Is' r h r 4 vw pi ,i rmr m "1TT1 T sn ILJ AND GENERAL ADVERTISER , ,. - t - v i 9. !tt tfrtiiai-tiWMattjrctr'WJ- . a.faJfcA'J-fcjnSlini- f rA. mAsj! YOL. XVII N. '89o. BY DANIEL BRADFORD, LEXINGTON. - TUESDAY; OCTOBER 4, 803. y m v eatmiaaaami. TERMS OF THEGAZETTE. This paper is publihHed weekly, at two dollars per annum, paid in ad- vance. Those who write to the Editor, must . ay the postage of their letters. M r. v.. " W " iCfcs i j!w t' tr-- tfMW v KyLi2S3jELuEJaKr Tb Lease., A VALUABLE FARM, LYING in Mercer county on Salt r, about one1 mile and half above Maj. Buchanan's mill, on the road leading from Frankfort to Harrodfburgh with about 100 acres of Cleared Land, a good Dwelling House and other Conve- nient Buildings, a large apple and .Peafch Orchard, Meadow and. Paflure ; the whole in good repair. James Maccoun.. Lexington, March .14,1803. im X 'FOR SALE, " " 3 be following Tracts of LAND, CONVEYED by John Fowlerefcu to to Cuth. Banks and I . Bodley, by deed of trult, dajted the 16th day of Decern her 1800, to wit. 2800 acres in Mont gomery county, Flat creek, betwee: Small-Mounta- in creek and the uppi Salf Spring, entered 'in the name ol Crump and Patterson also, 1700 acres in Campbell county, part of a ftVrvey in the name of Jacob Rubfammon, inclu- ding Fowler's lick also, 1000 acres in said county, on Bank-lic- k, being part of a tract of' 4000 acres in the name of William Jones. Which said tracts of land, or either, or part of them, will be sold at private sale, for the purpose of and discharging the trusts men- tioned in said deed. The terms may be known by applying to the fnbfcribera in Lexington. t Cuth. Bank's, Tbos. Bodlty March 14th, 1803. STRA,YED ROM my farm about ten days ago, imall SORREL, F1LL.EY, three ears old this sprints, about 13 hand liigh, (hort docked and the hair of the tail eat by cattle Also a dark bay two year old FILLEY, rather taller than the sorrel, no brand or flesh m ori either recollected. A reasonable, ward will be given to have them home, or notice given where they are to be sound. ROBERT BARR. Fayette, May 27, J803. tf LAX V HEMP SEED. JO HN 6? WILLIAM BOBB, aUVkfw WILL purchase a quantity of Flax ana nEMP deed, delivered at their. Oil Mill near Lexington ; for which the cultomary prices will be given 111 oam nu .viciLiiaiiQize. t .WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A Journeyman Printer. Anph the office of the Kentucky Gazette. NICHOLAS BOOTHS? ' fMANUFAC- - V f BRIGHT, TURER. SHOE RETURNS his thanks to-hi- s cus tomers for their past savors, and) hopes by his attention to business to! merit them in suture. He begs leave to inform the public in general that he continues to carry on the above business next door to Mr. Boggs's, opposite Capt. Marshal's tavern. Main street. He has jufl receivd from Philadelphia, a quantity of first qualitted imported Boot Legs and Englilh Ben Soals. Anv gentleman may be furniflied with Boots brj Shoes, done in the neatest and befi- manner, and on the fijortefl notice, by applying as above. i Lexington, July 8, 1803. SUWARROW &? COSSACK BOOTS, As neat as any made in PhiladelJ pnia, may be.nacl on the tnortelt ' no- tice. N. B. THE KENTUCKY PRIMER. For sale by the gross, dozeif,- - or sin- - gie. j......., ....u.i,!. BLUE DYING. 'HE SUBSCRIBER, ISHES to inform the public, that he continues to carry on the BLUE DYING; on Main Crols Street, between Mr;,Adam Weber's and Mr. Myers's, where he will dye Cotton, Linen and Wool, with a warm dye Cotton deeped blue, at 4f6 per, poUnd-r-Wo- ol at is 6 per pound, which, he"will-w3rran- t to be equal to any dye in the town of Lex- ington. . ' JALUB BUShAKT. Lexington, June 25, 180$. fstf , BOOK BINDING. HAVING employed a Book Binder', who has been refrularly bred to the business in Philadelphia, anv orders for RECORD, AC COUNT, or any other BLANK BOOKS, will be thankfully recefv ed and punctually executed. I have on hand, and fliall constantly(keep, a flipply of BLANK BOOKS. Old Books in the neateit and best manner. DANl. BRADFORD. Gazette Office,. ") Lexington. J jv USSss. - LcjA Wk sggSV fjrw v mssegs??sSl 'mj w&smger- - WILLIAM ROSS, Boot is Shoe Maker, HASon hand a large afTortment of BOOTS & SHOES, which he. intends selling at reduced prices. D. C. Brown top Boots 8 Black top do. 7 Three quarter do. 5 2, is sox ed, 6 Half do. 5, is foxed, 5 Mens' lined and boundShdcs, a Mens' kip-ski- n do. .N 1 Mens' coarse doJ 1 Womans' Slippers from 1 to 1 50 5? 