Key term for Marketing Mid

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  • 8/16/2019 Key term for Marketing Mid


    KEYTERM for MARKETING (MidtermExam)

    Key-words Chapter 



    4 Ps of marketing 1 34 Product, price, place, promotionActors in theMicroenvironment

    3 93 Figure 3.1

    Adoption process 5 1! "he mental process through #hich anindividual passes from 1st hearing a$outinnovation to %nal adoption.


    5 1 "he stage of the $u&er decision process in#hich the consumer use to evaluatealternative $rands in the choice set.

    Attitude 5 14 A person's consistentl& favora$le or

    unfavora$le evaluations, feelings, andtendencies to#ard an o$(ect or idea.

    )a$& )oomers 3 9* "he ! million people $orn during the &earfollo#ing +orld +ar and lasting until19*4

    )arnacles 1 44 -ighl& lo&al $ut not ver& pro%ta$le

    )elief 5 13 A descriptive thought that a person holda$out something.

    )rand personalit& 5 1*9 "he speci%c mi of human traits that ma&$e attri$uted to a particular $rand.

    )usiness $u&er


    * 19/

    )usiness $u&ingprocess

    * 19/

    )ussiness markets 3 9* )u& goods and services for furtherprocessing or use in their productionprocesses.

    )utter0ies 1 44 Potentiall& pro%ta$le $ut not lo&al

    )u&er ecisionProcess

    5 1* Figure 5.*

    )u&ers * 194

    )u&ing center * 194

    2ausal research 4 19 Marketing research to test h&pothesesa$ou cause eect relationships.


    3 1/9

  • 8/16/2019 Key term for Marketing Mid


    2iti7enaction pu$lics 3 95 A compan&'s marketing decisions ma& $e8uestioned $& consumer organi7ations,environmental groups, minorit& groups,and others. ts pu$lic relations departmentcan help it sta& in touch #ith consumerand citi7en groups.

    2lu$ marketingprograms

    1 3* er mem$er special $ene%ts and createmem$er communities.

    2ognitive disonance 5 1! )u&er discomfort caused $& postpurchasecon0ict.


    4 1 "he s&stematic collection and anal&sis ofpu$licl& availa$le information a$outconsumers, competitors, anddevelopments in the marketingenvironment.

    2ompetitors 3 94 Firms must gain strategic advantage $&positioning their oerings against

    competitors' oerings.2omple $u&ing$ehavior

    5 14 2onsumer $u&ing $ehavior in situationscharacteri7ed $& high consumerinvolvement in a purchase and signi%cantperceived dierences among $rands

    2onsiderations:nderl&ing the;ocietal Marketing2oncept

    1 34 Figure 1.4

    2onsumer $u&er$ehavior

    5 15! "he $u&ing $ehavior of %nal consumersindividuals and households that $u& goods

    and services for personal consumption.2onsumer market 5 15! All the individuals and households that $u&

    or ac8uire goods and services for personalconsumption.

    2onsumer markets 3 9* 2onsist of individuals and households that$u& goods and services for personalconsumption.


    1 4/ )rand echanges created $& consumersthemselves $oth invited and uninvited $& #hich consumers are pla&ing anincrasing role in shaping their o#n $rand

    eperiences and those of other consumers.2rossculturalmarketing

    5 1* "he practice of including ethnic themesand crossculture perspectives #ithin theirmainstream marketing.

    2ultural environment 3 11/ nstituition and other forces that aectsociet&'s $asic values, perceptions,preferences, and $ehaviors.

  • 8/16/2019 Key term for Marketing Mid


    2ulture 5 1*/ "he set of $asic values, perceptions,#ants, and $ehaviors learned $& a mem$erof societ& from famil& and other importantinstituitions

    2ustomer e8uit& 1 43 "he total com$ined customer lifetimevalues of all of the compan&'s customers.

    2ustomer insights 4 15 Fresh understandings of customers and themarketplace derived from marketinginformation that $ecome the $asis forcreating customer value value andrelationships.

    2ustomer lifetimevalue

    1 4 "he value of the entire stream ofpurchases a customer makes over alifetime of patronage.


    1 34  "he overall process of $uilding andmaintaining pro%ta$le customerrelationships $& delivering superior

    customer value and satisfaction.2ustomerrelationshipmanagement

  • 8/16/2019 Key term for Marketing Mid


    emographic trends 3 9* shifts in age, famil& structure, geographicpopulation, educational characteristics,and population diversit&.

    emograph& 3 9* "he stud& of human populations in termsof si7e, densit&, location, age, gender,

    race, occupation, and other statistics.erived demand * 191 )usiness demand that ultimatel& comes

    from the demand for consumer goods

    escriptive research 4 19 Marketing research to $etter descri$emarketing pro$lems, situations, ormarkets, such as the market potential for aproduct or a demographics and attitudes of consumers.


