Keys to Blessing

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  • 8/3/2019 Keys to Blessing


    Presented by

    Rabbi Yechielecksteinand the

    The Keys to


    I will bless those who bless you, and whoever

    curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth

    will be blessed through you. Genesis 12:3

  • 8/3/2019 Keys to Blessing


    Before you begin . . .

    Welcome!We have prepared this

    insightful Bible study to helpyou tap into Gods mercifulblessings, learn more aboutHis nature, and relate to Hispeople. In addition to theseblessings, you will also see:

    n Why God wants us to blessHis chosen people;

    n Various ways that we canreceive Gods blessings;

    n The many orms whichGods blessings take shape;

    n The joy o pleasing Godand unleashing His avor

    in our lives.

    We all want to fully

    experience Gods

    blessingsto feel the

    favor of the One who created the


    Yet, when we think of Gods

    blessing, we may often focus onmaterial things: a surprise check

    in the mail; a bigger house; or

    maybe a nicer car.

    And of course, God may

    sometimes choose to bless us in

    these ways.

    Yet if we stop there, we may

    miss out on so much more of

    what He wants to give us.

    For example, when we doconsider how God interacted

    with His people throughout the

    Bible, we see His blessings come

    alive in many different ways.

    Such as:

    withAdam,whenitmeantthe provision of a companion

    in Eve;

    forNoah,whenhewasseenas righteous and worthy of

    saving in a fallen world filled

    with sin;

    orAbraham,intheformofa special covenant promising

    his being the father of a vast

    and great nation;

    toAbrahamandSarah,inthe miracle of a child;

    andJoseph,seeingtheplanshis brothers had for evil

    transformed into good;

    thenMosesandAaron,through the privilege of

    delivering Gods people

    from slavery; andforthechildrenofIsrael,

    with a new home in the Holy

    Land after years

    of suffering.

    Gods blessings may also

    come to us in healing, peace

    that passes all understanding,


  • 8/3/2019 Keys to Blessing


    community among believers,

    forgiveness, mercy, and

    everlasting salvation.Gods blessings are vast, at

    times even surprising, and nearly

    always undeserved.

    And yet,

    there are ways

    we can come

    into His many


    Countless verses


    the Bible offer

    commands that

    come with

    promises of

    blessing. When we take the time

    to read these commands and

    apply them, our lives are changed,even blessed.

    One of the foundational

    promises of blessing is found

    in Genesis 12:3, as spoken to

    Abraham by God in a covenant

    about the creation of a great


    I will bless those who bless you,and whoever curses you I will curse;

    and all the peoples on earth will be

    blessed through you.

    This is a promise that we

    at The Fellowship have seen

    fulfilled firsthandstory after

    story from our supporters over

    the years have proven it true.

    Without question, we do

    believe in Gods blessings.And with all weve read,

    seen, and experienced, it would

    be impossible for us not to!

    Thats why

    we trust you will

    be blessed as you




    blessing bring us

    all a bit closer to

    the heart of our God who loves

    us all and longs to lavish us with

    His love and blessings.


    The Keys to



  • 8/3/2019 Keys to Blessing




    RejoiceinGods Goodness!

    Read Genesis 12:13.

    These words rom

    God to Abraham come

    on the heels o God

    renewing creationthrough the ood

    (Genesis 69) and

    conounding mans

    plans or greatness

    at the Tower o Babel

    (Genesis 11)two

    stark examples o

    Gods response to

    mans sinulness.

    Blessing His People1. Given the context o this study, what is the signifcance o Gods promises to

    Abraham in Genesis 12:13?





    2. The words bless and blessing are used numerous times throughout these

    verses. Who is receiving each blessingand to what end?





    3. What do these words say to you, thousands o years ater they were spoken?





    4. Read verses 45 to see how Abraham responds to Gods words. What

    example does he set about how to respond whenever we hear rom God?





    5. How does Romans 15:2627 reinorce the command to care or Gods chosen

    people? What reason does this passage give or blessing the Jews?






  • 8/3/2019 Keys to Blessing




    Loving and Obeying His Law1. According to Psalm 119:18, why are people blessed? What is necessary

    to receive these blessings?



