Kerala Policy

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  • 7/30/2019 Kerala Policy


    Kerala State Organic Farming Policy, Strategy and Action Plan


    Make Keralas farming sustainable, rewarding, and competitive, ensuring poison-free

    water, soil and food to every citizen


    India has a glorious history of farming, starting probably from the 6th millennium BC in the Indus

    Valley, harnessing the annual floods and the subsequent alluvial deposits. The Indus Valley

    Civilization was founded on sustainable farming practices. Subsequently, our culture and ethos

    became reflections of the agricultural practices and it became mutually inseparable till recently.

    Harvest of the main crops is celebrated through out the country.

    In Kerala, it went to the extent of identifying the farmland with Mother God or a female. J ust like

    the female has to take rest after delivery, the farm land has also to be given rest for three months

    after the harvest; tilling is strictly prohibited during this period. Although it may look superstitious,

    the ecological reason behind this ritual is that tilling during monsoon leads to severe soil erosion

    and thus, is an unsustainable practice. Therefore, sustainability has been the hallmark of our

    farming system from time immemorial, growing the time tested, weather suited, traditional crops

    with or without additional organic inputs, but deeply interwoven with the ecological systems and

    climatic conditions.

    The once flourished Pokkali cultivation in the coastal districts and the Kaipad farming system in

    Kannur district are testimonials to mans ingenuity in harnessing the natural events for farming,

    that too integrated farming, without affecting the natural ecological processes and without even

    any external inputs.

    However, many of these century old systems have disappeared in the wake of post-independent

    era when the main thrust was, and correctly so, to produce more food for the ever growing human

    population. The Green Revolution, with a single slogan ofgrow more food, was only a natural

    outcome of a national challenge to meet the growing food requirements. The nation saluted the

    tireless efforts of the committed agricultural scientists who could find a way to provide food for all.

    The production of food grains from 50.8 million tonnes during 1950 rose to 108 million tonnes in

    1970-71 and, 208.6 million tones in 2005 -06. An envious achievement, indeed!

    However, this development - unmindful of the ecosystem principles so revered and practiced forcenturies- led to seemingly irrevocable ecological and environmental catastrophes in the

    country. The green revolution essentially replaced the traditional varieties with high-yielding ones.

    These high yielding varieties now recognized as high input varieties needed tonnes of fertilizers,

    to achieve the target growth. The crops and varieties alien to the soil attracted new pests and

    diseases and also outbreaks of existing pests. To combat them, came in huge quantities of

    pesticides. Input of these exotic elements into the traditional farming led to multitude of

    environmental issues.


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    The microorganisms declined; the soil lost its fertility and vitality; water demand increased and,

    the time tested traditional varieties disappeared. In short, the century old practices came to a halt.

    The eternal relationship between the farmer and farm land was lost. More importantly,

    sustainability of the agriculture systems collapsed, cost of cultivation soared, income of farmers

    stagnated and, food security and food safety became a daunting challenge.

    Biodiversity in the agricultural fields has now become a history of the past. The farmland became

    silent; devoid of the croak of frogs, chattering of warblers, whistling of Whistling Ducks. The long

    tubular straw striven nests of the Baya weaver bird hanging on the fronds of palma once

    spectacular sighthave disappeared from most localities. The insectivorous birds such as

    drongo, bee-eater, even the house sparrow became rare or locally extinct, indicating the collapse

    of the entire food webs of the farm land.

    In the forestry sector, fortunately the use of pesticides has been much less. However, the aerial

    spraying of pesticides in India was first tried in Kerala in 1965 to control the teak defoliators in

    Konni forest division. It was noted that with in 48 hours nearly 162 non-target species of

    arthropods were knocked down.

    The mentally and physically retarded and handicapped children in Padri village in Kasergod tell

    the world in unequivocal terms the tragedies and disasters that aerial spraying of pesticides could

    inflict on human life.

    As a result of all these modern techniques, the air, water and the soil were polluted; most food

    grains and farm products were contaminated by pesticides. The run off from the farm land

    contaminated the wetlands - rivers, tanks, ponds, reservoirs, lakes and all water bodiesand the

    life in them. Fishes carried high levels of pesticides and also heavy metals, the latter as a result of

    the many chemical industries that sprang up to provide chemical fertilizers.

    Health hazards became unimaginably high. Incidence of fatal diseases rose. Hospitals with

    modern amenities came up in the cities as profit making industries. Pharmaceuticals flourished.

