Introduction To Cleansing And Detoxification : Cleansing is a hot topic; it is frequently mentioned in the Natural Cures book and newsletters, in magazine articles, best selling books and all over the Internet. Why is cleansing receiving so much attention? We live in a toxic world; the soil where our food is grown and the air we breathe are both loaded with chemicals, PCBs, pesticides and petrochemicals. Pharmaceutical drugs and processed foods are commonplace. The facts about our hazardous environment can be overwhelming and scary. There is a choice to be made: we can either be intimidated, continue to suffer from illness and take drugs that add insult to injury, or we can take action to protect ourselves. The Natural Cures book gives many suggestions for this proactive approach to regaining and maintaining our health. We are going to target one of the most efficient and effective ways to start healing our bodies and lighten the toxic overload: Internal Cleansing. Cleansing, also called detoxification, is our body’s normal process of elimination, a function that occurs daily through our colon, liver, kidney, lungs, lymph and skin. The most obvious forms of elimination are sweat, urine, and bowel movements. Other organs also eliminate, though you do not actually see this process. Despite the fact that we eliminate continuously, our bodies are having difficulty keeping up with the demand because we are accumulating an unnatural amount of toxins daily. This toxic overload prevents our precious organs and colon from finishing all their assigned tasks and as a result, the toxins collect within our system. The most common symptoms of toxic buildup include: stress, constipation or failure to have a regular daily bowel movement, feeling sluggish or low energy, lack of motivation, strong food cravings, high sugar consumption, caffeine dependency and unidentifiable illness. Unfortunately, many of us do not drink enough pure water or eat quality organic foods (foods that are not factory made or laden with chemicals). We may not exercise, sleep well or wake rested. It is obvious that an individual with these habits would incur a greater toxic load than someone who is practicing a healthier lifestyle. The sad truth is, however, that no one is safe. Even those with good eating and living habits are exposed to an excess of environmental toxins. This excess becomes embedded in our tissues, our organs overload and we may feel sick from the buildup. Our bodies do the best they can with this stressful buildup by storing the extra toxins in our cells, fat and mucus to protect us from further or deeper damage. How each individual’s body compensates for this toxic overload is unique and shows up as a wide variety of symptoms that undermine us in every way imaginable. It is clear this compensation affects our overall health, energy and ability to heal. These toxins make us ill, fat, constipated, congested, uncomfortable in our bodies, depressed, drug dep- endent, diseased and powerless to make important changes that we need to make in order to be well. Still not sure you need to cleanse your body? Consider the following questions to help you get clear: Do you sleep peacefully and wake up most mornings feeling rested with clear nasal passages? Are you pain and symptom free? Is your digestion smooth and well functioning, allowing you to enjoy a satisfying bowel movement each morning? OR, do you wake up stiff, lethargic, congested, disoriented? Do you need coffee, or worse, medication, to even begin thinking? Do you rush out the door, stressed about the upcoming day, without a proper bowel movement or breakfast? Do you have plenty of energy throughout the day and evening? Are you drinking at least 2 quarts of pure water everyday? Do you enjoy a healthy lunch, perhaps a fresh green salad and a small serving of quality protein? Do you have fresh food to snack on like fruit, nuts and veggies? OR, do you feel tired, dull, sluggish, just going through the motions, needing coffee or other stimulants to stay energized? Do you eat whatever you can grab, using sugar or processed food as your fuel until you can get something truly nourishing (which often does not happen)? Are you stuck inside all day long and afterwards go home and veg-out for the rest of the evening?

Kevin Trudeau - Natural Cures - Cleansing and Detox Report

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Page 1: Kevin Trudeau - Natural Cures - Cleansing and Detox Report

