From the evaluation results and preliminary observations, then the action specified in the reflection that was used to enhance the students' vocabulary mastery by using crossword media. With reference to the initial reflection, then this class action research carried out with the following procedures: a. Plan Activities undertaken in the planning stages included: 1. Creating a scenario execution measures 2. Making the observation sheet; to see how the atmosphere of learning in the classroom when the picture from the magazine used. 3. Designing an evaluation tool to see if the material of vocabulary has been acquired by the students. b. Implementation Actions Implemented measures designed by the writer helped by the English teacher in MAS YMPI Tanjung Balai. Learning that teachers do by using crossword media in accordance with the learning scenarios that have been made. c. Observation

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From the evaluation results and preliminary observations, then the action specified in the reflection that was used to enhance the students' vocabulary mastery by using crossword media. With reference to the initial reflection, then this class action research carried out with the following procedures:a. PlanActivities undertaken in the planning stages included:1. Creating a scenario execution measures2. Making the observation sheet; to see how the atmosphere of learning in the classroom when the picture from the magazine used.3. Designing an evaluation tool to see if the material of vocabulary has been acquired by the students.b. Implementation ActionsImplemented measures designed by the writer helped by the English teacher in MAS YMPI Tanjung Balai. Learning that teachers do by using crossword media in accordance with the learning scenarios that have been made.c. ObservationObservations carried out by using the observation sheet that has been created. The process of observation carried out by the English subject teachers as research partners to observe the class for implementing actions in the learning process by using crossword media. Observations are also made to the behavior and activities of students during the learning process takes place and the impact of teacher attitudes toward students during the learning process.

d. ReflectionThe results obtained by students at the stage of obervation and evaluation are analyzed. Weaknesses or deficiencies that occur in each cycle will be fixed in the next cycle. Action research process is a repetitive job or (cycles) in order to obtain learning can improve the students' vocabulary mastery by using crossword media. In every cycle there is a plan, action, observation, reflection and evaluatione. EvaluationThe evaluation was conducted at the end of each cycle of the implementation of the action. These reviews are intended to determine the presence or absence of an improve in the students' vocabulary mastery using crossword media. Evaluation tool used was a structured test learning outcomes writer. If in the classical minimum of 80% of students did not reach the lowest value of 6.5 then the action is considered to have successfully implemented.3.2. Subject of the ResearchThe subject of the research is the students of class X-2, there are 42 students. it is chosen because they have the,, ess score of vocabulary mastery.

3.3. The Instrument of Collecting DataThe instruments fr collecting data area. ObservationThe writer looks directly the process of lc'arning at grade tenth ofJy1A8 YMPI to find out method or strategy of learning are used by the teacher.b. InterviewThe writer will make an interview to the teacher or students about their mastery of vocabulary and problems in learning vocabulary.c. Quiz/testWriter gave test to students which account for 50 questions, to obtain data on the mastery of vocabulary.d. Daily NoteTeachers assigned tasks to the students about vocabulary, and students must memorize. Teachers assigned vocabulary recorded in the diaries of students and teachers diary/daily note.3.4. The Methods in Analyzing the DataAfter collecting the data, the writer analyzed compare with some books related to the problem of the study. The writer analyzed, how much, students cananswer the question correctly and bow much students uncorrected. Based on analyze, the writer show the explanation about preposition in this proposal. The

writer stated the range of the score are obtained from the answer by usingformula:

Where:Score: The score of the studentsNI: Number of itemIf the implementation of the first cycle of students do not achieve exhaustiveness 80% of the first cycle failed, and will continue on to the second cycle with the same material to reach the exhaustiveness of learning by using the same formula.3.5. The Criteria of SuccessSome of criteria for success in this research are:1. There is interaction between teachers and writer and students in learning activities to improve the quality of learning.2. The students are able to make simple sentence by using their vocabulary have.3. By using crossword media hoped the students' vocabulary will increase.