    Food crops became non-attractive, while cash crops became more remunerative. Rice fields

    have been filled up for non-agricultural activities. The area under cash crops expanded during the

    last 20 years (16% under rubber alone), while that under food crops plummeted(to just9% of the

    total cultivated area). The monoculture of such economically valuable crops led to soil erosion

    and loss of soil fertility to a great extent. The advent of chemical intensive farming and its

    prevalence in Kerala for the past 50 years have resulted in the near stagnant levels of productivity

    of many of these economically important crops such as coconut, cashew, pepper, coffee, tea,cardamom and arecanut. Besides these, many regions in Kerala, like Wayanad started facing

    acute water scarcity The State has taken note of it and given priority in the Eleventh Five Year


    Over and above, the economic liberalization and WTO policies added to the woes of the farmers

    by bringing down the prices of agriculture commodities.They are caught in the debt trap owing to

    the loan taken to meet the high cost of farming, as it demanded more external inputs such as


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    fertilizers, pesticides and water. These led to increasing instances of suicide by farmers.

    Investment in agriculture has essentially changed from the farmer to the industries supplying

    input to the farmer, and as a direct consequence, net income for farmers decreased while the

    industries supporting agriculture in the country flourished.

    The national policies of opening retail sector to national and multinational companies pose greatthreat to our food sovereignty and right to safe food. The enhanced food miles led to increased

    carbon emission, further increasing the load of green house gases. The potent danger of

    introducing Genetically Modified crops, monopoly of seeds by national and multinational

    corporate bodies could very well be the last straw on the camels back for the farmers of Kerala.

    Many farmers have realized that they are fighting a loosing battle with the high yield variety -

    fertilizer-pesticide pack of Green Revolution. They have also realized that the degradation and

    disruption of the fragile ecosystems of the Gods own country are the chief culprits for the water

    scarcity, nutritional insecurity, loss of primary productivity and agrarian crisis being faced by the


    The farmers in Kerala are convinced that the only way is to return to the traditional sustainable

    ways of cultivation without harming the ecosystem. Thus the organic farming, a system with the

    broad principle of live and let live, came up which was recognized nationally and internationally.

    Organic agriculture is not limited to crop production alone, but encompasses animal husbandry,

    dairy, fisheries, poultry, piggery, forestry, bee keeping, and also uncultivated biodiversity around.

    By and large, there is an increasing awareness among the consumers also on the deleterious

    effects of pesticides and hence, there has been a high demand for organically cultivated food

    produces. Therefore it has become a solemn responsibility of the Government to encourage

    organic farming to ensure poison-free food at affordable price to every citizen.

    There have been demurs and doubts on the practicability of organic farming on the ground that

    the production would plummet and the country would once again be forced to yet another food

    crisis. This is quite unfounded. Success stories on high productivity of organic farming are now

    abundant. The Food and Agriculture Organization reports at the International Conference on

    Organic Agriculture and Food Security 2007 as follows: Conversion of global agriculture to

    organic management, without converting wild lands to agriculture and using N-fertilizers, would

    result in a global agricultural supply of 2640 to 4380 kcal/person/day. Sustainable intensification

    in developing countries through organic practices would increase production by 56 per cent.

    Organic yields on average are comparable to conventional yields; although yields do decline

    initially when converting from high-input systems and almost double when converting from low-input systems. It also has found that organic farms use 33 to 56 per cent less energy per ha than

    conventional farms.

    Worldwide, as of now, more than 22.81 million hectares of land area is managed organically and

    the market of organic food is around $30 billion. It may be noted that Cuba, a country with 42,402

    sq. miles of land and with 11.3 million people, is completely organic.


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    A brief his tory of organic farming

    Pesticides have been in use in agriculture since Second World War and from the very

    beginning there have been concerns about the commercialization of chemical pesticides.

    Rachel Carsons, Silent Spring published in 1964 brought out the scientific certainties

    of the impacts of pesticides on environment. Although DDT was banned in the developedworld in the 1970s, and its use in the agriculture fields of developing countries later,

    varieties of toxic pesticides found their way in to the farms .The scientific predictions ofRachel Carson became true and the public, especially farmers and scientists, the world

    over realised the dangers of pesticides. This led to the beginning of non-chemical

    farming. Researches and trials of traditional methods and also new models of soil and

    crop management began to appear.

    The permaculture (permanent agriculture) experiments of Bill Mollison and Holmen in

    the 1970s gave hope to many farmers the world over. The permaculture wave had its

    impact in Kerala too and since then many farmers have started experimenting this

    methodology and they found that this is one of the best practices for Kerala with itstopographical peculiarities and high rainfall so as to conserve soil and water and improve

    productivity of their farms.