Introduction To Cleansing And Detoxification : Cleansing is a hot topic; it is frequently mentioned in the Natural Cures book and newsletters, in magazine articles, best selling books and all over the Internet. Why is cleansing receiving so much attention? We live in a toxic world; the soil where our food is grown and the air we breathe are both loaded with chemicals, PCBs, pesticides and petrochemicals. Pharmaceutical drugs and processed foods are commonplace. The facts about our hazardous environment can be overwhelming and scary. There is a choice to be made: we can either be intimidated, continue to suffer from illness and take drugs that add insult to injury, or we can take action to protect ourselves. The Natural Cures book gives many suggestions for this proactive approach to regaining and maintaining our health. We are going to target one of the most efficient and effective ways to start healing our bodies and lighten the toxic overload: Internal Cleansing. Cleansing, also called detoxification, is our body’s normal process of elimination, a function that occurs daily through our colon, liver, kidney, lungs, lymph and skin. The most obvious forms of elimination are sweat, urine, and bowel movements. Other organs also eliminate, though you do not actually see this process. Despite the fact that we eliminate continuously, our bodies are having difficulty keeping up with the demand because we are accumulating an unnatural amount of toxins daily. This toxic overload prevents our precious organs and colon from finishing all their assigned tasks and as a result, the toxins collect within our system. The most common symptoms of toxic buildup include: stress, constipation or failure to have a regular daily bowel movement, feeling sluggish or low energy, lack of motivation, strong food cravings, high sugar consumption, caffeine dependency and unidentifiable illness. Unfortunately, many of us do not drink enough pure water or eat quality organic foods (foods that are not factory made or laden with chemicals). We may not exercise, sleep well or wake rested. It is obvious that an individual with these habits would incur a greater toxic load than someone who is practicing a healthier lifestyle. The sad truth is, however, that no one is safe. Even those with good eating and living habits are exposed to an excess of environmental toxins. This excess becomes embedded in our tissues, our organs overload and we may feel sick from the buildup. Our bodies do the best they can with this stressful buildup by storing the extra toxins in our cells, fat and mucus to protect us from further or deeper damage. How each individual’s body compensates for this toxic overload is unique and shows up as a wide variety of symptoms that undermine us in every way imaginable. It is clear this compensation affects our overall health, energy and ability to heal. These toxins make us ill, fat, constipated, congested, uncomfortable in our bodies, depressed, drug dep-endent, diseased and powerless to make important changes that we need to make in order to be well. Still not sure you need to cleanse your body? Consider the following questions to help you get clear:

• Do you sleep peacefully and wake up most mornings feeling rested with clear nasal passages? Are you pain and symptom free? Is your digestion smooth and well functioning, allowing you to enjoy a satisfying bowel movement each morning? OR, do you wake up stiff, lethargic, congested, disoriented? Do you need coffee, or worse, medication, to even begin thinking? Do you rush out the door, stressed about the upcoming day, without a proper bowel movement or breakfast?

• Do you have plenty of energy throughout the day and evening? Are you drinking at least 2

quarts of pure water everyday? Do you enjoy a healthy lunch, perhaps a fresh green salad and a small serving of quality protein? Do you have fresh food to snack on like fruit, nuts and veggies? OR, do you feel tired, dull, sluggish, just going through the motions, needing coffee or other stimulants to stay energized? Do you eat whatever you can grab, using sugar or processed food as your fuel until you can get something truly nourishing (which often does not happen)? Are you stuck inside all day long and afterwards go home and veg-out for the rest of the evening?

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• Do you experience vibrant health and well-being? Do you take good care of yourself? Is your body limber, allowing you to enjoy a variety of activities such as walking, Yoga or dancing? Do you exercise consistently? Are you happy with your weight? Is your memory clear and your mind sharp? Is your skin blemish free and fresh looking? Are you able to cope with life’s many stresses?

OR, do you have a health problem that you suspect might be related to your diet or lifestyle choices? Do you expect your doctor to make key decisions regarding your health? Are you putting off exercise? Do you have frequent headaches, body pain, sinus or respiratory problems? Is your cholesterol problematic? Do you have indigestion, constipation, gas or bloating? Are you over or underweight? Do you get frequent colds or flu? Is your skin dull, a far cry from the glow of your younger years? Are you irritable and tired for no apparent reason, making daily coping and relationships more difficult?

If you answered negatively to these questions, don’t feel bad. Your situation is not hopeless and you are not helpless. You can and will heal. Consider some of the many benefits of cleansing:

• Improved digestion, better elimination, less constipation, gas, bloating and indigestion. • Freedom to breathe more deeply. • Less allergic or reactive responses to foods. You may experience less mucus and congestion

and a possible clearing of sniffles and coughs. • More energy, better nutrient absorption, overall improved health. • Balanced pH; improved alkalinity, less acidic. • Sense of satisfaction, greater vitality and the inspiration to continue improving your diet and

lifestyle, permanently. • A desire to choose better foods and develop better eating habits. • Weight loss and the realization that you can enjoy a lighter style of eating. • Desire to do more cleansing. • A deeper understanding of how to take care of your self with these new found skills.

