fthey v" gem ZIA LL tliofo iidebtci to the fjb-fcrjb- ate earneiUy yecjueft- - ed to make iin.ineJia'e payment, as meanto glve no longer mdul- - LiKewue tnoie vno nave demands asainlt them touring in their accompts for fctileinent. Sjitz & Laitman January 6, 179; j List of lette Remaining in the Poll-Offi- ce LeV tngton, and it not taken out within three Mouths will bejentto the Ge- neral Dead Letters. Auitin, caic of CHAPMAN & Fowler ; Al- len Anderson, Scott county, 2 ; Wil- liam Allen, near Lexington. John Brown, Madison county, 2 i James Crawford, "Wilis cieek, near Lexington, or ellewhere ; James Croucher, near Strode's fix- ation ; Ablom Campbell, Scott conn-i- y ; Daniel Colt, Kentucky, Ro bert Cormick, ihocmaker. Joseph Fleming, JetFerfpn comw ty, near Lexington j Thomas Fletcher, Lexington, Kentucky. JohnGainett, acott county ; Ro- bert Gibson, Fayette county. 2. Luke Hanson, near Warnings Ton ; Thomas HubhaiJ, neart.ex- - mo-to- . William Innes, near Clarklb jj Hanifon county John M'Kee, Bourbon county j Francis M Connell, Lexington ; John M'lntlre, near Sn ode's ftati-jn- ; James Milligan, care of Hen--r- y Marfliall, Lexington James and William Neal", Ken- tucky 2. Jeremiah Prather, Lexington ;. Mr. Prothro, Cabinetmaker, Lex-ingto- Joseph Ransford, Lexington ; Col. johnRu.'Iell, Kentucky, 2. Richard Stcphenfon ;. Campbell Smith, Western Army y bamuei bmyth, Wilfons creek, Kentucky ; Mr. Cyius Sackett, care of Dr. Cogfwell, near Lexing'on. Philemon Thomas, near'Lcxing-ton- . Peter Werdy, Fayette county. INNEiB.BltfiNT, P. Al. r;i,.i79S- - ALL persons. are hereby agaiuft purchaiing papers, (to wit) a bond from Afa Webb, to Connel O' Donald, for twenty five pounds, Virginia currency, to be paid on' demand, allignedby laid to the fubferiber, and bvhinr to James Campbell, the bond1 was dated some time lalt fuinr.ier , alto-- note from me to said ja' icsCam-pbel- l, for nineteen po-nd- s, pay- able in cattle, some time in the' piefent month, and dated iome time in December lalb Likcwife-- a note for ten .pountis from me, payable to said Connell Odonald, on demand ; as 110 pa men's vill be made thereon unless compelled bylaw. 53 v Matthew iiavenaug). April 6, 1795 Tw r IIEREAS I purchased a tracl W of land of William Hays, of Fayette pounly, the land lying in Clarke county on Hingfton, cbli-taini- 600 acres, for which the said Hays gave me his bond, for six hund-e- d pounds to make me a creneral wauanty deed, and I gave the said Hays two bonds, one pay- - ble the firlt day pi M4y 7)5 tor two nunaiea ana ivceniy-nv- e Yvounds, whicn bond is paid oit ail but fifty -- six pounds : theocherpay-abl- e the firlt day of May 1796 for feventy-ffv- e pounds, and fmce- - I find Meilrs. Ivioore, Frenclr. Smith and Lewis has an older claim than his, and finding it is nor in his power to make me a good and law. ful light to the said land, 1 do hereby forwarn all' persons from trading for the said bonds as 1 am determined not to pay the said Hays nor any other person; tmtil the dispute is ended witluthe said Kays and French. William Bridges. March 19, 1795- - 4AV THE lubfcribcr lias fiill about 700 acies of firlt qualified LAND FOR SALE, T Y1NG in Fayette county, about CS A 1 eight miles irom Lexington A nearly on the road to Strode bit: z-- r .non, U lie land is level and well pwarei ed, with an hldifpntable title. "The terms may be known by an cation to the iubicriber at ette court on J uelday next, and aster that time in Woodford, to the Printers in Lexington, or living OI1 the waters otNortu ipt. John Watkins near Wood-- a bay mare about fifteen i ... sour ... oltl branded fowl nin r lmi.irt The land be divided, Or lold in one tract, as, may iuic purchasers. Thomas lurpinjun. Wdodfoi-- J, April 9. 2t ruri. itL.iL 1400 Acres of LAND, the waters of Tatcs and Sil- - , o ver creek.adioimni: the land; - q:..,:.. ,.. i,-- ri' Kli JJLllJil.illli VUHlil UUU WHillL- U- pner Irvine. (400 Acies adjoining the above, on i aylors folk of bilver cieek. 