    The infamous Bhopal tragedy of 1984 was an eye opener to a larger section of people in

    India and abroad. Discussion on alternatives began seriously. Publication of the bookOne Straw Revolution in 1984 by Masanobu Fukuoka (a Japanese scientist turned

    farmer), on his success in natural farming for the last half a century and, translation of his

    book into Malayalam in 1985 were timely in channelising such discussions in Kerala.Biodynamic farming was another method of organic farming which attracted many


    The very sustainability of agriculture assumed serious concern in the discussions among

    the farmers and organizations in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat,

    Maharashtra, Punjab and Kerala during the same period. The total external dependence

    of farmers for agriculture inputs had started affecting their economies leading to

    desperation among farming communities and ultimately to agrarian crisis. As an

    alternative, to make farming sustainable, low external input agriculture (LEISA) thus

    gained momentum in many places, especially among small and marginal farmers. The

    agriculture crisis that began in the late 1990s further strengthened this movement. Many

    individuals and organizations started interacting with farmers to make them understand the

    problems of the modern agriculture.

    Thus, from a simple beginning, organic farming later matured to such dimensions as

    womens empowerment, seed conservation, development of seed banks, value additionand, more importantly, food and nutritional security. It took only 10-15 years for this

    transition and the results are encouraging.

    Currently there are a number of certified organic farmers in the state, those cultivating cash crops

    such as spices, tea, and coffee, mainly targeting export market and also non-certified organic


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    farmers who focus on food crops and biodiversity. All of them, whether certified or not, focus

    clearly on soil health improvement. Kerala also has an accredited organic certifying agency

    catering to the needs of the farmers.

    Some of the farming systems such as Pokkali and Kaipad cultivation, cultivation ofJeerakasala

    and Gandhakasala varieties of paddy in Wayanad and, homestead farming systems all over thestate are default organic. Studies have established the economic viability and productivity of

    homestead farms in the State and elsewhere. Recently the Adat panchayath in Thrissur district

    has started organic cultivation of rice in an area of 2,500 acres, promoting integrated farming

    system, which is known as Adat model. Similarly Marappanmoola in Wayanad has another model

    organic farming system involving hundreds of farmers. Marketing of organic produce is also being

    experimented in many places like Organic Bazaar in Thiruvananthapuram, Eco-shops in Thrissur

    and Kozhikode and, J aiva Krishi Sevana Kendram in Kannur. Self help groups of women are

    encouraged to undertake organic farming of vegetables in some panchayats.

    There is a rich potential for promoting organic farming in Kerala in the light that intensity of

    inorganic agriculture here is not that severe compared to that in other States in the country. While

    the national average consumption of fertilizers and pesticides during 2002-2003 was 90kg/ha and

    288g/ha respectively, it was only 60kg/ha and 224g/ha respectively in Kerala. This points to the

    positive side of agriculture in Kerala in terms of the already low levels of consumption of

    hazardous chemicals and, therefore, chances of redeeming farmers to organic agriculture are

    quite high

    Realising the ground realities, the State Department of Agriculture commenced organic farming

    promotional activities since 2002-03. In the following year, the Department set up a cell for

    Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Farming. It has also launched two brands,

    namely Kerala Organic and Kerala Naturals to market organic farm produces. Currently, about7,000 farmers practice organic farming in the State as per NPOP standards, covering a total area

    of 5750 ha. But non-certified organic cultivation area, assessments of which have not been done,

    is expected to be much more than this.


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    Benefits of organic farming

    Makes agriculture more rewarding, sustainable and respectable

    Sustains soil fertility by preventing the loss of soil and leaching of minerals.

    Protects and enriches biodiversity- micro organisms, soil flora and fauna, plants and


    Requires less water and promotes water conservation.

    Improves and maintains agro ecosystem and natural landscape for sustainable


    Depends mostly on renewable on-farm resources.

    Encourages consumption of renewable energy resources- mechanical and other

    alternate sources of fuel.

    Includes animals as an essential part of organic system which helps maintaining

    soil fertility and also increases the income of farmers.

    Ensures pollution free air, water, soil, food and, natural ecosystems

    Improves agro-biodiversity (both varieties and crops).

    Protects and enhances traditional knowledge in farming, processing and seedimprovement leading to its protection for the future generations.

    Reduces the cost of production through locally suitable methods and inputs.

