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Kinetic comparison of the catalytic domains of SHP-1 and SHP-2

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Page 1: Kinetic comparison of the catalytic domains of SHP-1 and SHP-2

Kinetic Comparison of the Catalytic Domainsof SHP-1 and SHP-2Tianqi Niu,1 Xiaoshan Liang,1 Jian Yang,1 Zhizhuang Zhao,2 and G. Wayne Zhou1*

1Program in Molecular Medicine, UMASS Medical Center, Worcester, Massachusetts 016052Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37232

Abstract The phosphatase activity of SH2-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase (SHP) is inhibited by its SH2domains and C-terminal tail. In order to determine the inhibitory effects of the SH2 domains and C-terminal tail, we haveexpressed and purified the catalytic domains of SHP-1 and SHP-2, and the SH2 domain truncated SHP-1 and SHP-2. Wehave then measured their kinetic parameters using p-nitrophenyl phosphate (p-NPP) and phosphotyrosine (pY) assubstrates under the same experimental conditions. The results indicate that the pH-dependent profiles of SHP-1 andSHP-2 are mainly determined by their catalytic domains. Both enzymes have maximum activity at pH 5.0. In addition,the phosphatase activity of different forms of SHP-1 and SHP-2 decreases as the salt concentration increases. WithoutSH2 domains, both SHP-1 and SHP-2 are no longer inhibited by their C-terminal tails. However, the C-terminal tail ofSHP-1 can further prevent the salt inhibition of the phosphatase activity. Under the same experimental conditions, thecatalytic domain of SHP-1 is two times more active than the catalytic domain of SHP-2. J. Cell. Biochem. 72:145–150,1999. r 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: SHP; catalytic domain; PTPases; PTKases

Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases), to-gether with the protein tyrosine kinases(PTKases), regulate the critical phosphoryla-tion levels of signal transduction pathways andcontrol cell growth, proliferation, and differen-tiation [Walton and Dixon, 1993; Hunter, 1995;Neel and Tonks, 1997]. SHP-1 and SHP-2 be-long to the SH2-containing protein tyrosinephosphatase family (SHPs) which contains twotandem SH2 domains at the N-terminus fol-lowed by a single catalytic domain and aC-terminal tail. SHP-1 and SHP-2 are two ofthe most extensively studied PTPases[D’Ambrosio et al., 1995; Klingmuller et al.,1995; Yamauchi et al., 1995; Zhao et al., 1995a;Plas et al., 1996; Eck et al., 1996; Ono et al.,1997; Hof et al., 1998]. SHPs are cytosolic en-zymes and are essentially inactive within theresting cells. Upon cell stimulation, they cantranslocate from the cytosol to the plasma mem-brane by binding to tyrosine-phosphorylatedreceptors through their SH2 domains and be-

come activated in the process. SHP-1 is ex-pressed predominantly in hematopoietic cells,whereas, SHP-2 is broadly expressed withincells. The direct down stream substrates forSHP-2 were identified as transmembrane glyco-proteins SHPS-1 and SIRPs [Fujioka et al.,1996; Kharitonenkov et al., 1997]. Although thecatalytic activities and the modes of regulationof different SHPs appear similar, their func-tions are opposite within the cells. SHP-1 usu-ally serves as a negative regulator in the prolif-eration of hematopoietic cells, whereas SHP-2is positively involved in the growth factor medi-ated signal transduction and promote cell prolif-eration [Streuli, 1996].

Previous kinetic studies have shown that thephosphatase activity of SHPs is inhibited bytheir own SH2 domains and their C-terminaltails [Sugimoto et al., 1993; Townley et al.,1993; Zhao et al., 1993, 1994]. Occupancy of theSH2 domains by phosphotyrosine peptides[Lechleider et al., 1993; Pluskey et al., 1995],removal of the SH2 domains [Sugimoto et al.,1993; Townley et al., 1993], and removal of theC-terminal [Zhao et al., 1993, 1994] would sig-nificantly improve the phosphatase activity ofSHPs. In order to determine the inhibitory ef-fect of the SH2 domains and, especially, the

*Correspondence to: G. Wayne Zhou, Program in MolecularMedicine, UMASS Medical Center, 373 Plantation Street,Worcester, MA 01605.Received 24 June 1998; Accepted 29 July 1998

Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 72:145–150 (1999)

r 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Page 2: Kinetic comparison of the catalytic domains of SHP-1 and SHP-2

inhibitory effect of C-terminal tail, we havecarried out the kinetic studies of the catalyticdomains of SHP-1 and SHP-2. For comparison,we also remeasured the kinetic parameters offull length SHP-1, SHP-2, and their correspond-ing SH2 domain truncated forms under thesame experimental conditions.

