All Signs Point to Him STICKY STATEMENT What does Scripture say? Jesus is the Way! LESSON OBJECTIVE Children will learn that from the beginning of time, God had a plan to redeem mankind and they will be challenged to choose Jesus as the Savior God promised. LESSON OVERVIEW From the time Adam and Eve sinned and caused separation in their relationship with God, God promised to send a Savior to restore that relationship. Through a look at the Old Testament prophecies about the promised Savior and the words of Jesus, the children will see that Jesus is the Savior Who was promised by God. KEY VERSE John 14:6 DEFINITIONS Sin: “anything we think, say, or do that disobeys God” Prophecy: “the revealing of an event before it happens” TEACHER’S CHECKLIST 1. A PowerPoint is available for this lesson. 2. Three “Not the Way” signs (Hook) GENERAL LESSON INSTRUCTIONS Teacher’s Note: Prior to teaching the lesson, print out the three “Not the Way” signs that will be used in the Hook section of the lesson. The signs are designed to be printed so the “Not Timeless Truths Lesson 2: All Signs Point to Him – 1

KEY VERSE - n.b5z.net Church... · Web viewKEY VERSE. John 14:6. ... the PowerPoint slides so that visuals #12-18 are placed at the beginning of the PowerPoint prior to the definition

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All Signs Point to Him


What does Scripture say? Jesus is the Way!


Children will learn that from the beginning of time, God had a plan to redeem mankind and they will be challenged to choose Jesus as the Savior God promised.


From the time Adam and Eve sinned and caused separation in their relationship with God, God promised to send a Savior to restore that relationship. Through a look at the Old Testament prophecies about the promised Savior and the words of Jesus, the children will see that Jesus is the Savior Who was promised by God.


John 14:6


Sin: “anything we think, say, or do that disobeys God”

Prophecy: “the revealing of an event before it happens”


A PowerPoint is available for this lesson.

Three “Not the Way” signs (Hook)


Teacher’s Note: Prior to teaching the lesson, print out the three “Not the Way” signs that will be used in the Hook section of the lesson. The signs are designed to be printed so the “Not the Way” logo is on the backside of the given statement. The children will hold the sign showing the statement. Then, at the appropriate time, they will turn the sign over, revealing the “Not the Way” sign. It is recommended that the signs be printed on cardstock.

If you are planning to use the PowerPoint, please note that the slides of Jesus’ face have been made blurry on purpose. The slides will gradually become clearer as the PowerPoint is used. The final picture will be clear.


Teacher’s Note: If you are choosing to use the Younger Adaptation, use it instead of the Hook section below. Be sure to arrange the PowerPoint slides so that visuals #12-18 are placed at the beginning of the PowerPoint prior to the definition of word “sin.”

Today we’re going to talk about the way to get to Heaven. First, we will need three volunteers.

Teacher’s Note: Select three children and give each child a “Not the Way” sign. Remind them to hold the sign so the audience can only see the phrase, not the words, “Not the Way.” Read the first sign and have that child turn his/her sign around, showing it is not the way to Heaven. Repeat this process with the second and third children and their signs.

Now that each of you have a sign, let’s see if the sign you are holding is the way to get to Heaven. [Draw attention to the first sign.] This one says, “I’ve done so many good things and kept almost all of the Ten Commandments.” Well, that’s nice. Turn your sign around, and let’s see if that will get you to Heaven. [Pause a moment while the sign is turned.] Nope, that’s not the way to Heaven.

[Draw attention to the second sign.] This one says, “I have always treated people in a kind way.” Wow, that’s pretty impressive. Turn your sign around, and let’s see if that will get you to Heaven. [Pause a moment while the sign is turned.] That’s not the way to Heaven.

[Draw attention to the third sign.] This one says, “I’m not perfect, but I’m better than most people I know.” Hmm, better than most people. Turn your sign around, and let’s see if that will get you to Heaven. [Pause a moment while the sign is turned.] That’s not the way to Heaven.

Okay, so if none of those is a way to get to Heaven, then let’s check with the Bible to find out what God’s Word says.

Teacher’s Note: If you chose to use the Younger Adaptation, begin teaching with the next paragraph.

Tonight’s lesson is the second of a four-part series called “Timeless Truths.” The four lessons in this series will discuss four important topics from the Bible: a timeless truth about God the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Bible. In the first lesson, we learned a timeless truth about God the Father. In this second lesson, we will learn a timeless truth about Jesus Christ.