    Produces adequate quantity of nutritious, wholesome and best quality food and

    develops a healthy food culture

    Reduces the food mileage and, thereby, carbon emission


    The State Government have seized of the importance of organic farming and, realized the health

    hazards and un-sustainability of chemical farming as it clearly states in its Biodiversity Strategy

    and Action Plan that the state has to have an organic farming policy to protect its rich biodiversity

    and thus sustain various livelihoods dependent on this precious resource.

    Pundit J awaharlal Nehru, looking at the enormity of food shortage and poverty in the early 1950s,

    remarked that everything else can wait but not agriculture. If he were to make an observation

    now, it would have been everything else can wait but not organic agriculture and food


    Objectives of the Organic Farming Policy, Strategy and Action Plan

    1. Make farming sustainable, remunerative and respectable.

    2. Enhance natural soil fertility and productivity.

    3. Ensure soil and water conservation.

    4. Ensure agricultural bio-security and food and nutritional security.

    5. Create and ensure domestic market for organic products controlled by the farmers.

    6. Prevent the use of agrochemicals and other hazardous material and, ensure chemical

    free water, soil and food.


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    7. Ensure seed and food sovereignty.

    8. Promote biodiversity based ecological farming.

    9. Ensure quality control in organic inputs and agricultural produce

    10. Enable human health promotion by providing safe agricultural products and commodities

    FAO put the objectives succinctly: Organic agriculture improves food access by increasingproductivity, diversity and conservation of natural resources, by raising incomes and by reducing

    risks for farmers. Improvement also results from sharing of knowledge among farmers. These

    benefits lead to poverty reduction and a reversal of rural outward migration. Policy requirements

    to improve food access include: increasing farmers rights to seeds, local varieties and

    biodiversity; expanding fair-trade systems along the full value chain; evaluating current

    emergency aid and procurement programmes; and strengthening the rights of indigenous


    A widely quoted comprehensive definition of organic farming is of Codex Alimentarius

    Commission, a joint body of FAO/WHO. Is definition reads as Organic agriculture as holistic food

    production management systems, which promotes and enhances agro-ecosystem health,

    including biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It emphasizes the use of

    management practices in preference to the use of off-farm inputs, taking into account that

    regional conditions require locally adapted systems. This is accomplished by using, where

    possible, agronomic, biological and mechanical methods, as opposed to using synthetic

    materials, to fulfill any specific function within the system.

    . Strategies and Act ion Plan

    General approach: The mission to convert Kerala into an organic State is to be

    achieved focusing on potential crops and areas in a phased and compact manner withthe aim of converting a minimum of 20% of the cultivable land into entirely organic

    every year and thus achieving the target within five years.

    Strategy 1

    Ensure seed sovereignty of the farmers and the State


    1.1Establish seed villages

    1.1 (a) Begin programmes for the production of seeds, seedlings, planting materials and,

    traditional animal breeds at the Panchayat level, so as to become self-sufficient in the

    availability of good quality local seeds, both indigenous and breeder seeds developed by the

    KAU and other institutions of agricultural research.

    1.1 (b) Begin at the farmers group levels, seed banks and seed cooperatives to produce,

    store, share and supply good quality seeds.


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    1.1 (c) Promote farmers who can produce good quality seeds and develop participatory seed

    production programmes along with the KAU and other institutions of agricultural research.

    1.1(d) Develop storage facilities /protection measures using traditional methods

    1.2 Ensure maintenance of traceability chain mandatory at the Local Self Government Institutionlevel by the BMC with regard to seeds produced, sold, transferred and shared in the

    Panchayat to protect the farmers from spurious low quality seeds, including hazardous

    genetically modified seeds

    1.3 Declare and ensure GM free villages and State

    1.4 Establish a mechanism to regulate the prices of seeds

    1.5 Ensure supply of locally suitable seeds in each agro-climatic zone

    Strategy 2

    Phase out implementation of organic farming policy


    2.1 Conduct an initial assessment of the status of organic farming in the State including

    cultivated, certified and non-cultivated wild organic areas in the State.

    2.2 Develop a clear road map to convert 20% of the total cultivable area, focusing on

    potential crops and areas, to organic every year, and achieve total conversion in the five

    year plan.

    2.3 Develop a clear plan of action with budgets for incorporation into the planning process

    of the Local Self Government Institutions for phasing in organic farming in the State.

    2.4 Special thrust should be initially given to complex, diverse and risk prone areas such as

    rain-fed districts, drought-prone districts, food crop producing districts and tribal districts.

    Strategy 3

    Compact AreaGroup approach in organic farming


    3.1 Encourage the formation of Organic farmers groups, clubs, SHGs and cooperatives for

    the purpose of cultivation, input production, seed/seedlings/planting materials production,

    certification and marketing.