MATERIALS AND METHODSExpression of Proteins

The SH2 domain truncated SHP-1 (D1C,amino acids 210–597), the SH2 domain trun-cated SHP-2 (D2C, amino acids 192–593), thecatalytic domain of SHP-1 (D1C, amino acids245–543), and the catalytic domain of SHP-2(D2C, amino acids 246–547) were cloned andexpressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3) cell line. Thosedifferent recombinant forms of SHP-1 andSHP-2 are summarized in Table 1. The cata-lytic domains in SHP-1 and SHP-2 correspondto the catalytic domain in the crystal structureof PTP1B [Barford et al., 1994]. The detail PCRcloning procedure for the catalytic domain ofSHP-1 has been reported [Liang et al., 1997].Same procedure was used to clone and ex-press the catalytic domain of SHP-2. The DNAfragment encoding 302 amino acids from Gly246 to Tyr 547 of SHP-2 was PCR synthesizedwith pfu polymerase (Strategene, La Jolla, CA)using plasmid pT7-PTP2C that contains thefull length SHP-2 as the template [Zhao et al.,1994]. The N-terminal primer (58-GGAATTC-CATATGGGCTTTTGGGAAGAATTTGAG-38)contains an Nde I restriction enzyme site fol-lowed by 21 nucleotides from Gly 246. TheC-terminal primer (38-TTTCCCGTGCTTATAT-GTTTATAATTCATAATTCGAAGGG-58) con-tains a Hind III site, a stop codon followed by 21nucleotides from the anti-strand of Tyr 547.

Other cloning and expression procedures werethe same as those for D1C expression.

Protein Purification

All phosphatases were purified using themodified purification protocol [Liang et al.,1997]. In summary, the cell lysate was firstpurified by running through an FFQ column (QSepharose fast flow column from Pharmacia,Gaithersburg, MD). The flow-through was thendirectly loaded onto the HDBP (L-Histidyldiazo-benzylphosphonic acid) column. The HDBP col-umn was then washed with buffer QA (25 mMTris-HCl, pH 7.5, 10 mM b-mercaptoethanol, 1mM EDTA) to get rid of other proteins. Thephosphatases were eluted from the HDBP-column using a 0 to 1 M NaCl gradient in bufferQA. The purity of the fractions were examinedwith 12% SDS-PAGE gel. The pure fractionswere then combined, concentrated, and storedat -20°C, in the presence of 10% glycerol.

Determination of Kinetic Parameters

The activity assay was performed at roomtemperature (23 6 0.5°C) under different pH,using the published protocol [Zhao et al. 1993].The total volume for the dephosphorylation re-action was 100 µl, containing both enzyme andsubstrate in the working buffer (50 mM NaOAc-HOAc, pH 5.0, 2 mM EDTA, 2 mM DTT, 40%glycerol). For substrate p-nitrophenyl phos-phate (p-NPP), the reaction was quenched withthe addition of 900 µl of 0.2 M NaOH. Theconcentration of the released product, p-nitro-phenol, was measured by OD410 with the extinc-tion coefficient of 17.8 per mM. For each pro-tein, the progress curve (absorbance versustime) was measured to determine the experi-mental conditions so that the progress curve

TABLE I. Summary of Different Recombinant Forms of SHP-1 and SHP-2

Constructs Source Sequence range Diagram representation

D1C SHP-1 245–543 — PTP domain —

D2C SHP-2 246–547 — PTP domain —

D1C SHP-1 210–597 —— PTP domain ——

D2C SHP-2 192–593 —— PTP domain ——

F1C SHP-1 1–597 SH2 — SH2 —— PTP domain ——

F2C SHP-2 1–593 SH2 — SH2 —— PTP domain ——

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has linear range within the initial 5 min. Afterdetermining the appropriate protein concentra-tion, the dephosphorylation reaction were setupunder different substrate concentrations, rang-ing from 0.1 to 5 Km. The reactions were thenquenched by NaOH at 5 min. The concentrationof the released product was determined by ab-sorbance at 410 nm and the initial reaction ratefor different substrate concentration was calcu-lated. From the double reciprocal plot, the ki-netic parameters for different proteins weredetermined. The kinetic parameters were aver-age of 20 experiments.