25 Small Shoes according. At these low prices, nottuft need be expected. He means to sell at these prices through the course of the winter a meeting, held agreeably to tifement, the fubferibers fixed eepftakes to be run for the ad Urfday in October next, on the exington turf, which is now in complete order. An elegant laddie and bridle will be rnn for, on every baturcay, until the hrlt or Wovem-de- r, free for any description of hor-fe- s, agreeably to the rules of the said turf. ' NOTICE. Commiffioners appointed by the con t Maron.will meet on the 17th of ext, at the house of James Ringland, 1 untv, thence proceed to the imrr 've in John LaffVrty's pre emption, to jpofit'ons of witnefles, to perpetuate teltimony rerpeciinj; said impiovement, pecial in the laid pre enirttinn, to do fiich other things as may be neceffav rj, and agreeably to law. The commiflionerj will adjourn I'rom day to day until the bufinjfi is completed. James Ringland, Patrick Hunter. Sept. 19th, 1803. NEG"r"0ES"F0R SALE. FOR sale for Cadi, a Negro Man, about 30 years of age, stout, adlive, d is a good waggoner. Also, his le, about 25 years of age, who is ajgood houie lervant, with her child of 11 months. Thev" can be well recommended as valuable, honest. flavesj For particulars apply to the fubfcriber,livingin Bourbon county, 4 miles from Paris. JOHN SOPER. NOTICE.TWs r is to forewarn all perlons from trulting, harborinp oi enter inuif; niv wile Maiy Johnlon, as (he liasau palled my bed and board without anyjuft therefore piyany (SUJIe, I will not debts of lier contraftine. and will nut the law in inrrp tbofe who harbor or entertain her. ffi! ivno countv, 3ept. 19th, 180 i 3 15 tnki calls 'James Johnson. r FOR SALE OR RENT, A convenient two lory 1 Framed House and Lot, Suitable either for a' private or public life. eliiR situate on Main Cross street. three dnnr irom J. Lowrey's hat manufactory, and now occupied by N. Prentift. The liouft is in goocl repair there is 611 the lota good pu up witn never laiiing water, a imall. garde' convenient cellar, kitchen, &x .c. For tfrm? .Inrtlo .Urt nr.ni r. c ti Ltmitoii, Auj ol 32 I, .0 Z -- JjU JBff r. wi u.ti 1 tim. .tf?lffiiCriirfgMenftggltfirfaflSgg Seitz & Johnson, At their Store in Lexington, have received a veryextenfive Cargo of Cheap and well afforted Merchandise, Consisting of DRY GOODS, 7 GROCERIES, RON-MONGERY-, CUTLERY,''- - ' SADDLERY; ' STATIONARY, -- - HARD '1 ih , JAPAND, I M ' TIN . ' g .J, CROCKERY, r -- QUEENS' & I CHINA ,J . ,f HATTER'S TRIMMINGS and DYE STUFFS, GERMAN and CRAWLEY STEEL, vices; :- -- A Ttrr. r. f 'A1V1L.C3, .' jj BAR IRON, &c.-8?- c. Unlimited,, pains having beerr ta ken to felecl the above .affortment from the Venduespprincipally of lialtimore and rl)ilade!phia,puroha-- " fers either WHOLESALE orRfc-- AIL, may depend on getting rrfuch greaterbargains iha'n have been here tofore sold in" this date. , ,. 15th Atig'ufl:, 1803V lyia.va n&-'u- Wifirove udf;n umug FOR .SALE. luable PL ANT A TIO NS, on. the or six on the oe loia or as mav the to the on the ,. MI 1, A N C ' the of and its for to his fall on the at to put his are. to to or on day. aining355 acres, withMarge ments, well watered, with orchards and elegant build ings, bituate waters Cane run, miles from Lexington, Georgetown road: -- Will together apart, suit purchasers. For further particulars, apply fubfcriberc living premiies.. DAVID rtHKLL, DAVID LAUGHEAD. Cane run, Sept. 1803. p-'- IMG. kJ? Mr. BLAGKME Returns hulincere thankstb inhabitants Lexington vicinity pad savors, begs leave inform them that school will commence 14th inft. Daley's ball room, parents who think proper their children under tuition, reqUefted make application previous that rO BE SOLDi ower of attorney from the of Patrick Henry decea-AC- T of LAND, on Mill near Dreiian's Lick, about 18 from the mouth of Kentucky, iles from the Falls of Ohio, 500 acres, by survey made in 1784, andisa moiety of jooo acres, patented to Mr. May and Mr. Henry, and accordingly di vined. Also 500 acres on the Rolling fork of Salt river, by a survey in 1784, patented to l1c lienry. I underftaiicJNthefe lands are valu- able, but a purchaser would chufe to judge for himleit. 1 he terms may fie known by applying to the tublcn ber, living in .Fayette county. W. Ausuft 8th, 180-3- . 