4. Students achieve the lerning exhaustiveness 80%, if the student has not reached the exhaustiveness, wil be continued in the second cycle to achieve it.3.6. Researeh Schedule This researeh wil be done from july until August can be shown as follows :


4.1. Research Results4.1.1Implementation Cycle PlanAt this stage the measures used are:1. Prepare an implementation plan in accordance with the standards of teaching competence and basic competence in the subject sub English reading and writing subject (vocabulary).2. Set students' observation of vocabulary.3. Setting up tasks appropriate instructional media are used, in this crossword.4. Set research format. Actionsa. Initial Activities The teacher greeted the class and started praying beforehand. Describe the general purpose of learning activities so that students can read and write the correct vocabulary and interpret it.

b. Core Activities1. Exploration Teachers convey to students about the topic being studied, and students get information from teachers about the topic discussed is the vocabulary. In presenting the vocabulary learning materials, one of the media used by the teacher is crossword. The teacher writes a few vocabularies and read them correctly and then give the meaning of the vocabulary. Students follow together the pronunciation of the vocabulary, and then the teacher asked some students to say / mention correctly the vocabulary, with participation by other friends. Then the teacher guides the students create and fill crossword working together, students are seriously concerned, ask the teacher about how to read the vocabulary, then the teacher told the students write the meaning of some vocabulary on the board, if there that has not really write, the teacher explains the back or having students look at the dictionary, and then the teacher give homework to students to write a few words and search for meaning, and make simple sentences from the vocabulary.

2. Elaboration Before the teachers examine the tasks that students do write some vocabularies, the teacher asked the students to read back the vocabulary correctly. To the students are given the opportunity to ask questions about vocabulary, writing procedures so that students really understand. Teacher tells students of sharing a book, then told they are asked to provide correction and assessment of student work to write the vocabulary and find meaning assigned teacher. To the students are given the opportunity to file objections to the correction of errors and his judgment on their work, teachers gather their opinions or objections.

3. ConfirmationTo strengthen students' understanding, the teacher repeats the correct vocabulary, providing value to the studen1s work which vocabularies of writing a book written by students in each of the teachers rated the following corrected their each friends.Teacher gives motivate to the students who still can not write and read vocabulary correctly order to continue to practice writing at home so skillfully written vocabulary correvtly

c. Cover Activities Conduct an evaluation. The teacher told them about the lessons to come. End the lesson by saying hello (salam). ObservationAt this stage, observe the ongoing activities, including:1. Observing the interaction of ongoing learning.2. Assess mastery of the writing vocabulary observation sheet. ReflectionAt this stage performed to evaluate all the actions carried out by observation. Indicators that can be done is to see the results on the observation sheet student mastery of the vocabulary (if the result has not reached 80% then it will be improvements in the second cycle with the same material, and if the results are satisfactory then there's the next ycle after the first cycle is complete the material to be delivered). Reflections on the conduct of the cycle I produced the following matters:a. All students are concerned about the teacher's explanations of vocabulary, writing and pronunciation accuracy, and the tasks

that teachers were told to write down some examples of vocabulary and find meaning in their books.b. All students are already working on the task of writing vocabulary, and their meaning in their books.c. Was found that students write the vocabulary is not quite right, that is 24%. And found 76% of students have been able to write to the appropriate vocabulary and grammar for students who have not been able to write to the appropriate vocabulary to practice vocabulary in order to continue writing for the better.d. From the results of observations made, it can be argued that students are already able to write vocabulary correctly and appropriately numbered 76%, and students who have not been able to write correctly and appropriately be continued in the second stage.

4.1.2 The Observation Process1. Observer observes the learning process.2. Observer observes and assess the results of the mastery of vocabulary. From the observations provided to the student vocabulary development activities, it acquired some of the findings include:a. English teachers have been presenting the subject matter with a good vocabulary and explanations.

b. English teacher explains how to write the vocabulary and how to pronounce it.c. English teacher writes down some examples of the vocabulary on the board and having students write in their book.d. Teachers have to motivate students to master the vocabulary and pronounce properly, and mastery of the vocabulary found that already meet the standards of accuracy and truth of the pronunciation 76%, of course, teachers will continue at an upcoming meeting with the assigned tasks to the students write some examples of vocabulary and find meaning Observations of student activity on the cycle I found the followingthings:a. And orderly classroom atmosphere conducive to learning and activities run smoothly and well.b. Students pay attention to the teacher's explanations about the vocabulary that teachers delivered.c. Students are asked to do tasks that the teacher writes a few examples of vocabulary and meaning.d. Students write vocabulary correctly and appropriately. And found students who already meet the standards of the vocabulary in the first phase of 76%. From the observation of the activities of students in vocabulary development activities, obtained the following findings:a. Studert found to have the ability to write the vocabulary, just need to increase capacity.b. 76% of students can write with the right vocabulary and right at the first stage.c. Students are told to do the work of teachers, and students write each vocabulary and search for meaning, orderly classroom and learning activities run smoothly.

