King of Kings Lutheran Church 57 Kingdom Drive Jasper, GA 30143 JUNE 2011 “BITS” Newsletter You have been invited to a special feast—the wedding feast of the Lamb. There we gather around the Word and the Sacrament to be built up! But more than that to celebrate the victory of the One who ascended a Cross to pay the price for our sins! We celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, and the new life that is now ours in Him. What a joyous privilege He offers us. What a gracious invitation He extends! You have your invitation! You are God’s chosen guest. But it doesn’t stop there! We have the privilege of bringing others to experience the joyous presence of God too. He invites us to celebrate with Him as He feed us and changes us. Don’t miss out on this—not for the beach, not for golf or anything else! Come before the Lord Jesus this summer, and be refreshed in worship!” May these thoughts touch your heart and life so others come to know the truth of God’s Love in Jesus Christ. In His name, Pastor From Pastor Knoche……… Dear Brothers and Sisters of the King, It is a joy for Donna and me to be in your midst. I pray that together we will lift up the Lord Jesus Christ in our lives, in our communities, and in our homes, so that the Kingdom will grow. As we are faithful He will do it. The article below from our district president, Rev Greg Walton, provides a good perspective on worship and witness. “Maybe you heard the story about Jim Dunn, who was serving as the pastor of the St. John Lutheran Church, and his wife, Gladys, who was very friendly and welcoming to people. One particular Sunday when the sermon seemed to go on forever, many in the congregation fell asleep. After the service, to be sociable, she walked up to a very sleepy looking gentleman. In an attempt to revive him from his stupor, she extended her hand in greeting, and said, “Hello, I’m Gladys Dunn.” To which the gentleman replied, “You’re not the only one!” Seriously, we need to lighten up and find joy in our worship! That’s how relationships are built—built on the Rock of Jesus! Pentecost begins Sunday, June 12th Christian Education….. With the help and guidance of the Sunday School people at Timothy we identified some materials that we have used to start our own King of Kings program. Our format is built like the one room school house where the older children will be working with and helping the younger kids until we have enough students to have two groups. We are starting with a thirteen week series of bible stories which include activities and craft projects that involve children in a meaningful way how they fit, and lessons the bible teaches all of us. They will be putting things together to share these lessons with their family. With God’s help

King of Kings Lutheran Church 57 Kingdom Drive Jasper, GA 30143 JUNE 2011 “BITS” Newsletter You have been invited to a special feast—the wedding feast

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Page 1: King of Kings Lutheran Church 57 Kingdom Drive Jasper, GA 30143 JUNE 2011 “BITS” Newsletter You have been invited to a special feast—the wedding feast

King of Kings Lutheran Church57 Kingdom DriveJasper, GA 30143

JUNE 2011“BITS”Newsletter

You have been invited to a special feast—the wedding feast of the Lamb. There we gather around the Word and the Sacrament to be built up! But more than that to celebrate the victory of the One who ascended a Cross to pay the price for our sins! We celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, and the new life that is now ours in Him.  What a joyous privilege He offers us. What a gracious invitation He extends! You have your invitation! You are God’s chosen guest. But it doesn’t stop there! We have the privilege of bringing others to experience the joyous presence of God too. He invites us to celebrate with Him as He feed us and changes us. Don’t miss out on this—not for the beach, not for golf or anything else! Come before the Lord Jesus this summer, and be refreshed in worship!” May these thoughts touch your heart and life so others come to know the truth of God’s Love in Jesus Christ.  In His name,Pastor

From Pastor Knoche………Dear Brothers and Sisters of the King,It is a joy for Donna and me to be in your midst. I pray that together we will lift up the Lord Jesus Christ in our lives, in our communities, and in our homes, so that the Kingdom will grow. As we are faithful He will do it. The article below from our district president, Rev Greg Walton, provides a good perspective on worship and witness.“Maybe you heard the story about Jim Dunn, who was serving as the pastor of the St. John Lutheran Church, and his wife, Gladys, who was very friendly and welcoming to people. One particular Sunday when the sermon seemed to go on forever, many in the congregation fell asleep.  After the service, to be sociable, she walked up to a very sleepy looking gentleman. In an attempt to revive him from his stupor, she extended her hand in greeting, and said, “Hello, I’m Gladys Dunn.”  To which the gentleman replied, “You’re not the only one!” Seriously, we need to lighten up and find joy in our worship! That’s how relationships are built—built on the Rock of Jesus!

Pentecost begins Sunday, June 12th

Christian Education….. With the help and guidance of the Sunday School people at Timothy we identified some materials that we have used to start our own King of Kings program. Our format is built like the one room school house where the older children will be working with and helping the younger kids until we have enough students to have two groups.

