Kentucky Department of Educationeducation.ky.gov/districts/tech/sis/Documents/2016-17...circumstances described above. The term ‘unaccompanied youth’ includes a youth not in the

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Kentucky Department of Education 2016-17 KSIS Mid-Year Training

KDE State Board Room (514), The 300 Building, Frankfort and KDE Media PortalJanuary 12, 20179:30 a.m. (ET) / 8:30 a.m. (CT)

Links to join the training

For the KDE media portal, right click and open the hyperlink or copy and paste it into your browser: http://mediaportal.education.ky.gov/watch-live

To ask questions, right click and open the hyperlink or copy and paste it into your browser: http://app.gosoapbox.com Access Code: KDEData

Have a technical issue? Contact your district technician.


Welcome and Housekeeping

Becky JenkinsOffice of Education Technology (OET)

Division of School Data Services

Q&A and EILA Credit

Presentation slides and training agenda:KDE KSIS Training Web page

Have a question? Post it to GoSoapBoxhttp://app.gosoapbox.com Access Code: KDEData

Want EILA credit?Register and complete the post-training survey.



Start Session Presenter

9:30 Welcome & Housekeeping Becky Jenkins, Office of Education Technology (OET), Division of School Data Services502-564-2020 x 2475

9:35 Homeless Education Cathy Lazarin & Tyson Harbin, Office of Continuous Improvement and Support (OCIS), Division of ConsolidatedPlans and AuditsCathy - 502-564-3791Tyson – 502-564-4772

10:05 Dual Credit Scholarship Kiley Whitaker, Office of Career & Technical Education (OCTE), Division of Technical Schools & Federal Programs502-564-3472 x 4217

10:35 Break

10:50 2017-18 Academic Course Codes Changes Caryn Davidson, Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL), Division of Program StandardsKiley Whitaker, OCTE, Division of Technical Schools & Federal ProgramsCaryn – 502-564-9850Kiley - 502-564-3472 x 4217

11:20 January Growth Factor Guidelines Ronda Devine, Office of Finance and Operations (OFO), Division of District Support502-564-5279 x 4444

11:35 SAAR Submission Ronda Devine, OFO, Division of District Support502-564-5279 x 4444

12:05 Lunch

1:05 Change to Kindergarten Entry Age for SY 17-18 Bill Buchanan & Cheri Meadows, OTL, Division of Program Standards, OFO, Division of District SupportBill - 502-564-7056 x 4702Cheri - 502-564-5279 x4451

2:00 Reviewing Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Student Listing in Student Data Review and Reporting (SDRR)

Tina Logan & David Curd, Office of Assessment and Accountability (OAA), Division of Accountability, Data and AnalysisTina - 502-564-9853 x 4740David - 502-564-9853 x4744

2:30 Break

2:45 2015-16 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Candy Johnson, OET, Division of School Data Services 502-564-2020 x 2471

3:15 Closing and Adjournment 6

Homeless Education

Begins at 9:35 a.m. (ET)

Ask questions and interact with presenters through GoSoapBox: http://app.gosoapbox.com

Access Code: KDEData

Homeless EducationTyson Harbin, Title I/Homeless Program Consultant

Cathy Lazarin, Resource Management AnalystOffice of Continuous Improvement and Support

2016-17 Mid-Year Training

Title X, Part C McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program

The Stewart B. McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act is a competitive grant awarded

for three years. All districts are eligible to apply. The state of Kentucky currently has 14

districts that were awarded the McKinney-Vento Homeless Grant.


Presentation Notes
Many districts have homeless students and do not receive McKinney-Vento funds. Those districts can use Title I funds or any other resources available to serve those students. The main focus of this program is education and assisting students to become proficient and beyond.

Homeless Children and YouthsSection 725(2) of the McKinney-Vento Act10 defines “homeless children and youths” as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. The term includes—

Children and youths who are: - sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason (sometimes referred to as “doubled-up”); - living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to lack of alternative adequate accommodations; - living in emergency or transitional shelters; or - abandoned in hospitals;

Children and youths who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings;

Children and youths who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings; and

Migratory children who qualify as homeless because they are living in circumstances described above.

The term ‘unaccompanied youth’ includes a youth not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian.


Substandard Housing

The inclusion of substandard housing in the definition of homeless children and youths has caused some confusion

because standards for adequate housing may vary by locality. In determining whether a child or youth is living in “substandard housing,” an LEA may consider whether the setting in which the family, child, or youth is living lacks

one of the fundamental utilities such as water, electricity, or heat; is infested with vermin or mold; lacks a basic functional part such as a working kitchen or a working toilet; or may present unreasonable dangers to adults,

children, or persons with disabilities.


Why have standards???

What is the data used for???

How to ensure better data

Homeless Data Entry


Presentation Notes
Why have standards--- As the Department responds to various reporting requirements and longitudinal data is shared between systems it is important to ensure data is entered consistently statewide. Specific data elements must be collected to ensure that accurate information is available for federal reporting, state reporting and other data sharing. What is the data used for----This data is reported to the federal government annually and is used for funding allocations, if applicable. How to ensure better Data---- continuous training on Homeless Data entry. Districts running ad hoc reports to validate data and just being aware of changes and previous data issues.

Data Entry in Infinite CampusStudent Information General Enrollment Tab

Once a student is identified as homeless, the student’s homeless indicator and living status should remain selected in the student’s record

for the remainder of the academic year, regardless if his/her status changes and/or if student moves between schools and/or districts.


Presentation Notes
Student is identified as Homeless. Student is marked by selecting homeless indicator and hit save…….

Data Entry in Infinite Campus


Presentation Notes
Well you can’t do that or you will get 2 errors messages Error 1. Living status must be selected if homeless is checked Error 2. Unaccompanied Youth must be selected if homeless is checked You will receive an error if either element is left blank. This will help with data quality to make sure all associated elements are properly entered before saving.

Unaccompanied Youth and Living Status Data Entry


Presentation Notes
This drop down arrow is greyed out until homeless indicator is checked. Once checked, you may now choose yes/no for unaccompanied youth. No matter what you choose under unaccompanied youth, you will still need to choose and mark a living status before saving.

“Foster care” means the provision of temporary twenty-four (24) hour care for a child for a planned period of time when the child is: (a) Removed from his parents or person exercising custodial control or supervision and subsequently placed in the custody of the cabinet; and (b) Placed in a foster home or private child-caring facility or child-placing agency but remains under the supervision of the cabinet.Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 620.020

Children awaiting foster care on December 10, 2016 or later should not be used after this date and it will not be removed from IC list until the summer of 2017.Children awaiting foster care placement must be included as homeless if they were initially identified as homeless prior to December 10, 2016.

Living Status Changes in 2016KY State


Presentation Notes
Important change for 2016-17 “awaiting foster care”

Student Record Transfers in the Same District

District ASchool 1

District A School 2


Presentation Notes
EXAMPLE 1: SAME DISTRICT------If a student transfers school-to-school in the same district within the same academic year, the homeless indicator and living status and unaccompanied youth status must be manually entered in the new enrollment.

Student Record Transfers

District A District BFacility/Group home


Presentation Notes
EXAMPLE 2: 3 DIFFERENT DISTRICTS-------If a student transfers district to district, the receiving school must first request the students records from the releasing school. Upon release of the student records, the person importing the student records at the receiving school MUST run the KY State Reporting Import Wizard which will populate the homeless indicator, living status and unaccompanied youth status from the releasing districts database to the receiving districts database. YOU MUST CHOOSE TO IMPORT the STATE REPORTING FIELDS TO make certain that you import all three homeless fields (indicator, living status and unaccompanied youth selection)

Pre-K Homeless Children Served

Which children should be reported?

Report homeless children ages birth through 5 (not Kindergarten) who received services under program subgrants funded by the McKinney-Vento program.

Include children age 5 or under who are served by the subgrant program.

Include children served in a preschool program regardless of whether that program is operated by an LEA, or where the LEA is a partner administratively or financially or has any accountability in serving the children.


Cleaning up the data Increase data quality Ad-hoc reports available in IC Run verification reports to

ensure no errors in data are found within your district

Homeless Data End of Year


Presentation Notes
End of the year - Homeless data will be pulled annually at KDE on July 1st from the IC reporting warehouse, so all data must be verified by June 30th of the current school year.

Ad Hoc Filters in Infinite Campus

student Homeless marked w/o free lunch

student Homeless marked w/o living status marked

student Homeless students w/o homeless marked

student Homeless students w/o unaccompanied youth marked

student Homeless Count End of Year Reporting


Presentation Notes
Best practice – run the ad hocs on a regular basis throughout the school year. If you run the “student homeless count end of the year reporting” this will give you a current count.

Homeless Benchmark Report

The purpose of this report is to show homeless students’ longitudinal results on major assessments by:

•Content area •Current year absentee percentage •You may run the report for all students in the

selected grade for:•English•Mathematics•Reading•Science


Path: KY State Reporting | KDE Reports


Important reminders

Once a student is identified as homeless, the student’s homeless indicator and living status should remain selected in the student’s record for the remainder of the academic year, regardless if his/her status changes and/or if student moves schools and/or districts.

The data does not roll over to the new school year enrollment; therefore, districts should run the homeless count end of year reporting ad-hoc to ensure they have a list of students to evaluate at the beginning of next school year.


Presentation Notes
The FRAM record does not transfer from district to district, a new eligibility must be completed upon entry into a new district and entered into Infinite Campus. This would be coordinated between the Homeless Coordinator and School Food Service Director in the district. Please see the FRAM data standard for more information: http://education.ky.gov/districts/tech/sis/Documents/DataStandard-FRAM.pdf Run State Published > Homeless marked w/o free lunch ad hoc filter to see if all homeless students have a FRAM record for free lunch. Your Homeless Coordinator should work with the School Food Service Director to correct any incorrect entries. Reminder about FERPA and the privacy of student records to include homeless status.