Observation Sheet:Table 3. Implementation of Cycle INoStudent's NameAssessment AspectScore

Process ofWritingPronunciationMeaning



3Asra Khairani Nst80707073



6Dina Syahyuni60608067


8Erlinda Hasibuan90909090

NoStudent's NameAssessment AspectScore

Process ofWritingPronunciationMeaning

9Firis Adilla Siahaan90709083

10Fachrun Rozi Fadilla50507057


12Hazriadi Sinaga80809083

13Imam Syah Harahap90709083


15Khairunnisa Sfrait60608067


17Khoirul husni908010090

18Mhd. Kasandra Lubis90809087

19Muhammad Salman1007010090

20Maznil Choiri, Nst909010093

21Maysaroh Marpaung80908083

22Mayka Ardilla Siagian1007010090

23Maydayani Sitorus909010093

24Mutia Sari Nasution90909090

25Nun 'Aini Marpaung1006010087




NoStudent's NameAssessment AspectScore

Process ofWritingPronunciationMeaning


30Ramadhan 90709083

31Rahmad Romadhon90809087

32Rismayanti Harahap909010093

33Shariza Umamy90909090

34Syafriyani Pardede90809087

35Sartika Dewi 90709083

36Syamsul Bahri70807073

37Tia Pertiwi 909010093

38Taufik Hidayat90709083

39Umi Kalsum100909093

40Wan Mina Alfini Rawa60607063

41Zainal Abidin 90809087

42Zuraida 90709083

The results of the assessment of mastery of the vocabulary in the first phase of precisely and correctly, can be seen in the diagram below:


Diagram descriptionValue 80 90= 76% = 32 studentsValue < 80 = 24% = 10 students

Table 4. Vocabulary Development Achieving Results for Cycle INoAchievementCycle I

1Lowest Score57

2Higher Score93

3Average Score83.16

Percentage of Exhauveness76%

4.1.3 Implementation Cycle II4.1.3.1 PlanAt this stage the measures used are:1. Prepare an implementation plan in accordance with the standards of teaching competence and basic competence in the subject sub-subject English vocabulary.2. Develop students' mastery of the observation sheet for the mastery of vocabulary skills.3. Preparing materials (tasks) as a medium of learning that used the crossword media.4. Develop research format Actiona. Initial Activities Teachers examine the homework that has given by the teacher is writing vocabulary. Teachers greet and begin the lesson by reading and praying. Describe the general purpose learning activities for students to write and pronounce vocabulary words correctly.

b. Core Activities1. Exploration Teachers convey to students about the topic being studied, as relearning teaching materials and students on the cycle I get information from teachers about the topics covered vocabulary. In presenting the vocabulary learning materials, one of the medium used by the teacher crossword. The teacher explains and gives examples of the vocabulary, then the teacher to say vocabulary, the students attend together teachers mentioned the pronunciation of the vocabulary, and then the teacher asked some students to say/mention the correct vocabulary and followed by other friends. Then the teacher shows crossword have been made by the teacher is available as a medium of learning, and teachers say the vocabulary that is in the crossword, the students watched intently, asked the teachers who do not understand, then the teacher asked some students, especially those who remedial in cycle I, on the board, if there is not really write,, the teacher tells the true writing, and then the teacher gives the task to all the students to write the correct vocabulary and findmeaning in their books.

2. Elaboration Before the teachers examine the tasks that do students write the vocabulary, the teacher asked the students to read to say the vocabulary words together correctly. To the students are given the opportunity to correct the initial values obtained in cycle I, and given the opportunity to ask questions about vocabulary, how to write and how to read. Teacher tells students of sharing a book, then told they are asked to provide correction and assessment of student work to write and look for the meaning of the vocabulary that the teacher assigned. To the students are given the opportunity to file objections to the correction of errors and his judgment on their work, teachers gather their opinions or objections.

