r: & w : . ; j * <••'.••• •, i \i;r '• atch •••• . K> '*• * ' ~ •*! \ Wednesday, May 29, 1975 Mo. tl Nrigboring Notes MASONIC NEWS Last week Midugans two penis sulas were spanned for tf»e iK st un* as the fraraework of the Mack inacc bridge was laid. It has an ov. all iength v>i 26, 444 it. hax, wiii not be cpen for uae until nsxt November. \ t ;,, ld< vacatvomuna expects * to in iio u ^54)0.000 business plus othjr in tax mcney left by resort Mrs. Phyitis Kenzie Coakley of ; Stcnkbridge ditd at Lansing last week. She leaves her husband, &. a daughter and her parents, Mr. I and Mra. Emerson Kinsey of Plain seni^B, Grwit advances have been made ii.< Micm&un in care of retarded child ren, rehabilitation of prison inxnatea, .Aiik giuuditii; of health, expansion of aii travel etc. Control^of tubereuoisis has receiv ed an assist in Michigan, Under a new law carriers may be sent to a confinement eenter and recalcit rant cases to a confinement center at 'Jaylord. Of the thousands of TB cases only 150 are listed as refusing treatment, advancing payment of state a d g py the school districts will get all they .were guaranteed by aid the money this year. State Sales collections dipped and some schools had to borrow money to Veep going and there was danger t.f paylees nay days so the legislat. ure advanced the date of payment. 6 young Republicans in the legis Iatove led by George Sallade of The }Stoc«u,x4dge r umbers 61. \ Ross Campbell an overseas veteran *• has established c law office in Dex ter. Mrs. Lucy Wireman of Chelsea, charged with putting rat poison in her husbands beer to make him atop f .drinking has been released on $1000 | bail. She did it for over a year. ~~ went to the hospital and hi*> was pronodnced arsenic poisoning. lioy Scout Spring Jambore was held at Bruin Lnke May 24—25 ob. serving the 5'?±\\ anniverstary of Boy Scouting in England An application has been He j I St. AUwys vlefAokiv. Cnurc * | Keir. Fr Albert Schmitt, Pastor SUNDAY MASSES Summer Masses: ! 6:30, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:30 A. M. Wi'Ur Masses :8:00^ 10:00 A M. W^kday Mass: »:00 A, M. fi hJay: Soirowful Mother Novena:7:30 P.M. Local Social Events *rM, CAMERON VOWS S1OK1 N SATURDAY KVEN!NG AT CONG'L CHURCH Friday, after Novenna Saturday: 4:30 to 5:30 P. 8:30 t; 9:00 T j Raymond M. Douglas, Alpena, Mich, filed to ! j^ted Grand Master of the Michigan j^ted G rinse the telegraph office at Fowler j K a s o n j c Grand Lodge at Detroit ville. i Tuesday May 29. L iiiighton will have a summer re i creation program of swimming little ' The new grand master » a ^ league base ball i> to 12 years and ent company executive, served in e Dahe Ruth baseball 12 to 14 yeart World War II and got his degrees m old ' : his degrees *u the Phihpmes .He ha* Paul Bennett v. ho has been How.. | a w?fe and 4 children. til high school atuletic director for ( Newton Bacon, Niles, MICh , •n years has resigned to become j « was elected grand marshall, supt. of parks and recreation in Ho ,vl j first step in the grand Wdge ell. 'in Michigan ever Percy Wih L. D. Adams, mathrnetics teacher . ;ams : DiLroit and I letcner Dorr ot tne ino Ai.u Arbor revolted against the , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^..^ A 1 1 s men have visited oid guard and killed the bill to tax j ^ & ^ ^ gchoolg ^ replace inga ton Lod?,'e. . dgftietes 2c and liquor 3c for №* i iV . llCS McCallum reaigned . Not a great deal of location school fund. They denounced the tax , Marriag0 licen£e , have boen igs . . w a & p a s s e d . The day of the annual cs unreal and immoral. Rep. Adrua ( ^ ^ ^ ^ Wegteihoid> 21 ^ nd t , u;edng o f the DDIs was changed to RiFa Harding, 21 both of 1004 Barton, Saturday. The members of the board Church Calvary MennonfNe Church Lzse Beachy, Pastor 3. S. S»s>t. Walter Ea*h Mornfr? Worship 10:00 School UKCO Peopled Meeting 7:30 Fediows&ip [ho wedding ol" Rosina Ann Hill. , daughter ol Mrs. William Hill of i Mru'ncy to ' t i\\ runce Ku^ene Carrier CM vi iJti^L:. m was solemnii^jd at > the Pinjkney C'tui'j'i. Church Satur- day ever-iiny. at S p.m. Rev. J. W. Winger olticiutiny in a candlelight ceremony amid decorations ol' palms and l'lo^ers. Mr-. Hvr-.M.m WiJmnyer p!:;.eJ the wed.iin.^ march and the bride came in on the arm oi" her brother, Thomas H;-H, who gave her in marriage. Mrs. O*>rcLv; Curtis of Brighton was solo- Sund* Ciboxh Com. Hev. w. W. Wtnger, P^ator School . .. 9.30 a. n. Worship 1O>46$ a. m. igtil piay« meeting at 1Ue cnuich . . ... 8:00 Wad. Chou practise 'h&Q +JM. ibe Peoples Churcii U-3fi West between Unadilla and Main Streets Rev. Beitb Rn^seKgat 1 , Pastor Snnday Scho^ ... 9:45 a. m. Montir {, WorrAlp ... 10:50 a.m ytuth Grou? f /i0$ p. t*. Evening Seivice 8:00 p. QL , T r. Choi/ Haotifla Wed. .. 4i00 p. m. «0 n. < aeBoom of this district is one of the rofolters. They want a 2 percent corporations profits tax but may find n*ri poing in 1*e sceate Vhere the corporation influence is strong. omtsvRTimvx NOTSS A trout 11% inches long, the fir3t in the town's history was eaughi below the dam in fcaton Rapids last week. A white fox waK reported Been near Grayling Ia»t week. It was either an jhino or^a Mght phase of the red fox which vanes in color from white to General Purposes were given 7c mrhr-for lcd;^ visitations if they ask for it] T n e 1 a w statin ^' fche Gran:i Lyle Wessinger of l^tturer must visit all 58 districts at least once a vea iinekney and Lawrence Cameron, 2J, Brighton and Roaina Anne Hi 1, *1, Pinckney. Mr. and Mrs. Iif:vell celebrated their 25th wedd.. ing anniversary hist Thursday. A nn Arbor will have a summer re ciwuUov profram afUr *U The it wtr»n ia^r t»ad but tb« city icwwd to .I'ulge Francis Barron set the bail was repealed. Ni'.v he does it only on grand master'* orders. A life membership lap<Sl pin for 40 >ears m^tubtrthxp wa* 50, GO ;m4 7^ frw.n $1200 to f2ftOO,ffrand secretary'* MRS. MARIE SMITH Mrs. Marie Smith, former resident, \\hi killed in an auto accident in Wisconsin on May 22. Her husban'), R*x Smith, was highway eomnissicm i er here and later employed by t^c Livingston County Road Commission, The family moved i';-o»n here to How- 'v,i\ jVip^ LO T>pti"c it. l.',ertidf'R her In 1 ; there arc 2 sons, llw jr. an i and 2 daughters, Mrs, MMT. Jory grisfw •*$ Me*. Marion Bellin '. Also 2 graflfdchildrcn. the Pinckney r>andits f lien Liska from $7250 to $8000. grand lectur. j The funeral was at the John San Bunche at $1000 each ers from $3CO0 to $4000.. This is foi j teiu Funeral Home Detroit, Saturday Mrs. Walter Vv'oikman was matron o: hu'iov and the bridesmaids uere Air.-;. William Haney ol Brighton, a f si^tor ol the »mom and Mrs. Herbert Sclienden, oi Howell. Carl Awrey of Miltord was best man. ushers w.M'e William Hill and Rotert Cameron, •brother of the bridegroom. The I'l'VA'er s'irl was ^^ane\ H;! ! neiee of : the bride and nny hearer. Da\ id Cam- eron, brother of the groom. '1 he brides govs n \v;ts lave ruffle with figurine molded bodice, head piece of pearls and sequins and.finger- tip veil. She carried a Rainbow Bible with a white orehid and her flowers were stephanotis. ' \\c r.'uirnn of honor';; gown was ro ; ;e colored cr\st;'liii<' styled after the brides and her !lowi >r -, were pale carnations. The dresses of the brides- ni.tn..- vvere pink o!" sirrilar devign. I he reception at fitiekiiVv High S.tiooi was attended by over 300 and .•\s\ Mi c'Tit'eo ot Mrs. Trie Rose. Mrs. ..!: : '. i.!i. si..ii "-in-luv. oi the brii'e ut the cake. Shirley Wylie, Janet •- ni!c ;.• ! ' ;• .•: ikx»th poured and \!i, WMIard Widmayer served the punch. lor j;oing away the bride wove a! !'!ac lir '"> uit. After a wedding trip i :o iioul^vn M:.hr',;iu and Niagara 1 r?\\ v ,. the couple will live in l>;k'h- ton. Botl» arc high school graduates. T'IC bridw if. employed by the C:' : .'-:r^ Mutufti Auto Ins. Co. in Howcll i.mi the groom at the General Motors Proving Grounds, Milford. In his recent speech at Detrofe ' tnator Wayne Morse of OregOB •-Oii: pared Presidtut Eisenhower to 1 a\t- Beck, teamster union president new under investigation. This WS* luii'er fur fetchtd. His comparison was so bas"d because he said ths) pi evident has misappropriated funds by cutting taxes on big business. The Republican senators angrily de. !nan<kd a censure vote which Morse .said he would welcome and then re~ r.::i.'ed it was nice to see so many Ki'p'jblican senators in the presi. 'kr,:'s corner. That he had not seen many there during the recent debate en foreign aid. There will be no cen- sure vote. Morse would get too much puhkity out of it and they are not so sure they could put it across. Hia ^lAc-h was pur<iy political and fur headlines and should be so regarded. Little by little some knowledge Is ! ein» attained on the new trjanquiliz ing pills. Investigators have now t't. termined That people who use them don't handle their alcohol so well .is those people who do not and get tv.'ich drunker. Whether a person can become an addict and as to any after ill effects this" has not yet been arrived at. The silver foxes are perpetuated by selective breeding on fox farms. A fire last week destroyed the 41 groui^ scout camp in Lenawee county. 84 fires burned over 1408 acres last week. ' "On June 1 camping fees will be in creased from 50c to 75c a day. Thia wiii bring in an annual revenue of of $100,000 a year. 150,000 muskellhnge eggs and the sarre number of pike eggs are being processed at Drayton Plains. caused Sheriff Klager of Wash the present incumbents. If a new ont j tintiw to wax indicant as he said it was too low ar d threatened to get out a concealed weapons warrent them if they raised bail is elected or appointed t"> corporate board sets the salary. The ouUide jeMef stipend was raised from 45 to &«0 a month. They voted to hire an bui'ial in Dcti'oit. \v\mh they"had not:'at "lasVReports/ executive secretesy or public rela\ -Hi ! pc Garland later increased to $2500. NOTICE . Beginning June 17,, 1957 new lo cation for Driver's Licenses for the County of I Wingston will be in the basement of the Detention Home and will be issued Monday thru Friday £:00 a. m. to 5K)0 p. m. End Saturday tf.00 a,-m to 12:00 Noon Address is •Clinton St, Howell. GHOST TOWN? . Winona Pickett of Unadilla takesl Louis Coolc, the Detroit, Free Press wiiter to task for referring to Una. ^illa as a ghost town with slanty shanties since the cyclone of 1914 \*fcich demolished most of it, This was in a writeup k of Florence Preuss. Mr. Cook should have gotten more in formation on the suject for if Una. dilla became a ghost town it did long COUNTY LLAGUE STARTS The Livingston County Soft Ball t.tague sponsored by Hcwell starts tune 4, They play Tuesday and Tivvsday. Other leagues there play Monday, Wednesday and Friday. City Service and Hamburg play Tues day at 8, p. m. and Pinckney and th^t General Motors Proving Graunds on Thvvsday at 8 t». %*. After the first week the gainea are at 9:00 p« m. The Pindkney Kiwanis Girls play Wednesday night. 