New Scries No. 37. PoZ. .'11. LEXINGTON, K. MONDAl. SEPTEMBER 9, 1816. Vol. 30. THE KENTUCKY GAZETTE IS PUBLISHED EVERT M03D4TMOIUUBO, BT F. BRADFORD, Jn. Jtt Two Dollars per annum, paid in advance, or Three Dollars at the end oj the Year. Commission Warehouse JEREMIAH NEAVE & SON, Of Cincinnati, Ohio, Have erected large ami commodious Brick Warehouses & Cellars For the reception of all kinds of Merchandise) Manufactures and Produce, for Storage, and Sale on Commission, for forwarding by the nver or to country merchants. Bills and debts collected and punctually remitted. Purchases made and gene- rally all BROKERAGE and COMMISSION BU- SINESS, transacted. 8tf Cincinnati, February 19 George Shannon, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, KEEPS Ins office on Poplar Row, in the same house occupied by the Lexington Branch Bank. 9- -tf February 25, 181C. John Norton, DRUGGIST, Opposite the Insurance Bank, Main st. Lexington received an extensive assortment of MAS 'Medicines, Paints, Dje-Sttifi- s, 'Per- fumes, Pocket and Key Instruments, Scarifica- tors, Spring and Crown Lancets, Scales and "Weights, see. Physicians, Merchants and the public, will be supplied on the lowest terms, wholesale or retail. He has on hand 20001b. Stone Ochre, whicli he wdl sell low for cash. Aucru-- 17, 1816 34 Pocket Book Lost. LOST in the court house, on Wednesday last, a Red Morocco Pocket Book, containing one note of 50, on the Bank of Cincinnati, endorsed on the back, T. Nelson, nd several other small notes, and a variety of other papers Wliover Mill de- liver said pocket book, to the editor of the Gazette, shall be handsomely rewarded for their trouble. 33 ' August 12 Two Umbrellas Lost. Both have a blue silk canopy top with the letters R B on the button of the handle of one," and T 11 on the other. A savour will be con- ferred by delivering them at tins office. August 10. 33 TOBACCO. subscriber wishes to engage a sew THE HOGSHEADS of the ensuing crop of TOBACCO, for which the highest, price will be given. ' JOHN W. HUNT. July 11, 1816. 29- - TOBACCO. THE subscribers will pay Cash for Tobacco Persons desirous of co'itracling lor their crops not vet ready for delivery, will find advantageous to call on the subscribers, before tliev dispose of the same. J- - Si T. G. PRENTISS. Lexington, August 8. 33 A. Baker Wanted. A person well acquainted with the business of Raking, who is willing to undeilake to conduct a Lake-hous- e on a scale, will meet with liberal encouragement in this place. Enquire of the Print- er. 31 Lexington, July 2J, 1810. For. Sale, THE HOUSE $i LOT in Maiket street, now occupied by Mr. Desforges, fust door below the new Presbyterian Church, and third above the Episcopalian. I'or terms apply to Mr. John L. Martin, or lo the subscriber, .one and miles north of Lexington. ' JABEZ VIGUS. April 8, 1816. 16-- tf STRA.YED FROM Mrs. Moore'snear Lexington, aboutlhree weekssince,aCHESNUT SORREL HORSE, no marks, save some saddle spots. Whoever lias takui him, leaving hiin atDr. Overton's shop, shall be rewarded. S4- - August 13. Tobacco Wanted. Will advance Merchandise at the lowest cash nrices. to anv of mv acquaintance, on ace mnt of their nrescnt crop of Tobacce, to be delivered in the leas at the Manufactory of Mr Henry Kelly in Lexington, and I will allow the 'ughest price at time of delivery. AND. STAINTON. July 11 1R16. 29-t- f IRO.NSlJJEh TAVERN. subscriber having taken the above THE hopes by his attention to merit a continuation of the support that has been so liberally given to the house, particularly by travellers. jABEZ VIGUS. August 5, 1816. 33 Weaving. ittAiiliAit tnfVtma Viib aiiaI aim at nml 41. T ilU SUU3VL IUI 1 IlllUl 1119 1113 tUOlUMILl J ill 111 Hit Russell's bouses in Jefferson-Stree- t, where he con- tinues to carry on the weaving of Bioad Damask" imd Diaper figured Carpets, Counterpanes, Double rWerlids, BUrdye, Huckaback, Satinets, see tec rttf GEORGE THOMSON. fjTlAKEN up by Caleb Martin, living near the JL Mouth of Jessamine, one white Mare, branded on the near shoulder thus M. and on the buttock thus G shod all round a small bell on about 12 or 13 years old 14 hands lugh ; appraised to 12 S this 20th day of May, J81C. WILLIAM CALDWELL, J. p. 35 3 TAKEN up by Edtoard Garrard, living near the lit ad of Jessamine" creek, one CHESNUT sORUEL MARE, one eye out, both hind feet white, small blaze in her faee, about? years-old- , 14 bands hih. Appraised to g20 this irth day o T.. , 1816. 0 -- it Wji. CALDWELL, J. p. I t- - Thomas De7e Owings, Uaj removed his IRON AND CASTINGS STORE To the. bouse formerly.icpiedl)y.JVIr,'Barthblo- - i mew blbuTuVoTl U p beVariYT STibrf streets, oppo-rit- e colonel Morrisoti's where he has on hand A FULL ASSORTMhNT OF IRONS 4' CASTINGS, viz. Pots, Kettles. Skillets, Ovens, And Irons, &c. 8 Lexington, 8th Feb. WANTED IMMEDIATELY; 20 Carpenters and Millwrights, ALSO SEVERAL STONE MASONS, Acquainted with erecting furnaces for an IRON rUUNDIJY, and an experienced man capable of erecting iron vvorK. Also, wanted to contract with some person or persons to cut 10,000 cords ot Wood, before November next. The above woik is wanted near the main road leading fiom Louis- ville to Vincennes, about fifty miles from Louis- ville. Enquire of Mr. Williamson at French Lick, or Marshalls, near Lick Creek, or J. and T. G. Prentiss, or John Peck, Lexington, Kentucky. Also, wanted to purchase several yoke of Oven 33 August 7th, 1816. 500 Dollars Reward I ! ESC VPED from prison in Chillicolhe, state Ohio, on the night of the 4th of June last. JAMES ESSEX, alias JAA1HS P.SSRV CROSBY STERLING. He is about 30 years of age, five feet seven inches high, of a lair complexion, thin visage, lieht hair, lanre eves. Roman nnw. lawn whis kers ; by trade a clothiejr, can work at carding, or any employment in manufactories, ana is also expert at the sword exercise and boxing. He was born in Warwickshire, in England, and it is believed came within the last year from ianaua to mis state. The said JAMES ESSF.Y uline TAWS ESSEX CROSBY S TEULING Was committed to jail last January, on a charge of robbing the mail of the United States. His partner, who calls himself THOMAS NOBLE, alias THO MAS W. NOBLE IS llOW in nrisnn nn fi plisroa of robbing the mail at the same time. Thf aoove reward will be given lor his apprehen- sion, , and delivri'. nr pnnlinpmant . ..., ::i - v- - vv.iii.jin. tu mi jail of the United States, so that he ran hchrnncrtit' to trial. JOHN HAMM. .Marshal of Ohio District. Zanesville, Ohio, July J5, 1816. 