    3 1/3 er outstanding marketing opportunitiesfor the right kinds of products.


    reducing $u&ing$ehavior

    5 15


    3 1/3 >conomic factors that eect consumerpurchasing po#er and spending patterns


    3 1/5 eveloping strategies and practices thatcreate the #orld econom& that the planetcan support inde%nitel&.

    >procurement * 199


    4 13 A form of o$servational research thatinvolves sending trained o$servers to#atch and interact #ith consumers in their

    ?natural environment?.>change 1 9  "he act of o$taining a desired o$(ect from

    someone $& oering sth in return.

    >panded Model ofthe MarketingProcess

    1 5/ Figure 1.*


    4 133 @athering primar& data $& selectingmatched groups of su$(ects, giving themdierent treatments, controlling relatedfactors, and checking for dierences ingroup responses.

    >plorator& research 4 19 Marketing research to gather preliminar&information that #ill help de%ne pro$lemsand suggest h&potheses.

    Factors n0uencing2onsumer )ehavior

    5 159 Figure 5.

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    3 94 nclude $anks, credit companies, insurancecompanies, and other $usinesses that help%nance transactions or insure against therisks associated #ith the $u&ing and sellingof goods.

    Financial pu$lics 3 95 "his group in0uences the compan&'s a$ilit&

    to o$tain funds. )anks, investmentanal&sts, and stockholders are the ma(or%nancial pu$lics.

    Focus groupintervie#ing

    4 134 Personal intervie#ing that involves inviting* to 1/ people to gather for a fe# hours#ith a trained intervie#er to talk a$out aproduct, service, or organi7ation. "hintervie#er ?focuses? the group discussionon important issues.

    Fre8uenc& marketingprogram

    1 3* 6e#ard customers #ho $u& fren8uentl& orin large amount.

    @atekeepers * 194@eneral needdescription

    * 19!

    @eneral pu$lic 3 95 A compan& needs to $e concerned a$outthe general pu$lic's attitude to#ard itsproducts and activities. "he pu$lic's imageof the compan& aects its $u&ing.

    @eneration 3 99 "he 49 million people $orn $et#een 19*5and 19* in the ?$irth dearth? follo#ingthe $a$& $oom

    @eneration B 3 1// Millennials


    3 1//

    @overnment markets 3 9* 2onsist of government agencies that $u&goods and services to produce pu$licservices or transfer the goods and servicesto other #ho need them.

    @overnment markets * /3

    @overnment pu$lics 3 95 Management must take governmentdevelopments into account. Marketers

    must often consult the compan&'s la#&erson issues of product safet&, truth inadvertising, and other matters.

    @roup 5 1* "#o or more people #ho interact toaccomplish individual or mutual goals.

    @roup intervie#ing 4 134

    -a$itual $u&ing$ehavior

    5 15

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    mmersion groups 4 134 ;mall groups of consumers #ho interactdirectl& and informall& #ith productdesigners #ithout a focus group moderatorpresent.


    4 134

    ndustrial economies 3 1/3 2onstitute rich markets for man& dierentkinds of goods.

    n0uencers * 194

    nformation search 5 1* "he stage of the $u&er decision process in#hich the consumer is motivated to searchfor more information.

    nstitutional market * /

    ntegrated marketingprogram

      communicates and delivers the intendedvalue to chosen customers

    nternal data$ases 4 1* >lectronic collections of consumer and

    market information o$tained from datasources #ithin the compan& net#ork.

    nternal pu$lics 3 95 "his group includes #orkers, managers,volunteers, and the $oard of directors.Carge companies use ne#sletters andother means to inform and motivate theirinternal pu$lics. +hen emplo&ees feelgood a$out the companies the& #ork for,this positive attitude spills over to theeternal pu$lics.

    nternational markets 3 9* 2onsist of these $u&ers in other countries,

    including consumers, producers, resellers,and governments.nternet 1 4 A vast pu$lic #e$ of computer net#orks

    that conect users of all t&pes all around the#orld to each other and to an ama7ingl&large information repositor&.

    nterpretiveconsumer research

    5 1

    Cearning 5 13 2hanging in an individual's $ehaviorarising from eperience.

    Cifest&le 5 1*9 A person's pattern of living as epressed inhis or her activities, interests and opinions.

    Cocal pu$lics 3 95 "his group includes neigh$orhoodresidents and communit& organi7ations.Carge companies usuall& createdepartments and programs that deal #ithlocal communit& issues and providecommunit& support.

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    Macroenvironment 3 93 "he larger societal forces that aect themicroenvironmentdemographic,economic, natural, technological, political,and cultural forces.

