wrfWtlw fchjaKSftfc irftrti'iastiasii iiii"iwi.i.ij Mr. BRADFOliJ : HpO acquire and to fecurc tiiles to J. Ian J, is what at prefcnt natni al- ly and necelfa ily engages the atten- - tionfof the citizens of Kentucky. To' make bona side purchasers and aCtual fettltrs as fecurc as pofliblc without jnjuting those who may have other ti- tles to'the same lands Or otherwise itatiug it How far, under our com- pact with Virginia, and confident with ouronltitntion, we can compel clai- mants to step f 01 ward and ailert their rights or be forever baried by non-clai- is the fubjed. 1 have a desire to enquire into. The Ameiican motto was, Let every man mind his own bufi. 7iefs. The Kentucky motto iliould be Iieai ly.lhe same." Let every man wind his Land bujinefs, because no species of property deserves or requites moie attention; because is he does not, fonts one will be lure to suffer, and it is molt reafbnable that of two or more tlaimants, where one is an innocent purchaser and in aiflual pofl'effion of legal right, that he or they should Tfuffer who have fhewn the moftlndo. Jence and nrgleift. What is the situ- - ation of this country i Claim upon claim afferted, & latent claims fpring-5n- g iip ! No purchaser can say he is secure however Prudayhc has been 5n fecu ring the warraHteyWIiow ma- ny families have foughLthis aflylum ? moved fiom unfertile tofertile lands, in order to secure to their offspring a mere proinifnig inheritance I and can anyone say afluredly to his children, when J up gone this -- Milt be yours ? lie who makes these remarks, Mr. Bradford, (madeindeed By everyone) is not puffed up w ir.li the idea, that lte Jiajs sound a cure for the evil ; a sew queries lhall be first slated, in hopes hat they may draw into public atten- tion, the thoughts and opinions of more penetratinn; heads, aftd mare a- - ble wiiteis the fifBjeVt deserves it, but is no fueh a ofle'appears, I prom ife, in some ofyolir suture ons, to contin"uein"anfver 'ift. The compact with Virginia, speaks to this amount " That all jiri-va- te rights and interejls of land within this state, derived from the laws of Virginia, prior to our feparmion,fhall remain valid and secure under the laws of this llate, and fliall be deter- mined by the avis now txijiin in Vir- ginia " Quere. Is the expreflion, laws new extfting to be u.'eritood the Statute laws of Virginia only, or ever,y law exijling or acknowledged by the' Virginians r exijt in their ltate, con- cerning the rights & tnterefts of land I 2d. Was there ever an instance, or (is theic was not) could a present ci- tizen of Virginia levy a sine on land, ami bar all who did not, within five yeais, put in and aflert their claims, infants &c. excepted and (is this is answered in the affirmative) why not a citizen of Kentucky ? 3d. Is ines could be levied, what gtrbd efFects would such proceedings procure to the bona side purchaser, or to the citizens at large r Would they be fofalutary as ro induce us toapply tqgthe state of Virginia, is we cannot ;fttopt them under the laws exifimg in Virginia J '. 41I1. Vh?t"3eafonabIe objectiori (In cafb application was made) could the Viiginians have to our palling some law rclpecting .ton claim, or fhorten-in- g the acls of limitation i 'fhcre is nothing, sir, more agreea- ble to a writer, confeiousof his weak-nes- s, than to fcieen himself behind a a bulwoik of queiies. Is be does so with unfeigned apprehensions, a can- did and generous obierver, will lead him forth by the hand, and administer confutation ; but is no fuoh fiiend ap- peals, and he afterwards ventures forth, he need not be afraid of being 'laughed at. But I am in hopes some' one will in pity relieved J l.am, sir, your hble. fervt. CAMILLUS. Mr. John Bradford. Ingratitude is a crime so shameful tliat thctnarrwas never yet sound who wbulJ acknowledge himself guilty of it. NO TICK is hereby given, that I fliall, on Saturday, the fifth day of!oveinbernet, attend, with the commiflioners appointed by the court of Franklin county, at the mouth