| NSW Department of Education – Narraweena Public School Kindergarten Term 3, Week 8 Learning Activities Kindergarten class Zoom meetings at 10:30am Tuesday and 10:30am Thursday. Details will be emailed to you. Week 8 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday The daily literacy and numeracy videos are a series of short drills, activities and lessons combined into one video that your child can work from. This can be used instead of the standalone videos in the daily plan. You can pause, restart or repeat the video as needed. Monday Literacy video Tuesday Literacy Video The wellbeing of students and families is so important, particularly during this challenging time. To make sure we focus on wellbeing, NPS is making Wednesday 1 st September ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’. Please replace as many of Wednesday’s learning activities as you like with ideas from the wellbeing activity grid attached to this week’s learning activities. Feel free to have your child complete an activity from the grid whenever you like and remember, as always, only do what is manageable for you and your child. Thursday Literacy video Friday Literacy video Monday Maths video Tuesday Maths video Thursday Maths video Friday Maths video Morning Reading to: Listen to a story read by a parent or sibling, watch a story on www.storylineonline.net or listen to a story read by your teacher by clicking the links below. Comprehension: Student to answer four questions from the comprehension questions (attached). Draw a picture showing what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story on a piece of paper and retell the story. Writing: Write a sentence or sentences about the story using sight words and known sounds to attempt to spell unknown words. Click on the link to do some writing on the story with Miss Maguire You and Me: Our Place Read by Mrs McLeod You and me writing A Squash and a Squeeze Read by Miss Davis A squash and a squeeze writing Emily and the Big Bad Bunyip Read by Miss Moffatt Bunyip Writing A Day at the Zoo Read by Mr Wearne A day at the zoo writing 10:00 Education Live – NSW Department of Education Live Stream. Access it HERE Sounds and sight words: Practise reading and writing sounds and sight found below. Remember to keep revising the ones we already know so we don’t forget. Sight words: sister, brother, friends, not Revise sounds Soundwaves student access code: bear843 Sight words: sister, brother, friends, not Revise sounds Soundwaves student access code: bear843 Sight words: sister, brother, friends, not Revise sounds Soundwaves student access code: bear843 Sight words: sister, brother, friends, not Revise sounds Soundwaves student access code: bear843

Kindergarten Term 3, Week 8 Learning Activities

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| NSW Department of Education – Narraweena Public School

Kindergarten Term 3, Week 8 Learning Activities Kindergarten class Zoom meetings at 10:30am Tuesday and 10:30am Thursday. Details will be emailed to you.

Week 8 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

The daily literacy and numeracy videos are a series of short drills, activities and lessons combined into one video that your child can

work from. This can be used instead of the standalone videos in the daily plan. You can pause, restart or repeat the video as needed.

Monday Literacy video Tuesday Literacy Video

The wellbeing of students

and families is so important, particularly during this

challenging time. To make sure we focus on wellbeing, NPS is making Wednesday 1st September ‘Wellbeing

Wednesday’. Please replace as many of Wednesday’s

learning activities as you like with ideas from the wellbeing activity grid attached to this week’s learning activities.

Feel free to have your child complete an activity from the grid whenever you like and remember, as always, only do what is manageable for

you and your child.

Thursday Literacy video

Friday Literacy video

Monday Maths video Tuesday Maths video Thursday Maths video Friday Maths video

Morning Reading to: Listen to a story read by a parent or sibling, watch a story on www.storylineonline.net or listen to a story read by your teacher by clicking the links below. Comprehension: Student to answer four questions from the comprehension questions (attached). Draw a picture showing what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story on a piece of paper and retell the story.

Writing: Write a sentence or sentences about the story using sight words and known sounds to attempt to spell unknown words. Click on the link to do some writing on the story with

Miss Maguire

You and Me: Our Place Read by Mrs McLeod You and me writing

A Squash and a Squeeze Read by Miss Davis

A squash and a squeeze writing

Emily and the Big Bad Bunyip

Read by Miss Moffatt Bunyip Writing

A Day at the Zoo Read by Mr Wearne

A day at the zoo writing

10:00 Education Live – NSW Department of Education Live Stream. Access it HERE

Sounds and sight words: Practise reading and writing sounds and sight found below. Remember to keep revising the ones we already know so we don’t forget.

