King John and the Magna Carta Cristian

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  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    God fearing

    A good judge of


    A good soldier

    Around the picture below, you can read some of

    the qualities which medieval people expected

    their king to have! Which three are the most

    important for a medieval king?

    Rich but not


    Fit and strong


    Hardworking Brave

    WiseFirm but fair!

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    Medieval kings could get intoserious trouble if they did nothave the qualities of a KING! Inthe thirteenth century some

    barons forced an unpopular kingto give up some power and itwas only the beginning!! In thisenquiry, you will find out howthe richest people in the countrybegan to challenge the king

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    The first king to give up some of his power wasJohn. He is famous as Prince John in make

    believe stories of Robin Hood. In the stories heis a wicked and foolish prince who taxes thepeople of England unfairly. Some historians sayJohn was just as foolish in real life. Others sayhe was simply unlucky!

    John ruled England from 1199 to 1216. He facedthe following problems.

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    He quarrelled with the Pope about how to run theChurch. From 1208 until 1213, the Pope banned allchurch services in England and English people feared

    that they would all go to HELL! Some Church leadersblamed John for the trouble.

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    John went to war twice against the French king. Hisarmy was badly beaten both times. He lost almost allthe land that his father had gained in France!

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    John raised taxes in England to pay for the wars. Thisupset his BARONS! He ordered them to pay far moretax than earlier kings had done!

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    y In 1214 many barons rebelled against John. Theybelieved that he could not rule the country properlyand was treating them unfairly. If someone did notdo something the whole country could be ruined!

    y In 1215 the barons forced John to grant a charter,which was the first time anyone had expected anEnglish king to obey a set of rules.

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    I, King John, accept that I have to governaccording to the law.

    So I agree:

    1. Not to imprison nobles without trial2. That trials must be in courts; not held in

    secret by me

    3. To have fair taxation for the nobles

    4. To let freemen travel wherever they like5. Not to interfere in Church matters

    6. Not to seize crops without paying for them

    . and lot more things too!!

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    The Charter later became known bythe Latin name Magna Carta

    which means great charter.

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    y1 When did John become King?

    y 1189

    y 1190y 1195



  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    y 2 Who did John fall out with before he becameKing?

    y His parents

    y His mum and sony His dad and brother

    y His uncle and sister

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    y 3 What did John argue with his nephew, Arthur,about?

    y Food

    y Successiony The church

    y Land

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    y 4 What did the trouble with Arthur lead to?

    y The loss of the French territory

    y His parents' divorce

    y His premature death

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    y 5 What happened to King John in 1209?

    y He got married

    y He became ruler of Denmark

    y He was excommunicated

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    y 6 Why did John keep asking for extra taxation?

    y He was the King - he just wanted to

    y He needed money to invade and reconquer

    Francey He was trying to build up the English naval


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    y 7 Who rebelled against the King in May 1215?

    y Peasants and lower classes

    y The military

    y Discontented barons

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    y 8 How did the King react to the rebellion?

    y By June he arranged to meet the barons

    y By July he was in full agreement with the

    baronsy He just couldn't be bothered

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    y 9 What agreement did King John make?

    y The Magna Mappa

    y The Grande Reganda

    y The Magna Carta

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    y 10 Many people identify huge importance to theMagna Carta, but how important was it in 1215?

    y Hugely important - the foundation of the

    American constitutiony Fairly important - it was seen as a necessary

    implementation of the rights of man

    y It was merely John's way of obtaining peace

    between him and the rebellious barons

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    y 11 From the major points of the Magna Carta, whatwas mentioned about the Church?

    y There was to be freedom of Church land in

    perpetuityy The Church was to be free to make its own


    y The Church would control the country on


  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    y 12 What clause in the Magna Carta was designed toprevent the nobility from being taxed too heavily?

    y "No more than the normal amounts ofmoney can be collected to run thegovernment, unless the King's feudaltennants give their consent"

    y "No free man shall be seized or imprisoned,or stripped of his rights or possessions...except by the lawful judgement of hispeers"


    "Man shall not live on bread alone, but onevery word that the King says - but if theKing says tax, then all men shall say No!"

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    y 13 Why did King John sign the document?

    y He believed it was the right thing to do

    y He was trying to buy time

    y He thought he had to - it was his duty asthe monarch of England

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    y 14 When did King John die?

    y September 1216

    y October 1216

    y November 1216y December 1216

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian


    y 16 Why is King John remembered as a failure?

    y His total lack of self-belief

    y He left England in a terrible state and lostterritory in France

    y He followed superb Kings who were fair and

    noble - totally unlike him. This made himhugely unpopular.

  • 8/6/2019 King John and the Magna Carta Cristian
