Key Listening TOEFL 5

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  • 7/24/2019 Key Listening TOEFL 5



    Part A

    1.We've got an hour before our next class, would you like to get something to eat here?

    can !oin you for a "uick sandwich, but need to run some errands afterward.

    #.When is the garbage $icked u$ here?

    %n Wednesdays, but always $ut the cans out on &uesday night, so don't miss the trucks in t

    he morning.

    .(ey, how come you never took that introductory math class? )ou know, the one everyone els

    e had to take,

    thought it was a university wide re"uirement for graduation.

    %h, took a similar class in high school. &hey said that's all needed.

    *.Why are you going home to see your $arents this weekend?

    need my dad's hel$ to fill u$ this loan a$$lication.

    +.xcuse me, could you tell me where the nearest $ay $hone is?

    Well, the nearest one is in the library. -ut that closed an hour ago. think the next closest one

    is $robably in the student center.

    heard you needed $eo$le to bring stuff for a $icnic, was thinking of making a salad or something. -ut /m not sure how much we'll need any idea how many $eo$le are coming?

    0on't worry about it. verything/s already been taken care of.

    'm not sure which tie to wear in my interview, what do you think of this red one?

    2aybe you should consider wearing a different one.

    3 'm going to be out of town all next week, and /m looking for someone to feed my cat while

    'm gone, you don't su$$ose i could talk to you into it, do you

    )ou know, /d be glad to, but /ll be away next week too, but you know what, let me give my

    sister a call, she loves animals, and she lives only a cou$le of blocks from your a$artment.

    4 0id you see that new artwork? )ou know that $oster they !ust $ut u$ in the cafeteria5 wonde

    r whose bright idea that was? )ou know there's nothing wrong with the $oster itself, it !ust doesn't go with the colors in the


    16.)ou know that re$ort was due in my office a cou$le of days ago, Where is it?

    'm sorry, it/s coming along, but as long as the com$uter's down, can't finish it.

    11A. 7ook we/re almost out of gas, we/d better sto$ at the next gas station, we have enough t

    o make to the cam$us.

    -. f we sto$ now, we/ll be late for class

    8. What do the woman im$ly?

    1# don't know what to do, have two $a$ers due next week, and there/s no way /m going toget both done have you ask your $rofessors to extend the deadlines? &hey are usually $retty go

    od about that sort of thing, but if you're going to ask them, don/t wait till the last minute.

    1 )ou know, 2ary, met your twin sister the other day, and you two look so much alike, and

    don't how $eo$le ever tell you a$art.

    Actually it's not that difficult, because she always wears dresses, and 'm usually in a &9shirt an

    d a $air of old !eans.

    What does 2ary mean?

    1*,xcuse me, do you sell calculators looked over in the office su$$ly section, but couldn't fi

    nd any

    &hat is where you'd find them, but we're all sold out, we $robably won't have any in for a fewmore weeks.

  • 7/24/2019 Key Listening TOEFL 5


    What does the man mean?

    1+ 0o you have a few minutes to look over this outline for next week's debate with me , need t

    o know if have enough su$$ort for my arguments.

    'm tied u$ in the moment, why don't come back during my office hours.

    What does the woman mean?

    1 )ou're taking another com$uter class? thought you've already had a degree in com$uter sci


    do, but the technology kee$s changing all the time, this is the best way to kee$ u$ with it.1.Would you like me to water your $lants while you are away?

    &hanks for the offer, but 2ark already said he'd kee$ an eye on them.

    13 never should have taken that biology course, mean barely finish with reading for one ex

    $eriment and $rofessor :ordan sla$s on another reading assignment

    !ust can't kee$ u$ you know

    )eah, know, that/s what everybody said at first, but bear with her, the reading load's getting li

    ghter, you see, and you won't be sorry.

    What does the woman mean?

    14. feel awful, /m thinking maybe if 'm going to the clinic they who give me something to make me feel better,

    /m no ex$ert, but know your how hectic schedule are these days between your studying for fi

    nals and your $art time !ob, you never back to the dorm before midnight,

    2aybe you should try slowing down a little,

    #6.Are we still going ice9skating after work today?

    ce9skates, oh, shoot5 knew left something at home when got here this morning.

    #1. 'm waiting else some of my old clothes for my closet.

    Why don't you $ut them in the bed for charity?

