-- r (r- r- -- "" i - , jia-iai- ai l; ragy'i''K,jW5:ig3?rTriCTCT?ag7 aeatttoiagjgtf,jaiaftAKi KENT UC KY G A ZETTE NUMB. IX. 1 SATURDAY, November 14, 1795. VOL. IX. Wanted, ' twenty tenants, b rs Oleic a tract of LAND, lying witliit fiWnvLsof Lexington, ! ' to whom hene-i-ia- l Lesfes for lev in 0, fourteen year's will be given ' by i , ' Jjhn Breckinridge. Noven ber ip. . r f- 1U 'E i,LU, One hundicdian.l titty ;a of ,- - L A N D, T7tiRTN n.ilesfio.ii Li;;iigton, JT on t ,e 10 J t..:it lends f, ujpstrietue 10 Cuid K ry wi h a gooAlpnu.; mat lit voi laiU, well timbered and I'Mir-- c.cd. nny person ivi, in r to ptuth.it'e, may see the Kind applving r the I'.hk-rifcei- wb live;, joining the la..d i he p, i. e is a low as iour riuTiaiS per acie. TO PIN LOWRY, November 1 r. (jw from c.. wiblttjbcr, STII.Yl.'- - . P.uktr's iniii, a pair of .link biown OX.. : one with a white face, mar eel with an iinde.-kee- l in ear. nny per-fv- .i that will deliver tlieni at his house mall leceive live dollais ic-- w ard. Wm. Sthresai.y. , I wi.li to purchase a quanti- ty of t'OiViC. VV-- "SyIIKREAS Ile.uy West, on the fifth day of June ado, enter- ed 3oj acies of laivl on a treasury airnnt, abjutoiic mils lotith of the Knjb Lick, and about three miles troin Man's Lick, to include &: improvement ew a dry ron 6c a. beecn tree marked S. now in jef-terf- r countv ; which claim i have pit i ch.sied for a valuable ccnSder- - I iiii.n, and h.ive the same air.gned Vj ran, u.id whereas 1 have obtain- - ' ed an order of the county court of JefciL-.f- . n counry, in October hilt, appofh nig; coiaaiiilioiieis agreea-hi-- j to theact xt Aiicnibly entitled " An act co alcerlaiu the botuula-rie- ? c' land-.- , and for other pur. pj.V." he ittherefo.e known to ill peribub wiiom K may concern, that 1 ihall on the fexen een.h day ct Dscen.her next, attend the said improv'euiept and nee, with the cJiniuikhoners, for the purpose of iking the demolitions of iV ichael ami otheis, to eirabli.'h the sill impr'ovemei t and beach tree, tailed for in the aforesaid- - entry, turf to do fnch oth$r acts as may be thought neceflary and agreea hie to law. JACORYODER. November 6. J Notice, TlTHAT on the fifteenth day of I 1 December next, 1 (hall at, end the commitfioners appointed by tbe iotii t, on an enfiy us a- - A c.ej. ot land, made in May ly-J- in r.iY. ,n:nne, on two treainry war- rants, ;:tthe houfeot'Ch.irls Moie-hoa- d, on the norih side of" tbj iie.ich.fo;'k of Salt river, about six i:iie4 below, iairdllown, Nelson comity ; then and there to perpe-tuA,ecerra- in refthtiooy relpeKiug iiiid qitrics,as the law directs. I Ca.l. 2laurbter. Noveffeber 12. - m 1 rs!Ati"N up i,n the wilde.r.eis by I tl e l.iblcriber, l.iiic-l- n co:mt tv.acli.k Riayho.le, . hree ve.n: j eld, a utatl ttar in hi t.ice, tio iiaiur.i , n perceivrub!- - bra' il, abon: .i.- - feet 8"or 9 inches hchi ipj)rUd to 12I. J. lines Bameit. NovcjiLer 7, ivy;. - o Ak'F.NT nr. Kv fubferiber. I in Clark countv, Howards creek, abay mare; fourteen hands 2 hii;h, paces natural, no brands, three years old, appralled to, I 21. Charles Gentry. July S t upbythefual'criber.liv-- I ing on How aids upper creek, near Runaways ftafion, ClaiKe county t Dai k brown mare, about eight or nine ) ears old, fourteen hands and a half hiu.li; a.JUr in her"fotehe:d, a sew (addle lpotd on her back and a fni.-l- l whi.e Innt n ht'r tinhr tlitlh. t:OiS. biundrd on tilt kJifi ar f!n.r.Rler thoujili notplu; pi ailed .u . 'Ti ICb. Cottcn. 