346 (Xt Those, rjrinters vlin nm nmnlrtuofl n publish the laws of the U.'S'.'are to- give mis advertisement, one insertion a week for six weeks successively, and forward then-bill- s to this office for payment. KENTUCKY,, set. Campbell Citicuit Count- July Term, 1816 Joiih Fowleb, Complainant, against .In Chancery. VuDtlFAV KlNKEAl), Deft. J FSIIHSday came the complainant by his atlor- - JL ney, and it appearing to the satislaction of the court, by the affidavit of witnesses, that the defendant Andrew Kinkead is not to be sound at his usual place of abode, so as to be served .with process ; therefore it is ordered, on the motion ot the complainant, that unless the said defendant, Andrew Kinkead, appear here on or before the first Iaj of our next Oc- tober term, and answer the crmplamant's bill, and enter into bond nd security to perform the decree of this court that the complainant's bill will be taken for confessed against him. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be inserted in sonrfe authorised news-pape- r printed in this state. A copy. Test, SiS . THOS. W. KAVANUGII, n. c. KENTUCKY, set. Campbell Ciiicuit Conn-- July Term, 1816. Jouh FovviLn, Complainant.") against Kin Chancery. Haiiris' llr.iiis, &c. Defls. j TTT appearing to the satisfaction of the court JL that Lucy Smith, Thomas Harris and Ma-tild- a his wise, late Matilda Harris, Francis Harris and the several unknown heirs of John Hairis, deceased, and the several unknown heirs ot Mary Woodson, deceased, late Mary Harris, are not inhabitants of this common wealth ; therefore on the motion of the com- plainant, by his counsel, it is ordered that un- less the said defendants do appear here on or be- fore the first dav of our npxl Ortnhpi trm an.1 answer the complainants bill, the same will be tasen tor contesseu against them. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be inserted in some niltlmrisprl nnhpp in thic commonwealth for eight weeks successively. A Uopy J este. S4--- 8 THOS. XV. KAVANAUGH, d. c. Kentucky, set.- - Campbell CuicniT Couut July Term, 1816 John Fowler, Complainant, ) agamst , , Wm. Rust, Vincent Kust, David KUst, John Rust, 1 hos. Birdwliistle, Eliza-bet- Q his wise, Robert Rust, James is Rust and Alexander Rust, Enoch Rust, Nancy Rust and James Rust, infant heirs of Enos Rust, dec defendants, J IT appearing to the satisfaction of the court James Rust is not an inhabitant of ihis commonwealth ; therefore on the complainant's motion, it was oruereu, tnat unless lie appear heie on or before the first Jay of our next Oc- tober court, and answer the complainants bil, that the sime will be taken fbrc6nfe"ssed against him. And it is further otdered that a copy of this order he forthwith inserted in some au- thorised newspaper in this state, for eight weeks successively. A copy Teste. 34-.- 8 THOS. W KAVANAUGH. n. c. CARDING FULLING At Royle'3 Factory, on the Frankfort" rdad, one mile liom Lexington Wool carded at fid. per sound. Also, Fulling and finishin-- j Cloths. Linscvs. &c in the best, manner, at all timet, lmim water the yearrounu. For Sale, A quantity of very strong coarse Sattinets, very suitable for Negiocs clothing, and some Woolens THOMAS ROYLE. August 15, 1810. oi--tf LEXINGTON MANUFACTORY Pip HE Proprietors of this Extensive est Ilish. iL ment are happy in announcAaJ ' thtTpub- - Machmeryfullllp-fiob- . They are ready to receive orders for all kinds and qualities of BROAD CLOTHS, CASI-MErtE- S, PLAINS, FLANNELS, COATINGS, BLANKETS & NEGRO CLOTHS; also PEL-TING- S forpapermakers, D1LLIARD CLOTHS &c Also every description of PRINTING, VR PPING and AVR1TING PAPER. PASTE BOARDS, FULLERS BOARDS, SHEATHING PAPER, &c. Also, RECORD PAPER, and BLANK PAP"EH of superior quality of any description or to imitate, any colour and quali- ty at short notice. Having spared no labour or expense in pro- curing the best Machinery and Workmen in this country and from Europe, the proprietors are confident that every article of their manu- facture shall be equal in quality to anvi mport-e- d fromEuiopcor manufactured in the United States. In consequence of their having on hand a large stock of wool, the nrorinetors do not wish to receive more at present, but will want an tney can obtain in a tew months, for which they will gie the highest prices paid in any America. Ilievwill however at all times exchange the goods of their Mauafactory for Wool or Rags. Persons desirous of selling stock or purchasing, or ordering goods, will piease apply at said factory, or to J C & M. D, RICHARDSON, or J & T. G. PRF.VTISS. August 2?, 1816 36 New Goods. ' josephT lemon, Hasjust received a neat and general assortmett of French, India and British. GOODS, , In addition to his former assortment which will, render it complete. Prompt payncents being made for the same, he will be enabled to sell wholesale or retail at reduced prices for cash. Wanted 8.000 yards Tow Linen. Half Cash and half Goods will be given. J3-- August 1816. 5000 yds Tow Linen, WANTED IMMEDIATELY, By WILLI IMC. BKLL, Who has removed his store to Cheapside, dpCctly opposite to tiie .Market-house- . Those, nei sons ulio liavi. 'I'ow t.ini, in dl ,;il do well by calling nn him, as he ill sell Goods at UHsn prices ana give pdrt pay in i;asli. rf- -u Lexington, Aug. 19, 1R16. Partnership Dissolved. 'rHE partnership of FRY h CARSON is this day dissoled by mutual consent. Those in debted to the firm are requested to come forward and n!iv thpir msnpr.tivp hnlnrippQ .... , ...... find itiep !.., - i"v 1 ...,u.,t. ,,.,,-in- g demands against them, to bring forward their accounts lui seiucmciii. JOHN FRY, W. CARSON. August 1, 181G. 3- 4- CC r TIi. linslnpsi ns llip nhnvp tvill 1,p,.p aster be carried on by the subscriber. t JUIIiM t'JSY. Dissolution of Partnership. THE FIRM OF Parker & Graves IS THIS DAY dissolved by mutual consen- t- All debts due to or from the late concern, will be settled by William W. Graves. JAMES P.PARKER,' WILLIAM W GRAA'ES. Lexington, April 11, 1816. 1- 7- William JV. Graves, In addition to the late stock, is just recelunga fresh supply of MERCHANDISE, suitable for the present and anm oachine seasons, consislins of Ury Goods, Groceries, Hardware, ,1 1IIU3 f lUUIIllJWll -- j Also K j y a Brandy (. Imperial J S" Paints, Oil, Futty, Varnish. &e. IfRAlW mlvoil nn,1 n..unna.l fnr. . ,'r, nn.. quantity, wlUi directions tor using them, may be uau at nit: ium; ui JOHN STICKNEY, Short-stree- t, near the corner of t, well known to some ot the PAiNTEiisortheirboys, who have taken the trouble two different times to black his sign over w ith black paint, supposed done to prevent ttie public trom hnding his store. Lexington, August 25. 