By: Chen Yu Wildlife Fact File http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/a nimals/mammals/killer-whale/

Killer Whale

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By: Chen Yu

Wildlife Fact File


Size: 23 to 32 ft (7 to 9.7 m)

Length: measures male 26-30 ft female 23-26 ft

Weight: Up to 6 tons (5,443 kg)

Habitat: live and hunts in a pod (Group) and open ocean ridge

Predators: are human and Great white shark

Eat: Fish, Squid, Seals, and other Whales or some seal.

The Killer Whale homes: they in live in every ocean as far as the ice packs of the arctic and in cooler inshore water.

How it moves: the orca swims at speeds reaching 30 mph. but normally goes 6-10 mph.

Fact #1: The orca can throw its 600 lb prey in to the air.

Fact #2: The orca catches its prey with its teeth.

Fact #3: The orca has 40-50 conical teeth that point backward.

By: Yu Chen

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