Sight words: sister, brother, friends, not

Revise sounds Soundwaves

student access code: bear843

Sight words: sister, brother, friends, not

Revise sounds Soundwaves

student access code: bear843

Sight words: sister, brother, friends, not

Revise sounds Soundwaves

student access code: bear843

Sight words: sister, brother, friends, not

Revise sounds Soundwaves

student access code: bear843

Page 2: Kindergarten Term 3, Week 8 Learning Activities

Reading Eggs: complete an activity or read a book on Reading Eggs. HERE is a video on how to access the Reading Eggs library Break Middle Number: 18 Number: 20 Number: 21 Number: 23

Instructional video: Guess my number You will need:

• Number cards (Numbers 10-30) • Optional: LEGO or blocks

Instructions: Lay out number cards from smallest to largest. Ask someone at home (the ‘secret holder’) to choose a secret number within your given range. The aim is to guess the ‘secret' holder’s number with only 3 guesses. They will tell you whether their number is greater or less than your guess.

Lesson aim: Represent practical situations to model addition and sharing. Video: When you add with a pirate

You could: • Play Robot Addition

Drag the robots with questions onto the robot with the right answer.

• Lego Tower Addition Get game board here. Each player starts with zero bricks. Rolls the dice then move your game piece and add the number of bricks written on the space to your tower. When you all get to the end, the player with the most bricks, wins!

• Target Number Pick up a large handful of

Lesson aim: create or continue a repeating pattern using simple computer graphics (Problem Solving). Video: Describing patterns You could: • Use Make a pattern to

continue a variety of different patterns such as AB, ABB, ABC and AAB.

• Play: Fuzz Bugs

Patterns • Seesaw: Complete

pattern activity assigned to your student journal.

• Non- digital version:

Make some AB, ABB, ABC, AABB patterns with Lego, beads, pegs or

Lesson aim: Sort and classify familiar objects and explain the basis for these classifications.

Video: Sorting and Classifying with Miss Barnsley You could: • Practise sorting your

fruits and vegetables by size (small, medium, large).

• Play interactive Sorting game

• Sort and classify a range of items in your house (Lego, leaves, pencils, blocks, toys, etc). Practise sorting by colour, size and shape.

Lesson aim: make correspondences between collections, eg 'I have four counters, you have seven counters. So you have more counters than me' . Video: Compare and order numbers to 20 You could: • Have 2 or more people

grab a handful of counters/ pasta/blocks and count how many you each have. Compare and explain findings, For example: - “I have 4 counters

and you have 7 counters. So, you have more counters than me”

- “You have 3 more counters than me because 3 + 4 is 7”.

- “You have 3 more

Page 3: Kindergarten Term 3, Week 8 Learning Activities

counters, blocks, Lego, etc. and share them in as many different ways you can think of to make the Target Number you picked up. Share a picture or video of your learning with your teacher on Seesaw. Example: I picked up a 7, I can share this as 6 and 1, 5 and 2, 3 and 3 and 1, 2 and 2 and 3.

• Friends of Ten Collect 10 counters, Lego, blocks, pasta etc. and practise making your Friends of Ten. Place your combinations on a piece of paper or whiteboard and write the friends underneath. Take photos of your friends and share your learning with your teacher on Seesaw.

counters. You could create patterns with colours, shapes and sizes of objects. Upload a picture of your pattern to Seesaw.

Upload a photo of this activity to Seesaw.

• Go for a neighbourhood walk with a family member, to collect rocks. When you return, sort them based on their weight.

than me because I know that 7 - 4 is 3.

• Provide groups of lego, straws, blocks, pencils, buttons, markers, etc. Make sure that there are enough collections with a small number of objects, as well as some with larger numbers. Have students count collections, compare the numbers and explain their findings.


Page 4: Kindergarten Term 3, Week 8 Learning Activities

Afternoon Mindfulness Smiling mind

Geography: Watch: Our 5 Senses Go for a walk around your local area and observe what makes up this area. Use your 5 senses activity sheet (attached) to record all the things you: see, hear, feel, smell and taste. Upload a video of yourself to Seesaw, talking about your 5 senses walk. Locate and label buildings and features of the local area on a map. Have a look at Google Earth and see what is in your area.

Create a map of bedroom. Remember to include your bed, cupboards, windows, etc.

Mindfulness Smiling mind


Banana phone with Mr. Stevens

Grab a banana and sing, dance and clap to the beat of Banana phone. Try to learn the words by listening to them, but they are below if you want to try to read them. Lyrics: Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring Banana phone Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring Banana phone I've got this feeling, so appealing For us to get together and sing, sing! Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding donana phone It grows in bunches, I've got my hunches It's the best! Beats the rest! Cellular, modular, interactivodular! Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone Boop-boo-ba-doo-ba-doop! Ping pong ping pong ping pong ping panana phone It's no baloney, it ain't a p(h)ony My cellular bananular phone! Funky Veggie Percussion

Find some ‘percussion

If you require learning activities for Wednesday, your child could do the

following. Please remember, these do not

need to be completed. We are encouraging all

students to complete activities from the

wellbeing grid in place of these:

Wednesday Literacy video

Wednesday Maths Video

The Very Brave Bear Read by Miss Barnsley

Brave Bear writing

Mindfulness: Smiling mind

Art: A dot can be anything!