of Gilbert's creek, (fomernncs called JIailey's run) in the fuid county, then and there to take the depositions of witnefles to" prove the fpeci.il place called for irran entry of twehoufand ne hundred and fifty acre?, made in tfcename of John Marshal! THOMAS MARSHALL. Foreign Intelli'rence. Get many. BARMEN, near ELBERFELDT,' June jo. Extract from the official details sent by the Count de Nefl'elrodc. They sought for fourfucceffive days on the Lahii. The course of that ri- ver is in some degree iinrjede"d by the quantity of dead bodies which have Moated down the flream. and XXT Oils budge their this isfaid the thei. they en- - Hack-enbourg- e. dIC Llll" , e3l Waitenflebei. est heaps. Republicans we.e Se atlwev clock jefterday. rnmnlilv Wan i,t. thisinfl. very JODRDAN." 'r"i itationedinthe Ehienbreit- - battenes. Generals ftcin have pasted the, Rhine Nieu- - wee." Weyerbch and Qokareth Defaix, Beaupon, and Pernio pni weid Le Fevre's towards enU' fa,vr ol'tl,e .fej'tne enemy gen, "a n,a4e "lo11 viAWltiU continues. grett extent c.f were yesterday near ;"".,, length and villages jogne. Charles pears firmly resolved not Frenchman this side the Rh They write mally announc from ILV' uiea' lne effedl has been with caflbons ESSEN, Iune2N fi,;,,,), ent ih2 All which have been of M,'r al'",y' PartJ- - French CUla'ly tlie tlif'"' are from T business bulletan Z nien ed. .""i f,n nobody ?j k"ew !heir Nieu- - places. Scveial peifons Radt, was ppolcd, e:eiday mor- - here caped from they agjrqef that the the French ,.& lable. Sixty bdrges have b-- en sent down Rhine Cologne, of wounded number of cannon has been placed the of Dufleldotff. The garden of the courts, and the house tlie tier the hounds, which next with several other marl d-- 1 ';onor ""orm yon, thit- - molirion. that the French vi cllabliflicd thei tlvis day. June a, moiriJwg IMC letter from the bieg', written the night before the last, informs thai the French rout- ed that the Auitriaus have fount them every day fince'the with great that, heavy which heard, they Sow the enxm,i,s of 'Ihe the aieli duke, ell the wing, is ths fi.'e of The gpnials Leffv-- e Jlaupoul, Iiae voundedy the of the former killed. fiom nth iuforu.s the Aulhians took of Nicuweid the evening befoie they had time the A' "These Which way. is ii.rorcemenc aivmons the march poffitle battle whKh most blood made copious streams reduced, uver, Strength the right day gteat which Iiae the aHenhon is pre- - eonJ" WhoF ofP.ers and" private, sent fixed up ,n the 1 geneial officers i the ... h- - has not been in motion j by ta'.. 13 since morning. that enmage. and the pteciiion Auitrians the opnofite J.M.ti,., .,., i. the-river- , aifd e med the soldier. tercd Mulheim. In the June eveniiitr eirrhfppnrl- - Arch-Duke- " Charles e that his lecfted in The Freylen repnlfed, and last i ,!, ..,. " e lenru ac that a ft leav " respect, . .. ,,w .,.. w. ; a; i,. .. , - , ... vicinitvof "' yeueiaay all its formidable at ; ate ; division e1 ,n with The & encmJ a A uut at territory, a at Mulheim, V l 1 ne arch-duk- e on refolutiou to th been been gam army The wounded s that np- - troops, effifr One its The quite ftupified 1,,mn, l I'"' V'.r"ed fl,r" tackas Frankfoit, that a a,:a n Wewinc p,ifo,.ers al- - foV- - ' . 'ijeady-tpken- , feveial ai.d wesfx. T'tJ Kovr fnfflci- - on j . particulars i Cc!,'1 " a i confirmed 04 e Yellerday as you annex- - t?. S? ' A and l and " arrived JK. ' yesterday, who had alrcadlJCefr all ; lufs of is1 incalcli- - to full men, A on .ramparts inn of u "it, head-quarte- r, midnigbc, i advantage and fio-- a had wlfbleafrr Wurmfur's, thcgRhine. and Brother brankfort; us, that pofi'effien . head-quanei- s haVreceived to expedition. onSunday, en COLOGNE, ict Hunddriick. li. cnimei.dauoi.s It wi 011 ...., en LIMBOUlfG, of lest bead-quaite- rs yelterday at co.iflantly at to is "" oe- - it to TM y and sJady co- - is at- - as unex.ected. is W?g&&.e - . . The 7cnnr7.r' .u ' 7 " K not Plb,e commendation theSimbreafi, h ;ii on P reccivedofthe.etieatofihe will see the quarters, A"dern?ch- - ni'" tM as ffiKlW 4c,lvirons general R, nt DufiiddorfF, in all the neighbor-'K- f' defima,,",,. ' it f thence, ot is Siegboarg. an rr aacc. PARIS June SOMBRE MHJSE. Jourdan, He will ion 1 oft extraoidiiiaiy . rn - . . , . ") jmLih rutiier particulars tsecutivc direjfioiy. 