For the activity assay against substrate phos-photyrosine (pY), the malachite green methodwas used to measure the releases of inorganicphosphate [Harder et al., 1994]. At first, thestandard OD660 versus [PO4

22] curve was mea-sured using malachite green reagent as thestandard for the determination of the releasedphosphate concentration. The reaction proce-dure was the same as above except that mala-chite green mix (three volumes of 0.045% mala-chite green hydrochloride in water and 1 volumeof 4.2% ammonium molybdate in 4 M HCl) wasused to quench the reaction. The absorbance ofthe reaction mixture was measured at 660 nm.The released phosphate concentration was de-termined from the standard OD660 vs. [PO4


RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONPurification of Proteins

D1C, D2C, D1C, and D2C were expressed inE. coli and purified by anion exchange chroma-tography and affinity chromatography. The ex-pression and purification protocol was pub-lished by Liang et al. [1997]. The purifiedproteins have more than 90% purity as shownin Figure 1. D1C and D2C are shown in lanes 1and 2. D1C and D2C are shown in lanes 3 and 4.Apparently, SHP-2 has a higher molecularweight than SHP-1.

pH Dependence of the Phosphatase Activityof D1C and D2C

The pH dependence of the phosphatase activi-ties of the catalytic domains D1C and D2C wasexamined using p-NPP as the substrate. ThepH rate profiles of both D1C and D2C are bellshaped, with the maximal activity at pH 5.0(Fig. 2). The pH profiles are very similar tothose of SHP-1 [Zhao et al., 1993] and SHP-2

[Sugimoto et al., 1993], which are also bell-shaped and have the optimal pHs for activity atpH 4.6 and 5.6 for SHP-1 and SHP-2, respec-tively. Studies by Pei et al. [1993] indicate thatthe optimal pH for SHP-1 is at 5.5–5.7. It isprobably due to the different experimental con-

Fig. 1. Characterization of D1C, D2C, D1C, and D2C by 12%Tris-glycine-SDS polyacrymide gel electrophoresis. M is proteinmarker with the molecular weights 200 kd, 97.4 kd, 68 kd, 43kd, 29 kd, and 18.4kd ranging from the top to the bottom. Fromlane 1 to lane 4 are D1C, D2C, D1C, and D2C, respectively.

Fig. 2. The pH-rate profiles of the D1C and D2C. D1C andD2C are represented by h and j respectively.

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ditions that the optimal pH for SHP-1 is mea-sured slightly different in different laborato-ries. The optimal pHs for D1C and D2C are notvery far from those of SHP-1 and SHP-2, respec-tively. Therefore, the pH-rate profiles of SHP-1and SHP-2 are probably mainly determined bytheir catalytic domains. The SH2 domains andthe C-terminal tail do not change the pH-rateprofiles of SHP-1 and SHP-2. The phosphataseactivity of either SHP-1 or SHP-2 drops dramati-cally on both sides of pH 5.0. For both SHP-1and SHP-2, very little activity is left if the pH islower than 4.3 or higher than 6.3. In addition,D1C is more active than D2C in the pH range of4.3 to 6.3. At the optimal pH, the phosphataseactivity of D2C is only about 40% as that ofD1C.