35- -3 NEW CHEAP GOODS-J- . JJ. BORLAND, (JVo. 47, Main-Stree- t Lextngton,J Has just received and opened an extensive assortment of FRESHJ)RY GOODS, Among which are- - the following article: nilOAD CLOTHS & CASSIMERS, A great variety of CALICOES, CAMRRICS, Satin, Stripe, Corded arid Figured do. Plain, Hook andLeno MUSLIN, Figured do. do. do. Elegant w'oiked muslin ROBES, Variety Ginghams Do. HANDKERCHIEFS, Do. 4qrs. IRISHLINEVS, 5 qrs do. SHEETINGS, Plain and changeable SILKS, Good assortment RIBBONS, VESTINGS. DIMITIES. Furniture DIMITIES, Silk and Cotton HOSIERY, Silk and Kidd GLOVES, SATltf NET IS, VIGONETS, domestic Ging-ham- s and SHIRTINGS, a variety of FANCtf ARTICLES, &c. &c. The above (roods were purshased in New York at the lowest Cash prices, and will be .sola low purchasers are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. Lexington, May, la. 21tf. i 6 Public Sale. TjjyiLL be sold pursuant to a decree of the Fay- ette Circuit Com t. in a suit in Chancery, where in Thomas llodlev. John MKinlv ami nlhers aic Complainants, and James Coleman and John Todd J oi . are ueienuants, on the premises on Wednesday the 11th day pf September next, that elegant DWELLING HOUSE AND LQT on Second st. neailj opposite Mrs. Russell's, containing 151 feet front, and running back 200 feet, and at present oc- cupied by Major Dallam. The House and Lot will be sold on a credit of One, two and tliree years from the 1st day of July last, the purchaser giving his nuie5 nejjOtianie at the Lexington Uranch JJank, with good em.'oi sei-s- . The sale will take place pre- cisely at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. ALEX. PARKER, ? , . .,., j August 21, 181G. 35-- 3t- ALLUVION MILLS. THE Alluvion Mills are now in operation, where Snnerfine Flour at C 9 SO miu ho stantlyliad, and where sixty-tw- o and a half cents cish, will be given for good merchanta- ble Wheat. Our Carding Engines are in the best order, being cloathed, with new cards ; Wool will be carded at six pence per pound, is clean "pick- ed; and one pound of grease for every eight pound of Wool furnished is Wool is not clein it will not be received. BRADFORD & BOWLES. Lexington, June 15. 1816. 20,000 Acres of Land, FOR SALE. ylLL be sold for Cash in hand at PUBLIC AUCTION, before the dooi of the state-hous- e in the town of Frankfort, on the 21st day of OC- TOBER next, so much of two tracts of Land, con- taining together 20,000 acres, which. is situated in the county of Boone, and which was conveyed by John Fowler and wise to Henry Banks, by deed, which is of reconlin the office oT the Faj ette as well as of the general court, as will be sufficient to raise the sum of tw 0 thousand dolIai-3- , w ith interest there- on from the 1st day of January, 1816, until pay- ment, together with the incidental costs & charges This sale is in irtue and pursuance of a deed executed by the said Henry Banks to the subscriber, which bears date on the 2d day of November, 1814, and which is of record in the General Court; in which deed certain reservations of several small parcels out of the siid two tracts are contained, and which are not liable to sale for the purpose atorf-saidnn- d which deed further provides thattl.e sale of the said lands, shall be made in tracts not to exceed the quantity or 500 acres in any one In conformity with which several stipulations and the said land will be sold and a convey ance executed to the purchaser by the subscriber, as trustee for the said Henry Banks. ' ISHAM TALBbT. Frankfort, August S, 1816. 34- -8 . Downing & Grant, Hae just received fiom Philadelphia and Balti- more, and are now opening at their store on Short-stree- t, (between Mill and Main Cross-strett- Lexington, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES AMONG WHICH ARE THE FOLLOWING Sugar. Raisins, Coffee, Prunes, Teas, Almonds, Chocolate, Tigs, Ginger, Cold Strnck,- - Mace, Sweet & toil, Clones, Castor J Allspice, Scots S: ) . . Black Pepper, Moccoba S Cajenne do d Cheese, Nutmegs, Salt, Cinnamon, Shad, Mustard, Heriing3, AUum, Wash Balls, Indigo, Shaving Soap, Madder, Pipes, Copperas; Wooden Cocks, Brimstone, Oi eralls, WINE, JAMAICA SPIRITS BRANDY, WHISKEY. Brushesof everv kind. SnanM. wiiitin. Pin, Flax Seed Oil, 'Window Glass, Paper for room's) ka. &c. All of which they will sell tery low for Cash. House and sign Painting, Papeiing and Glazing done as usual. They wish to sell Or rent their Oil Mill in Lex-mgtb- Nov. 25, 1815- - ' 48-- tf To the Public; MY Shop is next door to the Kentucky Gazette printing-offic- where I carry on my business in its several branches of SADDLING MILITARY ACCOUTIiEAIENT MAKINgS- -I tender mv grateful acknowledgments to my customers' for the uranguisneu patronage g Have received from them. My fiiends and the iiubficare assured of nmmnt op commodations. 1 feel confident that with the aid of some oi me Dest workmen and a constant supply of ..... ....... c maici-iais- , i suait De able to render ample satisfaction to those ho may please to savour me with their applications by order or otherwise . JOHN BRYAN.' January 22. QT Patent Elastic Saddles. A isord to those who are fond of easy riding. The complaint agairfst Jiard and uneasy saddles, which is for the mostpartajiist and geheral one, and is really a great grievance to those who have much riding to do, has caused me to turn my mind parti- cularly to that subject, withaiew is possible to re- medy the evil I can with confidence assure the public that I have accomplished it I have project- ed a plan which is by meaus of strongand well tem- pered steel springs, so constructed as to support the saddle seat & give much greater ease to both rider & hoise, than saddles made in the common way or any other that I have ever seen, can possibly do. The nlan is entirely different from the English elastic saddles with spring bars of steel, whalebone, &c. and also from those with wire springs, and I conceive much superior to either, as the elasticity is greater and the tree not being put out of its oiiginalform' will not be subject to hurting horses on journeys' wliich is complained of In thesaddles with spring bars. A number of gentlemen in this town and its vicinity, have those saddles nowsin u?e. ami hnt tentinient I believ e exists among them in savour o. their seperiority The invention is equally as appli- cable to ladies salldlesas to gentlemens'. Any per- son desirous of purchaling those easy saddles, is at liberty first to make trial of one and iudrt of tlifir ease for themselves. In point of durability I will warrant them equal to any other saddles, and supe- rior to most. CP I have obtained a Patent from thp TTnlinrf States for this invention, and am ready to dispose of patent rights to Saddlers, for other coubum states It required, I willfurmsha tree with springs ready fixed and strained, which may serve as a mo- del to wotkby, and will give the necessary instruct " J UUVAN. WAR DEPARTMENT, July 10, 1816. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, TJiasepurate proposals will be received at the Olficeof the Secretarv for the of War, until thejlst day 0r .October next, inclusive, for the supply of-al- l rations' that may he required for the use of thi United States, from the 1st day of June, 1817, inclusive to the 1st day of June. 1818. within the Stato. Territories and Districts, following, viz : 1st At Oetroit, Michilimacinac, Fort Wayne, Chicago, and their immediate vicinities, and at any place or places where troops are or may bestationed, marched or recruited within the Territory of Michigan, the vicinity of the Up. per Lakes and the state of Ohio, and on or adjacent to the waters of lake Michigan. 2d. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the states of Kentucky and Tennessee. 3d. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited vvithin the Illinois, Indiana and Missouri Ter- ritories. 4th. At any place of places where troops are.or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the Mississippi Terrilony, the state of Louisiana and their vicinities north of tho Gulfof ftlexico. 5th. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the District of Maine and stale of 6th. At any place or plates where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the state of Massachusetts. 7th. At any plare or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the state of Connecticut and Rhode-Islan- d 8th. At any place or places where troojis are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the state of New-Yor- north of the Highlands and within the state of Vermont. 9th. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the state of New-Yor- k, south of the Highlands, including West-Pdi- and within the state of New.Jersey 10th. At any place or places Where troops are, or may bestationed, marched or recruited within the state of Pennsylvania. 11th. At any place or phces where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the states of Delaware, Maryland and the District of Columbia. 12th. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the stateof Virginia. 13th. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the state of North Carolina. 14th. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the slate of South Carolina. 15th. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the state of Georgia, including that part of the Creek's land lying within the terri- torial limits of said state, A ration to consist of one pound and one quarter of bees, or three quarters of a pound of salted pork, eighteen ounces of bread fcr flour, one gill of rum, whisky or brandy; and at the rate of two quarts of salt, sour quarts vinegar, foUr pounds of soap, and one pound and one half of candles to every hundred ra- tions. The prices of the several component parts of the ration shall be specified, but the United States reserve the right of making such alterations in the price ot the component parts of the ration aforesaid, as shall make the grice of each part thereof bear a just propor-tio- n to the proposed price of the whole ration. The rations are to be furnished in such quanti-tie- s, that there shall, at all times, during the term of the proposed contract, be sufficient for the consumption of the troops for six months in advance, of good and wholesome provisions, is the same shall be required It is also to be permitted to all and every of the commandants of fortified places or posts, 'to call for, at seasons, when the sahne can be transported, or at any time, in case of urgency, such supplies of like provisions in advance, as in the discretion of the commander shall be deemed proper. It is understood that the contractor is to be at the expense and risk of issuing the sup- plies to the troops, and that all losses sustained by the depredations of the enemy, or by means of the troops of the United States, shall be paid by the" United States at the price of the article captured or destroyed as aforesaid, on the depositions of two'dr more persons of cre- dible characters, and the certificates of a officer, stating the circumstance o( the loss, and the amount of the articles tor which compensation shall be claimed. The privilege is reserved to the United States, of requiring that no-h- of the supplies, which may be furnished under any of the pro- posed contracts, shall he issued, until the sup-pli- Wlich have been, or may be furnished tip-d- er the contract now inorce, haye. been con- sumed- WM. H. CRAWFORD, Secretary of War. July 10 32-t- O . Office of Claims for property lost, captured or destroyed, whilst in the military service of the! United States, during the late nor. Washihqtoit, Jine 24th, 1816. Explanatory supplemental rule. In all cases comprised in the notice from thi3 office of the 3d inst. the following supple mental regulation must be observed by every claimant, viz : Whenever the evidence, on oath, of any of- ficer of the late army of the United States,j shall be taken, or the certificate of any officer, in service at the time Qf giving it, shall be obtained, such evidence or Such certificate must expressly state, whether any certificate or other voucher, in relation to the claim in question has been given, within thq knowledge of such officer. The claimant must also de- clare, ort oatli, that he lias never received from any person any such certificate or voucher, or, is received, must state the ransp ns it nnn- - production. In every case the name of the officer furnishing such certificate or voucher, together witji its date as near as can be as- certained, will also be required. K1UHAKD BUND LEU, Commissioner of Claims, iic. The printers in the United States or terri tories thereof, who are employed to print the laws of the United State?, are requested to publish this notice for eight vveeks success sively once a week, mi send their bills to this office for payment. "08

Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt731z41s23j/data/1580.pdf · was born in Warwickshire, in England, and it is believed came within the

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt731z41s23j/data/1580.pdf · was born in Warwickshire, in England, and it is believed came within the

New Scries No. 37. PoZ. .'11. LEXINGTON, K. MONDAl. SEPTEMBER 9, 1816. Vol. 30.


F. BRADFORD, Jn.Jtt Two Dollars per annum, paid in advance, or

Three Dollars at the end oj the Year.

Commission Warehouse

JEREMIAH NEAVE & SON,Of Cincinnati, Ohio,

Have erected large ami commodious

Brick Warehouses & CellarsFor the reception of all kinds of Merchandise)

Manufactures and Produce, for Storage, and Saleon Commission, for forwarding by the nver or tocountry merchants. Bills and debts collected andpunctually remitted. Purchases made and gene-


SINESS, transacted.8tf Cincinnati, February 19

George Shannon,ATTOKNEY AT LAW,

KEEPS Ins office on Poplar Row, in the samehouse occupied by the Lexington Branch Bank.

9- -tf February 25, 181C.

John Norton,DRUGGIST,

Opposite the Insurance Bank, Main st. Lexington

received an extensive assortment ofMAS 'Medicines, Paints, Dje-Sttifi- s, 'Per-

fumes, Pocket and Key Instruments, Scarifica-

tors, Spring and Crown Lancets, Scales and"Weights, see. Physicians, Merchants and thepublic, will be supplied on the lowest terms,wholesale or retail. He has on hand 20001b.Stone Ochre, whicli he wdl sell low for cash.

Aucru-- 17, 1816 34

Pocket Book Lost.LOST in the court house, on Wednesday last,

a Red Morocco Pocket Book, containing one noteof 50, on the Bank of Cincinnati, endorsed on theback, T. Nelson, nd several other small notes,and a variety of other papers Wliover Mill de-

liver said pocket book, to the editor of the Gazette,shall be handsomely rewarded for their trouble.

33 ' August 12

Two Umbrellas Lost.Both have a blue silk canopy top with the

letters R B on the button of the handle of one,"and T 11 on the other. A savour will be con-

ferred by delivering them at tins office.August 10. 33

TOBACCO.subscriber wishes to engage a sew

THE HOGSHEADS of the ensuingcrop of TOBACCO, for which the highest,price will be given. ' JOHN W. HUNT.

July 11, 1816. 29- -

TOBACCO.THE subscribers will pay Cash for Tobacco

Persons desirous of co'itracling lor their crops notvet ready for delivery, will find advantageous tocall on the subscribers, before tliev dispose of thesame. J- - Si T. G. PRENTISS.

Lexington, August 8. 33

A. Baker Wanted.A person well acquainted with the business of

Raking, who is willing to undeilake to conduct aLake-hous- e on a scale, will meet with liberalencouragement in this place. Enquire of the Print-er. 31

Lexington, July 2J, 1810.

For. Sale,THE HOUSE $i LOT in Maiket street, now

occupied by Mr. Desforges, fust door below thenew Presbyterian Church, and third above theEpiscopalian. I'or terms apply to Mr. John L.Martin, or lo the subscriber, .one andmiles north of Lexington.

' JABEZ VIGUS.April 8, 1816. 16-- tf

STRA.YEDFROM Mrs. Moore'snear Lexington, aboutlhree

weekssince,aCHESNUT SORREL HORSE,no marks, save some saddle spots. Whoever liastakui him, leaving hiin atDr. Overton's shop, shallbe rewarded.

S4-- August 13.

Tobacco Wanted.Will advance Merchandise at the lowestcash nrices. to anv of mv acquaintance, on

ace mnt of their nrescnt crop of Tobacce, to bedelivered in the leas at the Manufactory ofMr Henry Kelly in Lexington, and I will allowthe 'ughest price at time of delivery.

AND. STAINTON.July 11 1R16. 29-t- f

IRO.NSlJJEh TAVERN.subscriber having taken the aboveTHE hopes by his attention to merit

a continuation of the support that has been soliberally given to the house, particularly bytravellers. jABEZ VIGUS.

August 5, 1816. 33

Weaving.ittAiiliAit tnfVtma Viib aiiaI aim at nml 41.T ilU SUU3VL IUI 1 IlllUl 1119 1113 tUOlUMILl J ill 111 Hit

Russell's bouses in Jefferson-Stree- t, where he con-

tinues to carry on the weaving of Bioad Damask"imd Diaper figured Carpets, Counterpanes, DoublerWerlids, BUrdye, Huckaback, Satinets, see tec


fjTlAKEN up by Caleb Martin, living near theJL Mouth of Jessamine, one white Mare,

branded on the near shoulder thus M. and on

the buttock thus G shod all round a smallbell on about 12 or 13 years old 14 handslugh ; appraised to 12 S this 20th day of May,J81C.


35 3

TAKEN up by Edtoard Garrard, living nearthe lit ad of Jessamine" creek, one CHESNUTsORUEL MARE, one eye out, both hind feetwhite, small blaze in her faee, about? years-old-

, 14

bands hih. Appraised to g20 this irth day oT.. , 1816.

0 --it Wji. CALDWELL, J. p.

I t- -

Thomas De7e Owings,Uaj removed his

IRON AND CASTINGS STORETo the. bouse formerly.icpiedl)y.JVIr,'Barthblo- -i mew blbuTuVoTl U p beVariYT STibrf streets, oppo-rit- e

colonel Morrisoti's where he has on handA FULL ASSORTMhNT OF

IRONS 4' CASTINGS, viz.Pots, Kettles. Skillets, Ovens,

And Irons, &c.8 Lexington, 8th Feb.


20 Carpenters and Millwrights,ALSO

SEVERAL STONE MASONS,Acquainted with erecting furnaces for an IRONrUUNDIJY, and an experienced man capable oferecting iron vvorK. Also, wanted to contractwith some person or persons to cut 10,000 cords otWood, before November next. The above woikis wanted near the main road leading fiom Louis-ville to Vincennes, about fifty miles from Louis-ville. Enquire of Mr. Williamson at French Lick,or Marshalls, near Lick Creek, or J. and T. G.Prentiss, or John Peck, Lexington, Kentucky.

Also, wanted to purchase several yoke of Oven33 August 7th, 1816.

500 Dollars Reward I !

ESC VPED from prison in Chillicolhe, stateOhio, on the night of the 4th of June


He is about 30 years of age, five feet seveninches high, of a lair complexion, thin visage,lieht hair, lanre eves. Roman nnw. lawn whiskers ; by trade a clothiejr, can work at carding,or any employment in manufactories, ana is alsoexpert at the sword exercise and boxing. Hewas born in Warwickshire, in England, and itis believed came within the last year fromianaua to mis state.

The said JAMES ESSF.Y uline TAWSESSEX CROSBY S TEULING Was committedto jail last January, on a charge of robbing themail of the United States. His partner, whocalls himself THOMAS NOBLE, alias THOMAS W. NOBLE IS llOW in nrisnn nn fi plisroaof robbing the mail at the same time. Thfaoove reward will be given lor his apprehen-sion,, and delivri'. nr pnnlinpmant . ..., ::i- v- - vv.iii.jin. tu mi jailof the United States, so that he ran hchrnncrtit'to trial. JOHN HAMM.

