Kindergarten Booklet Current at the time of printing

Kindergarten Booklet€¦ · (This booklet is a supplement to the Samford Valley Steiner School Handbook.) This child care service is licensed by the Office of Early Childhood,

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Page 1: Kindergarten Booklet€¦ · (This booklet is a supplement to the Samford Valley Steiner School Handbook.) This child care service is licensed by the Office of Early Childhood,

Kindergarten Booklet

Current at the time of printing

Page 2: Kindergarten Booklet€¦ · (This booklet is a supplement to the Samford Valley Steiner School Handbook.) This child care service is licensed by the Office of Early Childhood,

Updated 8 December 2020 Page | 2


Welcome ................................................................................................................................................................. 4

SVSS Early Childhood Educational Philosophy ........................................................................................................ 5

Checklist For Beginning Prep/Pre-Prep/pippi ......................................................................................................... 7

All Children ......................................................................................................................................................... 7

Lunch .................................................................................................................................................................. 7

Attendance Hours ................................................................................................................................................... 8

PIPPI ATTENDANCE ............................................................................................................................................. 8

TWOe days per week: ..................................................................................................................................... 8

Pre-Prep attendance ......................................................................................................................................... 8

Three days per week:...................................................................................................................................... 8

Five days per week: ........................................................................................................................................ 8

Prep full-time attendance ................................................................................................................................... 8

Arrival ................................................................................................................................................................. 8

Signing In & Out .................................................................................................................................................. 9

Settling In ............................................................................................................................................................ 9

Departures ........................................................................................................................................................ 10

Messages .......................................................................................................................................................... 10

Television, Media & The Young Child ................................................................................................................... 10

Computer use & DVDs ...................................................................................................................................... 11

More About Life Within the Prep / Pre–Prep /PIPPI Rooms ................................................................................ 12

Rhythm ............................................................................................................................................................. 12

Food .................................................................................................................................................................. 13

Meal Time Blessing ....................................................................................................................................... 13

Health ............................................................................................................................................................... 14

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Updated 8 December 2020 Page | 3

Personal Hygiene .............................................................................................................................................. 14

Rest Time .......................................................................................................................................................... 14

Toys ................................................................................................................................................................... 15

Children’s Work ................................................................................................................................................ 15

Behaviour .......................................................................................................................................................... 15

Playground Rules .............................................................................................................................................. 16

General Rules For Safety ............................................................................................................................... 16

Climbing Frame, Monkey Bars & Soft Fall area ............................................................................................ 16

Cubby House ................................................................................................................................................. 16

Sandpit .......................................................................................................................................................... 17

Swings ........................................................................................................................................................... 17

Water Fall ..................................................................................................................................................... 17

Parent Participation .............................................................................................................................................. 18

Classroom Visits ................................................................................................................................................ 18

Birthday Celebrations ....................................................................................................................................... 18

Nature Table ..................................................................................................................................................... 18

Washing Roster ................................................................................................................................................. 18

Parent Education .................................................................................................................................................. 19

Resources for Parents – Learning about Child Development ........................................................................... 19

Page 4: Kindergarten Booklet€¦ · (This booklet is a supplement to the Samford Valley Steiner School Handbook.) This child care service is licensed by the Office of Early Childhood,

Updated 8 December 2020 Page | 4


“The preschool years, the kindergarten years, [the years before formal schooling] are the most important of all in the education of the child.” “It is absolutely essential that before we begin to think, before we so much as begin to set our thinking in motion, we experience the condition of wonder.”

Rudolf Steiner

Dear Parents,

The years prior to formal schooling are the formative years that are a bridge between home and

Primary education working with the principles and philosophy of Rudolf Steiner. We strive to create

an environment where the imagination, creativity and inner-will of your child will flourish.

Until the age of 6 – 7, children learn through imitation. With this in mind, our program aims at

creating a warm and loving homelike environment with rhythmic repetition where children feel


Our day consists of a flow of physical, social and artistic activities. Children have the opportunity to

enjoy domestic tasks such as, baking, washing and gardening. This participation enables the child to

imitate purposeful adult work and be involved in real life activities.