1 T he Pinckney schedule, is kns man for ? years at $10,01)0 a \ i'uai 1 . / Lodges were given permission te ' roJH 'ibute to thi DeMolay.-., Daughters and Rainbow Girls. The amendment to pu, Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties in one district ( oncurrent territt rial jurisdiction lost. years meeting is also in De trciit. Pinckney had 20 at tthe convenj ton and banquet. Two were on grand lodge boards. Winston UaiiKhn Do DeMolay, O.in Robinson, board of general purposes. Also Barney Wiisoa is rn the DDI board, The grand lodge officers are from all over the state. MRS. GENEVIEVE LORETIE Mrs. (jenevieve l.orelle. (to, wile of Joeph l.oieit 1 :. died sMidenly mi i Monday. She was the daughter of the lato Clarence and Lottie Rosier ! D e x t e r w h e r e -.he S J ^ - . ; lu.i :;:. •••i\ Dosides her husband there is brothel", Er win. The funeral is Thursday at 2 p.m., at the Kechn Funeral Home. Dexter. with burial in the Forest Lawn ceme- tery. W cdebr.itet! :ill birthdays during summer months. '. 1 aro having a t,.t.^scl it r t \ 'A' eighth P HENRY POKTKR. Henry Porter. 66, of Pinckney died Monday, ;»' Cassic NkDoii^iJ's Con- valescent Home, Howell, where rw had been tor jomc time. He was born May 5, 1S9J in Holland. Mich.. the son of Charles and Mary Porter. He married Eva Pearson in 1911 would like to thank tiie •;le lor ihe nice puppet show. Individual units have ail been com led and tfv.:\ sureK 1 were wonder- !u:. We t u:..:ht the class. !.et\ participate in the Memorial Day parade. Uremia Harger left early to go to Illinois with her parents. We m.tde get u d l cards for Mr. AmHurgev and farewell cards for Brenda Harger. We arc sorry school is almost out •iml we had a wonderful yea.- with Mrs. Miller we think she's tops- thanks for everything Mrs. Miller. . Joe Hunter, deputy is from Beaverton, Tn '^ y have | ive( | j n pinckney 25 years. .... .„ .. S. \V., Rex Sackett,-Detroit; J. W., j HJS v-ife survives Also son, Charles, iiune 6. Pinckney vs. Gen.Motors.l Wallace Kent, Kalamjaztoo; S. DjL June ll:Pinolcney vs City Service. | Wiilard bau^r Sparta; Sec'y.. Char»« June 20: Hamburg ws Pinckney. les Sherman, Lansing; Treas., Clam June 25: Pinckney vs Gen, Motors. ; iVlcKenzie, Kalamazoo; Lecturer^ >I1W w%(1 „_ M ._ July.9: Pinckney V3 Hamburg. Morgan Smead, Rochester; Tiler, man for the Grand Trunk Railroad July 16: Pinckney vs Gen.Motors Albert Marlatt, Mt Clemens. This was July 26- Pinckney vs City Service. July 30:Pinckney vs Hamburg/^ Aug.6: Pinckney vs City Service. wife survive". Also son, Charles, daughter, Mrs. Neva Ho.'.iMier, ali of Pinckney. There arc several grand- children. The deceased was a maintenance FINSHES THIRD Pmckney finished third in. the Land 'O Lakes League with a 6-4 record, before that, in fact in 1883 when tht Manchester was first with 9-1 and Grand Trunk Airline Railroad l t ^ t e r second with 7-3. Pinckney then finder <jocstructi'.r bypassed j lost to Manchester once, Dexter twice Unadilla. At the time it had several 1 find Hartland once, ttores, hotel, Kill, blacksmith, sev.' Last week Pinckney lost at Hart. etal choxvfaes end a The railroad went shoe factory. land 3 to 2 with Gene Hill pitching. Tuesday they beat South Lyon 12 5 miles north of Unadilla and most of the UnadilU №> e going into the 5th when be b^'hwM ent«n»is«B moved thew. | to 8. Dennie ,Clark had a no hit The place was first called Mt.Hermon allowed 3 runs and 5 more th« 7th. d l Clark McKcuzies 50th year at lodpe. NOTICE The Kings Daughters June meeting will be at the home of Mrs. McKinley on Thursday, June 6 at (12:15) noon with a pot luck lunch. Bring a dish to pass and your table service to the hostess. Contact Mr*. Wm. Brash and Mrs. Clifford Chaip bers. here. The funeral was Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the SwaHbout Funeral home, Rev. Robert Taylor of Ham burg officiating. Burial was in Pin ckney Cemetery. .Hermon and later Gr»*oiy after a pronfa. 1 Bobbie KeU y ^^ a doubto eat citizen, single* for Pinckney. SCHOOL ELECTION As provided by State Law the an mral School Board Election will be LOCAL WOMAN HONORED *•!• £etnit Free Press last week liekf at Pinckney on Monday, Jutyi carried an inteiesting story by 8 1957 The h d l f t Li ft, 1957. The hours and place of EJeoj Loui« Cook* their roving reporter of tk>n will be announced later. I Miu Florence Pens*, Pinckney li. Nominating peitions may be ob. \harian standing in front of the town. tftiaed from Superintendent of schools ball here where the library is local, or Secretary of the School Board. < ed , with a fine writevp of her. She NOTi ' , Kings Daughters President's CM meets June 3rd, 12:30 at ihc home of Mrs. Lewis Herbst, Brighton Rd., Brighton. Pot luck business meet- ing, dinner. years, The Petitions with 25 signatures ot taught school in Detroit 26 *«»-, electors must be filed wife Secy of mostly second grade, retiring on School Board before 4.U0 P.M. ontdfeahifor when «K« T*.* IL«. k—X— June 18, 1957. Two trustees for three year terms •ad <m tiwm for OM y**r mm c*»sabfity when she .lost HENDEE FARM DESIGNATED •CENTENNIAL FARM" BY HISTORICAL COMMISSION LANSING — A track of land to Putnam Township, Livingston Coua- ty, has been designated a "centen- niaLfanrT by the Michigan Historical Commission. This newly-designated centennW farm is owned and operated by Lym W. Hendee, 7814 Farley RoacL Pinck- ocy, Michigan, and has been in hk family since 1837. Originally, it was f. y &he waa one of the library's booeters purchased by Ralph d h tt riUti f and when K stutted beeaaM Iftrar laa, Shi Utm alaM of the pwunt P. K. ELLIOTT R. K. Elliott, 75, a retired farmer and resident of Pinckney area since lt>15 died Tuesday at his home en Unndilla Street Tuesday. He was bom Dec., 1881 in Ohid,the son of Charles and Emma Connor i Elliott. He married Millie Tiney m 1H0C in Syivanb Ohio, She surviv es. Tl^ey celebrated their golden •A edding last yeat. A foster daughter, Mrs. George Dunn, died a number of /ears ago. He has been a member of Living ncuy uvcu a ij»^-4»iw%;«. v * *^*T»»ifa k DOTS M( Lodge N T o.76 F. A. M. since 1937, j j^r garden. ditor. havina the honor of rais . I navi<i Zi KINDKRCARTKN NF.WS Mar\ Plummer has a new dress and slip. \V: have each planted some flower seeiis in a miik carton. There are 4 baly birds on Gary Math's porch. -Larry Gardner has some b a h \ chicks. Billy Down had company Sunday. Kurt Knipplc went fishing yester- day. Leonard Bierloin saw a raccoon on his way from town. Frank Behm made a tent in his yard Sunday. Jim Nash went to Toledo. Brctta Brash's mother sent her some pictures from Arizona. Armond Olcski rode on a pony. Ralph Roth went to a movie Sun. Glen Highfill went fishing and caught 9 fish. Gerald Howse saw a baby donkey. Suzanne Waring has a new rain coat. Glen Schancr helped his dad plant strawberries. Dora Meabon planted flowers in fc.iforts are being made to restore the Soil Bank Plan, President Eisen i>G,vt-i's curenll foi farm ills for v.Uch he campaigned vigorously for la: . fall. The Soil Bank Program .i.'ii'i to be a b^; tiisappointment and all :oita of rackfts has crept into : t. ^,ic< plan was tc pay farmers so •.niu ii per acre for taking their land (.it of production,mostly grain. This (a used tho bij> farmers to buy Up ncri'S of waste land for which they roll-;te<l enough soil bank payments in , iiy for the land. In other cases ac cea; 1 ' 1 was taken out of one crop pro duel ion and put in another. The gcvennent did v good job ef dispos .,' cf uop surplugoea as it i i s amount of theae pn 1)0 million but it will still MOT •• ^ \tatn to dispose of the tiie surplus crop^ m* tiand. I>ofxlent EiiBcnhower made two Mip'-als over the head of congress to Mir people via TV last week not to (.•Lit his foreign aid budget and while hi; made important gains many aVS) cf trie opinon his uttack on the bud. K'l cutters, most of whom are Rep. unlK'iins was to long delayed. He i'cJk-d the budget cutters reckless ir.cr gambling with the safety of th# nation. The National Council of (hinches and Organized Labor hat aim 1 out in favor of his budget but U.o \ational Chamber of Commercrt ai'd the National Industrial Associa tion who were rtsponsibe for hifl (iLction and furnished, the funds J'cr 1'is two campaigns are the two iOK'ing budget slashers. As for the Republican congressmen, the fact thai ho led thorn to their first victory ir> 20 years and most of them rod* into office on his coattails is given no consideration at all. the editor, having the honor of rais . I David Zczulka and Bill L. Wylie ing him, have a loose tooth. The funeral will be Friday at the Gary Marsh has a tree hut. Pinckney Community Congl. Church, j Dennis Reason has a new baseball R*v. Winger officiating. Burial will bat. to m Pincknsy Cemetery. . .CARD dF THANKS We wish to thank Livingston Lodge No. 76, Reverend Winger, and all who were so kind to us in the passing and burial of Myron Dunning. -May you afl have at many friend* in time Tta$t Faoily Dennis Howe has a new toy tractor. Gary Burg planted a garden all his own. Sharon Gray has a new rang. fnckney ;lo«t Cassidy Lake 20 to 10 Sunday. Tart or tne team for y got to show up. Next Sunday they l l ti here with g will p y y ^practice game here with at 5:00 p a . A few years ago a local man coll or-led from a biewery because h* f<uinrt a cigir in the bottom ef a toitle of beer. In Ann Arbor Mr*. M»-• yaret M^ersman is suing a bear ?tore, a distributor and a brewey f c $10,000 damages because a can of heer exploded in her hand as ah* was putting ^ in the refrigerator ar"d she was injured. We don't ^hink there has ever been a real live elephant in Pinckney bat there will be June 17 when Cole Bros. Circus exhibits here under canvas* en I ivingston St. on the Gerald Re*. son lots west of the property of lift. Flora Darrow. Come to think of it it is probably 20 years since a teat show was here. These tent sbonrt once verynumeous are now scarce even Barnum and Bailey has givem up the use of tents. In addition to. several elephants Cole Bros, d r e w has bears and other animals, trained horses and dogs and trapese perform urs. They come here from Leslie go from her© to Milford. KIWANIS MEETING _ Tuesday evening, June 4 *t 6:30 (st Pilgrim Hall. Ladies a^ht Pictures of Hawaii wffl lit and described by Robert Fler.se make UMluHuw Secretary. Keith Koch, •\\. V,/< ••". ' ^ * * * . - . » ••>,.,.. S,

