2 fr 3 I . "7 J m. iKUMB'XV Shiicquid agunt homines nojlri farrago Belli. Juv. Sat. 8; v. 85. VOL. VI .! 5ft - , . m, " .. . ; 'LEXING ro NS Printed bjjoti.i 3S5S3S35 SfcSSS&S ,A11 pejfons indebted to the ifubfcriber on or belbte the fli ft of .September Jail, ai e reqnelted td .make 'ptymen; by the fii It of f e -- ,brua.rjj ;', those that nfcglect this notice, may expect their accompli to be .put 11110 the hands of a.pto,- - per office! S, to be recovered as the .Jaw... directs, without refpeettd persons. Adrew Holmes December 1. 'r-- a n . a w a;y; the fubfcribersliving ill FROM two Apprentice? .Boys, both tljeir names WILLIAM DOCHERTT, soils' to Henry and olin Docherty, We hereby of- fer the following reward, viz, for "William Docherty, Henrv's son; FOUR- - P t. W C K ; for William, John Docherry's ion, ONE bHIL? LING. And fnither fo.ewanl,. alrpeople nocto harbor either o"F laid. Apprentices, may (d- efend on being pcofedutcd accor- ding as the law dii efts, by Simeon CHaififcTers ' 3.t John Chaijibers.., w ,M' Bhdhrd Vfodc co infonii the public thipagh of your pa-pe- g tha; ' have, ag"1 e'eable to law4; lemijved ray Office1 from Lexing-tot- v to ?'ran!;ton,' where! iliall trsnfact biiiinefsdunnrthe lemon. '' B.rzj- - V..l 1, & qfi Nov. i?93- - - 1 The iRANiii LVAiNTA SHMINA RY;- now.-svel- l fupplieal yjjh teach? IS of xNanral andj-Jloij- Phir lfjibphy, of the Mathejjijatjcsjjand of ilie' learned languages. vi .An.enalilh.tcpcher.-is'alf- intrd ducetl, .jiuci the Collcdge who teache's,-Reading- , Wriiing, Arith- metic1, and the hriglilh Grammar. In this1 School g' eat atte,ntioii 13 paid' to Reifdrhg; and that not conliiietltd p.ofe authors onlyl, but to the Poets . This. Seminary is the belt, seat of education on the Western waters ; and it is to be, lioped,,the time is not far diilant v'hen eyen p.ejudiceitfelfwill not .think ir.vifecelIary.to oif Youths to the Atlantic Stated, to couipleat their educations. .1 v ' Gpod boarding may be had in, Lexington and ifs vicinity; qn' ve- ry moderate terms. i Lexington, D.ec, 6", 3 703. - cv coooccouooo oco xoocjoojvooclpocogococccjo'oooo oooocooo A" t.L jjei.oiv are iaj(u(c-- tiqt jt tj cake an alRtfmffjt 01 a rw'.c given by' me io (.JaiiiesRi-- , nixcK, of vv ooitom couny, itr iitc , . . ... - I 1 .1- - U II .-'!- puunas. oatniir ,oni mu, the iWa,,.,,,-,;- . heid, note was trauuciuU of.ta ned, I am determined not to pay itun.di" com- - . - pelled py, law. WSNPSION, December 18. s&mm&ssmGs Saturday, 5s?sss$sessssssssss$ss BF,ati, at his Ofre or, Street; wbn SubMw, (at .fifteen Shillings per Annum) Mvert.Ye ments I a, e thankfully received, and Printing in it, different branches done with care an i expedition. Bourdon FultNAGE, Dee! 2, 1793! Funic J immediately, . Two or thres good Waggoners! and a number of other Hands,, to woik at the above- - F u r n a c,e. 1 to whom ceneros waies and obd -"" treatment will be given, by . "Vnhn ,.,,, Mnrhhnn j ,w.ww) for JOrlN COCKEY O WINGS &Co. M. B. Heavy CASTINGS are now to-b- e sold tit the above place, Lixtfid. per lb. and hand ware in fL proportion. Tlid fubfci-iber- s have, opened at strode s ataaon, ff A Neat AJortment df -- ,' Suitable to the preleiit 'feafoii, Which they will, sell on the molt reasonable terms, for. Cafli, or bees cattle delivered at their .butcher's