3. ConfirmationTo strengthen students' understanding, the teacher repeats the correct pronunciation of vocabulary words, provide value to the student's work is to write the vocabulary and the search for meaning in a book written by each students rated by their teachers after correction each friends.Teachers to motivate students who are still unable to write and pronounce it correctly in order to continue to practice writing at home so that students can write and speak correctly.

c. Cover Activities Conduct an evaluation. The teacher told them about the lessons to come. End the lesson by saying hello (salam) Obsi-itidnAt this stage, observe the ongoing activities, including:1. Observing the interaction of ongoing learning.2. Assess mastery of the vocabulary sheet observations. ReflectionAt this stage performed to evaluate all the actions carried out by observation. Indicators that can be done is to see the results on the observation sheet student mastery of the vocabulary of writing (if the result has not reached 80% then it will be an improvement on the third cycle with the same material, and if the results are satisfactory then nothing the next cycle). Reflections on the conduct of the second cycle produced the followingmatters:a. All students have noticed the teacher's explanations about how the writing vocabuliry, accuracy and truth of vocabulary, and tasks - tasks that the teachers were told to write down some examples of vocabulary in the books of each students.

b. All students are already working on the task of writing vocabulary and find meaning in their books.c. Was found that students lack the vocabulary to write correctly and appropriately, and found 88% of students have been able to write the vocabulary appropriately and correctly, and for students who have not been able to write to the appropriate vocabulary and correct to continue writing practice writing the vocabulary with the help of a dictionary to make it better.d. From the results of observations made, it can be argued that students are already able to write with the right vocabulary and right amount to 88%, and students who have not been able to write it in a correct and proper amount to 12%, and will be continued in the third stage.

4.1.4. The Observation Process1. Observer observe the learning process.2. Observer to observe and assess the results of student mastery of the writing vocabulary.From the observations given in writing activities students find meaning and vocabulary, the obtained results are:a. English teachers have been presenting the subject matter of vocabulary and an explanation of the material well.

b. English teacher explains how to write the vocabulary and how to pronounce.c. English teacher to write down some examples of the vocabulary on the blackboard and asked students to write in their books.d. Teachers have to motivate students to write the vocabulary appropriately and correctly, and found some students who already meet the standards of accuracy and truth of writing 86%, of course, learning the vocabulary related to the topics covered will not be continued at an upcoming meeting, but has been entered in the subsequent discussion. To enhance students' mastery of the vocabulary, the teacher gives the students a task to write down some examples of vocabulary words and their meanings as homework (PR) according to teacher written on the blackboard for students to do at home. Observations of student activity in the second cycle was found followingmatters:a. The class orderly, controlled and conducive learning activities run smoothly and well.b. Students pay attention to the teacher's explanations about vocabulary, how the writing and pronunciation of the vocabulary is presented according to the teacher.

c. Students are asked to do tasks that the teacher writes a few examples of the vocabulary.d. Students write the vocabulary appropriately and correctly. And found students who already meet the standards of the vocabulary in the second phase of 88%. From the observation of student activity in the activity of writingvocabulary, obtained the following findings:a. Student found to have the ability to write good vocabulary, only needs to increase its capabilities.b. 88% of students can write vocabulary appropriately and correctly, in the second stage.c. Students are told to do the work of teachers, and students write each vocabulary words and their meanings in the book, orderly classroom and learning activities run smoothly.

Observation Sheet:

Table 5. Implementation Cycle II Assessment AspectNoStudent's NameAssessment AspectSecore

