www.eito.com Key Technology Trends in Europe 2015/16 Extract

Key Technology Trends in Europe 2015/16 - EITO · Diane Dufoix (AFDEL) | Dana Eleftheriadou (EU Commission) | Andreas Fier ... 1.1.2 Key Technology Trends Reshaping the ICT Environment

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Key Technology Trends in Europe 2015/16Extract

2 Key Technology Trends 2015/16© EITO in collaboration with IDC


PublisherBitkom Research GmbHAlbrechtstraße 10, 10117 Berlin, GermanyRegister of companies: Amtsgericht CharlottenburgHRB 87370 BManaging Director: Dr. Axel PolsPhone: +49.30.27576-560Fax: +49.30.27576-51560Internet: www.bitkom-research.de

EITO SponsorsDeutsche Telekom AGKPMG AGTelecom Italia S.p.A.

With the support of:European Commission, DG Connect, DG Enterprise and IndustryOECD, Directorate for Sience, Technology and Industry

Research PartnersThe EITO Report 2015/16 has been jointly prepared by IDC and the EITO Task Force on the basis of the informationavailable as of June 2015.

Copyright noteText, data, and tables/figures included in the EITO reports are subject to copyright law and must not be published without written permission of Bitkom Research. All excerpts of text, data, tables and figures rightfully used by third parties shall mention in a manner clearly visible for the reader the source of the publication and the year of appearance. If you wish to quote from this report, please provide us with a sample of the intended use of the information by e-mail to [email protected]. This will enable us to ensure accuracy, currentness and the proper context.

EITO Task ForceEnrico Barella (Telecom Italia) | Tzvetana Bounova (BAIT) | Antonio Cimorra (AMETIC) | Valerica Dragomir (ANIS) | Diane Dufoix (AFDEL) | Dana Eleftheriadou (EU Commission) | Andreas Fier (Deutsche Telekom AG) | Petar Indovski (MASIT) | Vilma Misiukoniene (INFOBALT) | Pierre Muckly (SWICO) | Jonathan Murray (DIGITALEUROPE) | Axel Pols (Bitkom e.V.), Chairman | Taylor Reynolds (OECD) | Loïc Rivière (AFDEL) | Tiziano Rognone (ANITEC) | Yannis Sirros (SEPE) | Patrick Slaets (AGORIA) | Myriam Vassiliadou (SEPE) | Bruno Wallraf (KPMG) | Verena Weber (OECD)

EITO Project ManagementFranz Grimm | Katja Hampe | Christopher Meinecke | Bartlomiej Kowalik

Layout and GraphicsAstrid Scheibe

Key Technology Trends 2015/16 3© EITO in collaboration with IDC

The EITO project is sponsored by following companies and organizations (Gold sponsors):

Deutsche Telekom AG www.telekom.de

Telecom Italia S.p.A. www.telecomitalia.it

KPMG Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft, Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaftwww.kpmg.com

4 Key Technology Trends 2015/16© EITO in collaboration with IDC

The EITO reports are prepared and distributed in cooperation with our partner organizations across Europe

Afdel (France)French Association of Software and Internet Companieswww.afdel.fr

Bitkom (Germany)Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikation und neue Medienwww.bitkom.org

AGORIA (Belgium)Belgium Federation for the technology industrywww.agoria.be

AMETIC (Spain)Asociación multisectorial de empresas de la electrónica, las tecnologías de la información y la tecomunicación, de las telecomunicaciones y de los contenidos digitaleswww.ametic.es

ANIS (Romania)Employers' association of the software and services industry www.anis.ro

ANITEC (Italy)Associazione Nazionale Industrie Informatica,Telecomunicazioni ed Elettronica di Consumowww.associazioneanitec.it

BAIT (Bulgaria)Bulgarian Association of Information Technologieswww.bait.bg

DIGITALEUROPEEuropean umbrella organization for the digital technology industrywww.digitaleurope.org

INFOBALT (Lithuania)Association of the Lithuanian ICT industrywww.infobalt.lt

MASIT (Macedonia)Macedonian ICT chamber of commercewww.masit.org.mk

SEPE (Greece)Federation of Hellenic InformationTechnology & Communications Enterpriseswww.sepe.gr

SWICO (Switzerland)Schweizerischer Wirtschaftsverband derAnbieter von Informations-, Kommunikations- undOrganisationstechnikwww.swico.ch

Key Technology Trends 2015/16 5© EITO in collaboration with IDC

Table of ContentsImprint ____________________________________________________________________ 2

1 The ICT Market of Western Europe ___________________________________________ 6

1.1 Western Europe: ICT Market Dynamics and Key Trends ____________________________ 6

1.1.1 Macroeconomic Developments Affecting the ICT Market ______________________ 61.1.2 Key Technology Trends Reshaping the ICT Environment and Industry ____________ 7

2 The ICT Market in Central and Eastern Europe _________________________________ 17

2.1 Central and Eastern Europe: ICT Market Dynamics and Key Trends __________________ 17

2.1.1 Macroeconomic Developments Affecting the ICT Market _____________________ 172.1.2 Key Technology Trends Reshaping the ICT Environment and Industry ___________ 18

Appendix _________________________________________________________________ 21

List of FiguresFigure 1: Changes in External IT Spending Among European Organizations in Next 12 Months 7

Figure 2: Top Business Priorities in 2015 Compared to Previous Years ____________________ 8

Figure 3: Top 2015 IT Priorities Compared to Previous Years ____________________________ 9

Figure 4: Mobility as a Strategic Priority in Europe __________________________________ 10

Figure 5: Use of Cloud Technologies in Western Europe ______________________________ 12

Figure 6: Current and Future Use of Big Data ______________________________________ 14

Figure 7: Current and Future Use of Social Business _________________________________ 15