X PRirvTED WFEKIA BY TKO. T. 3HADP0P.D, rou DxlNL.. Ml UFORI, ' Publisher of the Laws of the U.SlateA.i 'VtlBLISIIING OFrlCF, MAIN ST. A FEW POORS BC LOW bkcnnan's ISN Printing Office ai the old stmd. Mill street. rttllMS OP TItIS l'AVl R- - For one veftr in advance $2 50 " Ssix month's do 1 50 " Three months do 1 00 tfnot paid at the end of G mouths " 00 " within the j ear 3 50 No paper will he discontinued until la ""Jrear- - .&&Saj;epaii iiftJiihiIjej.IJUWpi. (Vr-Lett- ers sent by mail to the Editor, must he ooslvaid, ortliey will nolbe taken out of the of- - K,. rJCC. AiivritTlMJ'c ForlsquareorlcsslorJinsertionsSlOO Do do do 3 months 3 00 Do do do 0 months 5 00 Do do do 12 months 1000 Lnngeronesin propoiton v hen mseitpri bl the vear.suhiect ' toa dedudinn nrtSpercent RRIOV iLt C INE? THATSXTHOr. vfmw w m nnTrv. ITB1HE subscriber respect- - L fullv inlorms his old riisiomers,and the puhli- - gen :?::5'm?i ""v-?ZrAv15- his CAB.IXET Dwelline Hou-- e in the stand - tlfnrmerl; orrupierl by J. J t il L "sheridan. on Main Street, lrnmednt' h opposite the Masonic Ilrfll, uheie all articles in his line of business can be had on ehort nonce and good terms lie invites all wish-in- ? lt mi chase m ci jtfjon In n. VjIjY.YOY'S pavuyt bedsteads made to order on hoit noiire-r- JOSrPH MILWARD Lexington, Dec. 12, 18S5 2-- tf HOUSES A 132 LOTS FOR SALE. f.T"AVING relinquished hiisinessin I exiugtrm move tm farm in the conn try the coming Sprin", I will sell at PL Bl IC Al'CNON, on Ihe second Monday (( ountv Court d) in April next, inv l)elliug Home hz Lot on Main street, nearlj opposite t" the Mason- ic Hall It is a Tuo Sliry Brick House, having seven Rooms rniivenienjy arranged for "a tannly, witlia Two Stnrv Kitrhen in the rear Also, a separate building having a Smoke House in thei upper storv, and sour lower rooms occupied as a Dairy, and for servant's rnnnis. ASlablewith 12 stalls- - a Coru- - riband Cutting Room. The Loi extends from Main to VVater street, and fronts on botn GS feet, containing besides the above, a neat gar Jen and spacious yards. Al-s- On the same da?, will be sold, a House and Lot adjoining the above, on Water street, op posile.l. Bruen's FonnilrvjL which hasjieeu otcju-pi-ed as a Tan Yard and Shop The house is new two stories hish, uith three rooms The lot isGGfeeton Water street, and extends nearly half way to Main street, along the Cross street Both the above loisare well supplied with never sailing springs of good water. TERMS. 'I hese Lots will he sold on a credit of one and two years, the purchaser giving hnn with approved secuidy, negotiable and payable in eitherof ll)e Bankin Lexington. Other paitno lars and conditions made known atlhetime of the Sale. (t-- Sal totake'plare at U o'clork, A. M. G W LUDEMAN. . HEMP WANTED. WILL give the hiahest price in cash for TEN I TONS OF HEMP, dalivered any time the first of December next, at my mother's Farm, 4 miles fnpi Lexington, on the Henry's Mill mad. A. so, Cash for Four Young Nc groes, and 200 bairels WHITE CORK, dchv ered at the same plare bj the 15th April , a. YV. L. Lexington, Feb. 12, 18JG G- -ld NEW AND POPULAR BOOKS, just Rrcnvrn bv Tiir surscmrjLR . f IFEof Sir James Mcintosh, 2 vols JLi Life or Sir Waller Scott, by Allen Poetij of Life, 2 vols Theulston Tales, 2vo's Paul Pr j 's Comic Sketch "Book The Pnrtisan, 2 vols The South West, bv a Yankee .Slight Reminiscences of the Rhine Miss cerigw ick's Pales anil Sketches Rambler in North America Lelteis from the ouih, by Paulding Hall nn the loss of Dlood Dwighl'sTheologv Beauty of Female Holiness Chronicles of Gotham Rose Hill, nr tale of the Old Dominion Reinaikson Hqmopathy 'Claik on Consumption Gerhard un disease- - of the Chest Good's tuilv rf Medi. ine; new ed. Mi Iniosh's Practice ; new ed. Berk's Medical Jurisprudence Dr. Coil's Bible English Annual jYnung Ladies' Book tYoiiio vtist. Magnolia Oriental Annual kLanguageof Flowers anrl some others, jj l ll'i VV I.IjAI. 1.. Cheapside, Lex Ky Jan 22, 181G 3-- tf PUBLIC SALE. N Tuesday the 15th of March next, I will W sell to the highest bidripr, at the fdrnibf Jamps K I hoinpsnn, sour miles from fp,xuiginu, nn thp Masville I uiupike Road, 70 Ilea I of Supeuor Stock Hogs an I Ten Young teers for Gash in hand Also my eiilne mock Q' Huts';,, .j Covveand Calves, some unhroke Hemp, ( urn anr Hay, 50 bushels of Api les. Household aifd ICitch en F uniiure, Farmu g Utensils, &c IERMS A credit of nine months, for all sums over five dollns, that sum aiutunder. Cash iu hand. IIEN'RY BEIJ.IS. Feb. 27. 1S2G td tAYETTE COUNTY To v it TV KEN UPbyfllllPtM Wmslrtw. living in Lpxni'ton ihemxd smrtl Horse, about 45 hands high, six veat old. A s,all star in 'he rnr.hAaH tuo oi three small wh.te snots on thp peck near the lest sh.ul'er, and a small white STOKin he inside nt tne runt arm near thenieastj by WALLER UODESjD.c " True to his charge -- he comesl the Herald of a noiiy world; News from all nations, lumbering at his bark.,r THE TURF HORSE BY OSCAR, (Sue of Eliza Bute, Man M'Farland, and others,) WILLstanl spa-so- the whirh has com- menced, and will end the lljth June, at the Forks of Ihe Gporge- - low it 'teuiy's Mill roid in Lexington, (ai HnaglanriM at the low niirv of 30, pajable bj the close ol the season. GoorTpasjjirag,) lor mares ipnLm hifii. wilt he furnished without anv chan and Jm1riBt..cfi'iii.jr, imnuit Separate lniS they foal A pOSl- - blWare' Ukenio pieveut accidents or escapes, but nuliabilii) vil' beincurie'rt foreirher 1 ....., i,. . I. I..- -. . H Ifonln, 1" IHIUIIII, iv IIJ15 uiuwn Jvvinuv. ky for a third time the seivites of this distinRUishecLSullion, who his alredtlV been so Itbei rll pairuiiizedb them, I cAnnot suijpiess an enessiun of the sf,iaact,;?n ,mA nrlfJe VI Inch I feel, .it . ' . . lliti l.tn llinl n m. nrMii ipr IPS in ltr.llfl to the ppiformance of his get, are in a lair way to lie lultv ie,tliscu ana mat tne libpidlity with which thisj distinguished hoise of a renowned Vtfid unequalled Sue. has been natronsed. is likelv to be m,,re than compensated in a stock of , ' . , , "" - - i'uc.i..s yumc uiu slJv,;u cut. beauty laielv equalled. I heie is no horse on the continent of Ainericaknowri tome,n.ttive oriinpoitqtl that in a sea- son of resincted sen ftHhas pioduced so tnuth slock likel) to piove sit si rate. It n a lemaikable fact that in the sea on d Eliza Bade) &c , Columbus was sufTeted to seive but a htnifed tiuml et of m.tres, and out of that numlici Tvo'r. oive that has bfen tri- ed, has disappointed the' expectations ol its owner; eight oi ten have been train cdanditin, of the pmduce ol that sea- son. I have said o'n a sound occasion, .mil I here again reptat; that the breed- ers ot Kentucky have not paid sufficient attention to stoutness in their couise of breeding. This is a gieat en or. No stallion of Eutope oi Ameiicnhts been distinguished as n producer of incers to much extent; who had not this qualitv . Those unilorm bleeders B'aze and Herod of England, and Su Aicb) and Eclipse of Amcnca, ate cases in point. Give mrrpure blood an ancestry without blot or bleniish. .mi. then in vnmaslniiijwv - Indicating a perfect constitution, and you cannot well sail to hae a race hoise. It is not to be expected thai a thin fiai sided, bandy -- lagetl, light boned skeleton shaped animal, is he een Irne fool can bare icpeateil ontests, or inn latei than 'hrae, oi (our pars old, not is it to be e peeled that a stallion of the disruption named will produce stock other than likt him. It has been legtetted for two yeais past in our state by the breedeis of the blood horse, that our stuck were growing too mu-- of ins light-bone- il lhmsy character; our in and in couise of breeding Imsnjured om stock. I ol-f- them in Columbus a cross which will be moie remote ; and n form best cal- culated to remedy the very defect alluded tb: In regard tp (he get of Columbus, I would add in addition to w h.it I have said, that his colts arc more unifornah like him, than those of any stallion I have evei spen; possessing sine size smooth wide bone ruhness of coat, and in an em iiient degree th it peculiar beatttv of counlcnanee which to be propeily un- derstood must be seen. Three of them only have been exhibited at any fair in the state thes all got premiums, at Danville. In legaid to the perform nice of Columbus