Important reminders

Once a student is identified as homeless, they should start receiving free lunch as part of their services provided. Make sure to collaborate with food services so this is entered into IC once a student is identified for services.

Information about a student’s living situation that is maintained by the LEA is part of the student’s record, subject to the protections of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA protects the privacy of student education records.


Presentation Notes
The FRAM record does not transfer from district to district, a new eligibility must be completed upon entry into a new district and entered into Infinite Campus. This would be coordinated between the Homeless Coordinator and School Food Service Director in the district. Please see the FRAM data standard for more information: http://education.ky.gov/districts/tech/sis/Documents/DataStandard-FRAM.pdf Run State Published > Homeless marked w/o free lunch ad hoc filter to see if all homeless students have a FRAM record for free lunch. Your Homeless Coordinator should work with the School Food Service Director to correct any incorrect entries. Reminder about FERPA and the privacy of student records to include homeless status.

KDE Website – type Data Standards in search box

KDE Website Direct Linkhttp://education.ky.gov/districts/tech/sis/Documents/DataStandard-Homeless.pdf

Infinite Campus

Where to Find Data Standards


Dual Credit Scholarship

Begins at 10:05 a.m. (ET)

Ask questions and interact with presenters through GoSoapBox: http://app.gosoapbox.com

Access Code: KDEData

Dual Credit Scholarship (DCS) Data Requirements

Kiley Whitaker, Academic Program Manager

Office of Career and Technical Education

2016-17 Mid-Year Training

Dual Credit Scholarship Program Districts must send KHEAA detailed information

about all dual credit courses taken by students ● KHEAA will notify participating postsecondary

institution (PPI) of scholarship eligible courses● Students will not be billed for scholarship courses

but will be responsible for additional courses● Districts will receive funds from KHEAA● Districts will pay the PPI

All required data is not currently available in Infinite Campus

30Kiley Whitaker

Presentation Notes
Questions about the DCS program should be directed to KHEAA. Maximum of 9 post-secondary credit hours over the course of student’s high school career.

Dual Credit Scholarship Questions

Becky Gilpatrick at KHEAA● [email protected]● (800) 928-8926 x 67394

DCS Executive Order 2016-378 DCS Guidance Document DCS Q&A

31Kiley Whitaker

Presentation Notes
Superintendents received copies of these resources via email from KHEAA. Executive order is available here - http://education.ky.gov/districts/tech/sis/Documents/EO_2016-378_Dual_Credit_Reorganization.pdf

Existing Dual Credit Requirements

State Code GPA Weight (Critical for KEES) Type Difficulty Level (KEES and DCS) Teaching Method Instructional Setting Attendance

32Kiley Whitaker

Presentation Notes
For Dual Credit, the difficulty level DC: Dual Credit indicator is required for KEES and for DCS.

New DCS Requirements

Course Name College Code Post-Secondary Course Abbreviation Post-Secondary Course Number Lab Indicator Scholarship Indicator

33Kiley Whitaker

Presentation Notes
All dual credit courses are sent to KHEAA, even those that are not indicated as scholarship courses. This ensures that all dual credit courses receive the same tuition rate from Participating Post-Secondary Institutions (PPIs).

Dual Credit Scholarship Report KY State Reporting > KDE Reports Is for grades 9-12 (Priority 12, then 11,

10,9) Is a CSV file format Need to manually add Scholarship Indicator

on the CSV file File will be uploaded by the district to

KHEAA Contains additional local course information

34Kiley Whitaker

Presentation Notes
Priority for the 2016-2017 School Year is the Senior class first, then grades 11, 10, 9 (in that order) as far as funding is available. Questions related to underclassmen can be sent to KHEAA. The district received notification from KHEAA with the allocation amount for this scholarship for this school year at the beginning of July.

KHEAA DCS File Format (CSV)


Field Name Length FormatStudent SSN 4LastName 35FirstName 12

MiddleInititial 1DateofBirth 8 mmddccyyDistrictCode 3SchoolCode 3GradeLevel 2

AcademicYear 8 ccyyccyySemester 1 F or S

CollegeCode 8CourseAbbrevation 4

CourseNumber 4LabIndicator 1 Y/N

ScholarshipCourse 1 Y/N Added Manually

Kiley Whitaker

Presentation Notes
The DCS Report will populate data from IC for all fields except the ScholarshipCourse field. This will need to be manually added after running the report. Please note, this column should only have a Y if the course is being paid for with the Dual Credit Scholarship for that student. If this course is being paid for with another scholarship or set of funds, it would have a N. The DCS Report will add columns with the course number and course name to facilitate data entry. These columns will need to be deleted before submitting the data to KHEAA.

Dual Credit Scholarship Timeline

Spring Semester Data Due to KHEAA● As soon as possible prior to January 30th

36Kiley Whitaker

Presentation Notes
The turn around for KHEAA to send data to PPIs so that students are not billed is very short. This means that the date is the latest date that this should be submitted, not the earliest.


DCS Data Collection Preparation Each dual credit course should be set up as a

separate course in Infinite Campus Use the local course name field to define

● Post-Secondary Course Abbreviation ● Post-Secondary Course Number ● Format: AAAA NNNN

One or two spaces between abbreviation and numberNo dashes or underscores in first nine characters

● ExamplesOST 105 for Office Systems Technology 105ENG 101 for Writing I

Kiley Whitaker


DCS Data Collection Requirements Custom Required Data Elements


Reoccurring Data Errors

Course Name Abbreviation and Number Participating Post-Secondary School Lab Course and Indicator Scholarship Indicator Local Course InformationMissing and Dropped Students KHEAA will send out timeline and process

for taking corrections

Kiley Whitaker



Dual Credit and Non-Dual Credit Lab Courses ATC Courses Early Bird/Night Courses

Kiley Whitaker

Presentation Notes
These are reminders: If you have dual credit students in a course with non-dual credit students, you should mark the course dual credit prior to running the Dual Credit report. You will need to manually remove non-dual credit students from the file, prior to uploading to KHEAA. If the dual credit course has both a classroom component and a lab component, you will need to create a separate course for the Lab and indicate it is a Lab by checking the DCS Lab Indicator on the course tab. You do not need to take attendance, grades, or have credits for the lab. If you are partnering with an ATC, your students are eligible to use the dual credit scholarship for dual credit courses taken at the ATC. The high school will need to edit the course name of the ATC course to match the appropriate format that has been shared. If you have a student taking a dual credit course outside the school day, you should use an Activity period or Early Bird period in your schedule for these courses.


Fall Semester Follow Up

KHEAA Eligibility Roster Transcript Entries

Non-Dual Credit StudentsDual Credit StudentsTransfer Students

Allocations resent by KHEAA

Kiley Whitaker

Presentation Notes
KHEAA will be or has already sent you a roster of your students and how many dual credit courses have been paid for using the dual credit scholarship funds. Please note that if you have dual credit and non-dual credit students in one course together, the transcript for one of the groups will need to be edited to show that the students either were dual credit or were not. If you have a student that took a dual credit course before he/she transferred into your school, the difficulty dual credit indicator will need to be remarked on the transcript. KHEAA will be or has already sent you a spring allocation amount for the dual credit scholarship for your district.

Resources Dual Credit Ad-Hoc Report

● State Publishedcurriculum Dual Credit Courses

Dual Credit Course Data Standard Dual Credit Course Indicators Guidance Dual Credit Web Page KHEAA’s Dual Credit Scholarship Web Page KSIS-KHEAA Web Page

42Kiley Whitaker


To ask questions, click: https://app.gosoapbox.com/Access Code: KDEData

43Kiley Whitaker

2017-18 Academic Course Codes Changes

Begins at 10:50 a.m. (ET)

Ask questions and interact with presenters through GoSoapBox: http://app.gosoapbox.com

Access Code: KDEData

2017-18 Academic Couse Codes Changes

Caryn Davidson, Program ConsultantOffice of Teaching and Learning

Kiley Whitaker, Academic Program ManagerOffice of Career and Technical Education

2016-17 Mid-Year Training

Career and Technical Education Changes

• Several courses are being deprecated due to:• No longer being applicable to currently existing career

pathways and/or technical content needed in courses.• Duplication in the content of the courses and/or of

career pathways.• New courses added for new and/or expanded career

pathways in several program areas.• There are many courses that have descriptions, titles,

credits, or other content changes.


Course Title/Description Changes• English Learners: Notes added to course descriptions that align the

course to WIDA standards, and instances of “LEP” changed to “EL.”• World Languages: Many course titles and descriptions have changed

and many new courses have been added to bring greater uniformity to course offerings for different languages.

• Mathematics: Mathematics course descriptions have been updated to provide a more explicit explanation of the content to be taught and where applicable are more reflective of the Kentucky Academic Standards

• Arts: Many course titles and course descriptions have been updated to reflect changes recommended by the State Education Directors of Arts which are more fully aligned with national arts standards. Adding twelve high school courses.

• AP Courses: Descriptions aligned more closely to National AP Course descriptions.


703099 Gifted Course Change

Grade level has changed from 0-12 to 0-5Middle School and High School gifted

students should be assigned to regular course codes


Special Education Course Changes

Several courses are being deprecated Several are changing names Series of courses designed for students

pursuing the Alternate High School Diploma have been added

More detailed information regarding these changes will be communicated to Special Education Directors and Guidance Counselors soon


Alternative High School Diploma Courses Provides fidelity with completion of Courses of Study

statewide Ensures continued instruction in the core subject areas

during grades 9-12 Assists Admissions and Release Committees in

developing individual student alternative multi-year courses of study.

Documents the student completion of the Career Work Experience Certification process

Aligns to the Minimum High School Graduation Requirements for a regular high school diploma

Fulfills Every Student Succeeds Act requirements


Presentation Notes
Every Student Succeeds Act requires an alternate diploma to be standards-based and aligned with the state requirements for a regular diploma.

Alternative High School Diploma Courses This series of courses has been in development for several years and

has been piloted in a few districts during the 2016-17 school year. The series is rolling out statewide for school year 2017-18.