fliop' in Lexington ; and good wheat deliveied at John Lock's mill 'ih Lexington; and pork an soot delivered in- L.exing-to- n, or at th'e'ir store, and. all kitid of conntry p.o'duce. Cocic Sc Ly tie: December 38: '' ' F O R. S A L E, By the fubferiber,' fce .following. Traffs, of L A N' D, (Viz.) Three thousand acres on the waters of Rtifr creek, a branch of o een .river; Two thousand acres ou tlie waters 'df- - Sinking creek, iii Nelson comity. One thousand acies on Brtifli creek,' a branch of Green .riv'er' lu Green' countycf "'.Two hundred land fifty acres on tlie bank liver,' in Lincoln: ' Two .thousand acres' abotit eight miles .eiallf the Big Bone licks. .Two tjxoifnd and fjx acres abotit twelve niiles from the' lrOnvJorkg1, oil the wa.,es of Slate ' creek: A'lfo, five liuiidi ed and ninety aces' near the Iail' mentj- - bned land. Caih", public' ties, negroes ami goqrdhdrfes, (that is pait of each')' will b'e ta- ken in payment. Ahy'perfoh to purchase ahy-'par- t of frfid land, may know thet'erms by applying to the fubferibej', in Mer cercomityyiiear-.Danville- . . . w. . . Samuel M' Dowel , October 14. ' :v- - I" The'fulJlcrib'er has on hand1 a ?ery Elegatil Ajjortmeir' 'of'Lafyj uKl anil Gsnlbnk?? Winch he is determined to "ftiil'come yell recomineiided.- -- -p MohtgomstyBHU October it ,.-.- n; c ' ;,, ,,rij - K; ,T ffi . ;ir ,ti .'. a ttodV? 1 aTTT- - """""St December 28, 1793. . ' . n ; f. PARIS, August 2S. :, . The follow inn state of 'he fpr- - ,ces of the republic, has been puhSi lilhed by oraer of the executyO council, 111 the Miuifteiialj I. inny of the North. itSTO? Ardennes! 40,132 ivioiene 83 :68 Rhhie, H4-57- Alps; 40,49 Italy 29,25 Eallern Pyrenees. 24,446 g. weltern do. 3:,cx;o p. Coast. of Rochelle, ' 41,110 jo. Coallof Brest, 32,539 j 1 Coalt of Chebourg, . J 548i j2. Patriotic ariiiy before Lyons, H Do on nlts of 12,000 the Durance,' 1 8,000 . Totalj 601,902 Which, adding force ordered out 4Qo,ccb Produces a grand totalof 1,001,902 Aiigidt 25- - SIEGE of DLisKIRK. ' LStter from the French ciyil Comptroller of 'the' Ma. ine, at Dunkirk, dated ' Aii-nil- l .5. "flte, enemy's' 'army remain' -- still. encamped- - on Astrenkotike: Several advanced polts have been ken- - one aniohg ot'lieis hasef- - wui.nea a Da,teiy no- - more than sH5fta-learn- f,om the oiace nfwl feve.al b diets have fallen in fife iunii. j lie r pnri campea under the ramparts - dii c!l tlUrinn: ihe dav rhr.f- - i.iva !,'' iuany aifahsof polts, and thefkir- - iniilies on botlf parties' haVe keut Up a continual sife: At liK o'clock the garrifo'n niade a vigorous fahy, drove the advan- ced guards above a league from the fouiiications", and .killed many of their men The brfrfnrt ,f, i, -- town keprurf a tcr"rlbln firU .,.,-Rt iiine" ill the .'evening- - From fhit ,hom-un- til lis the next m'ornfnjr ,hot-- mulket wnsr .1 ,,,1 ,f?i. nijilit was nerfertlv , r.,;-- . t men havinp- - been ffir ,U.' ,U iiarfafied with labrtr, l,rf JLf need of this repose ' 'The batteries floating .were as e as on' the day 'before. Citizen taltaigner twice repulsed a numerous body of horse, and p. evented it, aswell as a consider- - .able train, of artillery, from palU the Tlie ing enemy e- - re,cled two batte. ie's oh the Downs, which' they di, ected at the float-,- - 1 i . ,. . s ; DUt aitaignertwicA flle'nced their firp. rinrf MirrnA them to remove yv,eflvyard: theng'h he could not dismount their "mis. 1 cannot fufficicntly pvaifethat ofneer, whose valour equals his patriot! sin. Ve ase prepared to defend this important tow n to the lalt cxtre- - ne national guard is ,most tly disposed f and I may o allure you, that Duiir maintain the - reputati- - mi it Virhuirpif unrip,- - T,liV iinr'r 'Called'to "the council of, war, to which I am a niembcVj tltave not wihf tn rhdlarrirt.r.ifi.rc'.Viv0-?