Keto Mastery

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We’re All Going to Make It. You Are POWERFUL. Firstofall,congratulationsonmakingthisdecisiontotakeaction,improveyourhealth,andchangeyourlife..Thesimplefactthatyoudecidedtobeginyourketogenicdietlifestylemeansyoutookthefirststeptoreachyourfullpotentialaswellasmakingthenecessarychangestobecomeabetter,fitter,andstrongerperson.Beforeyoubegintoimplementthesetipstostreamlineyourketoadaptation,it’simportanttoaskyourselfonesimplebutpowerfulquestion,“WHY?”Takeafewminutesoutofyourdayandaskyourselfwhyisitthatyouareonthisjourney,thislifestyletobecomebetter.YoumustalsobegintopracticesettingBIGgoalsandPOSITIVEvisualization.Ratherthanfocusingonhowhardit’sgoingtobetoreachyourgoals,youNEEDtofocusonthebenefitsyouaregoingtogetoutofit.Focusonhowgoodyou’regonnafeelandrealizethatYOUhaveabsolutelyeverythingtobecomethegreatestpersonyoucanbe.VisualizeyourselfeachandeverydayreachingyourgoalandpreparefortheadversityandobstaclesthatyouWILLsurpassonyourjourney.YouHAVETObelieve120%thatyoudeserveallthesuccessyouareworkingfor.Nothingelsematters,thepastdoesn’tmatter,itdoesn’tdeterminewhatyoucandointhefuture.Allyouhavetodoisbepatient,STAYCONSISTENT,haveFAITHinyourselfandsimplyENJOYthejourneyandyouWILLreachyourgoals.

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“I thought fat was bad for you?”

The low carb high fat “ketogenic diet” lifestyle is taking the mainstream media by storm. It’sbullshithowweweresoldintoahighcarblowfatdietsimplybecauseitmadecompaniesmoremoney.ArecentnewsarticleactuallyexplainedhowthesugarindustryPAIDagroupofscientistsbackinthe1960’stopromotesaturatedfatsastheculpritforheartdiseaseandtodownplaythedangerouseffectsofsugar.Thismeansexactlywhatitsoundslike,we’vebeenfooledforyearstoeatahighcarbdietlowfatdiet.Therehasbeenextensiveresearchoneatingalowcarbhighfatdiettostayhealthy.Theamountofbenefitsyoucangetbyfollowingaproperketogenicdietisabsolutelyamazing.IknowbecauseI’veexperienceditmyself. I have been on the ketogenic diet for more than a year now and I have taken it very seriously. Now it’s my turn to help you transition to the ketogenic diet with the least possible resistance. There is no doubt in my mind that you’ll have such a smooth transition to the ketogenic diet you won’t even feel like you’re dieting. Oneofthemainhurdlesonstickingtoaketogenicdietisthebeginningphases.Manypeoplequittooearlybecausetheyexperienceflu-likesymptomsandwriteitoffasawayoftheirbodytellingthemthisdietjustisn’ttherightfit.Byfollowingthese12tipsIhaveaccumulatedthroughlotsofresearch,trialanderror,andhardwork,thetransitionintoaketogeniclifestyleisgoingtobeacakewalk.

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How Does Ketosis Work?

Before I share the tips that will guarantee as smooth transition to the ketogenic diet lifestyle, we need to build a solid foundation in your knowledge behind the ketogenic diet. A ketogenic diet simply switches your body’s metabolism and puts you into a state of ketosis. Ketosis is a physiological state in which your body begins to burn fat and produce ketones for energy instead of using glucose from carbohydrates. When you’re in ketosis, your body is in a “fat burning mode” and starts using stored body fat as well as fat from your diet as the primary source of energy. A quick run-down of the whole process into becoming a fat-burning machine looks like this: 1-- Blood Sugar & Insulin Levels Are Kept Low The ketogenic diet restricts carbohydrates in order for your blood sugar and insulin levels to stay low. These carbohydrates are then replaced with dietary fats that DO NOT raise blood sugar NOR do they spike insulin.