    2. What steps are involved in keeping Gods laws (see verses 78)?



    3. The rest o Psalm 119 speaks repeatedly o the psalmists love o the law.

    Love is not the frst emotion usually associated with laws and rules. Why does

    the psalmist love Gods law? And how are we to ollow suit in order to please

    God and receive His blessing?



    4. What reasons are given in Deuteronomy 28:114 or Gods blessings on

    His people (see especially verses 1, 9, 13, and 14)? List the many ways God

    says He will bless His people.




    5. How are others impacted when they see this blessing? (See verse 10)



    6. What commands are given in Deuteronomy 30:16? How are these actions

    inter-related? What is the result i we obey these commands?



    7. Think o a time when you obeyed Gods commands and were blessed.

    Pause to thank Him or His avor in your lie. Are there areas o your lie right

    now in which youre disobeying Gods law? What changes can you make in

    order to please Him and unleash His blessings?






  • 8/3/2019 Keys to Blessing


    Living a Righteous Life1. According to Isaiah 56:12, why are people blessed? What commands are

    associated with Gods blessing?



    2. The woman described in Proverbs 31:1031 is called blessed by her childrenand husband (v. 28). List her many righteous attributes as well as the many ways

    in which she is blessed.




    3. How do Proverbs 10:6 and Psalm 5:12 reinorce the connection between

    righteous living and Gods blessings?



    4. Hebrews 11 mentions many o Gods servants rom the Old Testament along

    with their righteous deeds. List what each person did and how each was blessed

    or his or her actions.

    5. What is mentioned as the common bond among all these people? What have

    you done or what can you do to be counted among these righteous?




    Name actIoN BlessING__________________________________________________________________________

    Abel (v.4)__________________________________________________________________________

    Enoch (v.56)

    __________________________________________________________________________Noah (v.7)__________________________________________________________________________

    Abraham (vv.89)__________________________________________________________________________

    Abraham and Sarah (v.1112)__________________________________________________________________________

    Abraham and Isaac (v.1719)__________________________________________________________________________

    Joseph (v.22)__________________________________________________________________________

    Moses parents (v.23)__________________________________________________________________________

    Moses (v.2428)__________________________________________________________________________

    Israelites (v.2930)__________________________________________________________________________

    Rehab (v.31)__________________________________________________________________________




  • 8/3/2019 Keys to Blessing


    Great Is yourHeavenly Reward

    Caring for the Poor1. What actions toward the needy are called or in Isaiah 58:612?

    Verse 6 reers to these actions as asting. What does that say about the

    spiritual nature o these actions?





    2. List the various ways God blesses those who obey these commands.

    Which o these is most meaningul to you?





    3. How does Matthew 25:3146 underscore this call to care or the poor?

    What blessings are associated with obedience to this call? What do we learn

    about Gods heart or the poor in this passage?





    4. How do the ollowing verses say those who care or the poor will be blessed?

    Verse BlessING__________________________________________________________________________

    Proverbs 19:17__________________________________________________________________________

    Proverbs 28:27__________________________________________________________________________

    Jeremiah 22:16__________________________________________________________________________




  • 8/3/2019 Keys to Blessing


    Giving and Tithing1. How much does God ask His people to give back to Him in Deuteronomy

    16:912? What acts o God mentioned in this passage help prompt His people

    to give?





    2. What does Ezekiel 44:30 instruct Gods people to give to Him? What is

    the result?




    3. What does Malachi 3:10 say Gods response is to our tithes?



    4. According to 2 Chronicles 31:510 and Deuteronomy 14:2229, who else is

    blessed when we give?




    5. What does Matthew 23:23 teach us about the spirit in which we should

    present God with our oerings?




    6. In what ways might you improve your attitudes or actions in the area o giving?



    May the LORDBeGracious to You!



  • 8/3/2019 Keys to Blessing


    A Christian Reflection1. One o Jesus most amous teachings, the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew

    5:112), includes a lot on the subject o blessing. Make a list o who is blessed

    and how each person is blessed.