Pre-Cleanse Guidelines It is best to read through and implement the following guidelines a few weeks prior to starting the cleanse. Most likely, the program you are about to follow is very different from your usual diet and routine. The pre-cleanse guidelines transition you into a healthier lifestyle and prepares your body for cleansing. Although steps 1-5 are specifically designed as part of the cleanse, they are excellent permanent additions or changes to make in your life. Guidelines 6-10 are important to begin at least one week before the cleanse. The sooner you get started on these pre-cleanse guidelines, the better. 1. See a licensed alternative health care practitioner before beginning any cleansing protocol. This a priority if you have a serious health condition including, though not limited to, a terminal, genetic or autoimmune disease. Consult an alternative health care professional if you have chronic digestive problems, diabetes, hypoglycemia, or if you are taking prescription or non-prescription drugs. 2. Obtain pure water for drinking, showering and cooking. Handle this first and foremost. Go back and read about water in the Natural Cures book if you are not convinced you need to have a pure water source,now.

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3. Change what you eat and where you buy your food. Shop at health food stores and farmer’s markets or find online sources for quality organic foods. Keep your kitchen stocked with organic fruits, vegetables, and raw (not roasted) nuts and seeds. Choose whole grain breads and cook whole grains such as brown rice and quinoa. Experiment with the wide variety of legumes and beans. Choose organic animal protein foods ,organic raw dairy products and begin using healthy oils such as extra virgin olive oil, high lignin flax oil and virgin coconut butter/oil. These foods are considered WHOLE, not processed foods. Rather than consuming large amounts of processed, chemically laden food, transition the majority of your diet to whole foods. 4. Exercise consistently. Walking, Yoga, Tai Chi or Qigong can be relaxing and invigorating. Whatever activity you choose, it is important to do some form of daily movement. Make sure you have an exercise plan that you do every day. 5. Cut back on smoking, alcohol and caffeine. These substances are not part of the cleanse. 6. Plan ahead, be ready, make the cleanse part of your schedule. Reaffirm, “Yes, I want to do this, I am ready for it and I am starting my cleanse on (this day)”.Tell your alternative health care practitioner, family and friends about your cleanse and diet change. Enlist support, perhaps even someone to do the cleanse with you. Being prepared can make the experience both memorable and fun. 7. Own or borrow a juicer and blender and then become familiar with how to use them. 8. Read the pH information and measure your pH levels before starting the cleanse. Having a before and after comparison is valuable information, especially over the course of a year. Track your pH levels in your journal or organizer. 9. Leave reminders about healthy living choices. 10. Read over the shopping list and cleansing plans a week before your start date. Become familiar with the information. Be sure you are clear on what you need and how the plan works. Clean out your fridge and cupboards; remove anything you might be tempted to eat that is not on the plan. Prepare yourself mentally, emotionally and logistically. Collect your items prior to starting the cleanse. For example, Saturday might be a good day to gather your supplies so you can ensure a smooth transition into your cleanse on Sunday. Cleansing could be the number one best thing you ever do for yourself. Be proud because you are about to take a giant leap into improved health!

