R. r - s SAC ED TO THE MUSES. OM ANTICIPATION. T'-- e (hort-- 1 vM comforts nature gives, Seems mr.de h-- to deceive us ; Fo', thnujh thev vieM atr?ni-r- t r,vt We're wretched when thev leave us. Thus (Vifrlvi-'- and woe succeed, With trueaod cerMin neafure ; What gives us sorrow wdien ytis pair, In prospect is our pleasure. The present scarce a thought employs, Or with one Rood supplies us 'Tis perfeft happiness wc feck, This always (he denies us. ' With her we never are content But suture pleafuic viewing, And though 'tis nothing when pofies'd, 'Tis something we're pursuing. Te suture cv'ry will employs, Keep3hope in conflant acVion, Of this depriv'd w soon mould be Unhappy to detraction. Wj think the suture ftoi'J with blifj, And a that can delight ns, And view her (land with open arms, " To welcome and invite us. In her we trust, on her we live, at Nor let the ; vt But when the fi'lu c docs arrive,' ' ' Twill equally diilrefs us. ANECDOTE. Two Negroes at a tippling (hop, called for a noggin of grog CuiTee aster, drink- ing two-third- s of the contents, cries out in "Hem! Muse, d,s too 'transput letk more uater in it. " Tav,mate, (says Sci-pi- o) donne be i". sicb dam burree, lemme cry, Hem 1 too." JUST RECEIVED FROM PHILADELPHIA & BALTIMORE, NP How OHM'' 6 BY JOHN A. SE-IT- T N the ftane honfe at the corner of Main and Mill i ft.eets, iormerly occupied bv Seitz Si Lauman, and lately by Mr. John Jordan j'in. AH EXTENblVE AS'soRTMENTvOF MERCHANDIZ E, COJ'ISTING OF Dry Goods , Groceries ; Hard, Glass, Queer's is Cbhla Wkres : Alio, 1 constant supply of SsU, Castings, Neils, tiar-lr- o i, &r. &c. W' ic'i will be sold c'lean for C sH, or ruch Cou- ntry iJr.oeCF as in iv occafiunalU suit him Tt-of- who have act ounts with the lite firm of iEir7 1' Liu a;v, vet uiifertled, are again foli ct d to come for .ird and cljfe tl'em, as a delay rniv p'ove veiy ipj.nfc)us both to'tbe debtor and cied.ror. i tt &nnzon, J'ine 3d, iSo- - J )H .. SKHZ, IN sedition to In? lormer importations has recsived a 't ltrra' ailortinent oi M E R V is A N D I S E, A nongft wh ch are a hrje qusnt'fy of COFEi k, of a luncrior qdality, MADElItA,A & fWINES, PORT J Compleat sets of CHIN, A quantitv of coatle aIUSLINS, INDIA NANKEEN, WHITE ditto, CALICOES, LmMITIES, SCARLET CARDINALS, TAMBORED & JACONE V MUSLINS, LADIE-;- ' POCKET BOOKS, PATENT SILK HOSE, RAW ditto, COTTON HOSE, &c. &c. AH of which he will sell it the mod induced pri- - ces Letin2ton, epr I, iSoo. GINSENG. J" WSH to purchase twenty thousand pounds of j clean well diy.d Merciiaiitable jf. G I NS E N G, EHit in Onall r. Is orpaci-e- in cood t;"ht bar- - le'",l wiuldrec uu iend to perlons n'locm piucuie c '"devable quant.t sto apply and con' ior the fa le I have j'ift ipr i 'edanailriirionto my aflVtment of M;rcl,an:lise v' ii'i''l bj .oU at t'.e nui .edu- ced puces, ior caih, Gnilcng countiy augar, and Linen. Wdl.a.n West. Lexington, 20th Mav, iSo. 1 N. BU1ROWES 1" ESPECTf ULLY informs Ins fiicnds and the S publ.c in d that he "i fiomtlu brick l.onC- - adj n nil ' M. I f . d in, ind Muffr? S 4:G Tro't" r. rot'ie i k nuie opoofiie fie court hou'e and nKt c 3 ib v VIi A l'irker where he has in adJi' .n t his to in-- -. H"itTient, Hard, Crockery and Olals Wares, also comulete sets cf Chun Tea Ware N B rhoie indebted are reqneftelto make im-j- nr bate payment, as I Ihall ihoitly start fjr Phila- delphia- Leiiigton, lOthMay, 1800. blank: deeds, For sale at this Office Ii"a.b:an 6' Voyzer, Art no'-- opening, at tbstr Store, (formerly oe- - cpiul by r.an,) xagun, A Kanclionie -- floitiiiciU ot DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOKS AND PATENT Ml DiClNES, Which they will iell on tl.e Lev. . sr terms for CASH, GII.SLNG, 'iOtACCO,OrCOUA- - try linen Consisting of Muslins, from is. to 9s. Copperas, Callicoes, ;. to 6s. Kuim, Nankeens, 9s. Pepper, Cotton lockings, 53 12. Te..s, Woolen do. Yellow Ochre, Black Mode and battin, Glauber Salts, 76 to 12s Miff, b'p, 5: nand saws, Dimitiej, Mnflinetts Sec. Poit tc Sheiry Wines, oolen Cloths, Hi andy U Jamaica Spi Stutis, rits, Wool Hats, V g' Shaving Soap, Lamb's wool a,V Willi Bills, Si Fur do. X Peril, .nery, Painted Oil Cloths, onuli, Ladies' Fans, Morocco &z ituff Shoes, Scotts Lefl'ons, Ha.dware, Spelling Books, Queen's Ware, Pi imers. Gmna, j Dictionaries, ' hoe Blacking, And funriry other Books, Look i. it, GlaftYs, on Crooked Combs, D.i.n.tv, Ivor do. Giui tipii , Best Indigo, PI" sit Madder, Law, Arnotto. H.ttorv, fcc, Together with a large quantity ci all kinds oftl( molt ceiclnattd PATENT MEDICINES. The lowest prick, made, at a '.vord and no abatement. The very low j which they are offered, no credit tan be given. Lexington, 13th Augnft, 180". i GINSENG. w4h to purchafc a sew thousand pounds clean, dry and well picked GINSENG. Apply at the itore of t( ? obn Jordan jun. Who has for sale several valuable tracts of LAND, this state also in the Territory North V;ft oi (he Ohio. tf Lexington, 3d February, 1800. ."t ()$ F OR SALE, rpIVE HUNDRED acres of land on 2. the waters of Slate, or Lulbulgrud, in Clarke county. Also 2o acres near the above. 