Kenya vs Somalia Causes

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  • 8/13/2019 Kenya vs Somalia Causes


    The conflict of Kenya and Somalia can be analyzed with various levels with plenty of correlating

    causes. For this assignment, we are going to look at only one level of analysis that can explain

    more about the possible causes. If we look at Interstate level of analysis, where in this level it

    concerns the influence of the international system upon outcome. It focuses on the interactions

    of states themselves, without regard to their internal makeup or the particular individuals who

    lead them. This level pays attentions to states relative power positions in the international

    system and the interactions among them. The theory involved in this level of analysis is the

    Theory of Realism. Whereby, it explains the basic ideas of international relations in terms of

    power. Meanwhile, the international conflicts are the struggle for power. The same thing

    happened here in Kenya and Somalia case. Where the parties involved are mainly focused to

    get power in all means.

    There are lots of possible causes of this conflict between Kenya and Somalia. The causes are

    firstly, boots on the ground in Somalia. As Godane plainly stated, the biggest single reason for

    the attack on the Westgate Mall is the presence of Kenyan soldiers in southern Somalia. Kenyas

    army was sent into Somalia in October 2011 after a spate of kidnappings of Westerners. There

    are still around 4,000 Kenyan soldiers in Somalia1 as part of the 17,700 strong African Union

    peacekeeping mission (AMISOM). Secondly, disrupted cash flow, it took them a year to get

    there, but when Kenyas army finally chased Al Shabaab from its last urban stronghold, the

    Somali port city of Kismayo, in late September 2012 the militants were deprived of an key

    source of income charcoal. According to United Nations investigators, $15 million worth of

    illegal charcoal is traded out of Kenya each month2. But its the Kenyan generals and their local

    allies who they say are cashing in now. Thirdly, revenge which are pure and simple, during the

    Kenyan militarys slow advance across southern Somalia in 2011 and 2012, there were


  • 8/13/2019 Kenya vs Somalia Causes


    numerous reports of civilian casualties. Al Shabaab likes to style itself as the one true defender

    of the Somali people3, and its leader Ahmed Godane said in an audio message released late

    Wednesday night that the Westgate assault was in retaliation for the deaths of Muslims.

    Next, is the symbolism and terrorism, Nairobis Westgate Mall is everything the extremist Al

    Shabaab abhors a temple of Western consumerism where we can buy Nike shoes and iPhones,

    watch movies and drink cocktails. It attracts whealthy families, business people, politicians,

    foreign visitors and expatriates. Hitting the mall and massacring the people inside was a

    deliberate strike at the heart and soul of a society Al Shabaab despises. Lastly, Proof of strength

    on the each others. Years of growing internal division and military setbacks left the group

    looking weak, and led some Western officials as well as the Somali government to declare Al

    Shabaab defeated4. But in the last few months, Godane carried out a bloody purge of his own

    ranks, killing off dissenters and pushing Al Shabaab even further into extremism. With the

    militants claiming the attack Godane himself has praised, the message is clear Al Shabaab is far

    from finished.