14.00 litres on Paint lick on the tiace from Boonlborough to Lo- gan's Ration, adjoining John Ma- yo, William Kutly and Jofeph-Ciaig'sland- . A'iooo Acies on the Nuith ioifc Wf Rockcaftle, on the trace leading 'from iooiifborough to the Hazl 1atch' 6 "' 1000 Acres adjoining, including ( the tiace. 000 Acres-- , lying on the Divid- ing Ridge, on the trace leading Irom booiifboiongh to Logan's, between the fords of TateS and isilvei creek.- - 2000 Acre:, on tlie waters' of Of-t- ej . ciecky adjoining Joseph Felp's' fettlemenc and picemption, and Bowles' preemption. 2000 Acres on ttie waters of bil1- -' vei and Muddv creek, adjoining, Samuel Eitill'afiignee of Webber. 500 Acres adjoining. William Hancock s fcttiement and1 pre eiuption. 11,000 Acres on the south' side of 1 ennellee river, in the land laid apart for the late American army 4000 Acies on1 Station Camp creek, near Kflill's ilatioil.- - jooo Acies lying on main Mucf-d- y creek, above view's preemp tion. iio1 Aeres I51112' en bilver an m y - Station Camp cietks, adjoining Luttrel's pieemption. 'I he above Lands'were all loca ted by Green Clay cfq. of Madison county (in-tn- name or WilliamA Mavo. 111 the ycais 1 3o,- - 1781) who can flicw and give all' lltcef- - lary infoiniatioiv to any perlons inclinable to put chase. 'I0oo Acres, Military Lahdgran- -' ted in the name of John Ronyee,-- . on the waters of Grave creek a' bianch of Green river, adjoining Robert B'eall's sin ey, within the Gieen River ieuleineiits.- - ,ooo Acres granted to Henry Lee eftj. on a wan ant ill'ued the l'5th October 1779'and fuiveyedin ,,Oi, in INCllUll tumii " "- v '..'11 1. ..r. Uoi.r4 4fn..r,Y. wheieon aie ieverul fettleinents already impioved. Matthew Wab ton efq. can ihew tins ianu.- - 2000 Acres Military Land,gran--tc- d to capt. Abner Crump, on Green-live- near the folding of Cumber- land tiace. Capt. Abraham Chap- lain can give further information, located by him. Ai-.- c oranteu to locob 8ouu ww- - t.-- - J A n..urnni(.n near the mouth of main Licking, located by William i,pIW eib. of Mercer count; A surveyed under his direction . nnn Acres surveyed for Ja. cob Rubfamen, on the waters of Slate creek, located and surveyed under the direction of said Ken- - ne26o5 2-- 3 Acies military land,, granted to lieut. William Smithy on Green river. The above Lands will be sold, on low terms for cash or producee made to the easy drtd the terms purchasers. jOH F(jVLE& FOR SALE. LOT, twenty by six- - ty-h- x feet, at the coiner or Water and Crofsftreets, on Which is atwd Jtory trained houle, alio a goon liable. For terms apply to the iub- icriber on the pieimfes. Archibald Brown: Lexington, April 9. tf up by the Iubicriber, :i jElkhorn, Lyi..j. hiKh. yea J15 lhod before ,ml a .rol'e .about 11s roi e 100c, ionic wime nuns uu her sore head, appraised to I18. 4. Robcfc Griffith". November 27 1794 I HE fubferibet s inform the pub- - - lc tn mr. Andrew . uuee, T" Ca"e run' autl inr' J?mes Br 011 Cooper's run. Bourbon county, jvill receive Hides to be tanned oil the fii a res, by f William ir Thotiias Story. Georgetown, Jan. 7, 1 79S NOTICE , ISheicb'y given to all those for' f en ell & Hawkins clear- ed out preemptions in Kentucky ; that they aie ready to make divili-win- s of the "Lands, in order that they may be registered for the pay- - jnent of taxes as we fiiall only en- ter the propol tions of Terrell & Hawkins. We are ready to survey the preemption upon" Miller iinpioviment on the Ohio' below the month of iciot'a, and al-s- o that upon Nath.- - H. Tiiplett's improvement' whenever the im- - proVement;mall be fliewn. Richard Terrel, ) Atto'sjor 'javiej Hawkins 3 Terrell ir , Hawkins; Ltxhigtov.; AuguQ 29"", 1794'. George Smart,' CLOCK & WATGH MA-- - KER,. From Britain.' thecomer of Main and Mul- -' A1 berry llieets,- - ih the brick house lately occupied by mr. Cla'ik, ic neLeilaiy to acquaint tlie public, that he intends darryingon" the abtlve bulinefs in all its Various' branches ; ihofe who are pleased' to savor him with' their cultom, may depend- - npdn' its being" done with puiicluality and dif-jiatc- h' He has a neat allortment of thirteen inch plain double moon andfeOOnds from the center,-eigh- t day and thirty hour Clocks , likeWife a sew Gold and' Silver Watches, Whkh Will be sold upon' icafohable terms. 