Special Education Cooperatives have been providing information about course of study changes to district teams during the Initial Training for District CCR Teams for students participating in the Alternate Assessment. If your district has not yet received training, please contact your cooperative.

Infinite Campus Scheduling● Should match as closely as possible the schedule in the classroom● KDE anticipates that most teachers will end up having several different

levels of a subject at the same time. New functionality makes it easier to take attendance in concurrent sections

● Schedules should adhere to guidelines in the KDE Pupil Attendance Manual which can be found on the Pupil Attendance Program Documents page


Presentation Notes
Campus has recently added functionality to make attendance taking in multiple concurrent sections easier.

Available Resources

17-18 Academic Course Code List w and w/out certifications

17-18 Academic Course Code Lists by Content Area w and w/out certifications

17-18 All Courses with Elements Changed spreadsheet

17-18 Deprecated Course Codes and substitution suggestions spreadsheet

17-18 Co-op List spreadsheet-coming soon52


Presentation Notes
The resources listed above will be posted to the Kentucky Uniform Academic Course Codes page once they are ready. http://education.ky.gov/curriculum/modcurrframe/Pages/Kentucky-Uniform-Academic-Course-Codes.aspx

Available Resources



Presentation Notes
Documents for 2017-18 will be uploaded to the Kentucky Uniform Academic Course Codes page as soon as they are ready. They will replace the current documents seen on the page, which are currently found mid-way through the page. *Note that a list of EOC courses will not be updated until final decisions have been made. http://education.ky.gov/curriculum/modcurrframe/Pages/Kentucky-Uniform-Academic-Course-Codes.aspx

Available Resources


Presentation Notes
2017-18 documents will replace the current 2016-17 documents on the Kentucky Uniform Academic Course Codes once they are ready. These documents can be found towards the bottom of the page. http://education.ky.gov/curriculum/modcurrframe/Pages/Kentucky-Uniform-Academic-Course-Codes.aspx

Available Resources 17-18 All new course codes spreadsheet


Presentation Notes
A list of all the new course codes for 2017-18 will be posted to the Kentucky Uniform Academic Course Code page once it is ready. Above is a sample screenshot of what it will look like. http://education.ky.gov/curriculum/modcurrframe/Pages/Kentucky-Uniform-Academic-Course-Codes.aspx

Available Resources 17-18 Courses with Changed Elements List


Presentation Notes
A list of all course codes that have experienced a change in one or all of the categories listed in the picture above will be posted to the Kentucky Uniform Academic Course Codes page once it is ready. http://education.ky.gov/curriculum/modcurrframe/Pages/Kentucky-Uniform-Academic-Course-Codes.aspx

Available Resources 17-18 Deprecated Course Codes and

substitution suggestions spreadsheet


Presentation Notes
A complete list of courses that are being deprecated along with substitution recommendations (if applicable) will be posted to the Kentucky Uniform Academic Course Codes page once it is ready. This will be an especially useful tool to check for deprecated codes that may have automatically rolled over from the year before and need to be manually fixed. http://education.ky.gov/curriculum/modcurrframe/Pages/Kentucky-Uniform-Academic-Course-Codes.aspx

Contact Information


Presentation Notes
This is a partial list of contact information for specific subject areas, which can be found at the bottom of the Kentucky Uniform Academic Course Codes page. Caryn Davidson and Kiley Whitaker are always your best bet if you aren’t sure who to contact! http://education.ky.gov/curriculum/modcurrframe/Pages/Kentucky-Uniform-Academic-Course-Codes.aspx



January Growth Factor Guidelines

Begins at 11:20 a.m. (ET)

Ask questions and interact with presenters through GoSoapBox: http://app.gosoapbox.com

Access Code: KDEData

January Growth Factor Training

Ronda Devine, Education ConsultantOffice of Finance and Operations

Student Tracking and Transportation BranchKDE Division of District Support

2016-17 Mid-Year Training

Overview of January Growth Factor Report



The purpose of the January Growth Factor is to provide schools the opportunity to request a recalculation of funds if the current year average daily attendance for the school month chosen (month 5 or 6) with the most attendance days in January of the current school year, exceeds the prior year adjusted average daily attendance plus growth by at least one percent (1%).


Focus Area

The report includes the following information for the school month chosen with the most attendance days in January of the current school year:

● aggregate days of attendance ● race and gender count ● home and hospital● adjustments for less than full-time attendance● nonresident/non-contract students● overage and underage students

Note: All information is reported by school, grade level and by transportation code


Due Date

The January Growth Factor is due five days after the last day of the school month chosen with the most attendance days in January (month 5 or 6) of the current school year, but not later than February 20th of each school year.


Presentation Notes
KRS 157.360 (15) “During the fiscal year, a school district may request that the Department of Education recalculate its funds allocated under this section if the current year average daily attendance for the twenty (20) day school month as defined in KRS 158.060 (1) that contains the most days within the calendar month of January exceeds the prior year adjusted average daily attendance plus growth by at least one percent (1%). Any adjustments in the allotments approved under this subsection shall be proportional to the remaining days in the school year and subject to available funds under the program to support education excellence in Kentucky.”


January Growth Factor is not a requirement District calendars must be up to date in Infinite

Campus prior to submission T-Codes must be up to date in Infinite Campus prior to

submission District will submit SAAR report to KDE with the

records 5, 7, 9 and H attendance data The same data cleanup rules apply as with a SAAR or

a 2nd month Growth Factor If a district does not incur any growth or shows a loss

in ADA, there is no deduction of program funding to the district


Calculating January Growth Factor67

Calculation January Growth Factor

January Growth Factor is based upon the school month with the most attendance days in the month of January

Starts with the SAAR Record 7 Aggregate Days Attendance for Kindergarten and 1-12

SAAR Record 9 days (overage, underage, non-contract days) are subtracted

Calculation then takes half of the Kindergarten days and adds that to the total 1-12 days

The number is then divided by the number of attendance days in the reporting months to get January Growth Factor AADA

Note: January AADA must exceed the previous year’s SAAR kindergarten adjusted AADA plus Growth from the current year Growth Factor Report to be eligible to receive additional funds


Calculation January Growth Factor

If the month selected (month 5 or 6), exceeds the prior year Adjusted Average Daily Attendance (AADA), plus growth by at least 1%, then an adjustment in your district SEEK payments shall be proportional to the remaining days in the school year.

Note: This is subject to availability of funds


Presentation Notes
Growth Factor is a Subset of SAAR GF Record 1 = SAAR Record 5 GF Record 2 = SAAR Record 7 GF Record 4 = SAAR Record 9 GF Record H= SAAR Record H GF Record 1 = Ethnic Count GF Record 2 = Aggregate Attendance and Absence GF Record 4 = Non-Contract/Overage/Underage GF Record H = Home Hospital

Calculation January Growth Factor

Prior Year AADA ● Use the AADA with Kindergarten adjustment plus Growth

(Growth count generated from Fall Growth Factor numbers)● Second month growth % is calculated as follows:

(Current Year – Prior Year) divided by Prior YearExample: (1153.975-1140.419)/ 1140.419 = a growth % of 1.1886

● Growth Count is generated as follows: Growth % is multiplied by the Prior Year EOY AADA submitted on SAARExample: SAAR AADA = 1121.519. So, 1121.519 x 1.1886 = a

growth count of 13.33● Growth count of 13.33 should be added to the Prior Year EOY AADA

(SAAR) 1121.519 to generate Prior Year AADA Plus Growth of 1134.849. This is the AADA that your SEEK funding is based on.


Calculation January Growth Factor

Determine if January Growth Factor AADA greater than 1% of the Prior Year AADA plus Growth

● Prior Year adjusted average daily attendance plus growth = 1134.849

● January Growth Factor % of growth is calculated as follows: (JanGF AADA – Prior Year EOY plus Growth)/Prior Year EOY plus GrowthExample January % of Growth (1154.825-1134.849)/ 1134.849 = .017

Note: If there was not growth during the Fall Growth Factor submission, then calculate the Prior Year EOY plus Growth would be equal to Prior Year EOY plus zero


Calculation January Growth Factor

January Growth Factor AADA is greater than 1% of the Prior Year AADA plus Growth If your district has determined they meet the

requirements for growth, the following reports in Infinite Campus must be done, prior to submitting the January Growth Factor report


January Growth Factor Adjustments


Record 2 Aggregate Days Attendance and Absence

State Enrollment Overlap ReportPath: Student Information > Reports > State Enrollment Overlap

Overlaps occur when the begin/end dates of one primary enrollment overlap with that of a second primary enrollment record for the same student

The Report will identify these overlapping recordsOne day overlaps are allowed and should remain with the

exception of a one day overlap in the same district. Be very careful which enrollment record you end date as

attendance and grades are tied to enrollment

Action: Correct enrollment overlaps


Record 2 Aggregate Days Attendance and Absence

Student Schedule GapsPath: KY State Reporting > Edit Reports > Schedule Gap Report

Description: Used to locate student schedule gaps. Shows any days the student has schedule gaps from the enrollment

begin date to the withdrawal date

Action: Correct any schedule gaps Perform this for any withdrawn students as well, since they do affect

the attendance reports


Record 2 Aggregate Days Attendance and Absence

Students with no end date or end statusPath: Ad Hoc Reporting > Filter Designer > State Published > Student Enrollments Missing End Date/Status

Description: Generates a list of students with no end date and/or no end status on their enrollment record

Action: Correct end status errors


Record 2 Aggregate Days Attendance and Absence

Audit Missing T CodesPath: Ad Hoc Reporting > Filter Designer > State Published

Description: All students should have a T code associated with their school enrollment record.

Run the Missing T code filter for each school

Action: Assign a transportation code and enter a date segment for students. Transportation segments are school specific.

An enrollment record at each school should have a transportation record associated with it


Path: System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Periods Tab

Ensure no time gap from period end to period start. Include passing time, lunch time and recess within periods.