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    3.2 Each group should be of a minimum five members (as stipulated under the

    Participatory Guarantee System of Certification)

    3.3 Models such as Vegetable and Fruit Promotion Council of Kerala (VFPCK),

    Maarappanmoola Cooperative Society, Adat Cooperative Society for paddy, GALASA,

    Compact Area Group approach of Kannore KVK may be adopted.

    3.4 Encourage Vanasamrakshana Samithi, Teera SVS, Grama Haritha Samithi to develop

    organic farming enterprises

    Strategy 4

    Improve soil quality and ensure water conservation measures


    4.1 Ensure organic farming approach in all the watershed development areas and extend

    support including capacity building and financial assistance for soil and water conservation

    measures through ongoing watershed development programmes.

    4.2 Integrate the various institutions presently involved in watershed management and

    introduce organic farming as a key component.

    4.3 Adopt appropriate agronomic practices suitable to the agro-ecological conditions as

    well as the topographical conditions at the micro watershed level and, discourage/restrict

    inappropriate crops and cropping practices.

    4.4 Kerala Agricultural University and other research institutions should develop suitable

    crop combinations and locally suitable technology, through participatory research with


    4.5 Encourage landowners and part-time farmers to utilize their lands for organic farming, if

    left unutilized, failing which Local Self Government Institution should take action to ensure

    the same.

    4.6 Formulate legislative measures to rejuvenate and protect traditional water resources

    including fresh water lakes, surangas and ensure rain water conservation, restriction of

    bore wells, especially in dark zones and recharging of existing bore wells, open wells andponds, and other conservation measures so as to improve ground water table and also

    conserve top soil.

    4.7 Establish testing facilities for soil, water, micronutrients and microorganisms at least at

    the block and introduce the system of providing Soil Health Cards.


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    4.8 Promote bio-fencing and thus help ensure soil and water conservation and, availability

    of green manure and green leaf manure

    4.9 Conduct training programmes for resource persons at the Local Self Government

    Institution level on soil and water conservation measures

    Strategy 5

    Promote a mixed farming approach for livelihood security and ecological sustainability


    5.1 Make crop-livestock integrated farming as part of organic farming, with women centered

    ownership and management in the farmer households and groups.

    5.2 Develop Bee-keeping, fisheries and similar enterprises as part of the mixed farming


    5.3 Promote decentralized production of livestock feed from locally available resources, but

    excluding spurious ingredients such as growth promoters and hormones.

    5.4 Document and popularise traditional knowledge related to animal health care.

    5.5 Develop linkages between organic farmers and livestock growing farmers for exchange

    of manure for fodder.

    5.6 Encourage mixed cropping of trees and medicinal plants through organic farming.

    Strategy 6

    Conserve and improve agro-biodiversity and undomesticated biodiversity


    6.1 Document agro-biodiversity and related traditional knowledge and practice, both

    cultivated and un-cultivated, in each Panchayat.

    6.2 Encourage the establishment of model agro-biodiversity conservation farms.

    6.3 Develop programmes for farmers to collect, purify and multiply traditional seeds.

    6.4 Encourage protection of traditional agricultural systems such as Kaipad, Pokkali and

    Kole as agricultural heritage of Kerala


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    Strategy 7

    Astate-wide intensive campaign on organic farming in the form of a popular movement:

    Jaiva Keralam


    7.1 Organise Organic Melas in all districts.

    7.2 Begin statewide awareness programmes for the promotion of organic farming focusing

    on the advantages of organic produce and harmful effects of chemical-based farming.

    7.3 Produce handouts, publications of case-studies and best practices, video films, posters

    and other awareness materials to reach out to all sections, especially women.

    7.4 Organize workshops, seminars and exchange programmes for consumers, teachers,

    traders, farmers, government and semi-government officials in the related area.

    7.5 Ensure the strict enforcement of the provisions of the Food Adulteration Act, 1954, and

    rules 1955, and bring suitable legislations to notify and enable Agriculture

    Officers, Veterinary Doctors and similar professionals as Inspectors under the Act and also

    establish quality and adulteration testing facilities at district level.

    7.6 Encourage setting up of organic kitchen gardens in urban and rural households.

    Strategy 8

    Ensure availability of quality organic manure to the farmers


    8.1 Encourage, with adequate support, the availability of biomass in the organic farm itself,

    through programmes such as crop rotation, tree crops, cover crops, leguminous crops,

    green manure and green leaf manure.

    8.2 Provide support for cow, buffalo, duck, fish, poultry and goat, preferably traditional

    breeds, to organic farmers / groups to ensure integrated farming and the availability of

    farmyard manure and urine.

