines why individuals give different meanings to health

P2 explains how a range of health behaviours affect an individual‟s health

P3 describes how an individual‟s health is determined by a range of factors

P4 evaluates aspects of health over which individuals can exert some control

P5 describes factors that contribute to effective health promotion

P6 proposes actions that can improve and maintain an individual‟s health

P7 explains how body systems influence the way the body moves

P8 describes the components of physical fitness and explains how they are monitored

P9 describes biomechanical factors that influence the efficiency of the body in motion

P10 plans for participation in physical activity to satisfy a range of individual needs

P11 assesses and monitors physical fitness levels and physical activity patterns

P12 demonstrates strategies for the assessment, management and prevention of injuries in first aid settings

P13 develops, refines and performs movement compositions in order to achieve a specific purpose

P14 demonstrates the technical and interpersonal skills necessary to participate safely in challenging outdoor recreation activities

P15 forms opinions about health-promoting actions based on a critical examination of relevant information

P16 uses a range of sources to draw conclusions about health and physical activity concepts

P17 analyses factors influencing movement and patterns of participation


PRELIMINARY PDHPE – 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Task 5

Components (Syllabus)

Weight (Syllabus)

Term 1 Week 6

Term 1 Week 9/10

Term 2 Week 8

Term 3 Week 2

Term 3 Week9/ 10

Core 1 Task

Half Yearly Examination

Core 2 Task

First Aid Task



Knowledge & Understanding 50% 10% 10% 10% 5%


Skills 50% 10% 5% 10% 10%




P1, P2, P3, P4,

P5, P6, P15

P7, P8, P9,

P17 P6, P12, P15

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5

P6, P7, P8, P9, P15,

P16, P17

TOTAL MARKS 100% 20% 15% 20% 15%




A Student:

M1 generates a characteristic style that is increasingly self-reflective in their photographic and/or video and/or digital practice

M2 explores concepts of artist/photographer, still and moving works, interpretations of the world and audience response in their making of still and/or moving works

M3 investigates different points of view in the making of photographs and/or videos and/or digital images

M4 generates images and ideas as representations/simulations in the making of photographs and/or videos and/or digital images

M5 develops different techniques suited to artistic intentions in the making of photographs and/or videos and/or digital images

M6 takes into account issues of occupational health and safety in the making of photographs and/or videos and/or digital works

CH1 generates in their critical and historical practice ways to interpret and explain photography and/or video and/or digital imaging

CH2 investigates the roles and relationships among the concepts of artist, work, world and audience in critical and historical investigations

CH3 distinguishes between different points of view and offers interpretive accounts in critical and historical studies

CH4 explores ways in which histories, narratives and other accounts can be built to explain practices and interests in the fields of photography and/or video and/or digital imaging

CH5 recognises how photography and/or video and/or digital imaging are used in various fields of cultural production



Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School Components



(Syllabus) Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5

Term 1 Week 9

Term 2 Week 4

Term 2 Week 9

Term 3 Week 9

Term 3 Week 10

Exam Research

Assignment Portfolio Exam Diary

Making 70% 30% 40%

Critical & Historical Study

30% 10% 10%



CH4, CH5 CH1, CH2, CH3,

CH4, CH5 M1, M2. M3. M4,

M5 CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4,

CH5 M1, M2. M3. M4, M5,


TOTAL MARKS 100% 10% 10% 30% 10% 40%



A Student:

P1 outlines the historical development of major principles, concepts and ideas in physics

P2 applies the processes that are used to test and validate models, theories and laws of science with particular emphasis on first-hand investigations in physics

P3 assesses the impact of particular technological advances on understanding in physics

P4 describes applications of physics which affect society or the environment

P5 describes the scientific principles employed in particular areas of research in physics

P6 describes the forces acting on an object which causes changes in its motion

P7 describes the effects of energy transfers and energy transformations

P8 explains wave motions in terms of energy sources and the oscillations produced

P9 describes the relationship between force and potential energy in fields

P10 describes theories and models in relation to the origins of matter and relates these to the forces involved