We strive to provide an education that maintains the dream-like quality, deepen-ing the child’s

innate sense of wonder, and developing an awareness of the world through play, which is the

foundation of formal education. If they experience beauty, goodness and truth in their activities and

surroundings they will grow with a sense of quality in all they do. Thank you for entrusting your child

into our care.

The Early Childhood Teachers

(This booklet is a supplement to the Samford Valley Steiner School Handbook.)

This child care service is licensed by the Office of Early Childhood, Education and Care, under the Child Care

Act 2002 and must comply with this Act and Child Regulation 2003, including, for example, the requirements

relating to activities, experiences and programs, staff members’ qualifications, number of staff members and

children. The Office of Early Childhood, Education and Care Information Service contact number is 3224 4225

or freecall outside of Brisbane 1300 637 711.

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Updated 8 December 2020 Page | 5


This philosophy informs the education we strive to practice and deliver at our school. Our

pedagogical beliefs uphold that each child’s security and learning is maximised when:

• Within a mixed-aged group class, the same beneficial social and life experiences that occur

naturally between younger and older children happen within the classroom. An ‘apprenticeship’

system of learning.

• The transition and integration from the child’s home to school environment is the primary focus

of their first year of education - the pre-prep year. The establishment of strong relationships

between our educators and each child and their families facilitates the successful transition into

the pre-prep year.

• Through a strong play-based program, opportunities for embedded learning in all developmental

learning areas can occur. Play lays a healthy foundation for divergent, lateral thinking in the

individual in later life.

• Imagination is cultivated and nurtured as a profound tool for all early learning. Highly regarded

as an adaptive intelligence, the imagination supports each child’s capacity to make sense of and

connect to the world.

• Emphasis is given to regular patterns of daily, weekly, monthly and yearly activities evident in

the program. Rhythms and routines foster security, autonomy and positive self-esteem.

• The healthy physical development of the child and the nurturing of the senses are a primary

focus for all learning to occur. Sensory ‘nutrition’ provided by quality natural resources and a

highly nutritious food program support the regulation of limb movement, balance, metabolic

processes, formation of brain, organs and nervous system; which are as yet incomplete in the

young child.

• Developing an inner attitude of reverence and respect for all people and the environment

promotes the acceptance of diversity, social maturity and future cultural harmony.

• Teaching occurs through ‘imitation’ and ‘example’ in a non-directive or non-abstract manner

within an environment that is unrushed and caring. The child’s natural propensity to ‘mimicry’ or

‘imitate’ when utilised as a teaching strategy can positively direct learning and desired

relationship building.

• Each child has the opportunity to engage in a rich artistic activity; rhythmic musical/movement

program, and purposeful, meaningful tasks (gardening, baking, cleaning etc.). A balanced

program develops a balanced individual.

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Updated 8 December 2020 Page | 6

• The education of the ‘whole’ child – body, soul and spirit - is acknowledged and nurtured. An

individual sense of ‘identity’ relies on a healthy ‘inner life’ or sense of ‘well-being’, which is

promoted when balance is achieved between and within each child’s thinking capacities, feeling

life and active will life.

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Updated 8 December 2020 Page | 7


To fully enjoy our program, your child will require the following items. Please refer to this

booklet for reasons why these items are important for your child’s play and learning



Small china mug


- Plain comfortable clothes as per Dress Code in School Handbook.

- Hat – legionnaire or wide brimmed – to be left at school.

- Covered shoes with good grip for outside play (NO crocs or thongs).

- Spare clothes.

- Soft soled, slip-on plain indoor shoes – (orders can be made through Sun Shadow Slippers at www.sunshadowslippers.com.au or via the school’s shop,

The Treehouse, contact Avril O’Brien on 0450 680 563.)

- During Winter months - Singlets, socks and layers of warm clothing.