2-- Fat Escapes the Cell Since your body has no access to glucose from carbs, the low insulin levels unlock your fat cells allowing fat to escape in the form of fatty acids. These fatty acids travel all throughout your bloodstream and makes its way to your liver. 3-- Ketones Are Produced inside Your Body Once the fatty acids reached its destination – the liver, the fatty acids are now converted into ketone bodies. These ketones now make its way out of the liver and travels to the brain, organs, muscles, and other tissues in the body in order to be used as energy.

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4-- Ketones are then Properly Being Used For Energy Congratulations! Your body has now properly reached a state of ketosis and is properly burning ketones from the breakdown of fats instead of glucose from carbs. Ketones are the most efficient and effective energy source in the body. There have been studies showing that ketones produce more energy per gram than any other fuel source your body can ingest.

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Do You Have What It Takes? You will hear me call it a ketogenic diet “LIFESTYLE” because that’s exactly what it is. It’s not some type of fad diet that leaves you overweight and worse than how you began, it’s a diet that promotes health whilefullyoptimizingthewayyourbodyfunctions. I emphasize “lifestyle” because a low carb high fat ketogenic diet involves some commitment. I don’t say this to scare you away, just know that there will be some initial hurdles you’re going to have to climb over, but, trust me it’s worth it. After a lot of trial and error, I’ve compiled a list of tips that I wish I personally had when I first started on the ketogenic diet. Use these tips as a guideline to your lifestyle change into the keto world. It will vastly simplify the transition.

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I. Use MCT Oil Whenever Possible. Consuming medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil is one of the most useful things you can do in order to reach a level of ketosis as well as maintain it. A few of the many reasons why it is so crucial on the ketogenic diet is:

• The ability to stabilize blood sugar and enhance ketone body production. This makes MCT’s a godsend helping us ketoers reduce inflammation, enhance cognitive function, and improve metabolism.

• It is easily digested and doesn’t require the production or utilization of bile. MCT oil is the only oil available on the market that is converted DIRECTLY into energy upon consumption.

• Allows one to consume more protein and carbs while maintaining ketosis. MCT’s are like a fast track to a state of ketosis. Even after eating an amount of protein/carbs that could knock you out of ketosis, MCT’s help with getting you right back in.

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II. Focus on Time Under Tension Workouts at the Start

When you first begin your journey on becoming a fat-adapted machine, it’s important to not focus too much on heavy compound lifts until your body is more adjusted to using ketones as a primary fuel source. Time under tension (TUT) is simply the amount of time the muscle is actually under the tension from the weight. It is crucial for pushing the biochemical changes that occur in a muscle to produce a muscle pump as well as muscle damage. The reason TUT workouts are a priority at the start of your keto diet is due to the stress response of exercise. You want to keep stress levels low because it will allow your body to adjust to being in ketosis better. The body is intelligently designed and has built-in mechanisms allowing the body to handle and adapt stress. It has a sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) which balance each other out.

• SNS is catabolic and mobilizes resources to help the body in a “fight or flight” situation.

• PNS is anabolic and helps the body in digesting, resting, and recovering. We are designed to spend most of our time in the PNS.

TUT workouts are considered a PNS exercise. On your first couple weeks on keto, we want to keep stress levels as low as possible. SomeexamplesofPNSexercisestodoonthefirsttwoweeksofaketogenicdietare-LightjoggingorlongwalksandLightweight-liftingwithemphasisonslowcontrolledmovementsTheideaistonotstressyourbodyouttoomuchfromexerciseuntilyouhavebecomefullyketo-adapted.Don’t be the person who jumps right into the deep end of the ketogenic diet and exercise, onlytoburnoutandgiveupatwoweekslater.Youshouldbeinitforthelongrun. It’s very important to start slow with your workouts in order to adapt to keto quicker.