'AKE the fLfcidier, v f JL on 1 ltTRBll S creek, a I ay horse, abdut fourteen Li. idh tu ce inches high II:; or leven ears Id, a heavy inane and tail, ln:a!l liar the foiehead a beil on that ft s hung by a Ka.her (t.i;; and a double buckle, bianc'.ed on the near shoulder ami Lir.o.h S .1 natin-- al ti otter; appraiied 10 17). Also a blue di.rl maw, uLotit fourteen hands hiah, 1 mi or eight yeais old, afnip on the nose, both hird feet white, t.,e tail has been fci ape Aheavy m.iue.levei al saddle marufs branded en I.j h iltouldeis li M, and other brands not plain, apprailicd 10 14I. Wiiiiam Lcc. April 23- - rviotice. induced blfcfac imn-- ;, .;; f&A .1. ' ...W. ' ctHiuutt or my wiirr iv.i(.,f.i KortSj to forevarri ail ei ions (tbm. crecleing her on my au.ii.nt, al will not pay any tins ihe lAay contract aster this d.ne, ',' j'in f !"'-- 'October 25. hvv ,1 -- sF. 5 r- - -- t, AJEN np by the fubfcii'.ier, J living.wiu fayclte coui.ty. ibout fev tn niiles-froi- n ( exmtou, .u- - 1 1: a... l 1. ?U me j utu icaoiin 10 ikiik- - forr, a bay inare, about th.ee Lyears old, a star and Inip, vni;e oti three feet, a mixture of white hairs on her back, about thirteen '.haiyls and a half high, has on a 4s feell, a leather strap iujd brass buckle, appraised so 81 10s. John Brpokey. October 14.- - Two 3ollars Reward. UN away from the fnbfcriber on Thursday list, lOtl, a brown, likely negro man, about five feet eight or ten Inches high, about twenty-eigh- t yeais ot age, b.is a sear acrols his nose and has lost all the toes off his rinht soot. W hoover appf ehends f. id nvgro and delivers him to me, or frtures him in j iil, so that 1 get hitu, fliall have the above rewatd. J ohn Graves. October 7y. iw JN confrquence of a contiacT: L made wi. h the Frullpes of the Tranlylvania Seminary for the land in lerferfon countv. beloncr. Anv to the Seminary ; we with 1 ltnS8e a number of families to '. M tth f i . ,. term, will pay uiem a ot 1110 - neyfor For terms a ply to Thomas Hart in Lexlifg ton Stomas Hart & Co. Notice. AP1HL 9, 1 73 ;, John Halley sour hnnd-e- d acres of land on a certifica'e obtained from the court of Ksyetre county, for feMlement Cecember 1 1, 1782, to iirelude n iniproveinent made by (aid Hally in the year 1777, be- tween the Couth fork of Klkhorn and Kentucky'. As I am immedi K ately interi elred leipeCting the claim to - said hin.i, all perftns whom i' may concern aiedefired to t :.e rtcti, e, that couiiniiiioners are.;' r r i by the county court it ,1 to take such mea- -' -- ' 'leiuarina; testimony l.blv direifis and l. i 1 i li the said com.'-uiii- . i'lay the thir tieth of his . it a fjnkhole fpiinir, o the 1. .. i.ni 1 ing on tlie Kalt side of 'i's cieek, to tal;e depo.itions of l.mdrv ; neir which fprinz is one or 111 j.e treos in irked with the let tei s ill. Reuben Siarcy. November 3. Notice IS hereby given to all perfoiis wli.nii it may conterti, that com- - ,:.i: o . e s a . e ;;v)iuted by the CO.. y c'jm t ol joui bon, unier an att '. tleuibj ', entuled. " tl act t eurd.li (1 the boituciariestjf lands an i f roihei puipoiVs, "ihow:ll ii! ei on VI n ay tl.er tli ofOecem- - jb.T i ec, lo, tue pL rpote of taking 1 t ..j l'l, (i(i i .'. witnellts to af-- f c. t :' . . r.'i e.la y.iiha certain irfl- - ... i,..jj :or wiuiain .!.. .a by j.::es Galloway, of es.n. 1 .is 1 joacies, whicn .pio ' !' m li .1 Stccilei 's frk ol I lci.iii, auor three quaiteis of ? 1 '.e ab.).'- - I.ouibon tour: i. lie. i .. . 1. . ' prearaption p nte I l:i 1'1-- j 1. :..'.iqf (ohnC'iaig .i 1 ,i ' . t j 01 ni'oi: , and oc half heieof v-- j 1.. .11 by deed 01' ill". v r.ic o William oallo-wa- j , iate cl lam. bqn county, ae (ilt'd, ci, (Lid ciiij and John-li.- n. The cj; :.m..:'-:ier- s will meet on the c'.'