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The Colon Cleanse If this world of cleansing, organic food, and tools for health and healing are new to you, start by improving your diet. Once you make beneficial changes in your diet and are ready to go further, a Colon Cleanse is the perfect next step. This short cleanse is easy. The plan is designed as a three, five or seven day cleanse. If you are confident about your ability to extend the cleanse and your licensed alternative health care practitioner agrees, you may do so. During the Colon Cleanse, you will become familiar with the basic food preparations and procedures necessary for any cleanse. Basic skills include: juicing, making homemade whole fruit smoothies, vegetable soups, steamed vegetables, salads and satisfying vegetable dishes. With a little practice, you will become comfortable with the simple food preparations and can do longer or more in-depth cleansing programs, if you wish. The point of the Colon Cleanse is to clear the colon of excess waste and improve elimination of this organ. While on the Colon Cleanse, you will go to the bathroom more frequently and in larger amounts then ever before (3-4 bowel movements per day). This is caused by eating substantial amounts of wholesome fibrous fruits and vegetables combined with fiber drinks, short term use of herbal laxatives, healthy fats and oils, and increased daily water intake. You can buy, eat, juice and enjoy as much produce (preferably organic) as you want while on the cleanse. You will make and drink freshly made vegetable juice every day in addition to drinking pure water, detoxifying herbal tea and salt free vegetable broth. Eating and drinking large quantities of quality food floods your body with super nutrition. In conjunction with the daily use of flax, psyllium fiber and natural herbal laxatives, you efficiently push out old wastes and putrefied foods that have been fermenting in your intestines. Exercise daily, keeping in mind that it is important to not overextend yourself while cleansing. Successful cleansing is dependent not only on what you ingest, but also what you avoid. The following list indicates everything to abstain from while cleansing. If you want the best results from cleansing, you must make some hard choices and stick to the plan. The benefits will far outweigh the temporary withdrawal. Remember: No means none, not a little bit.

• Tap water • Drugs • Smoking • Alcohol • Coffee, black tea and chocolate. • Sugar or sweetener, in any form. • Wheat and gluten products, flour products of any kind, including baked goods, pastas and

bread. • Dairy, milk and butter, cheese and yogurt. • Animal, fish and seafood. • Eggs, tofu, beans, grains and legumes. • Fried food • Artificial foods, preservatives, sweeteners, colors and flavors. • Bottled and canned drinks. • Dried fruit, other than the small daily serving of soaked prunes. • Potatoes, yams, avocados, corn, peas, mushrooms, artichokes and bananas. • Food from fast food restaurants. • Canned, packaged and processed food. • Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. • Salt; none for at least three days.

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Kitchen Supplies Keep the following items on hand. They are great healthy lifestyle tools used in cleansing, detoxification and whole food preparation.

• Juice machine* that separates the juice from the fiber, for making • vegetable and fruit juices. • Large stainless steel soup pot for making homemade vegetable broth. • Sharp knife, chopping board, colander and strainer. • Teakettle or stainless steel pot to heat water. • Thermos, quart sized jars and coolers work well for transporting fresh • juices and smoothies. Use jars to soak almonds.

Produce, preferably organic: Buy organic produce. Please understand that the chemicals, additives, waxes and preservatives in processed conventional food, are making you sick. They are dulling your mind, tainting your taste buds and souring your ability to enjoy real food. Nutritional deficiencies from poor quality food could be limiting your thinking and keeping you from making smart choices. These are just a few of the reasons why it is so important to buy organic food. All the food and most of the additional support products on the shopping list can be found at a well-stocked health food store. You can restock supplies as necessary, depending on the quantity of food you eat and juice. Choose your foods based on availability and personal preference. Indulge in all your favorite fruits and vegetables with the exception of potatoes, avocados, corn, peas, mushrooms, artichokes and bananas, which are not on the cleansing diet. If asparagus are in season and you adore them, live it up; eat asparagus to your hearts content! Try steamed greens as your main entrée. You may be pleasantly surprised how incredibly delicious a bowl of steamed chard greens tastes when drizzled with olive oil and a squeeze of lemon. The Cleanse Shopping List

• 12-24 apples, the crunchiest ones you can find for both eating and juicing. • 8-12 pieces of fresh seasonal fruit: papaya, mango, pears, peaches, plums,

nectarines, berries, melons, • grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, anything you like other than bananas, which are

fantastic yet too sweet and • starchy for a cleanse. Eat fruit for breakfast, snacks, and use for juicing. • 4-6 lemons; squeeze in morning water and use on salads and vegetables. • 2-4 limes; squeeze in water and use on salads and vegetables. • 2-3 bags of frozen berries for smoothies; choose from raspberries, strawberries or

blueberries. • 2-3 bunches of celery for juicing, snacks and soup. • 5 lb bag of carrots for juicing, snacks and soup. • 2 yellow onions for meals. • 1-2 red onions for salads. • 1-2 heads of garlic for juice, soup and for flavor on veggies.

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• 3-4 beautiful fresh heads of lettuce for salads; choose from romaine, red leaf, green leaf, or butter. Romaine lettuce is great juiced and in salads.