    8.3 Encourage the production of various types of compost in the farm itself, including vermi-

    composting and biogas slurry.

    8.4 Formulate special programmes for increasing the biomass and organic manures,

    especially in rain-fed cultivation areas where soil depletion is high, so as to drought proof

    the farm.


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    8.5 Encourage indigenous species of earthworms and effective microorganisms in


    8.6 Establish a decentralized system to produce organic manure from biodegradable

    organic waste segregated at source.

    Strategy 9

    Ensure farm inputs for organic farming


    9.1 Implement programmes for the production of seeds, seedlings and other planting

    materials, manure, plant protection materials at the farm / local Self Government Institution

    level itself.

    9.2 Encourage Farmers Associations/Clubs/Cooperatives/Companies of farmers,

    SHGs/Youth groups at the local level to produce need based farm inputs.

    9.3 Link organic municipal solid waste segregated at source, especially from markets,

    hostels and other institutions to farms through such means as simple and cost-effective

    decentralised composting, biogasification and vermi-composting and thus ensure organic

    matter recycling.

    9.4 Conduct training programmes for local resource persons for producing good quality

    input, quality testing and for such related aspects at the Local Self Government Institution


    9.5 Formulate legislative measures to empower the Local Self Government Institutions for

    ensuring quality of inputs, including necessary rules, guidelines, standards, monitoring and

    testing procedures and establishment of laboratories

    9.6 Establish special financial assistance schemes, and/or link existing support schemes to

    groups to start production facilities for farm inputs.

    9.7 Develop local linkages for low cost input materials to farmers and ensure markets for

    good quality input materials at reasonable price


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    Strategy 10

    Capacity Building for farmers, implementing officers, agencies, and local self- government



    10.1 Conduct orientation, training and exposure visit programmes.

    10.2 Group of 10-20 unemployed youth in each Panchayat (50% women) would be

    designated as Karshaka Sevakar, trained in all facets of organic farm management

    supported through Local Self Government Institution programmes to assist farmers in

    organic farming.

    10.3 Develop the existing Agro-clinics of the Department of Agriculture into Organic

    Farming Resource Centres

    Strategy 11

    Develop Model Sustainable Organic Farms in the State.


    11.1 Every Local Self Government Institution would develop model organic farms in

    select farmers fields.

    11.2 Research Stations in each agro-ecological zones under the KAU and other

    agricultural institutions should be converted to organic management systems, and

    thus become a field study centre for students, farmers and peoples representatives

    Strategy 12

    Ensure and improve the health and wellbeing of the tribal through special tribal agriculture



    12.1 Ensure adequate nutritional food availability for tribals, whose traditional agriculturehas been degraded.

    12.2 Develop specific programmes for the rejuvenation of their traditional agriculture and

    knowledge protection.

    12.3 Ensure sustainable collection of minor forest produce and facilitate the fair marketing

    of these produce through organic outlets.


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    12.4 Formulate specific schemes to provide tribal children with their traditional food at least

    once in a day.

    12.5 Develop village (ooru) level seed banks of their traditional crops and medicinal plants.

    12.6 Integrate watershed programmes, NREG etc in the rejuvenation of tribal agriculture.

    Strategy 13

    Establish Producer Companiespromoted by organic farmers


    13.1 Facilitate establishment of Organic Farmer Producer Companies or similar concerns

    as an organic farmers promoted enterprise with share investment by the organic farmers

    and the LSGs

    Strategy 14

    Establish storage and transportation facilities


    14.1 Establish separate and decentralized storage facilities for organic farm produce to

    ensure its organic integrity and help farmers in certification processes.

    14.2 Provide separate local transportation facilities for organic produce to nearby domestic


    Strategy 15

    Promote farm level processing, value addition and encourage the use of organic farm

    produce in food industry


    15.1 Encourage farm processing by farmers groups, SHGs and Farmer Producer

    Companies for value addition.

    15.2 Ensure value addition does not compromise organic produce quality by facilitating

    testing and evaluation of processes with help from KAU and other research institutions.


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    15.3 Encourage organic food-based industry in Kerala to procure and use organic produce

    in their products.

    15.4 Set up food industries at manageable decentralised levels in the State with special

    incentive packages.

    Strategy 16

    Develop diverse channels for marketing of organic produce


    16.1 Set up separate markets / facilities for organic produce certified by the PGS process

    through the existing channels of marketing of Agriculture products such as the Supplyco,

    Horti-corp, Haritha and Peoples Market.