.Marshal of Ohio District.Zanesville, Ohio, July J5, 1816. 346(Xt Those, rjrinters vlin nm nmnlrtuofl n

publish the laws of the U.'S'.'are to-

give mis advertisement, one insertion a weekfor six weeks successively, and forward then-bill- s

to this office for payment.

KENTUCKY,, set.Campbell Citicuit Count- July Term, 1816Joiih Fowleb, Complainant,

against .In Chancery.VuDtlFAV KlNKEAl), Deft. JFSIIHSday came the complainant by his atlor- -JL ney, and it appearing to the satislaction of

the court, by the affidavit of witnesses, thatthe defendant Andrew Kinkead is not to besound at his usual place of abode, so as to beserved .with process ; therefore it is ordered,on the motion ot the complainant, that unlessthe said defendant, Andrew Kinkead, appearhere on or before the first Iaj of our next Oc-tober term, and answer the crmplamant's bill,and enter into bond nd security to performthe decree of this court that the complainant'sbill will be taken for confessed against him.And it is further ordered that a copy of thisorder be inserted in sonrfe authorised news-pape- r

printed in this state.A copy. Test,


KENTUCKY, set.Campbell Ciiicuit Conn-- July Term, 1816.

Jouh FovviLn, Complainant.")against Kin Chancery.

Haiiris' llr.iiis, &c. Defls. jTTT appearing to the satisfaction of the courtJL that Lucy Smith, Thomas Harris and Ma-tild- a

his wise, late Matilda Harris, FrancisHarris and the several unknown heirs of JohnHairis, deceased, and the several unknownheirs ot Mary Woodson, deceased, late MaryHarris, are not inhabitants of this commonwealth ; therefore on the motion of the com-plainant, by his counsel, it is ordered that un-less the said defendants do appear here on or be-

fore the first dav of our npxl Ortnhpi trm an.1

answer the complainants bill, the same will betasen tor contesseu against them. And it isfurther ordered that a copy of this order beinserted in some niltlmrisprl nnhpp in thiccommonwealth for eight weeks successively.

A Uopy J este.S4--- 8 THOS. XV. KAVANAUGH, d. c.

Kentucky, set.- -

Campbell CuicniT Couut July Term, 1816John Fowler, Complainant, )

agamst , ,

Wm. Rust, Vincent Kust, David KUst,John Rust, 1 hos. Birdwliistle, Eliza-bet- Q

his wise, Robert Rust, James isRust and Alexander Rust, Enoch Rust,Nancy Rust and James Rust, infantheirs of Enos Rust, dec defendants, J

IT appearing to the satisfaction of the courtJames Rust is not an inhabitant of ihis

commonwealth ; therefore on the complainant'smotion, it was oruereu, tnat unless lie appearheie on or before the first Jay of our next Oc-

tober court, and answer the complainants bil,that the sime will be taken fbrc6nfe"ssed againsthim. And it is further otdered that a copy ofthis order he forthwith inserted in some au-

thorised newspaper in this state, for eightweeks successively.

A copy Teste.34-.- 8 THOS. W KAVANAUGH. n. c.

CARDING FULLINGAt Royle'3 Factory, on the Frankfort" rdad, one

mile liom Lexington

Wool carded at fid. per sound.Also, Fulling and finishin-- j Cloths. Linscvs. &c

in the best, manner, at all timet, lmim water theyearrounu.

For Sale,A quantity ofvery strong coarse Sattinets, very

suitable for Negiocs clothing, and some WoolensTHOMAS ROYLE.

August 15, 1810. oi--tf

LEXINGTON MANUFACTORYPip HE Proprietors of this Extensive est Ilish.iL ment are happy in announcAaJ ' thtTpub- -

Machmeryfullllp-fiob- .They are ready to receive orders for all kinds

and qualities of BROAD CLOTHS, CASI-MErtE- S,


forpapermakers, D1LLIARD CLOTHS&c Also every description of PRINTING,VR PPING and AVR1TING PAPER. PASTE

BOARDS, FULLERS BOARDS, SHEATHINGPAPER, &c. Also, RECORD PAPER, andBLANK PAP"EH of superior quality of anydescription or to imitate, any colour and quali-ty at short notice.

Having spared no labour or expense in pro-curing the best Machinery and Workmen inthis country and from Europe, the proprietorsare confident that every article of their manu-facture shall be equal in quality to anvi mport-e-d

fromEuiopcor manufactured in the UnitedStates.

In consequence of their having on hand alarge stock of wool, the nrorinetors do notwish to receive more at present, but will wantan tney can obtain in a tew months, for whichthey will gie the highest prices paid in any

America. Ilievwill however at alltimes exchange the goods of their Mauafactoryfor Wool or Rags. Persons desirous of sellingstock or purchasing, or ordering goods, willpiease apply at said factory, or to J C & M. D,RICHARDSON, or J & T. G. PRF.VTISS.

August 2?, 1816 36

New Goods. '

josephT lemon,Hasjust received a neat and general assortmett of

French, India and British.


In addition to his former assortment whichwill, render it complete. Prompt payncentsbeing made for the same, he will be enabledto sell wholesale or retail at reduced pricesfor cash.

Wanted 8.000 yards Tow Linen.Half Cash and half Goods will be given.

J3-- August 1816.

5000 yds Tow Linen,WANTED IMMEDIATELY,

By WILLI IMC. BKLL,Who has removed his store to Cheapside, dpCctly

opposite to tiie .Market-house- .

Those, nei sons ulio liavi. 'I'ow t.ini, in dl ,;ildo well by calling nn him, as he ill sell Goods atUHsn prices ana give pdrt pay in i;asli.

rf- -u Lexington, Aug. 19, 1R16.

Partnership Dissolved.'rHE partnership of FRY h CARSON is this

day dissoled by mutual consent. Those indebted to the firm are requested to come forwardand n!iv thpir msnpr.tivp hnlnrippQ.... , ......find itiep !..,- i"v 1 ...,u.,t. ,,.,,-in- g

demands against them, to bring forward theiraccounts lui seiucmciii.


August 1, 181G. 3- 4-

CC r TIi. linslnpsi ns llip nhnvp tvill 1,p,.p

aster be carried on by the subscriber. tJUIIiM t'JSY.

Dissolution of Partnership.THE FIRM OF

Parker & GravesIS THIS DAY dissolved by mutual consen- t-

All debts due to or from the late concern, will besettled by William W. Graves.