So, what is the way to Heaven? To find our answer, we’re going to go back to the beginning, Genesis 1:1, the very first verse in the Bible. Can anyone quote that verse for us? [Allow for a response or read Genesis 1:1, if necessary.] “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” God created the sun and moon, the plants and trees, the mountains and oceans, the animals and birds, and finally, to top it all off, God created man and woman. When He created mankind, He gave them just one rule. Does anyone know what that was? [Pause for answers.] God told Adam, the first man, that he must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That’s it! One rule! How nice would it be if we only needed one rule?

How long did it take to break that one rule? Well, not very long. The fact that God gave Adam one rule is recorded in Genesis 2; the fact that Adam broke God’s one rule is recorded in Genesis 3. If we were measuring by pages in your Bible, it took about one page for Adam to break God’s one rule. Breaking God’s rule is sin. [Show visual #1: the definition of sin.] “Sin” is “anything we think, say, or do that disobeys God.” Sin separated Adam and Eve from God; they became spiritually dead.

The Bible tells us that after they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Adam and Eve hid from God when they heard Him coming. Think how sad that must have been for Adam and Eve. They lived in a perfect place, but they disobeyed God and ruined everything. Have you ever wondered if God was sad too? He created Adam and Eve, and He loved them. But, as much as He loved them, God still punished Adam, Eve, and the serpent who tricked Eve into disobeying. Sin always has a cost.

As God was handing down punishment to the serpent, He also made a promise. This promise gave great hope to Adam and Eve and everyone else who has lived after them (like you and me). Just a few pages into the Bible, God revealed His plan to provide a Savior; One Who would restore the relationship with God and bring people back from spiritual death. Let’s read Genesis 3:15 to hear the promise God made. [Read Genesis 3:15.]

Did you understand that verse? Did it make sense or, [Show visual #2: the first pixelated picture of Jesus.] like this picture, does it seem kind of fuzzy and out of focus? Genesis 3:15 was written about fourteen hundred years before Jesus was born. It tells us the Savior would be born of a woman, but it also contains a prophecy.

Throughout the Old Testament times, prophecies gave more information about the promised Savior. Each time a prophecy was given, the picture of the Savior got a little clearer. Hundreds of years later, it all came into focus. [Show visual #3: the definition of prophecy.] A “prophecy” is “the revealing of an event before it happens.” Let’s read a few of the prophecies about the promised Savior and see if we can make this picture any clearer. When we read these prophecies, keep in mind that many of them were made hundreds of years before Jesus was even born. Some of them more than 700 years before He was born.

Let’s look at Genesis 12:1-3. [Read Genesis 12:1-3, and then show visual #4: the second pixelated picture of Jesus.] This prophecy tells us the Savior would be a descendent of a man named Abraham.

Let’s look at Micah 5:2 for the next one. [Read Micah 5:2, and then show visual #5: the third pixelated picture of Jesus.] This prophecy was written by the prophet Micah and tells us the Savior would be born in a town named Bethlehem.

Next, let’s look at Hosea 11:1. [Read Hosea 11:1, and then show visual #6: the fourth pixelated picture of Jesus.] This was written by the prophet Hosea. It tells us the Savior would be called out of Egypt.

Next, let’s look at Isaiah 40:3-5. [Read Isaiah 40:3-5, and then show visual #7: the fifth pixelated picture of Jesus.] This was written by the prophet Isaiah. This prophecy is referring to the fact that the Savior would be preceded by a messenger of the Lord.

[Refer to the pixelated picture.] Hmmm...this picture is still pretty fuzzy. We need a couple more prophecies. Let’s look at Isaiah 35:5-6. [Read Isaiah 35:3-6, and then show visual #8: the sixth pixelated picture of Jesus.] This prophecy also came from Isaiah; it tells us the Savior would perform miracles.

Let’s look at Zechariah 9:9. [Read Zechariah 9:9, and then show visual #9: the seventh pixelated picture of Jesus.] This prophecy tells us the Savior would enter Jerusalem as a king riding on a donkey.

Here is another prophecy from Zechariah. Let’s look at Zechariah 11:12. [Read Zechariah 11:12, and then show visual #10: the eighth pixelated picture of Jesus.] This one refers to the fact that the Savior would be sold for 30 pieces of silver.

Speaking through the prophets, God revealed specific details about the Savior. There are actually about 300 references to 60 specific prophecies in the Old Testament about the promised Savior. Can you repeat that with me? [Repeat altogether.] “Three hundred references to 60 specific prophecies!” We only looked at eight of them.

Jesus was a descendant of Abraham, fulfilling the prophecy of Genesis 12:1-3.