P11 identifies and implements improvements to investigation plans

P12 discusses the validity and reliability of data gathered from first-hand investigations and secondary sources

P13 identifies appropriate terminology and reporting styles to communicate information and understanding in physics

P14 draws valid conclusions from gathered data and information

P15 implements strategies to work effectively as an individual or as a member of a team

P16 demonstrates positive values about, and attitude towards, both the living and non-living components of the environment, ethical behaviour and a desire for critical

evaluation of the consequences of the applications of science


PHYSICS PRELIMINARY - 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Term 1 Exam Period

Term 2 Week 6/7

Term 3 Week 7/8

Term3 Exam Period


Focus: P1 – P5 Knowledge: P6 - P10

Skills: P11 – P14

Components (Syllabus)

Weight (Syllabus)


Half Yearly Examination


Practical Examination


Research Task

8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5

Yearly Examination

P1, P4, P 6, P7 P8, P9, P10

Knowledge and Understanding

40% 10% 10% 20%

P2, P11, P12, P13

Skill in: * First Hand Investigations * Communication of


30% 5% 20% 5%

P3, P5, P14, P15, P16

Skill In:

* Scientific Thinking * Problem Solving * Communication of

Understanding & Conclusions

30% 5% 5% 10% 10%

TOTAL MARKS 100% 20% 25% 25% 30%



A Student:

P1 outlines the historical development of scientific principles, concepts and ideas P2 applies the processes that are used to test and validate models, theories and laws of science, with particular emphasis on first-hand

investigations P3 assesses the impact of particular technological advances on science P4 identifies applications of science that affect society and the environment P5 identifies areas of current scientific research P6 identifies the origins of Earth’s resources P7 explains relationships between organisms in the environment P8 describes reactions between compounds P9 describes the structure of body organs and systems P10 describes the effect of energy transfers and transformations P11 identifies and implements improvements to investigation plans P12 discusses the validity and reliability of data accuracy and reliability gathered from first- hand investigations and secondary sources. P13 identifies appropriate terminology and reporting styles to communicate information and understanding in science P14 draws valid conclusions from gathered data and information P15 implements strategies to work effectively as an individual or as a member of a team P16 demonstrates positive values about and attitudes towards both the living and nonliving components of the environment, ethical behaviour and a

desire for a critical evaluation of the consequences of the applications of science


PRELIMINANY SENIOR SCIENCE – 2016 Internal Assessment Program

Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4





Term 1

Week 10/11

Term 2 Week 8

Term 3 Week 5

Term 3 Week 9/10

8.2 Half Yearly Examination

8.3 Investigation

8.4 Investigation

8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 Yearly Examination

Knowledge and Understanding 40% 5% 7.5% 7.5% 20%

Skill In:

* First Hand

* Investigations

* Communication of Information

30% 10% 10% 10%

Skill In:

* Scientific Thinking

* Problem Solving

* Communication of Understanding & Conclusions

30% 5% 7.5% 7.5% 10%


P4, P6, P7, P8 P5, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15

P1, P2, P3, P4, P13, P14, P15

P1, P9, P10, P16

TOTAL MARKS 100% 10% 25% 25% 40%




A Student:

P1 identifies and applies social and cultural concepts

P2 describes personal, social and cultural society

P3 identifies and describes relationships and interactions within and between social and cultural groups

P4 identifies the features of social and cultural literacy and how it develops

P5 explains continuity and change and their implications for societies and cultures

P6 differentiates between social and cultural research methods

P7 selects, organizes and considers information from a variety of sources for usefulness, validity and bias

P8 plans and conducts ethical social and cultural research

P9 uses appropriate course language and concepts suitable for different audiences and context

P10 communicates information, ideas and issues using appropriate written, oral and graphic forms


PRELIMINARY SOCIETY & CULTURE – 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1

Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5

Components (Syllabus)

Weight (Syllabus)

Term 1 Week 7

Term 1 Week 10

Term 2 Week 8

Term 3 Week 3

Term 3 Week 9

The Social and Cultural World

The Social and Cultural world

Personal and social identity

Intercultural Communication

The Social and Cultural World, Personal and Social Identity and

Intercultural Communication

Research Task Half Yearly Examination Mini PIP Written Response Yearly Examination