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\Wednesday, May 29, 1975 Mo. t l

Nrigboring Notes MASONIC NEWSLast week Midugans two penis

sulas were spanned for tf»e iK-stu n * as the fraraework of the Mackinacc bridge was laid. It has an ov.all iength v>i 26, 444 it. hax, wiii notbe cpen for uae until nsxt November. \ t;,,ld<

vacatvomuna expects * toin iio u ^54)0.000 business plus othjr

in tax mcney left by resort

Mrs. Phyitis Kenzie Coakley of ;Stcnkbridge ditd at Lansing lastweek. She leaves her husband, &.a daughter and her parents, Mr. Iand Mra. Emerson Kinsey of Plain


Grwit advances have been madeii.< Micm&un in care of retarded children, rehabilitation of prison inxnatea,.Aiik giuuditii; of health, expansionof aii travel etc.

Control^of tubereuoisis has receiv-ed an assist in Michigan, Under anew law carriers may be sent toa confinement eenter and recalcitrant cases to a confinement centerat 'Jaylord.

Of the thousands of TB cases only150 are listed as refusing treatment,

advancing payment of statea d g p ythe school districts will get all

they .were guaranteed

byaidthe moneythis year.

State Sales collections dipped andsome schools had to borrow moneyto Veep going and there was dangert.f paylees nay days so the legislat.ure advanced the date of payment.

6 young Republicans in the legisIatove led by George Sallade of

The }Stoc«u,x4dger umbers 61. \

Ross Campbell an overseas veteran *•has established c law office in Dex-ter.

Mrs. Lucy Wireman of Chelsea,charged with putting rat poison inher husbands beer to make him atop f.drinking has been released on $1000 |bail. She did it for over a year. ~~went to the hospital and hi*>was pronodnced arsenic poisoning.

lioy Scout Spring Jambore washeld at Bruin Lnke May 24—25 ob.serving the 5'?±\\ anniverstary ofBoy Scouting in England

An application has been

He j

I St. AUwys vlefAokiv. Cnurc *| Keir. Fr Albert Schmitt, Pastor

SUNDAY MASSESSummer Masses: !6:30, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:30 A. M.Wi'Ur Masses :8:00^ 10:00 A M.W^kday Mass: »:00 A, M.fi-hJay:Soirowful Mother Novena:7:30 P.M.


Friday, after NovennaSaturday: 4:30 to 5:30 P.

8:30 t; 9:00 T

j Raymond M. Douglas, Alpena, Mich,filed to ! j ^ t e d Grand Master of the Michiganj ^ t e d G

rinse the telegraph office at Fowler j K a s o n j c Grand Lodge at Detroitville. i Tuesday May 29.

L iiiighton will have a summer re icreation program of swimming little ' The new grand master » a ^league base ball i> to 12 years and ent company executive, served in -eDahe Ruth baseball 12 to 14 yeart World War II and got his degrees mo l d ' : his degrees *u the Phihpmes .He ha*

Paul Bennett v.-ho has been How.. | a w?fe and 4 children.til high school atuletic director for ( Newton Bacon, Niles, MICh ,•n years has resigned to become j « was elected grand marshall,supt. of parks and recreation in Ho ,vl j first step in the grand Wdgeell. ' in Michigan ever Percy Wih

L. D. Adams, mathrnetics teacher . ;ams: DiLroit and I letcner Dorr ot


Ai.u Arbor revolted against the , ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ . . ^ A 1 1 s men have visitedoid guard and killed the bill to tax j & ^ ^ g c h o o l g ^ r e p l a c e i n g a t o n Lod?,'e. .dgftietes 2c and liquor 3c for №* i i V . l l C S M c C a l l u m r e a i g n e d . Not a great deal of l o c a t i o nschool fund. They denounced the tax , M a r r i a g 0 l i c e n £ e , h a v e b o e n i g s . . w a & p a s s e d . The day of the annualcs unreal and immoral. Rep. Adrua ( ^ ^ ^ W e g t e i h o i d > 2 1 ^ n d t , u ; e d n g of the DDIs was changed to

RiFa Harding, 21 both of 1004 Barton, Saturday. The members of the board

ChurchCalvary MennonfNe Church

Lzse Beachy, Pastor3. S. S»s>t. Walter Ea*hMornfr? Worship 10:00

School UKCOPeopled Meeting 7:30Fediows&ip

[ho wedding ol" Rosina Ann Hill., daughter ol Mrs. William Hill ofi Mru'ncy to ' ti\\ runce Ku^ene Carrier

CM vi iJti^L:. m was solemnii^jd at> the Pinjkney C'tui'j'i. Church Satur-day ever-iiny. at S p.m. Rev. J. W.Winger olticiutiny in a candlelightceremony amid decorations ol' palmsand l'lo^ers.

Mr-. Hvr-.M.m WiJmnyer p!:;.eJ thewed.iin.^ march and the bride camein on the arm oi" her brother, ThomasH;-H, who gave her in marriage. Mrs.O*>rcLv; Curtis of Brighton was solo-


CiboxhCom.Hev. w. W. Wtnger, P^ator

School . .. 9.30 a. n.Worship 1O>46$ a. m.igtil piay« meeting at

1Ue cnuich . . . . . 8:00Wad. Chou practise 'h&Q +JM.

ibe Peoples ChurciiU-3fi West between Unadilla and

Main StreetsRev. Beitb Rn^seKgat1, Pastor

Snnday Scho^ . . . 9:45 a. m.Montir {, WorrAlp . . . 10:50 a.mytuth Grou? f/i0$ p. t*.Evening Seivice 8:00 p. QL,Tr. Choi/ Haotifla Wed. . . 4i00 p. m.

«0 n. w» <

aeBoom of this district is one of therofolters. They want a 2 percentcorporations profits tax but may findn*ri poing in 1*e sceate Vhere thecorporation influence is strong.

omtsvRTimvx NOTSSA trout 11% inches long, the fir3t

in the town's history was eaughibelow the dam in fcaton Rapids lastweek.