6w6 w A N 1 ED To purchase,- - The pay of the "VolunteersV That served on the late expedition under nirjor gen. Scott, for which CaO) and Merchandize' Will be given-b- TROT'tR6- - SCOTT'.- - March 27, 1795- - . Five Dollars reward. dr STOLEN on the' ib'r, or tne 31 it- - or January 1795, from the plantation of Mr. SCOTT, near the mouth of the Beech fork, in Nelson co'unty ; a SORREL h ORSE, about fourteen lYcb and a half hieb, about- - ten eleven years old, two or three irhite feet,and feme white in his sorehead, mane and tail, natui ally but has been tauglic to pace, he wastreih inod beiore when he went away, 1 donorie-colled- t any brand. Any person bi inging said horse to the fubferi-ber,i- n Severn's valley, Hardin county, or secures him so that the ubferiber gets him, fiiall have the above reward and all reasonable expences paid them by me. BEN: helm: March 6, 3tBGtp ; k. rouLMiN, Wants to hire A NECRO or MULATTO MAN, W ho bears a good cliai adter, and underllands Husbandky vorK. A free man would be' preferred, y. - He alio wishes 10 engage Fdr d J term of sour or five yodrs, , " FREE NLGKO or. MULATL-- m TO GIRL, Who is twelve dr fourteen yekri bid. blie will lc irtftruifted nt leading, writing, sewing 'and alt kinds ot hbule work. v 1" OTICE is hereby given to alL persons to whom u may cdncein t Tliat 1 am appointed lttoiney iii. Fact for Col. HOLT RiCHARD-SO- N df Vlrgiriia, and am sully &: completely authorized to tramacft all his bufii.efs in this country. And hearing that a certain Major johil Cook of Harrison county, aflumei a power df acfting under an atiiho-lit- y derhed also fi om Col. Rich-ardl- bn this is to caution the pub- lic againlt transacting any bulinefs with said Cook as Attorney InTacT; for Richafi dlbn, inasmuch as all the powers ever given him are fines 1 evoked, in consequence of a frautfc ifed iit obtaining them. Thomas Carneal, Atto. in facl for , , Boh RicbardfonJ April 6, aw . LL tlioie nidebied to tne lub-fcrib- es are re'quefted to make? payment 6n or before the 20th of May next. Those who sail must expect fucK measures Will be tak- en as will be disagreeable to them.1-a- s well as' to' . . Bos & Anderson. Lexington April 11 'HpHh- - balance of the unsold. ,A: Lots in Wilmington, Camp- bell county, Will be lold by ths trustees, of ,said town on the firit Ridhday of May ensuing, the same being- - cowrt-day.- 1 I shall peifonaU ly attend my self in older to fella-Quantit- of Lands in the neigh- bourhood of Wilmington, for which J will give tv.it years credit. ' John Grant. This u to ive Nonce r Is O those diftill'eis who find it 1 convenient to deliver their Whifkeyin Lexington, that Benja- min btout is auilloi-ife- to recti's e the same, next door to Henry Marfhalls tavern'. tf Thomas Carneal col; rev. Lexington', Feb. 19, I7J. SALE ofthe lots' mNF.JV-TOiV- N, A JefTerfon county, will be held in said town on the third. Monday in May next. Lewi tields,' ) Jfaac HornOecL, 'James Standeford, February 7 1 795. 4h JO 9 f VV7"E haVe some time fince'given V notice,that our Copartneiiliip was about to expire, and lequefted. those Who were indebted to us to come and settle their acedtints. " We again lequeft that those who1 J j have not complied with our form- er request to come and.Jettle wfth Mr. John Clay, who will fupei in- tend the business during our e, which will be until about the last of May next, it is hoped, that those who cannot make pay- ment immediately, will give their obligations, as no fusther indul- -' gence can be given. P. CALDWECt. &Co. Lexington, March 23, 1795. 77" AKE l up by the fubfcribeT'iri I Favette coulity, near Bryan's 1 station, a foirel Mare colt, one year old pall 1 lft fpi ing, no brand. blaze face, appi ailed to 4I. 10s. Also, a bay Mare, three yeais old, thirteen hands high, no- - brand trots and paces, appraised to 4I. ios-- j William Kofs.- - January: 21, 1705. J)

Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY) 1795-04 …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7pc824c25f/data/0908.pdf · 2012-06-02 · A NECRO or MULATTO MAN, W ho bears a good cliai

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ftheyv" gem


LL tliofo iidebtci to the fjb-fcrjb-

ate earneiUy yecjueft- -

ed to make iin.ineJia'e payment, asmeanto glve no longer mdul- -

LiKewue tnoie vno navedemands asainlt them touring

in their accompts for fctileinent.Sjitz & Laitman

January 6, 179;j List of lette

Remaining in the Poll-Offi- ce LeVtngton, and it not taken out withinthree Mouths will bejentto the Ge-

neral Dead Letters.Auitin, caic ofCHAPMAN & Fowler ; Al-

len Anderson, Scott county, 2 ; Wil-liam Allen, near Lexington.

John Brown, Madison county, 2 i

James Crawford, "Wilis cieek,near Lexington, or ellewhere ;

James Croucher, near Strode's fix-

ation ; Ablom Campbell, Scott conn-i- y

; Daniel Colt, Kentucky, Robert Cormick, ihocmaker.

Joseph Fleming, JetFerfpn comwty, near Lexington j ThomasFletcher, Lexington, Kentucky.

JohnGainett, acott county ; Ro-

bert Gibson, Fayette county. 2.Luke Hanson, near Warnings

Ton ; Thomas HubhaiJ, neart.ex- -

mo-to- .William Innes, near Clarklb jj

Hanifon countyJohn M'Kee, Bourbon county j

Francis M Connell, Lexington ;

John M'lntlre, near Sn ode's ftati-jn- ;

James Milligan, care of Hen--r- y

Marfliall, LexingtonJames and William Neal", Ken-

tucky 2.Jeremiah Prather, Lexington ;.

Mr. Prothro, Cabinetmaker, Lex-ingto-

Joseph Ransford, Lexington ;

Col. johnRu.'Iell, Kentucky, 2.Richard Stcphenfon ;. Campbell

Smith, Western Army y bamueibmyth, Wilfons creek, Kentucky ;

Mr. Cyius Sackett, care of Dr.Cogfwell, near Lexing'on.

Philemon Thomas, near'Lcxing-ton- .