Knowledge and Understanding

50% 5%

20% 25%

Research Methodologies

30% 10%

10% 5% 5%

Communication of information, ideas and issues

in an appropriate form

20% 5%

5% 10%


P1, P4, P6 P1, P2, P3, P7, P8 P2, P9, P10 P1, P2, P3, P4, P9

TOTAL MARKS 100% 20%

20% 15% 15% 30%



The Student:

H1.1 applies the rules and conventions that relate to participation in a range of physical activities

H1.2 explain the relationship between physical activity, fitness and healthy lifestyle

H1.3 demonstrates ways to enhance safety in physical activity

H1.4 investigates and interprets the patterns of participation in sport and physical activity in Australia

H1.5 critically analyses the factors affecting lifestyle balance and their impact on health status

H1.6 describes administrative procedures that support successful performance outcomes

H2.1 explains the principles of skill development and training

H2.2 analyses the fitness requirements of specific activities

H2.3 selects and participates in physical activities that meet individual needs, interests and abilities

H2.4 describes how societal influences impact on the nature of sport in Australia

H2.5 describes the relationship between anatomy, physiology and performance

H3.1 selects appropriate strategies and tactics for success in a range of movement contexts

H3.2 designs programs that respond to performance needs

H3.3 measures and evaluates physical performance capacity

H3.4 composes, performs and appraises movement

H3.5 analyses personal health practices

H3.6 assesses and responds appropriately to emergency care situations

H3.7 analyses the impact of professionalism in sport

H4.1 plans strategies to achieve performance goal

H4.2 demonstrates leadership skills and a capacity to work cooperatively in movement context

H4.3 makes strategic plans to overcome the barriers to personal and community health

H4.4 demonstrates competence and confidence in movement contexts

H4.5 recognises the skills and abilities required to adopt roles that support health, safety and physical activity

H5.1 accepts responsibility for personal and community health

H5.2 willingly participates in regular physical activity

H5.3 values the importance of an active lifestyle

H5.4 values the features of a quality performance

H5.5 strives to achieve quality in personal performance



Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5




(Syllabus) Term 1

Week 7

Term 1

Week 10

Term 2

Week 7

Term 3

Week 5

Term 3

Week 9

Module 1


Half Yearly Examination

Module 2


Module 3





Knowledge and Understanding

50% 15% 10% 10% 15%

Skills 50% 15% 20% 15%


H1.1, H1.3,

H1.6, H3.2,

H4.2, H4.4

H1.1, H1.3, H1.6,

H3.2, H4.2

H1.3, H2.1, H2.2,

H2.3, H2.5,

H3.1, H3.3, H4.4

H1.1, H1.3, H3.2,

H4.1, H4.4

H1.1, H1.3, H2.1, H2.2,

H2.3, H2.5, H3.1, H3.2,

H3.3, H4.1, H4.4

TOTAL MARKS 100% 15% 15% 30% 25% 15%



A Student:

P1 explores the conventions of practice in art making

P2 explores the roles and relationships between the concepts of artist, artwork, world and audience

P3 identifies the frames as the basis of understanding expressive representation through the making of art

P4 investigates subject matter and forms as representations in art making

P5 investigates ways of developing coherence and layers of meaning in the making of art

P6 explores a range of material techniques in ways that support artistic intentions

P7 explores the conventions of practice in art criticism and art history

P8 explores the roles and relationships between concepts of artist, artwork, world and audience through critical and historical investigations of art

P9 identifies the frames as the basis of exploring different orientations to critical and historical investigations of art

P10 explores ways in which significant art histories, critical narratives and other documentary accounts of the visual arts can be constructed

79 82

VISUAL ARTS PRELIMINARY – 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Components (Syllabus)

Weight (Syllabus)

Term 1 Week 9/10

Term 2 Week 6

Term 3 Week 6

Term 3 Week 10

Exam Visual Arts Diary Body Of Work Exam

Making 50% 20% 30%

Art History/Criticism

50% 20% 30%

OUTCOMES P7, P8, P9, P10 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P7, P8, P9, P10