A white fox waK reported Been nearGrayling Ia»t week. It was either anjhino or^a Mght phase of the red foxwhich vanes in color from white to

General Purposes were given 7cmrhr-for lcd;^ visitations if they ask

• for it] T n e 1 a w s t a t i n ^ ' fche G r a n : i

Lyle Wessinger of l^tturer must visit all 58 districts atleast once a vea •

iinekney and Lawrence Cameron,2J, Brighton and Roaina Anne Hi 1,*1, Pinckney.

Mr. and Mrs.Iif:vell celebrated their 25th wedd..ing anniversary hist Thursday.

A nn Arbor will have a summer reciwuUov profram afUr *U The

it wtr»n ia^r t»adbut tb« city icwwd to

.I'ulge Francis Barron set the bail

was repealed. Ni'.vhe does it only on grand master'*orders.

A life membership lap<Sl pin for40 >ears m^tubtrthxp wa*

50, GO ;m4 7^

frw.n $1200 to f2ftOO,ffrand secretary'*

MRS. MARIE SMITHMrs. Marie Smith, former resident,

\\hi killed in an auto accident inWisconsin on May 22. Her husban'),R*x Smith, was highway eomnissicm

i er here and later employed by t^cLivingston County Road Commission,The family moved i';-o»n here to How-'v,i\ jVip^ LO T>pti"c it. l.',ertidf'R her In1;

there arc 2 sons, llw jr. an iand 2 daughters, Mrs, MMT.

Jory grisfw •*$ Me*. Marion Bellin'. Also 2 graflfdchildrcn.

the Pinckney r>anditsf lien Liska from $7250 to $8000. grand lectur. j The funeral was at the John SanBunche at $1000 each ers from $3CO0 to $4000.. This is foi j teiu Funeral Home Detroit, Saturday

Mrs. Walter Vv'oikman was matrono: hu'iov and the bridesmaids uereAir.-;. William Haney ol Brighton, a

f si^tor ol the »mom and Mrs. HerbertSclienden, oi Howell. Carl Awreyof Miltord was best man. ushers w.M'eWilliam Hill and Rotert Cameron,

•brother of the bridegroom. T h eI'l'VA'er s'irl was ^^ane\ H;!! neiee of

: the bride and nny hearer. Da\ id Cam-eron, brother of the groom.

'1 he brides govs n \v;ts lave rufflewith figurine molded bodice, headpiece of pearls and sequins and.finger-tip veil. She carried a Rainbow Biblewith a white orehid and her flowerswere stephanotis.

' \\c r . 'uirnn of honor ' ; ; gown wasro;;e colored cr\st; 'liii<' styled afterthe brides and her !lowi>r-, were palec a r n a t i o n s . T h e dresses of the br ides-ni.tn..- vvere pink o!" sirr i lar devign.

I he recept ion at fitiekiiVv HighS. t iooi was a t t ended by over 300 and.•\s\ Mi c'Tit'eo ot Mrs . Trie Rose. Mrs .. . ! : : '. i.!i. si..ii "-in-luv. oi the brii 'e• ut the cake. Sh i r l ey Wyl ie , J a n e t•- n i ! c ;.• ! ' ;• .•: i k x » t h p o u r e d a n d\ ! i , WMIard Widmayer served thepunch.

l o r j;oing away the bride wove a!!'!ac lir '"> uit. After a wedding trip

i : o i i o u l ^ v n M : . h r ' , ; i u a n d N i a g a r a1 r?\\v,. the coup le will live in l>;k'h-

t o n . Botl» a r c high school g r a d u a t e s .T ' I C bridw if. e m p l o y e d by the C:':.'-:r^Mutufti Auto Ins. Co. in Howcll i.mithe groom at the General M o t o r sProving Grounds, Milford.

In his recent speech at Detrofe' tnator Wayne Morse of OregOB•-Oii: pared Presidtut Eisenhower to1 a\t- Beck, teamster union presidentnew under investigation. This WS*luii'er fur fetchtd. His comparisonwas so bas"d because he said ths)pi evident has misappropriated fundsby cutting taxes on big business.The Republican senators angrily de.!nan<kd a censure vote which Morse.said he would welcome and then re~r.::i.'ed it was nice to see so manyKi'p'jblican senators in the presi.'kr,:'s corner. That he had not seenmany there during the recent debateen foreign aid. There will be no cen-sure vote. Morse would get too muchpuhkity out of it and they are notso sure they could put it across. Hia^lAc-h was pur<iy political and furheadlines and should be so regarded.

Little by little some knowledge Is! ein» attained on the new trjanquilizing pills. Investigators have nowt't. termined That people who use themdon't handle their alcohol so well.is those people who do not and gettv.'ich drunker. Whether a personcan become an addict and as to any

after ill effects this" has not yetbeen arrived at.

The silver foxes are perpetuatedby selective breeding on fox farms.

A fire last week destroyed the 41groui^ scout camp in Lenaweecounty.

84 fires burned over 1408 acreslast week.

' "On June 1 camping fees will be increased from 50c to 75c a day. Thiawiii bring in an annual revenue ofof $100,000 a year.

150,000 muskellhnge eggs and thesarre number of pike eggs are beingprocessed at Drayton Plains.

caused Sheriff Klager of Wash the present incumbents. If a new ont jtintiw to wax indicant as he saidit was too low ar d threatened to getout a concealed weapons warrent

them if they raised bail

is elected or appointed t"> corporateboard sets the salary. The ouUidejeMef stipend was raised from 45 to

&«0 a month. They voted to hire an

bui'ial in Dcti'oit.

\v\mh they"had not:'at "lasVReports/ executive secretesy or public rela\-Hi !pc Garland later increasedto $2500.

NOTICE. Beginning June 17,, 1957 new lo

cation for Driver's Licenses for theCounty of I Wingston will be in thebasement of the Detention Home andwill be issued Monday thru Friday£:00 a. m. to 5K)0 p. m. End Saturdaytf.00 a,-m to 12:00 Noon Address is•Clinton St, Howell.

GHOST TOWN? .Winona Pickett of Unadilla takesl

Louis Coolc, the Detroit, Free Presswiiter to task for referring to Una.^illa as a ghost town with slantyshanties since the cyclone of 1914\*fcich demolished most of it, Thiswas in a writeupk of Florence Preuss.Mr. Cook should have gotten more information on the suject for if Una.dilla became a ghost town it did long

COUNTY LLAGUE STARTSThe Livingston County Soft Ball

t.tague sponsored by Hcwell startstune 4, They play Tuesday andTivvsday. Other leagues there playMonday, Wednesday and Friday.City Service and Hamburg play Tuesday at 8, p. m. and Pinckney and th^tGeneral Motors Proving Graunds onThvvsday at 8 t». %*. After the firstweek the gainea are at 9:00 p« m.The Pindkney Kiwanis Girls playWednesday night.1

T he Pinckney schedule, is

kns man for ? years at $10,01)0 a\ i'uai1./ Lodges were given permission te' roJH 'ibute to thi DeMolay.-.,

Daughters and Rainbow Girls. Theamendment to pu, Wayne, Oaklandand Macomb counties in one district( oncurrent territt rial jurisdiction lost.

years meeting is also in Detrciit. Pinckney had 20 at tthe convenjton and banquet. Two were on grandlodge boards. Winston UaiiKhn DoDeMolay, O.in Robinson, board ofgeneral purposes. Also Barney Wiisoais rn the DDI board, The grand lodgeofficers are from all over the state.

MRS. GENEVIEVE LORETIEM r s . ( j e n e v i e v e l . o r e l l e . (to, w i l e

of J o e p h l .o ie i t 1 : . d i e d s M i d e n l y mi i

Monday. She was the daughter ofthe lato Clarence and Lottie Rosier !

D e x t e r w h e r e - . h e S J ^ - . ; l u . i :;:. • • • i \Dosides her husband there is brothel",Er win.

The funeral is Thursday at 2 p.m.,at the Kechn Funeral Home. Dexter.with burial in the Forest Lawn ceme-tery.

W cdebr.itet! :ill birthdays duringsummer months.'.1 aro having a t,.t.^scl it r t \

'A' eighth


HENRY POKTKR.Henry Porter. 66, of Pinckney died

Monday, ;»' Cassic NkDoii^iJ 's Con-valescent Home, Howell, where rwhad been tor jomc time. He wasborn May 5, 1S9J in Holland. Mich..the son of Charles and Mary Porter.

He married Eva Pearson in 1911

would like to thank tiie•;le lor ihe nice puppet show.Individual units have ail been comled and tfv.:\ sureK1 were wonder-

!u:. We t u:..:ht the class.!.et\ participate in the Memorial

Day parade.Uremia Harger left early to go to

Illinois with her parents.We m.tde get u d l cards for Mr.

AmHurgev and farewell cards forBrenda Harger.

We arc sorry school is almost out•iml we had a wonderful yea.- withMrs. Miller — we think she's t o p s -thanks for everything Mrs. Miller.

. Joe Hunter, deputy is from Beaverton, • Tn'^y h a v e | i v e ( | j n pinckney 25 years.. . . . „ .„ .. S. \V., Rex Sackett,-Detroit; J. W., j HJS v-ife survives Also son, Charles,

iiune 6. Pinckney vs. Gen.Motors.l Wallace Kent, Kalamjaztoo; S. DjLJune ll:Pinolcney vs City Service. | Wiilard bau^r Sparta; Sec'y.. Char»«June 20: Hamburg w s Pinckney. les Sherman, Lansing; Treas., ClamJune 25: Pinckney vs Gen, Motors. ; iVlcKenzie, Kalamazoo; Lecturer^ >I1W w%(1 „ _ M ._July.9: Pinckney V3 Hamburg. Morgan Smead, Rochester; Tiler, man for the Grand Trunk RailroadJuly 16: Pinckney vs Gen.Motors Albert Marlatt, Mt Clemens. This wasJuly 26- Pinckney vs City Service.July 30:Pinckney vs Hamburg/^Aug.6: Pinckney vs City Service.

wife survive". Also son, Charles,daughter, Mrs. Neva Ho.'.iMier, ali ofPinckney. There arc several grand-children.