Record 2 Aggregate Days Attendance and Absence

Close Gaps in Period Schedules


Record 2State Attendance Groups

Path: Ad Hoc Reporting > Filter Designer > State Published

Description: This ad hoc can be used to identify students with a partial day attendance group

Action: Ensure the setup is correct for partial day students

Audit Partial Day


Record 2State Attendance Groups

Verify start date, start time and end time match the student’s IEP (as applicable)


Record 2State Attendance Groups

Missing Enrollment End Status ReportPath: KY State Reporting>Edit Reports>Missing Enrollment End Status Report

Description: Identifies students who have an enrollment with an end date but no associated end status

Action: Fix end date status


Record 4Non-Contract / Overage – Underage Attendance

Non-Resident Contract StudentsPath: Ad Hoc Reporting > Filter Designer > State Published > Student Audit Nonresident Noncontract

Description: Students who are not a resident of that district Verify that non-resident students have a contract file

Action: The ‘Resident District’ value should be maintained by the district to indicate the resident district of any student who does not reside in the district


Record 4Non-Contract / Overage – Underage Attendance

Overage/UnderagePath: KY State Reporting > Edit Reports > Overage/Underage Report

Description: Report identifies underage/overage students for further review

Action: Run this report for “All Schools, All Calendars

Note: Overage students will not qualify for funding on or after their 21st birthday


Record 4Non-Contract / Overage – Underage Attendance

Under AgeThere are two categories for Under Age students:

● A Grade 00 student is considered “Under Age” for the entire year if their 5th birthday occurs after October 1st of the reporting year

● A Grade 01 student is considered “Under Age” for the entire year if their 6th birthday occurs after October 1st of the reporting year


Presentation Notes
An underage student will not receive funding for the entire year unless they qualify for a waiver and the waiver checkbox is marked on the enrollment tab. This is indicated on the waiver checkbox on the Enrollment tab under State Reporting Fields. The student underage report can be used to verify that students are correctly marked for the waiver. Note: Beginning with the 2017-18 school year, the entry date changes from October 1st to August 1st.

Record 4Non-Contract / Overage – Underage AttendanceSuspension Attendance LinkagePath: KY State Reporting > Edit Reports > Suspension Attendance Linkage Identifies students who were suspended and have invalid data

Attendance data not entered properly to match a behavior resolution

The behavior resolution doesn’t match attendance data for a state coded suspension

The state suspension code SSP3 – Out of School Suspension Requires the proper associated state attendance code of S – Suspension matches exactly the

date/time of the resolution

It is also possible a user could input the Suspension attendance entry date without having the associated behavior resolution



Expulsion Attendance ReportPath: KY State Reporting > Edit > Reports > Expulsion Attendance Report

Description: Identifies students who were expelled with state code SSP2 Have invalid data due to the attendance data not being entered properly to

match the start date Or end date/time for the behavior resolution does not match

Action: The state Expulsion code SSP2 for Expulsion Not Receiving Services requires that a student have a standard attendance event for Absent / Unexcused that matches exactly the start and end date at the time of resolution


State Attendance Groups

Audit Home and HospitalPath: Ad Hoc Reporting > Filter Designer > State Published > Student Audit Home Hospital

Description: Identifies students in any of the attendance groups

In the example, this query will return any Home and Hospital (HH) students of attendance group = HH

Action: Ensure the attendance is marked properly for the HH students


State Attendance Groups

Audit Home and Hospital Use the IC Attendance Wizard to mark the student’s

attendance as HH from the initial date of entry into the HH program until the end of the school year

This prevents teachers from taking attendance for a student who is in the HH attendance group)

When the student returns to school, remove the HH attendance code using the Attendance Wizard

The student’s HH attendance group record should be end dated upon the student’s return to the regular school program via the Attendance Group tab


State Attendance GroupsHome and Hospital Any student eligible for HH must be put in the HH attendance

group to receive full funding through the SEEK

Note: Districts with a separate HH only school (i.e., 998, 999 schools) must enroll every student in the HH attendance group


State Attendance GroupsHome and Hospital – Example Ad hoc report

Verification Steps (Student with Home Hospital from 11/14/08 to 12/12/08)

Verify the student’s attendance is marked as home hospital from the student’s Home and Hospital start date to the end date. In the example above several common errors are shown. The student has HH attendance marked before the Home and Hospital start date of 11/14/2008. The end date is marked as absent unexcused on 12/12/2008: the correct attendance event should be HH.

Home and Hospital students are required to be served a minimum of two sessions of one hour in length per visit per five consecutive instructional days. A single missed Home and Hospital session should have an absence of 2.5 instructional days.


Half-Day Kindergarten

Path: System Administration > Calendar > Grade Levels

Districts may have half-day kindergarten classes. KDE’s policy is to only provide funding for 50% of kindergarten school days. This funding adjustment is made at KDE.

Half Day Kindergarten (HDK): School services half-day kindergarten

Full Day Kindergarten (FDK): School services full-day kindergarten

Both Half Day and Full Day Kindergarten (BDK): School services both

Every kindergarten grade in a school should be coded as BDK: Full and Half Day Kindergarten, FDK: Full Day Kindergarten or HDK: Half Day Kindergarten.


Submission Process


Steps for Submission

1. Choose the Correct School Month

Look at Month 5 and Month 6 dates

Compare the dates to the Calendar Report in order to determine which month has the most Attendancedays in January

Path: System Admin > Calendar > Calendar > School Months


Steps for Submission

Look at January on the Calendar Report and count the attendance days in Month 5 and Month 6 to determine which month has the most Attendance days in January

1. Choose the Correct School Month

In the example, Month 5 and 6 both have eleven school days but Month 5 only has ten attendance days since it has one NTI day in the count

Path: System Admin > Calendar > Calendar > School Months (Print)


Steps for Submission


NTI Days Path: System Admin > Calendar > Calendar >Days

IF you are using a month WITH an NTI Day for January Growth Factor, please use the following instructions Leave the “N: Non-traditional Instruction” day on the calendar

In the Day Detail – Take the check off the “Instruction” box

Run January Growth Factor

Submit January Growth Factor

Go back to the N day on the calendar and put the check back on to the “Instruction” box

This must be done on every calendar

Steps for Submission


NTI Days IF you are NOT submitting a January Growth Factor, or you ARE submitting a

January Growth Factor, but neither month includes an N day, please use the following instructions for marking NTI days on your calendars

Day event - N: Non-traditional Instruction

School Day - Checked

Instruction - Checked

Attendance - Unchecked

Steps for Submission2. SAAR Records, Extract Format and File Saving

Report Options:

Extract Format = State Format (Fixed width)

School Month = 5 or 6 (whichever one has the most attendance days in January.)

Select Calendars = Check ‘All Calendars’

Year = 16-17 Report Types = R5, R7, R9, RH Select ‘Generate Report’

Path: KY State Reporting > SAAR Report


Presentation Notes
The records to be selected are equivalent to the same records submitted on the 2nd month Growth Factor Report.

Steps for Submission

3. The following will appear when file is generating

File Download box will appear. Click “Save As”


Steps for Submission

4. Name the File and SaveA ‘Save As’ box will appear


Steps for Submission

5. File name should be entered as:

Jangfxxxxx.16 (first three x’s = digit district number, last two x’s = 2-digit school month)

Example: Burgin Independent (072), School month 6 (06), School Year 2017 (.17)=



Steps for Submission

6. Submit the file

Each district’s January GF file is submitted via a website link HERE

Submitted file goes through error check

Errors need to be fixed unless there is an exceptionSome Errors are warnings

An error may be excusable with an explanation in the comment box

District would consult with person at KDE processing the report


Presentation Notes

Steps for Submission

7. Follow the prompts

Locate the file

Check your file

Review any errors


Submit Your File

8. Send With Proper Names and E-mail Addresses

Submission can be completed by entering contact information A confirmation e-mail will

be sent A report will be sent back

for verification


Steps for Submission

Common Error Messages● Record 5 - Invalid grade submitted-preschool ● Record 7 - FDK, BDK, or HDK used for grade that is not EL (00) ● Record 7 - Attendance entered without days taught ● Record 7 - Days taught entered without attendance (ignorable if virtual or

performance based) ● Record 9 - Non-Contract student count entered without attendance ● Record 9 - Non-Contract attendance entered without student count ● Record 9 - Over/Underage student count entered without attendance ● Record 9 - Over/Underage attendance entered without student count ● Record H - Home Hospital attendance entered without students ● Record H - Home Hospital students entered without attendance● Record H - Attendance entered without days taught


Steps for Submission

Common Mistakes

Always run an Enrollment Overlap report. KDE will not process a report until all overlaps with more than one day are corrected.

If your file will not download, use a different browser. Most people are successful with Internet Explorer.

If your report totals do not match correctly, you may have to run the report again. Make sure you delete the old report and then run a new one before sending it again. If you don’t delete the original report, the computer usually picks the old and re-sends the same information.


KDE Contact Information

KDE is available for questions during the January Growth Factor submission process.

Please contact Ronda Devine at 502-564-5279, Extension 4444, or via email at [email protected] for information and assistance.


SAAR Submission

Begins at 11:35 a.m. (ET)

Ask questions and interact with presenters through GoSoapBox: http://app.gosoapbox.com

Access Code: KDEData

SAAR Submission

Ronda Devine, Education ConsultantStudent Tracking, Health and Transportation Branch

KDE Division of District Support

2016-17 Mid-Year Training

Presentation Notes
The Mid-Year training sessions will be recorded and available for reference on the KSIS Training Web page in approximately 7 – 10 days.