-- . ir.cd atfaid Gal-low- jj 's Lnpio-- went. Li uij ir JcfinfoH. l,b.ca Caiioivay. iflBk' b' r 2. ?w'i JNiotice. hereby civ en to all persons whom it may concern, that coin- - mifiione'. s aic appointed by the county court of Bui bon, under an ae't of Ailernbly, entitled " Anait to eftabhlh the boundaries ot land and for other parpofes, " who w ill meet on Monday the fourteenth of Decenibe:- - next, for the purpose of taking the dcpofitioi.s ot witnelies toeltablilli the and cabLin made by James OalloVay for John Read or said Readls 1000 acie prcempti n (which was patented in the name of Robert Johnfc.11 and (ohn Craig, and by them conveyed to us Lie fiibfcribers) lying on Stoner's fori?, Licking, about half a mile abotfe ' the mouth of Hufton. The cOin-- v miiiioners will meeronthe dayap-polnte- d at the said iniproveinent. Augu'iint Eajtm, Jcfiph Mitchell, Jojii Frstzman, Kovember 7. 't vh ALL remove tiom Lexington I to Beargrafs, near the Kails of , ilill .. l.ili- - lump vfl nan p , nac nn "' "-- - - Lrtrsua upon vj..l ............. Ohio, Paint creek anu ucetar s rrre1. N. W. of the Ohio. ElCn, Mb TERRELL. Sept. s. 023I on them, and will either' Ohio, by the firit of November, 6 a lease for a number of years, J(e l ihuU conlnue thc bufineft n their taking it for a iorterD y office with due attention. I ... mm improving t was df rpAKEN up by the fubferiber, in. I , Bourbon county, near the mouth of Strode's creek, a black Horse, branded on the near moul- der thus M. and on the near, and tliiuli 7. the off eye blind trotter, about fourteen hands bifrh, about seven or eifrhe years old, appraised to 3I. h . John Dawfbn - May 22. - , Notice. " :' S hereby '. mv.. r lr . f I may concern. th..r . v ..Iii. the fjfth d..y of li,-- , . ..ZJl 1 liiall ar A "-- "'' ."" ""-- " , t'ie cumur.niaaej-- t annnt.i... 1... .1 -- rr "-- ' oy me court of cot$ -- ' y. at their )Mt tt, . Augult,-- e i alien's b. 00 acres of land, ' ease, ed Tvl3 ,. . LL.,uau hck Oil tile (uaw- - aiiec trace, near the knw-- by. the name of LfttZ near lf !,.! ,. r 4 -- . ....j 4 ianes run ana tiiere to take nnrf the relti,oyofCer.i-- ;S . eiJtive to i..if1 K: - .. ' -- U'"nig, agree- able to an ait ofaiiernbJy iu thatv' tale made and provide. - Auguituie &itin; November o. J v ' pUR5lj .NTtoapaS ofaflem- - iy enroled Ati a to afc-t- m tue b unda, ies 0F latfds 'ajtt, t ovis, ;,. po.i.s,' hhave proeja. t- - tronl th toiigL (' -- ,. COr.RV ..J- - I toi-- - .A ?! . ".c ht tellimony of fundty f -- v 1; ti.1 e hoVetijue. tiit- - e.ev.'n, tin-s- r o. : ".! 'CI' L .;- - -- ' . uril 1 "' j ., -- :w. . r ', ..J, ot '..-.'- r ;. fork t v n j,. rid-J- t '.. ilS . - rla. ' ra-i:- j,... ..-- ''djs, . ,i.p : ba 1,1.1, tout . fu.'vevs t ie comnihiloneis for ta,." e pofi ions r to meet on L.:. ;. hf-h day of Noi - -- berintltop.ercui., . f whlcl)L procfe.l.nC)s this is a u f;ce t0 all who may have inle, fe.i ,v claims or lauci adjacent, that the y may attend to Hie teftiihony of fuiHry wttnelles that be may upon for tiie pui-jiofe- s aforeaid. .Edward Payne fen. "pAKEN up by the fnbfcriber, Madiion county, on the water, of i ilver cietk, near Col. Snod.ly's; a b'lackh.irfe evenycars oid, tl.ii teen hands and a half hit'h, bonded on the near Ihouldef io , appraii'ed to cl. Caleb Williams. Way 2J. L- - TO BE RENTED for six Month Awl pilj fi, m givtn iir i' c i'.ittly-- 3 TI':' 1'OUSE and LO i ..n Maint I Vi?et, in Lexington, lately occupied by David St. ion, and next dooi to wbeie the I'lbftribei now lives, for terms apply to .William liuiton. Vovembrr jf. Notice, THAT commillionei s will attend 1 Oil Saturday ihe 51I1 ot Dc- - cember. at Lydia's iiioimt, to take . depoiiiions of certain v. i.n.-fle- s to' perpetuate their teitiuiny concer- ning' fettleaient aijd preempdoa in the name of John Heeiley. $w Samuel Price-- , sc

Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY) 1795-11 …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7hqb9v1v9g/data/1030.pdf · 2012-06-03 · 1 ltnS8e a number of families to '. M tth f i term,

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY) 1795-11 …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7hqb9v1v9g/data/1030.pdf · 2012-06-03 · 1 ltnS8e a number of families to '. M tth f i term,

--r (r-r- -- ""

i -

, jia-iai- ai l; ragy'i''K,jW5:ig3?rTriCTCT?ag7 aeatttoiagjgtf,jaiaftAKi

KENT U C K Y G A ZETTENUMB. IX. 1 SATURDAY, November 14, 1795. VOL. IX.

Wanted,' twenty tenants,

b rs Oleic a tract of LAND, lyingwitliit fiWnvLsof Lexington,

! ' to whom hene-i-ia- l Lesfes for lev

in 0, fourteen year's will be given'by i

, ' Jjhn Breckinridge.Noven ber ip. . r f-

1U 'E i,LU,One hundicdian.l titty ;a of

,- - L A N D,T7tiRTN n.ilesfio.ii Li;;iigton,JT on t ,e 10 J t..:it lendsf, ujpstrietue 10 Cuid K ry wi ha gooAlpnu.; mat lit voi laiU, welltimbered and I'Mir-- c.cd. nnyperson ivi, in r to ptuth.it'e, maysee the Kind applving r theI'.hk-rifcei- wb live;, joining thela..d i he p, i. e is a low as iourriuTiaiS per acie.

TO PIN LOWRY,November 1 r. (jw

from c.. wiblttjbcr,STII.Yl.'- -

. P.uktr's iniii, apair of .link biown OX.. : onewith a white face, mar eel with aniinde.-kee- l in ear. nny per-fv- .i

that will deliver tlieni at hishouse mall leceive live dollais ic-- w

ard.Wm. Sthresai.y.