A healthy lunch is prepared daily for all the children. Please speak to your

teacher if your child has special dietary requirements. NO LUNCHBOXES


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Updated 8 December 2020 Page | 8




• Monday and Tuesday 8.30am – 2.30pm OR

Thursday and Friday 8.30am– 2.30pm



• Monday and Tuesday 8.30am – 2.30pm and Wednesday 8.30am-

12.30pm OR

Thursday and Friday 8.30am– 2.30pm and Wednesday 8.30am-



• Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8.30am– 2.30pm and Wednesday 8.30am -12.30pm


Five days every week 8.30am–2.30pm with every Wednesday: 8.30am–12.30pm

The children’s school day begins at 8.30am. The children do not need to be at school

before this time. Prior to the doors opening we ask that your child and their siblings wait

quietly with you. Please respect that prior to this it is teacher preparation time.


An adult must accompany all children.

Punctuality - Please be punctual as it can be very disturbing for some children to arrive late

and feel that everyone else has started without them.

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Updated 8 December 2020 Page | 9

Remember, we are creating a harmonious calm mood in the room so please assist us by

entering in a quiet manner.


A parent or responsible adult must ‘sign’ the child in each day in the Attendance Sign In and

Out book. Each class has a sign in book. Children must not be left alone or with older siblings

in the grounds. The sign in book should also be used for informing the teachers if someone

other than yourself is picking up your child A message book is placed alongside the sign-on

book for all incidental communication between parents and teachers.


The first week of school can be an anxious time for parent and child. We try to make this

transition away from home as gentle and positive as possible. With this in mind, we offer a

few suggestions and comments that you may find useful.

Children like order and routine so try to establish your school routine as quickly as possible.

Give yourself plenty of time in the morning so your child does not feel rushed and


Say goodbye in a cheerful and loving way. Do not cling, however hard it may be. If

you say “the last kiss”, mean it.

Please consider that your feelings and misgivings can interfere with your child’s

adjustment. Once you have made a careful decision about the School, stop worrying

and show your child you are confident that s/he will have an enjoyable day and be


All children need to feel secure and begin school with a positive experience to enable them

to become successful learners. Even though we work with a strong daily rhythm that

provides security and reduces anxiety, sometimes this is not enough for some children. If

your child is unable to stay at Preschool without you, the teacher will suggest strategies to

enable a successful separation to occur.

After 5- 6 weeks a review will occur between the parents and Teachers to determine

separation progress and other strategies.

Due to the impact on your child and the rest of the group, if your child has not settled into

Preschool successfully by the end of Term 1, without your presence, you will need to

consider if your child is ready to attend Preschool. If there are problems, please speak to the

teacher about this, preferably without the child being present.

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Updated 8 December 2020 Page | 10


All children must wait on the verandah until the adult signing them out arrives. For your

child’s safety, teachers must be aware of anyone other than yourself who will be picking up

your child via the sign-in or messages book.

Children will not be dismissed into the care of Primary school-aged children. Please collect

your child on time as children can become distressed when they have to wait for parents.

Please take your child’s hand and walk with them to the carpark.

Reminder: Playground equipment is not to be used before and after school. The area

should be vacated promptly in the afternoons as staff need to prepare for next day set-up.


Once the children have started to arrive the teacher’s time is devoted to the children and

helping to set the mood for the day.

We ask that you help set this mood by refraining from talking to adults while in the room. If

there is an important message, leave the information in writing in the message book. You

may also speak to the assistant who will pass it on to the teacher at an appropriate time.

Teachers are available for appointments and home visits. Messages from the teacher are

often sent home via a class letter, the Parent Newsletter or a notice posted on the notice

board. Please check the letter pockets regularly each week. It is responsibilities of all car-

pool drivers to pass on these messages.

Messages can be left at the school office on P 3430 9600. Absentees can be phoned through

on P 3430 9610.