'TITI7C . buildings, are already fur ' cne tQ It is that rait of the army which as In tlw ' i A at s, re ; th cannonade are as as liclit are on is Abetter of tre to en re lljej or 1 at li are iF ,,t 1,. he ' io. . t0 th bv ,-- i.- -.-- "" to. or retreat Nieuweid, palled ihe the day befoie vellciday the ateft order, and without losing man, though theprefeme rfegiments enemy cavaity several bpttalions infant as v. in con .1.- - U- - i "' l"c ne hi H, T . '?1 -" ."-- . ed in ui- - in le in ot s of of twelvj ot from of Duke ct ttrMeftroy Parma in ire two laun- - ty ofpeare between .Sam Consequently Fiench s caking entirely, so dcanged Duke leuired hours at not in.'Ul limit; was soon done pa.ncnt part them talents of Ci- - reman.s frilet, captais wha belie. ed Chevalier wrrkmen on zai already signed prelimina- - fecontl wa3 slopped of peace in One be to.-- reached bridge. of cm clauses in ti ea- - b'idu,e was, aimy took;iio(uion Suyn. ft. fchii whence returned which exirts betTvCn . .. . .. ...!.. ...JL J . .. . inj'S bridges beloie Nieuv. ot ' S1"1"1 ; nic rnreai :ib coorfe, must imme.iiarelv ed cavaliy battal-dt- i eel their foi ce to Dnfieldoi.f. Tn'o V'rftllc thiitteth half-brigad- cd waggons to ""r command of lii igadler Arnaud. French have fallen into "hands of ba t .ns and thiid our brave troops. The ictieat regiment light horse. Co-lO- ut complete. louei dtftihguilhed theni-Jun- e as, m afternoor- - the cool ness" precision fi.-- , le absolute, anct which displayed in tlieir mincE'i-th- e rout complete ; tiling con- - v"", executed the firms this. 'Ihe accounts nni Duif- - fi'f enemy', artillery. At Dufteldoi-ff- . Keczoig, EFerfeIdt, length, eleven at night, that part all agree this point- - The sol- - of the bridge of Nieuwied, which is extract fiom letter tcnrJs the right branch written at DiifleldorfF yesterday Rhine, was rciroicd witJlout accident, evening: good friend, in- - ' General Kleber. who was ret eat-ste- ad of repairing Fiankfort, our i"g on Sieg, veftercUy attack-arm- y is returning hither! The engi- - e-- ' inthepoft Uketadt. in nceis are an ived complete so, - mo'niwg. The enemy's w as Co tided camp Dufleldorfi, pull f idden, that he deemed it lcfs'dartge down, and the -- ve- U!j "in, oatcie, man continue 1. fl 1 l ry tluiW' lianas in tnerr General Klefter bunging bacK Uk to this place, and a oi ivu or of North, ders hithtr with all of Ucksreth, took place was deftrudive j was slow in Two divisions ex- tremely are still, on this side the that and haltened to Jue zx, The papers of will give yor a or intelligence ; but will not tell you all, not that of we orcular deinoi. (nation the Fiench allowed that Kleber The flying est side have cor.fi corxsEeNot tiie the We belies were the this w"e occupied our of inc. van" n' the the thc and varidns conduced. by the by ARMY' the lest commander of the mm.; l"'f the "ave pretended, the to of the rud bp.iin, endeavored been lied f'r-ic- e ciiei it;' rel.o the has lcaft will the bur by activity, and of tile name. most ions thc by uiu'ertakes put r.f tUl by the two asid led are sr: by were &c. the me, So, the was two the the attack and witn ileal All bat- and r. tie therefore made neceUary difpolitions, and marched .gainft the aflaifans he pven beat ack the heads ot thefeEemy's co- - mii. n rnniTi-nU- f fWSr'Pr!icuarly incavaiL-- v, advanc ing' his tu o flanks, lie returned to his sit ft position, and theie maintained himself. " Tlie action ccafed at three in thc afteri.oon. The irenei al was Rhine; have iume his in night, gam wing. thelmesof DulIeldorfF. Dminj; our retreat,several partial adtions took place, the particulais of which can- not send you, as have not received them ; but our