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III. Pay attention to your electrolytes The three main electrolytes that you absolutely must be paying attention to when switching to the ketogenic diet are potassium, magnesium, and sodium. This is an absolute must especially when you are first starting out otherwise you WILL experience something called the “keto-flu”. When you cut back on carbohydrates, your body begins to flush out all of the stored electrolytes. This is because your insulin drops, and when this happens, your kidneys go through a phase in which it becomes diuretic. Headaches, extreme lethargy, very irritable, and cold sweats are all symptoms of the keto-flu. Others also experience nausea and diarrhea. The keto-flu is one of the biggest hurdles for beginners. People think that their body is simply “not made for the ketogenic diet” because they start to experience flu-like symptoms. When in reality, it is just a byproduct of having an electrolyte deficiency. Keto-flu can be solved very easily by replenishing your electrolytes: Potassium, Magnesium, and Sodium. Electrolytes are underestimated when beginning a low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet and it should be your priority to keep a close eye on your electrolytes. The MINIMUM recommended daily intake for the three electrolytes are as follows:

• Sodium: 5000mg • Potassium: 1000mg • Magnesium: 300mg

If you are very active and sweat a lot or you spend a lot of time in a sauna, add more sodium on top of the 5000mg recommended intake. Aside from supplementation, you can achieve the replenishment of your electrolytes by consuming: Sodium: sodium pills, bouillon, pepperoni, and pink Himalayan salt.

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Potassium: Mushrooms, Avocado, Spinach, Steak, Salmon, and Lite Salt Magnesium: Magnesium citrate (supplement), Avocado, Spinach, and Cacao powder. It is very important to KEEP TRACK of your electrolytes and to not just assume that you are reaching your minimum daily electrolyte intake. I highly recommend drinking 1 to 2 cups of bouillon every day especially if you are active. You don’t want to have headaches, or diarrhea, or irritability, do you?

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IV. Drink more water You must be thinking, “wow bro, great tip, no shit I have to stay hydrated.” And while it may sound obvious, it’s often not followed. Especially in the fast-paced world we live in now, it is easy to forget to keep yourself hydrated. Your body is excreting water along with the electrolytes mentioned above when you hop on the ketogenic diet train. When I wake up, I immediately chug a bottle of water then continue to drink water steadily throughout the day. To me, this feels like a supercharge to my body since we are restricting ourselves from water when we are sleeping at night. Make it a habit to drink at least a glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning. This sets you up to stay hydrated better throughout the day and will also make you feel more energetic and less lethargic.

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V. Don’t Eat Too Much Protein While this tip can be pretty subjective depending on your goals, bodyweight, type, and other variables, the principle is the same if you are trying to stay in ketosis. Eating too much protein will turn the excess protein into glucose which will knock you out of ketosis. This occurs through a process called gluconeogenesis. If you find yourself not in ketosis or you’re coming out of ketosis whenever you eat, check to see if you are eating too much protein. The more you exercise, the more protein your body allows you while still staying in ketosis. This will take trial and error and like I said before, it will be different for everyone. I recommend shooting for 70% - 75 % of your daily intake in fats, 15 % - 20 % in protein, and the rest in carbohydrates. The longer you stay on the ketogenic diet, you will find your own sweet spot of fats:protein ratio.

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VI. Do Not Use Vegetable and Seed Oils A large amount of studies show how detrimental vegetable and seed oils can be to your body. One of the biggest problems with these oils is that they are too high in Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. An excess of these fatty acids begin to build up in the cell membrane and start to contribute to inflammation. Of course we all know that inflammation is an underlying factor to diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and much more. A few of my clients asked me why they felt like shit after hopping on the ketogenic diet, when I assessed their diet, turns out the majority of the fats they were consuming were coming from vegetable oils. The way that these oils are created is actually a very gruesome process. If you look up a video on it, you will never touch vegetable oils again. The oils that you should be avoiding at all costs, especially on the ketogenic diet, are as follows:

• Canola oil • Soybean oil • Safflower oil • Corn oil • Peanut oil • Sunflower oil

• Cottonseed oil • Rapeseed oil • Rice bran oil • Sesame oil • Margarine

Stick to the healthy oils such as coconut oil, olive oil, tallow, and lard. Grass-fed butter is also a great alternative.