The deceased was a maintenance

FINSHES THIRDPmckney finished third in. the Land

'O Lakes League with a 6-4 record,before that, in fact in 1883 when tht Manchester was first with 9-1 andGrand Trunk Airline Railroad l t ^ t e r second with 7-3. Pinckneythen finder <jocstructi'.r bypassed j lost to Manchester once, Dexter twiceUnadilla. At the time it had several 1 find Hartland once,ttores, hotel, Kill, blacksmith, sev. ' Last week Pinckney lost at Hart.etal choxvfaes end aThe railroad went

shoe factory. land 3 to 2 with Gene Hill pitching.Tuesday they beat South Lyon 125 miles north of

Unadilla and most of the UnadilU № > e going into the 5th when beb^'hwM ent«n»is«B moved thew. | to 8. Dennie ,Clark had a no hitThe place was first called Mt.Hermon allowed 3 runs and 5 more th« 7th.

d l

Clark McKcuzies 50th year atlodpe.

N O T I C EThe Kings Daughters June meeting

will be at the home of Mrs. McKinleyon Thursday, June 6 at (12:15) noonwith a pot luck lunch.

Bring a dish to pass and your tableservice to the hostess. Contact Mr*.Wm. Brash and Mrs. Clifford Chaip-bers.

here. The funeral was Wednesday at2 p.m. at the SwaHbout Funeralhome, Rev. Robert Taylor of Ham-burg officiating. Burial was in Pin-ckney Cemetery.

.Hermonand later Gr»*oiy after a pronfa. 1 B o b b i e K e U y ^ ^ a d o u b t o

eat citizen, single* for Pinckney.

SCHOOL ELECTIONAs provided by State Law the an-

mral School Board Election will be


*•!• £etnit Free Press last weekliekf at Pinckney on Monday, Jutyi carried an inteiesting story by8 1957 The h d l f t L ift, 1957. The hours and place of EJeoj Loui« Cook* their roving reporter oftk>n will be announced later. I Miu Florence Pens*, Pinckney li.

Nominating peitions may be ob. \harian standing in front of the town.tftiaed from Superintendent of schools ball here where the library is local,or Secretary of the School Board. < ed , with a fine writevp of her. She

N O T i ', Kings Daughters President's C Mmeets June 3rd, 12:30 at ihc homeof Mrs. Lewis Herbst, Brighton Rd.,Brighton. Pot luck — business meet-ing, dinner.

years,The Petitions with 25 signatures ot taught school in Detroit 26 *«»- ,electors must be filed wife Secy of mostly second grade, retiring onSchool Board before 4.U0 P.M. ontdfeahifor when «K« T*.* IL«. k—X—June 18, 1957.

Two trustees for three year terms•ad <m tiwm for OM y**r mm

c*»sabfity when she .lost


LANSING — A track of land toPutnam Township, Livingston Coua-ty, has been designated a "centen-niaLfanrT by the Michigan HistoricalCommission.

This newly-designated centennWfarm is owned and operated by LymW. Hendee, 7814 Farley RoacL Pinck-ocy, Michigan, and has been in hkfamily since 1837. Originally, it wasf. y

&he waa one of the library's booeters purchased by Ralphd h tt riUti fand when K stutted beeaaM Iftrar

laa, Shi Utm alaMof the pwunt

P. K. ELLIOTTR. K. Elliott, 75, a retired farmer

and resident of Pinckney area sincelt>15 died Tuesday at his home enUnndilla Street Tuesday.

He was bom Dec., 1881 in Ohid,theson of Charles and Emma Connor iElliott. He married Millie Tiney m1H0C in Syivanb Ohio, She survives. Tl ey celebrated their golden•A edding last yeat. A foster daughter,Mrs. George Dunn, died a number of/ears ago.

He has been a member of Livingncuy u v c u a ij» -4»iw%;«. v* *^*T»»ifa k DOTS M(

Lodge NTo.76 F. A. M. since 1937, j j ^ r garden.ditor. havina the honor of rais . I navi<i Zi

KINDKRCARTKN NF.WSMar\ Plummer has a new dress and

slip.\V: have each planted some flower

seeiis in a miik carton.There are 4 baly birds on Gary

Math ' s porch.-Larry Gardner has some b a h \

chicks.Billy Down had company Sunday.Kurt Knipplc went fishing yester-

day.Leonard Bierloin saw a raccoon on

his way from town.Frank Behm made a tent in his

yard Sunday.Jim Nash went to Toledo.Brctta Brash's mother sent her

some pictures from Arizona.Armond Olcski rode on a pony.Ralph Roth went to a movie Sun.Glen Highfill went fishing a n d

caught 9 fish.Gerald Howse saw a baby donkey.Suzanne Waring has a new rain

coat.Glen Schancr helped his dad plant

strawberries.Dora Meabon planted flowers in

fc.iforts are being made to restorethe Soil Bank Plan, President Eiseni>G,vt-i's curenll foi farm ills forv.Uch he campaigned vigorously forla: . fall. The Soil Bank Program i».i.'ii'i to be a b^; tiisappointment andall :oita of rackfts has crept into : t .,ic< plan was tc pay farmers so•.niu ii per acre for taking their land(.it of production,mostly grain. This(a used tho bij> farmers to buy Upncri'S of waste land for which theyroll-;te<l enough soil bank paymentsin , iiy for the land. In other cases accea;1'1 was taken out of one crop produel ion and put in another. Thegcvennent did v good job ef dispos• .,' cf uop surplugoea as it

i i s amount of theae pn1)0 million but it will still MOT • • ^\tatn to dispose of thetiie surplus crop^ m* tiand.

I>ofxlent EiiBcnhower made twoMip'-als over the head of congress toMir people via TV last week not to(.•Lit his foreign aid budget and whilehi; made important gains many aVS)cf trie opinon his uttack on the bud.K'l cutters, most of whom are Rep.unlK'iins was to long delayed. Hei'cJk-d the budget cutters recklessir.cr gambling with the safety of th#nation. The National Council of(hinches and Organized Labor hataim1 out in favor of his budget butU.o \ational Chamber of Commercrtai'd the National Industrial Association who were rtsponsibe for hifl(iLction and furnished, the fundsJ'cr 1'is two campaigns are the twoiOK'ing budget slashers. As for theRepublican congressmen, the factthai ho led thorn to their first victoryir> 20 years and most of them rod*into office on his coattails is givenno consideration at all.

the editor, having the honor of rais . I David Zczulka and Bill L. Wylieing him, have a loose tooth.

The funeral will be Friday at the Gary Marsh has a tree hut.Pinckney Community Congl. Church, j Dennis Reason has a new baseballR*v. Winger officiating. Burial will bat.to m Pincknsy Cemetery.

. .CARD d F THANKSWe wish to thank Livingston Lodge

No. 76, Reverend Winger, and allwho were so kind to us in the passingand burial of Myron Dunning. -Mayyou afl have at many friend* in time

Tta$t Faoily

Dennis Howe has a new toy tractor.Gary Burg planted a garden all his

own.Sharon Gray has a new rang.

fnckney ;lo«t Cassidy Lake 20to 10 Sunday. Tart or tne team forygot to show up. Next Sunday they

l l ti here withgwill

p yy ^practice game here with

at 5:00 p a .

A few years ago a local man collor-led from a biewery because h*f<uinrt a cigir in the bottom ef atoitle of beer. In Ann Arbor Mr*.M»-• yaret M^ersman is suing a bear?tore, a distributor and a breweyf c $10,000 damages because a canof heer exploded in her hand as ah*was putting ^ in the refrigeratorar"d she was injured.

We don't ^hink there has ever beena real live elephant in Pinckney batthere will be June 17 when Cole Bros.Circus exhibits here under canvas*en I ivingston St. on the Gerald Re*.son lots west of the property of lift .Flora Darrow. Come to think of i tit is probably 20 years since a teatshow was here. These tent sbonrtonce verynumeous are now scarceeven Barnum and Bailey has givemup the use of tents. In addition to.several elephants Cole Bros, d r e whas bears and other animals, trainedhorses and dogs and trapese performurs. They come here from Lesliego from her© to Milford.

KIWANIS MEETING _Tuesday evening, June 4 *t 6:30 (st

Pilgrim Hall. Ladies a^htPictures of Hawaii wffl lit

and described by RobertFler.se make UMluHuwSecretary. Keith Koch,

• \ \ . V,/<

• • " . ' ^ * * * . - . » • • > , . , . .


Page 2: K> '*•

mi-*.,f - .


I ,!






TBB Wednesday, May 29, 1976

/*" "Gof some bad news \ /y"$>uTwght to get a ne\i last night. Our water : : electee heater. Gives you

heater sprung a leak."/ \ all the hot water you want—....••••" '•••... long lasting, too." ..••*


riot* ef 25 Y«urt4kgt 0oU«tf48Ttws Aft

SOMETHING NEW IN ELECTRIC WATER HEATING!Only electric pater heaters give you all these important advantages:

0 Safest water heater built—flamelessH Plenty of hot water—24 hours a day0 Install anywhere—no flame, no flue0 Efficient—no heat wasted up a flue0 Cleanest—no soot, it's all-electric0 Cool to the touch—top to bottom0 Long lasting—built to rigid Edison standards

They add up to the finest hot water service ever offered in*Southeastern Michigan

See thim at your dealer's, plumber's or Edison Office

W. F. Close and wife attended aGeneral Motors meeting in Detroitlast wetk; # *

Mr. mud V n , M. J. Reason too*Mm, Mable SWam back to Jackson Sunday.