    Mail 8uestionnaires 4 133

    Ma(or American;ocial 2lasses

    5 1*3 Figure 5.3

    Ma(or forces in thecompan&'smacroenvironment

    3 9* Figure 3.

    Ma(or n0uences on)usiness )u&er$ehavior

    * 195 Figure *.

    Market 1 9  "he set of all actual and potential $u&ers of a product or services

    Market segmentation 1 31 ivide the market into segments of

    customersMarketing 1  "he process the process $& #hich

    companies create value for customers and$uild strong customer relationships inorder to capture value from customers inreturn.

    Marketing concept 1 3 A philosoph& in #hich achievingorgani7ational goals depends on kno#ingthe needs and #ants of target markets anddelivering the desired satisfactions $etterthan competitors do.



    3 9 "he actors and forces outside marketing

    that aect marketing management's a$ilit&to $uild and maintain successfulrelationships #ith target customers.

    Marketinginformation s&stem

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    Marketing mi 1 34 "he set of marketing tools the %rm uses toimplement its marketing strateg&.

    Marketing m&opia 1 9  "he mistake of pa&ing more attention tothe speci%c products a compan& oersthan to the $ene%ts and eperiences

    produced $& these productsMarketing oering 1 ! ;ome com$ination of products, services,information, or eperiences oered to amarket to satisf& a need or a #ant.

    Marketing Process 1 Figure 1.1

    Marketing research 4 1! "he s&stematic design, collection, anal&sis,and reporting of data relevant to a speci%cmarketing situation facing an organi7ation.

    Marketing 6esearchProcess

    4 19 Figure 4.

    Marketing services


    3 94 "he marketing research %rms, advertising

    agencies, media %rms, and marketingconsulting %rms that help the compan&target and promote its products to theright markets.

    Maslo#'s -ierach& ofDeeds

    5 1 Figure 5.4

    Media pu$lics 3 95 "his group carries ne#s, features, andeditorial opinion. t includes ne#spaper,maga7ines, television stations, and $logsand other nternet media.

    Microenvironment 3 93 "he actors close to the compan& thataect its a$ilit& to serve its customersthecompan&, suppliers, marketingintermediaries, customer markets,competitors, and pu$lics.

    Millennials 3 1// "he !3 million children of the $a$&$oomers $orn $t# 19 and ///.

    Model of )usiness)u&er $ehavior

    * 19 Figure *.1

    Model of )u&er)ehavior

    5 159 Figure 5.1

    Modern Marketing;&stem

    1 3/ Figure 1.

    Modi%ed re$u& * 193

    Motivation research 5 1 6efers to 8ualitative research designed topro$e consumers' hidden, su$conciousmotivations.

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    Motive 5 11 A need that is suEcientl& pressing to directthe person to seek satisfaction of the need.

    Datural environment 3 1/4 "he ph&sical environment and the naturalresources that are needed as inputs $&marketers or that are aected $&

    marketing activities.Deed recognition 5 1* "he 1st stage of the $u&er decisionprocess, in #hich the consumer recogni7esa pro$lem or need.

    Deeds 1 ! ;tates of felt deprivation


    4 13 $serving consumers in a natural conteton the internet.

    De# product 5 1! A good, service, or idea that is perceived$& some potential customers as ne#.

    De# task * 193



    4 131 @athering primar& data $& o$serving

    relevant people, actions and situations.nline focus group 4 13* @athering a small group of people online

    #ith a trained moderator to chat a$out aproduct, service, or organi7ation and gain8ualitative insights a$out consumerattitudes and $ehavior.

    nline marketingresearch

    4 135 2ollecting primar& data online throughnternet surve&s, online focus groups, +e$$ased eperiments, or tracking consumers'online $ehavior.

    nline social


    5 1*4 nline social communities $logs, social

    net#orking +e$ sites, and other onlinecommunities #here people sociali7e orechange information and opinions

    pinion leader 5 1*3 A person #ithin a reference group #ho,$ecause of special skills, kno#ledge,personalit& and other characteristics,eerts social in0uence on others.

    rder routinespeci%cation

    * 199

    Partner relationshipmanagement

    1 41 +orking closel& #ith partners in othercompan& departments and outside the

    compan& to (ointl& $ring greater value tocustomers.

    Perception 5 1 "he process $& #hich people select,organi7e and interpret information to forma meaningful picture of the #orld.

    Performance revie# * 199

    Personal intervie#ing 4 134

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    Personalit& 5 1*9 "he uni8ue ps&chological characteristicsthat distinguish a person or group.

    Ph&sical distri$ution%rms

    3 94 -elp the compan& stock and move goodsfrom their points of origin to theirdestinations.

    Political environment 3 1/ Ca#s, government agencies, and pressuregroups that in0uence and limit variousorgani7ations and individuals in a givensociet&.