9 u v BL POR SALE, The Valuable Stallion. SILVER REELS, WHICH food at Mr. Edmund Bryant s, JtrTamine county, the past season, and covered beuveen 90 and 100 mares. ' The pedigree of this horse is good, and may be seen by re- ference to the Stud Book for- - the year 1803, or to the fubferiber, in Clarke county. One or two years credit will be g'uen on givinp bontli ..winy vjiic ur two "" " r- - , j'n-i- v reu oy tne paimaler. i Vugus: 7'h 1 So r H. TAYI.DR, t; LONDON, July 27. FORTlFlCAfioit OF LONDON. Copy of a no'e delivered to the Marquis of ntcntield, July yii, 1803, uy Lieutenant General Lord Cathcart. It rs in the contemplation of his ma- - jeftv's poveinnient to provide the molt etiecuial means for fecunng the metro- polis ,fr,6m the incurlion pi an enemy, who, favoied by extraordinary fortune of ,y;ir, might not,only have eluded the dispositions made by land, and sea to n-f- ift invasion, but being landed in fuperi-o- r force-- , (hould, thiough the same for- tune, .be enabled to penetrate into the (jountry, near enough to the capital A lead, to occasion apprehenfioh for its is theie were no precaution ta- ken, and no plan made for its protection. Such a plan mull not only be thoroughly digested, but mult actually be put in a state of peep: ration fufficienttoei.fure the practicability of its being carried into tffitft the moment appearances tot av lultity the exnertce and incon- - iiifciice. small as these obiefts mavbe-- . t'fflthough the completion of the operations proposed may for the present lie pofhaned, it is, nevertheleL indif-- pennoiy neceuary to proceed, without the delay of an hour, to make certain pre- paratory,, arrangements through the aid of the lords lieutenants of the adjacent counties, and even to m'aik out some grounds relied upon in the case of ne c.effity, for the conftrudlion of field works hnd, batteries". His royal highfiefs the commander in chief has, in the cou'fc of the lad war, directed his thoughts to the confidera-tio- u of this fubjett ; a roost accurate nnl)tary survey has been made under the inflection of an officer of the greateTt Eminence and profeffional skill and The situation of every work, battery and line, has been ascertained, the neceflary gurrs and troops to guard and defend thefd works have been calculated, as well as the num- - jber of harids necelTary to complete them within the given period. T. he whole ar- rangement has undergone conGderatiorr, and revisal for years, and is ripe for It mull afford the greatelt fatisTacYion to every well wither 01 his country to know, that in the opinion of all profeC- - onal men who have been consulted, the means which nature has afforded to the citir? Of London and WeThuinfter of picn-vidin- for their fecunty, are beyond what have been sound in the case of any city in the uniycrfe ; that with due at- tention to the advantages to be made by such positions as encircle them, and with the armed force which may be coh lected for their defence, and that amp ly supplied with provisions, this capital may bid defiance to any invading iorce, at lcaft until ample time is given for the arrival of such a power from the coun try as, when combined with the-forc- within the lines, mult be much more than sufficient to exterminate any army that could be tranfportedto England. .Part 01 the line 01 delence alluded to has the g .ers mpi county of Middlesex in a feinicircular fornr, beginning at the Thames near t'.ie J.ea, aim enoing ai tne 1 name j j. pafies in its northern and north -- weffern d'neftion through Stratford-l'e.b-o- Y anrj near Blapton, along the l,gh grounds wnicn oouna tnemaunes on tlie right or western bank of the rivf-.- Lea, and takes 1 we Item comfe, paing frorn hear the turnpike on Stamf'ord hill, by Hornfey wood to the ridge, extending by RToun--Pleafa- over the village of T.h.u end, and from thence by the veep-houf- e ridge to Highgate and a.'cer.ts, from r.-ent- .to "a'" ' ",mu" S' n ; here it changes its direct-o- to tl.-rn- ..- , n j r,. - vui.ii-iv- ii auu luuiiii running aown n tK . ;i. dj , rs . ' 'j- v,aiiii kill; ivtu noult, ther crol.ig the canal near Ken- - d f-- .een, proceeding to Kensington ''.el Pi;, and Holland House, palling -- ar Little Chelsea. and reachiner the I hames above Batterfea bridge. I'ne lord lieutenant having appointed a geneial meeting of the i.eutenanc) ot tne county ot MiddIelcx,to br held on the 1 8th inft. for the purpose of carrying into certain provisions of an aft palled this feOion ot parliament entitled, "an aft to enable his majesty more effectually to provide for the de- - C r - . 1 icutc auu lecurity 01 tne lealm Uuring the present war ;" it becomes the duty of the lieutenant gsneral loid Cathc?rt, ih consequence of orders given to him his royal hi&"hnefs the (ommander in chief, as coniniandintr the district in which that part ot th county of Mid ulelex, : th'ough whicn th.' inun.kd . , wonl.l hr r,.rMv,l ,n 1 :r..-r- . 