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VII. Get regular exercise My goal is to simplify the intricacies that is the ketogenic diet. But, I think it helps for you to know what is going on inside your body because it will help you stay on track with your goals. I shouldn’t have to remind you how important exercise is no matter what diet you are on, but, it helpstoknowwhyit’simportantintermsofgoingketo. I don’t like to get too science-y but I want to quickly explain what is going on inside your body when exercising in respect to the ketogenic diet. There is a receptor in your body called the GLUT-4 receptor. This receptor pulls sugar out of the blood stream and stores it as liver and muscle glycogen. This is crucial when going into a state of ketosis because it allows you to handle more carbs in the diet because the body wants to store it in the muscle and liver tissue. You should focus not only on large compound exercises such as pull-ups, rows, squats, deadlifts, and overhead presses, but should also prioritize time under tensions workouts and other parasympathetic exercises to help your body adjust to a fat adapted state. It’sbesttohaveafinebalancebetweenheavycompoundliftsaswellaslowintensityexerciseinyourworkoutregimen.

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VIII. Get Enough Fiber Everyone shits. People on the ketogenic diet, not as much. Constipation is another big challenge for people on the ketogenic diet. If you’re constipated, you won’t be able to stay in ketosis because it drives up stress hormones and blood sugar. You could be constipated due to:

• Not eating enough fibrous veggies and fermented foods • Lack of electrolytes (sodium, magnesium, potassium)

• Chronic stress • Dehydration

To cure your bowel problem, you can:

• Eat more fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, coconut water, and kimchi.

• Making a green drink smoothie • Supplementing with Psyllium Husk Caps (Fiber caps)

A general rule is if you aren’t hitting the toilet once a day, then you should incorporate more fiber in your diet. It has been much easier for me to stay in ketosis once I improved my bowel motility.

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IX. Eat More Fats

“But I don’t want to get fat!” You don’t get fat by eating fat, you get fat by eating in excess of calories than what your body is burning off. Itisvitaltogetfatsfromfattyanimalmeatsaswellashealthyfatsfrom:

• Eggs • Grass-fed Butter • Coconut Oil • MCT Oil • Seeds & Nuts

• Avocados • Salmon • Almond Butter • Dairy (If tolerable)

If you don’t eat plenty of fats, especially in the initial phases of the ketogenic diet, you will crave carbohydrates and likely fall victim to a carb binge leaving you bloated, guilty, kicked out of ketosis. Especially during the initial phases to the ketogenic diet, your body will crave those sugary donuts, sweet candies, and fluffy loaves of bread. Think about it, your body has been running of glucose from carbs for energy your entire life. To suddenly switch to becoming a fat burning keto adapted machine is not only going to take discipline, it’s going to require some strategy as well. If you are NOT counting calories and macronutrients (difficult for beginners), it’s super important to eat enough fat. A general keto hack is to eat healthy fats and fatty meats until you are satiated. This will ensure that you are keeping your carbs at a minimum while maintaining adequate protein levels. Be mindful of when you eat and what you are eating. View your relationship with food as a means to fuel your body, not something you do just because you’re “bored”.

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X. Get More Sleep If you are having poor sleep, you will elevate your stress hormones as well as cause blood sugar dysregulatory problems. This is BAD for people on the ketogenic diet. I recommend getting around 7 – 9 hours of sleep each night. This also depends a lot on your stress levels. The more stress you accumulate physically and mentally, the more sleep you’re going to need to feel good and stay alert for the day. In the case of events that you can’t get the full 7 – 9 hours of sleep, try to schedule your sleep in 90 minute increments. This is an AWESOME sleep hack that I’ve been utilizing. The sleep cycle is 90 minutes long so if you are able to time your alarm to wake you up at the end of that cycle, you will wake up feeling more refreshed on less sleep. For example, if I know that I can’t get the 7.5 hours of sleep to achieve 5 full REM cycles (90 min. X 5 = 7.5 hrs) I will set my alarm to wake me up after 6 hours of sleep giving myself 4 full REM cycles and waking up feeling alert. If you ever wondered why you still felt super tired after sleeping longer than 8 hours, it’s most likely because you woke up in the middle of a REM cycle causing you to feel lethargic. Wearing earplugs while sleeping and keeping the artificial blue light to a minimal an hour before bed are two other sleep hacks that have helped me tremendously. There have been many times when a client has asked me why they aren’t reaching ketosis after following the diet and when I asked them about their sleep schedule, more often than not, they aren’t properly reaching the deep cycles of sleep that you need in order for your body to function properly.