Overview Preparation

● Quality Review and Assurance


Ronda Devine 109

Overview of SAAR Report



The Superintendent’s Annual Attendance Report (SAAR) provides year-end attendance information used to calculate the school district’s enrollment, membership, average daily membership (ADM), percent of attendance, home and hospital ADA and adjusted average daily attendance (AADA)

Ronda Devine 111

Due Date

The SAAR is due to KDE by June 30● It is strongly encouraged that districts submit

and verify their reports as soon as possible after the last student day of the school year

Ronda Devine 112

Focus AreaThe SAAR includes the following information for the entire school year’s aggregate days attendances and absences:

● Race and Gender count

● Adjustments for less than full-time attendance (Partial Day)

● Nonresident/Non-contract

● Overage and Underage

● Virtual/Performance Based Proficient

● Eligible suspensions and eligible expulsions

● Low attendance days

Ronda Devine 113

Presentation Notes
Up to 10 (ten) low attendance days due to weather Up to 10 (ten) days, KDE Approved Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) Five (5) lowest attendance days. All information is reported by school, grade level, and by transportation code

SAAR Focus Area Records

Record Description

Record 1 Calendar

Record 2 Enrollment/Reenrollment

Record 3 Withdrawals

Record 5 Ethnic Count (R2 - R3 = R5)

Record 7 Aggregate Attendance

Ronda Devine 114

SAAR Focus Area RecordsRecord Description Definition

Record 9 Non-Contract/ Over Age -Under Age Attendance

‘Non Contract Aggregate Days Present’ is the amount of attendance for a student who was either non-contract, overage or underage that will be deducted from base (subtraction from the base).

Record H Home Hospital Attendance

Already included in base attendance (R7). RH record comes to KDE for the Home and Hospital ADA calculation. This is funded separately.

Record L Five Low Attendance Days

‘Aggregate Low Attendance Days Present Total’ (subtraction from base).

Record W Ten Low Attendance Weather Days

‘Aggregate Low Weather Attendance Days Present’ (addition to the base). The SAAR report reflects Full AADA with no adjustment made for kindergarten.

Ronda Devine 115

Presentation Notes
Record L equals the aggregate days attendance for the five (5) lowest attendance days district-wide, when all schools are in session. Record W is the aggregate day’s attendance for both kindergarten and P-12 for each of selected number of low weather attendance days will be replace by last year’s kindergarten and P-12 AADA.

SAAR Adjustments


Non-Traditional Instruction Days (NTI)

Record N = Non-Traditional Instruction Days (NTI) can be used on a day when school facilities are closed due to a weather or health/safety related issue. A Non-Traditional yearly plan must be approved by KDE, prior to the new school year. NTI days are considered a school day with instruction.

No transportation iscalculated for N days

Path>System Administration>

Calendar>Calendar> Days

Ronda Devine

Uncheck the Attendance Box


Presentation Notes
If the Office of Innovation denies any of a district’s NTI days, those days will need to be changed to a different appropriate day code. It is important to note - NTI days will artificially inflate the ADA/ADM report when included in the report. Please make those using the report aware of this inflation. Also, if your calendar includes an NTI day during the months for January Growth Factor, please call Ronda Devine for direction, as this currently causes issues for that report.

Non-Traditional Instruction Days (NTI)

NTI days appear here


Adjusted AADA - Kindergarten

Adjusted Average Daily Attendance ● The state of Kentucky provides funding for 50% (half) of

kindergarten ADA, even if a school district chooses full day of kindergarten. This funding adjustment is made after submission of the SAAR to KDE.

Kindergarten Retention● If a student is retained in kindergarten with a grade

level of 00 for the first year and 00 for the second year, grade 00 will be adjusted for the second year also. (= ½ SEEK ADA)

Ronda Devine 119

Calculation of SAAR AADA

Base Aggregate Days Present (R7) + Adjustment Aggregate Days Present (R7) + (Last Year’s SAAR AADA * (Sum of Weather Days, NTI days) – Low Attendance Weather (RW), NTI Days, Aggregate Low Attendance Days Present (RL), Aggregate Days Present (R9)) divided by Number of Days Taught minus 5

R7 + R7 adjustment + AADA (W+N) – (W–N-RL-R9)Instructional Days – 5

Ronda Devine 120

SAAR Report Submission Steps

Quality Review

Enter Low Attendance Days

Generate SAAR Report

Submit SAAR to KDE

Verify SAAR with KDE121

Quality Review Process


Preparing for the SAAR To begin preparation for the SAAR, review your data:

State Enrollment Overlap Report Ethnicity/Missing Enrollment End Status Kindergarten Full-Day/Half-Day Indicator ADA/ADM Report – Full Year Student Schedule Gap Overlapping T-Codes/Missing T-Codes Period Schedule Gaps Non-Resident Students Overage/Underage Suspension/Expulsion Partial Day Students Home Hospital Students


Presentation Notes
Preparation for the SAAR should be done throughout the year.

Record 7 - Aggregate Days Attendance and Absences

State Enrollment Overlap Path: Student Information>Reports>State Enrollment Overlap

Description: Enrollment overlaps occur when the begin/end dates of one primary enrollment overlap with that of a second primary enrollment record for the same student. KDE will not process a district SAAR until all overlaps of more than one day are corrected.

Action: Correct enrollment overlaps.

Ronda Devine124

Presentation Notes
The State Enrollment Overlap report will identify these overlapping records, which should be corrected. One day overlaps are allowed and should remain within Infinite Campus with the exception of a one day overlap within the same district. Be very careful which enrollment record you end date as attendance and grades are tied to enrollment.

Record 5 - Ethnic Count

Run Records 2 and 3 of SAAR Select extract format of PDF, All Calendars,

and date range should be blank

Ethnic Count R2 (Enrollment + Reenrollment) – R3 (Withdrawals) = R5

Ronda Devine 125

Presentation Notes
Note: Ethnicity codes may not match if a withdrawal code was left off or if a student was enrolled and their ethnicity was entered in during enrollment. These are the first two places to check if codes do not match properly. Enrollment – Withdrawals = Ethnicity Count

Record 3 Withdrawals

Missing Enrollment End Status Report Path: KY State Reporting>Edit Reports>Missing Enrollment End Status Report

Description: Identifies students who have an enrollment with an end date but no associated end status

Action: Add an end status to enrollment

Ronda Devine 126

Record 7 - Aggregate Days Attendance and Absences


The appropriate kindergarten code is selected from the dropdown menu:BDK: Full and Half Day KindergartenFDK: Full Day KindergartenHDK: Half Day Kindergarten

Ronda Devine 127

Presentation Notes
Districts may have full or half-day kindergarten classes or a combination of both.

Kindergarten Attendance Path: System Administration> Calendar>Calendar> Grade Levels

Ronda Devine 128

Record 7 – Aggregate Days Attendance and Absence

Student Schedule Gaps Path: KY State Reporting>KDE Reports>Schedule Gap Report

Description: Used to locate student schedule gaps

Action: Correct any schedule gaps for any dates shown on this report. Perform this for any withdrawn students as well, since they do affect the attendance reports.

Note: Virtual and Performance-Based courses will show a gap, this does not need to be corrected.

Ronda Devine 129

Presentation Notes
The report shows any period and term the student has schedule gaps from the enrollment begin date to the withdrawal date (if applicable).

Record 7 – Aggregate Days Attendance and Absence

Audit Overlapping T Codes Path: Ad Hoc Reporting>Filter Designer>State Published

Description: Student records with overlapping transportation codes need to be corrected. Run this query for each school.

Action: Correct any overlapping transportation records.

Ronda Devine 130

Presentation Notes
Note: If the Year is set to the current school year, the search function for this ad hoc will only find students active within the current year with a T-code overlap.

Record 7 – Aggregate Days Attendance and Absence

Audit Missing T-Codes Path: Ad Hoc Reporting>Filter Designer>State Published Description: All students should have a T-Code

associated with their school enrollment records.

Action: Run the Missing T-Code filter for each school. Assign a transportation code and enter a date segment for students.

Ronda Devine 131

Presentation Notes
Transportation segments are school specific. An enrollment record at each school should have a transportation record associated with it.

Record 7 – Aggregate Days Attendance and Absence

Close Gaps in Period Schedules

Path: System Administration> Calendar> Calendar> Periods Tab

Ronda Devine 132

Presentation Notes
You want to make sure passing time is scheduled in with class time so there are no gaps in time throughout the day.

Record 9 -Non-Contract/Overage/Underage

Non-Resident Non-Contract Students

Path: Ad Hoc Reporting>Filter Designer>State Published >Student Audit Non-Resident Non-Contract Description: Student Audit Non-Resident Non-Contract

ad hoc identifies students who are non-residents and do not have a contract agreement

Action: Verify these students reside outside the district and the districts do not have a contract between them

Verify all students who are non-resident/non-contract are on the list

Ronda Devine 133

Presentation Notes
R9 Non contract Detail Students appear on the R9 Non Contract detail report when they meet the criteria for the Non Contract sections of Record 9 (Non-Contract Over/Under Attendance).

Record 9 -Non-Contract/Overage/Underage

Non-Resident Contract StudentsPath: Ad Hoc Reporting>Filter Designer>State Published >Student Audit Nonresident Contracts

Description: The Student Audit Non-Resident Contracts ad hoc identifies students who are non-resident and do have a contract agreement

Action: Verify that non-resident students have a contract on file.

Note: The ‘Resident District’ value should be maintained by the district to indicate the resident district of any student who does not reside in the district. If students on this ad hoc do not reside outside of your district, remove the resident district from their enrollment.

Ronda Devine 134

Presentation Notes
Record 9 is where you will find Resident Student information R9 Over Age/Under Age Detail Students appear on the R9 detail report when they meet the criteria for the Over Age/Under Age sections of Record 9 (Non-Contract Over/Under Attendance).

Record 9 -Non-Contract/Overage/Underage

Below is the proper set up for a Non-Contract studentPath: Student Information > General > Attendance Group Tab

Ronda Devine 135

Record 9 -Non-Contract/Overage/Underage

Below is proper set up for a Contract studentPath: Student Information > General > Enrollments

Ronda Devine 136

Record 9 -Non-Contract/Overage/Underage

Underage There are two categories for Underage students:

Grade 00 students are considered “Underage” for the entire year if their 5th birthday occurs after October 1st of the reporting year.