Peter Werdy, Fayette county.INNEiB.BltfiNT, P. Al.

r;i,.i79S- -

ALL persons. are herebyagaiuft purchaiing

papers, (to wit) a bondfrom Afa Webb, to ConnelO' Donald, for twenty five pounds,Virginia currency, to be paid on'demand, allignedby laid

to the fubferiber, and bvhinrto James Campbell, the bond1 wasdated some time lalt fuinr.ier , alto--

note from me to said ja' icsCam-pbel- l,

for nineteen po-nd-s, pay-

able in cattle, some time in the'piefent month, and dated iometime in December lalb Likcwife-- a

note for ten .pountis from me,payable to said Connell Odonald,on demand ; as 110 pa men's villbe made thereon unless compelledbylaw. 53 v

Matthew iiavenaug).April 6, 1795 Twr

IIEREAS I purchased a traclW of land of William Hays, ofFayette pounly, the land lying inClarke county on Hingfton, cbli-taini-

600 acres, for which thesaid Hays gave me his bond, forsix hund-e- d pounds to make me acreneral wauanty deed, and I gavethe said Hays two bonds, one pay- -

ble the firlt day pi M4y 7)5 tortwo nunaiea ana ivceniy-nv- e

Yvounds, whicn bond is paid oit ailbut fifty --six pounds : theocherpay-abl-e

the firlt day of May 1796 forfeventy-ffv- e pounds, and fmce- - I

find Meilrs. Ivioore, Frenclr. Smithand Lewis has an older claim thanhis, and finding it is nor in hispower to make me a good and law.ful light to the said land, 1 dohereby forwarn all' personsfrom trading for the said bonds as1 am determined not to pay thesaid Hays nor any other person;tmtil the dispute is ended witluthesaid Kays and French.

William Bridges.March 19, 1795- - 4AV

THE lubfcribcr lias fiill about700 acies of firlt qualified

LAND FOR SALE,T Y1NG in Fayette county, about CSA 1 eight miles irom Lexington Anearly on the road to Strode bit:z-- r

.non, U lie land is level and wellpwarei ed, with an hldifpntable title.

"The terms may be known by ancation to the iubicriber at

ette court on J uelday next,and aster that time in Woodford,to the Printers in Lexington, or living OI1 the waters otNortu

ipt. John Watkins near Wood-- a bay mare about fifteeni ... sour ... oltl brandedfowl nin r lmi.irt The land

be divided, Or lold in one tract, as,may iuic purchasers.

Thomas lurpinjun.Wdodfoi-- J, April 9. 2t

ruri. itL.iL

1400 Acres of LAND,the waters of Tatcs and Sil- - ,o ver creek.adioimni: the land;

- q:..,:.. ,.. i,-- ri'Kli JJLllJil.illli VUHlil UUU WHillL- U-

pner Irvine.(400 Acies adjoining the above,

on i aylors folk of bilver cieek.14.00 litres on Paint lick on the

tiace from Boonlborough to Lo-

gan's Ration, adjoining John Ma-

yo, William Kutly and Jofeph-Ciaig'sland- .

A'iooo Acies on the Nuith ioifcWf Rockcaftle, on the trace leading

'from iooiifborough to the Hazl1atch' 6 "'

1000 Acres adjoining, including (the tiace.000 Acres-- , lying on the Divid-

ing Ridge, on the trace leadingIrom booiifboiongh to Logan's,between the fords of TateS andisilvei creek.- -

2000 Acre:, on tlie waters' of Of-t- ej


ciecky adjoining Joseph Felp's'fettlemenc and picemption, andBowles' preemption.

2000 Acres on ttie waters of bil1- -'

vei and Muddv creek, adjoining,Samuel Eitill'afiignee of Webber.

500 Acres adjoining. WilliamHancock s fcttiement and1 preeiuption.

11,000 Acres on the south' sideof 1 ennellee river, in the land laidapart for the late American army

4000 Acies on1 Station Campcreek, near Kflill's ilatioil.- -

jooo Acies lying on main Mucf-d- y

creek, above view's preemption.

iio1 Aeres I51112' en bilver anmy


Station Camp cietks, adjoiningLuttrel's pieemption.