on the Tin I, a list et Ins raceo and of the races inn b biscuits, would stieteh this bill to too gieui a length, I will just add thai in all Ins between eifjuetn and twiiHv in nutVibqi he lost but two, lie was be Hen in those ft n jhe want of condition, (us testified by lus trainer-,- ) and beloie and afleiwailte"beat both the nugs l;v.whorn he vvas thus Jjeateii. By a leleience to his pcdijjfi o it will be seen that there is nut in his, veins one single di op ofM lood that is of doubtful thaiacier IIP is moie nr.nlv telated to tiie gre.it English Eclipse thaniny horse in Arnenca, na- tive or imported. The perfiiimjnce of the two fillejs biought by me fiom Ten nessee lasi spiuig, is given below in the statement of Mi. Dunn their tiainer. The arduous dunes of a station at a dis- tant quarter Inve icntleied me mi ible to pioctne, in due form the perfoinianrc of seveial othet of his colts, one Bullet's colt th it has Iippii running 'ast lall in West Tpnnescp suet essfullv in several ince, also jme owned bv All Tompkins of Summer Co Tennessee, tint was trnui- - eu ,ln,l , ,n tio simlh, and some otl - ers. At I pxtngton last sill ibe evi deuces ih.it E iz 1 B.ulev givp in her three two mile beats of gime and speed, iiiilneeil some to question the age loi winch hid been enieted; sundiv be sound below, setting tint matter in its nrOliei light. Mic 11 again in Kentucky, and unless bit d lucl. brfall her, gentlemen may liC made to tlllliL SlC COLUMBUS is a deep ieJ bay with nc. hiand.orother marKs perce,vaoie rtppriiser, nU fhm, Tl(, (JJ aU fa llilZl '., KS. ImST DAVIS TKOBIPBOK. JAMbS L IIICKM vn , r. PrnTGRF.nlTcnRTICATES LEXINGTON, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1836. No.llT-ol.5- 1 black legs main and tail full sixteen hiiidsbiglx, uniting in one form more beauty and ti.tncenilant comeliness of fuca and countenance thin anv hoisc I have ever "seen of his suenth, solidity and Herod like sfouines-- s anil fibre, was got b the tnticb admired and distinguish-- 1 cd race hoise Osc.it; he b the celebiat- - ed4mile horse Wilkes' Wonder: he bv the old implied Dunned Wondet'sdam C, Lppcs'gn mi re; she bv lip- - po Sulb, (he by Linsev Ainbl.lli) by Unrnrriei bv Valiant ; Valiant was out of full Wooded JolM Rodger mare. Ep- - . V ej pc gv m ire was uNo the d un of Gen. Jac son's Pucolet, l'iiliifti and o'liers. Oscar's dam the dlstiti"Usied and very superior blood mi.oRoIev Clock, by (he ',,, mfSr, lllipo.tpd Stltiam, he bv O'Kelh's E- - ( lipse (vv)io was able to give anv horse in England a distance in his"dav ;) Erlipse bv XMarsk, hebv Sqtll.t, he bv' Uirlletl's OhilcJeis bdltram's dam Virago, bj Bnap; tier clam bv Kegulus; ho bv (io- - dolphm Ai.ibian,out of a stsiei to Black .n,l .ii niai.1, i?.. r ,t r. """ iiuauY uiiiLtv a ii.iiii va- - milld; Camilla by the old imported TFild-- 1 air; hej grandam Jet, by old impoitcd Flimnap, her gr. giaildatn the famous brood mare Di.ino, bv GU.itf cliti- -: her gr.! 5ki i c ii r c I fii. giaooaio o.uiy i. iii.iarj-u- y veiling; heigi.gr. gi. gi.indam3Tje telobiated impoicdmiie Silver, bv "Bellsize Ara bian, in Englantl, a was also the abofe named Steiling IVildui by Cade; hebv Godolphin Arabian Claudius bv th oltl unpolled Janus; old Janus of England bv Godolphin Arabian. The (lain of Claudius bv Sterling; he by Bellsfze Columbus's- - d.itn was gut bv the imported horse Dunganon, he by Dun-g.ino- n of Engltind, he by O'Kellv's E- - eltpNe, he by Marsk, &.P. Dunganon tm Aspasia, bv Kinjj Ileiod: his uian-- ' dam Dons, by Blank; his ggiandain Hel en, bv bpcctatoi ; Ins gi. gr. giandam Daphne by Gorlolphin Arabinn. Colinn-bus- V gtaptlam by Metlin; his g grandam bv the 'celebrated race horse Fiag ot Titice Meilin vvas raised by Stephen Smith, of Viiguna, and was got b John Holmes' JMeilin. Young Aleilin's dam w.isa splendid mire got by Old Quick- silver, and he bv the old imported Metl-- I v; Holmes' Meilin by Celnr, Janus, &.C. Flag of Truce bv impoi led Gold- - ifinrinr -- 1... .u ipiT,niiu), gunrnm T Vnstottle- - g giandam by Old Feai-nough- t. Flag of Tr'tce was the sire of inanv distinguished racers, among them Colonel Taylor's f.mous running horse Leviathan, and Tirst Consul, who won wentv-on- p races from 3 to 7 years old, ivetdging 100 guineas each. DAVIS THOMPSON'. Burnt TAvrrv, Ky. Feb. 17, 181G. Being called on by Mr I hompson foi mv opin- ion in relation to the stock produced by Ins horse C OLLM! BTS, have no hesitation in saying that tns colts are equal is not supenoi to those piodu red by any hore in the state generally ver) sine size and col .r, and in full pi.sseswnn of more power and higher form than anj sptofcoltsl have ever seen I tiiined two of his colts last fall, and although they were quite t o low mur- der when I look themj thev exceeded aH,my expei tations Inn Fliza Bailey at Cob Oicli ard two mile i and repeat, won the first heal in 1m S4s nnlwitlistaud ng, by a manoeuvre in the start she ran more than a mile before she started for the boat, and was then in five minutes, compelled to go for the heat, the feci n heat she was 80 yards behind at lhe start and lost the heat by one length in 3m 5G , the ihnd heal she (lost again 811 or 90 yaids) at the start, but ranjuu the s id die ai d rider G miles m her neck, w as too much, she Inst the race, hut was quite able to have won it I ne same evening I mu Maiv M'Farland jmile heats although rhe was running under 'he jaw at the time w ih the distemper she won the fiist heat in 1 n 4Rs and lost the the seconrl hear by five feet in lm SOsand was dra vn The next week 1 nn. k them both 1 ttirhmoi d, but did not rui I hza in coi.spqnpnce of sevpie cut she re ceived on one of hei Inie legs, in the spennd heat a thet iah diehard race I sn.ied Man M' CailRnd nn'e heals (although sti ruiujing with disleinpeif against se en other nags, and won the sir! heat in ImSls (and lost lorty yaids in the star', ihe secon hi at, Run tn" heat lsi bv i ue-o- r two lengths, in lm 51s ) 'I he our heat she was polled up I wo weeks afierwards I took then! tnj.pxn gtrtn, and ran Eliza two mile heats a gainst syc other popi lar race hoisps she Inst the fiisi he it in 3m 59s without running ajumpfor the heat, Ihe second heat she won easv in lm 5 4s, theihirr heal she won i mini t a sin ggle in 3m 57 In all this race she i arned her 'adille and rider on her neck the whole siv mile-- she made run o' a sew hundred jar Is in theclose of last heat tha,t astoiu hed evi n bo lv, anil induced some lo believe thai she wa 1 vears old. which I am glad to learn Mr Th impson has pioveri satis fai t rily ur t m be il - cast , ai ihe imr place I ran Man M'Failand utile heats agau (.1 s,x iher of lhe test nags in Kenlurkv , s,e won the first hpalinlm olslhp spci ml heal slie blunder e a .er ... t.u g , ithin 70 or KO v ar.K of the s'aud audio, her nd rind ran out second beM , In, .2- Ihenextwepk I look her Mar. ) to llairds- - town an ran her two mile fieais against a popu-la- i horse I Imton t Beitrnu;!, she vvni the first heat in 4m , I . Is, anil Ihe second in 4m djs very " "" "'Vha",,'""S 17ih'leab 1816Vy JAMES DUNN I wasnipsputanri iu,psfp,t all the ,ac sunk en of in the aho.e ceiuficaie, that w ere run by I I.71 IiIp, an Man M'lailan.l, except the rarp at Bandstuwn, and know thp facts set forth hy M . Dunn 'o be coriect Given under my hand, tzc VI BONER. II J he hit fillv bv Ctilumbus. dam hi Si rkhoM- - ... ' J er, va. raiMj ( bv nip. and 2iea at ahntit six innnihs IH y nephew Vlt A W I'eese, and h turn f to Mr Davis I homosoo. who ran tipr at lPxuctnn. Kv two mile hea'";. wai thiee vensoll and nn more, u Inch can lhe attested b a number of eenllemen in this neighbourhood. Given under my hind it Galla- - ., 'en this 23th of Nov embe,, 1835 - rP. S KOGN, R DfslIA, C I MVLOJSE, W C HUFFMAN, CHAS MORGAN, RICHD. I'AllhLIt, JAS HARRISON, B. W. THOMPSON. ISAAC"1 BLEDSOE, I certify that Eliza Bailey by Columbus dam by Slocknulder, was I mled on the 20th daj of April, lew. Giver under my hand at Gallatin, Ten. this 7ih day of December, 1835. A W. REESE. Spcnctr's. Choice, Ten Sept 13, 1831. I have thii day been called on for jm opinion of the celebnted stallion COLl'MBl'S. I sivv him run eve,al races, and feel no hesitation in saving he is I race horse of .he first order; he 'vas a, all times tadlj