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  • 7/29/2019 Keown Ch02


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Prentice Hall.All rights reserved.

    Chapter 2

    The FinancialMarkets and

    Interest Rates

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    2-2 2011 Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

    Learning Objectives

    Describe key components of the U.S. financial market systemand the financing of business.

    Understand the role of the investment-banking business in

    the context of raising corporate capital. Understand private debt placement and floatation costs.

    Be acquainted with recent interest rate levels and thefundamentals of interest rate determination.

    Explain the fundamentals of interest rate determination andthe popular theories of the term structure of interest rates.

    Understand the relationships among the multinational firm,efficient financial markets, and intercountry risk.

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    Slide Contents

    Principles Applied in this chapter

    1. Components of the US Financial Market System

    2. The Investment Banking Function

    3. Private Debt Placements

    4. Rates of Return in Financial Market

    5. Interest Rate Determinants

    6. Finance and the Multinational Firm

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    Principles applied

    in this Chapter

    Principle 3:Risk requires a reward

    Principle 4:Market prices are generally right.

    Principle 5:Conflicts of interest causes agency problems.

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    Transfer of Capital

    Public Offering Versus Private Placement

    Primary Versus Secondary Market

    Money Versus Capital Market

    Organized Exchange Versus OTC market

    Spot Versus Futures Market

    1. Components of the U.S.Financial Market System

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    Financial Markets:

    Transfer of Capital

    Financial markets play a critical role in capitalisteconomy. Financial markets help facilitate thetransfer of funds from saving surplus units to

    saving deficit units i.e. transfer money from thosewho have the money to those who need it.

    See Figure 2-1 for three ways to transfer capital inthe economy:

    Direct transfer Indirect transfer using the investment banker Indirect transfer using a financial intermediary

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    Figure 2-1

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    Direct Transfer

    Direct transfer

    Firm seeking funds directly approaches awealthy investor. For example, a newbusiness venture seeking funding from

    venture capitalist.

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    Role of Venture capitalist

    Venture capitalist are the prime source offunding for start-up companies andcompanies in turnaround situations.Funding for such ventures are very risky, butcarry the potential for high returns.

    The borrowing firm may not have the optionof pursuing public offering due to: small size,no record of profits, and uncertain futuregrowth prospects.

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    Indirect Transfer

    Indirect transfer(using investmentbanks)

    Here the investment bank acts as a linkbetween the firm (needing funds) and the

    investors (with surplus funds)

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    Transfer Using

    investment banks (IB)

    Corporation sells shares to IB.ex: 5m shares at $10 per share

    Investment BankPays $50m to the Corporation

    IPO Investment Bank tries to sell those shares

    in the Stock market for more than $50m

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    Indirect Transfer

    Indirect transfer(using financialintermediary):

    Here the financial intermediary (such as

    mutual funds) collects funds from savers inexchange of its own securities (indirect).

    The collected funds are then used toacquire securities (such as stocks andbonds, direct) from firm.

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    Indirect transfer using

    financial intermediary (FI)

    Investors (Savers)transfer savings to Mutual fund companies

    Mutual fund (FI) companies issue securities to investors.

    Mutual funds use the funds to buy securities from corporations.

    Corporations (Users) issue stocks and bonds forfunds received from Mutual funds

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    Public Offering Both individuals andinstitutional investors have the opportunity topurchase securities. The securities are initially

    sold by the managing investment bank firm. Theissuing firm never actually meets the ultimatepurchaser of securities.

    Private Placement The securities are offered

    and sold to a limited number of investors.

    Public Offerings VersusPrivate Placements

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    Primary Market (initial issue) Market in which new issues of a securities are sold to initial

    buyers. This is the only time the issuing firm ever gets any

    money for the securities. Example: Google raised $1.76 billion through sale of shares

    to public in August 2004.

    Seasoned Equity Offering: It refers to sale of additionalshares by a company whose shares are already publiclytraded.

    Example: Google raised $4.18 billion in September 2005

    Primary versussecondary markets

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    Primary versus

    secondary markets (cont.)

    Secondary Market (subsequent trading) Market in which previously issued securities are traded. The

    issuing corporation does not get any money for stockstraded on the secondary market.