Salt Dependence of Phosphatase Activityof D1C and D2C

Salt concentration in the reaction system sig-nificantly affects the phosphatase activity ofPTPases [Pei et al., 1994; Zhang, 1995]. Usu-ally, the phosphatase activity is decreased athigh salt concentration. To examine the effectsof salt to the phosphatase activities of D1C andD2C, we have determined their kinetic param-eters for the dephosphorylation reaction underdifferent salt concentration. As a comparison,the kinetic parameters for D1C and D2C werealso measured under the same salt concentra-tions. All kinetic experiments were performedagainst p-NPP at pH 5.0, 23°C 6 0.5°C. Thesalt dependence of their kinetic parameters areplotted in Fig. 3. Respectively, the kcat decreasesand the Km increases for all the four proteins asthe salt concentration increases. As the NaClconcentration is increased from 0 to 0.5 M, theKms for D2C and D2C are increased by approxi-mately three-fold, respectively, whereas for D1Cand D1C, the Kms are increased by about 11-foldand 13-fold, respectively. The kcats for D2C andD2C are almost the same at the same saltconcentration. The kcat for D1C is higher thanthe kcat of D1C when the salt concentration isless than 0.1 M; and is lower than the kcat ofD1C when the salt concentration is more than0.1 M. As the salt concentration is increasedfrom 0 to 0.15 M, the kcat decreases by aboutfour-fold for D1C, whereas only two-fold forD1C. This suggests that C-terminal tail couldprevent the salt induced inhibition in D1C, butnot D2C. At each salt concentration, the kcat of

D1C is higher than the kcat of D2C. This alsoindicates that D1C is more active than D2C.

D1C Has Higher Phosphatase Activity Than D2C

As illustrated above, the phosphatase activ-ity of D1C is higher than that of D2C at thesame pH or salt concentration. Zhao et al.[1995b] and Sugimoto et al. [1993] reportedthat SHP-1 has higher activity than SHP-2.Dechert et al. [1995] observed only modest dif-ferences between SHP-1 and SHP-2 and be-tween D1C and D2C towards a group of syn-thetic phosphotyrosyl peptides. Since thoseexperimental conditions are different from ours,it is not easy to compare the relative activitiesof different forms of SHP-1 and SHP-2. In orderto put the kinetic studies on the same scale, were-measured the kinetic parameters of fulllength SHP-1 and SHP-2, D1C and D2C, andD1C and D2C at pH 5.0, using p-NPP as thesubstrate. The results are summarized in Ta-ble 2. The specific activities of D1C and D1C areabout three times higher than those of D2C andD2C, whereas the Kms are almost similar for

Fig. 3. The salt effects on kcat and Km for D1C, D2C, D1C, andD2C. D1C, D2C, D1C, and D2C are represented by h, j, n,and ♦, respectively.

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different forms of SHP-1 and SHP-2. Thesesuggest that the active site rearrangement inSHP-1 is more efficient than that in SHP-2. Thehigher phosphatase activity of SHP-1 thanSHP-2 have also been observed when phospho-tyrosine was used as the substrate (Table 2).

Function of the C-terminal Tailof SHP-1 and SHP-2

The full length SHP-1 and SHP-2 were regu-lated by both the SH2 domains at theN-terminal and the C-terminal tail after thecatalytic domain. Removal of the SH2 domainsat the N-terminal or the C-terminal tail canincrease the phosphatase activity of both SHP-1and SHP-2 [Sugimoto et al., 1993; Townley etal., 1993; Zhao et al., 1993, 1994]. However, westill do not know where the anchor site for theC-terminal tail is. Does the inhibitory functionof the C-terminal tail need the cooperation ofthe N-terminal SH2 domains? In other words,after removing the N-terminal SH2 domains,will the C-terminal tail still inhibit the phospha-tase activity? Our experiment results (Table 2)show the kcats are the same for D1C and D1Cpair at low salt concentration, and so are kcatsfor D2C and D2C pair. These indicate that D1Cand D1C have the same phosphatase activities,and D2C and D2C also have same phosphataseactivity. Therefore, the C-terminal tail has nofurther inhibiting effects on the kinetic activityof the SHPs after removing the SH2 domains.However, it is still not clear how the C-terminaltail cooperates with the SH2 domains to regu-late the activities of SHPs. A crystal structureof the full length SHP-1 or SHP-2 might pro-vide us an insight of the cooperated regulationof SHPs.


This work was funded by a Cancer Develop-ment Award from American Diabetes Associa-tion, and was supported from Melheim Founda-tion, American Cancer Society-MassachusettsDivision, and National Research on LeukemiaAssociation, Inc.


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at pH 5 and 23 6 0.5°C

Substrate Enzymekcat



[mM21 S21]

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PY D1C 63.8 0.66 96.7D2C 15.9 2.66 6.0

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