managed, andjfn the worst pos- - siblecoiiditiu to run, w hen I have seen him start and do not think, property j(hanaged, he wpuld nave ;" nwiuiaBf. .or; . . ., car, was one bestejincses evar raise I eitlu ln rrp(.or AmenMMsfe blood is as Puie as virgin void, and.llisa'Vls a" a race horse have been larel' eqinffed ifi this or anj othei country "neanh-a- nd I do not believe Oscar ever had a 111 the davs ol t hilders. I am told thl'genp'emen, Mess hompson and Bledsoe, ihe p,resentownersnf Columbus are about to remove hlm '"Ivy- - I feel no hesitation in recommending h"" to the patrons of the blm.ri hn,e,, thisor any othercnuntry. t think he will suit well to cross on lhe nicn,ed stock of Kentucky, as he pnssess- - es uncorrmon stienglh, with great puim of blood, as will be seen upon evaiuiiiation of his pedigree, that hu veins lun lull ot the purest ln.;lisr cross- , r, j ci. r. ... t, utii as uiamc", oanrnm, r iininap, t cupse, &c 7 o SHELBY we were present at lhe fall Mces over the Hirtsville 'I urf, when Colonel Elliott's Pacolet Jry De.t Colmrbu., bolh threr y,l.i lhe "ll,e "I h" ""I heat of the two miles which they ran, was recorded, we believe, 3 n 46js second heal in dm 47s, that of the third in 3in 51s Is we aie wrong the ei.trv of the Judge&can correel it. The twolasl heats were won by Jeirv (O LUMBl'S was badly rode the first heat, which he won, however wnh apparent ease Our opin ion was at the tune, and now, had he been well lode the sir I heat he would have won the seconrl also; an ' as it vvas, he lost it onlj bj one length t OLUMBl Swas trained that, tall hv Captain llauey. VV e witnessed and tuned the trial on his turf before he was taken to Hartsville. With a bad start, and in his training shoe much worn, he urn his mile in I m 50. p do not hesitate to prono uiiice that the performance at Haitsvilie, and evi lences which he gave nt bath heels'Hud bottom in the naming at t aplatu Ha- - p' entitle Columbus to rank Tiinoii" the first ruiiuiifg horses in 'I ennessee Y- - ROHHR T DEsIIA Lexiugtoo. March 1st, ' 16 IO-- 3t Ifl IiOVJL.1., Tuelve years old this grass a beautiful blood bay, black mane ana tail, by auaoc. viis?V SX. PEDIGREE TH1IMS (llSIIMSUIs.il- - 4gWhi IrCw M ed racer was bred of New A nrk and IimI SrAeSAV- - -- Jf.X w eil in May, Irtjt , he was got by Dinoc, sue of I clipsp his dam b the imported hcrse Light lufantij, his grandam bv old Messenger, his grpat grandam by Bashaw, his g. g. grandam by 1 rue Button, his g g g. grandam y sterling. PFRFOJIMAA'CE. On the I'nion Course, L. I , when 3 vears old, Slit I ov cll ran a inatcn against a Dnmirldie Crdtofl R Coldeu's, three mile heats, and woo, listancinghis antagonist: when 4 jeats old he won the two mile sweenstakp. n, pr th I nu... rCnurse, L J beam g hve good hotses In the fall of the same j ear he was named again, ami tan or the 5J00puise,twu mile heats, over the Puugh keepsie course, which he won with ease, beating Hotspur, I imnleon, and a number of other cele Prated norses. 'lhe night following, his groom loundered him notwithstanding, on the last da) of the same inonlh, (October) he won a sweep- stake, 3 tnle heats,nver Ihe jew Market ( nurse, L. I., beating Grej Roman (out of Ariel's dam) and many otheis. In the wiuterfnlluwiug, he was sold to a gentleman ot Pennsylvania, and was to he delivered to htm on lhe Istof Vpril, m coiei-ni- g condition the cuntinct not having been marie good on the part of the purchaser, he was again put in training and commenced walking On the Gth of April, at thetune he commenced training, he was very fleshy uotwiihslandiiij,, on the 12th day of Mayollo nig, he vvas entered for the 400 Dulse, three mile heals, which he won with ease. carrying 122lbs beating the famous mare Ariel, Bachelor and Yankee Maid- - time, finaheat 5mi 47s second heat, 5m. 53s Taking in'o con sideiation the very short time he had been in train- ing (five weeks) this lace was cousideied as one of the best ever run on Long Island, aud'at once stamped SIR LdVELL as a first rate race horse In the ensuing'week, he ran with Ariel fur the 500 pnrsp, lour mile heats," at Poughkeepste, where he won the first heal in great ime,7m 50s considering the state of the Louise, which was verj heavy lhe s?tonH heat he led the ma.e lime and three quarter miles, when she pa.spd him and won the heat he was then withdiawu I hi re was no jnikev ing at the time; it was ow-n- g tn his vvint (is unit lent training tint tie .st the race 'Iwodajs afierwards, over the same course, he took the sJ200 purse two mile heats beating ady Hunter, Maryland Eclipse, aid iVlaltuu tm e,jirstheat .lm ols ,cari) ing 121 lbs. This is great time , considering Lovell run eight miles two davs previous, but it wasoon forgotten in his superior and almost unequalled time, time of the second heal which was cnutested inch bv inch in the mnsi spirited stvle bv Sir Lovell and ll.id) Hunter, am' won hj Lnvelljn 3m 4G. H hen 11 is kmm n that the i nursr is eight feet over a mile, anrl that the horses carried weights, this heat will doubtless be tecnr led as e , lne kpst , , a , , , ,p n, fek he , M h e heats .ove, tl Umon Cmu.e, L I for (100,'vnh ,,.,, known maie Irnneite, '..... 111 ?"'h he won the first heal 111 Jm 4os md in the next, distanced his opponents m 3m. 45s Thus run ning sour racesin thpshnit spaceoi two weeksam" onlj losing a single heat-fur- ther comment is un- - necessary . 'I "ffi"s l,as beenn e o (nmmon with persons whohave horses, that I deem it a disgrace toa good hn,e to iy more than what is recorde.j 111 the ling nri-iri- j H'lHriMM'J lllClllf nil iviueii a a to Sill I OVHIjL, thp puhhc is ie(errei(. Lnv ell will Mauri ax mv Mables on the Tale-- rrpfk roar! in Jrsaminp county, 8 mile fr ni Ipmgtmt ,..A.r n i i ., . n.. na ., uvtii e i" on p in k- - ,.f k.or ... I. u.,....ir. T nu n .11 ha it Illllliutl til lililjr- - ill 11t111111.n1 uorvii i ii m at the reduced priie ol 30 dollars, which ,.., ho h, vl dollars is liaid in lhe spa i i, An.nn ...it . ,a.,, u iDiuni $)) nc qc n mi i in oiiiiiii mv. uiibtiji luiinn March, and end the 1st of July 'All posihl, ,. ,,, ,11, Mj. rmn 9 riitinr. hm nn In h,i. f, accidents or escanes Good uasturate. and gram fed at a small price P E lODHUNTER i Jessamine County, Jan. 30, 1836-5-tlst- June MLSSENGER DUROC. LL tanH the W mmsmi oil the Lexington Association 'ZJussN course. Particulars &c , marie known in due nine Pedigree in a concise form. Messenger DuroL. bv Duroc; dam Vincenta, bv Messenger; Sleudei ; Lath; Wildair; '1 rue Union: Josenh Anderson's imnorterf mate bv llarclp . , ssTar?.., . P,..,. Cnll.,.n T, 'Pra .... ...ii.nv Ulll j , I Ql IIIT j kjtlll.lll AU... veller'iriani by AlmJizor Daj RnllonVi sister by tirPV flaiirhni f Hnmmpri Hill inntlrl ""-".""- - . 0. '."..." oisier in tne (lam 01 old Merlin ny uusirer JaUKS shv- - January 10 181G -2- -tf MONEY FdUND. SMALL HANK BILL was sound about A two weeks since, near the University, which the owner can have bv applying at this Office, de scribing the same, and paying for tuts advertise ment .Lexinginn, MaichS, lBJb U- -it MAYES 4- - BLANCHARD. TTUDGE MxYES&flOR'ACE F BLAN SJ? CHAUD, having associated themselves the practice of the LA V , in the Fayette Circuit Court, will attend lo all business entrusted tr their care with zeal and promptitude. Lexington, Match 4, 1S3G tf WANTKD, 1 ION mra mairvvitha srmill fami ASITUA qualified for bnsine-s- , either as a ( lerkor Superinlendant of a Hemp Factory. Suit able lecommii'latums can he pioduced. Call in) mediately at this office Lex Jan 19, I83G 4i T CLOVLlt AND TIMOTHY 8LED BUSIILLS Clover Peed. 100 do Pennsylvania Timet Send for sale bl MONTMOt LIN & CORNWALL Jan. 8, 1830 PURCHASERS AT THE SALE Ob 'J'HOS OUTTEN, DEC'D AIr herpny informerl that ibeir i" tp- - til fall nn Ihp 4th riai df Marrh a,t tliat nt ( laun1 agrinii the estate are uitinpioug and re J.l. . U u .. ........ . " h "" ' iiunirin c l 111 utr gi veil, uiii pa v tut in "iiu"i be made tt matuftH T.eK.Fph 18, 183G 3t. MUSTARD SEED V7I VEIt Y rarniPi. DPihau. has s line around L too rich for mot vPPtahles I his is ihe pry bPBl kiti'l for growing the common small bla k mustard A dune hill, is well rotted, is not too nh It gums well where old innl lings hive stood A quarter hilf an acre - f ttn- - oit of gtnun 1 v oulrt be well orih mrti vaunt; Ii s mill Ii tllO fllllpl aimllfs JUrliaUC jijWrl rr Tit would prf liabl , Irom the experime its I Invr made, pio furp at tlie ra'p ol thirty or ltt ti sn els an acre It should he sounds eirlv in tht spring as the ground can be worked, and whet riiin .. rptiprt ntirt laid liaiiric- , anrl Inn or thipp ..r. , ..K - idj's sun u ill diy it tuffirienily for thriBlnn l ills enoutn De none on a neei iatn on some r.U. It oi An rx tlurl cml ns rrrJcS Parn miKl llM uini iv ui un it tun n ..i i i t' ..i. taken to tft the trash out before u i put into lite wind, or it ill carr) theeeri awaj When well deaned ano dried, it will mppt tvith read sale at about 'l a bushel, by applying to xt nnnnnii ro sex Teh 30, 1S3G 3t BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE 98 ILL be sold at Public Auction, on the V v premises, on Friday ineSihdavof piil, I83G, at 11 o'dock, a in , the city propeitv pur chased of R Higgm, esq situated on Mamcros stieet, between the lots of Frederick Norwood and the hens of Moses Hall, deed laid out into beautilul building lots. J hp plan of the lets mav be seen iv ith the Citv fleik, and will be exhibited on the premises on ihe daj ol sale rreMS I he lots will be sold on a ciedit of G and 12 months, the purchaser giving neao inble notes with Lood and approvpd security. Posses sion delivered on the day of sale M C JOHNSON, J 0 JOHNSON, JACOB ASIHON, Feb 20, 1816. ts Committee IIUEY $ FROST, AVING formed a and pur- chased out the Stock and I'ailoiing concern f Messrs J T Frazer & Co , are now reaflv lo execute all ofders in their line They will constan'ii keep on han a complete sortineni of CLO I'Hb, C ASSI MERES and VES TINGS, and lespectfully solicit a continu ance of public patrouagg . HUEY AI FKUST. Lex. Teb. 1G, lS3G--7-3- m TOUND, WEEK or two since on the Rail Road, a nairofGOLD splx l'A( LES, which the owner can hav e by describing tbein and paying for thisadveitt ement Call on DAVID GLASS, 5 miles fiom Lex Leotown Road tQ Frankfort. A FARM TQaBE RENTED, f5bJ EU( the I'urnpike Bridge, G miles I rom Lex PQ ... .(.... r ilciiiated for a desirable residence. and fiom the advlTntages of creek vvater and pas- turage, admits of hems made a profitable Stock Farm. Enquire it J. KEISER'S, Lexington (Jnlel MARY PARKER. January 19, lSJG-- 2-lf (gj- - good BLACKSMITH to he hirel Fniiuire or J KE1SLR TO JOURNEYMEN PRINTERS. U or two btead, industrious Joinnpymen ON Printers will meet ilh constant employ- ment, is immediate application .is made at this Offire Lexington, March rt 9- -tf T332AS. II WE FOR SVLE, a large quantity ol TEXAS SCIi IP, in Leftnick's grant, ad joinim: md umnediately above Austin's Colon, ncludingthe liiassns and exienning to tne colera- - rio rivei. I his is the most leitile part ol I exas Anv persim wishing to emigrat(?to, or engage in a speculation in land in this delightful region, would do well to appl) to the undersigned, who will give n first rale bargain in all resrei ts to suit the pur- chaser. Apply to Mr P. Scott at Dr W hi riey's m Lexington, to l le stihsi riher, or D C Over- ton, at the late iesi lei cp of Wallpi Overt, n, five miles Irom Lexington, near the Boons-bor- o' road. JOHN V. OVERTON. Januarv 5, 1830 3-- tf MAMMOTH WARRIOR. I HAVE noi sold Warr-t- i or I beg leave to caution thi public against false mmorff in relation to him, during th year Is any change taken )ipt?r f.fd place in his health, or obiliti- - ftll'lfilr 'K es,,(hict have never been - oS de'ective in his life,) 1 will notify thp public through the newspapers forthwith fie will ren ain doting the,present season, at hlf ld staod, near Winchester. The puce will be $35 the bn,or 52 to insure Jennetts. Pasturag gratKv warkjoe is the largest Jack, Cfoll 15 hand tihh, aoSeqtuCIXy TaigftAll ovprT himself to be ibe surest and best breeder now known in the world His colts have more than justified Lpublic expectation, nit only in size, but in form. 1 sold a lot of his mule colts, at weaning iimey last fall, to Col Wm. Myers, of Garrard County for gi Ideach, Cash in hand, anrl others ai tne. mine puce ?iot one ofhisJack colts now ono year old, can be bought for S5UU ' he sum oi S1S00 has been offered for either of two, and & 1)00 forsever.il miters. Does not thisjuslify lhe( price at which Warror stands? P. 11 tlutAua i . Winchester, feb 20. 1836 '1- -tf OAL OR TWO APPRENTICES, rail) learn the Art of PritiUtu, v ill betaken JsL bovs between the aces of 14 and lG'vvould be preferred. Lexintstjin, 5'-- 9 tf. DENTISTlVY. X ItAh R1S, Dentist, informs lhe citi- zens of Lexington, that he has leturnerl to the Cnv, and may bo sound atlhePHCENIX HO I'LL, (Jlomn No.-G- ) where he vifill be happy to receive the calls of s jrh as may desire his pro- fessional services. He will remain in the city for a sew vveekS.p.ny. Match 4, '36. tf BLAGKSMITHSHG. fim ON SHY F O RM S EN the qtizens ofLexi'igtonand vicinily, that he ffi has purchased tire entire stock, ih Stc , nt Mr. John R thaw, and vv ill continue the aboi-- business at the old stand, ou Short street op- posite O. Keen, esq., where htf will be happ) to wait on all who will give him K call. March 5, 1816 tf. FIRE BUCKETS! a nipptu g r f the Prpsidpnt lud Council df AT iji ol Lexinjiinn Leb . Xd".TK!G JTcsohed, that tie Piesident of theCojnciI id verns in the spvpral newspapers m the city t nn'il tne Tsi da of May next, thai the citizens of the itty will be ipqiured lo comply with the city ordinance-- , in furnishing their noues vvilh Fire Buckets, b lhe fiist day of Mav next. Badied, I hat on thp 1st day of May next, tlu- - Mai-h- and Day Tdtchman of the city shalt comment e visiting everj h msp in thp city, and nakp a rPlurn lo the Ptesi lent of lhe Council, asr eaily as possible, of the- number of Flie Buckets: vhirh bel mg lo each house in the city, which re- turn shall be made from his own knowledge and n actual examu atmn of the Buckets. THOS P llAHT,Prest. V copy H I Bodlei,CA CSTY PPOPEBTlf TO 1.1. ASE AT GROUND RENT. CgHHE Citj Propeity on each side the Wateh-5- i. house, will be leased for ninety-nin- e yearrf with a claim of perpetual renewal, on Friday, the 8th day of April, 183G, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at public auction, foi ground rent, pay ible y Brick buildings of not less than two, sto- nes high, will he required to be elected on the premise, and lhe punctual payment of the rent secured bv the usual claims of forfeiture. The property will be divided into lots suitable for bust' ness houses. 'I he situation is admuably adapted to erery species ofbusmess, but especially to the larger or wholesale line. M C. JOHNSON, J B JOHNSON, JACOB ASHTON, Feb aO, 133G 9- -tl 'Committee. CITY PROPERTY ON MAIN STREET. THE President and Council. of the City f will leceive anrl consider sealed proposals loi leasing, a perpetual ground rent, ot purchasing, the Ci'y PjSp.erly on Mam street, ex- tending back lo ' alei street. The property will be divided into five fronts on Mamstreet, of 20 feet Gjnches each, and as many.ou Paler street, and each sunning back 110 feet Proposals may be for anv number of these lots, extending through rrojn street totreei oronly gqiag back halfway, nimay suit th? bidder The proposalsniust be reTtwHthlheCleikof the City by the 15lhdayof March next. M. CJOHNSON, " J. B. JOHNSON, J. ASIirON, Feb 20, 183G ris . Committee. ItAtlB FOR SALS. rgptlE Snbsctiberwiir oiler fofsaleon lhe25tff inst , the tract of LAND on which he lives containing 100 ACRES, 1 miles south Ky on the Turnpike road leading from Lexington to Danville and Lancaster. Al- so ALL HIS STOCK of Horses,' Cattle, Sheep, IIojs, Sir Corn, Oats, Hayvic. Sale lo commence a" 10 o'clock, a in. Terns made" known on the day of sale. STEWARD DILLON. Jessamine count , March 7, '36 10-- 2t N B 'There is another tract adjoining the one offered foi sale, which can be had is wanted. S D NEW SPKING GOODS, . FOn 1836. TILFORD, HOLLOWAY CO. ARE now receivuig.at the old stand ofJ.TjU No 49, Mam street, a large and splen did stork of MERCHANDISE, cons.stirg of Dry Goods, Hardware, Shoes and Boots. I on hn h thev inv ue the attention of Whole- sale and Retail Dealers. Lex Marth8,'3fi 10-- tf NORTHERN BANK KENTUCKY. jjMhefiuith instalment, of 10 on each share; A becAine sue on the 27th ultimo Lexington March 5 th 1830,

Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY) 1836-03 …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7d251fjt67/data/3230.pdf · 2012-06-03 · Court d) in April next, inv l)elliug Home hz Lot

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY) 1836-03 …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7d251fjt67/data/3230.pdf · 2012-06-03 · Court d) in April next, inv l)elliug Home hz Lot



BY TKO. T. 3HADP0P.D,rou

DxlNL.. Ml UFORI,' Publisher of the Laws of the U.SlateA.i


LOW bkcnnan's ISN

Printing Office ai the old stmd. Mill street.rttllMS OP TItIS l'AVl R- -

For one veftr in advance $2 50" Ssix month's do 1 50" Three months do 1 00

tfnot paid at the end of G mouths " 00" within the j ear 3 50

No paper will he discontinued until la ""Jrear- -

.&&Saj;epaii iiftJiihiIjej.IJUWpi.(Vr-Lett-ers sent by mail to the Editor, must he

ooslvaid, ortliey will nolbe taken out of the of--K,.rJCC.

AiivritTlMJ'cForlsquareorlcsslorJinsertionsSlOODo do do 3 months 3 00Do do do 0 months 5 00Do do do 12 months 1000

Lnngeronesin propoiton v hen mseitpri blthe vear.suhiect' toa dedudinn nrtSpercent


vfmw w m nnTrv. ITB1HE subscriber respect- -L fullv inlorms his old

riisiomers,and the puhli- - gen


his CAB.IXETDwelline Hou-- e in the stand


tlfnrmerl; orrupierl by J. Jt il L "sheridan. on Main Street,lrnmednt' h opposite the Masonic Ilrfll, uheieall articles in his line of business can be had on

ehort nonce and good terms lie invites all wish-in- ?

lt mi chase m ci jtfjon In n.VjIjY.YOY'S pavuyt bedsteads

made to order on hoit noiire-r-

JOSrPH MILWARDLexington, Dec. 12, 18S5 2-- tf


f.T"AVING relinquished hiisinessin I exiugtrmmove tm farm in the conn

try the coming Sprin", I will sell at PL Bl ICAl'CNON, on Ihe second Monday (( ountvCourt d) in April next, inv l)elliug Home hz

Lot on Main street, nearlj opposite t" the Mason-

ic Hall It is a Tuo Sliry Brick House, havingseven Rooms rniivenienjy arranged for "a tannly,witlia Two Stnrv Kitrhen in the rear Also, a

separate building having a Smoke House in theiupper storv, and sour lower rooms occupied as aDairy, and for servant's rnnnis. ASlablewith 12

stalls- - a Coru- - riband Cutting Room. The Loiextends from Main to VVater street, and fronts on

botn GS feet, containing besides the above, a neatgar Jen and spacious yards.

Al-s- On the same da?, will be sold, a Houseand Lot adjoining the above, on Water street, opposile.l. Bruen's FonnilrvjL which hasjieeu otcju-pi-ed

as a Tan Yard and Shop The house isnew two stories hish, uith three rooms The lotisGGfeeton Water street, and extends nearly halfway to Main street, along the Cross street

Both the above loisare well supplied with neversailing springs of good water.

TERMS. 'I hese Lots will he sold on a creditof one and two years, the purchaser giving hnnwith approved secuidy, negotiable and payable in

eitherof ll)e Bankin Lexington. Other paitnolars and conditions made known atlhetime of theSale.

(t-- Sal totake'plare at U o'clork, A. M.G W LUDEMAN. .

HEMP WANTED.WILL give the hiahest price in cash for TENI TONS OF HEMP, dalivered any timethe first of December next, at my mother's

Farm, 4 miles fnpi Lexington, on the Henry'sMill mad. A. so, Cash for Four Young Ncgroes, and 200 bairels WHITE CORK, dchvered at the same plare bj the 15th April

, a. YV. L.Lexington, Feb. 12, 18JG G- -ld

NEW AND POPULAR BOOKS,just Rrcnvrn bv Tiir surscmrjLR .

f IFEof Sir James Mcintosh, 2 volsJLi Life or Sir Waller Scott, by Allen

Poetij of Life, 2 volsTheulston Tales, 2vo'sPaul Pr j 's Comic Sketch "Book

The Pnrtisan, 2 volsThe South West, bv a Yankee

.Slight Reminiscences of the RhineMiss cerigw ick's Pales anil SketchesRambler in North AmericaLelteis from the ouih, by PauldingHall nn the loss of DloodDwighl'sTheologvBeauty of Female HolinessChronicles of GothamRose Hill, nr tale of the Old DominionReinaikson Hqmopathy

'Claik on ConsumptionGerhard un disease- - of the ChestGood's tuilv rf Medi. ine; new ed.Mi Iniosh's Practice ; new ed.Berk's Medical JurisprudenceDr. Coil's BibleEnglish Annual

jYnung Ladies' BooktYoiiio vtist. Magnolia

Oriental AnnualkLanguageof Flowers anrl some others, jj

l ll'i VV I.IjAI. 1..Cheapside, Lex Ky Jan 22, 181G 3--tf

PUBLIC SALE.N Tuesday the 15th of March next, I will

W sell to the highest bidripr, at the fdrnibfJamps K I hoinpsnn, sour miles from fp,xuiginu,nn thp Masville I uiupike Road, 70 Ilea I ofSupeuor Stock Hogs an I Ten Young teers forGash in hand Also my eiilne mock Q' Huts';,, .j

Covveand Calves, some unhroke Hemp, ( urn anrHay, 50 bushels of Api les. Household aifd ICitchen F uniiure, Farmu g Utensils, &c

IERMS A credit of nine months, for allsums over five dollns, that sum aiutunder. Cashiu hand. IIEN'RY BEIJ.IS.

Feb. 27. 1S2G td


TV KEN UPbyfllllPtM Wmslrtw. livingin Lpxni'ton ihemxd smrtl Horse, about

45 hands high, six veat old. A s,all star in 'hernr.hAaH tuo oi three small wh.te snots on thppeck near the lest sh.ul'er, and a small white

STOKin he inside nt tne runt arm near thenieastj


" True to his charge --he comesl the Herald of a noiiy world; News from all nations, lumbering at his bark.,r


BY OSCAR,(Sue of Eliza Bute, Man M'Farland,

and others,)

WILLstanl spa-so-


whirh has com-

menced, and will endthe lljth June, at theForks of Ihe Gporge- -

low it 'teuiy's Mill roid in Lexington, (aiHnaglanriM at the low niirv of 30, pajable bjthe close ol the season. GoorTpasjjirag,) lor maresipnLm hifii. wilt he furnished without anv chanand Jm1riBt..cfi'iii.jr, imnuit Separate lniS

they foal A pOSl- -

blWare' Ukenio pieveut accidents or escapes, butnuliabilii) vil' beincurie'rt foreirher

1 ....., i,. . I. I..- -. .H Ifonln,1" IHIUIIII, iv IIJ15 uiuwn Jvvinuv.ky for a third time the seivites of thisdistinRUishecLSullion, who his alredtlVbeen so Itbei rll pairuiiizedb them, I

cAnnot suijpiess an enessiun of thesf,iaact,;?n ,mA nrlfJe VI Inch I feel, .it. ' . .lliti l.tn llinl n m. nrMii ipr IPS in ltr.llflto the ppiformance of his get, are in alair way to lie lultv ie,tliscu ana mat tnelibpidlity with which thisj distinguishedhoise of a renowned Vtfid unequalledSue. has been natronsed. is likelv to bem,,re than compensated in a stock of, ' . , ,

"" - - i'uc.i..s yumc uiu slJv,;u cut.beauty laielv equalled. I heie is nohorse on the continent of Ainericaknowritome,n.ttive oriinpoitqtl that in a sea-

son of resincted sen ftHhas pioducedso tnuth slock likel) to piove sit si rate.It n a lemaikable fact that in the seaon d Eliza Bade) &c ,

Columbus was sufTeted to seive but ahtnifed tiuml et of m.tres, and out of thatnumlici Tvo'r. oive that has bfen tri-ed, has disappointed the' expectations olits owner; eight oi ten have been traincdanditin, of the pmduce ol that sea-son. I have said o'n a sound occasion,.mil I here again reptat; that the breed-ers ot Kentucky have not paid sufficientattention to stoutness in their couise ofbreeding. This is a gieat en or. Nostallion of Eutope oi Ameiicnhts beendistinguished as n producer of incers tomuch extent; who had not this qualitv .

Those unilorm bleeders B'aze and Herodof England, and Su Aicb) and Eclipseof Amcnca, ate cases in point. Givemrrpure blood an ancestry without blotor bleniish. .mi. then in vnmaslniiijwv -

Indicating a perfect constitution, and youcannot well sail to hae a race hoise.