Grade 01 students are considered “Underage” for the entire year if their 6th birthday occurs after October 1st of the reporting year.

Ronda Devine 137

Presentation Notes
An underage student will not receive funding for the entire year unless they qualify for a waiver and the Waiver checkbox is marked on the enrollment tab under State Reporting Fields. The Overage/Underage Report can be used to verify that students are correctly marked for the waiver. Starting in SY 17-18 the kindergarten entry age will change to August 1st. A child must be age 5 by this date to enter kindergarten or receive a waiver by the district. More information on this will be shared with districts and shareholders this fall.

Record 9 -Non-Contract/Overage/Underage

Overage/UnderagePath: KY State Reporting>Edit Reports> Overage/Underage Report

Description: Identifies underage/overage students for further review.

Run this report for “All Schools, All Calendars”

Action: Check the list for accuracy of student DOB or that all students with a waiver are correctly identified

Ronda Devine 138

Presentation Notes
Note: Overage students will not qualify for funding on the SAAR on or after their 21st birthday.

Record 9 – Non-Contract / Overage –Underage Attendance

Grade 14 - Special Education Students participating in Alternate Assessment

● Student must turn 17 years of age on or before October 1st of current school year

● Must have progressed through a grade 12 assessments

New State Grade Level 20● Post-Secondary

● Taking adult classes

● Marked state exclude

● Scheduled into a calendar marked Exclude

Note: This code should not be used for a student under 21 that has not receive their diploma.

Ronda Devine 139

Suspension AttendancePath: KY State Reporting>Edit Reports>Suspension Attendance Description: The Suspension Attendance Report identifies

students who were suspended and have invalid data because:● Attendance data was not entered properly to match a behavior


● Behavior resolution doesn’t match attendance data for a state coded suspension.

Action: The suspension code SSP3 – Out of School Suspension requires the proper state attendance code of S.

Note: Sometimes this report shows errors when days are shortened, but they are not actually errors.

Ronda Devine 140

Presentation Notes
Suspension matches exactly the date / time of the resolution. There is also the possibility that a user could input the Suspension attendance entry date without having the associated behavior resolution.


Expulsion Attendance Report Path: KY State Reporting>Edit Reports>Expulsion Attendance Report

Description: Identifies those students who were expelled

Action: State expulsion code SSP2 for Expulsion Not Receiving Services requires that a student have a standard attendance event of Absent / Unexcused for all attendance days from the start date to the end date of the behavior resolution.

Ronda Devine 141

Presentation Notes
Note: This report does not include SSP1 for students Expelled, Receiving Services. Attendance must be taken for these services.

State Attendance Groups

Audit Partial DayPath: Ad Hoc Reporting>Filter Designer>State Published> Student Audit Partial Day

Description: Identifies students with a Partial Day attendance group. (i.e., Students with IEPs whose LRE is partial day.)

Action: Ensure that the setup is correct for partial day students.

Ronda Devine 142

State Attendance Groups

Verify start date, start time and end time match the student’s IEP (as applicable). Further information on partial day setup is available through the Attendance Data Standard


Ronda Devine 143

State Attendance Groups

Audit Home and HospitalPath: Ad Hoc Reporting>Filter Designer>State Published

Description: Identifies students in the HH attendance group

Action: Ensure that attendance is marked properly for the HH students.

Ronda Devine 144

Presentation Notes
RH Detail  Students appear on the RH detail report when they meet the criteria for Record H (Home-Hospital Attendance). The detail report provides a student-level summary of attendance data using the same criteria and calculation as the primary record, Record H.

State Attendance Groups

Home and HospitalAny student eligible for HH must be put in the HH attendance group to receive supplemental funding through SEEK.

Ronda Devine 145

Presentation Notes
Note: Districts with a separate HH only school (i.e., 998, 999 schools) must enroll every student in the HH attendance group.

Low Attendance Days


Entering Low Attendance Days

After the quality assurance checks, perform the following:Run District Daily Attendance Report

Check to see if any days are less than last year’s AADA

Enter appropriate L Days


Low Attendance Days

All schools must be in session Five lowest days are automatically made L

DaysDays where attendance is less than last year’s

AADA can qualify for a low weather day Low Weather Day – L Code shows on Record W

Note: Z-Day – Do not use the Health and Safety Day


Presentation Notes
Note: Low weather only needs to be entered on one calendar in the district

SAAR District Daily Attendance

Prior Year AADA Without Adjustments


District Daily Attendance ReportThe District Daily Attendance Report should be used to determine low attendance weather days (W)

Path: KY State Reporting > SAAR Report > District Daily Attendance

Example: Previous Year AADA = 1,148.50

Below Previous Year AADA


District Daily Attendance ReportPrevious Year AADA = 1,148.50

After the five (5) lowest attendance days are deducted, a district may request an adjustment for up to ten (10) additional days when district attendance was low due to weather-related conditions if all schools were in session.

If the district’s request is approved, the aggregate attendance for each day is deducted and replaced with prior year ADA, prior to calculating the district’s ADA.

Districts must keep documentation in the central office supporting the weather-related conditions that impacted attendance.


Presentation Notes
The district average daily attendance on these dates must be lower than the prior year average daily attendance (ADA) for the adjustment to be approved.

District Attendance - L DaysPath: System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days

This only needs to be done on 1 calendar per district


Presentation Notes
Add a low weather day to the calendar

SAAR Report

ArrWeather Days

Low Attendance


Presentation Notes
You will also note that NTI Days are found in between the two reports as well. The five low attendance days are listed in the red box. These days are automatically chosen.

Submission of SAAR to KDE


SAAR Submission

Generate the SAAR – State Format and PDF Archive the PDF in a secure location Submit SAAR through KDE Website



Creating the SAAR State Format Fixed WidthSteps

1. Extract “State Format” (Fixed width) Format

2. Date Range - leave the date fields blank

3. Report Selection marked as “All Reports”

4. Enter in last year’s Full SAAR AADA (relative for low attendance weather days)

5. Select “All Calendars”

6. Click Generate Report

7. File name saved as SAARXXX.YY (XXX = District Number, YY= School Year) SAAR011.17

8. Submit file to KDE.

Ronda Devine 156

Presentation Notes
Note: The same process as listed above should also be completed to generate the SAAR PDF for verification purposes. The SAAR PDF should be generated immediately following the SAAR State Format report. If the SAAR PDF is completed at a later time, the information on the two reports may not match. Select the Extract Format as PDF with no other changes and generate the reports. Save these reports in the event they are needed for comparison purposes.

Submission of the SAAR to KDE Each district’s SAAR State Format file is submitted via the internet

on the KDE website at: http://opsupport.education.ky.gov/saar/

Ronda Devine 157

Submission of the SAAR to KDE The file is submitted and goes through an error check

process. Any errors found are listed on this page.

Note: Errors must be corrected before the submission process is complete. School district personnel may consult with the KDE SAAR contact person for questions regarding errors.

Ronda Devine 158

Submission of the SAAR to KDE

Once errors are corrected, the submission process is completed via the KDE website

Please enter names as they appear in the global E-mail list

Ronda Devine 159

Submission of the SAAR to KDE

Once your file is submitted it is reviewed at KDE◦ Your district will be contacted if KDE finds any discrepancies

KDE will send the SAAR Summary back to you for verification◦ Once all districts have sent KDE an official email message verifying their SAAR,

the process is complete

Ronda Devine 160

Presentation Notes
Any revisions to the SAAR need to go through Ronda. Call her prior to submitting the revised SAAR.

SAAR Guidance Documentation

The SAAR Submission booklet is available from the KDE SAAR file submission Web site

● Includes Error Checks● Step by step guidelines

Ronda Devine 161


Additional information is available in the appendix● SAAR Detail Reports


KDE Contact Information

KDE is available for questions during the SAAR submission process.

Please contact Ronda Devine for information and assistance: 502-564-5279, ext. 4444 or via email at [email protected]

Ronda Devine 163



SAAR Detail Reports

Provide additional information using the same selection criteria, attendance calculation and business logic as the primary records● Offers additional information at the student level to aid in

troubleshooting and analysis● Offers school-level listings of individual students who

appear on the corresponding SAAR records.

Select the “Detail” option in the extract editor for any of the following records: RV, RS, RX, R9 and RH. (For detail-level information on R7, refer to the ADA/ADM Detail report.)

Ronda Devine 165

Presentation Notes
Detail reports respond in the same manner as their primary records of SAAR for all extract editor features: ad hoc, grade, calendar select, school month selection, and date range.

SAAR Detail Reports

Detail Reports

Ronda Devine 166

SAAR Detail Reports

Record V = Virtual: Virtual Proficient Aggregate Attendance Days’ attendance for students who receive a proficient (pass) grade are populated on this record.

Record S = Suspension: Eligible (10 day) Out of School Suspension Aggregate Absent Days (SSP3) attendance for students who have been suspended appear on this record (up to 10 days per student).

Record X = Expulsion: ‘District Eligible Expelled Aggregate Absent Days’ (SSP1 + SSP2) attendance for students who have been expelled appear on this record, up to 175 of eligible expulsion days per student

Ronda Devine 167

Presentation Notes
Records below will not be available when the ‘state format fixed width’ (text file) is ran. The records will be populated on R7 under the column ‘Adjusted Aggregate Days’. All are additions to the base.

SAAR Detail ReportsRV Detail

Students appear on the RV Detail report when they meet the criteria for Record V (Virtual/Performance). The detail report provides a list of students who are proficient.

RS Detail

Students appear on the RS Detail report when they meet the criteria for Record S (Suspension Aggregate Attendance). The detail report provides a student-level summary of attendance data using the same criteria and calculation as the primary record, Record S.

RX Detail

Students appear on the RX Detail report when they meet the criteria for Record X (Expulsion Aggregate Attendance). The detail report provides a student-level summary of attendance data using the same criteria and calculation as the primary record, Record X.