Lexington, April 11, 1816. 1-7-

William JV. Graves,In addition to the late stock, is just recelunga fresh

supply of MERCHANDISE, suitable for thepresent and anm oachine seasons, consislins of

Ury Goods, Groceries, Hardware,,1 1IIU3 f lUUIIllJWll -- j

Also K j y aBrandy (. Imperial J S"

Paints, Oil, Futty, Varnish. &e.IfRAlW mlvoil nn,1 n..unna.l fnr. . ,'r, nn..

quantity, wlUi directions tor using them, may beuau at nit: ium; ui

JOHN STICKNEY,Short-stree- t, near the corner of t,

well known to some ot the PAiNTEiisortheirboys,who have taken the trouble two different times toblack his sign over w ith black paint, supposed doneto prevent ttie public trom hnding his store.

Lexington, August 25. 35- -3


JJ. BORLAND,(JVo. 47, Main-Stree- t Lextngton,J

Has just received and opened an extensiveassortment of

FRESHJ)RY GOODS,Among which are-- the following article:

nilOAD CLOTHS & CASSIMERS,A great variety of CALICOES,CAMRRICS,Satin, Stripe, Corded arid Figured do.Plain, Hook andLeno MUSLIN,Figured do. do. do.Elegant w'oiked muslin ROBES,Variety Ginghams


5 qrs do. SHEETINGS,Plain and changeable SILKS,Good assortment RIBBONS, VESTINGS.DIMITIES. Furniture DIMITIES, Silk andCotton HOSIERY, Silk and Kidd GLOVES,SATltfNET IS, VIGONETS, domestic Ging-ham- s

and SHIRTINGS, a variety of FANCtfARTICLES, &c. &c.

The above (roods were purshased in NewYork at the lowest Cash prices, and will be.sola low purchasers are respectfully invitedto call and examine for themselves.

Lexington, May, la. 21tf. i

6 Public Sale.TjjyiLL be sold pursuant to a decree of the Fay-

ette Circuit Com t. in a suit in Chancery, wherein Thomas llodlev. John MKinlv ami nlhers aicComplainants, and James Coleman and John Todd Joi . are ueienuants, on the premises on Wednesdaythe 11th day pf September next, that elegantDWELLING HOUSE AND LQT on Second st.neailj opposite Mrs. Russell's, containing 151 feetfront, and running back 200 feet, and at present oc-cupied by Major Dallam. The House and Lot willbe sold on a credit of One, two and tliree years fromthe 1st day of July last, the purchaser giving hisnuie5 nejjOtianie at the Lexington Uranch JJank,

with good em.'oi sei-s-. The sale will take place pre-

cisely at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.ALEX. PARKER, ? ,

. .,., jAugust 21, 181G. 35-- 3t-

ALLUVION MILLS.THE Alluvion Mills are now in operation,

where Snnerfine Flour at C 9 SO miu hostantlyliad, and where sixty-tw- o and a halfcents cish, will be given for good merchanta-ble Wheat.

Our Carding Engines are in the best order,being cloathed, with new cards ; Wool will becarded at six pence per pound, is clean "pick-ed; and one pound of grease for every eightpound of Wool furnished is Wool is notclein it will not be received.

BRADFORD & BOWLES.Lexington, June 15. 1816.

20,000 Acres of Land,FOR SALE.

ylLL be sold for Cash in hand at PUBLICAUCTION, before the dooi of the state-hous- e

in the town of Frankfort, on the 21st day of OC-TOBER next, so much of two tracts of Land, con-taining together 20,000 acres, which. is situated inthe county of Boone, and which was conveyed byJohn Fowler and wise to Henry Banks, by deed,which is ofreconlin the office oT the Faj ette as wellas of the general court, as will be sufficient to raisethe sum of tw 0 thousand dolIai-3-, w ith interest there-on from the 1st day of January, 1816, until pay-ment, together with the incidental costs & charges

This sale is in irtue and pursuance of a deedexecuted by the said Henry Banks to the subscriber,which bears date on the 2d day of November, 1814,and which is of record in the General Court; inwhich deed certain reservations of several smallparcels out of the siid two tracts are contained, andwhich are not liable to sale for the purpose atorf-saidnn- d

which deed further provides thattl.esale of the said lands, shall be made in tracts not toexceed the quantity or 500 acres in any one Inconformity with which several stipulations and

the said land will be sold and a conveyance executed to the purchaser by the subscriber,as trustee for the said Henry Banks.

' ISHAM TALBbT.Frankfort, August S, 1816. 34- -8

. Downing & Grant,Hae just received fiom Philadelphia and Balti-

more, and are now opening at their store onShort-stree- t, (between Mill and Main Cross-strett-



Sugar. Raisins,Coffee, Prunes,Teas, Almonds,Chocolate, Tigs,Ginger, Cold Strnck,- -

Mace, Sweet & toil,Clones, Castor JAllspice, Scots S: ) . .

Black Pepper, Moccoba SCajenne do d Cheese,Nutmegs, Salt,Cinnamon, Shad,Mustard, Heriing3,AUum, Wash Balls,Indigo, Shaving Soap,Madder, Pipes,Copperas; Wooden Cocks,Brimstone, Oi eralls,WINE, JAMAICA SPIRITSBRANDY, WHISKEY.Brushesof everv kind. SnanM. wiiitin. Pin,

Flax Seed Oil, 'Window Glass, Paper for room's)ka. &c. All of which they will sell tery low forCash.

House and sign Painting, Papeiing and Glazingdone as usual.

They wish to sell Or rent their Oil Mill in Lex-mgtb-

Nov. 25, 1815- - ' 48-- tf

To the Public;MY Shop is next door to the Kentucky Gazette

printing-offic- where I carry on my business in itsseveral branches of SADDLING MILITARYACCOUTIiEAIENT MAKINgS- -I tender mvgrateful acknowledgments to my customers' for theuranguisneu patronage g Have received from them.My fiiends and the iiubficare assured of nmmnt opcommodations. 1 feel confident that with the aid ofsome oi me Dest workmen and a constant supply of..... ....... c maici-iais-

, i suait De able to renderample satisfaction to those ho may please to savourme with their applications by order or otherwise

. JOHN BRYAN.'January 22.