It is our expectation that in keeping with the school’s low-tech ethos, that NO television is

watched during the week and that TV viewing before bedtime can be disturbing to a child’s


Within Steiner education, it is the imagination that provides the foundation for

learning and growth. It is within the first seven years that children learn so much. They

learn to walk, to speak, and experience the awakening of thinking as they grow from being

babies to infants. Through play, children develop their knowledge of the way the world

works, their relationships to others, their physical control and their imagination. Within

Steiner education, play is considered the ‘child’s work’ whereby the ‘learning processes’

occur naturally.

Children learn best through imitating other children and the adults around them.

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Updated 8 December 2020 Page | 11

Television watching places children into an unnatural passive state in which they are

deprived of their true work, which is their play.

The presence of the television and other media in a child’s life is often clearly seen in the

children’s play during the Prep /Pre-Prep school years. The strong influence it has upon

little children is visible in many ways. The child may speak in the tone of a certain character

or machine. The child may seem “stuck” in their ideas of play e.g. imitating super heroes,

monsters or Disney characters.

Current research shows that television watching adversely affects children’s thinking,

speaking, imagination, senses, physique, feelings and behaviour. Television watching itself

affects child development regardless of the program content. There are many well-

documented effects of television on children, for example hyperactivity and lack of

attention span or inability to complete tasks. Perhaps the greatest cost is the dimming

effect it has on the child’s wonderful imagination.

To provide consistency between home and school, we encourage you to explore

alternatives to television viewing such as meaningful domestic activities that positively

contribute to family life (cooking, washing dishes, and gardening etc.). The teachers would

be happy to share ideas or suggest other alternatives.


Our views of the effects of television on the young child also extend to screen times

watching DVDs and playing computer games. In addition, music and story tapes as a

substitute for the live human voice, often over dramatised, are not appropriate for the

young child.

There are a number of highly recommended books in the parents’ library on child

development and the harmful effects of television and electronic games, including:

Endangered Minds Healy, J

Who’s Bringing Them Up Large, M

The Plug In Drug Winn, M Failure to Connect Healy, J

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Updated 8 December 2020 Page | 12


“If a child has been able to play, to give up his whole living being to the world around him, he

will be able to, in the serious tasks of later life, devote himself with confidence and power to the

service of the world.” Rudolf Steiner


Children flourish when their daily activities are arranged rhythmically to reflect the natural

order of life. Our program is organised with a sense of “breathing in” and “breathing out”,

concentration and relaxation, individual and whole group experiences.

Each day has its own ‘rhythm’ that occurs within a weekly rhythm. The weekly rhythm finds

its place within the larger rhythm of the year, e.g. we experience the expansion of summer

and the contractive forces of winter.

Each day has its own special activity, which usually takes place during free play time e.g.

painting day is Wednesday. This repetition allows for the development of a secure and

nurturing atmosphere.

Just as children are nourished at school by the rhythm of each day, we encourage parents

to establish set meal times and bed-time routines at home. Establishment of these rhythms

provides stability and security for children in an otherwise busy world.

As difficult as it is in these modern times to establish routines, it is important for young

children to go to bed at the same time every night. We recommend that this be no later

than 7pm. Please feel free to contact your teacher if you would like some ideas for making

this transition a successful one for parent and child.

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As we endeavour to provide a nurturing environment for the children, we also purchase

and prepare foods of a high nutritional standard. Grains are either organic or biodynamic as

are fruit and vegetables where possible.

Special needs are considered if your child has allergies, please speak to your teacher with

details. Due to the increasing prevalence of severe allergic reactions to peanuts, children

must not bring any peanuts or peanut products (e.g. peanut butter).

Morning Tea and Lunch for Children: The Assistant and the children prepare these

meals each day according to a weekly rhythm. The children do not need to bring

anything from home. The cost of this is already covered in the school fees allowing

us to purchase quality foods in bulk.

As filtered rainwater is readily available during the day and at lunch fruit juices are

unnecessary. Children are reminded to drink water regularly particularly during the

summer months.