troops invariably dif- - both courage and skill, and ot arfingle pofl was so retreat wa conducted with test order. I Pilir?rl riirinrtrc Cup- - was more deftruclive coolness ficiently praise courage, than that of Flurus. retieat is pevfeverence of troops, who complete. A great deaf of baggage" fongi,t three day's purfhed has pafjed thiongh town, and tr march night . full ot vounded con- - .rtfcgglers nor fugitives were llantlyarrmng. Gen. Collaud is dead ifSthliPnvpm. .,,., AV "6.ra Anu luls tnc tune jucige ut 4 1111,11. him with that confidence which ae. ts difalled, Health and ' 'Army of Rhine and .Vofelle. HaulI'man, Commifihry the oern ment the'Executie Diiectoiy. (Strafbnre, Juqe 1 1 in the morrinj- - " Your ouleis executed. J he army pafljjd Rhine month, p a'clobR Kehl our own. vi h """"" "Unat5r, A"' vigor. Kleber's Co- - number of of l,raVery a troop. enemy aml hundred pruoners. t. cann()Tl ' bravery of y "''' ' thoilla:,d At inir of cf tnat the juii, me ufw quarteis, ie going to Turkheim, when they directing their march toStrafliurg From fi'ch unanimity every tl irg is to be expect- ed. have jnft the ccmmand.:r in cfinsf. he as palling Khii.c. chief at: 1 f m; ul ' r j a of this glwi-iou- s expedition. Health and greeting. W. flUhSMAN." We atthts time iifij-tu- o thoa-Car- d men in buabij : the at of Clonde is epofed to ihe ddi.-- gr and is ittreat appt.r to be cut off. art affiired, tl.at at the inft;a- - y, fion ot the Chevalier Azzara. r.iunir ti ppotted by pieces cannon, thc King trie 1 Ik enemy the has compi tne rafts, wlilih they and agamft the firlt withoi.t the m ill b it far contributions which the i., feveial to paid, or on this of that of v.hkh the zeal, unpaid. n.ca irtillety, It is that the Az- - rointnan4ed the has the b i !e j thc rjft rits Pope's it the the th'w ' While iepaiiii, ty is that which the Holy Father the on thc to a p to bichf it its match the ciinreliea ... .1 , ""- - omer ttie enemy the and two belongir.'r the the li the of by Grosjean, selves and Yes the treat is they eeiy under f of the burg, at on an a to over of my to of at to of to level ground, l" to to to tlie a fi.fl but neireivinir ott to re- - of thi the rest pafi'ed march to even I ayed forced, that the J rnrmnr tleofUckareth the The and the for and this n lieitiier barges men are- - tobefi-e- ip and e of 2., are the ac two c were " I the c .:..iA witn a " " have my We a the I the rrence and Home. Or. the o her hand the Ait des Loir a'bii'is that our troops are inarchiflg to Re: he Obf.rver of the ic - alfa cf, that General Ruf-a- , at head of a French column, h.:s marched to Leghoin, and mnft b:.i e reached that place before this ; that Mafli i directs the fieg"e of Maiilur ; and that Efpinoi commands at ;ilan American Occurrences. New York. NEW-YOR- K, uplift o. TOUG5I STORY Ycften'iy morning it was feportecl with con f'dence, and genent-rall- until noert, that the ilepub'licaii frigate Concord had been taken by thc fiiitifh filgnte Thetis, and a aii-et- y of paiticulars related to render. T ilauhblci but it has been difcoe ti o hae been the lye of the day. en cn- - ted by thoie whole w ifncscorreliwi wifji the lye piobably foi the p'.r-pof- e of Wounding the fceih.gs of t'.ie friends of that gallant nation, tu' French Republic. Oui last accountJ from the Concord were, that she was at a diflance, and of the Thetis, thpt she was cruising on the Ainei .can coiit in company with the Preoyanre u rl Huffan, for the pnrpofe of waylay in" some unwai y coasters. or other pro- perty of the American citizens, a?jfr-abl- v to tieaty, to be adjix'ie-ue- at Hallrfax, Utrtnuda, New or some other Britifli receptacle ot fto-le- n goods. iI-- yH?"4-- 5 Taken up by the ffrhferiber, living on the waters of fra' cn-- oreek near Ousieys 'ill one ray Mare sour ycr.rs old, with a ionic! tell on, trots and pefs, alout sour- - as well as the bi other of Gen. Lefevl-- e : advantage than du'ring the reti eat ; teeu hands '"S'j ; ai,P' 1J 'e'' to 61 is or '1 '! d es ARCHIBALD CLINTON.

Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mq3c/data/1239.pdf · mined by the avis now txijiin in Vir-ginia " Quere. Is the expreflion, laws

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mq3c/data/1239.pdf · mined by the avis now txijiin in Vir-ginia " Quere. Is the expreflion, laws

wrfWtlw fchjaKSftfc irftrti'iastiasii iiii"iwi.i.ij


HpO acquire and to fecurc tiiles toJ. Ian J, is what at prefcnt natni al-

ly and necelfa ily engages the atten- -

tionfof the citizens of Kentucky. To'make bona side purchasers and aCtualfettltrs as fecurc as pofliblc withoutjnjuting those who may have other ti-

tles to'the same lands Or otherwiseitatiug it How far, under our com-

pact with Virginia, and confident withouronltitntion, we can compel clai-mants to step f 01 ward and ailert theirrights or be forever baried by non-clai-

is the fubjed. 1 have a desire toenquire into. The Ameiican mottowas, Let every man mind his own bufi.7iefs. The Kentucky motto iliould beIieai ly.lhe same." Let every man wind hisLand bujinefs, because no species ofproperty deserves or requites moieattention; because is he does not,fonts one will be lure to suffer, and itis molt reafbnable that of two or moretlaimants, where one is an innocentpurchaser and in aiflual pofl'effion of

legal right, that he or they shouldTfuffer who have fhewn the moftlndo.Jence and nrgleift. What is the situ- -

ation of this country i Claim uponclaim afferted, & latent claims fpring-5n- g

iip ! No purchaser can say he issecure however Prudayhc has been5n fecu ring the warraHteyWIiow ma-ny families have foughLthis aflylum ?

moved fiom unfertile tofertile lands,in order to secure to their offspring amere proinifnig inheritance I and cananyone say afluredly to his children,when J up gone this --Milt be yours ?

lie who makes these remarks, Mr.Bradford, (madeindeed By everyone)is not puffed up w ir.li the idea, that lteJiajs sound a cure for the evil ; a sewqueries lhall be first slated, in hopeshat they may draw into public atten-

tion, the thoughts and opinions ofmore penetratinn; heads, aftd mare a- -

ble wiiteis the fifBjeVt deserves it,but is no fueh a ofle'appears, I promife, in some ofyolir sutureons, to contin"uein"anfver

'ift. The compact with Virginia,speaks to this amount " That all jiri-va- te

rights and interejls of land withinthis state, derived from the laws ofVirginia, prior to our feparmion,fhallremain valid and secure under thelaws of this llate, and fliall be deter-mined by the avis now txijiin in Vir-ginia " Quere. Is the expreflion,laws new extfting to be u.'eritood theStatute laws of Virginia only, or ever,ylaw exijling or acknowledged by the'Virginians r exijt in their ltate, con-

cerning the rights & tnterefts of land I

2d. Was there ever an instance, or(is theic was not) could a present ci-

tizen of Virginia levy a sine on land,ami bar all who did not, within fiveyeais, put in and aflert their claims,infants &c. excepted and (is this isanswered in the affirmative) why nota citizen of Kentucky ?

3d. Is ines could be levied, whatgtrbd efFects would such proceedingsprocure to the bona side purchaser, orto the citizens at large r Would theybe fofalutary as ro induce us toapplytqgthe state of Virginia, is we cannot;fttopt them under the laws exifimg inVirginia J '.

41I1. Vh?t"3eafonabIe objectiori (Incafb application was made) could theViiginians have to our palling somelaw rclpecting .ton claim, or fhorten-in- g

the acls of limitation i'fhcre is nothing, sir, more agreea-

ble to a writer, confeiousof his weak-nes- s,

than to fcieen himself behind aa bulwoik of queiies. Is be does so

with unfeigned apprehensions, a can-

did and generous obierver, will leadhim forth by the hand, and administerconfutation ; but is no fuoh fiiend ap-

peals, and he afterwards venturesforth, he need not be afraid of being'laughed at. But I am in hopes some'one will in pity relieved J

l.am, sir, your hble. fervt.CAMILLUS.

Mr. John Bradford.

Ingratitude is a crime so shamefultliat thctnarrwas never yet sound whowbulJ acknowledge himself guilty ofit.

NO TICK is hereby given, that Ifliall, on Saturday, the fifth day

of!oveinbernet, attend, with thecommiflioners appointed by the courtof Franklin county, at the mouth ofGilbert's creek, (fomernncs calledJIailey's run) in the fuid county, thenand there to take the depositions ofwitnefles to" prove the fpeci.il placecalled for irran entry of twehoufand

ne hundred and fifty acre?, made intfcename of John Marshal!