--,- . i -- "' " & "., ",.ii Kirit win KSSSSSsSSSoSSSSSSSSSSS :fi,ssssssssjsj&b GOODS. negleAed the adriiiniltxation pf the marine, which had been con- fided to nie , in cale of bomba.d- - lnent 1 have made every p.ovilion for safety ; I have placed tubs water, at lhort diltances. befidetbe aifenal and all the ma gazines ; I have removed hemp, cables and all combullible mateii-al- s, and Jiave Ilationed it lulTici-cie- nt , number of guards withiif the arsenal to ascertain its fecuri-t- y ; beside wliich, half tlie admi- - ( nillrators alternately pals the , night there. , . 1 have ceded to the town at the requifitlon of the council of war, such mulkets, fabres and piltols as are neceilary for its defence; witli grape shot of various dirtienfions, iof which ah iihniediate Aipply may be wanted, ,aild which wifl , of , courfc be sent mei I have like-wi- se fe'iit all the mattrafles tlifec .were in fto're to the hdfpital, for we have inany wounded,- - wlfo mud not be negleded. Extract of a letter from citizen! Refault, commiflioner of Gun' powder at To" Mrs", aid Prefldeflt - of the Department of Indre and j Loire, to tiie fupe iiitendaifts of ammunition, diired tlie 23d of Aagust: 1793. ,. . vj - ' riieAdminilt.-ario- df laVennia has this moriieut informed us, that 6000 of ditr. troop j have recovered choller and Alortague, the liead- - "uarters or "e Rebels': May this . .. . IVlorl lAia,rf Kn . I...."., j .1 It 1 ,1 bf the ilnme;liate and certain liar- - - uinger or tlie total defeat or the rebels; Tlle department of May. ence and Loire officially coiilirins thecoptu-- e of FeVen fmalLEnglifh.-veilel- e before "Belle Isle,. .loa.'ed, w l'tli 2 'Tn uchvdter. and deilsrned foi tlie re'bels. They "have sent thtin tft "the' Guerands, unloaded, anddhi.U eil' into th'fee parts? One-for Bieft ?!hA9d .Rennes and St. Malo. and the 'tiii-- d' foV .SnVes, 'cre 'l1 ,,tfJl'tled ' ate atf&f dy drHVed.' "' ' '' ' ' J The safe arrival of th's Weft'Ii dia sleet, conMii'rg; of, ' gcr from St. Ddminab- - anditlte otl HlandsJ ihas been artiiouneed, py yuich a reinforcement of more !tlian 00 reameil for jll(-- ' n&vY- - ' ' ' '' - : "H ' . ' ' LONDON, July2o. ( ' A Ae" 0l trealbn-has-- . it is said, oeen-difcovere- d iii a'cerniu con- - ftrtutional loom hi Mancheste- r- DUt or wnac cou"1 . rorm, or ta- - ""-"- "" "-- "' '"l""c"u-- j "heard. Rumonr. indeed, has been busy among' 'us, xtlih. her hundred tongues. 'At one mo- ment, we behold "a regiment of weavers, learniag the ft ench cellar! or; likeaco-pso- f Iriihvolunteers, having a' field d:y in the dead of the slight ;. a fecoiul with a woful fact?; .tells'us, that it seventeen profanes barrels of "tiiipiivv'derve'-- fouhd ready to blow up the eftablilfied church!' n ver.V. cravelv lays. " that "one bloody mindel feUow.asj sound witlCa dolled barrelled

Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt72rb6vxd5z/data/0658.pdfiiarfafied with labrtr, l,rf JLf need of this repose ' 'The floating batteries.were

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt72rb6vxd5z/data/0658.pdfiiarfafied with labrtr, l,rf JLf need of this repose ' 'The floating batteries.were







J m.

iKUMB'XV Shiicquid agunt homines nojlri farrago Belli. Juv. Sat. 8; v. 85. VOL. VI.! 5ft - , . m, " ..

. ;

'LEXING ro NS Printed bjjoti.i

3S5S3S35 SfcSSS&S

,A11 pejfons indebted to theifubfcriber on or belbte the fli ft of.September Jail, ai e reqnelted td.make 'ptymen; by the fii It of fe --

,brua.rjj ;', those that nfcglect thisnotice, may expect their accomplito be .put 11110 the hands of a.pto,- -

per office! S, to be recovered as the.Jaw... directs, without refpeettdpersons.

Adrew HolmesDecember 1.

'r-- a n . a w a;y;the fubfcribersliving illFROM two Apprentice?

.Boys, both tljeir names WILLIAMDOCHERTT, soils' to Henry andolin Docherty, We hereby of-fer the following reward, viz, for"William Docherty, Henrv's son;FOUR- - P t. W C K ; for William,John Docherry's ion, ONE bHIL?LING. And fnither fo.ewanl,.alrpeople nocto harbor either o"F

laid. Apprentices, may (d-efend on being pcofedutcd accor-ding as the law dii efts, by

Simeon CHaififcTers '

3.t John Chaijibers.., w

,M' BhdhrdVfodc co infonii the publicthipagh of your pa-pe- g

tha; ' have, ag"1 e'eable to law4;lemijved ray Office1 from Lexing-tot- v

to ?'ran!;ton,' where! ilialltrsnfact biiiinefsdunnrthe lemon.'' B.rzj- - V..l 1, & qfiNov. i?93- -

- 1


now.-svel- l fupplieal yjjh teach?IS of xNanral andj-Jloij- Phirlfjibphy, of the Mathejjijatjcsjjandof ilie' learned languages. vi

.An.enalilh.tcpcher.-is'alf- intrdducetl, .jiuci the Collcdge whoteache's,-Reading- , Wriiing, Arith-metic1, and the hriglilh Grammar.In this1 School g' eat atte,ntioii 13

paid' to Reifdrhg; and that notconliiietltd p.ofe authors onlyl, butto the Poets . This. Seminary isthe belt, seat of education on theWestern waters ; and it is to be,lioped,,the time is not far diilantv'hen eyen p.ejudiceitfelfwill not.think ir.vifecelIary.to oifYouths to the Atlantic Stated, tocouipleat their educations. . 1 v

' Gpod boarding may be had in,Lexington and ifs vicinity; qn' ve-

ry moderate terms. iLexington, D.ec, 6", 3 703. -

cv coooccouooo oco xoocjoojvooclpocogococccjo'oooo oooocooo

A" t.L jjei.oiv are iaj(u(c-- tiqtjt tj cake an alRtfmffjt 01 a

rw'.c given by' me io (.JaiiiesRi-- ,nixcK, of vv ooitom couny, itr iitc

, . . ...- I 1 .1-- U II .-'!-puunas. oatniir ,oni mu,the iWa,,.,,,-,;- .

heid,note was trauuciuU of.ta ned, I amdetermined not to pay itun.di" com- -

. -pelled py, law.

WSNPSION,December 18.


BF,ati, at his Ofre or, Street; wbn SubMw, (at .fifteen Shillings per Annum) Mvert.Ye ments Ia, e thankfully received, and Printing in it, different branches done with care an i expedition.

Bourdon FultNAGE, Dee! 2, 1793!FunicJ immediately, .

Two or thres good Waggoners!and a number of other Hands,, towoik at the above- - F u r n a c,e.

1 to whom ceneros waies and obd-"" treatment will be given, by

. "Vnhn,.,,, Mnrhhnnj ,w.ww)for


now to-b- e sold tit the above place,Lixtfid. per lb. and hand ware in

fL proportion.