Scripture said that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2), and He was born to Mary in Bethlehem.

Jesus’ family had to escape to Egypt when He was a baby because Herod ordered all of the babies to be killed, so Jesus was called out of Egypt (Hosea 11:1).

Scripture said that someone would announce His arrival (Isaiah 40:3-5), and a man named John the Baptist preceded Jesus to announce His arrival.

Jesus performed miracles as a fulfillment of the prophecy in Isaiah 35:5-6.

Scripture said the Savior would come riding on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9); Jesus entered Jerusalem on the back of a donkey just before He was arrested.

Jesus was sold by Judas Iscariot for 30 pieces of silver, fulfilling the prophecy found in Zechariah 11:12.

There is one more verse we are going to read, but this one is not a prophecy. This was written by John, one of Jesus’ disciples; it records a statement Jesus made about Himself. It is found in John 14:6. [Read John 14:6, and then show visual #11: the clear picture of Jesus.] What does Scripture say? Jesus is the way!

God never said there would be more than one way to Heaven. There is only one way to have our relationship with God restored. He said He would send a Savior. Jesus is the fulfillment of the promise God made to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden just after the earth was created (Genesis 3:15). When He died on the cross, He defeated death. What does Scripture say? Jesus is the way!


But what does all of this mean for you? How do a bunch of prophecies written down thousands of years ago impact the life of someone living in our world today? Well, beginning with Adam and Eve, everyone who has ever lived has sinned. We all think, say, and do things that disobey God, which means we are all in need of a Savior—not just a Savior, but the Savior, the One God promised Adam and Eve back in the Garden of Eden. Jesus is the only way you and I can ever have forgiveness of our sin. Jesus is the only way to Heaven. The only way to have eternal life is through Jesus.

When Jesus died on the cross, He died for your sin. The Bible tells us the payment for sin is death. But Jesus loves you so much that He didn’t want you to be separated from God; He didn’t want you to have to die for your sin. Instead of you having to pay for your sin, Jesus died for your sin.

But that is not the end of the story. After Jesus died, He was buried. On the third day after His death, Jesus rose from the dead, showing He had defeated death. Those who believe in Him have everlasting life. They can be with God in Heaven one day. Jesus is the only way to have a relationship with God. What does Scripture say? Jesus is the way! That is how all of this relates to you. Do you believe in Jesus?

Teacher’s Note: This may lead to an opportunity to share a more in-depth Gospel message with children who have not yet made a profession of faith. For help in this matter, reference the appendix of https://teachersource.wol.org/resource/OBS20/14-3/.


Some of you may have already placed your trust in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. That is fantastic! If so, will you take the time to thank God tonight for sending Jesus to be your Savior?

Maybe you could choose to tell a friend about how much Jesus loves them. You could be someone who takes the message of salvation to others. When we pray in just a few minutes, be sure to thank Jesus for dying on the cross and rising again. Ask God to help you tell someone about how much Jesus loves them.

Some of you here today may be ready to put your faith in Jesus, the promised Savior. We are going to give you an opportunity to talk with God about that right now. We can express our belief in Jesus by talking to Him in prayer. So, if everyone could close their eyes and bow their heads, I am going to pray. If you believe that Jesus died for you and He rose again from the dead, will you tell Him that tonight? You could express your faith by saying something like,

“Dear God, I am a sinner. I think, say, and do things that disobey You. I believe You sent Your Son, Jesus, to take the punishment for my sins and restore my relationship with You. Because of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, I am no longer separated from You. I confess Jesus as my Savior and Lord. Thank you, God, for loving me so much.”

If any of you have questions about putting your faith in Jesus, be sure to talk to your Personal Training (PT) coach about the questions you have.


If any of you prayed that prayer to express your faith in Jesus, be sure to tell your PT coach, and then find one other person to tell.

For those who had already trusted Jesus before tonight, each time you pray this week, make a point to thank God for Jesus Christ, and pray for someone who needs to know about Jesus.


Before we start today, we have pictures of some really confusing road signs for you to see.

[Show visual #12: the right lane sign.] This sign says, “RIGHT LANE MUST RIGHT LEFT.” Any guesses on what that might mean? [Pause for answers.] I don’t know.

[Show visual #13: the left and right sign.] This sign says, “LEFT and RIGHT,” but the arrows are not pointing in the same direction as the words they are beside. Very confusing.

[Show visual #14: the no stopping sign.] This has two signs—a STOP sign and a sign that says, “NO STOPPING ANY TIME.” What is a person supposed to do? Stop or not stop?