    ## 0o you think you could lend me a few dollars until tomorrow, left my wallet at home and

    don't have enough money for lunch?Why don't !ust let me treat you, !ust got $aid, besides owe you for hel$ing me with that $hys

    ics $ro!ect last month

    # Are you going to kee$ your $art9time !ob next semester at the biology laboratory or you are

    going try for a different laboratory this time

    Actually neither one semester as a lab assistant is enough, washing test tubes can get old $retty


    #* (ow about getting you father a book on ta$e for a $resent, this bookstore has ones covering

    everything from mystery to historical novels, and they/re really $o$ular.

    Well, he does s$end a lot time driving5 he could listen to them on the way to work.#+ (ey, ;o how are things going with you and your new roommate, is she still really neat and o


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    =ot if you like to ski, it isn't.

    #4:oan, / m glad reach :ew, 'm at a $ay $hone somewhere between 2adison and 7ibratory

    ;treet, and can you give me those directions again?

    =ow 2adison, !ust forget the way told you before, do you have a $encil and $a$er?

    6What do you make with the memo the dean sent out about later registrations.

    )ou know i couldn't make heads or tails of it myself.

    > Part - scri$t 6#63

    (ere is my scri$t of $art - to make 6#63 7@ com$lete, sorry for $ossible erorrs, and feel free to $erfect it.

    2 s that a ma$? Are you going sailing or something?

    W wish. t/s a hurricane9tracking chart. t/s a ma$ of tro$ical ocean areas southeast of us. t f

    ollows the develo$ment of tro$ical storms, even hurricanes. &hey develo$ and move around th

    e Atlantic in @aribbean and here on Blorida coast. We got hit a lot by those in :uly or August, a

    t least winds or rain.

    2 0o you think that the tro$ical storm is on the way?

    W &oo early to tell, but we need to be $re$ared. &he radio mentioned $ossible evacuation rout

    es.2 Ceally? t/s that serious?

    W )ou better believe it. 7ate summer is hurricane season. &he television u$dates locations and

    s$eeds every hour.

    2 What did they say is out there now?

    W A cou$le of tro$ical de$ressions, two storms and two hurricanes.

    2 What/s the difference?

    W Wind velocity. A de$ression is least serious actually, and a hurricane is the most serious.

    2 (ow serious are the winds in hurricanes?

    W &hey have sustained winds of * m$h and u$.

    2 What are the names on the ma$? 0avid, Arlene, Brancisco, and Dina.W )ou know weather forecasters give the hurricanes the names of $eo$le to make storms easy

    to identify.

    2 wonder what the status of the storm is now.

    W )ou shall turn on the television, and it has the best coverage. &here is an u$9date coming u$

    in five minutes.

    81. What is the conversation mainly about?

    8#. (ow is one tro$ical weather system distinguished from the other?

    8. (ow do weather forecasters identify hurricanes?

    8*. What are the man and woman going to do next?2 ;o, what is your biology $ro!ect about?

    W t is about microorganisms thatE microorganisms that live by @hemosynthesis.

    2 hmEwhat/s @hemosynthesis?

    W Well, it/s $retty com$licated. )ou know how most life on arth de$ends either directly or in

    directly on sunlight?

    2 )ou mean like $lants get energy directly from sunlight, and animals eat $lants, so they de$

    end indirectly on sunlight?

    W Cight. -ut down on the ocean floor, there is no sunlight. n some $laces though, there are h

    ydrothermal vents, which are small cracks on the sea floor. And these vents release heat and mi

    nerals from the inside of the arth into the seawater. And all along the vents there are these unusual microorganisms. &hey are called archaean. And these archaean use chemical reactions to g

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    et their energy from the minerals, the minerals that are released by the vents. ;o their energy co

    mes from chemical reactions, not sunlight.

    2 ;o chemosynthesis is getting their energy from chemicals?

    W &hat is right.

    2 &hat makes archaean very different from other forms of life.

    W And their genetic makeu$ is very different too. &hey are one sort of organisms !ust like bact

    eria are, but genetically they are as different from bacteria as we humans are.

    2 Waa, that/s a really interesting $ro!ect.8+. What is the woman/s $ro!ect mainly about?

    8. According to the woman, where are the hydrothermal vents found?

    8. What does the woman im$ly about archaean?

    83. -esides their source of energy, what is ma!or difference between archaean and bacteria?

    (ere is my contribution to this site. am $oor at ty$ing. ;orry for $ossible errors due to my ty$

    ing or understanding.