• 1-2 bags mixed greens or spinach. • 1-2 bunches broccoli; use stems for juicing, tops for meals. • 1-2 heads cauliflower for meals. • 3-4 bunches of chard, kale and collards; choose a mix for juice and meals. • 1 bunch of beets; use both the greens and root for juice and meals. • 6 cucumbers for salads, snacks and juice. • 1-2 bunches parsley for juice, soup and salad dressing. • 1 winter or summer squash, for soup. • 6-8-inch piece of ginger root for juice and tea. • Salad and veggie extras: jicama, red peppers, sprouts, zucchini, tomatoes. • Fresh herbs if desired.

In addition get:

• 1 lb raw almonds to soak for mid-morning snack. • 1 lb bag of dried prunes for breakfast. • Unsweetened cranberry concentrate for morning drink. • Tasty detoxifying herbal tea. A variety of blends can be found at your local health

food store; choose a few flavors to discover what you like best. • Condiments: powdered dulse or kelp sea vegetables, herbal salt substitute and

cayenne powder. Great sprinkled on veggies or salad. • Apple cider vinegar for salads and steamed veggies. • High lignin flax seed oil; buy in dark bottle, store in the refrigerator for smoothies

and meals and use within • 6-8 weeks of pressing date. • Extra virgin olive oil for salads, meals and dressings. • Unsalted vegetable broth in the cube, jar or aseptic container. Choose from a

variety of brands. Use as a snack, warm soothing beverage, soup base or meal. • Stevia extract in liquid or powder form; use to sweeten flax drinks or tea. • Organic ground flax seed powder; purchase in a dark container. • Psyllium husk powder; it is best to take psyllium in powder form, though capsules

are available if you prefer. • Triphala capsules • Herbal laxative • Digestive enzymes • Charcoal capsules • Probiotics; buy from the refrigerator section at your health food store. • Green whole food powder, Blue-Green Algae from Klamath Lake, or Hawaiian

Spirulina powder or tablets. • Epsom Salts* for detox bath. • Enema bag* • Litmus Paper* for pH testing.

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More Cleansing Details Additional Support: For these additional support products see label for serving size and take one serving each time.

• Charcoal capsules absorb excess intestinal gas that may be present due to the diet change. • Digestive enzymes support overall digestion. • Green whole food powder is a food-based supercharged nutritional boost. Generally a

combination of dried veggie juices, Probiotics, algae, sprouted seeds, or other high-powered nutritional ingredients. When compared to a synthetic multi-vitamin, green whole food powder is a far better choice. Although not indicated on the cleanse, green whole food powder mixed in water is a quick boost and can be taken any time.

• Herbal laxatives provoke bowel action. • Probiotics help build and maintain healthy flora needed to properly digest your food. Common

Probiotics are acidophilus and bifidus. • Triphala is an ancient Ayurvedic formula used to improve and tonify digestion and elimination.

Condiments and Suggested Flavor Enhancers Use an herbal salt substitute, or you can squeeze lemons or limes over salads and veggies. Use high lignin flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil, apple cider vinegar, powdered dulse, kelp and/or cayenne sprinkled over veggies and salads. Fiber Ground flax seed powder and psyllium husk powder. Keep ground flax seeds and flax seed oil in the refrigerator. Twice daily you will mix a fiber drink as an intestinal bulking agent. Food Fresh fruit and vegetables. Eat vegetables raw (uncooked), lightly steamed or in vegetable soup. Snack on fresh apples, pears, and other fruit and vegetables such as celery, carrots, radishes and cucumbers. Juice Drink 32 oz. or more of freshly made vegetable and fruit juice daily. Here are a few tips: Alternate the produce items as you juice them. For example, rather than juicing 2-3 apples in a row, then 3-4 stalks of celery and a bunch of parsley, juice ½ an apple, one stalk of celery, a handful of parsley, and then begin again with apple. Use celery,apple and parsley as your basic juice recipe. Experiment with a wide variety of produce and add or subtract vegetables or fruits according to personal preference. Cut your produce so it fits in the juicer chute, avoiding “clogged juicer syndrome”. Oils You may have two tablespoons flax and/or olive oil daily. Use on your salad and vegetables. Do not cook with any oil during the cleanse. Use water to steam or sauté vegetables. Smoothie Cleansing smoothies contain a blend of fresh and/or frozen fruit, healthy oils, water and green whole food powder. The cleanse smoothie has less ingredients and creaminess than other smoothies in the recipe section of the website. Tea In addition to water and juice, drink two cups of detoxifying herbal tea, more if you like. Water To determine your MIMINUM amount of daily water intake, divide your body weight in half. For example, if you weigh 130 lbs, drink a minimum of 65 oz. pure water daily. During the cleanse, it is ideal to drink a gallon of water per day.

