Keynoter/Senior Advisor Keynoter/Senior Advisor International Center for Leadership in International Center for Leadership in Education Education www.LeaderEd.com www.LeaderEd.com Nurturing Positive Nurturing Positive Relationships Relationships Bill McNeal Bill McNeal

Keynoter/Senior Advisor International Center for Leadership in Education Nurturing Positive Relationships Bill McNeal

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Keynoter/Senior AdvisorKeynoter/Senior AdvisorInternational Center for Leadership in EducationInternational Center for Leadership in Education


Nurturing Positive Nurturing Positive RelationshipsRelationships

Bill McNealBill McNeal

Relationships - ChallengesRelationships - Challenges

• The Times Have ChangedThe Times Have Changed

• Students Have ChangedStudents Have Changed

• Schools Have ChangedSchools Have Changed

• Labor Market Has ChangedLabor Market Has Changed

• Competition Is IncreasingCompetition Is Increasing

• More than Ever, We Need to More than Ever, We Need to

Build Relationships!Build Relationships!

What are we preparing students for?

• WorkWork

• CollegeCollege

• LifeLife

Where We’ve Come From• 1900—Education for the Elite• 1920—Education for Citizenship• 1950—Focus on Higher Education• 1954—Brown vs Board of Education• 1983—A Nation at Risk• Late 1980s—School District Accountability• Mid 1990s—School Level Accountability• Late 1990s—Student Accountability• 2002—No Child Left Behind• 2004—Focus on High Schools• 2006—New Wave of Higher Standards• 2009—Uniform National Standards…??• 2010 -- Reauthorization of ESEA

Differing Expectations For Our Public Schools

• Education for Some

• Universal Access to Education

• Universal Proficiency

• National Standards

Forces of Technology and Forces of Technology and

Globalization are alteringGlobalization are altering

the nature of work,the nature of work,

the organization of firms,the organization of firms,

and where work is conducted.and where work is conducted.

Economic EpochsEconomic Epochs• Agricultural economy (school calendar)

• Industrial economy (bell schedule)

• Post-Industrial economy

– New economy

– Service economy

– Information economy

– Knowledge economy

– Digital economy

Pace of Technological ChangePace of Technological Change

0 10 20 30 40


Cell PhoneCable TV

World Wide WebInstant Messaging








Years to reach50 million users

Children with All Parents Working Full-time

Building Relationships - ChallengesBuilding Relationships - Challenges

• The Times Have ChangedThe Times Have Changed

• Students Have ChangedStudents Have Changed

• Schools Have ChangedSchools Have Changed

• Labor Market Has ChangedLabor Market Has Changed

• Competition Is IncreasingCompetition Is Increasing

• More than Ever, We Need to More than Ever, We Need to

Build Relationships!Build Relationships!

Well … Yes!Well … Yes!

Today’s Students are DifferentToday’s Students are Different

Changing GenerationsChanging Generations

• Baby Boomers (born 1946 – 1960)Baby Boomers (born 1946 – 1960)• Generation X (born 1961 – 1981)Generation X (born 1961 – 1981)• Generation Y (Millennials, Net Generation Y (Millennials, Net

Generation) (born 1980 – 1990)Generation) (born 1980 – 1990)• Generation Z (iGeneration) Generation Z (iGeneration)

(born 1990 - 20??)(born 1990 - 20??)

.. We are now educating the iGeneration.We are now educating the iGeneration.

Today’s Youth• Digital Learners• Multimedia• Find and manipulate data• Analyze data and images• Care about relationships

– MySpace– FaceBook– Twitter

16 years ago, who predicted?

• Cell phones for everyone• Cameras on cell phones• iPod - portable music and videos• Hand-held GPS• Text messaging• Blogs• Soybean powered automobiles

What Do You Predict forWhat Do You Predict forthe Next 16 Years?the Next 16 Years?

Relationships - ChallengesRelationships - Challenges

• The Times Have ChangedThe Times Have Changed

• Students Have ChangedStudents Have Changed

• Schools Have ChangedSchools Have Changed

• Labor Market Has ChangedLabor Market Has Changed

• Competition Is IncreasingCompetition Is Increasing

• More than Ever, We Need to More than Ever, We Need to

Build Relationships!Build Relationships!