, I wi.li to purchase a quanti-

ty of t'OiViC. VV--

"SyIIKREAS Ile.uy West, on thefifth day of June ado, enter-

ed 3oj acies of laivl on a treasuryairnnt, abjutoiic mils lotith of

the Knjb Lick, and about threemiles troin Man's Lick, to include&: improvement ew a dry ron 6c

a. beecn tree marked S. now in jef-terf- rcountv ; which claim i have

pit i ch.sied for a valuable ccnSder- -

I iiii.n, and h.ive the same air.gnedVj ran, u.id whereas 1 have obtain- -

' ed an order of the county court ofJefciL-.f-

. n counry, in October hilt,appofh nig; coiaaiiilioiieis agreea-hi-- j

to theact xt Aiicnibly entitled" An act co alcerlaiu the botuula-rie- ?

c' land-.- , and for other pur.pj.V." he ittherefo.e known toill peribub wiiom K may concern,that 1 ihall on the fexen een.h dayct Dscen.her next, attend the saidimprov'euiept and nee, with thecJiniuikhoners, for the purpose ofiking the demolitions of iV ichael

ami otheis, to eirabli.'h thesill impr'ovemei t and beach tree,tailed for in the aforesaid- - entry,turf to do fnch oth$r acts as maybe thought neceflary and agreeahie to law.

JACORYODER.November 6. J

Notice,TlTHAT on the fifteenth day of I

1 December next, 1 (hall at, endthe commitfioners appointed bytbe iotii t, on an enfiy us a- - A

c.ej. ot land, made in May ly-J- inr.iY. ,n:nne, on two treainry war-rants, ;:tthe houfeot'Ch.irls Moie-hoa- d,

on the norih side of" tbjiie.ich.fo;'k of Salt river, about sixi:iie4 below, iairdllown, Nelsoncomity ; then and there to perpe-tuA,ecerra- in

refthtiooy relpeKiugiiiid qitrics,as the law directs.

I Ca.l. 2laurbter.Noveffeber 12.


m 1rs!Ati"N up i,n the wilde.r.eis by

I tl e l.iblcriber, l.iiic-l- n co:mttv.acli.k Riayho.le, . hree ve.n:j eld, a utatl ttar in hi t.ice, tioiiaiur.i , n perceivrub!- - bra' il,abon: .i.- - feet 8"or 9 inches hchiipj)rUd to 12I.

J. lines Bameit.NovcjiLer 7, ivy;.

- o

Ak'F.NT nr. Kv fubferiber.I in Clark countv, Howards

creek, abay mare; fourteen hands2hii;h, paces natural, no brands,three years old, appralled to, I 21.

Charles Gentry.July S t

upbythefual'criber.liv-- I

ing on How aids upper creek,near Runaways ftafion, ClaiKecounty t Dai k brown mare, abouteight or nine ) ears old, fourteenhands and a half hiu.li; a.JUr inher"fotehe:d, a sew (addle lpotdon her back and a fni.-l- l whi.eInnt n ht'r tinhr tlitlh. t:OiS.biundrd on tiltkJifi ar f!n.r.Rlerthoujili notplu; pi ailed .u . 'Ti


'AKE the fLfcidier,v fJL on 1 ltTRBll S creek, a I ayhorse, abdut fourteen Li. idh tu ceinches high II:; or leven ears Id,a heavy inane and tail, ln:a!l liar

the foiehead a beil on thatfts hung by a Ka.her (t.i;; anda double buckle, bianc'.ed on thenear shoulder ami Lir.o.h S .1

natin-- al ti otter; appraiied 10 17).Also a blue di.rl maw, uLotit

fourteen hands hiah, 1 mi oreight yeais old, afnip on the nose,both hird feet white, t.,e tail hasbeen fci ape Aheavy m.iue.levei alsaddle marufs branded en I.j hiltouldeis li M, and other brandsnot plain, apprailicd 10 14I.

Wiiiiam Lcc.April 23- -

rviotice.induced blfcfac imn-- ;, .;;f&A .1. '

...W. 'ctHiuutt or my wiirr iv.i(.,f.i

KortSj to forevarri ail ei ions(tbm. crecleing her on my au.ii.nt,al will not pay any tins ihe

lAay contract aster this d.ne,',' j'in f !"'--

'October 25. hvv,1--sF. 5 r- -

-- t, AJEN np by the fubfcii'.ier,J living.wiu fayclte coui.ty.

ibout fev tn niiles-froi-n

( exmtou,.u- - 1 1: a... l 1.

?U me j utu icaoiin 10 ikiik- -

forr, a bay inare, about th.eeLyears old, a star and Inip, vni;e

oti three feet, a mixture of whitehairs on her back, about thirteen

'.haiyls and a half high, has on a 4sfeell, a leather strap iujd brassbuckle, appraised so 81 10s.