'I he above Lands'were all loca

ted by Green Clay cfq. of Madisoncounty (in-tn- name or WilliamAMavo. 111 the ycais 1 3o,- - 1781)who can flicw and give all' lltcef- -

lary infoiniatioiv to any perlonsinclinable to put chase.

'I0oo Acres, Military Lahdgran- -'

ted in the name of John Ronyee,-- .

on the waters of Grave creek a'bianch of Green river, adjoiningRobert B'eall's sin ey, within theGieen River ieuleineiits.- -

,ooo Acres granted to HenryLee eftj. on a wan ant ill'ued thel'5th October 1779'and fuiveyedin,,Oi, in INCllUll tumii " "- v

'..'11 1. ..r. Uoi.r4 4fn..r,Y.

wheieon aie ieverul fettleinentsalready impioved. Matthew Wab

ton efq. can ihew tins ianu.- -

2000 Acres Military Land,gran--tc- d

to capt. Abner Crump, on Green-live-

near the folding of Cumber-

land tiace. Capt. Abraham Chap-

lain can give further information,located by him.

Ai-.-c oranteu to locob8ouu ww- - t.-- - J A

n..urnni(.n near the mouth of

main Licking, located by Williami,pIW eib. of Mercer count;

A surveyed under his direction. nnn Acres surveyed for Ja.

cob Rubfamen, on the waters ofSlate creek, located and surveyed

under the direction of said Ken- -

ne26o5 2-- 3 Acies military land,,

granted to lieut. William Smithyon Green river.

The above Lands will be sold,

on low terms for cash or produceemade to theeasy

drtd the termspurchasers.



LOT, twenty by six- -ty-h- x feet, at the coiner or Waterand Crofsftreets, on Which is atwdJtory trained houle, alio a goonliable. For terms apply to the iub-icriber on the pieimfes.

Archibald Brown:Lexington, April 9. tf

up by the Iubicriber,:ijElkhorn,Lyi..j. hiKh. yeaJ15 lhod before ,ml a .rol'e .about11s roi e 100c, ionic wime nuns uuher sore head, appraised to I18.

4. Robcfc Griffith".November 27 1794

I HE fubferibet s inform the pub- -

- lc tn mr. Andrew .uuee,T" Ca"e run' autl inr' J?mes Br

011 Cooper's run. Bourbon county,jvill receive Hides to be tanned oilthe fii a res, byf William ir Thotiias Story.

Georgetown, Jan. 7, 1 79S


ISheicb'y given to all those for'fen ell & Hawkins clear-

ed out preemptions in Kentucky ;

that they aie ready to make divili-win- sof the "Lands, in order that

they may be registered for the pay- -jnent of taxes as we fiiall only en-

ter the propol tions of Terrell &Hawkins. We are ready to surveythe preemption upon" Miller

iinpioviment on the Ohio'below the month of iciot'a, and al-s- o

that upon Nath.-- H. Tiiplett'simprovement' whenever the im- -proVement;mall be fliewn.

Richard Terrel, ) Atto'sjor'javiej Hawkins 3 Terrell ir

, Hawkins;Ltxhigtov.; AuguQ 29"", 1794'.

George Smart,'CLOCK & WATGH MA-- -

KER,.From Britain.'thecomer of Main and Mul- -'A1 berry llieets,- - ih the brick

house lately occupied by mr. Cla'ik,ic neLeilaiy to acquaint tlie

public, that he intends darryingon"the abtlve bulinefs in all its Various'branches ; ihofe who are pleased'to savor him with' their cultom,may depend- - npdn' its being"done with puiicluality and dif-jiatc-


He has a neat allortmentof thirteen inch plain doublemoon andfeOOnds from the center,-eigh- t

day and thirty hour Clocks ,

likeWife a sew Gold and' SilverWatches, Whkh Will be sold upon'icafohable terms. 6w6

w A N 1 EDTo purchase,- -

The pay of the "VolunteersVThat served on the late expedition

under nirjor gen. Scott,for which

CaO) and Merchandize'Will be given-b-

TROT'tR6- - SCOTT'.- -

March 27, 1795- - .Five Dollars reward.