400 acres on Grten river, about 16 miles from Lincoln court house About 300 acres Big Brufn creek, Greene county. About 400 acres 011 and near the road frcm to Frankfort, near Grays Horse Mill For terms apply to thefubferiber, in Jeflair.ine coun- ty. Samuel APDoviell. Aprilio.th, 1799. tf m LANDS TO SELL V Cs' At a R easnnnh'f ... Piirp ...., vi . T4 l"33 3 acres, in Montgomery county, bound ed on tue Couth by !ted river, on the nor'hbvBc er creek, and a branch of Slate, the trart inclmiei Ircli-- n creek and its branches which afor many rr its for mills, it is well timbered and v. r;r ed wit a great number of uever sailing fpringj ne sides Indi in creek, its soil is very fertile sit for cul tivati tho' broken, it isinteimmed with sin: bo' toms, with a little trouble and a small expence i al uable prniTits out of Cultivation may be got in fon.e part of 'he tract. The title inrifputable. 11646 1 3 acres, on the north fideof the No't1-for- oi Kentucky river about 8 miles above tat mouth, running up the iver with the meanders there- of no poles when leduced to a (Iraight line, the fnl ntetty level and rich. The title lndlfiiutable. 267 1 2 acres, on the waters of the North fork ofH Rock-- C lille river, Matlhon cyinty. 330 acres, m (jarrard countv on White Oak rim" opposite the mouth oi Hickman creek, the roacTttt Danville crolfes the traft N E. US. v. about 23 of a ni le, it is of a verv early entry 7 418 acres, military land nn the bank of Cumber land river jo'nlng the town of Clarksville well wa- tered and timbered. 46 town lots and ont lots in tb said town of Ckuki llle. 600 1 acres, of land in several small grants reserved by the ltate of Virginia, and confirmed bv two ats of Con?iefs, lying on the bankoi the liverKalkafKi-a- s, near the town of the same name, territory N. W otthe Ohio. zoo icre, military land in the Illinois grant N W of rhe Ohio, 918 poles irom tl e ri.er andopoofite 18 l.ii'esilUrd which lies abtut 25 mi'es auove Lomf ville, th; tract is not ii' f.om a f.ouriflu.ig settle ment in the grant. N. B. Henroes, Produce, Merchandize, Lotts Si Ho ires .n Paris or Danville will be taken in pin ; i good plantation between Lesmgton and Mount iti-lm- g will cominanJ a profitable bargain ioi tie pnroitfer of a conbdei able quantity oi said lands, tor iuitlier lniormainn to j) P. D. Robert, tf Hihftreet Lexington. 'J GIVE notice to nentieraen who lnve bee'ti culto Ii men to my horfi- - BLAZE,' and those nho iviili to breed from hn.i, that I mein to m Ve hun (roni this ftite next season, unless they willconie forward and enter their mares to the amount of 15?, at j1 payable on note at C'l'iltnas 111 wh (key deli veied in Lei n gton at market pi ice, or Fiom deli verel in Franktort ac maiket price, or note for twelve dollais for the season, or seven the lmgle leap, paid at C'niltinas ib'ii I find money veiy lcarce ana (iimcuit to collect, is me 1 wn to move him, the indulgence I have given has caused me to suffer much for money. Benj. Wharton. August 28. iSso.y FEA.X SEED. THE ftihfcriberswillpurchafea trnot. rnnnH. nFLL CLEAVED FLAX EFD, delivered at the.r Oil Mill, for which they will give a generous pi ice. 'John 6' William Bobb. Lexington, Sept. ill. 1830. U NOTICE. T HE co oi Cnirc-1'u- s Tefttv & Co. 1 is now c'lilolvcd bi nitial ard .1 the Tub cnbei illbeahltnt iror.i thi' pl.ee loi foi. c I' 'nme.hr rr.mii-i- .ill ocrfoii'. nidcuiLb to the al e '.. him to call ai.d lettle the halrre o thtir accounts with A. Bett, who is l'u'.lv authoriltd to rcieive o.ui. Tlioiewho neUA thr, ootic n.ay re Ti- nned that moie effcciiiaHtesWili uc taken totem-p- el payment. . I L lieatt Lexington, July 5, 1S00T PUBLIC NOTICE. TO ALL WHOM IT JtAY CnSCIS- - Ii.T we, qr one of us, v.iL attend I on the 8'h, of OiTtoher net, hee-- the houisot ten and iwclve 111 the mornin,, at John Boi. ley's sop, near the head of Clear C.eck,wit'i the ( Jiniifsflii'iiers