0I a"-'i- c p lis. ,s lituatocJ, 11 C 1, mi . catc with the loid lieiitenint nn this fib-icc- t, and to lequelt that in framing the airagements for the coun divifiors of, f" the con ijty cl Miuui-f'- . , vindtr tli'J ' iaBgMgi3ETswwrTm .wattrb powers of the above recit-- d act, accoid-n- g to the planot eftaW.fnmg a f'vft-- m of corhmunkation, and another plan rf rendering the body of the people infrrul mental to the eeneral , r.j by hi majesty's principal secretary of date ior the war department the lord lieutenant w,!l be plfed to hold in view the peculiar cncumflanrp nt ,1,. ,.....j ed tonftruaion of linf.5 r,f-,lt- i Whatever affiftance mioi.'t (, j j from the metropol.s itself, or fr0ln th adjacent and inland counties without the hnej ,n the event of completing the-wor- (and Inch affiRance will doub- lest be amply and fvftemat.cally affo-ded- ,) jt a effei tully requ.Cte, for the fako ot or- der, expedition and regularity of pay- ment, as Well-a- s protection of 'property, that all preparatoi-van- ,,.:;,. L.... ' t.on lhoTad-b- made through the affill-an- cr of the ihhabitarts resident uPoa and near the line of defence : for this reason ,t is to be wished, that in appoint- ing the lieutenants tof divifioni, or of inipeaors t)f hundreds, 'pxovif, mav be made to ascertain as rnanv noint, near ths rfirl., f lieutenants of divisions, or of infpedors ot hundreds, as poTibie. the ram k.: contiguous to or within the reach of tl. it the residence of irenflm cepting charges of lieutenants or infDr- - tors, do not suit this purpose, the incon. vcnience may be obviaterl K,r . - ; "iJuiii'.lll?' nns, or places inns. mh n- - horles may be had, and 4hrr, l.. requ.fitions may be addretfed, and receiv er aim xorwaraed to the responsible tper-fo- n. 1 hole places will also serve for rendezvous to the fupenntendants of es, who will also have place's of meet- ing tor-th- e agents they employ in their respective parifhe?. 1 husa lyftem of expeditious mm mratton will be eflabhlhed between jnflti,.i.... and between the lieutenancy and tbr nlhioners ot irf the adw c J.fT hunareds ; oppoitunities will be'n- to make those who are expefted tc ply with requisitions clearly und-e.-f.0"-'; the nature of the requisitions likely be proposed td them, and to know J places where individuals may be d' r j to aflemble, or where materials ir cdllected and deposited. 'ay itt With such confidential nevfnr ments for ' Sal'r' neceffary works of but not otherwise to be ftm ,"',slorr deposited ; through their " '"'! bp sew hours, the whole powr T'T" ,n a may be cJfleaed, or in tl " fi ath;par,fl1 sew hands to mart out ,nflance a" ly through their me Sro'and and '"-an- d MS' notice commun.cat.on , pyPer made to the owner Ty nen or ny lands, tencmr ' CCUP'C" of be m" 'rr 'lerr.edllaments. markediorth,,:'11"' 0r of thepui-- , lesof '?.f.defcnce? i; snr lhe above The same - recited act. 5s may b e rui ?Ufh IaTbo"r or nrater's "rf iiil iv r nr r nm ... - . tion , . ' ' iiiiuiijca- a t.nmn 1. :ii ......u, Iw vm wit ', the utmost difnntJ, in what been said, runs through .1' li' the panflies near the above; river effect by lines near .. k . r. . "-- .uionea line, which mnft nJ. ,.,:.u .ference totheobjeft of the line of de- - rence, as well as to the others set forth 111 the fecietary of rate's letter. These, registers mufl iecify resident gentlemea willing to attend, to animate and encou rage the work or given narte of thf !, - gardeners & others expect in, or habitu- - 0 kea to laying ott and meafunng ground. witn remarks, ailhngutlhmg fupenor ; smiths, and maflers, journey- men carpenters, and imber-m- ei chants, willing to ftipply timber for platforms, and sit persons to overlook their cor.ftruc-tio- n and erection. Carts and teams, labourers and tools, men who have been trained to great guns ; the sew men in each dmfion wno would hrlt be wanted to make and measure giound, and proper attendance for that purpose with carts and takes. When, it, is reflected upon, it mufi strike inhabitant, that it must bt: much to have a furvev preparation of this sort made by neigh- bours and .acquaintances, in many caiei by their own servants and labourer', thin by Irangars. But the objeft and its advantages arr equally lost, is the tnmoft dispatch and celerity are not used in making all pre vious arrangerrents, and in proportin as these anaiemeius are completed, tl fecunty of the metropolis is ensured. IJrit puhlic pre cautioned, t'ii- t' I tract of land offeied foi 1,1 , . (lte of Ol 10, by John Pon nrr the 2d quartc ot th.- - 6th i' lbth raiie, thi;; j 11 uti s ,i equ.uult Uii,i on it, wiiih a .ieJ. 1 ra- - V nO.iiStptembr I

Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7v154dp85v/data/0152.pdf · Is' r h r 4 vw pi,i rmr m "1TT1 T ILJsn AND GENERAL ADVERTISER t - v i ,-9.!tt,

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7v154dp85v/data/0152.pdf · Is' r h r 4 vw pi,i rmr m "1TT1 T ILJsn AND GENERAL ADVERTISER t - v i ,-9.!tt,




r 4 vw pi ,i rmr m "1TT1T sn


AND GENERAL ADVERTISER, ,.-t - v i 9. !tt

tfrtiiai-tiWMattjrctr'WJ- . a.faJfcA'J-fcjnSlini- f rA. mAsj!


y mv



This paper is publihHed weekly, attwo dollars per annum, paid in ad-

vance.Those who write to the Editor, must

. ay the postage of their letters.

Mr. v..


W " iCfcs i j!w t' tr-- tfMW

v KyLi2S3jELuEJaKr


LYING in Mercer county on Salt r,

about one1 mile and half above Maj.Buchanan's mill, on the road leadingfrom Frankfort to Harrodfburgh withabout 100 acres of Cleared Land, a

good Dwelling House and other Conve-

nient Buildings, a large apple and .Peafch

Orchard, Meadow and. Paflure ; thewhole in good repair.

James Maccoun..Lexington, March .14,1803.



'FOR SALE, " "

3be following Tracts ofLAND,

CONVEYED by John Fowlerefcu toto Cuth. Banks and I . Bodley, by deedof trult, dajted the 16th day of Decernher 1800, to wit. 2800 acres in Montgomery county, Flat creek, betwee:Small-Mounta- in creek and the uppiSalf Spring, entered 'in the name olCrump and Patterson also, 1700 acresin Campbell county, part of a ftVrvey inthe name of Jacob Rubfammon, inclu-ding Fowler's lick also, 1000 acres insaid county, on Bank-lic- k, being part ofa tract of' 4000 acres in the name ofWilliam Jones. Which said tracts ofland, or either, or part of them, will besold at private sale, for the purpose of

and discharging the trusts men-tioned in said deed. The terms may beknown by applying to the fnbfcribera inLexington. t

Cuth. Bank's,Tbos. Bodlty

March 14th, 1803.

STRA,YEDROM my farm about ten days ago,

imall SORREL, F1LL.EY, threeears old this sprints, about 13 hand

liigh, (hort docked and the hair of thetail eat by cattle Also a dark baytwo year old FILLEY, rather tallerthan the sorrel, no brand or flesh mori either recollected. A reasonable,ward will be given to have themhome, or notice given where they are tobe sound.

ROBERT BARR.Fayette, May 27, J803. tf




WILL purchase a quantity of Flaxana nEMP deed, delivered at their.Oil Mill near Lexington ; for whichthe cultomary prices will be given111 oam nu .viciLiiaiiQize. t.WANTED IMMEDIATELY,

A Journeyman Printer. Anphthe office of the Kentucky Gazette.







RETURNS his thanks to-hi- s customers for their past savors, and)hopes by his attention to business to!

merit them in suture. He begs leaveto inform the public in general thathe continues to carry on the abovebusiness next door to Mr. Boggs's,opposite Capt. Marshal's tavern.Main street. He has jufl receivdfrom Philadelphia, a quantity of firstqualitted imported Boot Legs andEnglilh Ben Soals. Anv gentlemanmay be furniflied with Boots brjShoes, done in the neatest and befi-

manner, and on the fijortefl notice,by applying as above. i

Lexington, July 8, 1803.SUWARROW &? COSSACK

BOOTS,As neat as any made in PhiladelJ

pnia, may be.nacl on the tnortelt'no-

tice. N. B.

THE KENTUCKY PRIMER.For sale by the gross, dozeif,-- or sin- -


j......., ....u.i,!.


'HE SUBSCRIBER,ISHES to inform the public,

that he continues to carry on theBLUE DYING; on Main CrolsStreet, between Mr;,Adam Weber'sand Mr. Myers's, where he will dyeCotton, Linen and Wool, with awarm dye Cotton deeped blue, at4f6 per, poUnd-r-Wo- ol at is6 perpound, which, he"will-w3rran- t to beequal to any dye in the town of Lex-ington. . '

JALUB BUShAKT.Lexington, June 25, 180$. fstf, BOOK BINDING.

HAVING employed a BookBinder', who has been refrularlybred to the business in Philadelphia,anv orders for RECORD, ACCOUNT, or any other BLANKBOOKS, will be thankfully recefved and punctually executed. I haveon hand, and fliall constantly(keep, a

flipply of BLANK BOOKS. OldBooks in the neateit andbest manner.

DANl. BRADFORD.Gazette Office,. ")

Lexington. Jjv USSss.

- LcjA Wk sggSVfjrw v mssegs??sSl'mj w&smger- -

WILLIAM ROSS,Boot is Shoe Maker,

HASon hand a large afTortmentof BOOTS & SHOES, which he.

intends selling at reduced prices.D. C.