dr STOLEN on the'ib'r, or tne 31 it-- or January1795, from the plantation of Mr.SCOTT, near the mouth of theBeech fork, in Nelson co'unty ; aSORREL h ORSE, about fourteen

lYcb and a half hieb, about- - teneleven years old, two or three

irhite feet,and feme white in hissorehead, mane and tail,

natui ally but has been tauglicto pace, he wastreih inod beiorewhen he went away, 1 donorie-colled- t

any brand. Any personbi inging said horse to the fubferi-ber,i- n

Severn's valley, Hardincounty, or secures him so that theubferiber gets him, fiiall have the

above reward and all reasonableexpences paid them by me.

BEN: helm:March 6, 3tBGtp

; k. rouLMiN,Wants to hire

A NECRO or MULATTO MAN,W ho bears a good cliai adter, and

underllands Husbandky vorK. Afree man would be' preferred, y. -

He alio wishes 10 engage Fdr d Jterm of sour or five yodrs, , "


TO GIRL,Who is twelve dr fourteen yekri

bid. blie will lc irtftruifted ntleading, writing, sewing 'and altkinds ot hbule work. v

1" OTICE is hereby given to alLpersons to whom u may cdncein tTliat 1 am appointed lttoiney iii.Fact for Col. HOLT RiCHARD-SO- N

df Vlrgiriia, and am sully &:

completely authorized to tramacftall his bufii.efs in this country. Andhearing that a certain Major johilCook of Harrison county, aflumeia power df acfting under an atiiho-lit- y

derhed also fi om Col. Rich-ardl- bn

this is to caution the pub-lic againlt transacting any bulinefswith said Cook as Attorney InTacT;for Richafi dlbn, inasmuch as allthe powers ever given him are fines1 evoked, in consequence of a frautfcifed iit obtaining them.

Thomas Carneal,Atto. in facl for

, , Boh RicbardfonJApril 6, aw .

LL tlioie nidebied to tne lub-fcrib- es

are re'quefted to make?payment 6n or before the 20th ofMay next. Those who sail mustexpect fucK measures Will be tak-en as will be disagreeable to them.1-a- s

well as' to'

. . Bos & Anderson.Lexington April 1 1

'HpHh- - balance of the unsold.,A: Lots in Wilmington, Camp-bell county, Will be lold by thstrustees, of ,said town on the firitRidhday of May ensuing, the samebeing- - cowrt-day.- 1 I shall peifonaUly attend my self in older to fella-Quantit-

of Lands in the neigh-bourhood of Wilmington, for whichJ will give tv.it years credit.

' John Grant.This u to ive Nonce

rIs O those diftill'eis who find it1 convenient to deliver their

Whifkeyin Lexington, that Benja-min btout is auilloi-ife- to recti's ethe same, next door to HenryMarfhalls tavern'. tf

Thomas Carneal col; rev.Lexington', Feb. 19, I7J.

SALE ofthe lots' mNF.JV-TOiV- N,A JefTerfon county, willbe held in said town on the third.Monday in May next.

Lewi tields,' )

Jfaac HornOecL,'James Standeford,

February 7 1 795.




fVV7"E haVe some time fince'given

V notice,that our Copartneiiliipwas about to expire, and lequefted.those Who were indebted to us tocome and settle their acedtints. "

We again lequeft that those who1 J jhave not complied with our form-er request to come and.Jettle wfthMr. John Clay, who will fupei in-

tend the business during our e,

which will be until aboutthe last of May next, it is hoped,that those who cannot make pay-

ment immediately, will give theirobligations, as no fusther indul- -'

gence can be given.P. CALDWECt. &Co.

Lexington, March 23, 1795.77" AKE l up by the fubfcribeT'iri

I Favette coulity, near Bryan's 1

station, a foirel Mare colt, oneyear old pall 1 lft fpi ing, no brand.blaze face, appi ailed to 4I. 10s.Also, a bay Mare, three yeais old,thirteen hands high, no- - brandtrots and paces, appraised to 4I. ios-- j

William Kofs.- -

January: 21, 1705. J)