I ALMY oFrT'ALYi , : rtW 0 i kttei Jrom Uk HeaS-uar-jn- s of the ay try of Italy. , Tortona, June 20. "The Head-Quarte- rs a.e to day at Tortona ; the enemy are retiring entire- ly behind the Po ana the Tefin, for the purpose of collecting til's rruiJ of theii noopsi They have burnt all the bridg- es upon these two rivers, in order to fs us is We wish to cross them, being in want both of pontoons and, boatmen ; but the inventive genius of our gen. v ill fnnnlv rinr- - wants. We recollect that at the lafl paflage of the Rhine, he was in j the lame emban aliment. I'Mni-Mi- i iitoliavE a conference to' day with Macdonald, with whom lie has made a junction, victor s aivmon occu- pies Placenza, and ftretdies its lest to Moreau, and its right to Macdonald. It is this divifioii which operated that junc- tion. Our army including Macdonald's, is about 50,000 strong. The Aufui.ins 'and Ruffians oppose to us a force of 70,000 men. You see that we still want 20 or 25,000 men to be able to ftrsfcc a great ft.-ok- e ; the lest wirig of the army is ap- proaching Mantua. Is we are able to raise the blockade of that place, we hall draw a supply from the garrifen of dooo men, which will be of great use to us. Once again, then, why do not the fuc-coa- rs pron.ifed to Moreau arrive?" LxttitCl of a second lettcv from the Head-Quarte- rs of the army of Italy. "Tortona, June 22. " The day before yesterday(at dy break the division of gen. Grouchy attacked tkj enemy, who were 15,000 strong. The a 'Tair was a warm one and very Llocdy. Until ck.en o'clock the victory wa doubtful, but the gen. in chief ha-i- ng ad- vanced at the head of 6000 menThe pour- ed upon the enemy, made a tremendovi carnage, and put him completely to the rout. Gen. Moreau, and his Detelle, had each a horse killed under them. The general's horse had his head carried off, and lie himfc'lf sell to the ground and was bruifedi That, howe- ver did not prevent him from leaping up-- . on another, and continuing the battle un- til night. "I cannot depict to you the obflinacy and valor with which our little army sought. "We made in this affair 3000 prilbners, and killed between 15 and 1600 men, took five pieces of cannon, and all the baggage. Our loss in killed and woun- ded does not exceed 500 men. The field of battle.was the same as in the affair of the 27th (15th June) before Alexandria, where we were not so fortunate, a9 I in- formed you but w"e have just taken a complete revenge "The attack began at St Juliano, which was carried, and. which forced the enemy to fall back to Alexandria, and there we drove them into the Eormiua. I believe we are now matters of Alexan- dria. The commandant of the blockade of Tortoria was made prisoner in this af- fair. This viclory will be a1 grand diver-fio- and will cert unly force Suwarrow, who is gone with 30,000 men to give bat- tle to Macdonald, to measure back his Heps to defend the Po. Mortau'3 army-i- s only between 14 and 15,000 ftiong; let any one judge vbat vOuld hae been therefult is he had 15,000 more! As no reinforcements arrie, we fliall find itdi-ficu- lt to sustain ourselves against the enc-n- y is they unite their forces in a mafb, as is csi'.i::l the-- r pLi." Gen. Desolles, Cbirf of the Stdf of the army of Italy, to tie minister at war. "Tortdna, June 21. "Citizen Minister, " The army ha ing marched from Ge- noa the i7th,anived here, andraifedthe blockade of Tortona, without experien- cing any obftaclts ; but ) efterday the di- vsfion, of gen. Grouchy having adanced to St. Juliano, between the Scirria and Bormida, was" attacked by a corps of 10,000 men, under" the command gen. Bellcgarde, aflifted by gert. Selkendorff. Gen. Grcniers division immediately ad- vanced to St. Juliano, in order to support gen. Grouchy, and it was accompanied bv gen. Moreau in person. The enemy were successfully repulsed from St. Juli- ano, Caffina, Grande and Spiletta, as far as Bormida. His corps de reserve, which had proceeded to Bofco, was in a. great pai t surrounded, and ' affered confiderablc lost, in killed and prifonera. "The enemy lost 4000 men in the ac- tion, 2000 of whom were mane prisoners, ncl the remainder were killed or woun-dd- d. We have taken five pieces of can- non. Gen. Moreau had a horse killed under liiri in the engagement, which was very obstinate.' All the troops conduct- ed themselves with an intrepidity which is above all praise. "I lliall send you a detail of hxi9,i' Mtir the moment the particular reports fliall reach me. "DESOLLES." '(A trte Copy) " jfternadotte, Minister at )Var Note of the Editor of La Ferille du Jotir, from which the letter is extracted : "It may 1 seen from this letter, that Moie.Uiwason his march to Tortona, when Macdonald was advancing beyond Placcnza on the Tidone, and that the for- mer repulfcJ the- - enemy, while the latter was beaten and obliged to fall back to Pontrenioi;." It is pretended that the minister of a neutral power has made some