Tlid fubfci-iber- s have, opened atstrode s ataaon,

ff A Neat AJortment df-- ,'

Suitable to the preleiit 'feafoii,Which they will, sell on themolt reasonable terms, for. Cafli,or bees cattle delivered at their.butcher's fliop' in Lexington ; andgood wheat deliveied at JohnLock's mill 'ih Lexington; andpork an soot delivered in- L.exing-to- n,

or at th'e'ir store, and. all kitidof conntry p.o'duce.

Cocic Sc Ly tie:December 38: '' '

F O R. S A L E,By the fubferiber,'

fce .following. Traffs, ofL A N' D, (Viz.)

Three thousand acres onthe waters of Rtifr creek, a branchof o een .river; Two thousandacres ou tlie waters 'df-- Sinkingcreek, iii Nelson comity. Onethousand acies on Brtifli creek,' abranch of Green .riv'er' lu Green'countycf "'.Two hundred land fiftyacres on tlie bank liver,'in Lincoln: ' Two .thousand acres'abotit eight miles .eiallf the BigBone licks. .Two tjxoifnd and fjxacres abotit twelve niiles from the'lrOnvJorkg1, oil the wa.,es of Slate '

creek: A'lfo, five liuiidi ed andninety aces' near the Iail' mentj- -

bned land. Caih", public'ties, negroes ami goqrdhdrfes,(that is pait of each')' will b'e ta-

ken in payment. Ahy'perfohto purchase ahy-'par- t of

frfid land, may know thet'erms byapplying to the fubferibej', in Mercercomityyiiear-.Danville- .

. . w . . . Samuel M'Dowel ,

October 14. ' :v-- I"

The'fulJlcrib'er has on hand1 a ?eryElegatil Ajjortmeir' 'of'Lafyj

uKl anil Gsnlbnk??

Winch he is determined to

"ftiil'come yell recomineiided.--- -p MohtgomstyBHU

October it

,.-.- n; c' ;,, ,,rij -K; ,T ffi. ;ir ,ti .'. a ttodV? 1 aTTT- -


December 28, 1793. .'

. n;


PARIS, August 2S. :, .

The follow inn state of 'he fpr- -,ces of the republic, has been puhSililhed by oraer of the executyOcouncil, 111 the Miuifteiialj

I. inny of the North. itSTO?Ardennes! 40,132ivioiene 83 :68Rhhie, H4-57-

Alps; 40,49Italy 29,25Eallern Pyrenees. 24,446g. weltern do. 3:,cx;op. Coast. of Rochelle, '

41,110jo. Coallof Brest, 32,539j 1 Coalt of Chebourg, .

J 548ij2. Patriotic ariiiy beforeLyons,

H Do on nlts of12,000

the Durance,' 1 8,000

. Totalj 601,902Which, adding force

ordered out 4Qo,ccb

Produces a grand totalof 1,001,902Aiigidt 25- -

SIEGE of DLisKIRK.' LStter from the French ciyil

Comptroller of 'the' Ma. ine, atDunkirk, dated '

Aii-nil- l .5."flte, enemy's' 'army remain'--still. encamped- - on Astrenkotike:

Several advanced polts have beenken- - one aniohg ot'lieis hasef--

wui.nea a Da,teiy no- - more thansH5fta-learn- f,om the oiace nfwl

feve.al b diets have fallen in fifeiunii. j lie r pnricampea under the ramparts - dii


tlUrinn: ihe dav rhr.f-- i.iva !,''iuany aifahsof polts, and thefkir- -iniilies on botlf parties' haVe keutUp a continual sife:

At liK o'clock the garrifo'n niadea vigorous fahy, drove the advan-ced guards above a league fromthe fouiiications", and .killed manyof their men The brfrfnrt ,f, i,

-- town keprurf a tcr"rlbln firU .,.,-Rt

iiine" ill the .'evening- - From fhit,hom-un- til lis the next m'ornfnjr,hot-- mulket wnsr .1 ,,,1 ,f?i.nijilit was nerfertlv , r.,;-- . tmen havinp-- been ffir ,U.' ,Uiiarfafied with labrtr, l,rf JLfneed of this repose' 'The batteriesfloating .were as

e as on' the day 'before.Citizen taltaigner twice repulseda numerous body of horse, andp. evented it, aswell as a consider- -

.able train, of artillery, from palUthe Tlieing enemy e- -

re,cled two batte. ie's oh the Downs,which' they di, ected at the float-,- -

1 i . ,. .s ; DUt aitaignertwicA

flle'nced their firp. rinrf MirrnAthem to remove yv,eflvyard: theng'hhe could not dismount their "mis.1 cannot fufficicntly pvaifethatofneer, whose valour equals hispatriot! sin.