School Personnel Issues

• 50%+ of School Administrators are Nearing Retirement

• Many States are now Facing a Critical Shortage of Highly Qualified Teachers

• The Performance Pay Debate

• Competitive Salaries—Student Performance

• Reform of Local Boards of Education

Funding Issues

• Refusal to Admit That Money Does Make a Difference

• Recession impact on Education Budget• President Obama Federal Education

Program– Race to the Top-IDEA-Title I – Innovation Funds – Stabilization Funds– Competitive Grants

Next Tide of Standards Raising

• As Student Achievement Scores Increase, States Think Standards are too Easy and Raise Them

• States Moving to Raise Graduation Requirements (Algebra I, II, Geometry Plus a Higher Math—Physics or Chemistry—Foreign Language for all Students

• Uniform National Standards

No Child Left Behind

• The Belief That Educators Will Leave Some Students Behind.

• Accountability-All Students

• Teacher/Principal Quality

• Data Driven Decisions-Longitudinal

• Transform Low Performing Schools

• Early Childhood Focus

• New Standards and Assessments

The High School Issue

• High Schools Have Been Organized to Resist Change

• Now States Number One Priority

• Attempt to Change by Increasing Graduation Requirements-Professional Development-Instructional-Upgrades

• Teacher and Leadership Preparation

• Relationships

The Primary Aim of EducationThe Primary Aim of Education

…is not to help students do well in school but, rather, to help

students do well in the lives they lead outside of school.

Today’s Students are Different!

What got us to where we are in education will not get us to

where we need to be.

A test score is not a synonym for A test score is not a synonym for what a student has learned or a what a student has learned or a

school has accomplished.school has accomplished.

Not On The Test video

A Toolbox for Learning ProfessionalsA Toolbox for Learning Professionals1 Web browser

2 Social bookmarking tool

3 Blogging tool

4 RSS/Feed reader

5 Micro- blogging tool

6 Email

7 Instant Messaging

8 Personal productivity tool

9 Mind mapping

10 Presentation tool

11 Presentation sharing tool

12 Online office suite

13 Web conferencing

14 Course authoring tool

15 Screen Capture

16 Demo/Screencasting Tool

17 Web authoring

18 Wiki tool

19 Image/photo tools

20 Audio/podcasting tools

21 Video tools

22 Personal dashboard

23 Course management system

24 Social networking

25 Integrated social media platform

Building Relationships - ChallengesBuilding Relationships - Challenges

• The Times Have ChangedThe Times Have Changed

• Students Have ChangedStudents Have Changed

• Schools Have ChangedSchools Have Changed

• Labor Market Has ChangedLabor Market Has Changed

• Competition Is IncreasingCompetition Is Increasing

• More than Ever, We Need to More than Ever, We Need to

Build Relationships!Build Relationships!

The U.S. Department The U.S. Department

of Labor estimates of Labor estimates

that today’s learner that today’s learner

will have 10-14 jobswill have 10-14 jobs

We are currently We are currently

preparing students for preparing students for

jobs that don’t yet exist jobs that don’t yet exist


… … using technologies using technologies

that haven’t yet been that haven’t yet been

invented …invented …

… … in order to solve in order to solve

problems we don’t even problems we don’t even

know are problems yet.know are problems yet.

Fastest Growing Occupations in USAFastest Growing Occupations in USA(Total New Positions Projected from 2006 - 2016)(Total New Positions Projected from 2006 - 2016)

587,350587,350Registered Nurses Registered Nurses 556,820556,820Retail Salespersons Retail Salespersons 545,160545,160Customer Service Representatives Customer Service Representatives 451,920451,920Combined Food Preparation and Serving WorkersCombined Food Preparation and Serving Workers403,560403,560Office Clerks, General Office Clerks, General 388,540388,540Personal and Home Care Aides Personal and Home Care Aides 383,620383,620Home Health Aides Home Health Aides 382,250382,250Postsecondary Teachers Postsecondary Teachers 344,940344,940Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and HousekeepingJanitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping263,640263,640Nursing Aides, Orderlies, and Attendants Nursing Aides, Orderlies, and Attendants 263,540263,540Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks 254,680254,680 Waiters and Waitresses Waiters and Waitresses

Jobs Created in 2010 by Obama’s Jobs Created in 2010 by Obama’s $787 Billion Recovery Plan$787 Billion Recovery Plan

678,000Construction604,000 Retail Trade499,000 Leisure and Hospitality408,000Manufacturing345,000Professional and Business Services244,000Government240,000Education and Health Services

214,000Financial Activities158,000Wholesale Trade99,000Other Services98,000Transportation and Warehousing50,000Information26,000Mining11,000Utilities