appointed bv the county court i F cqunty, in oTderto take the depofiuop-- . ol luth witijefies ai (hall attend, & peipetuate thtir teAimo-nv.'t- o I eftabhlh the Ipccial calls of a militar lutvev, made lor Davd Bell, on the head oi Shannons run, v a fov.th branch oi iouth tlkhorn, including part 01 said creek, and is it cannot be done on that day, to tominue from day to until it can be complea-te- ; and to' do 'uch other acts as fliall be deemed and agreeabL to law John Bell. James Bell. AuguItSlft, 1S20 3wf NOTICE, "HAT commiffioners aon'ointedbv the I' countv ciurt.of Clark county, will meet on the 5th i!a ol the present month on l.eit river, at a log- - ' ooTi, inarKeo a v. oegiuning cornc- - man cony "i ii about eigntrnndretfandfiftwcie. of land, made in " the name of Cheney Woodward, aflignee of Itobs.t j Kaidu.ck ; then and theie to take the deposition oi" .....,r-- c . mjr f,i nrrwhor rcftimorv ' conteri.ingfaid etrv, and do fuel, other arts as (hall be deemed ncce!Taryv5$d agreeable to law. Cbtsley Woodward. September 5th, ALEXANDER PARKER HA.Sjuft received from Philadelphia, at his store on Main llreet, opposite the court-hous- e, a very general aflbrtmer.t of Dry Goods, JV Queens, Groceries, China and Hard Ware, Glass Vares. Which he will sell at the nioft reduced prices for CASH. Lexington September 15th, 1830. p AKEN up at the plantation of If.iac U E1ey,on Svcamore fork of Slate creek, a bright bay mare, three years old this spring, no brand, about thirteen hands and an ball high, with a mail uar in her ibiehead, polled and appraired to l, , ft y William Ellis. alexia mery county May 21, i8ao. f 'T'AKENiiphv the fubferiher, lining i on tne nuiuij t ork, a hay mare, nbout ten years old, thirtren ind a half hands hieh, branded inn the near fhojhr nd buttock, thu, AW, in a piece, fliod before, a natural trotter, some hiteon her hind toot, apsraifed to J5I. John Kefd. W?(riisron countv, May n, i8oo. f MANN's LICK. A Large CHianrity of Aj ci can, mv, Qjf SALT for SALE. tf. John Speed. NO riCE, THAT I willl meet on thelaft Monday ' in Ofl-eb-- 1800, with co'iiniifiioners appoint ed by the county court oi Nicholas countv, on an entry of 543 acres, made by Benjamin Hanifon, hin the name of John Dawson, on tl e east side of ILicking, sour miles Iwlow the Louer Blue Licks, tfen ana ttierc to take tne depolition oi wi'rclles, pn per)tinte their teiiimony cor.tcining certain calls in laid entrv, and do Inch other acts as mav Tie thought iwcefijry and agreeable to Iav. John Dawson. Anguft 30th, t3oo. 4ff WAR1 DEPARTMENT, 0? August 4tb, 1800. 5",HE commanding officers of corps, de-- - taclmients, pods, garrisons, and recruiting par- ties, belonging to the military eilablifiiinent of the United St ites are to iiptrt to and receive orders from, Brigadier General Wilkinlon, 111 the citv of Wafliington ; and all oificers on furlough are to re port themfelvesto the same oilicer, with all poflible dispatch. SAMUEL DEXTER, Secretary of War. AH printers within the United States who publifli ed invitations for propofalsforcontracts of the 13th oi March last arc requeilcd to mfeit the above in their papers, once a week foi two months r"pAKEN up by the fubferiber, living X in Bourbon county, near Hmkftons folk oi Licking, a bay mare, abont six years old, a finp on her noie, the near hirtd soot white, and a small whiro onthe right, (he is about 14 and a half hands high, 110 brand perceivable, apprailed to ill. yh Clemens Ferguson. June 2d, iSoo.f Jy I MILKPfJY LAM)S, 1 FOR SALE. "ipWELVE or fifteen thousand acres of ', Virg'nn military linds, lving on the Little Miami, Ma"ics creek, Celars creek, Todd's fork, ind Paint creek. For sin ther infoim ition, apply to I mes Brown, or Dr. S Biown, 111 Lexington, or to the iubienber, -- v " John Bro-.v- n. September 6th, iS30v, ""' 4w 'TAKEN up by the fubferiber, living ? in Muhlenberg county, mouth d" Pond cicek,a bay m-- re 7or8 years old, J3 ha 'ds 3 n dies high, irandedon the nearbuttof-- B, two small white foots on her neck, appi ailed to 201 irm John Smith. December 1 jth, 1799, TPOTTFRt? LSOTT TTERELY lr.furm tl.e publicist thev 1 ye re- - t rroved treir lioie ii totlelttk . Ct &. "et door lielow the home tnev toin rly uici- .1. , J -- l e'n It received ad now opci tj ioi Ui ,aiaiiie nd very ole. ant aiiortment oi ME R C HAND I Z L, In additu n to tl ..n a Lk on liand.vith a fi pplj A 1 k' J: oj L ccerns, G ass, CI 1 .a, ard .:u ,,! Ware, Salt, Ear- - iron, 11 ia Custti rs Excellent J Lnk Salt. As the above "lerclnnd'ze have been purchafeil with Ca3i anly, cl cy will oi con!equ.ni.e be told ji on lower tcnii than anv goods of etjual qaility, th ' ive been offied lor lalt in the NVtftcin Coua-t-r Eut ro ciedit can Le given. Letmirton, August 20th, 1800. TA ,'v I l up bv the iubfciiber, living in Fr.1"ecountv, on Hickman, a sorrel mare, a fibrin l.er toiehe td, lang bob tail, 3 ears old, a- - oour 1.5 ana an it riamis high,almall wuite j jot over. tile right eje, -- pprailcd to 61. Henry Carr. June 2ift, iRo. 1 AKt1. up bv the fnbfcribir, living in G"iirnrilci.untY,at the mouth of Sugar creek, a chefnut fmre! horse, $ earso!d hit 'puniv Jfeet high sremmkali'c find oer his riphr eve, bi.nided on hisnear HiimMsr A, anJ on his right bi'ttock K, appraised to 30I, William Dav's. Aneuft aoth, 1820. NOTICE rru a t ,? , , i "" cumimmuueis appoinwa Dy ? the county Court oi Bourbon countv, iU meet onthe firllTueldav in Oftobei next, or Strodes cre-- k, (foi nierlv called middle creek.) at a place ,'Jaow" bvt,ie "an,e of th Man-- l rc PS "ear ", nbf ck's mill, then and there to t ike the depofi- - tiiir of certain witneil'esand to p.ipctua e ti.t r concerning a pre einption oi 15 j uu n Ca-!e- y, made in the year I "7o, by David V uiwn.s, en- tered in the name of the heirs of Ben; jn, 111 t aley, and do fnch othei jts as may be deemed iitcefTary and greeible to Lw. Berjamin Radd'jf. Sep'embei 8th, 1800. C BOURBON COUNTY. Auj ! cvirt Quarter feflions, iOoo.j-- . J. m.j K.i.iy, complainant, .l.i'lft ssr Joji.i& Dun, Milrt V Cm-ie- j, nml Sir.yi$iKgtitf (jt, dierdants IN (.! VNCI.RY. A w. rl HE defendai t K ton, n 'r '.avin,' entered his ' appearance bcein caicrvLiY t tie .ct us femiily, nd the iule oi this con t, ami it anpear'.ng to the fitistac'tion oi tl i. (Oiir'.tlnr e is "o' an 111- -1 I.ab':ant oi this Uaf.o tlie inot.nn ol tne timul miitby iuscounlel, it is ordered t'.at .0 do appear here on the firil day of our nexr iovt.ii! ci touit, and answer the tcmpianaiits bill, il.at afupv "fthts order e pubhilicd in of tne Ktuti.ik Ca.vttes, fortwo months fuccellivelv,auotlic. copj pjiitd at the door of the court houi- - uc rins tua.it , uid at the front dour ot the i'riil)Kr .nine' tmg-hbuf- in Paris, fume Sunday immediately alter di- vine service. A Copy. Thomas Arnold, C. B. C. BOURBON COUNTY, August court Quarter fellions, 1S00. James Ktiiiy complainant. against Jtln C'tSJetthrtrjylViihom Cutjerihtiry Elijah Gusjcnbiiry i'tttcetit Casjitiiury,D intel try, f fu.turi' Jcrtlintgecft-jMtyairyent- j, Linisty ir P drjitts llift, LlnJjty, and 3itJJ bij t ft. OSJ ,iti Annii hi J iitfe. an I tuuhel Cutstrwy, (an ttijarzt unUr the aie of one yarj,) S, ;.. ti, of lUs j Cxss'nf-ar- i ti C'isei, att Cuss.nbury. Ttitltrw of Jiiid Ajext'j d ccued, hlilcj it t iiuij StiMii Kentm, defendants IN CHANCERY. T HE defendant Kenton, not hiving entered his appearance herein agieeably to the act of as-- fembly and the rule' oi this coui r, and it appearing to the fatistaction 01 the court trnr lit is no' an this (lite, on the irotion oi the Compla- inant by his counsel it r oidered th it c do appear here on the firlt diy ot their nexr November court, and answer the complainants bill, that a cop) of this oider be publifiied in one of the Kenti ckv G ?ettcs, for two months lucceilively, anoth'-- r cop p ued at the couit house dooi, in this co'.nt, and puliliftied a the front door of the Preibvteii.ui meeting house in Patis, some bunday lmmediatel) alter divine itr-vic- e. A Copy. Thomas Arnold, C. B. C. JESSAMINE COUNTY, to wit. July, Quarter Session Court, I boo. Drury Stovall, Complainant, Againll Robert Walters, &? Jokn &? Samuel Walters, admi- - Defendants ters deceased. J IN CHANCERY. ON the motion of the complainant, and forrea appearing to the com', it is O'deud that the defendant Kobeit, do appear he-r- on t'-- tirftday of our next December court, and answer the coin. ,4. inants bill, and that a copy oi this older be polled in Tt the dooi of the comt house, another be at Crawfords meeting house dooi immediately aKrUivine fervic, and that another copy tuereof kbe inserted in one oi the Kentucky Gazettes, as di- - recteu nv law. A copy. Telle. Samuel II. Woodsov. c. l. k. JUST PUBLISHED, And ForS.de at this Office, VOYAGES, ADVENTURES, & SIT- - , UATIONof the' FRENCH KM I GRANTS, From the year 'o to '99, And will serve a,s an epitome of the history of the French Revolution. EY A LADY. SubRribers to the above worlc, will plctl'e apply at this o.hce for theii' copies. Z J

Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7r222r5r5v/data/2978.pdfTe suture cv'ry will employs, Keep3hope in conflant acVion, Of this depriv'd w soon

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T'-- e (hort-- 1 vM comforts nature gives,

Seems mr.de h-- to deceive us ;

Fo', thnujh thev vieM atr?ni-r- t r,vt

We're wretched when thev leave us.

Thus (Vifrlvi-'- and woe succeed,

With trueaod cerMin neafure ;

What gives us sorrow wdien ytis pair,

In prospect is our pleasure.

The present scarce a thought employs,

Or with one Rood supplies us

'Tis perfeft happiness wc feck,

This always (he denies us. '

With her we never are content

But suture pleafuic viewing,

And though 'tis nothing when pofies'd,

'Tis something we're pursuing.

Te suture cv'ry will employs,

Keep3hope in conflant acVion,

Of this depriv'd w soon mould be

Unhappy to detraction.

Wj think the suture ftoi'J with blifj,

And a that can delight ns,

And view her (land with open arms," To welcome and invite us.

In her we trust, on her we live, atNor let the ;vt

But when the fi'lu c docs arrive,'' ' Twill equally diilrefs us.


Two Negroes at a tippling (hop, calledfor a noggin of grog CuiTee aster, drink-

ing two-third- s of the contents, cries out in"Hem! Muse, d,s too 'transput letkmore uater in it. " Tav,mate, (says Sci-pi- o)

donne be i". sicb dam burree, lemmecry, Hem 1 too."


NP How OHM'' 6 BY


T N the ftane honfe at the corner of Main and Mill

i ft.eets, iormerly occupied bv Seitz Si Lauman,and lately by Mr. John Jordan j'in.



Dry Goods , Groceries ; Hard, Glass,Queer's is Cbhla Wkres :

Alio, 1 constant supply of

SsU, Castings, Neils, tiar-lr- o i, &r. &c.W' ic'i will be sold c'lean for C sH, or ruch Cou-ntry iJr.oeCF as in iv occafiunalU suit him

Tt-of- who have act ounts with the lite firm

of iEir7 1' Liu a;v, vet uiifertled, are again foli

ct d to come for .ird and cljfe tl'em, as a delay

rniv p'ove veiy ipj.nfc)us both to'tbe debtor and

cied.ror. itt &nnzon, J'ine 3d, iSo- -

J )H .. SKHZ,IN sedition to In? lormer importations has recsived

a 't ltrra' ailortinent oiM E R V is A N D I S E,A nongft wh ch are a hrje qusnt'fy of

COFEi k, of a luncrior qdality,MADElItA,A



AH of which he will sell it the mod induced pri- -

ces Letin2ton, epr I, iSoo.

GINSENG.J" WSH to purchase twenty thousand pounds of


clean well diy.d Merciiaiitable

jf. G I N S E N G,

EHit in Onall r. Is orpaci-e- in cood t;"ht bar- -le'",l wiuldrec uu iend to perlons n'locm piucuiec '"devable quant.t sto apply and con' ior thefa le

I have j'ift ipr i 'edanailriirionto my aflVtmentof M;rcl,an:lise v' ii'i''l bj .oU at t'.e nui .edu-

ced puces, ior caih, Gnilcng countiy augar, and

Linen.Wdl.a.n West.

Lexington, 20th Mav, iSo.1 N. BU1ROWES1" ESPECTf ULLY informs Ins fiicnds and theS publ.c in d that he "i fiomtlu

brick l.onC- - adj n nil ' M. I f . d in, ind Muffr?

S 4:G Tro't" r. rot'ie i k nuie opoofiie fie courthou'e and nKt c 3 ib v VIi A l'irker where

he has in adJi' .n t his to in-- -. H"itTient, Hard,Crockery and Olals Wares, also comulete sets cfChun Tea Ware

N B rhoie indebted are reqneftelto make im-j- nr

bate payment, as I Ihall ihoitly start fjr Phila-

delphia-Leiiigton, lOthMay, 1800.

blank: deeds,For sale at this Office

Ii"a.b:an 6' Voyzer,

Art no'-- opening, at tbstr Store, (formerly oe- -

cpiul by r.an,) xagun,A Kanclionie -- floitiiiciU ot


Which they will iell on tl.e Lev. . sr termsfor CASH, GII.SLNG, 'iOtACCO,OrCOUA- -

try linen Consisting ofMuslins, from is. to 9s. Copperas,Callicoes, ;. to 6s. Kuim,Nankeens, 9s. Pepper,Cotton lockings, 53 12. Te..s,Woolen do. Yellow Ochre,Black Mode and battin, Glauber Salts,

76 to 12s Miff, b'p, 5: nand saws,

Dimitiej, Mnflinetts Sec. Poit tc Sheiry Wines,oolen Cloths, Hi andy U Jamaica Spi

Stutis, rits,Wool Hats, V g' Shaving Soap,Lamb's wool a,V Willi Bills, Si

Fur do. X Peril, .nery,Painted Oil Cloths, onuli,Ladies' Fans,Morocco &z ituff Shoes, Scotts Lefl'ons,Ha.dware, Spelling Books,Queen's Ware, Pi imers.Gmna, j Dictionaries, '

hoe Blacking, And funriry other Books,Look i. it, GlaftYs, onCrooked Combs, D.i.n.tv,Ivor do. Giui tipii ,Best Indigo, PI" sit

Madder, Law,Arnotto. H.ttorv, fcc,Together with a large quantity ci all kinds oftl(

molt ceiclnattd

PATENT MEDICINES.The lowest prick, made, at a '.vord

and no abatement. The very low j

which they are offered, no credit tanbe given.