proportion of Pe?ce to the Britiili minister, and hopes are entertained of fvecefs, since the appointment to the directory of citizen Sieyes, who, it is said, had made the first offer upon the fubjct at Berlin. jm 9 Twfcxa Lexi.igton, O&ober 26. -- fJ'u. A sew weeks since we Informed our readers that the yellow seer was on the decline in Philadelphia c now have to inform them that it has 'iiu'cfcd to as alarming a degree of malignity an it has been this season. The n J i.ber of deiths for the ten daySpececding the 27th Sep- tember, average nineteen per da). A Papris paper speaking of Buonaparte, concludes by laying : We can annoar.ee for certain that Bu- onaparte, aster having made a stint to raise the siege of St. John d'Acre, returned during the night, With the lapidity of lightning, scaled the Walls, made sir Sid- ney Smith prisoner, and also lhe,Turkifli gen. and the whole of the garrison. He sound in the place J"n imi-enf- e quantity of ctnnon, powder, ammunition, and booty of every kind The Tarkifh aimy aster this victory of Buonaparte, was dispersed and fc2tter;d like dull, and he marched against. Constantinople, recruiting his ar- my like Mahomet, in every place where ne paffed! In our paper of the 30th ult. we1 take notice of two letters written by Barbac-zy- , col. of the buffers of Szeckler to the Archduke Charles, in which he charges the mu-d- er of the French ministers at Ualtadt, en the French government. By the " declaration of a number of the depu- ties of the 'German Empire, relative to the interupUon, of a Fre ich courier, and the murder of the miniles Bonnier and Roberjot." Tranftated for the Baltimore Federal Gaaette, it apperrs Very proba- ble that himfclf had planned the murder of the deputies, or at lead that his conduct towards them was the caufc.' Providence, (r. i.) Sept. 18. A. very severe battle has been sought between Capt. O.Aafe tff the fl ip Role, of Newburjport, and a French privateer. The battle lasted an hour and an half, in which the privateer was dangerouflv hul- led; but Capt. Chtfe ha."vg4me" kilUd and 16 wounded out of 25, of whkh h's crew confuted the pirates vere enaUcd to board and carry her. The lliip is fakl to be the moil valuable ever bound frrm the West-ladie- s to that poit. .t;ptain Chase was wounded, jnd his mate 'ciiled. New-Yor- k, Sept. 23. On Saturday morning arrived the Fn-gli- di Packet, Marquis of Ki!d .ire, captain Reading, in 56 daysfrom valrnouth. The captain inarms that wlien he lest there j news was hourly expected 01 an engage- ment bet' ecrt the sleets. BLTtMoar, September 26 I last evening had a letter put into my hands, from Victor Duvou?,late Consul of France to the Vi.tted States of America, interesting to our commercial relations with tlie French republic, which fuall be publillied American. Mr. Williams, a decided federalist, is I elected to represent the first foutherndil tricl; of Maflachufetts, in the next con grefs Lafl; evening's mail brc-jg- ht no news of !articular moment the following we as the most important : RICHMOND, September 27. We learn that his excellency Wm. R. Davie, governor of the (late of North-Carolin- a, Is now" on his way to Philadel- phia, in order to take on him the impor- tant duties of his mifiion to France. NEW-LONDO- N, September! I. It is rumoured that the hon. Zephania Swift, efq. of Windham, is going out of the embafly to France. PoyAilverUfsKlcnts see Gazette Extra. f TO BE SOLD, ON the first Tucfday in November at the court-hous- e in Cynthi-an- a, Harrison county, the following tracts of nonresidents lands, or so much thereof as will satisfy the tax and inter-es- t due thereon, viz : Henry Bradford, 1400 acres, Mill creek ;Dominick Jordan, 7000, Licking , Bnj. Stephens, icoo, ditto ; John Wat-fe- 1968, Main Licking ; Rice Ighel, 500, Wajters Licking ; Joseph SutSh', 757) s- - F' Licking; ditto, 325, dlTc.; Wm. Walker, 8050, Raven creek ; Wm. Walton, 3338 ; Wm. Ham, igoo, F. Licking j James Adams, 1000, Mill creek ; Wm. Wyatt, 3000, R. creek, branch Licking ; Jno. Payne, ditto j Nathaniel Hamilton, 140$ JedHjl creek ; Tohn Archer, 2C00, WiIliainrRW er ; Thomas Chinn, iocc, Mill creek. The sale to continue two days, is not sold on the firfc. John Miller, S. PI. C. September 16th, 1799. Kentucky Vineyard Aflbciation. s4 gencrri meeting of the (barer s ef in; Vm ird Alfott.itmi) is at Mr. l'efilt- - i,iua!ts, on the firlt Tucfii'i in fricvonbtr next, it mft ij 't 12 0'cci.i, 1,1 buftntff of the uttmft ttt.pctt.mtc ti nic qJKiduii. b rcfaeji f the Mincers. Olteber 16;, 1 79 MERC&R COUNTY, let. September court of quarter fifijons. 