Mfcrln Amburpey entered St. Joehospital last wee): for treatment.

Mesdames "vHola Tucker and AlberaClose of Howall were Wednesday diner jruests of the Abert .OWCPIS.

Mrs. Richard Walsh, son, Vincentand dauphte11, Catherine of Webstercalled on the John overs Saturday.

Paula Curlctt attended a dinnerparty given bv Mrs. Ruth Richards of

av visitors of Mrs. Edith Carrwere the Leo BeUes family o" "~-^ 'LJ..\C Mrs. Mae Middleton of ^ uoit.Vtm Smith family of Lans^'.-.Jr-Greene of East Lasinp: and Mrs. f-

of Battla Creek.

1 he, Capitol Four Christian Endeavor Convention was here MayVX2U. I

The Kings Daughters County con.vvmion is at the Pinckney Congl.Church May 31.

After 3 years pastorate Rev.Di^ssel has resigned as pastor ofthe Gregory Baptist Churcch.

Mrs. Rosella Weeks of Kalamazoo,mother of Floyd Weeks, died lastweek.

Mrs. Michael Sweetman Fohey. aformer resident died at Detroit lassweek.

Pinckney beat Hamburg there onSunday 11 to 4, Chet Haupt pitchedfor Pinckney and also got 4 hits.Pinckney team was Brown, c; Me.Cleer, lb; Battle, 2b; Kennedy, 3b;Cox, ss,Livermore, Lickly, Doyle,Eck< utfield. Burton and Searles ' werethe Hamburg battery.

The supt. of the North Branchfchool will put oi he free movieshere his summer.

A fire damaged the Oak Grovelusiness section badly last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham enter,tained SO friends from Detroit attheir Base Lake home Sunday.

The Live Wire Class of the WestMarion Church will put on th e drama"01 D FASHONED MOTHER" atcommunity hall May 25 for bene..fit of Cong^l. Church. The cast is:Ruth Pfau, Retta Miller, Alice Miller,Jotephine Hanson, Alfred Pfau,Nina Wellmah, Ray Miller, StainleyHaines, Ray Ellsworth, Burr King,foster Pluff, Mrs. Fred Huff andEiina King. - t

Mrs. Jennie Lavey closed herschool, the Marble with a picnicThe boys assisted by Clyde Soper ofCli'Cffory beat the Pindkney grade jboys 17 to 18. The Pinckney boysjI?cnald Tupper, Roland Shehan,Murray Kennedy, Stanley DinkelHarow Haines, Lyman Battle PercyEJ:s umpired.

Dorothy Ellis, Hollis and FritzWyl'e have not been absent orta-.'iy all tne year.

Tht Stanley Munlocks of Corrunawere "Sunday guess of the Robert

Ailen Davis of Flint and MartinAivierson and wife of Iosco called onthe Roy Dillim?hams Sunday.

Twa elevators burned last week.One at Howell, one at Byron.

Rev. Littlejohn will deliver th?Memorial Day address at Stockl-ridge.

'r>«ere will be a lawn social at thehome of Sherd Swarthout June 8.Mr. Foxyfafe will be tried for »tuaJing a cambric needle fromMiss_ Funny Fingers.

Ruel Cad well was home from theMAC for Memorial Day.

Charles Foo of Howell, the educ.ated Chinese student speaks at theMethodist Church Sunday.

A move is on to . erect a statuein Grand Circus Park, Detroit to form"tr Mayor Newberry. The new schoolon Ciark Ave. is also to.be namedafter him.

27 sheep £>t Robert Araell of Brighton were killed and mangled by dogslast week.

Pinckney lost at Stockbridge enMemorial Day 6 to 5. Batteries: fforPiuckney-Moran & Lavey; Stockbridge-Standish & [Berry,

Miss Belle Kennedy is teaching atLong Beach, California. >"<

Fugene Reason and friend, Mr.Campbell of Flint spent the weekend at the Floyd Reason home.

The Barnum & Bailey Circus is »tJackson June 19.

The Unadilla Band have their newuniforms and played at Stockbridga

Memorial Day.Eleanor Brogan and Mrs. Mabel

Schefer closed their schools Fridaywi:n a picnic at Coon Lake.

riorn to the Will Harwoods lastweek a daughter .

Sunday guests of the Chris Bro.tfans were Dr. Will Monks and*R. D.Roche of Howell and Clare Ledwidge'of Anderson.

Gene McCleer closed his schoolWest Marion Saturday and Fc Bea

Lam born hers in Unadilla.


OowtlL Mick An

Wed., Thurs. May 29 - 30Matinee Decoration Day at

3:30 P.M. ContinuousRodgers & HammerKteiii present



MacRae - itoria Ciraham*

NO I ICEI am your Avon representative for

Hi-:and at Patterson & Portage LakesAlso all the rural areas of PinckneyPlease call UPtown 8-O"S8.

Mrs. Barbura J. Baxter

.Mr?. Lettjp N'psbitt attended aluwVe flub meptinpr last Thursdayat the home of Mrs. Bruce Sweet cfHowell.

ty Jaguish and wif« called onthe John Borer* Sunday and wltnv sited Mrs. Lottie Lotteridgen Dearborn.

Born to Leonard Devereaux andwife of Utica, May 2°,, a son, DavidLee.AHm Dink.-l and wir3 were in De.tioit tSunday.

DOUBLE FEATURE PKOGRAMLeslie iNieben - Coikuu xvlill«.r



also\Randolph Scott — Richard Boone



Sun., Mon. June 2 - 3Matinee Sunday at 2:30 p.m. cont.

Jeffrey Hunter — Sheree Northin


.» Wed., Thurs. June 4 - 5 - 6Ben (>azzara — Julie Wilson




Thurs., Frl., Sat., May 30, 31- June 1Gary Ctx>per — Ingrid Bergman



(Technicolor)Sun., Mon., Tues. June 2 - 3 - 4

Alan Ladd — Virginia "MayoEdmund O'Brien



f (Color)

Ben White and wife called onBasil Whites on Mason Rd. last week.

i.'allers last -w«ek of the BonWhites. Anderson, were Mr. and Mrs.Jsvnes Forner and wife and Mrs.EUa Newman, Ann Arbor, Cavl Bidwell family of Brighton and Mrs. :

Bess Deverenux of Dearborn. ThiPidvvells were at the Boy Scout jamboree at Bruin Lake .

Mrs>. Ray Lanpuway came horn'*from St. Joe hospital, Ann. ArborfrHay.


Thur., Fri., Sat . May 30,31,Juaa 1' THE SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS'*

Wit*James Stewart and Sheila BondCinemascope and Warner Color

Featurette News Cartoon

PLYMOUTH-"Your over-all best b u y " -Car Life Magazine. "After testing all the 1957 cars wechoose Plymouth as today's over-all best buy because wefeel that it offers more and better transportation value thanany other 1957 car regardless of price." (From the Juneibsue of CAR LIFE, the family auto magazine.)

PLYMOUTH-VStyle leader of the y e a r " -Dell's 1957 Cars Annual. "Style Leader of the YearAward, presented to Plymouth Division t)f Chrysler Cor-poration, by the editors of Dell's 1957 Cars Annual whohave chosen the 1957 Plymouth as the style leader of theAmerican automotive industry." (Inscription on award.)

PLYMOUTH-"Economy leader of its field"-1957 Mobilgas Economy Run. "In the 1957 m i^ .Economy Run Plymouth won first place in Class (A,' thedivision that includes all of the well-known low-price cars.The winning Plymouth was powered by a V-8 engine withautomatic transmission." (FrormU. S. Auto Club records.)

PLYMOUTH-"Superior roadability"-1957 Motor Trend Magazine Award. "Presented toChrysler Corporation for superior handling and road-ability qualities of their family of fine cars." (Citation of1957 Motor Trend Award, presented to the U. S. manufac-turer making most significant engineering advancement.)

Sunday, Monday,, June 2, 3


-wttfe-Don Murrav. E. G. Marshall and

1'atricia SmithFeaturette Color Caroon N«w»

Tues., »eu . , i nu i . , ^uuv- 4, 5, 6and married but not really

" B A B Y D O L L "

Karl Maiden, Cnrrpll Baker, EllWallach, Mildred Dunno^k and

Lonny Chapman-Recommended for Adults Only—

The Scio TheatreAnn

Children's, Mi«tb

Fri., Sat. 31, June 1

"TOWARD THE UNKNOWN"in Technicolor with

William Holden & Virginia Leithalso


Buster Crabbe & Neville BrandAlso Cartoons

Sun., Mon. June 2 - 3"WRITTEN ON THE WIND"

in Technicolor withRock Hudson & Lauren Bacall


in Technicolor withBeverly Garland & Richard Denning

also Cartoon



Tues,, Wed., Thurs. June 4 - 5 - 6"FULL OF LIFE"

withJudy Holiday & Richard Conte


in coloralso Cartoon

31 local boy scouts attended thaattended he jirrboree a Bruin JUkeever the we^i. end,

A. prenuptaJ skewer was given atSt. Marys hall last week for JanoeBun. 8.

he Roy Cuverlys of Howell caollon Mrs. M:'iio Elliott W«inesda/night

Gerald Howell enters Ford Jupital,Deiroit for treatment next w«sek.

Isabel Nash of Ann Arbor and KitoHjn of Grand Eapida ipant Sunday

Page 3: K> '*•

-r •. v—'

: '

v- . . .

. , ' • • . •" 'V. . . [ • '


DISPATCB Wo' nesday, May 29, 1975

AM 4 Bank & UTI

M M CUM a Tar





PHONE 2«4 Howeli Michigan

Hie Hat Water Laundromat and StoreOpen Mondays

Water. Family Wash, Dry31;i<x T.-\v\ TV»d Spreads and

'r lystemy.

St. Mary's Altar Society served abii akfast Sunday after the 8:00 a.m.n.ass for the 11 Catholic graduatesthis year of Pirckney high school.