Lexington, 13th Augnft, 180". i


w4h to purchafc a sew thousand poundsclean, dry and well picked GINSENG.

Apply at the itore of t(

? obn Jordan jun.Who has for sale several valuable tracts of LAND,this state also in the Territory North V;ft oi

(he Ohio.tf Lexington, 3d February, 1800.


()$ F OR SALE,rpIVE HUNDRED acres of land on2. the waters of Slate, or Lulbulgrud, in Clarkecounty.

Also 2o acres near the above.400 acres on Grten river, about 16 miles from

Lincoln court houseAbout 300 acres Big Brufn creek, Greene county.About 400 acres 011 and near the road frcm

to Frankfort, near Grays Horse MillFor terms apply to thefubferiber, in Jeflair.ine coun-

ty.Samuel APDoviell.

Aprilio.th, 1799. tf

m LANDS TO SELL VCs' At a R easnnnh'f... Piirp...., vi. T4

l"33 3 acres, in Montgomery county, bounded on tue Couth by !ted river, on the nor'hbvBc ercreek, and a branch of Slate, the trart inclmiei

Ircli-- n creek and its branches which aformany rr its for mills, it is well timbered and v. r;red wit a great number of uever sailing fpringj nesides Indi in creek, its soil is very fertile sit for cultivati tho' broken, it isinteimmed with sin: bo'toms, with a little trouble and a small expence i aluable prniTits out of Cultivation may be got in fon.epart of 'he tract. The title inrifputable.

11646 1 3 acres, on the north fideof the No't1-for-

oi Kentucky river about 8 miles above tatmouth, running up the iver with the meanders there-of no poles when leduced to a (Iraight line, thefnl ntetty level and rich. The title lndlfiiutable.

267 1 2 acres, on the waters of the North fork ofHRock-- C lille river, Matlhon cyinty.

330 acres, m (jarrard countv on White Oak rim"opposite the mouth oi Hickman creek, the roacTtttDanville crolfes the traft N E. US. v. about 2 3of a ni le, it is of a verv early entry 7

418 acres, military land nn the bank of Cumberland river jo'nlng the town of Clarksville well wa-

tered and timbered.46 town lots and ont lots in tb said town of

Ckuki llle.600 1 acres, of land in several small grants reserved

by the ltate of Virginia, and confirmed bv two atsof Con?iefs, lying on the bankoi the liverKalkafKi-a- s,

near the town of the same name, territory N.W otthe Ohio.

zoo icre, military land in the Illinois grant N Wof rhe Ohio, 918 poles irom tl e ri.er andopoofite 18

l.ii'esilUrd which lies abtut 25 mi'es auove Lomfville, th; tract is not ii' f.om a f.ouriflu.ig settlement in the grant.

N. B. Henroes, Produce, Merchandize, Lotts Si

Ho ires .n Paris or Danville will be takenin pin ; i good plantation between Lesmgton andMount iti-lm- g will cominanJ a profitable bargainioi tie pnroitfer of a conbdei able quantity oi saidlands, tor iuitlier lniormainn to

j) P. D. Robert,tf Hihftreet Lexington.

'J GIVE notice to nentieraen who lnve bee'ti cultoIi men to my horfi- - BLAZE,' and those nho iviili

to breed from hn.i, that I mein to m Ve hun (ronithis ftite next season, unless they willconie forwardand enter their mares to the amount of 15?, atj1 payable on note at C'l'iltnas 111 wh (key deliveied in Lei n gton at market pi ice, or Fiom deliverel in Franktort ac maiket price, or note fortwelve dollais for the season, or seven the lmgleleap, paid at C'niltinas ib'ii I find money veiylcarce ana (iimcuit to collect, is me 1 wn tomove him, the indulgence I have given has causedme to suffer much for money.

Benj. Wharton.August 28. iSso.y


THE ftihfcriberswillpurchafeatrnot. rnnnH. nFLL CLEAVED FLAX EFD,

delivered at the.r Oil Mill, for which they will give

a generous pi ice.

'John 6' William Bobb.Lexington, Sept. ill. 1830. U

NOTICE.T HE co oi Cnirc-1'u- s Tefttv & Co.

1 is now c'lilolvcd bi nitial ard .1

the Tub cnbei illbeahltnt iror.i thi' pl.ee loi foi. c I'

'nme.hr rr.mii-i- .ill ocrfoii'. nidcuiLb to the al e '..

him to call ai.d lettle the halrre o thtir accountswith A. Bett, who is l'u'.lv authoriltd to rcieiveo.ui. Tlioiewho neUA thr, ootic n.ay re Ti-

nned that moie effcciiiaHtesWili uc taken totem-p- el

payment. .