    WHo Is Blessed? HoW are tHey Blessed?__________________________________________________________________________










    2. How does this passage reveal the upside-down nature o Gods kingdom?

    How was this teaching radical in that dayand in todays world? What commonly

    held values was Jesus challenging? What was he emphasizing instead?





    somhing o think abou!A classic Christian hymn encourages us to count your

    blessings,namethemonebyone.MakealistofwaysGod has blessed you throughout your life. As you

    ponder your list, take time to praise God for His blessing

    and favor upon you.Blessing others is a common practice throughout

    the Bible. Parents bless children (Genesis 27:2829),

    GodsleadersblessHispeople(Numbers6:2426),andthe apostles blessed fellow Christians (1 Thessalonians

    5:2324,Hebrews13:2021).Followingtheexamplesinthese passages, consider how you can blessings those you

    love on a regular basis.




  • 8/3/2019 Keys to Blessing



    or nearly thirty years, the

    International Fellowship of

    Christians and Jews has had

    the privilege of seeing how Godblesses our ministry partners as

    they have blessed His people.Here are a few of their stories

    to inspire and encourage you as

    you consider how God mighthave you bless others.

    People-Centered LifeAs avid students of the Bible whofeel strongly that Christians need

    tosupporttheJewishpeople,TeddandJackisay,WeoftenwonderhowmanyJewswecouldhelp if we would just reprioritizeour finances.

    As evidence of this, one dayTeddandJackireceivedaletterfrom The Fellowship inviting themtosponsorthe$4,200refurbishing of a bomb shelter in

    northernIsrael.We try to keep emergency

    funds in savings, and providentially,justhappenedtohave$4,200.We immediately looked at eachother, laughed, wrote the check,and sent it off.

    TeddandJackilovetotellhow the floodgates of heaven

    opened wide when they gave to

    Gods special people.

    Experiencing the Blessing . . .

    Inthiscase,aftergivingtothebomb shelter project, Tedds sales

    increased, doubling what he and

    his company had projected.

    He asserts, To anyone whohasnotgiven,Iwouldsay,Justtry it, and then step back and see

    what God does in your life.

    Joy of Obedience


    privilegeofvisitingIsraeltwice.God used both trips, along with

    the Scriptures, to ignite her love

    forIsraelandherpeople.The opportunity to express

    this love came as Priscilla received

    anunexpectedcheckfor$300.She quicklyremembered a

    letter from The Fellowship abouthelpinganeedyJewreturntoIsraelforonly$350.

    Being a few dollars short of

    the amount, she called her friend

    Becky and asked her to prayabout partnering with her on this

    special donation.Becky willingly added the

    additionalamountof$50,andnow both women encourageothers to be involved in bringing

    JewsbacktoIsraelinfulfillmentof Scripture.

    Becky became so inspired, sheasked her Sunday school class to


  • 8/3/2019 Keys to Blessing


    also help provide for


    Ijustwantedtosharehow humbled

    IfeelthatGodchose to speak

    to me and work

    through me,

    recalls Priscilla.


    stop to thinkaboutit,Irealizeits one of the

    most amazing

    privileges in my life.

    Iencourageallwholove God to seek Him, listen,


    Giving and Receiving


    of their finances and enjoy

    giving wisely.

    Unexpected, they received

    four checks in one day. The most

    amazing part was that the amount


    already had in mindto donate to The Fellowship.

    She had set her heart on

    helpingoneJewreturnhomeperherfamilymembers.Jayaffirmedherenthusiasmwith,Itbecamepretty clear that God wanted us

    togivetotheJewishpeople!This was just the beginning

    of the bless fest that God

    orchestrated between needy,hurtingJewsandJayandJoAnne.

    This couple

    gave to all aspects

    ofThe Fellowships


    food boxes, to

    orphanages, tobringingJewsbacktoIsrael.

    A floodgate

    of blessings opened for our family

    in a very short period of time,addedJay.

    Our adult children received

    pay raises, our granddaughterwho had severe food allergies was

    healed, and many other spiritual

    and emotional healings took

    place throughout our immediate

    and extended family.JayandJoAnnetellthisstory

    with great joy about how God

    blessed them richly.

    Blessings for You

    Our prayer is that you too will beequallyblessedasyoublessIsraeland her people.

    Thank you for this prayerful

    consideration. Shalom!

    The Keys to



  • 8/3/2019 Keys to Blessing




    800-486-8844 [email protected]

    I will bless those who bless you.Genesis 12:3