Foreign Intelli'rence.

Get many.


Extract from the official details sentby the Count de Nefl'elrodc.

They sought for fourfucceffive dayson the Lahii. The course of that ri-

ver is in some degree iinrjede"d by thequantity of dead bodies which haveMoated down the flream. and



budge theirthis isfaid the thei.

they en- -

Hack-enbourg- e.

dIC Llll" , e3l Waitenflebei. estheaps. Republicanswe.e Se atlwev clock jefterday.rnmnlilv Wan i,t. thisinfl. very


'r"iitationedinthe Ehienbreit- - battenes. Generalsftcin have pasted the, Rhine Nieu- - wee." Weyerbch and Qokareth Defaix, Beaupon, and Pernio pniweid Le Fevre's towards enU' fa,vr ol'tl,e .fej'tne enemy

gen, "a n,a4e "lo11 viAWltiU continues. grett extent c.fwere yesterday near ;"".,, length and villagesjogne. Charlespears firmly resolved notFrenchman this side the RhThey write

mally announc

from ILV' uiea' lneeffedl has been with caflbons

ESSEN, Iune2N fi,;,,,), ent ih2All which have been of M,'r al'",y' PartJ- -

French CUla'ly tlie tlif'"'are from T business

bulletan Z niened. .""i f,n nobody?j k"ew !heir Nieu- -

places. Scveial peifons Radt, was ppolcd, e:eiday mor- -herecaped from they agjrqefthat the the French ,.&lable. Sixty bdrges have b-- en sentdown Rhine Cologne, ofwounded number of cannonhas been placed the ofDufleldotff.

The garden of the courts, and thehouse tlie tier the hounds,which next with several other

marl d-- 1 ';onor ""orm yon,thit- -molirion. that

the French vicllabliflicd thei tlvis day.

June a, moiriJwg IMCletter from the bieg', written

the night before the last,informs thai the French rout-ed that the Auitriaus have fountthem every day fince'the withgreat that,heavy whichheard, they Sow the enxm,i,sof 'Ihethe aieli duke, ell thewing, is ths fi.'eof The gpnials Leffv-- e

Jlaupoul, Iiae voundedythe of the former killed.

fiom nthiuforu.s the Aulhians took

of Nicuweid the eveningbefoie they had time the




ii.rorcemenc aivmonsthe

march poffitlebattle

whKh mostblood made

copious streamsreduced,

uver, Strengththe right


which Iiaethe

aHenhon is pre- - eonJ" WhoF ofP.ers and" private,sent fixed up ,n the 1 geneial officers i the ... h- -has not been in motion j by ta'.. 13since morning. that enmage. and the pteciiion

Auitrians the opnofite J.M.ti,., .,., i.the-river- , aifd e med the soldier.tercd Mulheim.

In theJune

eveniiitr eirrhfppnrl- -Arch-Duke- " Charles

e that his

lecfted in The Freylenrepnlfed, and last

i ,!, ..,. " e lenru ac that a ft


" respect,

. .. ,,w .,.. w. ; a; i,. .. , - , ...vicinitvof "' yeueiaay all its formidable

at ; ate; division e1 ,n with The

& encmJ a Auut at territory, aat Mulheim, V

l1 ne arch-duk- e


refolutiou to th








np- - troops,effifr One its The quite ftupified1,,mn, l I'"' V'.r"ed fl,r" tackas

Frankfoit, that a a,:a n Wewinc p,ifo,.ers al- -foV- - ' . 'ijeady-tpken- , feveial ai.d

wesfx.T'tJ Kovr fnfflci- -

onj .

particulars iCc!,'1

"a iconfirmed 04 e Yellerday

as you annex- - t?. S? 'A andland "

arrived JK. '

yesterday, who had alrcadlJCefrall ;

lufs of is1 incalcli- -

to fullmen, A

on .ramparts

inn ofu "it,

head-quarte- r,


iadvantage and fio-- a





brankfort;us, that



head-quanei- s





ictHunddriick. li.

cnimei.dauoi.sIt wi

011 ....,en


lestbead-quaite- rs

yelterday at

co.iflantly at


is"" oe- -


toTM y and sJady

co- - is at- -as unex.ected.

isW?g&&.e- . .