Brown top Boots 8

Black top do. 7Three quarter do. 5 2, is sox

ed, 6Half do. 5, is foxed, 5Mens' lined and boundShdcs, aMens' kip-ski- n do. .N 1

Mens' coarse doJ 1

Womans' Slippers from 1 to 1



Small Shoes according.At these low prices, nottuft need

be expected. He means to sell atthese prices through the course ofthe winter

a meeting, held agreeably totifement, the fubferibers fixedeepftakes to be run for the ad

Urfday in October next, on theexington turf, which is now in

complete order. An elegant laddieand bridle will be rnn for, on everybaturcay, until the hrlt or Wovem-de- r,

free for any description of hor-fe- s,

agreeably to the rules of thesaid turf.

' NOTICE.Commiffioners appointed by the con

t Maron.will meet on the 17th ofext, at the house of James Ringland, 1untv, thence proceed to the imrr 've

in John LaffVrty's pre emption, tojpofit'ons of witnefles, to perpetuateteltimony rerpeciinj; said impiovement,

pecial in the laid pre enirttinn,to do fiich other things as may be neceffav

rj, and agreeably to law. The commiflionerjwill adjourn I'rom day to day until the bufinjfiis completed.

James Ringland,Patrick Hunter.

Sept. 19th, 1803.NEG"r"0ES"F0R SALE.

FOR sale for Cadi, a Negro Man,about 30 years of age, stout, adlive,

d is a good waggoner. Also, hisle, about 25 years of age, who is

ajgood houie lervant, with her childof 1 1 months. Thev" can be wellrecommended as valuable, honest.flavesj For particulars apply to thefubfcriber,livingin Bourbon county,4 miles from Paris.


ris to forewarn

all perlons from trulting, harborinp oi enterinuif; niv wile Maiy Johnlon, as (he liasaupalled my bed and board without anyjuft

therefore piyany(SUJIe, I will not debts oflier contraftine. and will nut the law in inrrp

tbofe who harbor or entertain her.ffi!

ivno countv,3ept. 19th, 180 i





'James Johnson.

r FOR SALE OR RENT,A convenient two lory

1 Framed House and Lot,Suitable either for a' private or public life.

eliiR situate on Main Cross street. three dnnrirom J. Lowrey's hat manufactory, and nowoccupied by N. Prentift. The liouft is ingoocl repair there is 611 the lota good pu upwitn never laiiing water, a imall. garde'convenient cellar, kitchen, &x .c. Fortfrm? .Inrtlo .Urt nr.ni r. c

ti Ltmitoii, Auj ol 32 I, .0 Z

-- JjU JBff r. wi u.ti 1 tim. .tf?lffiiCriirfgMenftggltfirfaflSgg

Seitz & Johnson,At their Store in Lexington, have

received a veryextenfive Cargoof Cheap and well afforted

Merchandise,Consisting of



CUTLERY,''- - '



- HARD '1 ih ,

JAPAND, I M' TIN . ' g .J,CROCKERY, r --




STEEL,vices; :---

A Ttrr. r. f'A1V1L.C3, .' jj

BAR IRON, &c.-8?- c.

Unlimited,, pains having beerr taken to felecl the above .affortmentfrom the Venduespprincipally oflialtimore and rl)ilade!phia,puroha-- "

fers either WHOLESALE orRfc--AIL, may depend on getting rrfuch

greaterbargains iha'n have been heretofore sold in" this date. , ,.

15th Atig'ufl:, 1803V




on. the orsix

on theoe loia or as mav

theto the

on the ,.MI




theof and its

forto his fall

on the at

to puthis are. to

to or onday.

aining355 acres, withMargements, well watered, withorchards and elegant build

ings, bituate watersCane run, miles from Lexington,

Georgetown road: -- Willtogether apart,

suit purchasers. For furtherparticulars, apply fubfcribercliving premiies..


Cane run, Sept. 1803.

p-'- IMG.kJ? Mr. BLAGKME

Returns hulincere thankstbinhabitants Lexingtonvicinity pad savors, begs leave

inform them that schoolwill commence 14th inft.Daley's ball room, parents whothink proper their childrenunder tuition, reqUeftedmake application previousthat

rO BE SOLDiower of attorney from theof Patrick Henry decea-AC- T

of LAND, on Millnear Dreiian's Lick, about 18

from the mouth of Kentucky,iles from the Falls of Ohio,

500 acres, by surveymade in 1784, andisa moiety ofjooo acres, patented to Mr. Mayand Mr. Henry, and accordingly di

vined.Also 500 acres on the Rolling fork

of Salt river, by a survey in 1784,patented to l1c lienry.

I underftaiicJNthefe lands are valu-

able, but a purchaser would chufe tojudge for himleit. 1 he terms mayfie known by applying to the tublcnber, living in .Fayette county.