John Brpokey.October 14.- -

Two 3ollars Reward.UN away from the fnbfcriberon Thursday list, lOtl, a

brown, likely negro man, aboutfive feet eight or ten Inches high,about twenty-eigh- t yeais ot age,b.is a sear acrols his nose and haslost all the toes off his rinhtsoot. W hoover appf ehends f. idnvgro and delivers him to me, orfrtures him in j iil, so that 1 gethitu, fliall have the above rewatd.

John Graves.October 7y. iw

JN confrquence of a contiacT:L made wi. h the Frullpes of theTranlylvania Seminary for theland in lerferfon countv. beloncr.

Anv to the Seminary ; we with1 ltnS8e a number of families to '.



f i. ,.

term, will pay uiem a ot 1110 -neyfor For terms aply to Thomas Hart in Lexlifgton

Stomas Hart & Co.


AP1HL 9, 1 73 ;, John Halleysour hnnd-e- d acres of

land on a certifica'e obtained fromthe court of Ksyetre county, forfeMlement Cecember 1 1, 1782, toiirelude n iniproveinent made by(aid Hally in the year 1777, be-

tween the Couth fork of Klkhornand Kentucky'. As I am immediKately interi elred leipeCting theclaim to - said hin.i, all perftnswhom i' may concern aiedefiredto t :.e rtcti, e, that couiiniiiionersare.;' r r i by the county courtit ,1 to take such mea- -'

-- ' 'leiuarina; testimonyl.blv direifis and

l. i 1 i li the saidcom.'-uiii- . i'lay the thirtieth of his . it a fjnkholefpiinir, o the 1. .. i.ni 1 ing ontlie Kalt side of 'i's cieek, total;e depo.itions of l.mdrv

; neir which fprinz is one or111 j.e treos in irked with the lettei s ill.

Reuben Siarcy.November 3.

NoticeIS hereby given to all perfoiis

wli.nii it may conterti, that com- -

,:.i: o . e s a . e ;;v)iuted by theCO.. y c'jm t ol joui bon, unier anatt '. tleuibj ', entuled. " tl actt eurd.li (1 the boituciariestjf landsan i f roihei puipoiVs, "ihow:llii! ei on VI n ay tl.er tli ofOecem- -

jb.T i ec, lo, tue pL rpote of taking1 t ..j l'l, (i(i i .'. witnellts to af--f

c. t :' . . r.'i e.la y.iiha certain irfl- -

... i,..jj :or wiuiain

.!.. .a by j.::es Galloway, ofes.n. 1 .is 1 joacies, whicn

.pio ' !' m li .1 Stccilei 's frkol I lci.iii, auor three quaiteisof ? 1 '.e ab.).'- - I.ouibon tour:i. lie. i .. . 1. . ' prearaptionp nte I l:i 1'1-- j 1. :..'.iqf (ohnC'iaig

.i 1 ,i ' . t j 01 ni'oi: , and oc halfheieof v-- j 1.. .11 by deed

01' ill". v r.ic o William oallo-wa- j

, iate cl lam. bqn county, ae(ilt'd, ci, (Lid ciiij and John-li.- n.

The cj; :.m..:'-:ier- s will meeton the c'.'-- . ir.cd atfaid Gal-low- jj

's Lnpio-- went.Li uij ir JcfinfoH.l,b.ca Caiioivay.

iflBk' b' r 2. ?w'i

JNiotice.hereby civ en to all persons

whom it may concern, that coin- -

mifiione'. s aic appointed by thecounty court of Bui bon, under anae't of Ailernbly, entitled " Anaitto eftabhlh the boundaries ot landand for other parpofes, " who w illmeet on Monday the fourteenthof Decenibe:- - next, for thepurpose of taking the dcpofitioi.sot witnelies toeltablilli the

and cabLin made byJames OalloVay for John Read orsaid Readls 1000 acie prcempti n(which was patented in the nameof Robert Johnfc.11 and (ohn Craig,and by them conveyed to us Liefiibfcribers) lying on Stoner's fori?,

Licking, about half a mile abotfe '

the mouth of Hufton. The cOin-- v

miiiioners will meeronthe dayap-polnte- d

at the said iniproveinent.Augu'iint Eajtm,Jcfiph Mitchell,Jojii Frstzman,

Kovember 7. 'tvh ALL remove tiom LexingtonI to Beargrafs, near the Kails of

, ilill .. l.ili-- lump vfl nan p, nac nn "' "-- - -

Lrtrsua upon vj..l .............Ohio, Paint creek anu ucetar s

rrre1. N. W. of the Ohio.ElCn,Mb TERRELL.