QT Patent Elastic Saddles.A isord to those who are fond ofeasy riding.The complaint agairfst Jiard and uneasy saddles,

which is for the mostpartajiist and geheral one, andis really a great grievance to those who have muchriding to do, has caused me to turn my mind parti-cularly to that subject, withaiew is possible to re-medy the evil I can with confidence assure thepublic that I have accomplished it I have project-ed a plan which is by meaus of strongand well tem-pered steel springs, so constructed as to support thesaddle seat & give much greater ease to both rider &hoise, than saddles made in the common way or anyother that I have ever seen, can possibly do. Thenlan is entirely different from the English elasticsaddles with spring bars ofsteel, whalebone, &c. andalso from those with wire springs, and I conceivemuch superior to either, as the elasticity is greaterand the tree not being put out of its oiiginalform'will not be subject to hurting horses on journeys'wliich is complained of In thesaddles with springbars. A number of gentlemen in this town and itsvicinity, have those saddles nowsin u?e. ami hnttentinient I believ e exists among them in savour o.their seperiority The invention is equally as appli-cable to ladies salldlesas to gentlemens'. Any per-son desirous of purchaling those easy saddles, is atliberty first to make trial of one and iudrt of tlifirease for themselves. In point of durability I willwarrant them equal to any other saddles, and supe-rior to most.

CP I have obtained a Patent from thp TTnlinrfStates for this invention, and am ready to dispose ofpatent rights to Saddlers, for other coubumstates It required, I willfurmsha tree with springsready fixed and strained, which may serve as a mo-del to wotkby, and will give the necessary instruct



TJiasepurate proposals will be received atthe Olficeof the Secretarv for theof War, until thejlst day 0r .October next,inclusive, for the supply of-al- l rations' that mayhe required for the use of thi United States,from the 1st day of June, 1817, inclusive tothe 1st day of June. 1818. within the Stato.Territories and Districts, following, viz :

1st At Oetroit, Michilimacinac, Fort Wayne,Chicago, and their immediate vicinities, andat any place or places where troops are or maybestationed, marched or recruited within theTerritory of Michigan, the vicinity of the Up.per Lakes and the state of Ohio, and on oradjacent to the waters of lake Michigan.

2d. At any place or places where troops areor may be stationed, marched or recruitedwithin the states of Kentucky and Tennessee.

3d. At any place or places where troops areor may be stationed, marched or recruitedvvithin the Illinois, Indiana and Missouri Ter-ritories.

4th. At any place of places where troopsare.or may be stationed, marched or recruitedwithin the Mississippi Terrilony, the state ofLouisiana and their vicinities north of thoGulfof ftlexico.

5th. At any place or places where troopsare or may be stationed, marched or recruitedwithin the District of Maine and stale of

6th. At any place or plates where troopsare or may be stationed, marched or recruitedwithin the state of Massachusetts.

7th. At any plare or places where troopsare or may be stationed, marched or recruitedwithin the state of Connecticut and Rhode-Islan- d

8th. At any place or places where troojisare or may be stationed, marched or recruitedwithin the state of New-Yor- north of theHighlands and within the state of Vermont.

9th. At any place or places where troopsare or may be stationed, marched or recruitedwithin the state of New-Yor- k, south of theHighlands, including West-Pdi- and withinthe state of New.Jersey

10th. At any place or places Where troopsare, or may bestationed, marched or recruitedwithin the state of Pennsylvania.

11th. At any place or phces where troopsare or may be stationed, marched or recruitedwithin the states of Delaware, Maryland andthe District of Columbia.

12th. At any place or places where troopsare or may be stationed, marched or recruitedwithin the stateof Virginia.

13th. At any place or places where troopsare or may be stationed, marched or recruitedwithin the state of North Carolina.

14th. At any place or places where troopsare or may be stationed, marched or recruitedwithin the slate of South Carolina.

15th. At any place or places where troopsare or may be stationed, marched or recruitedwithin the state of Georgia, including thatpart of the Creek's land lying within the terri-torial limits of said state,

A ration to consist of one pound and onequarter of bees, or three quarters of a poundof salted pork, eighteen ounces of bread fcrflour, one gill of rum, whisky or brandy; andat the rate of two quarts of salt, sour quartsvinegar, foUr pounds of soap, and one poundand one half of candles to every hundred ra-tions. The prices of the several componentparts of the ration shall be specified, but theUnited States reserve the right of makingsuch alterations in the price ot the componentparts of the ration aforesaid, as shall make thegrice of each part thereof bear a just propor-tio- n

to the proposed price of the whole ration.The rations are to be furnished in such quanti-tie- s,

that there shall, at all times, during theterm of the proposed contract, be sufficientfor the consumption of the troops for sixmonths in advance, of good and wholesomeprovisions, is the same shall be required Itis also to be permitted to all and every of thecommandants of fortified places or posts, 'tocall for, at seasons, when the sahne can betransported, or at any time, in case of urgency,such supplies of like provisions in advance, asin the discretion of the commander shall bedeemed proper.

It is understood that the contractor is to beat the expense and risk of issuing the sup-plies to the troops, and that all losses sustainedby the depredations of the enemy, or by meansof the troops of the United States, shall bepaid by the" United States at the price of thearticle captured or destroyed as aforesaid, onthe depositions of two'dr more persons of cre-dible characters, and the certificates of a

officer, stating the circumstance o(the loss, and the amount of the articles torwhich compensation shall be claimed.

The privilege is reserved to the UnitedStates, of requiring that no-h- of the supplies,which may be furnished under any of the pro-posed contracts, shall he issued, until the sup-pli-

Wlich have been, or may be furnished tip-d- er

the contract now inorce, haye. been con-sumed- WM. H. CRAWFORD,

Secretary of War.July 10 32-t-O .

Office of Claims for property lost, captured ordestroyed, whilst in the military service of the!United States, during the late nor.

Washihqtoit, Jine 24th, 1816.Explanatory supplemental rule.In all cases comprised in the notice from

thi3 office of the 3d inst. the following supplemental regulation must be observed by everyclaimant, viz :

Whenever the evidence, on oath, of any of-ficer of the late army of the United States,jshall be taken, or the certificate of any officer,in service at the time Qf giving it, shall beobtained, such evidence or Such certificatemust expressly state, whether any certificateor other voucher, in relation to the claim inquestion has been given, within thq knowledgeof such officer. The claimant must also de-clare, ort oatli, that he lias never received fromany person any such certificate or voucher, or,is received, must state the ransp ns it nnn- -production. In every case the name of theofficer furnishing such certificate or voucher,together witji its date as near as can be as-

certained, will also be required.K1UHAKD BUND LEU,

Commissioner of Claims, iic.The printers in the United States or terri

tories thereof, who are employed to print thelaws of the United State?, are requested topublish this notice for eight vveeks successsively once a week, mi send their bills to thisoffice for payment. "08