    Passage one 849*#

    t is common knowledge that music can have a $owerful effect on our emotions. n fact, since

    146s, music thera$ists have relied on music to soothe $atients and hel$ control $ain. =ow $sy

    chologists are confirming that music can also hel$ relieve de$ression and im$rove concentratio

    n. Bor instance, in a recent study, 1+ surgeons were given some highly stressed math $roblems t

    o solve. &hey were divided into three grou$s one worked in silence, and in another, the surgeo

    ns listened to music of their choice on head$hones5 the third listened to classic music chosen b

    y the researchers. &he results of the study may sur$rise you. &he doctors who got to choose the

    ir music ex$erienced less stress and scored better than the others. %ne $ossible ex$lanation is t

    hat listening to music you like stimulates the Alfa9wave in the brain, increases the heart rate an

    d ex$ands the breathing. &hat hel$s to reduce stress and shar$en concentration. %ther research

    suggests a second relation between the music and the brain by examining the students/ blood after they listening to a variety of classic music collections, the researchers found that some stu

    dents showed a large increase in endor$hin, a natural $ain reliever, this su$$orts what music th

    era$ists have known for years 2usic can hel$ re!uvenate or soothe the $atient.

    4. What is the talk mainly about?

    *6. According to the s$eaker how is the music thera$y currently used in medicine?

    *1. What did the study done with surgeons show?

    *#. n the study of students ex$osed to classic music, what effect did the music have?

    *9* art history

    %ne im$ortant thing about art movements is that their $o$ularity can be affected by social con

    ditions, which are themselves often affected by historical events. As an exam$le, look at what h

    a$$ened in the Fnited ;tates early in the #6th century, around the time of the great de$ression,

    the art movement known as the Cegionalism had begun in the Fnited ;tates even before the de

    $ression occurred. -ut it really flourished in the 146s, during the de$ression years. Why? Wel

    l, many artists who had been living in big cities were forced by the economic crisis to leave tho

    se big cities and move back to their small towns in rural America. ;ome of these artists came to

    truly embrace the life in small towns and to e!ect city life in so called Gso$histicated societyH.

    &hese artists or s$ecifically certain $ainters really built regionalist movement. &hey created thi

    ngs in every day life in small towns or farming areas. And their style was not all9neutral, really

    big glorified or romantici

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    conditions of the time. )ou see, the 0e$ression had caused many Americans to begin to doubt t

    heir society. -ut regionalism artists $ainted scenes that glorified American values, scenes that

    many Americans could easily identify with. ;o the movement hel$ed strengthen $eo$le/s faith

    in their country, faith that had weakened as the result of the de$ression. -ut in the 14*6s, befor

    e and after the ;econd World War, American culture began to take on a much more internation

    al s$irit, and Cegionalism, with its focus on small town life, well, it lost a lot of $o$ularity, as

    American society changed once again.

    *. What is the lecture mainly about?**. What does the $rofessors say about the artists in the Fnited ;tates during the Dreat 0e$ress


    *+. What kind of scene might be shown in a ty$ical regionalist $ainting?

    *. According to the $rofessor, what ha$$ened in the F;A in the 14*6s around the time of W

    W that affected the $o$ularity of the regionalist art?

    *9+6 Deology

    (allo, everybody, am here, because visited caves all over =orth America. ;ince you are goi

    ng to study cave formations, 0r. -ow asked me to come and share some of my ex$eriences wit

    h you. n additional to describing some of the technical as$ects of the caves, would convey the sense of adventure that cavers share. Cecently, visited the 7a @hagire cave in =ew 2exico,

    my dream has always been to discover a new $assage way. had a chance here, because 7a @h

    agire is so large that discoveries are fre"uently made there. &he cave itself was not even discov

    ered until 143. (owever, $eo$le in that area had figured that there must be a cave nearby, bec

    ause of the strong wind that blew from behind the huge rock that covered the entrance. normo

    us amounts of air enter and exit the cave in order to maintain balance of the $ressure with the si

    de air. When climbed into the cave, had to fight *+ mile $er hour winds. After all that effort,

    had to be extremely careful maintaining my energy level. Peo$le who are tired tend to be care

    less, and may be more concerned about getting out of the cave than taking care of it. &here are

    formations in 7a@hagire that look like ocean waves, @hristmas trees and other stuff no one hasever seen before. @aves are normally created by carbonic acid that trickles down from above, b

    ut this cave scul$ted out by very $owerful sulfuric acid that wells u$ from below.

    8*. Why was the lecturer es$ecially excited about visiting 7a @hagire cave?

    8.*3 What did the s$eaker say about the entrance into the cave?

    8*4. What did the s$eaker say about the cavers who get tired?

    8+6. What makes the formation of 7a @hagire so unus


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