Sept. s. 023I

on them, and will either' Ohio, by the firit of November,6 a lease for a number of years, J(e l ihuU conlnue thc bufineft

n their taking it for a iorterD y office with due attention. I...





rpAKEN up by the fubferiber, in.I , Bourbon county, near the

mouth of Strode's creek, a blackHorse, branded on the near moul-der thus M. and on the near,and tliiuli 7. the off eye blind

trotter, about fourteenhands bifrh, about seven or eifrheyears old, appraised to 3I. h.

John Dawfbn -

May 22. - ,

Notice. " :'S hereby '.mv.. r lr . fI may concern. th..r . v ..Iii.the fjfth d..y of li,-- , . ..ZJl

1 liiall ar A"-- "'' .""""-- "

,t'ie cumur.niaaej-- t

annnt.i... 1... .1--rr "-- ' oy me court of cot$-- ' y. at their )Mt tt, .

Augult,-- e i alien's b.00 acres of land, ' ease, ed Tvl3,. . LL.,uau hck Oil tile (uaw- -aiiec trace, near the

knw-- by. the name of LfttZnear lf !,.! ,. r 4-- . ....j 4 ianes run

ana tiiere to take nnrfthe relti,oyofCer.i-- ;S

.eiJtive to i..if1 K: - ..


-- U'"nig, agree-able to an ait ofaiiernbJy iu thatv'tale made and provide.

- Auguituie &itin;November o. J v '

pUR5lj .NTtoapaS ofaflem- -iy enroled Ati a to afc-t- m

tue b unda, ies 0F latfds 'ajtt,t ovis, ;,. po.i.s,' hhave proeja.

t- - tronl th toiigL(' -- ,. COr.RV ..J-

-I toi-- - .A ?! .

".c ht tellimony of fundty f --v

1; ti.1 e hoVetijue.tiit-- e.ev.'n,tin-s- r o. : ".! 'CI'L .;- - -- ' . uril1

"' j ., --

:w. . r ', ..J,ot '..-.'- r ;.fork t v nj,.rid-J- t '.. ilS . - rla.'ra-i:- j,...

..-- ''djs, . ,i.p :ba 1,1.1, tout .

fu.'vevs t iecomnihiloneis for ta,." epofi ions r to meet on

L.:. ;. hf-h day of Noi - --

berintltop.ercui., . f whlcl)Lprocfe.l.nC)s this is a u f;ce t0 allwho may have inle, fe.i ,v claimsor lauci adjacent, that the y mayattend to Hie teftiihony of fuiHrywttnelles that bemay uponfor tiie pui-jiofe-

s aforeaid..Edward Payne fen.

"pAKEN up by the fnbfcriber,Madiion county, on the

water, of i ilver cietk, near Col.Snod.ly's; a b'lackh.irfe evenycarsoid, tl.ii teen hands and a halfhit'h, bonded on the near Ihouldefio , appraii'ed to cl.

Caleb Williams.Way 2J.

L- -TO BE RENTED for six MonthAwl pilj fi, m givtn iir i' c i'.ittly-- 3

TI':' 1'OUSE and LO i ..n MaintI Vi?et, in Lexington, lately

occupied by David St. ion, andnext dooi to wbeie the I'lbftribeinow lives, for terms apply to

.William liuiton.Vovembrr jf.

Notice,THAT commillionei s will attend1 Oil Saturday ihe 51I1 ot Dc- -

cember. at Lydia's iiioimt, to take .

depoiiiions of certain v. i.n.-fle- s to'perpetuate their teitiuiny concer-ning' fettleaient aijd preempdoain the name of John Heeiley.

$w Samuel Price-- ,