    16.2 Encourage direct marketing / linkages by farmers groups with end user institutions

    such as schools, hostels, hotels, hospitals, Ayurveda centres, SHGs making food products

    and food-based industries in the State.

    16.3 Encourage institutions such as schools, hostels, hospitals and government institutions

    to procure local organic produce following rules and specific guidelines.

    16.4 Disallow large private retail corporations through suitable legislations.

    16.5 Encourage existing vegetable, fruits and grocery vendors to promote organic products

    16.6 Facilitate the establishment of organic farm produce outlets in all the districts, with the

    help of Governmental and Non governmental organizations

    16.7 Ensure that the Tourism industry through the Responsible Tourism Initiative, source

    organic produce from local producers as much as possible for their hotels and resorts.

    Strategy 17

    Develop a simple certification process in the State for all organic farmers


    17.1 Encourage through specific scheme the implementation of an internal control system

    for organic farmer group.

    17.2 Encourage the Participatory Guarantee System of Certification for small and marginal

    farmers to supply to the domestic market.


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    17.3 NGOs accredited by the PGS Council of India shall be authorised to help implement

    and monitor the PGS system in the State

    17.4The State will develop an Organic Kerala Certification and logo and J aiva Keralam

    shall be developed as a brand

    Strategy 18

    Provide financial incentives for promoting organic farming


    18.1 Provide interest-free loans to organic farmers, especially small and marginal farmers.

    Credits linked to banks shall be subsidized through Central / State Governments.

    18.2 Set in place production linked incentive system supports

    18.3 Promote revolving funds system.

    18.4 Provide assistance during conversion period; two years for annual crops and three

    years for perennials

    18.5 Provide special educational concessions and health services to children of small and

    marginal organic farmers

    18.5 Introduce a State led insurance scheme for small and marginal organic farmers

    Strategy 19

    Encourage the use of renewable energy sources


    19.1 Assistance in terms of expertise and finances should be given for use of biogas plants,

    solar energy and wind energy units wherever feasible to reduce dependence on external

    energy sources.

    19.2 Develop appropriate small farm machinery for reducing energy, cost and drudgery

    Strategy 20

    Introduce organic farming in education institutions



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    20.1 Introduce organic farming in educational institutions through academic inputs. A

    specific campaign shall be started among students to ensure that they take organically

    grown food.

    20.2 Set up a system in all schools in Kerala to have organic vegetable and fruit gardens as

    well as paddy, in potential regions, as part of inculcating among the children the love fororganic farming and biodiversity conservation and, perpetuation in their

    households. Necessary support schemes may be formulated and implemented through the

    Local Self Government Institutions

    20.3 Encourage schools to have seed banks and seed farms in the premises, wherever

    feasible, to produce and supply good quality seeds for the use in their nearby regions.

    20.4 Promote children-farmer interfaces in each school, which shall include visits to organic


    20.5 Encourage schools to link with organic farmers for supply of rice, vegetables, fruits,

    pulses, milk, egg and honey as part of the noon-meal and nutritional supplement

    programmes. The ICDS can also be encouraged to supply organic food processed and

    prepared through SHGs for the Anganwadis.

    20.6 Provide suitable incentives to baby food industries that use organic inputs and



    Reorient Research, Education and Extension


    21.1 The KAU would set up a special multi-institutional special task force to re-orient the

    Research, Education and Extension systems to support the Organic Farming Policy and

    the transition of the States agriculture to organic farming.

    21.2 The KAU shall develop package of practices and model demonstration farms for

    organic farming in different agro-ecological zones.

    21.3 Introduce as part of the course curriculum, both at under and post graduate levels,interactions with leading organic farmers, groups and NGOs promoting organic farming in

    the state.

    21.4 Develop participatory research programmes with organic farmers on all aspects of

    organic farming.


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    21.5 Research and inventories so as to recognize and document existing practices of

    organic farmers.

    21.6 Identify and screen native livestock/fish breeds which are locally adaptable and

    resistant to parasites and diseases.

    21.7 Develop herbal remedies for control of diseases and pests of livestock/ crops/ fish.

    21.8To institutionalise the above, an Organic Farming Research Institute (OFRI) may be

    set up

    Strategy 22

    Phase out Chemical Pesticides and Fertilizers from the farming sector


    22.1 Ensure phased restriction / ban of sale and use of chemical agricultural inputs such as

    fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and weedicides parallel to the implementation of the

    organic farming policy in the region.

    22.2 Through necessary legislation stop the sale and use of the highly toxic Class-1a and

    1b pesticides as a preliminary step.