1 799 Daud Sutton, complainant,-again- st W John Steen, defendant, W U CHANCERY. N tlie motion oftbi coinplai.iant liy his at- - toinev, ar.d it appear .ng to the court that tltat the detendant is no inhabitant of this Hate, it is ordered, that the defendant do appear here 011 the fiilt dayofournext February court and anfu;r the complainant's b.ll : and that a copy of this ordei be puLliihcd at Cjiie inn Meeting house, some Sun Jay immediate!' aster divine fei vice 'one polled up t the fiont door of this court. hfcufe, aud out oth ur to UMtiisrted eight weeks in one of the Kentuc-x- y Gazettes as the law direfts, A Copy, tefte, 8t6s Tho. Allin, c. c. 1500 Dollars. VtT'AS delivered to the hele iti the on the evening of TuePJay the 27th past, a letter directed to nir. John Miles, mer- chant in Baltimore, costa'niug two Alexandria bank notes, No. 432) lavor of William V'avlor, and uated 30th Apiil, 1 798, for ore thdufced dolhrs, .nd No. 4511, savor oi John P. Pleafants and da ' ted 10th December, 173, for five hundred dollars J which letter has been fupprcilsd ma e, and the bank notes ta'en out, as the public mail was neither slopped niolefted nor robbed. Bankers asd merchants are particularly recjueft- - ji .u iu waita iu3 circuiLiuii 01 iaiu notes ana nop them: and any person giving such information as i will lead us to our money) lhall have five hucared dollars reward, and no questions fed. ZWillon 6 Swann. ?th September, 1799- - i 3m ', Allpt:tiier::n the United States are rejuejltito f-hit- jti '.be aim, and -- j.e titli pij. W. irS. f A CAUTION. J LL perfenS afe hertDy forewarned from pur-- l i chasing or taking sn aflignment of i note un- der i?l, given by me to Nathaniel I.owrey, frthe n )r,iei; of six hundred intl mnety eight dollars (including a credit 011 ttA. back Oi la-- j note iorlixty ri-r- d.llars'j which note has been a'ugned to Hare of Lexington. The lezfons why I give this notice hive a judgment obtained by Isaac Shelby said Hare, lor fsto hundred and nine pouidsT mil! rgs ard nice penee farthing, und alugted to me by laid Shilby, which judgment I intend to plead as an off at against f&io 110 J the said note 13 payable in thirty-tw- o days aster date. qt N4th. Marr. 1 gave tm bond to Nkhclas Arnold, tn the fall 1798,jr J3 JoUlrs, h be flias ftlh-w- to ui.i : 300 doUarl tn property, payiiHe the firfl day tf Qi'.der, 1797. 150 dillcrl tn tt,jb, the frjidiynfju-Ij- , 1793 ' itnd lunderfiani his bee 1 transfered to ffne oiler person. Tils li to tnftrm the holder of fa.d boffJ, that I V.JS rejdy at the ttbie said honi becme arte, ta rtuAe peymtr.t, ml am sill ready, at any moment that 1 uijj be called U make payment, agreeable to i;iy eeinrxi. m t V John Kay. A LL pei Tons are he.eby Is re warned from taking Zi. an aflignment on & bond given by us to Young Stokes for the payment of one hundred and riity pounJs, lometime in the niontlloi October 1799, as the beforementioded bond was given in consequence of a purehafc of Jand, we aie determined not to pay it until we obtain a title to ftjd lands agreeably to contract, nnlefs compelled by la.v. Robt. cc Gordon Sanklin. October 14th, 1799- - w rwenry Dollars lievard. 7J AN- - AW AY fiomtie fubfenber, dn tne 2d inft. it a negro woman, called NELLY, about 26 ycafs of age, handsome artJ well formed, Ihe took with her a black fur hat, white muflm j.iclcEt and petticoat, two suits country linen, one do. iln. ".J cotton, with other cloathing not recollected J alio a good Duflil blanket. I pmctmfed her horn Mr Bn Bridges, formerly of Madison county, now livu r near Mr. Hughes below Shelby w!lc--fh- e was bio't from Williamfburg in Virginia) foine years ago, by Mr- - Bridges, and perhaps may endeavor to return there, as flic is artful, and may lme a pass. I will gUe the above reward is taken irt this State, and is out of it, tlnrty dollars, and reaionable charges delivery of said negro to WILL. MORTON. Lexington, 2jd Auguit, 1799. tf TJOCTOII JOSEPH BOSWELL mT AS removed his fliop to the corner of Short and I"! Market street, opposite the market house, where he will continue the piaftice of medicine in its different brakes, W July 161s, 1709. TAliF, notice there wi'l be a petition presented t nest cener-i- l nflbmbly piayirK for Wale Houses to he eftabhfhcd at or neir the mouth of Flat creek, in th- - comitv of Montgomery for the reception of Tobacco, I lour and Hemp. 3t 3s Oftober 8th, 1799 I have in the town of Lexington, A VALUABLE INN LOT, fRONTlNG Liniedone ftrerr, which I will felt J. i vciy reaionable lor CASH, rc. For term, ap- - d plyto lMefs. 1 rottlr 4; JcotT. p T John M'Kinney. Fajctte county Octpher'l5th, 799. tf Sixty Dollai s Rcwaut. FIFTY for apprehendingDOBSOtf THORP,and SAMUhX VILEY, with reafonablc Sf charges. Thorp is a feijeant in Capt Spailes' company, cf the 3d regiment, who had detested the lameand dthvcicd liuiileli up tome tit thlsptace, and deferr- ed last night . He is 25 years ci age, 6 feet high, hanJloiiiejy loinied, ri.e dj ioirpluion, with a very hu'dfome face and tUiv,i.i Lair, fjieaks fn.ooth, and perhaps as liiuch fkilicd 111 rascality as any in the Mate. , His companion, Wiley, is a Corporal injm com- pany, and ileiertfcd at tie falne t me: about 6 ket and an lich highj fparc made, blackish l.aii and comple-ion- , 30 jcais old, ictldilli eyes, late a cor- poral in the first regiment. They took with them a vaiiety of cloth'ng Thorp had a pal. r.i half boots. Thevhave inpof-fcfl'o- n two flolch lionet, ore a ha and the other a black fie hiy has a longtai tie black is marked oh one of his hind feet with vhite. 