The 7cnnr7.r' .u' 7 " K not Plb,e

commendationtheSimbreafi, h ;ii on P


will see thequarters,

A"dern?ch- - ni'" tMas

ffiKlW 4c,lvironsgeneral R,nt DufiiddorfF, in all the neighbor-'K-

f' defima,,",,.' it f








Jourdan, He will ion 1 oft extraoidiiiaiy. rn - . . , .") jmLih rutiier particulars

tsecutivc direjfioiy.'TITI7C.

buildings, are already fur ' cne tQ

It is that rait of the army which as

In tlw'


ats, re




as as liclitare on

isAbetter of tre

to en




liare iF ,,t 1,.he



t0 thbv

,-- i.- -.--""



retreat Nieuweid, palled ihethe day befoie vellciday the

ateft order, and without losingman, though theprefeme

rfegiments enemy cavaityseveral bpttalions infant

as v.

in con.1.- - U- -


"' l"c ne hi

H, T . '?1-" ."-- .ed


ui- -


le inot s

of oftwelvj ot from of Duke ct

ttrMeftroy Parma in iretwo laun- - ty ofpeare between .Sam

Consequently Fiench scaking entirely, so dcanged Dukeleuired hours at not in.'Ul

limit; was soon done pa.ncnt part themtalents of Ci- - reman.s

frilet, captais wha belie. ed Chevalierwrrkmen on zai already signed prelimina- -

fecontl wa3 slopped of peace in Onebe to.-- reached bridge. of cm clauses in ti ea- -

b'idu,e was,aimy took;iio(uion Suyn. ft. fchii

whence returned which exirts betTvCn. .. . .. ...!.. ...JL J . .. .

inj'S bridges beloie Nieuv. ot ' S1"1"1 ; nic rnreai :ib

coorfe, must imme.iiarelv ed cavaliy battal-dt- i

eel their foi ce to Dnfieldoi.f. Tn'o V'rftllc thiitteth half-brigad- cd

waggons to ""r command of lii igadler Arnaud.French have fallen into "hands of ba t .ns and thiidour brave troops. The ictieat regiment light horse. Co-lO- ut

complete. louei dtftihguilhed theni-Jun- e

as, m afternoor- - the cool ness" precisionfi.--, le absolute, anct which displayed in tlieir mincE'i-th- e

rout complete ; tiling con- - v"", executed thefirms this. 'Ihe accounts nni Duif-- fi'f enemy', artillery. At

Dufteldoi-ff- . Keczoig, EFerfeIdt, length, eleven at night, that partall agree this point- - The sol- - of the bridge of Nieuwied, which

is extract fiom letter tcnrJs the right branchwritten at DiifleldorfF yesterday Rhine, was rciroicd witJlout accident,

evening: good friend, in- - ' General Kleber. who was ret eat-ste- ad

of repairing Fiankfort, our i"g on Sieg, veftercUy attack-arm- y

is returning hither! The engi- - e-- ' inthepoft Uketadt. innceis are an ived complete so, - mo'niwg. The enemy's w as Co

tided camp Dufleldorfi, pull f idden, that he deemed it lcfs'dartgedown, and the -- ve- U!j "in, oatcie, man continue

1. fl 1 lry tluiW' lianas in tnerrGeneral Klefter bunging bacK Uk

to this place, and aoi ivu or

of North,ders hithtr with all

of Ucksreth,took place was

deftrudive j was slowin Two divisions ex-tremely are still, on this side

thethat and haltened to

Jue zx,

The papers of will give yora or intelligence ; butwill not tell you all, not that of

we orcular deinoi. (nationthe Fiench allowed that


Theflying est

sidehave cor.fi corxsEeNot


We belieswere



w"eoccupied our

ofinc. van"


the the thc and

varidns conduced.by



ARMY' the lest

commander of themm.; l"'fthe

"avepretended, the




endeavored been liedf'r-ic- e

ciiei it;' rel.othe has

lcaft will thebur by

activity, andof


most ionsthc by

uiu'ertakes putr.f


the twoasid led

aresr: by




the wastwo the

the attackand



All bat-


r. tie therefore madeneceUary difpolitions, and marched.gainft the aflaifans he pven beat

ack the heads ot thefeEemy's co- -mii. n rnniTi-nU- f

fWSr'Pr!icuarly incavaiL--v, advancing' his tu o flanks, lie returned tohis sit ft position, and theie maintainedhimself.