Emerging Careers video

Basic Knowledge SkillsBasic Knowledge Skills• English Language (spoken)English Language (spoken)• Reading Comprehension (in English)Reading Comprehension (in English)• Writing in English (grammar, spelling, etc.)Writing in English (grammar, spelling, etc.)• MathematicsMathematics• ScienceScience• Government/EconomicsGovernment/Economics• Humanities/ArtsHumanities/Arts• Foreign LanguagesForeign Languages• History/GeographyHistory/Geography

Employers Want Applied SkillsEmployers Want Applied Skills• Critical Thinking, Problem SolvingCritical Thinking, Problem Solving• Oral CommunicationsOral Communications• Written CommunicationsWritten Communications• Teamwork, CollaborationTeamwork, Collaboration• Respect for DiversityRespect for Diversity• Information Technology ApplicationInformation Technology Application• LeadershipLeadership• Creativity, InnovationCreativity, Innovation• Lifelong Learning, Self DirectionLifelong Learning, Self Direction• Professionalism, Work EthicProfessionalism, Work Ethic• Ethics, Social ResponsibilityEthics, Social Responsibility

Building Relationships - ChallengesBuilding Relationships - Challenges

• The Times Have ChangedThe Times Have Changed

• Students Have ChangedStudents Have Changed

• Schools Have ChangedSchools Have Changed

• Labor Market Has ChangedLabor Market Has Changed

• Competition Is IncreasingCompetition Is Increasing

• More than Ever, We Need to More than Ever, We Need to

Build Relationships!Build Relationships!

What lessons can we learn

from companies such as

General Motors, IBM,

Xerox, and Kodak?


• Challenge now From India, China and Eastern Europe

• Outsourcing of Jobs

• The 25% of the Population in China With the Highest IQs is Greater Than the Total Population of North America

• Translation for Educators: They Have More Honors Kids Than we Have Kids

Who is our competition?

Average US Reading ScoresAverage US Reading Scores

What is “Career Ready”?What is “Career Ready”?

• Academic skills - and the ability to apply those skills to concrete situations

• Employability skills - such as critical thinking and responsibility

• Technical, Job-specific skills - related to a specific career pathway

Building Relationships - ChallengesBuilding Relationships - Challenges

• The Times Have ChangedThe Times Have Changed

• Students Have ChangedStudents Have Changed

• Schools Have ChangedSchools Have Changed

• Labor Market Has ChangedLabor Market Has Changed

• Competition Is IncreasingCompetition Is Increasing

• More than Ever, We Need to More than Ever, We Need to

Build Relationships!Build Relationships!

Carl Jung

“One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.”

Each Learner Is UniqueEach Learner Is Unique



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Responsive Opportunities - equitable distribution of response opportunities, individual helping, response latency, delving, and higher level questioningFeedback - affirmation of correct performance, praise, reasons for praise, listening, and accepting feelingsPersonal Regard - proximity, courtesy, personal interest, touching, and desisting

Relationship ModelRelationship Model0. Isolated

1. Known

2. Receptive

3. Reactive

4. Proactive

5. Sustained

6. Mutually Beneficial

Relationship Model - Student SupportRelationship Model - Student Support1. Known1. Known Teachers get to know students and Teachers get to know students and

their familiestheir families

2. Receptive2. Receptive Have frequent contact with students Have frequent contact with students and show interestand show interest

3. Reactive3. Reactive Some positive support when Some positive support when requested, but sporadicrequested, but sporadic

4. Proactive4. Proactive Support from individuals that take the Support from individuals that take the initiative.initiative.

5. Sustained5. Sustained Fully supported from all individuals Fully supported from all individuals over timeover time

6. Mutually 6. Mutually BeneficialBeneficial

Mutually supportive learning Mutually supportive learning communitycommunity

In The ClassroomClassroom Mgt. Relationship Building




Risk Taking


Teacher Role



Without QuestionWithout Question

Passive and QuietPassive and Quiet



Absolute AttentionAbsolute Attention

Public Public PronouncementsPronouncements


With RespectWith Respect



Positive Positive ReinforcementReinforcement

Source of Source of EncouragementEncouragement

Private Private ConversationsConversations

““In the years to come, In the years to come, your students may your students may forget what you taught forget what you taught them. But they will them. But they will always remember how always remember how you made them feel.”you made them feel.”