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Cleansing Recipes Fiber Drinks Morning Flax Drink: Stir 1 heaping tablespoon of ground flax seed powder and 1 teaspoon of cranberry concentrate into a 12 oz. glass of water. Mix and drink. Follow with a glass of water. If sweetener is desired, add a tiny bit of Stevia extract. Evening Flax and Psyllium Drink: Stir 1 heaping tablespoon each of ground flax seed powder and psyllium husk powder into a 12 oz glass of water. Mix and drink. Follow with a glass of water. If sweetener is desired, add a tiny bit of Stevia extract. Juice Classic Green Juice: 2-3 apples 3-4 stalks of celery 1 handful parsley *Great additions include: chard, kale or spinach leaves, cucumbers, romaine lettuce, sprouts, carrots, garlic, a slice of ginger or lemon. Essence of Creamy Chocolate: A favorite Natural Cures juice. 1 head romaine lettuce 2-3 carrots 2 handfuls spinach Salad Simple Green Salad: Salad is a daily essential. During a cleanse, it is a true mainstay. You may eat as much salad as you desire. 1-2 heads lettuce; red leaf, green leaf, romaine, butter, or an ample supply of mixed greens or spinach. *Wonderful additions: Tomatoes, grated carrots, grated beets, cucumbers, jicama, sliced red onions, red pepper, zucchini, chopped apples, celery. You may also enjoy clover, sunflower, broccoli and buckwheat sprouts. Salad Dressing Lovely Herb Dressing You can make salad dressing ahead by blending the following: 1 C olive or flax oil, or a blend of the two. ¼ C or more to taste fresh lemon, lime juice or apple cider vinegar. ¼ - ½ C pure water 1-2 cloves garlic 1 T herbs. Choose from dill, basil, thyme, parsley, cilantro, or your favorite fresh or dried herbs. Combine ingredients and blend until smooth. Toss your salad with up to 2 T of dressing per meal. Quick Dressing Drizzle 1 T oil, lemon, lime or apple cider vinegar and fresh herbs and condiments onto salad. Toss and enjoy.

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Smoothie Very Berry Smoothie: This light version is perfect for cleansing. 1-2 cups of frozen berries 1-2 apples 2-4 soaked prunes with soaking water 1 tsp flax seed oil Spirulina, Blue-Green Algae or green whole food powder. Start with ¼ - ½ tsp, adding more each day as you become accustomed to the taste; up to 3 T per smoothie. 1-10 ice cubes. Optional. Add just enough water and blend until smooth. Soaking Almond Soaking instructions: Before you go to sleep or by 10 pm, place one cup of dry almonds in a clean 16 oz. jar and fill to the top with pure water. Leave on counter overnight. (You will be pleased to see that the almonds double in size.) In the morning, pour almonds into a strainer and rinse with pure water. Rinse jar and fill with the soaked almonds. Cover with pure water and place in refrigerator. Change water daily. Soaked almonds have a refrigerated shelf life of at least one week. Prune Soaking instructions: Before bed or by 10 pm, remove pits from 2-4 prunes, place in a small bowl, cover with pure water and leave on counter. This is enough for one morning meal. Repeat daily. Daily Cleanse Plan Three – Seven Days The day before you start your cleanse, eat steamed vegetables and protein for lunch and a large leafy green salad with more steamed vegetables for dinner. Commit to stay with the plan each day! Upon Rising: Drink a glass of water with Probiotics and the juice of one half lemon or lime. Next, prepare anddrink the Morning Flax Drink. If this is your normal exercise time, go ahead. Be aware to not push yourself too hard this week. Breakfast: Choose between a fresh fruit or homemade fruit smoothie. You can use 2-3 pieces of fruit. Add your soaked prunes and their soaking liquid to your smoothie or bowl of fresh fruit. The soaking liquid from the prunes makes a sweet and tasty “sauce” for the fruit. Eat the amount that satisfies you, no more. Additional Support: • Digestive enzymes • Choice of green powder • Triphala Mid-Morning Snack: Drink at least 16 oz of fresh vegetable juice. If you are hungry, have a handful of soaked almonds or a piece of fruit. Be sure to keep drinking water.