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XI. Don’t Cut Your Carbs Out Completely at the Start of the Ketogenic Diet

As you may know, in order for your body to properly hit ketosis, you have to restrict your body of carbohydrates. The level of activity amongst a few other variables determines how many carbs you can get away with while still staying in ketosis. After a lot of trial and error as well as training friends and family on switching to a ketogenic diet lifestyle, I have successfully been able to convert people with no side effects, no keto flu, no painstakingly carbohydrate-fueled cravings. Here’s the trick… Don’t go cold turkey with carbs during the initial phase of the ketogenic diet. If you are like most people, going from a usually high carb intake, to an almost non-existent one, will make you feel like absolute shit.

• On the first week of keto, I recommend you starting out with dropping your carbohydrate intake to 100 to 150 grams a day. You won’t necessarily be in a state of ketosis this first week but this is a crucial step in order to avoid the keto-flu that scares away all the noobies..

• The second week, drop your carbs down to 50 to 100 grams a day.

• By the third week you should be under 50 grams of carbs a day and should begin to start hitting ketosis by the mid – end of the week.

This method of converting yourself into a keto adapted state is way easier than trying to go straight into a zero carb diet when you’ve been eating carbs your whole life.

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XII. Utilize Intermittent Fasting to Help Stay in Ketosis

The ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting (IF) is comparable to a perfect, retired, happily married couple whose kids are off to college. By combining the two, you produce a synergistic effect that will accelerate and multiply the benefits you can gain. They bring each other up and it’s an excellent duo. The amount of benefits you can achieve through fasting periodically is staggering. Some of these include:

• Cellular repair. During intermittent fasting, there is a process that occurs called autophagy, in which your body initiates the removal of waste material from the cells.

• Good for your brain. There are also studies showing the increased growth of new nerve cells. All of these things aid in better brain functioning.

• Improves insulin levels. The blood levels of insulin drop significantly on IF, creating a better mode of fat burning for your body.

• Reduced inflammation and oxidative stress. Both of these are at the root of several chronic diseases. This has anti-aging benefits and will help the prevention of several diseases.

Both IF and the ketogenic diet have similarities in the benefits your body will attain. My recommendation is to do a 16 hour fast followed by an 8 hour eating window. This is a popular intermittent fasting protocol that has gotten a great reputation. An example of this, is to simply stop eating anything that contains calories around 8PM at night. The next morning, skip breakfast and break your fast by eating a meal at 12PM. This gives your body a solid 16 hours of fasting to reap some benefits. On top of the benefits I have listed, you will also have more time for other things by not having to worry about eating breakfast every day.

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There you have it. After hours upon hours of researching, tweaking, testing, these 12 transformative tips have literally changed the lives of myself, my family, as well as my clients. I don’t say that just to say it either, if you can follow my advice that I’ve given, not only will you begin to melt fat off your body, it will change your relationship with food, exercise, and your overall lifestyle. Here’s a quick recap of the 12 crucial tips to becomefatadaptedandfeellikeasuperhuman:

1. Use MCT Oil whenever possible 2. Focus on time under tension (TUT) workouts at the start 3. Pay attention to your electrolytes 4. Drink more water 5. Don’t eat too much protein 6. Do not use vegetable and seed oils 7. Get regular exercise 8. Get enough fiber

9. Eat more fats 10. Get more sleep 11. Don’t cut your carbs out completely at the start 12. Utilize intermittent fasting It may seem like a lot right now, but if you can incorporate these into your daily life, you will see vast improvements without a doubt. Sticktotheseguidelines,stayfocused,andreapthebenefitsoftheketogeniclifestyle.PS.Don’tforgettoregularlyvisitmyblogatwww.thatketoguy.comaswellasstayingupdatedwithmyemailstoreceivemoretipsandhealthhacks!

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Keto Mastery: 12 Transformative Tips to Streamline Your Keto Adaptation by Lo Martinez www.thatketoguy.com © 2016 Lo Martinez All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permissions contact: [email protected]