'Ihoip's father lives in JrUdiion county, and it is poluble he may make his course th'-'- c The al oe ieard will be p.uo; as mentioned, by any oftcer of the aimy of the United States, to whom they may be delnetcd, or rn a cert ficate fioni any jailor that ,they are lodged. Jona. Taylor, Capt. 4th Unijed States llegt. LeKington, ljthOftober, 1799. Twenty Dollai ti Reward. O from the fubfenber, living in Lex-l- A ington, Kentucky, on the 3th October inflanf, a negro man, about tMenty tw( years of age, about five fett six inches high, uell made, Irrooth lace. He is a cunning, fehiible icllow, reads and wntesa tolerahlpUiiiliand) calls lunilelf CEORGC LINN. He will no doubt forge a pass, and atien.pt pafTng furafretniin. fie is fond pj painting, and had a talent foi graving particularly men on horftback. He carried oil lundrvart.cleS of cloathing the are reCfllcfted A brown cloth furtout coat, better khan huff won- - red flannel jacket, with fleevestwo eoarft lint-- flurto buckkih overalls, newly wafhedjanr" highly ftaincd with yellow ochre evcral pair hali worn caffimer breeches one pair blue yarn ftockmgs ont pair ubite silk do"-- no palrlhdeS, Obepaii caif fern, bound, ard with white cotton. He had Ct orei'jht dollars in lrioncy : He may iiaTe changed his eloathirig He is seen with a linen bag, full of cloathing, made up in lorm of aknapfack. 1 will gne the above reward, is taken, ill this ftatej and tfiirty is taken out of the ltatc. y antes Morrison. Lexington, October 14, 1799. tf TO BE SOLD, Or exchmged for a l'hntrttsi in the neighbci Uod of. Leimpoit, A PLAN I Al ION, ienti!inigFiie Hundred Acres is t'lrfr Rate LAND, SIT-UAT- on the bark of the Ohio in Boone county, andftate of Kentucky, fourteen miles below Cincmnati there is on said plantation, a new hpufe, 50 by ia feet, with two stone chimneys also a nev house with a frond chimney, 24 by 16 feet, fnitable for a tenant, i.ith all the neceffarv outJioufes; about S acres of) cleared land, under gt-o- feree, tucnty-threeaci- cs of is now in (moil grain, 12 acres excellent meadow ,.set with timothy and red-rov- e- six acres, sowed last forin with ei thtie is two bearing and aJSuut lco sine voun; appie-tiee- s; two fprulgskrf extfcllent water, With an ind fputable title. Said planttion is bounded on one, side by mr. John Criig, and oi the other by mr. John Bulh. For tcii.is, apply to ' vAil!iai Morton, Htb S'pUii&er, 1 799. in Lexington- - Note There is two grist, and one sew-mi- ll, within the difiar.ee of two miles. tf To all persons bold'ng Land WanarJs T" HE time drawing near, when the military Land Jt Warrants granted the United States' army are to be regiileied aid located, and the fubferiber in- tending to he prelent at the leat of" gor&rhnient in February, viheh those Ibcatlons ale to take place, offers his ferv ices to tie public aS a locatoi. He takes the liberty c fufgefting, that he is at least as well atqaamted With the different trafts as any oth- er perlon. Perhaps this w." appear more e'eariv, byobreiving( thrthe hasfpent cearly thiee months with fevei al ..uiitants, in particularly examining 7 - -- '" ism (. kUllUJl .lb .uu UWUiu.w .11 lorination of tne fitirition, quality, S.c. ol the land in the dierent trafts on vh.t thofc warrants are tobc located, l'erftnj enti ufting him with war- rants, fliall be well affared that he will locate them to the belt advantage, agreeably to their rights of location which, Is to be determined by lot, accord- ing to law. He will a'fo have them regiftcred, is required, and pay any other neceflaiy attention. Foi information refpefiuig his fervicesas a locator, p'.eafe call onhim or ins agents. RccEiptuwillbe gi- ven by me or them, they being accountable while ia their poflion, as fnrety for wai rants deliveied to him (being endorsed by the holder) and for his perfor- mance, according to the intention of the business. Any person wifhmg to satisfy himself fuither, will please to call on him, or Irs agents, hcn they may-se- e inch vouchers cslehas to offer, and which ho hopes, wi'l he fatislaflnry. Mr. j. M'Nair inkeepper Lexington, Kertucky Hid mr. John Vance, jun. are duly authorized to re-c- wai rants for location and to cuntraft lor them in my behalf. 3c ofeph Vance, jun. f DO hereby forewarn all and every person from 4 tal.ingan aflignment on a bond given by James Klanagai, to me and adigncd by me to William San- ders, dated about the first of this mft. for a house and lot irt Winchester, Clark countv, as I am determined not to give polTeflion.or make a title to said house and lot, as the said aflignment was fraudulently obtained Irom me. Sept.. 23th, 1799, Henry Welch. mivr ti .

Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vdn3zt50k/data/2436.pdf · I ALMY oFrT'ALYi,: rtW 0 i kttei Jrom Uk HeaS-uar-jn-s of the ay try of

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vdn3zt50k/data/2436.pdf · I ALMY oFrT'ALYi,: rtW 0 i kttei Jrom Uk HeaS-uar-jn-s of the ay try of


ALMY oFrT'ALYi ,: rtW 0 i kttei Jrom Uk HeaS-uar-jn- s

of the ay try of Italy. ,

Tortona, June 20."The Head-Quarte- rs a.e to day at

Tortona ; the enemy are retiring entire-

ly behind the Po ana the Tefin, for thepurpose of collecting til's rruiJ of theiinoopsi They have burnt all the bridg-

es upon these two rivers, in order to fs

us is We wish to cross them, beingin want both of pontoons and, boatmen ;

but the inventive genius of our gen. v ill

fnnnlv rinr-- wants. We recollect that atthe lafl paflage of the Rhine, he was in j

the lame emban aliment.I'Mni-Mi- i iitoliavE a conference to'

day with Macdonald, with whom lie has

made a junction, victor s aivmon occu-

pies Placenza, and ftretdies its lest toMoreau, and its right to Macdonald. Itis this divifioii which operated that junc-

tion. Our army including Macdonald's,is about 50,000 strong. The Aufui.ins'and Ruffians oppose to us a force of 70,000men. You see that we still want 20 or25,000 men to be able to ftrsfcc a greatft.-ok- e ; the lest wirig of the army is ap-

proaching Mantua. Is we are able toraise the blockade of that place, we hall

draw a supply from the garrifen of dooo

men, which will be of great use to us.

Once again, then, why do not the fuc-coa- rs

pron.ifed to Moreau arrive?"

LxttitCl of a second lettcv from the Head-Quarte-rs

of the army of Italy."Tortona, June 22.

" The day before yesterday(at dy break

the division of gen. Grouchy attacked tkjenemy, who were 15,000 strong. Thea 'Tair was a warm one and very Llocdy.Until ck.en o'clock the victory wadoubtful, but the gen. in chief ha-i- ng ad-

vanced at the head of 6000 menThe pour-

ed upon the enemy, made a tremendovicarnage, and put him completely to therout. Gen. Moreau, and hisDetelle, had each a horse killed underthem. The general's horse had his headcarried off, and lie himfc'lf sell to theground and was bruifedi That, howe-

ver did not prevent him from leaping up-- .on another, and continuing the battle un-

til night."I cannot depict to you the obflinacy

and valor with which our little armysought. "We made in this affair 3000prilbners, and killed between 15 and 1600

men, took five pieces of cannon, and allthe baggage. Our loss in killed and woun-

ded does not exceed 500 men. The fieldof battle.was the same as in the affair of

the 27th (15th June) before Alexandria,where we were not so fortunate, a9 I in-

formed you but w"e have just taken a

complete revenge"The attack began at St Juliano,

which was carried, and. which forced theenemy to fall back to Alexandria, andthere we drove them into the Eormiua.I believe we are now matters of Alexan-dria. The commandant of the blockadeof Tortoria was made prisoner in this af-

fair. This viclory will be a1 grand diver-fio-

and will cert unly force Suwarrow,who is gone with 30,000 men to give bat-

tle to Macdonald, to measure back hisHeps to defend the Po. Mortau'3 army-i-


only between 14 and 15,000 ftiong;let any one judge vbat vOuld hae beentherefult is he had 15,000 more! As noreinforcements arrie, we fliall find itdi-ficu- lt

to sustain ourselves against the enc-n- y

is they unite their forces in a mafb, asis csi'.i::l the-- r pLi."

Gen. Desolles, Cbirf of the Stdf of thearmy of Italy, to tie minister at war.

"Tortdna, June 21."Citizen Minister,

" The army ha ing marched from Ge-

noa the i7th,anived here, andraifedtheblockade of Tortona, without experien-cing any obftaclts ; but ) efterday the di-

vsfion, of gen. Grouchy having adancedto St. Juliano, between the Scirria andBormida, was" attacked by a corps of

10,000 men, under" the command gen.Bellcgarde, aflifted by gert. Selkendorff.Gen. Grcniers division immediately ad-

vanced to St. Juliano, in order to supportgen. Grouchy, and it was accompaniedbv gen. Moreau in person. The enemywere successfully repulsed from St. Juli-ano, Caffina, Grande and Spiletta, as faras Bormida. His corps de reserve, whichhad proceeded to Bofco, was in a. greatpai t surrounded, and ' affered confiderablclost, in killed and prifonera.

"The enemy lost 4000 men in the ac-

tion, 2000 of whom were mane prisoners,ncl the remainder were killed or woun-dd- d.

We have taken five pieces of can-

non. Gen. Moreau had a horse killedunder liiri in the engagement, which wasvery obstinate.' All the troops conduct-ed themselves with an intrepidity whichis above all praise.

"I lliall send you a detail of hxi9,i'

Mtir the moment the particular reportsfliall reach me.

"DESOLLES."'(A trte Copy)

" jfternadotte, Minister at )Var

Note of the Editor of La Ferille duJotir, from which the letter is extracted :

"It may 1 seen from this letter, thatMoie.Uiwason his march to Tortona,when Macdonald was advancing beyondPlaccnza on the Tidone, and that the for-

mer repulfcJ the- - enemy, while the latterwas beaten and obliged to fall back toPontrenioi;."

It is pretended that the minister of aneutral power has made some proportionof Pe?ce to the Britiili minister, andhopes are entertained of fvecefs, since theappointment to the directory of citizenSieyes, who, it is said, had made the firstoffer upon the fubjct at Berlin.

jm 9 Twfcxa

Lexi.igton, O&ober 26.--fJ'u.