Here are two blessings we use to help build an atmosphere of gratitude and appreciation at mealtimes.

Morning Tea:

Earth who gives us our food,

Sun who makes it ripe and good,

Dear Earth, dear Sun,

Thank you both for all you’ve done.


Blessings on the blossom,

Blessings on the root,

Blessings on the leaves and stems,

Blessings on the fruit.

Page 14: Kindergarten Booklet€¦ · (This booklet is a supplement to the Samford Valley Steiner School Handbook.) This child care service is licensed by the Office of Early Childhood,

Updated 8 December 2020 Page | 14


The teachers take a special interest in your child’s wellbeing. A nutritious diet contributes to

wellbeing. It is normal however for children to experience illness as they grow. As parents

you know best when your child shows symptoms of illness. The lively school environment is

often very demanding and beyond the capacity of a child who is unwell.

For fever, vomiting and diarrhoea a rest day is necessary. The young child often appears well

after illness, however, the body still needs full recovery. Please allow your child at least one

full day of rest at home after illness in a quiet, restful environment until they are fully


Many childhood illnesses are contagious. Teachers must be informed if your child has

contracted such an illness so the parent community can be notified. More information can

be found in the School Handbook.

In an emergency we will use the information you have provided regarding contact numbers,

doctor’s details and specific instructions. It is essential that all contact details are kept updated

in case of emergencies.


In the interests of personal hygiene, all children must be toilet trained. This means that children

must be able to recognise when and where to go to the toilet and be able to manage on their


As with all young children, accidents do occur occasionally. If these occur more than once a

week a request may be made for the child to be kept at home while the issue is addressed.


A rest time is scheduled at 1.30 pm each day for approximately 30 minutes. Rest time is the

moment in the day when the children are given the opportunity to spend time by themselves. It

is not expected that the children sleep but they are encouraged to rest.

We would like to encourage the parents of Pre-prep children to also create a rest time for their

child after lunch at home. It can be a very special moment to share with your child.

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Updated 8 December 2020 Page | 15


Home toys, school bags and picture books are not required at school and best left at home.

To enhance the child’s natural sense of wonder and curiosity “special treasures” from nature are

welcomed for our treasure basket. Shells, feathers, nests, flowers, crystals etc. awaken us to

the changing seasons connecting the children to the beauty of their natural environment.


Within the curriculum emphasis is placed on the process rather than the end product.

Therefore, throughout the year the children’s artwork is collected and kept in a portfolio. This

will be given to the children at the end of year Summer celebration. The children’s work (craft,

drawing, paintings) is often shared at parent teacher nights or parents may view them by asking

the teacher.


We strive to understand the nature of the young child and create a program that provides the

security of a daily rhythm, an ordered environment and an appropriate balance of activities.

These fundamental principles assist in promoting positive behaviour.

Creative strategies are used to redirect the children, e.g. time spent helping one of the adults,

until they are ready to rejoin the group. Teachers reinforce ways of resolving issues among

children by modelling positive examples of expected behaviour. Children are offered alternative

activities when engaged in disruptive play.

If difficulties persist, a teacher will request an interview with the parents. Together the adults

can then re assess the situation to find ways for the child to express them-selves in more socially

appropriate ways. Please refer to the school’s Discipline Policy.

Most importantly, good communication amongst adults is the most helpful approach for the

children during these formative years. Parents can also be of assistance by sharing with their

child’s teacher any changes at home (e.g. moving house, pet has died) that may result in

unusual behaviour by their child. In cases of on-going extreme, disruptive behavior, the

school’s Wellbeing Policy will be applied and parents may be requested to collect their child

from school.

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Updated 8 December 2020 Page | 16



• Hats must be worn at all times during outdoors play.

• Shoes must not be worn when not in the sandpit or water course.

• We walk on verandahs and paths.

• Sticks live on the ground or under the big tree near the compost bins.

• We leave alone creatures that live in the garden.

• Children in the sandpit must dust themselves off in the sandpit before coming to the verandah.