TOTAL MARKS 100% 20% 20% 30% 30%



A Student:

DM1 generates a characteristic style that is increasingly self-reflective in their design practice DM2 explores concepts of artist/designer, kinds of designed works, and interpretations of the world and audience/consumer response in their

making of designed works DM3 investigates different points of view in the making of designed works DM4 generates images and ideas as representations/simulations DM5 develops different techniques suited to artistic and design intentions in the making of a range of works DM6 takes into account issues of occupational health and safety in the making of a range of works CH1 generates in their critical and historical practice ways to interpret and explain design CH2 investigates the roles and relationships among the concepts of artist/designer, work, world and audience/consumer in critical and historical

investigations CH3 distinguishes between different points of view, using the frames in their critical and historical investigations CH4 explores ways in which histories, narratives and other accounts can be built to explain practices and interests in the fields of design

Note: DM Designing and Making

CH Critical and Historical Studies


VISUAL DESIGN PRELIMINARY – 2016 Internal Assessment Program, Kingswood High School

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Components (Syllabus)

Weight (Syllabus)

Term 1 Week 9 Term 2 Week 9 Term 3 Week 8 Term 3 Week 9

Cartooning & Illustration

Props & Set Design

Graphic Design(magazine cover)

Yearly Exam

Design & Making Critical & Historical

Studies 30% 30%

Design & Making Critical & Historical

Studies 30% 30%

Design & Making Critical & Historical

Studies 20% 20%

Design & Making Critical & Historical

Studies 20% 20%


DM1 – DM6 CH1 – CH6

DM1 – DM6 CH1 – CH6

DM1, DM2, DM4, DM5, CH1, CH3, CH4

TOTAL MARKS 100% 30% 30% 20% 20%


Vocational Education and Training Courses – Assessment

VET courses are competency based. Students will be assessed as “competent” or “not yet competent” at appropriate times during the course. A student who is judged to be not yet competent at a particular time may be re-assessed as competent at a later time. Not all students will necessarily achieve the same or all competencies. All students are required to sit the school‟s Trial HSC examination, as it is necessary for the school to submit these marks to the Board of Studies. However, students may elect not to sit for the Higher School Certificate examination itself if they wish. As many students access their courses in another location as part of the VET cluster agreement, they will be provided with the appropriate Assessment Task information by the teacher delivering the course at the commencement of 2015.

Please see the following pages for a list of competencies to be assessed as part of VET courses being delivered at Kingswood High School.

Accreditation By undertaking study in a VET course, students have the opportunity to receive dual accreditation. Students are accredited for the course as part of their Higher School Certificate, and also receive industry-level accreditation under the Australian Qualifications Framework. Additionally, students who elect to sit for the Higher School Certificate Examination may have the marks awarded from their VET course contribute to their ATAR. It is important to note that both BOSTES and the Australian Qualifications Framework have different requirements for the achievement of

their respective credentials. It is possible for students to be accredited with one, without the other.


Construction Target Qualification Outcome: Certificate II in Construction Pathways CPC20208 Units of Competency which may be studied in this course CPCCOHS2001A Apply O.H.&S. requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry

CPCCCM1002A Work effectively and sustainably in the construction industry

CPCCCM1003A Plan & organise work

CPCCCM1004A Conduct workplace communication

CPCCCM1005A Carry out measurements and calculations

CPCCCM2001A Read and interpret plans and specifications

CPCCCM2005A Use construction tools and equipment

CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction industry

CPCCCA2001A Handle carpentry materials

CPCCCA2002A Use carpentry tools and equipment

CPCCCA2003A Erect and dismantle formwork for footings and slabs on ground

CPCCCM2004A Handle construction materials

CPCCCM2006A Apply basic levelling procedures

CPCCCM2009A Carry out basic demolition

CPCCCO2001A Handle concreting materials

CPCCCO2002A Use concreting tools and equipment

CPCCCO2003A Carry out concreting to simple forms

CPCCCA3023A Carry our levelling operations

CPCCCM2002A Carry out excavation

CPCCCO3013A Slump test concrete

CPCCCA3002A Carry Out setting out

CPCCSF2004A Place and fix

BCCCM2004B Drain and dewater site


Hospitality Target Qualification Outcome: Certificate II in Hospitality (Cafe Skills) SIT20207 Units of Competency which may be studied in this course SITXCOM001A Work with colleagues & customers