Ronda Devine 168

Change to Kindergarten Entry Age for SY 17-18

Begins at 1:05 p.m. (ET)

Ask questions and interact with presenters through GoSoapBox: http://app.gosoapbox.com

Access Code: KDEData

Change to Kindergarten Entry Age for SY 17-18

Bill Buchanan, Early Learning LiaisonOffice of Teaching and Learning

Division of Program Standards&

Cheri Meadows, Branch ManagerOffice of Finance and Operations

Division of District Support

Session Overview

Highlights of SB 24 (2012) and SB 201 (2015) Analysis Potential options Communications Next steps


Summary of SB 24 and SB 201 In 2012, SB 24 changed the statutory cut-off date for initial

admission to public schools from October 1 to August 1 and created an early enrollment option for those students not meeting the birthday deadline but wishing to attend kindergarten.

In 2015, SB 201 amended the statute to allow school districts to charge tuition to those early admission students enrolled according to the district’s policy and the district’s school readiness evaluation. The 2015 statutory change also now allows early admission students, enrolled under the district’s policy, to be counted in the district’s average daily attendance (ADA) for the calculation of SEEK.


Presentation Notes
Age change took effect with SB 24 in 2012: http://www.lrc.ky.gov/record/12rs/SB24.htm SEEK change and http://www.lrc.ky.gov/record/15rs/SB201.htm

Kindergarten Entry Age

KRS 158.030 raises the entry age for K students

School Year Grade Age Requirement

SY 16-17 99 4 yrs old on 8/1

SY 16-17 00 5 yrs old on 10/1

SY 17-18 99 4 yrs old on 8/1

SY 17-18 00 5 yrs old on 8/1 New

See the full law here: http://www.lrc.ky.gov/Statutes/statute.aspx?id=44468


Presentation Notes
Age change took effect with SB 24 in 2012: http://www.lrc.ky.gov/record/12rs/SB24.htm SEEK change and http://www.lrc.ky.gov/record/15rs/SB201.htm

Why is this important?

• Entering kindergarten later is associated with academic achievement and the benefits are even greater for disadvantaged children Rand Corporation, 2005

• Smooth transition is another indicator of school success Shulting, Malone, Dodge, 2005


SEEK and Enrollment Procedures



51,500 (87%)

6,775 (13%)

Count of Kindergarten Students SY 15-16

Total KG Students

DOB Month: August 1st - October 1st

Note: Beginning in SY 17-18 these 6,775 students will not be eligible for KG under state law unless the district allows for a waiver.

*Based on SY 15-16 KG enrollment and counting students with DOB at age 5 between Aug. 1 – Oct. 1, which is a count of 6,775 students (assuming no students receive early entry waivers).

Projected Enrollment by SY*
















SY 16-17 SY 17-18 SY 18-19 SY 19-20


ent E




KGKG KGKG 1st 1st1st

Equals 44,725 + 6,775 ineligible KG for SY 17-18

SEEK Funding ADAKRS 158.030A student enrolled pursuant to the district’s required early entrance policy shall be counted for average daily attendance. KRS 158.030 requires that each district have a policy to determine early entrance. The policy must contain a provision for how the district will assess readiness to begin school.... School board policies may address factors other than readiness, including funding and space.


Enrollment Check-box The underage waiver checkbox may be used for a

student previously enrolled in a public school in a state that allows enrollment at an age younger than Kentucky, and their aggregate days attendance will not be adjusted from ADA.

The checkbox may also be used for students who are 5 but not more than 6 years old as of August 1 who are accelerated in Grade 1 through the regulatory process, including KDE approval of the acceleration prior to use of the checkbox. This checkbox may also be used if a student is underage but deemed ready to enter kindergarten early, based on local school board policy.


Enrollment - KSIS Enrollment Data Standard (page 9). A student entering Kindergarten early will be SEEK funded

when the school district uses the Underage Waiver checkbox on the Enrollment - State Reporting Fields tab.

A student entering Grade 1 early will be SEEK funded when the school district uses the Underage Waiver checkbox on the Enrollment - State Reporting Fields tab. (This must be used again for children who entered Kindergarten early when they enter Grade 1.)


Early Enrollment and Evaluation Process


Options for Districts

Options are available to districts for this transition● Per KRS 158.030 a district may enroll a student per local

board policy at a younger age with a process to evaluate school readiness

● Any exceptions to the school age requirement must be fairly and consistently applied

Early Enrollment – Infinite Campus


SY 16-17: Enrolling a student into grade 00 who turns 5 after October 1, 2016, will cause this message to pop up.

SY 17-18: A student who will turn 5 between August 1, 2017 and October 1, 2017 is also underage for grade 00; however, their enrollment will not trigger the warning message until Infinite Campus has updated the logic to include the new age requirement.

Evaluation for Kindergarten Readiness

Evaluation process may consider:● Child’s readiness in all developmental

domains (cognitive, social/emotional, language, health, approaches to learning)

● Need for multiple measures of readinessParent observation and inputValid and reliable early childhood assessmentsData from other learning settings

● Team approach to determining readiness

Other Options Preschool

● Eligible 3 and 4 year olds● Non-eligible students on space-available

basis Head Start

● Eligible 3 and 4 year olds● Over income students up to 10% of

enrollment Child Care partnerships

Options for Parents/Guardians Several options are available to parents/guardians

for younger age children● Non-Public School (Preschool/Kindergarten)

● Public Preschool

● Head Start

● Child Care


KDE will spearhead communications with key stakeholders as SY 17-18 approaches

Outreach shall be made to the extent practical through:● School districts● Head Start providers● Child care centers● Media outlets● KDE website

Next StepsSuggested list of district action itemsSY 16-17 Develop local board policy on allowing exceptions to age limit

for KG entry – including a test for school readiness Monitor KG enrollment for facility and staffing plans Communication with key stakeholders (parents/guardians,

childcare centers, preschools, etc.) on raising of age limit for KG students

SY 17-18 Ensure compliance with KG enrollment guidelines Adjust school facility and staffing plans



Contact:Bill Buchanan, Early Learning LiaisonOffice of Teaching and LearningDivision of Program [email protected]

Cheri Meadows, Branch ManagerOffice of Finance and OperationsDivision of District Support [email protected]

Reviewing Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Student Listing in Student Data

Review and Reporting (SDRR)

Begins at 2:00 p.m. (ET)

Ask questions and interact with presenters through GoSoapBox: http://app.gosoapbox.com

Access Code: KDEData

Reviewing Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Student Listing in Student Data

Review and Reporting (SDRR)

David Curd, DBA IT and Tina Logan, DBA ITOffice of Assessment and Accountability

Division of Accountability Data and Analysis

Session Overview

Cohort Years to Review Adjusted Cohort Student Listing in SDRR Reference Materials Dropout Accountability for Cohort End Status/Withdrawal Codes for Cohort 9th grade cohort data on Graduation Tab


Cohort Years to Review

You will be reviewing:● 2017 4-Year Adjusted Cohort Student Listing

(freshman year 2013-14)

● 2016 5-Year Adjusted Cohort Student Listing (freshman year 2012-13). These should be similar to the 2016 4-Year list, with the

exception of students that graduated in the 5th year with a regular high school diploma show should an on-time status.



Adjusted Cohort Graduation Student Listing


Student listings in SDRR


Student listings in SDRR


Student listings in SDRR

Student Listings in SDRR


Initially, you will not be able to submit any changes. All changes are to be made in the local IC edition. During official 10 day data review periods, fields that can be changed are indicated in bold. Others must be changed in local district edition. As with all changes, make sure data is correct in IC.


Click on the Filters button at the bottom left. You can filter the student list to view different groups as follows:

o By All Students, Accountable to District, Not Accountable to Districto By first letter of last nameo By grade levelo By Cohort Year (Cohort Type)o On Time Status

District level users will also be able to filter by schools within their district. School level users will only see their own school.

Student listings in SDRR- Filters


Filter by Cohort Year, Accountability, On Time and Non Part to limit list to students that should be reviewed first. Do this for all Cohort Reports available (i.e. 2016 5-year and 2017 4-year)

Student listings in SDRR- Filters


IMPORTANT NOTE: The Excel and PDF exports are provided as a convenience to school and district staff, and are intended to be used in identifying students whose information is incorrect and to provide information about changes. Making changes to an exported file will NOT result in SDRR changes. Requests for SDRR changes MUST be made online in the application.

Student listings in SDRR- Export

State Accountability for Cohort Student accountability for all students in a cohort will be assigned to the school unless the student

being served by the local school district has been placed by a state agency. These students should be indicated on the KECSAC tab and change request entered in SDRR to change accountability to state*.

For more information regarding the KECSAC tab:

● http://education.ky.gov/districts/tech/sis/Documents/DataStandard-AlternativeProgramsKECSAC.pdf

● Start Date: Enter the date the student enrolled in the state agency program or was placed in an A1 school by a state agency. The district or school begins receiving KECSAC funds for the student as of this date.

● End Date: Enter the date the student withdrew from the state agency program or no longer generates KECSAC funds for the school in which the student is enrolled. If a student withdraws out of district, the end date on KECSAC should match the enrollment end date.

● *OAA will automatically assign accountability to state if the KECSAC tab is correct. If there is an issue with the KECSAC tab, the correction should be made in IC and a change request in SDRR entered.

Note: The start and end date on KECSAC tab must be within the enrollment start and end date before student’s accountability can be set to state.


9TH Grade Cohort Data on Graduation Tab


It is important to have the date first entered the 9th grade populated for students who were freshmen in 2012-2013 through students entering grade 12 for the 2016-2017 school year. If a student enrolls from a nonpublic or out of state school with no prior Kentucky public school enrollment in grades 9, please enter the date they would have been a first time 9th grader. The cohort year data will be used for calculation of the 2017 4-Year Cohort graduation rate.