I L lieattLexington, July 5, 1S00T


Ii.T we, qr one of us, v.iL attendI on the 8'h, of OiTtoher net, hee-- thehouisot ten and iwclve 111 the mornin,, at John Boi.ley's sop, near the head of Clear C.eck,wit'i the( Jiniifsflii'iiers appointed bv the county court i F

cqunty, in oTderto take the depofiuop-- . ol luthwitijefies ai (hall attend, & peipetuate thtir teAimo-nv.'t- o


eftabhlh the Ipccial calls of a militar lutvev,made lor Davd Bell, on the head oi Shannons run,


a fov.th branch oi iouth tlkhorn, including part 01

said creek, and is it cannot be done on that day, totominue from day to until it can be complea-te-

; and to' do 'uch other acts as fliall be deemedand agreeabL to law

John Bell.James Bell.

AuguItSlft, 1S20 3wf

NOTICE,"HAT commiffioners aon'ointedbv the

I' countv ciurt.of Clark county, will meet on the5th i!a ol the present month on l.eit river, at a log- - '

ooTi, inarKeo a v. oegiuning cornc- - man cony "i ii

about eigntrnndretfandfiftwcie. of land, made in "

the name of Cheney Woodward, aflignee of Itobs.t j

Kaidu.ck ; then and theie to take the deposition oi".....,r--c . mjr f,i nrrwhor rcftimorv '

conteri.ingfaid etrv, and do fuel, other arts as (hallbe deemed ncce!Taryv5$d agreeable to law.

Cbtsley Woodward.September 5th,

ALEXANDER PARKERHA.Sjuft received from Philadelphia,

at his store on Mainllreet, opposite the court-hous- e, a verygeneral aflbrtmer.t of

Dry Goods, JV Queens,Groceries, China andHard Ware, Glass Vares.

Which he will sell at the nioft reducedprices for CASH.

Lexington September 15th, 1830.

p AKEN up at the plantation of If.iacU E1ey,on Svcamore fork of Slate creek, a bright

bay mare, three years old this spring, no brand, aboutthirteen hands and an ball high, with a mail uar inher ibiehead, polled and appraired to l,

, ft y William Ellis.alexia mery county May 21, i8ao. f

'T'AKENiiphv the fubferiher, liningi on tne nuiuij t ork, a hay mare, nbout ten

years old, thirtren ind a half hands hieh, brandedinn the near fhojhr nd buttock, thu, AW, in apiece, fliod before, a natural trotter, some hiteonher hind toot, apsraifed to J5I.

John Kefd.W?(riisron countv, May n, i8oo. f


A Large CHianrity ofAj ci can, mv,

Qjf SALT for SALE.tf. John Speed.

NO riCE,THAT I willl meet on thelaft Monday

' in Ofl-eb-- 1800, with co'iiniifiioners appointed by the county court oi Nicholas countv, on anentry of 543 acres, made by Benjamin Hanifon,

hin the name of John Dawson, on tl e east side ofILicking, sour miles Iwlow the Louer Blue Licks,

tfen ana ttierc to take tne depolition oi wi'rclles,pn per)tinte their teiiimony cor.tcining certaincalls in laid entrv, and do Inch other acts as mav

Tie thought iwcefijry and agreeable to Iav.John Dawson.

Anguft 30th, t3oo.

4ff WAR1 DEPARTMENT,0? August 4tb, 1800.

5",HE commanding officers of corps, de-- -taclmients, pods, garrisons, and recruiting par-

ties, belonging to the military eilablifiiinent of theUnited St ites are to iiptrt to and receive ordersfrom, Brigadier General Wilkinlon, 111 the citv ofWafliington ; and all oificers on furlough are to report themfelvesto the same oilicer, with all poflibledispatch.

SAMUEL DEXTER,Secretary of War.

AH printers within the United States who publiflied invitations for propofalsforcontracts of the 13thoi March last arc requeilcd to mfeit the above intheir papers, once a week foi two months

r"pAKEN up by the fubferiber, livingX in Bourbon county, near Hmkftons folk oi

Licking, a bay mare, abont six years old, a finp onher noie, the near hirtd soot white, and a small whiroonthe right, (he is about 14 and a half hands high,110 brand perceivable, apprailed to ill.

yh Clemens Ferguson.June 2d, iSoo.f Jy I


"ipWELVE or fifteen thousand acres of', Virg'nn military linds, lving on the Little

Miami, Ma"ics creek, Celars creek, Todd's fork,ind Paint creek. For sin ther infoim ition, apply toI mes Brown, or Dr. S Biown, 111 Lexington, or tothe iubienber, --v

" John Bro-.v- n.

September 6th, iS30v, ""' 4w

'TAKEN up by the fubferiber, living? in Muhlenberg county, mouth d" Pond cicek,a

bay m-- re 7or8 years old, J3 ha 'ds 3 n dies high,irandedon the nearbuttof-- B, two small white footson her neck, appi ailed to 201

irm John Smith.December 1 jth, 1799,

TPOTTFRt? LSOTTTTERELY lr.furm tl.e publicist thev 1 ye re- -

t rroved treir lioie ii totlelttk . Ct &. "etdoor lielow the home tnev toin rly uici- .1. , J

-- l e'n It received ad now opci tj ioi Ui ,aiaiiiend very ole. ant aiiortment oi

ME R C HAND I Z L,In additu n to tl ..n a Lk on liand.vith a fi pplj

A 1 k' J: oj L ccerns, G ass,CI 1 .a, ard .:u ,,! Ware, Salt, Ear- -

iron, 11 ia Custti rs Excellent JLnk Salt.

As the above "lerclnnd'ze have been purchafeilwith Ca3i anly, cl cy will oi con!equ.ni.e be toldji on lower tcnii than anv goods of etjual qaility,th ' ive been offied lor lalt in the NVtftcin Coua-t-r

Eut ro ciedit can Le given.Letmirton, August 20th, 1800.