It is not to be expected thai a thin fiaisided, bandy -- lagetl, light boned skeletonshaped animal, is he een Irne fool canbare icpeateil ontests, or inn latei than'hrae, oi (our pars old, not is it to be epeeled that a stallion of the disruptionnamed will produce stock other than likthim. It has been legtetted for twoyeais past in our state by the breedeisof the blood horse, that our stuck weregrowing too mu-- of ins light-bone- il

lhmsy character; our in and in couiseof breeding Imsnjured om stock. I ol-f-

them in Columbus a cross whichwill be moie remote ; and n form best cal-

culated to remedy the very defect alludedtb: In regard tp (he get of Columbus, Iwould add in addition to w h.it I have said,that his colts arc more unifornah likehim, than those of any stallion I haveevei spen; possessing sine size smoothwide bone ruhness of coat, and in an emiiient degree th it peculiar beatttv ofcounlcnanee which to be propeily un-

derstood must be seen. Three of themonly have been exhibited at any fair inthe state thes all got premiums, atDanville. In legaid to the perform niceof Columbus on the Tin I, a list et Insraceo and of the races inn b biscuits,would stieteh this bill to too gieui alength, I will just add thai in all Ins

between eifjuetn and twiiHv innutVibqi he lost but two, lie was be Henin those ft n jhe want of condition, (ustestified by lus trainer-,- ) and beloie andafleiwailte"beat both the nugs l;v.whornhe vvas thus Jjeateii. By a leleience tohis pcdijjfi o it will be seen that there isnut in his, veins one single di op ofM loodthat is of doubtful thaiacier IIP ismoie nr.nlv telated to tiie gre.it EnglishEclipse thaniny horse in Arnenca, na-

tive or imported. The perfiiimjnce of

the two fillejs biought by me fiom Tennessee lasi spiuig, is given below in thestatement of Mi. Dunn their tiainer.The arduous dunes of a station at a dis-

tant quarter Inve icntleied me mi ibleto pioctne, in due form the perfoinianrcof seveial othet of his colts, one Bullet'scolt th it has Iippii running 'ast lall in WestTpnnescp suet essfullv in several ince,also jme owned bv All Tompkins ofSummer Co Tennessee, tint was trnui- -

eu ,ln,l , ,n tio simlh, and some otl -

ers. At I pxtngton last sill ibe evideuces ih.it E iz 1 B.ulev givp in herthree two mile beats of gime and speed,iiiilneeil some to question the age loiwinch hid been enieted; sundiv

be sound below, setting tintmatter in its nrOliei light. Mic 11 againin Kentucky, and unless bitd lucl. brfallher, gentlemen may liC made to tlllliL SlC

COLUMBUS is a deep ieJ bay with

nc. hiand.orother marKs perce,vaoie rtppriiser, nU fhm, Tl(, (JJ aU fa


LEXINGTON, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1836. No.llT-ol.5- 1

black legs main and tail full sixteenhiiidsbiglx, uniting in one form morebeauty and ti.tncenilant comeliness offuca and countenance thin anv hoisc Ihave ever "seen of his suenth, solidityand Herod like sfouines-- s anil fibre, wasgot b the tnticb admired and distinguish-- 1

cd race hoise Osc.it; he b the celebiat- -

ed4mile horse Wilkes' Wonder: he bvthe old implied Dunned Wondet'sdam

C, Lppcs'gn mi re; she bv lip- -po Sulb, (he by Linsev Ainbl.lli) byUnrnrriei bv Valiant ; Valiant was out of

full Wooded JolM Rodger mare. Ep- -. V ej

pc gv m ire was uNo the d un of Gen.Jac son's Pucolet, l'iiliifti and o'liers.Oscar's dam the dlstiti"Usied and verysuperior blood mi.oRoIev Clock, by (he',,, mfSr,lllipo.tpd Stltiam, he bv O'Kelh's E- -

( lipse (vv)io was able to give anv horsein England a distance in his"dav ;) Erlipsebv XMarsk, hebv Sqtll.t, he bv' Uirlletl'sOhilcJeis bdltram's dam Virago, bjBnap; tier clam bv Kegulus; ho bv (io- -

dolphm Ai.ibian,out of a stsiei to Black.n,l .ii niai.1, i?.. r ,t r.""" iiuauY uiiiLtv a ii.iiii va- -

milld; Camilla by the old imported TFild-- 1

air; hej grandam Jet, by old impoitcdFlimnap, her gr. giaildatn the famousbrood mare Di.ino, bv GU.itf cliti- -: her gr.!

5kii c ii r c I

fii. giaooaio o.uiy i. iii.iarj-u- y veiling;heigi.gr. gi. gi.indam3Tje telobiatedimpoicdmiie Silver, bv "Bellsize Arabian, in Englantl, a was also the abofenamed Steiling IVildui by Cade; hebvGodolphin Arabian Claudius bv th oltl

unpolled Janus; old Janus of Englandbv Godolphin Arabian. The (lain ofClaudius bv Sterling; he by Bellsfze

Columbus's- - d.itn was gut bv theimported horse Dunganon, he by Dun-g.ino- n

of Engltind, he by O'Kellv's E- -eltpNe, he by Marsk, &.P. Dunganon

tm Aspasia, bv Kinjj Ileiod: his uian-- 'dam Dons, by Blank; his ggiandain Helen, bv bpcctatoi ; Ins gi. gr. giandamDaphne by Gorlolphin Arabinn. Colinn-bus- V

gtaptlam by Metlin; his g grandambv the 'celebrated race horse Fiag otTitice Meilin vvas raised by StephenSmith, of Viiguna, and was got b JohnHolmes' JMeilin. Young Aleilin's damw.isa splendid mire got by Old Quick-silver, and he bv the old imported Metl-- I

v; Holmes' Meilin by Celnr, Janus,&.C. Flag of Truce bv impoi led Gold- -

ifinrinr -- 1... .u ipiT,niiu), gunrnm TVnstottle- - g giandam by Old Feai-nough- t.

Flag of Tr'tce was the sire ofinanv distinguished racers, among themColonel Taylor's f.mous running horseLeviathan, and Tirst Consul, who won

wentv-on- p races from 3 to 7 years old,ivetdging 100 guineas each.

DAVIS THOMPSON'.Burnt TAvrrv, Ky. Feb. 17, 181G.

Being called on by Mr I hompson foi mv opin-ion in relation to the stock produced by Ins horseC OLLM! BTS, have no hesitation in saying thattns colts are equal is not supenoi to those piodured by any hore in the state generally ver) sine

size and col .r, and in full pi.sseswnn of morepower and higher form than anj sptofcoltslhave ever seen I tiiined two of his colts lastfall, and although they were quite t o low mur-der when I look themj thev exceeded aH,myexpei tations Inn Fliza Bailey at Cob Oicliard two mile i and repeat, won the first heal in 1mS4s nnlwitlistaud ng, by a manoeuvre in the startshe ran more than a mile before she started forthe boat, and was then in five minutes, compelledto go for the heat, the feci n heat she was 80yards behind at lhe start and lost the heat by onelength in 3m 5G , the ihnd heal she (lost again811 or 90 yaids) at the start, but ranjuu the s iddie ai d rider G miles m her neck, w as too much,she Inst the race, hut was quite able to have wonit I ne same evening I mu Maiv M'Farland

jmile heats although rhe was running under 'hejaw at the time w ih the distemper she won thefiist heat in 1 n 4Rs and lost the the seconrl hearby five feet in lm SOsand was dra vn The nextweek 1 nn. k them both 1 ttirhmoi d, but did notrui I hza in coi.spqnpnce of sevpie cut she received on one of hei Inie legs, in the spennd heata thet iah diehard race I sn.ied Man M'CailRnd nn'e heals (although sti ruiujing withdisleinpeif against se en other nags, and won thesir! heat in ImSls (and lost lorty yaids in thestar', ihe secon hi at, Run tn" heat lsi bv i ue-o- r

two lengths, in lm 51s ) 'I he our heat she waspolled up I wo weeks afierwards I took then!tnj.pxn gtrtn, and ran Eliza two mile heats against syc other popi lar race hoisps she Inst thefiisi he it in 3m 59s without running ajumpforthe heat, Ihe second heat she won easv in lm5 4s, theihirr heal she won i mini t a sin ggle in3m 57 In all this race she i arned her 'adilleand rider on her neck the whole siv mile-- shemade run o' a sew hundred jar Is in theclose oflast heat tha,t astoiu hed evi n bo lv, anil inducedsome lo believe thai she wa 1 vears old. which I

am glad to learn Mr Th impson has pioveri satisfai t rily ur t m be il - cast , ai ihe imr place I

ran Man M'Failand utile heats agau (.1 s,x iherof lhe test nags in Kenlurkv , s,e won the firsthpalinlm olslhp spci ml heal slie blundere a .er ... t.u g , ithin 70 or KO v ar.K of the s'audaudio, her nd rind ran out second beM , In,.2- Ihenextwepk I look her Mar. ) to llairds- -

town an ran her two mile fieais against a popu-la- ihorse I Imton t Beitrnu;!, she vvni the first

heat in 4m,


.Is, anil Ihe second in 4m djs very

" "" "'Vha",,'""S17ih'leab 1816Vy

JAMES DUNNI wasnipsputanri iu,psfp,t all the ,ac sunk

en of in the aho.e ceiuficaie, that w ere run byI I.71 IiIp, an Man M'lailan.l, except therarp at Bandstuwn, and know thp facts set forthhy M . Dunn 'o be coriect Given under myhand, tzc VI BONER.

II J he hit fillv bv Ctilumbus. dam hi Si rkhoM- -...' Jer, va. raiMj ( bv nip. and 2iea at ahntit sixinnnihs IH y nephew Vlt A W I'eese,and h turn f to Mr Davis I homosoo. whoran tipr at lPxuctnn. Kv two mile hea'";. waithiee vensoll and nn more, u Inch can

lhe attested b a number of eenllemen in thisneighbourhood. Given under my hind it Galla- -

., 'en this 23th of Nov embe,, 1835 -rP. S KOGN, R DfslIA,C I MVLOJSE, W C HUFFMAN,

CHAS MORGAN, RICHD. I'AllhLIt,JAS HARRISON, B. W. THOMPSON.ISAAC"1 BLEDSOE,I certify that Eliza Bailey by Columbus dam

by Slocknulder, was I mled on the 20th daj ofApril, lew. Giver under my hand at Gallatin,Ten. this 7ih day of December, 1835.