A sew weeks since we Informed ourreaders that the yellow seer was on thedecline in Philadelphia c now have toinform them that it has 'iiu'cfcd to asalarming a degree of malignity an it hasbeen this season. The n J i.ber of deithsfor the ten daySpececding the 27th Sep-

tember, average nineteen per da).

A Papris paper speaking of Buonaparte,concludes by laying :

We can annoar.ee for certain that Bu-

onaparte, aster having made a stint to raisethe siege of St. John d'Acre, returnedduring the night, With the lapidity oflightning, scaled the Walls, made sir Sid-

ney Smith prisoner, and also lhe,Turkifligen. and the whole of the garrison. Hesound in the place J"n imi-enf- e quantity ofctnnon, powder, ammunition, and bootyof every kind The Tarkifh aimy asterthis victory of Buonaparte, was dispersedand fc2tter;d like dull, and he marchedagainst. Constantinople, recruiting his ar-

my like Mahomet, in every place wherene paffed!

In our paper of the 30th ult. we1 takenotice of two letters written by Barbac-zy- ,

col. of the buffers of Szeckler to theArchduke Charles, in which he chargesthe mu-d- er of the French ministers atUaltadt, en the French government. Bythe " declaration of a number of the depu-ties of the 'German Empire, relative tothe interupUon, of a Fre ich courier, andthe murder of the miniles Bonnier andRoberjot." Tranftated for the BaltimoreFederal Gaaette, it apperrs Very proba-ble that himfclf had plannedthe murder of the deputies, or at leadthat his conduct towards them was thecaufc.'

Providence, (r. i.) Sept. 18.A. very severe battle has been sought

between Capt. O.Aafe tff the fl ip Role, ofNewburjport, and a French privateer.The battle lasted an hour and an half, inwhich the privateer was dangerouflv hul-

led; but Capt. Chtfe ha."vg4me" kilUdand 16 wounded out of 25, of whkh h'screw confuted the pirates vere enaUcdto board and carry her. The lliip is faklto be the moil valuable ever bound frrmthe West-ladie- s to that poit. .t;ptainChase was wounded, jnd his mate 'ciiled.

New-Yor- k, Sept. 23.On Saturday morning arrived the Fn-gli- di

Packet, Marquis of Ki!d .ire, captainReading, in 56 daysfrom valrnouth. Thecaptain inarms that wlien he lest there j

news was hourly expected 01 an engage-ment bet' ecrt the sleets.

BLTtMoar, September 26I last evening had a letter put into my

hands, from Victor Duvou?,late ConsulofFrance to the Vi.tted States of America,interesting to our commercial relationswith tlie French republic, which fuall bepublillied American.

Mr. Williams, a decided federalist, is I

elected to represent the first foutherndiltricl; of Maflachufetts, in the next congrefs

Lafl; evening's mail brc-jg- ht no news of

!articular moment the following weas the most important :

RICHMOND, September 27.We learn that his excellency Wm. R.

Davie, governor of the (late of North-Carolin- a,

Is now" on his way to Philadel-phia, in order to take on him the impor-

tant duties of his mifiion to France.

NEW-LONDO- N, September! I.It is rumoured that the hon. Zephania

Swift, efq. of Windham, is going outof the embafly to France.

PoyAilverUfsKlcnts see Gazette Extra.


ON the first Tucfday in Novemberat the court-hous- e in Cynthi-an- a,

Harrison county, the followingtracts of nonresidents lands, or so muchthereof as will satisfy the tax and inter-es- t

due thereon, viz :

Henry Bradford, 1400 acres, Millcreek ;Dominick Jordan, 7000, Licking ,Bnj. Stephens, icoo, ditto ; John Wat-fe-

1968, Main Licking ; Rice Ighel,500, Wajters Licking ; Joseph SutSh',

757) s- - F' Licking; ditto, 325, dlTc.;Wm. Walker, 8050, Raven creek ; Wm.Walton, 3338 ; Wm.Ham, igoo, F. Licking j James Adams,1000, Mill creek ; Wm. Wyatt, 3000,R. creek, branch Licking ; Jno. Payne,

ditto j Nathaniel Hamilton, 140$ JedHjlcreek ; Tohn Archer, 2C00, WiIliainrRW

er ; Thomas Chinn, iocc, Mill creek.The sale to continue two days, is not soldon the firfc.

John Miller, S. PI. C.September 16th, 1799.

Kentucky Vineyard Aflbciation.s4 gencrri meeting of the (barer s

ef in; Vm ird Alfott.itmi) is at Mr. l'efilt- -

i,iua!ts, on the firlt Tucfii'i in fricvonbtr next, it mftij 't 12 0'cci.i, 1,1 buftntff of the uttmft ttt.pctt.mtc tinic qJKiduii. b rcfaeji f the Mincers.

Olteber 16;, 1 79MERC&R COUNTY, let.

September court of quarter fifijons. 1 799Daud Sutton, complainant,-again- st

WJohn Steen, defendant, W

U CHANCERY.N tlie motion oftbi coinplai.iant liy his at- -

toinev, ar.d it appear .ng to the court thattltat the detendant is no inhabitant of this Hate, itis ordered, that the defendant do appear here 011

the fiilt dayofournext February court and anfu;rthe complainant's b.ll : and that a copy of this ordeibe puLliihcd at Cjiie inn Meeting house, some SunJay immediate!' aster divine fei vice 'one polled upt the fiont door of this court. hfcufe, aud out oth

ur to UMtiisrted eight weeks in one of the Kentuc-x- y

Gazettes as the law direfts,A Copy, tefte,

8t6s Tho. Allin, c. c.1500 Dollars.