" Tlie action ccafed at three in thcafteri.oon. The irenei al was

Rhine; have iume his in night, gam

wing.thelmesof DulIeldorfF. Dminj; ourretreat,several partial adtions tookplace, the particulais of which can-not send you, as have not receivedthem ; but our troops invariably dif--

both courage and skill, andot arfingle pofl was so

retreat wa conducted withtest order.I Pilir?rl riirinrtrc Cup- -

was more deftruclive coolnessficiently praise courage,than that of Flurus. retieat is pevfeverence of troops, whocomplete. A great deaf of baggage" fongi,t three day's purfhedhas pafjed thiongh town, and tr march night .

full ot vounded con- - .rtfcgglers nor fugitives werellantlyarrmng. Gen. Collaud is dead ifSthliPnvpm.

.,,., AV "6.ra Anu luls tnc tune jucige ut 4

1111,11. him with that confidencewhich ae. ts difalled,

Health and'

'Army of Rhine and .Vofelle.HaulI'man, Commifihry the oern

ment the'Executie Diiectoiy.(Strafbnre, Juqe 1 1 in the morrinj- -" Your ouleis executed. J he

army pafljjd Rhine month, pa'clobR Kehl our own. vi h"""""

"Unat5r, A"' vigor.Kleber's

Co- - number of


l,raVerya troop. enemy



t. cann()Tl

' bravery ofy

"''' '







juii, me ufw quarteis, ie going toTurkheim, when they directingtheir march toStrafliurg From fi'chunanimity every tl irg is to be expect-ed.

have jnft the ccmmand.:r incfinsf. he as palling Khii.c.

chief at:1 fm; ul '

r j


of this glwi-iou- s expedition.Health and greeting.

W. flUhSMAN."We atthts time iifij-tu- o thoa-Car- d

men in buabij : the at ofClonde is epofed to ihe ddi.-- gr

and is ittreat appt.r to be cutoff.

art affiired, tl.at at the inft;a- -y, fion ot the Chevalier Azzara. r.iunir

ti ppotted by pieces cannon, thc King trie1 Ik enemy the has compi tne

rafts, wlilih they andagamft the firlt withoi.t the m ill

b it far contributions which thei., feveial to paid, or on

this of that of v.hkhthe zeal, unpaid.n.ca irtillety, It is that the Az--rointnan4ed the has theb i !e j thc rjft rits Pope's

it the the th'w' While iepaiiii, ty is that which the Holy Father

the on thc to a p tobichf it its match the ciinreliea... .1, ""-- omer

ttie enemy the and two

belongir.'r the theli the

of byGrosjean,

selves andYes the treat is they

eeiy underf of the

burg, aton

an a to over of


of atto

of tolevel ground, l" to




fi.flbut neireivinir


to re- -

of thi the rest pafi'ed march to



ayedforced, that


J rnrmnrtleofUckareth the

The and thefor and

this n lieitiierbarges men are--



and e



the actwo



" I

thec .:..iA witn








rrence and Home. Or. the o her handthe Ait des Loir a'bii'is that ourtroops are inarchiflg to Re:

he Obf.rver of the ic - alfa cf,

that General Ruf-a-, athead of a French column, h.:s marchedto Leghoin, and mnft b:.i e reachedthat place before this ; that Mafli i

directs the fieg"e of Maiilur ; and thatEfpinoi commands at ;ilan

American Occurrences.

New York.


Ycften'iy morning it was feporteclwith con f'dence, and genent-rall-

until noert, that the ilepub'licaiifrigate Concord had been taken bythc fiiitifh filgnte Thetis, and a aii-et- y

of paiticulars related to render.Tilauhblci but it has been difcoe tio hae been the lye of the day. en cn- -ted by thoie whole w ifncscorreliwi

wifji the lye piobably foi the p'.r-pof- e

of Wounding the fceih.gs of t'.iefriends of that gallant nation, tu'French Republic. Oui last accountJfrom the Concord were, that she wasat a diflance, and of the Thetis, thptshe was cruising on the Ainei .can coiitin company with the Preoyanre u rlHuffan, for the pnrpofe of waylay in"some unwai y coasters. or other pro-

perty of the American citizens, a?jfr-abl- v

to tieaty, to be adjix'ie-ue- atHallrfax, Utrtnuda, Newor some other Britifli receptacle ot fto-le- n

goods.iI-- yH?"4-- 5

Taken up by the ffrhferiber,living on the waters of fra' cn--oreek near Ousieys 'ill one rayMare sour ycr.rs old, with a ionic!tell on, trots and pefs, alout sour- -

as well as the bi other ofGen. Lefevl--e : advantage than du'ring the reti eat ; teeu hands '"S'j ; ai,P' 1J 'e'' to 61

is or