Supportive RelationshipsSupportive RelationshipsSuccessful PracticesSuccessful Practices




Showing RespectShowing Respect

Taking InterestTaking Interest

Active ListeningActive Listening

Frequent ContactFrequent Contact


Avoiding “Put Downs”Avoiding “Put Downs”

Displaying Student WorkDisplaying Student Work

Writing Encouraging NotesWriting Encouraging Notes

Identifying Unique TalentsIdentifying Unique Talents

Supportive BehaviorsSupportive Behaviors

Celebrating AccomplishmentsCelebrating Accomplishments

Serving As Role ModelServing As Role Model

Using One-to-One CommunicationUsing One-to-One Communication

Encouraging Students to Express Encouraging Students to Express Opinions/ IdeasOpinions/ Ideas

Creating Inviting Classroom ClimateCreating Inviting Classroom Climate

Exhibiting EnthusiasmExhibiting Enthusiasm

Using Positive HumorUsing Positive Humor

Students Praising PeersStudents Praising Peers

Supportive BehaviorsSupportive Behaviors(continued)(continued)

Supportive InitiativesSupportive InitiativesCharacter EducationCharacter EducationBeginning of the Year Student Beginning of the Year Student Social ActivitiesSocial ActivitiesTeam BuildingTeam BuildingMentoringMentoringRewards, Recognition, IncentivesRewards, Recognition, IncentivesStudent AdvocacyStudent AdvocacyAdvisement ProgramAdvisement Program

Supportive InitiativesSupportive Initiatives(continued)(continued)

Peer MediationPeer Mediation

Students as TeachersStudents as Teachers

Family, Community, Business Family, Community, Business


Service LearningService Learning

Extra and Co-curricular ActivitiesExtra and Co-curricular Activities

Sports ProgramsSports Programs

Supportive StructuresSupportive Structures

Small Learning CommunitySmall Learning Community

Alternative SchedulingAlternative Scheduling

Team TeachingTeam Teaching

Teacher ContinuityTeacher Continuity

School-based EnterpriseSchool-based Enterprise

Professional Learning CommunityProfessional Learning Community




Respect for others


Positive Attitude

Relationships & Heart& Heart• High expectations for student successHigh expectations for student success

• Focus on achievementFocus on achievement

• Time on taskTime on task

• High standards and expectationsHigh standards and expectations

• High levels of collaboration and High levels of collaboration and


Do the Right Thing, even if unpopular

Ethical behavior

Student Advocate

Teach all Children


Focused curriculumFocused curriculum

• Strong leadershipStrong leadership

• Effective school leadershipEffective school leadership

• Focused professional developmentFocused professional development

Relationships & Courage& Courage



Making the right plans/Risk-Taker

Working together

Bright and Alert


Relationships & Brains& Brains• Focus on basic skillsFocus on basic skills• Frequent monitoring of student Frequent monitoring of student

performanceperformance• Monitoring of student progress Monitoring of student progress

Instruction and assessment aligned with Instruction and assessment aligned with standardsstandards

• Frequent monitoring of teaching and Frequent monitoring of teaching and learninglearning


Sense of belonging



Relationships & Home& Home• Safe and orderly schoolsSafe and orderly schools

• Parental involvementParental involvement

• Cooperative work environmentCooperative work environment

• Supportive learning environmentSupportive learning environment

• High levels of community and parent High levels of community and parent


RelationshipsRelationshipsTrust RespectTrust Respect

Common GoalsCommon Goals



Some people come Some people come

and go in our lives.and go in our lives.

Some stay for a Some stay for a

while and leave while and leave

footprints on our footprints on our

hearts, and we are hearts, and we are

never the same.never the same.

Relationships - ChallengesRelationships - Challenges

• The Times have ChangedThe Times have Changed

• Students have ChangedStudents have Changed

• Schools have ChangedSchools have Changed

• Labor Market has ChangedLabor Market has Changed

• Competition is IncreasingCompetition is Increasing

• The need to build relationships with The need to build relationships with

our students and show them respect our students and show them respect

has not changed.has not changed.

Grayson video

Bill McNealBill McNealSenior AdvisorSenior Advisor

International Center for Leadership in EducationInternational Center for Leadership in Education

Executive Director, North Carolina Association of Executive Director, North Carolina Association of School AdministratorsSchool Administrators

333 Fayetteville Street333 Fayetteville Street

Raleigh, NC 27615Raleigh, NC 27615

Phone: 919-828-1426Phone: 919-828-1426

[email protected]@ncasa.net

Thank YouThank You

Bloom’s Taxonomy of Thinking Skills

• Creating - generating new ideas

• Evaluating - justifying a decision or choice

• Analyzing - breaking into component parts

• Applying - using information in a new setting

• Understanding - explaining idea or concept

• Remembering - recalling information