TA ,'v I l up bv the iubfciiber,living in Fr.1"ecountv, on Hickman, a sorrel mare,a fibrin l.er toiehe td, lang bob tail, 3 ears old, a- -oour 1.5 ana an it riamis high,almall wuite j jot over.tile right eje, -- pprailcd to 61.

Henry Carr.June 2ift, iRo.

1 AKt1. up bv the fnbfcribir, livingin G"iirnrilci.untY,at the mouth of Sugar creek,

a chefnut fmre! horse, $ earso!d hit 'puniv Jfeethigh sremmkali'c find oer his riphr eve, bi.nidedon hisnear HiimMsr A, anJ on his right bi'ttock K,appraised to 30I,

William Dav's.Aneuft aoth, 1820.

NOTICErru a t ,? , ,i "" cumimmuueis appoinwa Dy? the county Court oi Bourbon countv, iU

meet onthe firllTueldav in Oftobei next, or Strodescre-- k, (foi nierlv called middle creek.) at a place

,'Jaow" bvt,ie "an,e of th Man-- l rc PS "ear", nbf ck's mill, then and there to t ike the depofi- -

tiiir of certain witneil'esand to p.ipctua e ti.t r

concerning a pre einption oi 15 j uu n Ca-!e- y,

made in the year I "7o, by David V uiwn.s, en-

tered in the name of the heirs of Ben; jn, 111 t aley,and do fnch othei jts as may be deemed iitcefTaryand greeible to Lw.

Berjamin Radd'jf.Sep'embei 8th, 1800.


BOURBON COUNTY.Auj ! cvirt Quarter feflions, iOoo.j-- .

J.m.j K.i.iy, complainant,.l.i'lft ssr

Joji.i& Dun, Milrt V Cm-ie- j, nml Sir.yi$iKgtitf(jt, dierdants


Aw.rl HE defendai t K ton, n 'r '.avin,' entered his

' appearance bcein caicrvLiY t tie .ct usfemiily, nd the iule oi this con t, ami it anpear'.ngto the fitistac'tion oi tl i. (Oiir'.tlnr e is "o' an 111- -1

I.ab':ant oi this Uaf.o tlie inot.nn ol tne timulmiitby iuscounlel, it is ordered t'.at .0 do appearhere on the firil day of our nexr iovt.ii! ci touit,and answer the tcmpianaiits bill, il.at afupv "fthtsorder e pubhilicd in of tne Ktuti.ik Ca.vttes,fortwo months fuccellivelv,auotlic. copj pjiitd atthe door of the court houi- - uc rins tua.it , uid at

the front dour ot the i'riil)Kr .nine' tmg-hbuf-

in Paris, fume Sunday immediately alter di-

vine service.A Copy.

Thomas Arnold, C. B. C.

BOURBON COUNTY,August court Quarter fellions, 1S00.

James Ktiiiy complainant.against

Jtln C'tSJetthrtrjylViihom Cutjerihtiry Elijah Gusjcnbiiryi'tttcetit Casjitiiury,D intel try, f fu.turi'Jcrtlintgecft-jMtyairyent- j, Linisty ir P drjittsllift, LlnJjty, and 3itJJ bij t ft. OSJ ,itiAnnii hiJ iitfe. an I tuuhel Cutstrwy, (an ttijarztunUr the aie of one yarj,) S, ;.. ti, oflUs j Cxss'nf-ar- i ti C'isei, att Cuss.nbury.Ttitltrw of Jiiid Ajext'j d ccued, hlilcj it t iiuij

StiMii Kentm, defendantsIN CHANCERY.

T HE defendant Kenton, not hiving entered hisappearance herein agieeably to the act of as--

fembly and the rule' oi this coui r, and it appearingto the fatistaction 01 the court trnr lit is no' an

this (lite, on the irotion oi the Compla-inant by his counsel it r oidered th it c do appearhere on the firlt diy ot their nexr November court,and answer the complainants bill, that a cop) of thisoider be publifiied in one of the Kenti ckv G ?ettcs,for two months lucceilively, anoth'-- r cop p ued atthe couit house dooi, in this co'.nt, and puliliftieda the front door of the Preibvteii.ui meeting housein Patis, some bunday lmmediatel) alter divine itr-vic- e.

A Copy.Thomas Arnold, C. B. C.

JESSAMINE COUNTY, to wit.July, Quarter Session Court, I boo.

Drury Stovall, Complainant,Againll

Robert Walters, &? Jokn&? Samuel Walters, admi- - Defendants

ters deceased. JIN CHANCERY.

ON the motion of the complainant, and forreaappearing to the com', it is O'deud that

the defendant Kobeit, do appear he-r- on t'-- tirftdayof our next December court, and answer the coin.,4. inants bill, and that a copy oi this older be polled

in Tt the dooi of the comt house, another be at

Crawfords meeting house dooi immediatelyaKrUivine fervic, and that another copy tuereof

kbe inserted in one oi the Kentucky Gazettes, as di- -

recteu nv law.A copy. Telle.

Samuel II. Woodsov. c. l. k.

JUST PUBLISHED,And ForS.de at this Office,


FRENCH KM I GRANTS,From the year 'o to '99,

And will serve a,s an epitome of thehistory of the French Revolution.

EY A LADY.SubRribers to the above worlc,

will plctl'e apply at this o.hce for theii'copies.