    5 1! "he stage of $u&er decision process in#hich consumers take further action afterpurchase, $ased on their satisfaction ordissatisfaction.

    Primar& data 4 13/ nformation collected for the speci%cpurpose at hand.

    Pro$lem recognition * 19

    Product concept 1 3 "he idea that consumers #ill favor

    products that oer the most 8ualit&,performance, and features therefore, theorgani7ation should devote its energ& tomaking continuous product improvement.

    Product speci%cation * 19!

    Production 2oncept 1 31 "he idea that consumers #ill favorproducts that are availa$le and highl&aorda$le therefore, the organi7ationshould focus on improving production anddistri$ution eEcienc&.

    Proposal solicitation * 19!

    Pu$lic 3 95 An& group that has an actual or potentialinterest in or impact on an organi7ation'sa$ilit& to achieve its o$(ectives.

    Purchase decision 5 1 "he $u&er's decision a$out #hich $rand topurchase.

    Gualitative nternet$ased research

    4 13*

    Guantitative research 4 135


    4 139

    6eseller markets 3 9* )u& goods and services to resell at a pro%t.

    6esellers 3 94 istri$ution channel %rms that help thecompan& %nd customers or make sales tothem, including #holesalers and retailers#ho $u& and resell merchandise.

    ;ample 4 13 A segment of the population selected formarketing research to represent thepopulation as a #hole.

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    ;econdar& data 4 13/ nformation that alread& eists some#here,having $een collected for another purpose.

    ;elective attention 5 13 "he tendenc& for people to screen outmost of the information to #hich the& areeposed means that marketers must

    #ork especiall& hard to attract theconsumer's attention.;elective distortion 5 13 escri$es the tendenc& of people to

    interpret information in the #a& that #illsupport #hat the& alread& $elieve.

    ;elective retention 5 13 2onsumers are likel& to remem$er goodpoints made a$out the $rand the& favorand forget good points made a$outcompeting $rands.

    ;elling and Marketing2oncept 2ontrasted

    1 3 Figure 1.3

    ;elling concept 1 3 "he idea that consumers #ill not $u&enough of the %rm's products unless the%rm undertakes a largescale selling andpromotion eort.

    ;hare of customer 1 4 "he portion of customer's purchasing thata compan& gets in its product categories.

    ;hared value 1 33 "he concept of shared value focuses oncreating economic value in a #a& that alsocreates value for societ&.

    ;ocial class 5 1* 6elative permanent and ordered divisionsin a societ& #hose mem$ers share famil&

    values, interests, and $ehaviors.;ociall& 6esponsi$le)ehavior

    3 1/9

    ;ocietal marketingconcept

    1 33 "he idea that a compan&'s marketingdecisions should consider consumers'#ants, the compan&'s re8uirements,consumers' longrun interests, andsociet&'s longrun interests.

    ;tages of the)usiness )u&ingProcess

    * 19! Figure *.3

    ;traight re$u& * 193;trangers 1 44 Co# potential pro%ta$ilit& and littlepro(ected lo&alt&,

    ;u$culture 5 1*/ A group of people #ith shared values&stems $ased on common lifeeperiences and situations


    5 13

  • 8/16/2019 Key term for Marketing Mid



    3 1/3 "he& consume most of their o#nagriculture and industrial output and oerfe# market opportunities.


    * 19

    ;upplier search * 19!;upplier selection * 19!

    ;uppliers 3 93 n creating value for customers, marketersmust partner #ith other %rms in thecompan&'s value deliver& net#ork.

    ;urve& research 4 13 @athering primar& data $& asking people8uestions a$out their kno#ledge, attitudes,preferences, and $u&ing $ehavior.


    1 33 ;ociall& and environmentall& responsi$lemarketing that meets the present needs of consumers and $usinesses #hile also

    preserving or enhancing the a$ilit& offuture generations to meet their needs.

    ;&stem selling * 193

     "arget marketing 1 31 ;elect #hich segments it #ill go after


    3 1/* Forces that create ne# technologies,creating ne# product and marketopportunities.


    4 134

     "he compan& 3 93 Marketers must #ork in hormon& #ithother compan& departments to create

    value and relationships. "rue $elievers 1 44 2ome $ack regularl& and tell others a$out

    their good eperiences #ith the compan&.

     "rue friends 1 44 )oth pro%ta$le and lo&al

    :sers * 194

    Halue proposition 1 31 "he set of $ene%ts or values the $randpromises to deliver to consumers to satisf&their needs

    Hariet& seeking$u&ing $ehavior

    5 15

    +ants 1 ! the form human needs take as the& areshaped $& culture and individualpersonalit&


    5 1*3 "he impact of personal #ords andrecommendations of trusted friends,associates, and other consumers on $u&ing$ehaviors.