VtT'AS delivered to the hele iti theon the evening of TuePJay the

27th past, a letter directed to nir. John Miles, mer-chant in Baltimore, costa'niug two Alexandria banknotes, No. 432) lavor of William V'avlor, anduated 30th Apiil, 1 798, for ore thdufced dolhrs,.nd No. 4511, savor oi John P. Pleafants and da '

ted 10th December, 173, for five hundred dollars J

which letter has been fupprcilsd ma e, andthe bank notes ta'en out, as the public mail wasneither slopped niolefted nor robbed.

Bankers asd merchants are particularly recjueft- - ji.u iu waita iu3 circuiLiuii 01 iaiu notes ana nopthem: and any person giving such information as i

will lead us to our money) lhall have five hucareddollars reward, and no questions fed.

ZWillon 6 Swann.

?th September, 1799- - i 3m', Allpt:tiier::n the United States are rejuejltito

f-hit-jti '.be aim, and --j.e titli pij. W. irS.

f A CAUTION.J LL perfenS afe hertDy forewarned from pur-- li chasing or taking sn aflignment of i note un-

der i?l, given by me to Nathaniel I.owrey, frthen )r,iei; of six hundred intl mnety eight dollars(including a credit 011 ttA. back Oi la-- j note iorlixtyri-r- d.llars'j which note has been a'ugned to

Hare of Lexington.The lezfons why I give this notice

hive a judgment obtained by Isaac Shelbysaid Hare, lor fsto hundred and nine pouidsTmil! rgs ard nice penee farthing, und alugted tome by laid Shilby, which judgment I intend toplead as an off at against f&io 110 J the said note13 payable in thirty-tw- o days aster date.qt N4th. Marr.

1 gave tm bond to Nkhclas Arnold,tn the fall 1798,jr J3 JoUlrs, h be flias ftlh-w-

to ui.i : 300 doUarl tn property, payiiHe the firfl day tfQi'.der, 1797. 150 dillcrl tn tt,jb, the frjidiynfju-Ij- ,

1793 ' itnd lunderfiani his bee 1 transferedto ffne oiler person. Tils li to tnftrm the holder offa.d boffJ, that I V.JS rejdy at the ttbie said honi becmearte, ta rtuAe peymtr.t, ml am sill ready, at any momentthat 1 uijj be called U make payment, agreeable to i;iyeeinrxi. m t

V John Kay.A LL pei Tons are he.eby Is re warned from taking

Zi. an aflignment on & bond given by us to YoungStokes for the payment of one hundred and riitypounJs, lometime in the niontlloi October 1799, asthe beforementioded bond was given in consequenceof a purehafc of Jand, we aie determined not to payit until we obtain a title to ftjd lands agreeably tocontract, nnlefs compelled by la.v.

Robt. cc Gordon Sanklin.October 14th, 1799- - w

rwenry Dollars lievard.7J AN- - AW AY fiomtie fubfenber, dn tne 2d inft.

it a negro woman, called NELLY, about 26ycafs of age, handsome artJ well formed, Ihe tookwith her a black fur hat, white muflm j.iclcEt andpetticoat, two suits country linen, one do. iln. ".J

cotton, with other cloathing not recollected J alio agood Duflil blanket. I pmctmfed her horn Mr BnBridges, formerly of Madison county, now livu rnear Mr. Hughes below Shelby w!lc--fh- e was bio'tfrom Williamfburg in Virginia) foine years ago, byMr- - Bridges, and perhaps may endeavor to returnthere, as flic is artful, and may lme a pass. I willgUe the above reward is taken irt this State, and isout of it, tlnrty dollars, and reaionable chargesdelivery of said negro to

WILL. MORTON.Lexington, 2jd Auguit, 1799. tf

TJOCTOII JOSEPH BOSWELLmT AS removed his fliop to the corner of Short andI"! Market street, opposite the market house,

where he will continue the piaftice of medicine inits different brakes,

W July 161s, 1709.

TAliF, notice there wi'l be a petition presented tnest cener-i- l nflbmbly piayirK for Wale

Houses to he eftabhfhcd at or neir the mouth ofFlat creek, in th- - comitv of Montgomery for thereception of Tobacco, I lour and Hemp.

3t 3s Oftober 8th, 1799

I have in the town of Lexington,A VALUABLE INN LOT,

fRONTlNG Liniedone ftrerr, which I will felt J.i vciy reaionable lor CASH, rc. For term, ap- - dplyto lMefs. 1 rottlr 4; JcotT.p T John M'Kinney.Fajctte county Octpher'l5th, 799. tf

Sixty Dollai s Rcwaut.

FIFTY for apprehendingDOBSOtf THORP,andSAMUhX VILEY, with reafonablc Sf

charges.Thorp is a feijeant in Capt Spailes' company,

cf the 3d regiment, who had detested the lameanddthvcicd liuiileli up tome tit thlsptace, and deferr-ed last night . He is 25 years ci age, 6 feet high,hanJloiiiejy loinied, ri.e dj ioirpluion, with a veryhu'dfome face and tUiv,i.i Lair, fjieaks fn.ooth,and perhaps as liiuch fkilicd 111 rascality as any inthe Mate. ,

His companion, Wiley, is a Corporal injm com-pany, and ileiertfcd at tie falne t me: about 6 ketand an lich highj fparc made, blackish l.aii andcomple-ion- , 30 jcais old, ictldilli eyes, late a cor-poral in the first regiment.