Also Supt. Reader and Mrs.Stackable.Walter Clark and wife spent Sun

day u*. the liMsi) Meyeer home atGrass Lake.

Joseph Moriarity and wife of Cen.teriine were Sunday guests of ths.urson, Ray Moriaiity, and wife.

Orland Winsfow, Harold Porte'--,•I.a.vrence Cjambur^, Jos Griffith.

Abnr;y, ye editor, Olin Rob.and wife and Winston Baughn

w-rt. Geo. Tru-nipson are at Masonii--1

(irand Lodge ir. Dt u,a tliis we:1;.They are at the Sheraton-Cadillac.

_, Hauck and wife spent lascj we- k in Detroit,

Alassrs Oiin Robinson, Harold Por( tor, Harold H«niy. Lonnie VanSlam

and ye editor uUened the Masonic past masters night at DexterSaturday.

Miss Lucille lleachy, daughter of?t-v. 11 nd Mrs. Ezra lieachy graduatesfrom lieshen College in June with aH. A. rt'cor-J. She has been associate

of tlu College Record and the jruph editor of the school ann

ha, the Maple Leaf. She will teachI.ninish at Richland high school thecoining year.

Dan VanSlambrook went back tothe Burleson hospital last week andresumed home Sunday.

Percy ElUs and wife spent tluvvjck ertd in northern Michigan withth« Byron Wilsons.

lht- Ambruse Kennedy family of! Pontiac spent Sunday with he Irvvin' Kerindeya.,

" Richard Ma'oot, 19, of Wayneoiouned Sunday at Half Moon whilesv i iming-. The body was recovered jby Robert McCompo, 18 of Ypsilanti.

Ona Campbell and wife visitedtiie Dick Pearson and L. A. Gorhamfan-M\f's in Detroit Sunday.

-vns Eloyse Campbell entertained)J7 iiiomber.s of the Peoples' Churchrjjoii at her lxiine Wednesday in honor of Hie 4 n.embers who graduatte

high scrota this year: Dick jJames Massey, Roma and

;ai .ira Amburgpy,V:,j James lie. 11 family of Marion

;>'.rf. .Sunday with the Mervvin

Wagoiws G6066 KNtY M M *


QualityLOW P R I C E S ,

Beer and Wwe To Takt ©•*



Coal and Fuel OilALSt


ene HA 6-8119 Dexter

Opea Winter and SummerKress Road .off M-36, Lakefend.Mioh SoftKindly Wa»h, Dry Cleaning, Cotton Rug?Drupes, Let Us Re-Color with our Cold


Special Rates Air Conditioned for Comfort

THE HOWELL Bowl-E. Drome

Automatic Pin Setters Phone Howeli 384

Mrs, Edith Carr visited at the Jam«.'£ .iieene home in Eastmst week.



At the regular meeting of the Putnam Township Board, held at thetown hall Tuesday, May 14, 1957 at 8 P.M. All board.members present.Hendee, Reynolds, Wylie, White and Kennedy. Absent, none.

Meeting called to order by Supervisor Hendee. There being no old

busines to transact.

Minutes of the meeting of April 9, 2957 read and approved.

1 he David Janowa family of De., trait were Sunday guests of tiiej MUM ay Kenned vs.

! Clare Hendee and wife of Wash.lm.Lon 1>. C. called on Walter Clar\<fam.'ly last week enroute to Michi^an State University where theiri h»kUen are in college.

Walter Clark and wife called onthe Edsel Meyer family at Gras:;I afke, Sunday.

Mesdames Howard and Ross Readattended a luncheon and flower showSaturday given by the Womens ClabCiub of Ann Arbor,

rivhe Russell Clarks and 2 sonski t last w-e-k to visit relatives atEscanaba, upper peninsula.

Mesdames Luclle Cambum,Carman( Porter, Dorthy Winslow, Margaret





The C. J. CJfaion spont Sunday atJ.lu.' Jluiph Clinton home in Detroitvnu had dinner Sunday with theWayn • A'tLer.s.

Mrs, R/ibi-ta Ambur^ey and Mrs,Ma;'y Ambui'",e\ called on MerlinA!)i:nn-.'.',oy at b'. Joe hospital, AnnArbor Sunda/.

'j'I'P Mtrnnie IT:skins family (.f!nitioit calle-l on the Bob AckleyI'mn'iy Sunday. i

Tlie Martin Fitter family attendth«( Gad^-.'t f Invontoi's Shosv

;:(:ay at Uir• Detroit fair grounds.Airs. Vary J:Mie (ialia^her SeefelatJJri^'iiton is a jiatirnt at St. hos

al. Ana Aiini1.1 ho McClii*'*1 Ilinchcys of Lansing

lit'i1 on IV. H. Meyer and wife on


, yThe Putnam^ Township Board has approved of the Civif Defense A b n e > , Mrs. M.ne Bryant Keith

ney. The Emergency Civil Defense Hospital Unit, wil l be stored on the j Kochsecond floor of the Village fire hall. In all emergencies the Hospital. a l l d v

Unit will operate at the Pinckney High School Gymnasium. Lodge banquet Tuesday nightr r * r » j i J S o m c Temple, Detroit.

Murray J. Kennedy, has been designated as Property Officer who, /

hi representative of the township and village, shall be responsible to the Mesdames Florence Baughn andMichigan Office of Civil Defense for the performance of all functions for' ^ y S e e f e l d w e r e i n A n n A x b o r

which the township.and village are responsible under the terms of this;agreement, including, without limitation, the receipt, storage, care and ! George VatiNoman was in Annprotection of the hospital stored under this agreement. The Property Aibor last Thursday,

Officer shall make such reports as may be required by the Michigant)ffice of Civil Defense. Gordon Lamb, wife and 3 childran

f of Detroit called on ye edior Sunday.Motion by Reynolds, supported by White to pay Dr. Duffy, $10.0o' J X ^ L ^ ^ " ^ " ^

f«e for health officer for Putnam Township. Motion carried.

Motion by White, supported by Wylie to pay the following bills:Michigan &ell Telephone Co. for phone services, five (5) unit

fire phones, township hall, two (2) months phone bill atfire hall .- $ 54.70.

P. W. Curlett^or publishing, April Board meeting 4.80Doubleday Bros. & Co. for election ballots & election canvas-

sers book .' 43.59

The Ohio Oil Co. fuel off for town hall, April 15, 1957 23.19Motion carried to pay the above bills.Motion by Kennedy, supported by Wylie to pay the following

Cemeteries for maintenance and upkeep for the year of 1J957.Protestant Cemetery ; $125.00Catholic Cemetery ~ 125.00Sprout Cemetery —«.- 75.00dikes Cemetery , , • : .:., 75.00

Motion carried. y

Board went on record as for ordering copies of hand book, Guideof Michiqan Township Association.

Morion by White, supported by Wylie to ad|ourn. Motion carried.

The John McGuire family of De..troit spent Sunday at the Fred Read

. home,| M ss Linda Lee entertained aI luge numbei of friends at a grad1 luVon at nome Sunday afternoon.T Sunday gaeBts of the Lee Lavey*

were Mrs. Mae Metz of Howell,theJack Sharps of Jackson, the HowardO'B iens of Bunker Hill and Mrs.Murta Ramftdell ot Stockbridgc.

ihe Lloy i Hcndces called on theRuperts of Howeli Sunday.

ldvvidg'o and wife spentSjns.ay ia Tawas with the Tony de.i'iJiippies,

Koy Carpenter and wife of Ann .Arbor called on Mrs, Jennie Hooker •Snndf.y. Bert Hooker is expected [Iiome from ihe Howeli covalescentli^fe Saturday.

?vfrs. Hattic Carve^ of Ann Arborcalied oa the Gtorgn VanNormaiis

Airs. Iola Hall and baby son, samehome from the hospital Friday.Tiiey had Mrs. Velma Knapp of Hamhurt'; and Earl S a very and wife itDc:;tei fof Sunday guests.


a must for modern homemaktr*

To manage her home in business*lilc fashioi; twoman needs the time-saving convenience of tchecking account. It saves so many trips . . .helps control spending, too. And our checkingaccounts are so easy to use! Open yours now . , .in your own name, or jointly with your huibtod.


The Flojd Lincolns and Mrs, Mae,7,v?jrthout of Detroit were Sundayquests of Abner Watkins and wife.

Winston Baugbn toolc 7 DeMolayto l^ansing last Wednesday to an initiation.

Miss M&jjfUnp, an Iranian studentwas a Sunday ^uest of the FrancisShehans,

The following from here attendedthe reception Saturday at Iris OESChapter, Detroit for Anna Moore,kr'inbow (}irl, grand worthy advis.

Mrs. Francis. Robinson, Patliiiabeth Miars, Mr, and

AJI Deposits Insured Up to $10,000 by OurDeposit In»uran€»

la fee FtfLtni


R o yand Leota.

^ca and family of Dear,called"on the Andrew Campbell*



r.Styles fa Choose From}

lM mw sir* 4

atT,4. youfMturati

Mr Cushlti l iunt lv .

tfUtatftt* feltt, Htiklok SlIMnisUfrt I«IM, H*lMSaftty Tet»l


- Wi4tHtJ^™ (^* ^^tt9»^^






Winston Baugl^n went to the Sam-aria Masonic Lodge laat week withhe DeMolay State Board where aDeMolay Chapter is being isntitutted.

Some of fhe people from out oftown who attended the funeral oi*Myj on Dunnng Saturday were Mr.and Mm. Fred Teeple,,Mrs. LeoniSchott. Judgo and Mrs. Hiram Sfitb,Fred Swarthout, the Joe Bradys ofHowell,Roy Teeplc and the LloydTuples Brighton, Lame Moran andthe Edward Bradys of Detroit,Miss

Clyde Smith ot Ann Arbor,. Ve'ma Knapp of Hamburg,

Lola Monks and Mrs. Helen Berry of (joyle and the K«HhLanding a n ^ l r s . Charles Powell ot Chelfea called on ke

Page 4: K> '*•

T V U*J, -

Wednesday, April Si, 1957 Wednesday, May 29,1975

NEW JOHN Elevator


With this new, wider elevator you have increasedcapacity to elevate a standard 16 x 18-inch bale flat.The new width means no more bale juggling, and thebales will not slip backward or fall o& A new bait chuteeliminates heavy lifting fox the bait feeder.