W.Ausuft 8th, 180-3- .


u v BL

POR SALE,The Valuable Stallion.SILVER REELS,

WHICH food at Mr. EdmundBryant s, JtrTamine county, the pastseason, and covered beuveen 90 and100 mares. ' The pedigree of thishorse is good, and may be seen by re-ference to the Stud Book for-- theyear 1803, or to the fubferiber, inClarke county. One or two yearscredit will be g'uen on givinp bontli

..winy vjiic ur two"" " r- -, j'n-i- v

reu oy tne paimaler.

i Vugus: 7'h 1 SorH. TAYI.DR,



Copy of a no'e delivered to the Marquis ofntcntield, July yii, 1803, uy LieutenantGeneral Lord Cathcart.

It rs in the contemplation of his ma- -

jeftv's poveinnient to provide the moltetiecuial means for fecunng the metro-polis ,fr,6m the incurlion pi an enemy,who, favoied by extraordinary fortuneof ,y;ir, might not,only have eluded thedispositions made by land, and sea to n-f- ift

invasion, but being landed in fuperi-o- rforce-- , (hould, thiough the same for-

tune, .be enabled to penetrate into the(jountry, near enough to the capital Alead, to occasion apprehenfioh for its

is theie were no precaution ta-

ken, and no plan made for its protection.Such a plan mull not only be thoroughlydigested, but mult actually be put in astate of peep: ration fufficienttoei.fure thepracticability of its being carried intotffitft the moment appearances tot av

lultity the exnertce and incon- -iiifciice. small as these obiefts mavbe-- .

t'fflthough the completion of theoperations proposed may for the presentlie pofhaned, it is, nevertheleL indif--

pennoiy neceuary to proceed, without thedelay of an hour, to make certain pre-

paratory,, arrangements through the aidof the lords lieutenants of the adjacentcounties, and even to m'aik out somegrounds relied upon in the case of nec.effity, for the conftrudlion of field workshnd, batteries".

His royal highfiefs the commander inchief has, in the cou'fc of the lad war,directed his thoughts to the confidera-tio- u

of this fubjett ; a roost accuratennl)tary survey has been made under theinflection of an officer of the greateTtEminence and profeffional skill and

The situation of everywork, battery and line, has been

ascertained, the neceflary gurrs andtroops to guard and defend thefd workshave been calculated, as well as the num- -

jber of harids necelTary to complete themwithin the given period. T. he whole ar-

rangement has undergone conGderatiorr,and revisal for years, and is ripe for

It mull afford the greatelt fatisTacYionto every well wither 01 his country toknow, that in the opinion of all profeC- -

onal men who have been consulted, themeans which nature has afforded to thecitir? Of London and WeThuinfter of picn-vidin-

for their fecunty, are beyondwhat have been sound in the case of anycity in the uniycrfe ; that with due at-tention to the advantages to be madeby such positions as encircle them, andwith the armed force which may be cohlected for their defence, and that amply supplied with provisions, this capitalmay bid defiance to any invading iorce,at lcaft until ample time is given forthe arrival of such a power from the country as, when combined with the-forc-

within the lines, mult be much morethan sufficient to exterminate any armythat could be tranfportedto England.

.Part 01 the line 01 delence alluded tohas the g .ers

mpicounty of Middlesex in a feinicircularfornr, beginning at the Thames near t'.ie

J.ea, aim enoing ai tne 1 name j j.pafies in its northern and north --weffernd'neftion through Stratford-l'e.b-o- Y anrjnear Blapton, along the l,gh groundswnicn oouna tnemaunes on tlie right orwestern bank of the rivf-.- Lea, and takes1 we Item comfe, paing frorn hear theturnpike on Stamf'ord hill, by Hornfeywood to the ridge, extending by RToun--Pleafa-

over the village of T.h.uend, and from thence by the veep-houf- eridge to Highgate and a.'cer.ts, from

r.-ent- .to"a'" ' ",mu" S' n ; here it changesits direct-o- to tl.-rn- ..- , n j r,.- vui.ii-iv- ii auu luuiiiirunning aown n tK . ;i. dj, rs . ' 'j- v,aiiii kill; ivtunoult, ther crol.ig the canal near Ken- -d f--

.een, proceeding to Kensington''.el Pi;, and Holland House, palling-- ar Little Chelsea. and reachiner the

I hames above Batterfea bridge.I'ne lord lieutenant having appointed

a geneial meeting of the i.eutenanc)ot tne county ot MiddIelcx,to br heldon the 1 8th inft. for the purpose ofcarrying into certain provisions ofan aft palled this feOion ot parliamententitled, "an aft to enable his majestymore effectually to provide for the de- -C r - . 1icutc auu lecurity 01 tne lealm Uuringthe present war ;" it becomes the dutyof the lieutenant gsneral loid Cathc?rt,ih consequence of orders given to him

his royal hi&"hnefs the (ommander inchief, as coniniandintr the district inwhich that part ot th county of Midulelex,: th'ough whicn th.' inun.kd