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Lunch Plan: Eat a super-sized salad. Use a variety of lettuce greens, grated carrots, sliced red onion, sprouts, sliced cucumbers, and any veggies, raw or steamed. Eat as much lettuce as you like. Use only 1 tablespoon of oil on your salad, and add fresh lemon, lime or apple cider vinegar to taste. If you find you like the dulse or kelp powder, sprinkle on top of your salad for additional flavor. Additional Support: • Digestive enzymes • Charcoal - if you are feeling gassy, this is a good time to take charcoal caps. • By noon or 1 pm you should have drunk at least half your daily water requirements Mid-Afternoon Snack: Drink at least 16 oz of fresh vegetable juice. If you are hungry, eat a piece of fruit or a couple celery stalks. Enjoy a cup of detoxifying herbal tea. Dinner: For dinner, choose one of your favorite vegetables along with a dark leafy green vegetable such as kale, collards, beet greens or chard. Steam veggies in pure water, starting with the longest cooking veggies first, then adding the quicker cooking veggies a short time after. Do not overcook. Sprinkle with your second tablespoon of oil, herbal salt replacement, lemon, cayenne, fresh garlic and some sea vegetables to taste. Chew well. Additional Support: • Digestive enzymes One Hour Before Bed: Evening Fiber Drink. Additional Support: • Triphala • Herbal Laxative Still Hungry? If anytime during the day or evening you find you are still hungry, have a large cup of detoxifying tea. After your tea, if you still feel you need something to eat, have an apple or two. If you are constantly thinking about food, you may be in withdrawal from a variety of harmful substances you have been eating. If your body is craving factory-made processed foods, remember your commitment to getting the full benefit from this cleanse and avoid giving into the cravings. If you are craving something healthy, eat more apples. Cleansing Tips To obtain the best possible results from your Colon Cleanse:

• Colon Therapy: plan for at least one colonic, better yet, two. The colon is a major organ for eliminating bodily waste. Colon Therapy uses a series of colonic water flushes to clean and detoxify the entire lower intestine for a deep and complete clearing out.

• Enemas are excellent for clearing low bowel congestion. Enemas can be done in the privacy of your own home. If you do not get Colonics, enemas will certainly help.

• Constipation: If you are having trouble moving your bowels more than once a day during the cleanse, drink more water and increase the natural herbal laxatives by one capsule each evening. Utilize enemas to keep bowels moving.

• Effortless Detoxifying bath: Add 4-6 cups of Epsom Salt to your bath, and enjoy a 20-30 minute soak in the soft glow of candlelight. Essential oils such as lemon and geranium are pleasing additions.

• Detoxifying Hyperthermia Bath Instructions. At-Home Hyperthermia treatments tremendously accelerate healing and detoxification by elevating body temperature to induce sweating. Besides detailed how-to information, this article gives easy methods for bath water purification, which is essential for the effectiveness and safety of any and all hyperthermia treatments.

• Hot-Cold Therapy. Do this simple hydrotherapy treatment right before getting out of the shower: Gradually turn the water temperature to cold for a ten second invigorating rinse. Go back and forth between hot and

cold water 2-4 times. Dry off with a brisk rub down.

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• Do pH testing. • Make juice. If you don't feel like eating, juice can replace meals during the cleanse. • Dry Skin Brushing is an efficient way to cleanse the skin, the largest eliminative organ of

your body. • Bodywork: Make an appointment for massage, chiropractic adjustment or other form of

bodywork. This is a wonderful time to tune into your body and all its sensations. • Go for a stroll. If you are feeling agitated or restless, walk it off. Stirred up toxins are being

eliminated and moving around helps ease the discomfort. • Keep a Journal. Write your goals, thoughts and dreams. Increased energy may inspire you

with new ideas. Capture the moment with your written word. • Keep in mind that cleansing is different for each person. Some people enjoy more energy

during a cleanse, while others may feel lethargic or experience flu-like symptoms often referred to as a "cleansing reaction".