Watch ‘The dot’ You will need: 1 piece of plain paper 1 black marker/pen/pencil Coloured markers/pencils/ crayons/textas Activity - Draw a medium sized circle in the middle of your page with your black marker/pen/pencil, then colour it in - Sign your artwork with your name at the bottom - Transform your dot into anything! More different coloured dots

One big dot that changes colour and keeps getting bigger

Mindfulness: Smiling mind


The Worried Elephant with Ms Compton

What do I do when I am feeling worried?

Have a talk, write or draw about... When was a time that you felt worried? What do you do when you feel worried? Do you: Take some deep breaths? Talk about your worries with a grown up that you trust? Do something you enjoy so you can think about something else? Practice mindfulness like Smiling Mind? PE: Animal Fun Exercise Circuit

In your backyard or in the lounge room if there is enough room, let your imagination run wild. Do the following animal movements for 30 seconds, followed by resting for 10 seconds and then begin the next movement.

Bear crawl Crab walk

Snake slither Monkey walk

Penguin waddle Elephant run

Page 5: Kindergarten Term 3, Week 8 Learning Activities

instruments’ from the kitchen and play along to the funky veggie video. 1. Choose a safe kitchen item 2. Choose a character (green, red or blue) and play your kitchen instrument on the plate symbols

Johnny works with one hammer

Sing Johnny works with one hammer and add a new hammer in each verse:

1. One fist 2. Other fist 3. One foot 4. Other foot 5. Head nod

When you can do it (without falling over!) Practise it again going fast and slow. You can also change the tools and actions if you want to get creative. If you don’t know the song you can sing and follow the actions here

A drawing about something or someone you love

Something from nature

Anything you want to do! - Take a photo of your artwork and share it on Seesaw

Frog jumps Horse trot

Get a drink and have a 2-minute break

Repeat x 2

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Page 7: Kindergarten Term 3, Week 8 Learning Activities

Make a marble

run from

recycling boxes

Draw a treasure

map and have a

sibling find the


Design and label

a water park for

our oval

Enjoy a picnic

outside in your


Surprise your

family by tidying

your room

Stand outside for 15

minutes so you can see

your road. Do a tally of

how many trucks, red

cars, bikes go past

Go for a bike

ride with an


Play a board

game with

someone in your


Write a letter to

a friend and post


Do some gardening,

maybe weeding or

planting spring


Read quietly

outside in the


Build an obstacle

course outside. Time

how long it takes you

to go through it.

Use any scrap


to make a collage

for your fridge

Design and make a paper

aeroplane. Fly it and

measure how far or aim

for a target

Play a game

outside in the


Learn how to

juggle using

bundled up socks

Make a musical

instrument using items

from the kitchen. Be


Stand outside.

What can you

see, hear, smell,

taste and touch?

Free drawing Design and label

a sandcastle

Make a phone

call to a friend to

see how they are

Make a jar of

courage! Fill it

with positive


Wellbeing activity


Write the alphabet

down a page. Write a

boy or girl's name next

to each letter

Help cook dinner


Design a beach-

themed board


Page 8: Kindergarten Term 3, Week 8 Learning Activities

Make a friendship

bracelet for a

family member

with wool/beads

Draw how you

filled someone's

bucket today

Watch your

favourite movie

Skipping (learn

how to do

skipping rope


Design a body fitness

circuit of 8 activities

outside. Get your family

participate in it

Design and make

a new home for

your pet/toy

Make a medal

for your

parents/carer to

say well done!

Make your own


Graph the

family's favorite

ice cream flavor

Listen to some

relaxing music

Draw a picture

of yourself doing

something kind

Paint a


sunset over the


Create a trivia

quiz of 10

questions for

your family

Make up a

dance to

perform for the


Have some relay

races with your


Make a fruit

salad or


Tidy a cupboard

or room in your


Play charades - Topics-

people, animals, movies

etc and put them in a jar

to choose.

Create a coat of

arms for your


Go through toys

you don't need.

Make a pile to

donate to charity

Make a pasta


Put on a play - come

up with a story, find

costumes and props!

Wellbeing activity


Write a thank you

note to a


Draw a rainbow.

Colour it and write

7 nice words in

each colour

Collect some

leaves and make

a picture with