A W. REESE.Spcnctr's. Choice, Ten Sept 13, 1831.

I have thii day been called on for jm opinionof the celebnted stallion COLl'MBl'S. I sivvhim run eve,al races, and feel no hesitation insaving he is I race horse of .he first order; he 'vasa, all times tadlj managed, andjfn the worst pos- -siblecoiiditiu to run, w hen I have seen him startand do not think, property j(hanaged, he wpuldnave ;" nwiuiaBf. .or; . ..,car, was one bestejincses evar raise I eitluln rrp(.or AmenMMsfe blood is as Puie asvirgin void, and.llisa'Vls a" a race horse havebeen larel' eqinffed ifi this or anj othei country"neanh-a- nd I do not believe Oscar ever had a

111 the davs ol t hilders. I am toldthl'genp'emen, Mess hompson and Bledsoe, ihep,resentownersnf Columbus are about to removehlm '"Ivy- - I feel no hesitation in recommendingh"" to the patrons of the blm.ri hn,e,, thisor anyothercnuntry. t think he will suit well to crosson lhe nicn,ed stock of Kentucky, as he pnssess- -

es uncorrmon stienglh, with great puim of blood,as will be seen upon evaiuiiiation of his pedigree,that hu veins lun lull ot the purest ln.;lisr cross-

, r, j ci. r. ...t, utii as uiamc", oanrnm, r iininap, t cupse,&c 7 o SHELBY

we were present at lhe fall Mces over theHirtsville 'I urf, when Colonel Elliott's PacoletJry De.t Colmrbu., bolh threr y,l.i lhe"ll,e "I h" ""I heat of the two miles which theyran, was recorded, we believe, 3 n 46js secondheal in dm 47s, that of the third in 3in 51s Iswe aie wrong the ei.trv of the Judge&can correelit. The twolasl heats were won by Jeirv (OLUMBl'S was badly rode the first heat, whichhe won, however wnh apparent ease Our opinion was at the tune, and now, had he been welllode the sir I heat he would have won the seconrlalso; an ' as it vvas, he lost it onlj bj one lengtht OLUMBl Swas trained that, tall hv Captainllauey. VV e witnessed and tuned the trial on histurf before he was taken to Hartsville. With abad start, and in his training shoe much worn, heurn his mile in I m 50. p do not hesitate toprono uiiice that the performance at Haitsvilie,and evi lences which he gave nt bathheels'Hud bottom in the naming at t aplatu Ha- -

p' entitle Columbus to rank Tiinoii" the firstruiiuiifg horses in 'I ennessee


Lexiugtoo. March 1st, ' 16 IO-- 3t

Ifl IiOVJL.1.,Tuelve years old this grass a beautiful blood

bay, black mane ana tail,by auaoc.


TH1IMS (llSIIMSUIs.il- -

4gWhi IrCw M ed racer was bred

of New A nrk and IimISrAeSAV- - -- Jf.X w eil in May, Irtjt , he

was got by Dinoc, sue of I clipsp his dam b theimported hcrse Light lufantij, his grandam bv oldMessenger, his grpat grandam by Bashaw, his g.g. grandam by 1 rue Button, his g g g. grandam

y sterling.

PFRFOJIMAA'CE.On the I'nion Course, L. I , when 3 vears old,

Slit I ov cll ran a inatcn against a DnmirldieCrdtofl R Coldeu's, three mile heats, and woo,listancinghis antagonist: when 4 jeats old hewon the two mile sweenstakp. n, pr th I nu...

rCnurse, L J beam g hve good hotses In the fallof the same j ear he was named again, ami tanor the 5J00puise,twu mile heats, over the Puughkeepsie course, which he won with ease, beatingHotspur, I imnleon, and a number of other celePrated norses. 'lhe night following, his groomloundered him notwithstanding, on the last da)of the same inonlh, (October) he won a sweep-stake, 3 tnle heats,nver Ihe jew Market ( nurse,L. I., beating Grej Roman (out of Ariel's dam)and many otheis. In the wiuterfnlluwiug, he wassold to a gentleman ot Pennsylvania, and was tohe delivered to htm on lhe Istof Vpril, m coiei-ni- g

condition the cuntinct not having been mariegood on the part of the purchaser, he was againput in training and commenced walking On theGth of April, at thetune he commenced training,he was very fleshy uotwiihslandiiij,, on the 12thday of Mayollo nig, he vvas entered for the 400Dulse, three mile heals, which he won with ease.carrying 122lbs beating the famous mare Ariel,Bachelor and Yankee Maid- - time, finaheat 5mi47s second heat, 5m. 53s Taking in'o consideiation the very short time he had been in train-ing (five weeks) this lace was cousideied as oneof the best ever run on Long Island, aud'at oncestamped SIR LdVELL as a first rate race horseIn the ensuing'week, he ran with Ariel fur the

500 pnrsp, lour mile heats," at Poughkeepste,where he won the first heal in great ime,7m50s considering the state of the Louise, whichwas verj heavy lhe s?tonH heat he led the ma.elime and three quarter miles, when she pa.spdhim and won the heat he was then withdiawu

I hi re was no jnikev ing at the time; it was ow-n- g

tn his vvint (is unit lent training tint tie .stthe race 'Iwodajs afierwards, over the samecourse, he took the sJ200 purse two mile heatsbeating ady Hunter, Maryland Eclipse, aidiVlaltuu tm e,jirstheat .lm ols ,cari) ing 121 lbs.This is great time , considering Lovell run eightmiles two davs previous, but it wasoon forgottenin his superior and almost unequalled time, timeof the second heal which was cnutested inch bvinch in the mnsi spirited stvle bv Sir Lovell and

ll.id) Hunter, am' won hj Lnvelljn 3m 4G.H hen 11 is kmm n that the i nursr is eight feet overa mile, anrl that the horses carriedweights, this heat will doubtless be tecnr led as

e , lne kpst , , a , ,,,p n, fek he , M he heats .ove, tl Umon Cmu.e, L I for

(100,'vnh ,,.,, known maie Irnneite, '.....111

?"'hhe won the first heal 111 Jm 4os md in the next,distanced his opponents m 3m. 45s Thus running sour racesin thpshnit spaceoi two weeksam"onlj losing a single heat-fur- ther comment is un- -necessary .

'I "ffi"s l,as beenn e o (nmmon with personswhohave horses, that I deem it a disgrace toa goodhn,e to iy more than what is recorde.j 111 the

ling nri-iri- j H'lHriMM'J lllClllf nil iviueii a a

to Sill I OVHIjL, thp puhhc is ie(errei(. Lnvell will Mauri ax mv Mables on the Tale-- rrpfkroar! in Jrsaminp county, 8 mile fr ni Ipmgtmt,..A.r n i i ., . n.. na .,

uvtii e i" on p ink- - ,.f k.or ... I. u.,....ir. T nu n .11 ha itIllllliutl til lililjr- - ill 11t111111.n1 uorvii i ii

m at the reduced priie ol 30 dollars, which,.., ho h, vl dollars is liaid in lhe spai i, An.nn ...it . ,a.,, u iDiuni$)) nc qc n mi i in oiiiiiii mv. uiibtiji luiinn

March, and end the 1st of July 'All posihl,,. ,,, ,11, Mj. rmn 9 riitinr. hm nn Inh,i. f, accidents or escanes Good uasturate.and gram fed at a small price

P E lODHUNTERi Jessamine County, Jan. 30, 1836-5-tlst- June

MLSSENGER DUROC.LL tanH theWmmsmi oil the Lexington Association

'ZJussN course. Particulars &c , marieknown in due nine

Pedigree in a concise form.Messenger DuroL. bv Duroc; dam Vincenta,

bv Messenger; Sleudei ; Lath; Wildair; '1 rueUnion: Josenh Anderson's imnorterf mate bvllarclp ., ssTar?.., . P,..,. Cnll.,.n T, 'Pra.......ii.nv Ulll j , I Ql IIIT j kjtlll.lll AU...veller'iriani by AlmJizor Daj RnllonVi sister bytirPV flaiirhni f Hnmmpri Hill inntlrl""-".""- - .0. '."..."oisier in tne (lam 01 old Merlin ny uusirer

JaUKS shv- -January 10 181G -2- -tf

MONEY FdUND.SMALL HANK BILL was sound aboutA two weeks since, near the University, which

the owner can have bv applying at this Office, describing the same, and paying for tuts advertisement .Lexinginn, MaichS, lBJb U- -it


TTUDGE MxYES&flOR'ACE F BLANSJ? CHAUD, having associated themselvesthe practice of the LA V , in the Fayette CircuitCourt, will attend lo all business entrusted trtheir care with zeal and promptitude.

Lexington, Match 4, 1S3G tf

WANTKD,1 ION mra mairvvitha srmill famiASITUA qualified for bnsine-s- , either as a

( lerkor Superinlendant of a Hemp Factory. Suitable lecommii'latums can he pioduced. Call in)mediately at this office

Lex Jan 19, I83G 4i

TCLOVLlt AND TIMOTHY 8LEDBUSIILLS Clover Peed.100 do Pennsylvania Timet

Send for sale blMONTMOt LIN & CORNWALL

Jan. 8, 1830


AIr herpny informerl that ibeir i" tp- - til fallnn Ihp 4th riai df Marrh a,t tliat nt

( laun1 agrinii the estate are uitinpioug and reJ.l. . U u .. ........ .