They took with them a vaiiety of cloth'ngThorp had a pal. r.i half boots. Thevhave inpof-fcfl'o- n

two flolch lionet, ore a ha and the other ablack fie hiy has a longtai tie black is markedoh one of his hind feet with vhite. 'Ihoip's fatherlives in JrUdiion county, and it is poluble he maymake his course th'-'-c The al oe ieard will bep.uo; as mentioned, by any oftcer of the aimy ofthe United States, to whom they may be delnetcd,or rn a cert ficate fioni any jailor that ,they are


Jona. Taylor, Capt.4th Unijed States llegt.

LeKington, ljthOftober, 1799.

Twenty Dollai ti Reward.O from the fubfenber, living in Lex-l- A

ington, Kentucky, on the 3th October inflanf,a negro man, about tMenty tw( years of age, aboutfive fett six inches high, uell made, Irrooth lace.He is a cunning, fehiible icllow, reads and wntesatolerahlpUiiiliand) calls lunilelf CEORGC LINN.He will no doubt forge a pass, and atien.pt pafTngfurafretniin. fie is fond pj painting, and had atalent foi graving particularly men on horftback.He carried oil lundrvart.cleS of cloathing the

are reCfllcfted A brown cloth furtoutcoat, better khan huff won- - red flannel jacket, withfleevestwo eoarft lint-- flurto buckkih overalls,newly wafhedjanr" highly ftaincd with yellow ochreevcral pair hali worn caffimer breeches one pair

blue yarn ftockmgs ont pair ubite silk do"-- no

palrlhdeS, Obepaii caif fern, bound, ard withwhite cotton. He had Ct orei'jht dollars in lrioncy :He may iiaTe changed his eloathirig He is seenwith a linen bag, full of cloathing, made up in lorm ofaknapfack. 1 will gne the above reward, is taken,ill this ftatej and tfiirty is taken out of the ltatc.

yantes Morrison.Lexington, October 14, 1799. tf

TO BE SOLD,Or exchmged for a l'hntrttsi in the neighbci Uod of.

Leimpoit, A PLAN I Al ION, ienti!inigFiieHundred Acres is t'lrfr Rate

LAND,SIT-UAT- on the bark of the Ohio

in Boone county, andftate of Kentucky,fourteen miles below Cincmnati there is on saidplantation, a new hpufe, 50 by ia feet, with twostone chimneys also a nev house with a frondchimney, 24 by 16 feet, fnitable for a tenant, i.ithall the neceffarv outJioufes; about S acres of)cleared land, under gt-o- feree, tucnty-threeaci- cs

of is now in (moil grain, 12 acres excellentmeadow ,.set with timothy and red-rov- e- six acres,sowed last forin with ei thtie is twobearing and aJSuut lco sine voun;appie-tiee- s; two fprulgskrf extfcllent water, With anind fputable title. Said planttion is bounded on one,side by mr. John Criig, and oi the other by mr. JohnBulh. For tcii.is, apply to '

vAil!iai Morton,Htb S'pUii&er, 1 799. in Lexington- -

Note There is two grist, and one sew-mi- ll,

within the difiar.ee of two miles. tf

To all persons bold'ng Land WanarJs

T" HE time drawing near, when the military LandJt Warrants granted the United States' army are

to be regiileied aid located, and the fubferiber in-

tending to he prelent at the leat of" gor&rhnient inFebruary, viheh those Ibcatlons ale to take place,offers his ferv ices to tie public aS a locatoi. Hetakes the liberty c fufgefting, that he is at least aswell atqaamted With the different trafts as any oth-er perlon. Perhaps this w." appear more e'eariv,byobreiving( thrthe hasfpent cearly thiee monthswith fevei al ..uiitants, in particularly examining

7 - -- '" ism (. kUllUJl .lb .uu UWUiu.w .11

lorination of tne fitirition, quality, S.c. ol the landin the dierent trafts on vh.t thofc warrants aretobc located, l'erftnj enti ufting him with war-rants, fliall be well affared that he will locate themto the belt advantage, agreeably to their rights oflocation which, Is to be determined by lot, accord-ing to law. He will a'fo have them regiftcred, isrequired, and pay any other neceflaiy attention.Foi information refpefiuig his fervicesas a locator,p'.eafe call onhim or ins agents. RccEiptuwillbe gi-ven by me or them, they being accountable while iatheir poflion, as fnrety for wai rants deliveied to him(being endorsed by the holder) and for his perfor-mance, according to the intention of the business.Any person wifhmg to satisfy himself fuither, willplease to call on him, or Irs agents, hcn they may-se-e

inch vouchers cslehas to offer, and which hohopes, wi'l he fatislaflnry.

Mr. j. M'Nair inkeepper Lexington, KertuckyHid mr. John Vance, jun. are duly authorized to re-c-

wai rants for location and to cuntraft lor themin my behalf.

3c ofeph Vance, jun.f DO hereby forewarn all and every person from4 tal.ingan aflignment on a bond given by JamesKlanagai, to me and adigncd by me to William San-ders, dated about the first of this mft. for a house andlot irt Winchester, Clark countv, as I am determinednot to give polTeflion.or make a title to said house andlot, as the said aflignment was fraudulently obtainedIrom me.

Sept.. 23th, 1799,Henry Welch.