    Example: Trading among investors today of Google stocks.

    Primary and secondary markets are regulated bySEC. Firms have to get approval from SEC before

    the sale of securities in primary market. Firms mustprovide financial information to SEC on a regularbasis (ex. Financial statements) to protect investors.

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    Money versus Capital Market

    Money Market

    Market for short-term debt instruments (maturity periods ofone year or less). Money market is typically a telephone andcomputer market (rather than a physical building)

    Examples: Treasury bills (issued by federal government),commercial paper, negotiable CDs, bankers acceptances.

    Capital Market

    Market for long-term financial securities (maturity greater

    than one year).Examples: Corporate Bonds, Common stocks, TreasuryBonds, term loans and financial leases.

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    Exchanges are tangible entities and financialinstruments are traded on the premises. New York Stock Exchange (NYSE, also known as big

    board) is the most prominent exchange. In 2009,NYSE listed more than 4,000 US and Non-USsecurities with total value of around $10 trillion. Firmslisted on the exchanges must comply with the listingrequirements of the exchange (such as for profitability,size, market value and public ownership).

    Stock exchange benefits: Provides a continuousmarket, establishes and publicizes fair security prices,helps business raise new capital.

    Exchange Versus OTC

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    If firms do not meet the listing requirements of the exchange,and/or wish to avoid higher reporting requirements and feesof exchanges, it may choose to trade on OTC.

    OTC (Over-the-Counter) market refers to all securitiesmarket except organized exchanges. There is no specificgeographic location for OTC market. Most transactions aredone through a network of security dealers who are knownas broker-dealers and brokers. Their profit depends on theprice at which they are willing to buy (bid price) and the price

    at which they are willing to sell (ask price). Most prominent OTC market for stocks is NASDAQ.

    NASDAQ lists around 3,900 securities (including Google,Microsoft, Starbucks). Most corporate bond transactions arealso conducted on OTC markets.

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    Spot Versus Futures Market

    Spot market refers to the cash market, wheretransaction takes place on the spot/today at

    the current market price (called spot rate).

    Futures market is where you make anagreement to buy/sell in the future at a pricethat is set today.

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    2. Investment

    Banking Function

    Investment Banker

    They are financial specialists involved as an intermediaryin the sale of securities (stocks and bonds). They buy theentire issue of securities from the issuing firm and thenresell it to the general public.

    Prominent investment banks in the US include GoldmanSachs, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley (See Table 2-1)

    Note, Merrill Lynch is now part of Bank of America,Wachovia was absorbed by Wells Fargo; LehmanBrothers and Bear Sterns went out of business.

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    Table 2-1

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    Functions of an

    Investment Banker

    Underwriting: Underwriting means assuming risk. Since money

    for securities is paid to the issuing firm before the

    securities are sold, there is a risk to theinvestment bank(s).

    Distributing: Once the securities are purchased from issuing

    firm, they are distributed to ultimate investors. Advising:

    On timing of sale, type of security etc.

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    Distribution Methods

    Negotiated Purchase

    Competitive Bid Purchase

    Commission or Best Efforts Basis Privileged Subscription

    Dutch Auction

    Direct Sales

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    Distribution Methods (cont.)

    Negotiated Purchase

    Issuing firm selects an investment banker to

    underwrite the issue. The firm and the investmentbanker negotiate the terms of the offer.

    Competitive Bid

    Several investment bankers bid for the right to

    underwrite the firms issue. The firm selects thebanker offering the highest price.

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    Distribution Methods (cont.)

    Best Efforts

    Issue is not underwritten i.e. no money is paidupfront for the stocks ==> No risk for the

    Investment banks Investment bank attempts to sell the issue for a

    commission. Privileged Subscription

    Investment banker helps market the new issue toa select group of investors. Usually targeted to current stockholders,

    employees, or customers.

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    Distribution Methods (cont.)

    Dutch Auction

    Investors place bids indicating how many shares

    they are willing to buy and at what price. The pricethe stock is then sold for becomes the lowest priceat which the issuing company can sell all theavailable shares.

    See Figure 2-2

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    Figure 2-2

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    Distribution Methods (cont.)

    Direct Sale

    Issuing firm sells the securities directly to theinvesting public.