    22.3 Declare and maintain ecologically sensitive areas with rich biodiversity and natural

    resource base (e.g. water bodies), as Chemical Pesticide and Fertilizer-Free Zones.

    22.4 Regulate the sale and use of pesticide through necessary legislations, enforcing a

    prescription based system ensuring that pesticides are sold only on a case-to-case basis

    after obtaining prescription from the Agriculture Officer.

    22.5 Strictly prohibit the sale of pesticides to children, pregnant women and non-farmers

    22.6 Generate a database on the non-agricultural use of pesticides (e.g.: household,

    storage, food processing, construction) and regulate its sale and use.

    22.7 Review and regulate promotional activities and advertisements of pesticides as

    per the FAO Code of Conduct and Guidelines for Pesticide Use.

    22.8 Conduct Periodical analysis of water, soil, milk and crops at the district level where

    pesticides continue to be used and the data made public.


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    Strategy 23

    Integrate of various departments, local self-governments and organizations


    23.1 Integrate the various government departments and their schemes in a harmonious

    manner duly considering organic farming principles and local situations. Major departments

    are Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Forest, Fisheries, Local Bodies, Finance, Revenue,

    Industries, Tribal, Khadi and Village Industries; Board Financial Institutions, State Co-op

    Department; Kerala Agriculture University, ICAR institutions in the state; Commodity

    Boards for Spices, Coffee, Tea, Coconut and Rubber; APEDA, MILMA and other milk

    marketing societies; Farmers Organisations, Societies, Self Help Groups ; Organic

    Farming Associations and, NGOs promoting organic farming

    Strategy 24

    Organisational set-up for promot ion of organic farming


    24.1 Set up a Three-tier system for implementation of the Organic Farming Policy, Strategy

    and Action Plan.

    24.2 Set-up an Organic Farming Authority of Kerala (OFAK) with the primary goal of

    promoting organic farming and facilitating an effective, smooth and time-bound transition of

    the States agriculture from the conventional chemical intensive farming to the sustainable

    organic farming. Structure of the OFAK is in annexure 1.

    24.3 The Authority would act as an umbrella model integrating agency for organic farming

    and related programmes of the various departments. It would also be an agency to liaison

    with national and international bodies in this matter, and would also access / generate

    funds/ grants and support for implementation of the strategies.

    24.4 The Authority will consist of a General Council and Executive Committee:

    General Council:

    1. Chairman: Minister for Agriculture

    2. Executive Vice Chairman: Elected from amongthe Organic FarmersSociety atthe ward level. (For the details of election process, see annexure I)

    3. Presidents of the Organic Farming Societies of the districts: 14

    4. Representative of the Kerala Agricultural University: 1


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    5. Representative of the Agricultural Department: 2

    6. Representatives of research institutions: 3

    7. Representatives of line departments: 4 (Fisheries, Animal husbandry, LocalSelf Government and Finance)

    8. Representatives of NGOs working in the field of agriculture: 3

    9. Representative from the Planning Board: 1

    The Executive Vice Chairman will be the Member Secretary

    Executive Committee:

    Chairman: Chief Minister

    Vice Chairman: Minister for Agriculture

    Members: Minister for Fisheries

    Minister for Animal Husbandry

    Minister for Local Self Government

    Minister for Finance

    Representatives of NGOs working in the field of Agriculture: 2

    Member Secretary: Executive Vice Chairman of OFAK

    24.5 District-level and Panchayat level committees will also be formed in the lines of OFAK.

    24.6 At the Panchayat level, Organic Farmer Interest Groups (OFIGs) will be formed which

    will be represented in the Panchayat level committees.

    24.7 An Organic Farming Cell would be started under the Chief Ministers Office (CMO)

    and a special officer would be appointed to initiate action to coordinate the various

    stakeholders from the Government and Non Governmental sectors and formally facilitate

    the establishment of OFAK



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    Annexure: 1

    Organization of the Organic Farming Authority of Kerala (OFAK)

    Executive Vice Chairman

    Organic Farming Authority of Kerala

    OFS District Presidents

    elect the OFAK Executive

    Vice Chairman

    Presidents of the Organic Farming Society of Districts

    Presidents of the Organic Farming Society of Block Panchayats

    Presidents of the Organic Farming Society of Grama Panchayats

    OFS Presidents of Grama Panchayatelect the OFS president of respective

    block Panchayat

    OFS Presidents of Block

    Panchayats elect the District OFS


    OFS of each ward elect the Presidents

    of OFS of Panchayat

    Organic Farming Society of each ward


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