• Get sufficient sleep and rest. Go outside for plenty of sunshine and fresh air. Listen to your intuition and keep your stress levels at a bare minimum.

• Clean house. During a cleanse you may feel like cleaning clutter in your cupboards and closets. This is a great time to eliminate and reorganize.

• Completions. This may be a good time to contact an old friend, catch up with procrastinations, resolve relationship issues and get current with communications.

• Choosing to cleanse demonstrates self-love and responsibility. During this time, you may find it easier to forgive, accept and change certain things in your life.

• Read one of the many excellent books on cleansing and detoxification for inspiration and further information. Here are few great titles:

7-day Detox Miracle, by Peter Bennett, N.D. and Stephen Barrie, N.D. Internal Cleansing, by Linda Berry, D.C. The Healthy Liver and Bowel Book, by Sandra Cabot, M.D. The Liver Cleansing Diet, by Sandra Cabot, M.D. The New Detox Diet, by Elson Haas, M. D. The Detox Miracle Sourcebook, Robert Morse, N.D. Healing Colon Disease Naturally, by Dr. Richard Schulze

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� The Cleanse Shopping List (Print out and take with you) � 12-24 apples, the crunchiest ones you can find for both eating and juicing. � 8-12 pieces of fresh seasonal fruit: papaya, mango, pears, peaches, plums, nectarines, berries,

melons, � grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, anything you like other than bananas, which are fantastic yet too

sweet and � starchy for a cleanse. Eat fruit for breakfast, snacks, and use for juicing. � 4-6 lemons; squeeze in morning water and use on salads and vegetables. � 2-4 limes; squeeze in water and use on salads and vegetables. � 2-3 bags of frozen berries for smoothies; choose from raspberries, strawberries or blueberries. � 2-3 bunches of celery for juicing, snacks and soup. � 5 lb bag of carrots for juicing, snacks and soup. � 2 yellow onions for meals. � 1-2 red onions for salads. � 1-2 heads of garlic for juice, soup and for flavor on veggies. � 3-4 beautiful fresh heads of lettuce for salads; choose from romaine, red leaf, green leaf, or butter.

Romaine lettuce is great juiced and in salads. � 1-2 bags mixed greens or spinach. � 1-2 bunches broccoli; use stems for juicing, tops for meals. � 1-2 heads cauliflower for meals. � 3-4 bunches of chard, kale and collards; choose a mix for juice and meals. � 1 bunch of beets; use both the greens and root for juice and meals. � 6 cucumbers for salads, snacks and juice. � 1-2 bunches parsley for juice, soup and salad dressing. � 1 winter or summer squash, for soup. � 6-8-inch piece of ginger root for juice and tea. � Salad and veggie extras: jicama, red peppers, sprouts, zucchini, tomatoes. � Fresh herbs if desired.

� In addition get: � 1 lb raw almonds to soak for mid-morning snack. � 1 lb bag of dried prunes for breakfast. � Unsweetened cranberry concentrate for morning drink. � Tasty detoxifying herbal tea. A variety of blends can be found at your local health food store;

choose a few flavors to discover what you like best. � Condiments: powdered dulse or kelp sea vegetables, herbal salt substitute and cayenne powder.

Great sprinkled on veggies or salad. � Apple cider vinegar for salads and steamed veggies. � High lignin flax seed oil; buy in dark bottle, store in the refrigerator for smoothies and meals and

use within � 6-8 weeks of pressing date. � Extra virgin olive oil for salads, meals and dressings. � Unsalted vegetable broth in the cube, jar or aseptic container. Choose from a variety of brands.

Use as a snack, warm soothing beverage, soup base or meal. � Stevia extract in liquid or powder form; use to sweeten flax drinks or tea. � Organic ground flax seed powder; purchase in a dark container. � Psyllium husk powder; it is best to take psyllium in powder form, though capsules are available if

you prefer. � Triphala capsules � Herbal laxative � Digestive enzymes � Charcoal capsules � Probiotics; buy from the refrigerator section at your health food store. � Green whole food powder, Blue-Green Algae from Klamath Lake, or Hawaiian Spirulina powder

or tablets. � Epsom Salts* for detox bath. � Enema bag* � Litmus Paper* for pH testing.