SITXCOM002A Work in a socially diverse environment

SITXOHS001A Follow health, safety & security procedures

SITXOHS002A Follow workplace hygiene procedures

SITXENV001A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices ( import)

SITHIND001A Develop & update hospitality industry knowledge

SITXCOM004A Communicate on the telephone

SITHACS006A Clean premises and equipment

SITHFAB003A Serve food and beverage to customers

SITHFAB010A Prepare and serve non alcoholic beverages

SITXFSA001C Implement food safety procedures

HLTFA301B Apply first aide (outsourced)

SITHFAB012A Prepare and serve espresso coffee

SITXINV001A Receive and store stock

SITHIND002A Apply hospitality skills in the workplace

SIRXCCS001A Apply point of sale handling procedures

SITXADM002A Source and Apply Information


Metal & Engineering

Target Qualification Outcome: Certificate II in Engineering MEM20155 Units of Competency which may be studied in this course N/A

Manufacturing, engineering and related industry induction

MEM13.14A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment

MEM14.4A Plan to undertake a routine task MEM15.24A Apply quality procedures MEM16.7A Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment MEM9.2B Interpret technical drawing MEM12.23A Perform engineering measurements MEM12.24A Perform computations MEM15.2A Apply quality systems MEM18.1C Use hand tools MEM18.2B Use power tools/hand held operations MEM5.7C Perform manual heating and thermal cutting MEM5.12C Perform routine manual metal arc welding MEM5.51A Select welding processes MEM5.50B Perform routine gas metal arc welding MEM5.52A Apply safe welding practices MEM16.6A Organise and communicate information MEM5.6B Perform brazing and/or silver soldering MEM3.3B Perform sheet and plate assembly MEM5.4C Perform routine oxy acetylene welding MEM7.32B Use workshop machines for basic operations MEM11.11B Undertake manual handling MEM16.8A Interact with computing technology MEM03001B Perform manual production assembly MEM04018B Perform general woodworking machine operations MEM05003B Perform soft soldering MEM05005B Carry out mechanical cutting MEM12001B Use comparison and basic measuring devices MEM16005A Operate as a team member to conduct manufacturing, engineering or related activities


Depending on the achievement of units of competency, the possible qualification outcome is a Certificate II in Sport Coaching SIS20513 or a Statement of Attainment towards a Certificate II in Sport Coaching SIS20513.

The assessment components in this course are competency based. This means that students need to demonstrate that they have gained and can apply the specific knowledge and skills of each unit of competency. Competency assessment is graded as “not yet competent” or “competent”. In some cases other descriptive words may be used leading up to “competent”. A course mark is not allocated.


School: Student Competency Assessment Schedule

Course: Preliminary - Sport Coaching 2016

Assessment Tasks for

Certificate II in Sport Coaching SIS20513

Cluster A Cluster B Cluster C Cluster D Cluster E

Getting Organised

Tournament Time

Coaching Principles

Injury Prevention First Aid

Week 4

Term: 1

Week 10


Week 6

Term: 2

Week 4


Week: 8

Term: 3

Code Unit of Competency

BSBWOR202A Organise and complete daily work activities X

SISXCAI102A Assist in preparing and conducting sport and recreation sessions X

SISXWHS101 Follow work health and safety policies X

SISSSCO101 Develop and update knowledge of coaching practices X

ICPMM263C Access and use the Internet X

SISSSPT303A Conduct basic warm-up and cool down programs X

SISSSPT201A Implement Sports Injury Prevention X

HLTFA301C Apply first aid - outsourced Credit

Transfer (outsoursed

Macquarie Park RTO 90222