Ve ase prepared to defend thisimportant tow n to the lalt cxtre- -

ne national guard is ,mosttly disposed f and I may

o allure you, that Duiirmaintain the - reputati- -

mi it Virhuirpif unrip,- - T,liV iinr'r'Called'to "the council of, war, to

which I am a niembcVj tltave not

wihf tn rhdlarrirt.r.ifi.rc'.Viv0-?--,- . i--"' " & "., ",.ii Kirit win




negleAed the adriiiniltxation pfthe marine, which had been con-fided to nie , in cale of bomba.d- -lnent 1 have made every p.ovilionfor safety ; I have placed tubs

water, at lhort diltances.befidetbe aifenal and all the ma

gazines ; I have removed hemp,cables and all combullible mateii-al- s,

and Jiave Ilationed it lulTici-cie- nt

, number of guards withiifthe arsenal to ascertain its fecuri-t- y

; beside wliich, half tlie admi- -( nillrators alternately pals the, night there. ,

. 1 have ceded to the town at therequifitlon of the council of war,such mulkets, fabres and piltols asare neceilary for its defence; witligrape shot of various dirtienfions,

iof which ah iihniediate Aipplymay be wanted, ,aild which wifl

, of , courfc be sent mei I have like-wi- se

fe'iit all the mattrafles tlifec.were in fto're to the hdfpital, forwe have inany wounded,- - wlfomud not be negleded.Extract of a letter from citizen!

Refault, commiflioner of Gun'powder at To" Mrs", aid Prefldeflt

- of the Department of Indre andj Loire, to tiie fupe iiitendaifts of

ammunition, diired tlie 23d ofAagust: 1793. ,. .vj- ' riieAdminilt.-ario- df laVennia

has this moriieut informed us, that6000 of ditr. troop j have recoveredcholler and Alortague, the liead- -"uarters or "e Rebels': May this

. .. .IVlorl lAia,rf Kn . I...."., j .1 It 1 ,1

bf the ilnme;liate and certain liar- --

uinger or tlie total defeat or therebels; Tlle department of May.ence and Loire officially coiilirinsthecoptu-- e of FeVen fmalLEnglifh.-veilel- e

before "Belle Isle,. .loa.'ed,w l'tli 2 'Tn uchvdter. and deilsrned foitlie re'bels. They "have sent thtin tft

"the' Guerands, unloaded, anddhi.Ueil' into th'fee parts? One-for Bieft?!hA9d .Rennes and St. Malo.and the 'tiii-- d' foV .SnVes, 'cre

'l1 ,,tfJl'tled ' ate atf&fdy drHVed.' "' ' '' ' ' J

The safe arrival of th's Weft'Iidia sleet, conMii'rg; of, ' gcr

from St. Ddminab- - anditlte otlHlandsJ ihas been artiiouneed, pyyuich a reinforcement of more!tlian 00 reameil forjll(-- ' n&vY- - ' ' ' ''

-: "H '

. '' LONDON, July2o.

(' A Ae" 0l trealbn-has-- . it is said,oeen-difcovere- d iii a'cerniu con- -ftrtutional loom hi Mancheste- r-DUt or wnac cou"1 . rorm, or ta- -""-"- "" "-- "' '"l""c"u-- j

"heard. Rumonr. indeed, hasbeen busy among' 'us, xtlih. herhundred tongues. 'At one mo-

ment, we behold "a regiment ofweavers, learniag the ft ench

cellar! or; likeaco-pso- f

Iriihvolunteers, having a' field d:yin the dead of the slight ;. a fecoiulwith a woful fact?; .tells'us, thatit seventeen profanes barrels of"tiiipiivv'derve'-- fouhd ready toblow up the eftablilfied church!'n ver.V. cravelv lays. " that"one bloody mindel feUow.asjsound witlCa dolled barrelled