• Big shovels to be used ONLY in the digging patch.

• At tidy-up time ALL equipment is to be packed up and stored tidily in its correct place.

• We walk when using wheelbarrows.

• Children should only pick flowers and greenery from the garden under a teacher or adult’s direction.

• Shed door must be left closed at the end of every day.

• Children must not climb the fence or open the gate.

• Only adults turn the taps on.


• No playing underneath climbing frame or monkey bars.

• Children can hang from bars – NO climbing on top of bars.

• Encourage children to keep soft fall in designated area.

• No throwing of soft fall bark.


• Children will clean-up leaving cubbies tidy.

• No climbing or jumping on outside or on top of rails.

Running/Chasing –

In hot weather running & chasing is kept to a minimum. In extreme conditions running will be


Page 17: Kindergarten Booklet€¦ · (This booklet is a supplement to the Samford Valley Steiner School Handbook.) This child care service is licensed by the Office of Early Childhood,

Updated 8 December 2020 Page | 17


• Children are to remove shoes and socks to play in sandpit.

• Only sandpit tools are to be used in the sandpit.

• No throwing sand- children must leave the sandpit when this occurs.

• Children help to tidy up, placing all equipment in storage baskets.

• Dirt or soft fall bark not to be used in the sandpit.

• Cover must be pulled over the sandpit after play.


• No-one must play on the soft fall while a child is swinging.

• Children MUST wait for their turn by sitting on the wooden surround. After a waiting child has

counted to 20 it is then their turn to use a swing.

• Shoes & hats must be worn when swinging.

• Only one child per swing.

• Children MUST sit on swing while swinging.


• Children are to remove shoes and socks to play in the water course.

• No sand or dirt to be brought into this area (children coming from sandpit can’t enter watercourse).

• Walking ONLY around the water course area - NO running or jumping or splashing others.

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Updated 8 December 2020 Page | 18



Parents are welcome to spend a morning in the class room, although it is not recommended in

Term 1 as the children are settling in. If you come to visit, you will be asked to help with tasks.

Parents are reminded that as they are observing the children “at work” they should refrain from

becoming directly involved in their play. Please ask the teacher for guidelines on that day. Any

concerns should be discussed with the teacher and treated confidentially.


The birthday ceremony can be a memorable occasion for your child and parents are warmly

welcomed to participate. Please contact your child’s teacher the week prior. Details of the

celebration are provided in a ‘Birthday’ sheet handout.


Each room has a Nature Table that changes with the seasons, bringing a way for the children to

note these natural changes. A small table or display space can be created at home with nature’s

treasures gathered from walks or outings.


A yearly roster for washing hand towels and serviettes will be posted on the notice board. One

family will be nominated each week to take home the washing. It is your responsibility to swap

with another parent if your allocated weekend does not suit. The children enjoy helping with

this task at home. The serviettes will require ironing. Each family’s contribution is greatly


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Updated 8 December 2020 Page | 19



Suggested reading on Parenting and Steiner Education. If books are unavailable in our Parent library, they may be purchased from the Bookshop.

You Are Your Child’s First Teacher Rahmina Baldwin

Work & Play in Early Childhood Freya Jaffke

Festivals, Family & Food Cary & Large

The Genius of Play (2001) Sally Jenkinson

The Challenge of the Will Margaret Meyerkort

Storytelling with Children Nancy Mellon

The Hurried Child David Elkind

The Incarnating child Joan Salter

Miseducation David Elkind

The Waldorf Parenting Handbook Cois Cusick

Free to Learn (2001) Lynne Oldfield

Ready to Learn (2002) Martyn Rawson & Michael Ros

Magical Child Joseph Chilton Pearce

Mothering with Soul Joan Salter

Beyond the Rainbow Bridge B Patterson and P Bradley

Ready to Learn Martyn Rawson

And so the Staff welcomes you and your family to our rooms and warmly encourage you to please speak to your Teacher or Assistant to clarify any questions.