    No investment banker is involved.

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    3. Private Debt Placements

    Private placements of debt refers to raisingmoney directly from prominent investors such

    as life insurance companies, pension funds. Itcan be accomplished with or without theassistance of investment bankers.

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    3. Private Debt Placements


    Faster to raise money

    Reduces flotation costs Offers financing flexibility


    Interest costs are higher than public issues Restrictive covenants

    Possible future SEC registration

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    Floatation Cost

    Floatation cost refers to transaction costincurred when a firm raises funds by issuing

    securities: Underwriters spread

    (Difference between gross and net proceeds)

    Issuing costs

    (printing and engraving of security certificates,legal fees, accounting fees, trustee fees, othermiscellaneous expenses)

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    4. Rates of Return in the

    Financial Markets

    Rates of return over long periods See Figure 2-3

    Higher returns are associated with higher risk(principle 3). Figure also shows that investorsdemand compensation for inflation and otherelements of risk (such as default).

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    Some terms

    Opportunity Cost Rate of return on next best investmentalternative to the investor

    Standard Deviation Dispersion or variability around the mean

    rate of return in the financial markets

    Real Return Return earned above the rate of inflation

    Maturity Premium Additional return required by investors inlong-term securities to compensate for greater risk of pricefluctuations on those securities caused by interest rate changes

    Liquidity Premium Additional return required by investors insecurities that cannot be quickly converted into cash at areasonably predictable price.

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    Figure 2-3

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    Interest rate levels

    Interest rate levels and inflation are displayedin Table 2-2 and Figure 2-4. We observe:

    A direct relationship between inflation and interestrates.

    The returns are affected by the degree of inflation,default premium, maturity premium and liquidity


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    Figure 2-4

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    5. Interest Rate Determinants

    Nominal interest rate = Real risk free rate + Inflationrisk premium + Default Risk premium + MaturityPremium + Liquidity Premium

    Thus the nominal rate or quoted rate for securities isdriven by all of the above risk premium factors. Suchknowledge is critical when companies set an interestrate for their issues.

    Review the example in text.

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    Real and Nominal Rates

    Nominal interest rate = real rate of interest + inflationrisk premium

    The real rate of interest includes default risk, maturityrisk and liquidity premiums.

    Review example in text.

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    Term Structure of Interest

    Rates or Yield to Maturity

    The graph shows the relationship between a debtsecuritys rate of return and the length of time untilthe debt matures, where the risk of default is heldconstant.

    The graph could be upward sloping (indicating longerterm securities command higher returns), flat (equalreturns for long and short-term securities) or inverted(longer term securities command lower returnscompared to short-term securities).

    The graph changes over time. Upward sloping curveis most commonly observed.

    Figure 2-5

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    Figure 2-5

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    Figure 2-6

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    Figure 2-7

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    of the Term Structure:

    Unbiased Expectations Theory

    Liquidity Preference Theory

    Market Segmentation Theory

    Th U bi d

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    The Unbiased

    Expectations Theory

    Term Structure is determined by anInvestors expectations about future

    interest rates.

    Th Li idit

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    The Liquidity

    Preference Theory

    Investors require maturity premiums tocompensate them for risks of uncertain

    future interest rates.

    Th M k t

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    The Market

    Segmentation Theory

    Legal restrictions and personalpreferences limit choices for investors

    to certain ranges of maturities.

    6 Fi d th

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    6. Finance and the

    Multinational firm

    Well developed financial markets contribute to the overallgrowth of an economy.

    US has well developed financial market that allows for

    efficient transfer of capital from savers to users leadingto timely financing of investments.

    Multinational firms with excess cash will prefer to invest incountries that have well developed financial market andstable political environment.

    Developing countries, with less developed financialmarkets, attract less investment from multinational firms,which contributes to their slower pace of development.

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    Table 2-2

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    Table 2-2 (cont.)

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    Key Terms

    Capital markets Direct sale Dutch auction Floatation costs IPO Investment banker Liquidity preference

    theory Market segmentation


    Money market Nominal rate of interest Opportunity cost of funds Organized security

    exchanges Over-the-counter markets Primary market

    Private placement Privileged subscription Public Offering