" h "" ' iiunirin c l 111 utr gi veil, uiii pa v tut in "iiu"ibe made tt matuftH

T.eK.Fph 18, 183G 3t.

MUSTARD SEEDV7I VEIt Y rarniPi. DPihau. has s line aroundL too rich for mot vPPtahles I his is ihe

pry bPBl kiti'l for growing the common smallbla k mustard A dune hill, is well rotted, isnot too nh It gums well where old innl lingshive stood A quarter hilf an acre - f ttn- - oitof gtnun 1 v oulrt be well orih mrti vaunt; Ii smill Ii tllO fllllpl aimllfs JUrliaUC jijWrl rr

Tit would prf liabl , Irom the experime its I Invrmade, pio furp at tlie ra'p ol thirty or ltt ti sn

els an acre It should he sounds eirlv in thtspring as the ground can be worked, and whetriiin ..rptiprt ntirt laid liaiiric- , anrl Inn or thipp..r. , ..K -idj's sun u ill diy it tuffirienily for thriBlnn

l ills enoutn De none on a neei iatn on somer.U. It oi An rx tlurl cml ns rrrJcS Parn miKl llMuini iv ui un it tun n ..i i i t' ..i.taken to tft the trash out before u i put into lite

wind, or it ill carr) theeeri awaj When welldeaned ano dried, it will mppt tvith read sale atabout 'l a bushel, by applying to

xt nnnnnii rosex Teh 30, 1S3G 3t

BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE98 ILL be sold at Public Auction, on theV v premises, on Friday ineSihdavof piil,

I83G, at 11 o'dock, a in , the city propeitv purchased of R Higgm, esq situated on Mamcrosstieet, between the lots of Frederick Norwoodand the hens of Moses Hall, deed laid out intobeautilul building lots.

J hp plan of the lets mav be seen iv ith the Citvfleik, and will be exhibited on the premises onihe daj ol sale

rreMS I he lots will be sold on a ciedit of G

and 12 months, the purchaser giving neao inblenotes with Lood and approvpd security. Possession delivered on the day of sale


Feb 20, 1816. ts Committee

IIUEY $ FROST,AVING formed a and pur-chased out the Stock and I'ailoiing concern

f Messrs J T Frazer & Co , are now reaflv loexecute all ofders in their line

They will constan'ii keep on han a completesortineni of CLO I'Hb, C ASSI MERES and

VES TINGS, and lespectfully solicit a continuance of public patrouagg

. HUEY AI FKUST.Lex. Teb. 1G, lS3G--7-3- m

TOUND,WEEK or two since on the Rail Road, anairofGOLD splx l'A( LES, which the

owner can hav e by describing tbein and paying forthisadveitt ement Call on

DAVID GLASS,5 miles fiom Lex Leotown Road tQ Frankfort.

A FARM TQaBE RENTED,f5bJ EU( the I'urnpike Bridge, G miles I rom LexPQ ... .(.... r ilciiiated for a desirable residence.

and fiom the advlTntages of creek vvater and pas-

turage, admits of hems made a profitable Stock

Farm. Enquire it J. KEISER'S, Lexington(Jnlel MARY PARKER.

January 19, lSJG-- 2-lf

(gj-- good BLACKSMITH to he hirelFniiuire or J KE1SLR

TO JOURNEYMEN PRINTERS.U or two btead, industrious JoinnpymenONPrinters will meet ilh constant employ-

ment, is immediate application .is made at thisOffire Lexington, March rt 9- -tf

T332AS.II WE FOR SVLE, a large quantity olTEXAS SCIi IP, in Leftnick's grant, ad

joinim: md umnediately above Austin's Colon,ncludingthe liiassns and exienning to tne colera- -

rio rivei. I his is the most leitile part ol I exasAnv persim wishing to emigrat(?to, or engage in aspeculation in land in this delightful region, woulddo well to appl) to the undersigned, who will given first rale bargain in all resrei ts to suit the pur-

chaser. Apply to Mr P. Scott at Dr W hi riey'sm Lexington, to l le stihsi riher, or D C Over-

ton, at the late iesi lei cp of Wallpi Overt, n,five miles Irom Lexington, near the Boons-bor- o'


Januarv 5, 1830 3-- tf

MAMMOTH WARRIOR.I HAVE noi sold Warr-t- i

or I beg leave to caution thipublic against false mmorffin relation to him, during thyear Is any change taken

)ipt?r f.fd place in his health, or obiliti- -

ftll'lfilr 'K es,,(hict have never been- oS de'ective in his life,) 1 will

notify thp public through the newspapers forthwithfie will ren ain doting the,present season, at hlf

ld staod, near Winchester. The puce will be $35the bn,or 52 to insure Jennetts. PasturaggratKv

warkjoe is the largest Jack, Cfoll 15 handtihh, aoSeqtuCIXy TaigftAll ovprT

himself to be ibe surest and best breeder now knownin the world His colts have more than justified

Lpublic expectation, nit only in size, but in form.1 sold a lot of his mule colts, at weaning iimey

last fall, to Col Wm. Myers, of Garrard Countyfor gi Ideach, Cash in hand, anrl others ai tne.

mine puce ?iot one ofhisJack colts now onoyear old, can be bought for S5UU ' he sum oiS1S00 has been offered for either of two, and& 1)00 forsever.il miters. Does not thisjuslify lhe(

price at which Warror stands?P. 11 tlutAua i .

Winchester, feb 20. 1836 '1- -tf

OAL OR TWO APPRENTICES,rail) learn the Art of PritiUtu, v ill betakenJsL bovs between the aces of 14 and lG'vvould

be preferred. Lexintstjin, 5'-- 9 tf.

DENTISTlVY.X ItAh R1S, Dentist, informs lhe citi-zens of Lexington, that he has leturnerl to

the Cnv, and may bo sound atlhePHCENIXHO I'LL, (Jlomn No.-G- ) where he vifill be happyto receive the calls of s jrh as may desire his pro-fessional services. He will remain in the city fora sew vveekS.p.ny. Match 4, '36. tf


fim ON SHYF O R M SENthe qtizens

ofLexi'igtonandvicinily, that he

ffi has purchasedtire entire stock,

ih Stc , nt Mr. JohnR thaw, andvv ill continue theaboi-- business atthe old stand, ouShort street op-

posite O. Keen,esq., where htf

will be happ) to wait on all who will give him K

call. March 5, 1816 tf.

FIRE BUCKETS!a nipptu g r f the Prpsidpnt lud Council dfAT iji ol Lexinjiinn Leb . Xd".TK!G

JTcsohed, that tie Piesident of theCojnciIid verns in the spvpral newspapers m the city tnn'il tne Tsi da of May next, thai the citizens ofthe itty will be ipqiured lo comply with the cityordinance-- , in furnishing their noues vvilh FireBuckets, b lhe fiist day of Mav next.

Badied, I hat on thp 1st day of May next,tlu- - Mai-h- and Day Tdtchman of the city shaltcomment e visiting everj h msp in thp city, andnakp a rPlurn lo the Ptesi lent of lhe Council, asr

eaily as possible, of the- number of Flie Buckets:vhirh bel mg lo each house in the city, which re-

turn shall be made from his own knowledge andn actual examu atmn of the Buckets.

THOS P llAHT,Prest.V copy H I Bodlei,CA


CgHHE Citj Propeity on each side the Wateh-5- i.

house, will be leased for ninety-nin- e yearrfwith a claim of perpetual renewal, on Friday, the8th day of April, 183G, at 10 o'clock, a. m., atpublic auction, foi ground rent, pay ible y

Brick buildings of not less than two, sto-nes high, will he required to be elected on thepremise, and lhe punctual payment of the rentsecured bv the usual claims of forfeiture. Theproperty will be divided into lots suitable for bust'ness houses.

'I he situation is admuably adapted to ereryspecies ofbusmess, but especially to the larger orwholesale line.


Feb aO, 133G 9- -tl 'Committee.


THE President and Council. of the City fwill leceive anrl consider sealed

proposals loi leasing, a perpetual ground rent, otpurchasing, the Ci'y PjSp.erly on Mam street, ex-

tending back lo ' alei street. The property willbe divided into five fronts on Mamstreet, of 20feet Gjnches each, and as many.ou Paler street,and each sunning back 110 feet Proposals maybe for anv number of these lots, extending throughrrojn street totreei oronly gqiag back halfway,nimay suit th? bidder The proposalsniust bereTtwHthlheCleikof the City by the 15lhdayofMarch next.



Feb 20, 183G ris . Committee.

ItAtlB FOR SALS.rgptlE Snbsctiberwiir oiler fofsaleon lhe25tff

inst , the tract of LAND on which he livescontaining 100 ACRES, 1 miles south

Ky on the Turnpike road leadingfrom Lexington to Danville and Lancaster. Al-

so ALL HIS STOCK of Horses,' Cattle,Sheep, IIojs, Sir Corn, Oats, Hayvic. Salelo commence a" 10 o'clock, a in. Terns made"known on the day of sale.

STEWARD DILLON.Jessamine count , March 7, '36 10-- 2t

N B 'There is another tract adjoining the oneoffered foi sale, which can be had is wanted. S D



ARE now receivuig.at the old stand ofJ.TjUNo 49, Mam street, a large and splen

did stork of MERCHANDISE, cons.stirg ofDry Goods, Hardware, Shoes and Boots.

I o n hn h thev inv ue the attention of Whole-sale and Retail Dealers.

Lex Marth8,'3fi 10-- tf

NORTHERN BANK KENTUCKY.jjMhefiuith instalment, of 10 on each share;A becAine sue on the 27th ultimo

Lexington March 5 th 1830,