. ,wonl.l hr r,.rMv,l ,n 1 :r..-r- . 0I a"-'i- c p lis. ,s lituatocJ, 1 1 C 1, mi


catc with the loid lieiitenint nn this fib-icc- t,

and to lequelt that in framing theairagements for the coun divifiors of, f"the con ijty cl Miuui-f'- . , vindtr tli'J '

iaBgMgi3ETswwrTm .wattrbpowers of the above recit-- d act, accoid-n- g

to the planot eftaW.fnmg a f'vft-- m

of corhmunkation, and another plan rfrendering the body of the people infrrulmental to the eeneral , r.jby hi majesty's principal secretary ofdate ior the war department the lordlieutenant w,!l be plfed to hold in viewthe peculiar cncumflanrp nt ,1,. ,.....jed tonftruaion of linf.5 r,f-,lt- i

Whatever affiftance mioi.'t (, j jfrom the metropol.s itself, or fr0ln thadjacent and inland counties withoutthe hnej ,n the event of completing the-wor-

(and Inch affiRance will doub- lestbe amply and fvftemat.cally affo-ded- ,) jta effei tully requ.Cte, for the fako ot or-der, expedition and regularity of pay-ment, as Well-a- s

protection of 'property,that all preparatoi-van- ,,.:;,. L.... '

t.on lhoTad-b- made through the affill-an- cr

of the ihhabitarts resident uPoaand near the line of defence : for thisreason ,t is to be wished, that in appoint-ing the lieutenants tof divifioni, or ofinipeaors t)f hundreds, 'pxovif, mavbe made to ascertain as rnanv noint,

near ths rfirl., flieutenants of divisions, or of infpedorsot hundreds, as poTibie. the ram k.:contiguous to or within the reach of tl.it the residence of irenflmcepting charges of lieutenants or infDr- -tors, do not suit this purpose, the incon.vcnience may be obviaterl K,r .- ; "iJuiii'.lll?'nns, or places inns. mh n- -

horles may be had, and 4hrr, l..requ.fitions may be addretfed, and receiver aim xorwaraed to the responsible tper-fo- n.

1 hole places will also serve forrendezvous to the fupenntendants of es,

who will also have place's of meet-ing tor-th- e agents they employ in theirrespective parifhe?.

1 husa lyftem of expeditious mmmratton will be eflabhlhed between

jnflti,.i....and between the lieutenancy and tbrnlhioners ot irf the adw c J.fThunareds ; oppoitunities will be'n-to make those who are expefted tcply with requisitions clearly und-e.-f.0"-';

the nature of the requisitions likelybe proposed td them, and to know Jplaces where individuals may be d' r jto aflemble, or where materials ircdllected and deposited. 'ay itt

With such confidential nevfnrments for ' Sal'r'neceffary works ofbut not otherwise to be ftm ,"',slorrdeposited ; through their " '"'! bpsew hours, the whole powr T'T" ,n amay be cJfleaed, or in tl


ath;par,fl1sew hands to mart out

,nflance a"

ly through their meSro'and and '"-an- d

MS' noticecommun.cat.on , pyPermade to the owner Ty nen orny lands, tencmr ' CCUP'C" of

be m" 'rr 'lerr.edllaments.

markediorth,,:'11"' 0rof thepui-- ,

lesof '?.f.defcnce? i; snrlhe aboveThe same - recited act.

5s may b e rui ?Ufh IaTbo"r or nrater's"rf iiil iv r nr r nm ... - .

tion , . ' ' iiiiuiijca-a t.nmn 1. :ii......u, Iw vmwit ', the utmost difnntJ,

in what been said, runs through .1' li'the panflies near the above;







k . r. ."--

.uionea line, which mnft nJ. ,.,:.u.ference totheobjeft of the line of de--

rence, as well as to the others set forth111 the fecietary of rate's letter. These,registers mufl iecify resident gentlemeawilling to attend, to animate and encourage the work or given narte of thf !, -gardeners & others expect in, or habitu- -0 kea to laying ott and meafunng ground.witn remarks, ailhngutlhmg fupenor

; smiths, and maflers, journey-men carpenters, and imber-m- ei chants,willing to ftipply timber for platforms,and sit persons to overlook their cor.ftruc-tio- n

and erection.Carts and teams, labourers and tools,

men who have been trained to greatguns ; the sew men in each dmfionwno would hrlt be wanted to make andmeasure giound, and proper attendancefor that purpose with carts and takes.

When, it, is reflected upon, it mufistrike inhabitant, that it must bt:much to have a furvevpreparation of this sort made by neigh-bours and .acquaintances, in many caieiby their own servants and labourer',thin by Irangars.

But the objeft and its advantages arrequally lost, is the tnmoft dispatch andcelerity are not used in making all previous arrangerrents, and in proportinas these anaiemeius are completed, tlfecunty of the metropolis is ensured.

IJrit puhlic pre cautioned, t'ii- t'I tract of land offeied foi 1,1 , .

(lte of Ol 10, by John Ponnrr the 2d quartc ot th.-- 6th i'lbth raiie, thi;; j 11 uti s ,i

equ.uult Uii,i on it, wiiih a

.ieJ.1 ra- - V nO.iiStptembr