We are starting with a thirteen week series of bible stories which include activities and craft projects that involve children in a meaningful way how they fit, and lessons the bible teaches all of us. They will be putting things together to share these lessons with their family. With God’s help it will be fun and meaningful. Ken Mapp

Page 2: King of Kings Lutheran Church 57 Kingdom Drive Jasper, GA 30143 JUNE 2011 “BITS” Newsletter You have been invited to a special feast—the wedding feast

New Hymnals: Lutheran Service Book. Those of you who have attended other Lutheran Churches – Missouri Synod churches in the last few years are probably familiar with the new hymnals that were created by the Commission on Worship of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. These new hymnals, the “Lutheran Service Book” or LSB for short, and their accompanying books for organist accompaniment, Altar Book and other reference books have maroon covers. Copyrighted in 2006, these are the leading hymnal being produced today for the LCMS. One of Pastor Knoche’s first observations was that this version of the hymnal is ideal for a mission church, as it contains many hymns and service options that are easier to sing, and the organization of the hymnal makes it much easier to use. The LSB makes a service more inviting and less confusing, yet maintains our Lutheran heritage and worship traditions.

We have started the planning for migration to the new hymnals, and will be posting updates in the coming months. One of our members has donated the funds to purchase 50 of these hymnals, as well as, the organist book and various other required books. Pastor Knoche will be working with our Worship Committee to introduce the use of these new hymnals. Since we have 60 chairs in our Sanctuary, we have the opportunity for members to gift a hymnal to the church (10 more would be useful at this time), or to purchase one of these new hymnals for their personal use at home. Cost for these hymnals is approximately $25 each. If you are interested in purchasing your own personal hymnal, or in donating a hymnal in honor or in memory of a loved one, please contact Marcia Rubin (706-268-1193) who will coordinate an additional purchase and shipment.

Keith’s Korner……It seems that the lazy days of summer are in place now. We enjoyed a great picnic this past Sunday coordinated by Wendy Bobak . Jerry did wonderful wood grilled steaks and everyone brought covered dishes to make a complete meal. We had some great fellowship. This brings us to a time to reflect and determine what our priorities should be going forward. We had our council meeting afterwards and with the additional of Pastor Knoche, we will focus on how we grow our church both spiritually and increase our membership.

This last Sunday was especially rewarding to see new faces amongst us. Rumor has it that we will be having our first Baptism this month! Also had the pleasure of meeting two young men that liked King of Kings. They wanted to help get our young adult program (ages 16 to 25) started. What an honor it will be to work with and support younger members. The timing could not be better as the Circuit Outreach Council had just met this past May to help energize our local youth programs. So we will have the resources for our success. Your church council has approved a small fund to help start the young adult program. Jon and Ellie Schooler have volunteered to lead this group. If you know of someone that would and could attend please let them know. This will be based on fellowship and worship as they develop a bond amongst themselves and our church. We now have a youth Sunday School program available for our children. All we need are the kids. Please have your children attend and have them invite their friends. It is a hands-on program, so it should be fun. Our nursery is also now available.

We are in the process of getting out into our community. We received a wonderful letter from CARES thanking us for participating in the “Pastor’s Pot Runneth Over” fund raiser. It is nice to be acknowledged as the new church willing to contribute

Page 3: King of Kings Lutheran Church 57 Kingdom Drive Jasper, GA 30143 JUNE 2011 “BITS” Newsletter You have been invited to a special feast—the wedding feast

Monthly CalendarSunday – June 5 – 9:15 – Bible Study & Sunday School 10:30 - ServiceSunday - June 12 – 9:15 – Bible Study & Sunday School 10:30 – ServiceSunday – June 19 – 9:15 – Bible Study & Sunday School 10:30 – ServiceSunday - June 26 - 9:15 – Bible Study & Sunday School 10:30 – Service


King of Kings Lutheran ChurchPhysical Address:57 Kingdom Drive

Jasper, Georgia 30143Mailing Address:

King of Kings Lutheran Church744 Noah DriveSuite 113-132

Jasper, Georgia 30143-8706Telephone: 706-301-9191

[email protected]

Remember Sunday, June 19th is Fathers Day!!!

Exodus 20:12 Honour your father and your mother: that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God giveth you.

A father is someone who…Holds you when you cry,Scolds you when you break the rules,Shines with pride when you succeed,And has faith in you even when you fail.Unknown.

FATHER! To God himself we cannot give a holier name.William Wordsworth

Never raise you hand to your kids!!! It leaves your groin unprotected!!Red Buttons

to our community. I would like to thank Judy Hatfield, Ken Mapp, Dan and Marcia Rubin, Donna and Laura Sadler for cooking and serving for the event. Next, we will be hearing from Pickens Family Partners to see if there is something we can do to help them. Also do not forget that we have Adult Bible Study for us older kids! I feel we are now primed for growth. Please invite others to attend our church. Contribute your time to help us grow and enjoy the fellowship of our church family here at King of Kings, and, of course, give us your input. We are members working together to make our place of worship the best that we can.God’s blessing to you and your family.Keith Sadler Congregation President Note: Pastor Knoche and his wife Donna have their anniversary on June 19th.