Famous time-tested John Deere Bridge-Trussed -con*struction gives this elevator greaterstrength and rigidity which elimi-nate twisting, bending, and sag.

The elevator is raised and loweredfor transporting and setting with aconvenient hand crank.

Come in and see this new 18-1/2-inch, big-capacity elevator that'sbuilt to speed up storing oi baled hay,corn, small grain, and seed crops.






SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 19573"-'ARTS AT 8;30 P. M.


Sponsored hy Farm Bureau Young People . . .

Thursday is Finckney night at\ Hartown Rollacade. Whether it isi cold or whether it is hot rollerskateI at your favorite sport "witn Tom or

Dick Sue or Elsie, balmy evening or3 ainy night, the floor and music arearvays right at Hartown Rollacadenear Chelsea. Skate every nightbut Monday. Abo Sunday 2 to 5.Forparties phone GR 9-7911 or GHGK 9-7111, Mrs. Hart.


Two members of the County Boardot Education will be elected at t r i e loienruai election held at the Court IHouse Annex on Monday evening,^June 3rd. at 8 p.m. ine terms otiVtmon Comae and Stanley Lat*on ex-pire. Quahtkd electors tor tfiis elec-tion are secretaries oi tne schoolooards ot tue district or alternatemembers oi the school board ......:*.lat ^c^uJai or special election ot theacnoui boi»ru. A candidate lor meCounty School Board must uc a cm-

uic oiiucLi Mute*, m leastone year* oi age, a

a taxpayer whose uamciiw usocsMiicrii roii or Uic

Oi wire oi iucii a personproperty is aci^ jointly. Nomin-

ations are trom aic huor. ine icrmis six years.

•• i no re arc 11 districts in Livingston(jcouniy. The following is a iisi ot the^secretaries qualiiicd to cast a

at the election.

1. Harry W. $eger, Brighton2. iviarjonc Porter, BirkcnstockJ>. W. k. Zimmermim, Fowierville4. William Liitcrai^ Grtien Oak5. Aiice Thomsoii, Hianburgb. P. R. Ailmand, Hartiand7. Edward Fritch, Howell8. Thomas Bonner, Pmckney9. Meriice Radtke, Winans Lake

10. Frances Bidwell, Bitten11. Don Waxner, Lyons12. enneth Olsen, Reece13. Mablc Starkey, Benedict14. Roy Britten, Dillingham15.^Cari Derrickson, Stone, Genoa16. J. 1. Kemp, Barnard17. Emil Wietzke, Beurmann18. Leon Wright, Thayer19. Roger Kurtz, Fleming20. Harold Smith, Stone-Marion _~21. Earl Ward, Green22. Richard Strong, Maple Grove1J>. Bruce Love, Anderson24. Shirley Line, Younglove25T Chauncey Cornell, Rumsey26. Burton Spalding, Merithew27. Crystal King, Hicks

Alternates must present credentialsin order to be eligible to vote.


The PUkkfrj S*Mtei%№

lay U fltafy, M. 9 .PUr kaey Mklrigs*

I1:(T A. M. to 2*0 P. M.

D M *

Ken* Tne*, Tri* 8«t>3*0 to tm P. ML


DirectorMedezc Equip*Ambulawe Service

U P l-tlTl

Fred & ftjmkfctffa Si.

* TELkVhMMU0 Weal Griutff Kit«r



SVSfBYOROiflce XI 1 4 »tst Gn*d

IW1-W Sowell,

FOR SALE — Vegetable plants *andgeraniums. 202 W. Main street.



•jiephone Office W»to« 814



PABM IALESPhone UP ? 314(1


Dr. H R Holmqui»tOWroprti.?tor X-Ra?""Tuesday Throiigh Saturday

11 tc 3 »id 5 to 1and by Appointment

AC 7-2931300 West Grand "Rivm *


<i cut I ai i fuvkilfj

a p

Roger j . tarr AgencyU f t » INSUBANCZ CQVMi


EuithfiLCarrI 4 2 MILL ST.

Pincfcney, Mich. Phone UP 8 811*

REAL E S T A T LHomes, Lake Propertf

Business OpporlunilkaYour Property! with

GERALD REASONBroipr — -209 North Pearl p

UP 8-aiea


8ra»ehHenry Krahn,

at th* Pinckney Otfie* tlP 8 SIM






low with 7 rooms and hath, 1 car-garage and workshop, other build-ings. All kinds of fruit trees, rasp-berry, strawberries, many othersWith plenty of land to build sev-eral other homes. Loaded withbeautiful shrubs and-flowers. Trulyan opportunity for someone. Only$3000.00 down, $13,500 full price.

Located at 2920 Dexter Ave., AnnArbor, Mich., Phone NO, 2-4728

lor appointment, or call Dexter,HA. 6-9583, ask for Wm, H.Adams.

FOIl C ALE—14 lots of PattersontfiUe. Lake Sho:e Drive with ro;u),

j small cottage 24x36 Bids, CellI GE 8-2476

LIBRARY NEWSMany fine books have been donat-



FOR SALE—Spinet Piano, will sell FOR RENT - 4 bedroomfor small balance due, May be seen Green Proa. UP 8 846*


in the past week: among them C a g h Q r t a k e 8 m a U

x>d and You by Nessett, given byMily payment. Credit Bureau SALE &dk, left hand

7j\ rd, Electric washingCall Mrs. Hnnett UP 8 8175

T.OST-Billfold on Patterson Lak*Road, containing drivers liccens^,socia1 security card ete. Will payreward. Mrs. Charles BaxterPhone UP <

• i J * i u,, \Ar v " ' ^ o/uii:-flty s regularby Goldsmith donated by Mr. __ _^_—./irs. Earl Ward of Ho well. At- " """

the World donated by H. H.»light weight bicycle, like new or willI**ade for older wheel or motor,

Several pamphlets on Michigan and Wm. Horner U 8 3380.| uc Holiday magazine for jane., 'FOR RENT--FLInished. trailer wUli| Mr. W. O'Dell has once : ain sent rupuing water, toilet and place toanother box of books inciting An-1 ' wash clothes with washernii of Civilization by Cotren. How to^ CXeorg>e VanSkiver

Dance by Murray and b ork Bites F 0 R g ^ T T W d new form,!...Ian by T4acK. , i g l z e ^ w o r n o i ) . y o n c ^ n Q t i n t h i g _ . _

__ | Ccommunity, -Call UP 8-9746 POIv SALE-Vegetable and flower} - —.-«.- i- ••• . — - plants now ready. George Holt

FOR SALE—Two Console Radios, J'OR SALE: Farmall A Tractor and G64 Patterson Lake Road\n playing- condition but need some Cultivator, used very little, also plow

and 4 ft rollers, schaperJcivy Madsen 2022 Rush Lake RoadI T 8 6627

FOK SALE:: The Marble SchoolCVJl Hamilton 6-9455 C

scpair $5.00 each, iioberta Amburgeypbone UP 8--oiOG

i nc ney's_... ev








V-*.NTED TO BUY-Standinf hay,alfalffa or other Green Bros.L'P 8 3464

Water Wellb and PumpsAN: Malu* * Pum^ Ser if

FOR SAJL8 GWiLesi)e McAtecI41JI>l-iione AC 7 7985

'like MW- 3 6 East

1'hone HA 6 9454

. W, W.Brlghtor-v

OPTOMETRISTana Vhun. 9:30 tt

by Appoint*136 Bast Grand River


,FOR SALE 50 Acres of| Hay, John Johnson, 8-3811Road UP 8 9729

WANTED -GARDENS TO PLOW. F 0 R S A j £ . C o m p ^ e b a t h r o o m o u t

Gus Hannaman . Mt $ 3 0 j Camp T r k i l e r > 2 wbe«ls,raake

FOR. RENT. House near Pinctooy, c f fer» t w 0 «»rt i r o n 8inks» ^ ^ * " *OkD I 2 l p d r o o m s ' famished or anfumish. c^air" ° n e h f T ( t ° . m ^ ^ ***

ed Phone Pinnckey UP 8 6498

WANTED Trucking bulldozingfill <?irt, black dirt, MikeUP 8 3260

******* washer f 10, oil floer fur.naoc $10, many other artklei,tile-in at 8318 Thurston Rd. RU.Finckney, Silvre Lake

tnsuranrTHONE UP 8 3321


1 1 5 2 4 RM«Wak ELJM* UM»REAL JfTATE

UafJnfs Wanted.Salesman for Gerild Reaao»


j FOR SALE: Nice youngImcnths old Lester MeAfet




(NOTICE :1am your new Avon Rep.resettative. will be kappy to serveyou. Mrs. Xevin edwidgeFOR SALE-Good Saddle kerw forcchiidren. McAfee 4115 B. M-36


.To Pay Doctor or Dentist

,. To Defray School Expenses

. . To delraf ttM6l ttpMMp

. . To gat or fior feat kndMki a fr«# fy«HT

Non-budgatai ^^efues ban » ^net (whether fi% aae them a.i«tofor not). Th« MMl b low bacam* wamake so many toaaa. Terms art U

pustad to in LSI* Th« tnarif Iotrongthens your credit here.Call as* ttaac

First Natbna1 Bank

Sbld endlaaio

iOlt lost GfandH

WAXTED-GENERAL mCleaning Laundry. |1.00 a i 'hovPbone HA 6-0M8



CLASPS Under Federal Supervision

$8^5 A BUSHEL v• • /


• r ' •••i,-; - v