[Show visual #15: the school speed limit sign.] We have a SCHOOL sign, a speed limit sign, but then look at that. My goodness! If you were driving past, how would you ever have time to read all of that?

[Show visual #16: the 12 ½ MPH sign.] The speed limit is 12 ½! What? How can anyone drive 12 ½ miles per hour?

[Show visual #17; the cow sign.] This one is just weird. It seems to say that the cows in this area like to tip cars over. Why would they do that? Look at the size of that cow in relation to the size of the car. Have you ever seen a cow bigger than your car? He’s huge!

Those are some crazy signs, but here is one more sign. This one I can understand. [Show visual #18: the one-way sign.] There’s no confusion here. This sign means I can only travel in that one direction.

Our lesson today is about another “one way.” This is the way to Heaven. What does Scripture say? Jesus is the way!


The Goal of the Personal Training Huddle: To help the children understand the truth that Jesus is the only way to Heaven.

Discussion Questions

Personal Training Coach’s Note: This lesson is the second lesson of the “Timeless Truths” series. During the first lesson, the children were given bookmarks and asked to bring them back to PT Huddle the following week. If you are teaching the lessons of the “Timeless Truths” series in order, begin your PT Huddle by seeing who brought their bookmarks back. Take the time to discuss what the children wrote on their bookmarks before proceeding. Once you talk about the bookmarks, proceed with the following questions.

1. Why are all of the prophecies about Jesus important? (The point of this question is to see how much the children understood about the prophecies of Jesus. All of the prophecies point to the fact that Jesus really is the promised Messiah and Savior. Be sure to talk about the prophecies that were mentioned in the lesson to see if the children have any questions about them.)

2. How can we have a restored relationship with God? (This is a great opportunity to see if any of the children in your PT Huddle need to trust Jesus as their Savior. It is also a great time to have a child who is already saved help you share this truth about Jesus with the others in the group. Be sure to work the Sticky Statement into the conversation: “What does Scripture say? Jesus is the way!” The truth comes from the key verse: John 14:6. You could follow up with this question: Why did God promise to send a Savior?)

3. How will you make a point this week to talk about Jesus and how He saved you? (Those who trusted Jesus as Savior tonight were challenged to tell you (the PT Coach) and someone else. Be sure to give them the opportunity to tell you about their decision. For those who trusted Jesus as Savior before tonight, they were asked to thank God for their salvation each day as they pray for someone who needs Jesus. Be sure to see how many plan to incorporate this into their prayers this week.)


Source: McDowell, Josh. More Than a Carpenter. Tyndale House Publishing. 1977. pg. 59.


Tonight’s lesson was the second of a four-part series called, “Timeless Truths.” The four lessons in this series discuss four important topics from the Bible. In the first lesson of this series, we learned a timeless truth about God the Father. In this lesson, we learned a timeless truth about Jesus Christ.

Today, we talked about the way to Heaven. Some people think there are many ways to get to Heaven, but we learned today that there is really only one way. Jesus is that one way!

In Genesis 3:15, you can read about God’s promise to send a Savior. We looked at several more Scriptures that clarify God’s original promise and brought the picture of Who the Savior is into focus. Based on everything we read, we discovered that Jesus is the only way to Heaven. Be sure to read John 14:6.

Your child learned what the Bible says is the only way to Heaven, and we invited the children to believe in Jesus. Those who already believe in Jesus were challenged to thank God for their salvation and pray for someone who needs to trust in Jesus as their Savior. Have a discussion with your child this week about Jesus.

Make a point to pray with your child each day, thanking God for Jesus. If you would like to know how you can have forgiveness for your sin, be sure to contact us here at the church. We would be happy to talk to you about how much Jesus loves you.


1. What was the one rule God gave Adam and Eve? (Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.)

2. When did God first promise to provide a Savior? (In the Garden of Eden; Genesis 3:15)

3. According to the prophecy, in what city would the Savior be born? (Bethlehem)

4. For how many pieces of silver was it prophesied the Savior would be sold? (30)

5. Who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”? (Jesus)

6. About how many references are there in the Old Testament about the Savior? (300)

7. Who is the fulfillment of the promise God made to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? (Jesus)

8. What is sin? (Anything we think, say, or do that disobeys God)

9. How many of us need a Savior? (All of us)

10. How many ways are there to Heaven, to have our relationship with God restored? (There is one way. Jesus is the one way.)

Timeless TruthsLesson 2: All Signs Point to Him – 1