Process ofWritingPronunciationMeaning

1Abmad Akhyar80709080

2Arifin Sahar100809090

3Asra Khairani, Nst80708077

NoStudent's NameAssessment AspectSecore

Process ofWritingPronunciationMeaning


5Ari Fadli80809083

6Dina Syahyuni80709080

7Edi Han Suseno70807073

8Erlinda Hasibuan1008010093

9Fins Adilla Siahaan90709083

10Fachrun Rozi Fadilla70709077


12Hazriadi Sinaga90909090

13Imam Syah Harahap90709083


15Khairunnisa Sirait80708077


17Khoirul Husni90809087

18Mhd. Kasandra Lubis808010087

19Muhammad Salman908010090

20Maznil Choiri. Nst100100100100

21Maysaroh Marpaung808010087


23Maydayani Sitorus90809087

NoStudent's NameAssessment AspectScore

Process ofWritingPronunciationMeaning

24Mitia Sari Nasution909010093

25Nur Aini Marpaung808010087

26Nur Bilqis 908010090


28Nujannah 80909087


30Ramadhan 100909093

31Rahmad Romadhon908010090

32Rismayanti Harahap808010087

33Shariza Umamy908010090

34Syafriani Pardede90709083

35Sartika dewi90809087

36Syamsul Bahri908010090

37Tia Pertiwi 80808080

38Taufik Hidayat100909093

39Umi kalsum80909087

40Wan Mina Alfini Rawa70709077

41Zainal Abidin 909010093


The results of the assessment of mastery vocabulary (weiting pronuncitation and meaning) in the scond stage and correctly, can be seen in the diagram below :CYCLE IDIAGRAM 2. MASTERY OF VOCABULARY

Diagram description :Value 80 100= 88% = 37 studentsValue < 80 = 12% = 5 studentsFrom the diagram above can be seen that there is an increase in the results obtained by students in the mastery of writing vocabulary correctly (accuracy capitalization) has reached 88%, and only 12% of students who still need intensive training in order to write the vocabulary correctly and appropriately.

Table 6. Vocabulary Development Achieving Results for Cycle IINoAchievementCycle II

1Lowest Score73

2Highest Score100

3Average Score86,83

Percentage of Exhauveness88%

4.2 Interview DataThe teacher's respond for the interview is as follow:NoQuestionResponse

1Would you mind telling me please, how is ability of the students in acquiring vocabulary?Based on my experience, before they used the crossword media, the students ability was very low. But after they used the crossword media, vocabulary increase rapidly

2Do you usually ask the students to bring the dictionary in learning English?I always ask my students to bring dictionary for learning English because dictionary is very helpful for them in applying this media

3Are you angry if the students do not bring the dictionary in learningEnglish?If the students don't bringdictionary, I was angry but keptgiving motivation to bring dictionary

4Do you usually give motivation and advice to the students in learning?Yes, I always give motivation to her students

5Do the students complain in learning English?

Sometimes my students complain but if I give them motivation, they get alive, motivated

6Do the students have difficulties in learning English?Yes, some of the students feel difficult, but dictionary can help them very much

7How is the way to increase the students' vocabulary?By giving them interesting games such as crossword media

No Response

1Do you usually give the students some vocabulary to reminded?Yes, I always give them

2Do you always give the students Assignment/homework vocabulary?Yes of course, they will practice much by doing assignment / homework about

3Do you check their homework?Yes, I do

How is ability of the students tovocabularies or the sentences?At the first they were lack, but now - spell , they are improved

Do the students have difficulty tovocabularies or the sentences? Some of them. Yes, but mostly not spell anymore

4.3 DiscussionResult of cycle I:From the results of observations made in cycle I, the students were given an explanation about how to write the vocabulary and then given the task of writing some of the vocabulary words correctly, then the students write down the tasks assigned by teachers in each book, teachers observed and supervised students' work, evaluated it (check it out) which is correct and appropriate given the assessment, 76% of students scored an average of 80-90 (32 students), whereas 10 students (24%) scored below 80. That means they will get an explanation and re-advanced tasks in the second stage. It caused the students less in acquiring vocabulary and the students' interest in learning English is less. So that, teacher uses crossword as media to arouse students' interest in learning English. By using crossword media, teaching and learning process was fun.

Result of cycle II :From the results of observations made at the second cycle, the students were given an explanation about how writing about the pronunciation and vocabulary and then given the task of writing and look for the meaning of vocabulary words written on the blackboard the teacher then the students write down the tasks assigned by teachers in each book, the teacher observed and supervised students' work, evaluated it (check) which is correct and appropriate given the value of 88% of students scored average 80-100, while 12% scored below 80. That means they will get an explanation and re-advanced tasks at a later stage.


5.1 ConclusionIn accordance with the research finding, some conclusions can be staged as the following:1. Based on cycle I, mastery of vocabulary is 76% students are able to improve their vocabulary. This is proofed by the result of the test, obtained the highest score is 93, the lowest score is 57, average score is 83.16. The average 80 - 95 (32 students), whereas