● Date First Entered the 9th Grade: Enter the date the student first enrolled in 9th grade, regardless of location or if repeating 9th grade. If student repeats 9th grade, the initial date should not change. If the student skips 9th grade, this would be set to the first day the student is enrolled in 10th grade.

● NGA Cohort End Year: This field will be auto-populated based upon the date entered into the Date First Entered the 9th Grade. This field is part of the IC core product and is not required or used by Kentucky.

● NCLB Cohort End Year: This field will be auto-populated based upon the date entered into the Date First Entered the 9th Grade. This field is used in the calculation of the Adjusted Graduation Cohort Rate.

Remind enrollment clerks that this should be entered for any nonpublic or out of state enrollments with no prior grade 9 enrollment in a Kentucky public school.

9TH Grade Cohort Data on Graduation Tab


Graduate End CodesG01- A pupil who graduates in less than four (4) years. On-Time Graduate 4 and 5 year reports

G02- A pupil who graduates in four (4) years. If a student graduates during the summer they have until the start of the next school year to be included in the prior year. On-Time Graduate 4 and 5 year reports

G03- A pupil who graduates in five (5) years. On-Time Graduate for 5 year report only. Not On-Time for 4 year report.

G04- A pupil who graduates in six (6) or more years Not On-Time Graduate for 4 or 5 year report.

Dropouts, Alternative HS Diploma and GED recipients- Not on Time


W12- A pupil under the jurisdiction of the court

W23- A pupil withdrawn for a second or subsequent time who initially withdrew as a W24 or W25 during the current school year

W24- A pupil who has moved out of this public school district for whom enrollment elsewhere has not been substantiated

W25- A pupil who is at least 18 years of age and has dropped out of public school

W26-A pupil who has withdrawn from school after completing a secondary GED Option program and receiving a GED certificate

W27-A student who has withdrawn from school and subsequently received a GED

W28- A student who has reached the maximum age for education services without receiving diploma or alternative high school diploma

CO1 or C01- A pupil who completes the school year in the school of the most current enrollment. No subsequent enrollment without a graduation end status (G01-G04) is a dropout.

Verified Transfers - Removed from Cohort and Non Participation = ‘VT’

W07-A pupil withdrawn due to those communicable medical conditions that pose a threat in school environments listed in 902 KAR 2:020, Section 1(1), accompanied by a doctor's statement certifying the condition or any other health-related condition for which the student is too ill to participate in regular school attendance or local homebound instructional services or if the student has obtained a doctor's statement certifying the condition.

W08- A pupil withdrawn due to death.

W20- A pupil transferred to a home school. The re-entry code to use with W20 shall be R20.

W21- A pupil transferred to a nonpublic school (excluding home school).

Note: If districts determine that the Challenge Academies, with locations in Harlan County (Appalachian) and Hardin County (Bluegrass) meets the educational needs of compulsory aged students AND if the parent/guardian desires to withdraw the student to attend an Academy, districts may use the “W21” withdrawal code (for students aged 16-17) in Infinite Campus to withdraw students to attend either Academy.

W22*- A pupil who has transferred to another public school district and for whom a request for student records has been received orenrollment has been substantiated or a pupil who is known to have moved out of the United States.

*Note: A W22 is not a verified transfer if there is no immediate enrollment into a Kentucky public school beginning with the 2014-15 school. Beginning with the 2014-15 school year, a W29 must be used to indicate an enrollment in another state.

W29- A pupil who has transferred to an out of state school for whom a request for student records has been received or enrollment has been substantiated.

Contact information


For questions regarding password or access, contact local district WAAPOC.

For questions regarding cohort graduation: Tina Logan(502) 564-9853 ext. 4740 | Fax (502) 564-7749 Email: [email protected] or Lync

David Curd(502) 564-9853 ext. 4744 | Fax (502) 564-7749 Email: david curd @education.ky.gov or Lync



2015-16 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

Begins at 2:45 p.m. (ET)

Ask questions and interact with presenters through GoSoapBox: http://app.gosoapbox.com

Access Code: KDEData

Civil Rights Data CollectionReporting

SY 2015-2016

2016-17 Mid-Year Training


What’s New KY CRDC Resources 2015-16 data collection Prepare Now CRDC Support Q&A


Presentation Notes
Since 2014, OCR has required every public school to report CRDC information. Collection is every other year. In March 2016, the Office of Civil Rights began communicating with school districts on updating their contacts. CRDC is a federal collection, not a state collection. KDE provides assistance but we’ll remind you throughout this presentation the ultimate responsibility falls on schools and districts. More information is available on OCR CRDC website -- http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/data.html

CRDC 2015-16 – What’s New

New data elements ● Math courses – new grade configurations and other details.

Optional data elements in 2013-14; required for 2015-16 Revisions to 2015-16 data elements

● Preschool – age 2 added

● High school equivalency exam prep

Complete details available: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/2015-16-crdc-data-elements.pdf


Data no longer collected: Number of students transferred to a regular school for disciplinary

reasons (disaggregated by race, sex, disability, LEP). Number of Algebra I classes in grades 7-12 Number of students enrolled in Algebra I in grades 7-8

(disaggregated by race, sex, disability-IDEA,LEP) Number of students who passed Algebra I in grades 7-8

(disaggregated by race, sex, disability-IDEA,LEP) Number of Geometry classes in grades 7-12 Number of students enrolled in Geometry in grades 7-12

(disaggregated by race, sex, disability-IDEA,LEP) Total amount of instructional staff (teachers & instructional aides)

salaries 214

CRDC 2015-16 – What’s New

Presentation Notes
Algebra/Geometry courses listed here are the ones where we are seeing changed to the grade configurations being collected – in the New Data Elements on previous slide.

KY CRDC Resources

KDE’s CRDC webpage:


CRDC FFS Element Layout 2015-16; the two tabs are

labeled (1) LEA Needs to Provide and (2) School Needs

to Provide.

Start collecting the required information but please wait for KDE

instructions before entering into the CRDC system.


2015-16 Data Collection Pre-Populating Data

For the 2015-2016 school year data, KDE will pre-populate

data where possible on behalf of the LEAs and Schools.

• LEAs are responsible for verifying, approving and certifying data

within the CRDC .

• KDE does not have data to populate all elements -• 54 district-level (LEA) data elements of 100 (54%)

• 1,571 school-level data elements of 1,656 total data elements (95%)

• 93% of all fields prepopulated (excludes financial data)


Presentation Notes
Similar to the 2013-14 collection, KDE will populate school and district data to ease the burden of this data collection. It is important to understand that the responsibility still falls on the local district and school so you do need to verify and add the data KDE does not have available by the deadlines imposed by the Office of Civil Rights.

2015-16 Data Collection Timeline

New - CRDC submission system will open on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 to KDE

( States Only)

Kentucky schools and districts will open on Wednesday, February 8, 2017 and will

close on Wednesday, April 26, 2017

No Opt-out option

Districts and schools will have to overwrite any data populated by KDE

CRDC resource page https://crdc.grads360.org/#program for any help.


Presentation Notes
KDE will open prior to the districts to prepopulate data for the Districts/Schools. Schools and districts will have 75 calendar days from the open date to verify prepopulated data and complete the survey during this time.

2015-16 Data Collection Important ReminderWhen Office of Civil Rights (OCR) system opens:

1. KDE has provided a timeline on the KY CRDC page .

2. KDE will load data once, prior to February 8th

3. After the KDE data load, if needed, districts will be free to enter

data and KDE will be finished with the assistance that can be

provided by the state.


Presentation Notes
In the prior year KDE loaded data and the district had a validation period and if any issues were found KDE would reload a second time. This is not the case this year.KDE will load data only one, during the State open window, prior to Feb 8th.

2015-16 Data Collection Validation Help KDE has created a limited number of adhocs to assist with

verification, available as “State Published” adhocs in Infinite Campus.

These include: Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Advanced Mathematics, Calculus, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, International Baccalaureate and AP courses.

Note: LEP, Special Education and Gifted counts should be verified through local coordinators who validated data previously reported to KDE.

Use School Report Card to help verify.219

Prepare NowThings you can be doing to prepare… Review/print CRDC FFS Element Layout for

2015-16 from KDE CRDC webpage – Kentucky Resources.

1. Review the two tabs “LEA Needs to Provide” and “School Needs to Provide” – start collecting this data now – to save time later.

2. Make plans for how to validate the data KDE has populated -- details on all data elements available, separate tabs – “LEA Elements”, “School Elements” Define points of contact for data elements; A CRDC team with clear expectations can help speed up the

process of review to submittal220

Prepare NowThings you can be doing to prepare…

CRDC FFS Element Layout, cont.3. Review comment/rules column under the School Elements tab

– that may necessitate local changes KDE data loads based on data standards – if data standards or state

course codes aren’t uniformly used, KDE counts may not be accurate. New default values applicable for most schools may not be correct for

all schools. Single Sex Academic Classes Indicator is defaulted to NO Counts of Single Sex Academic Classes in the School (by course)

is defaulted to Zero

4. School Expenditures section – New this year…KDE will be populating from MUNIS data previously reported.


Prepare NowThings you can be doing to prepare…


P1Q29T2- Chemistry

P1Q29T3- Physics

P1Q31T1- International Baccalaureate

P1Q32T1 and P1Q27T1- AP courses

P1Q33T1 AP Courses Provided

P1Q37T1 AP Mathematics

P1Q39T1 AP Science Preparations for the 2015-16 CRDC

P1Q41T1- Other AP subjects

P1Q07T1.17, P1Q07T1.18 and P1Q10 Students Served under Section 504

P1Q18T1- Alg I Grades 8 P1Q22T1- Alg I Grades 9 and 10 P1Q22T2- Alg I Grades 11 and

12 P1Q23T1- Geometry Grade 9-12 P1Q126T1- Algebra II P1Q26T2- Advanced

Mathematics P1Q26T3- Calculus P1Q29T1- Biology

Run CRDC Adhoc filters located in the State Published folder under Ad Hoc Reporting to be ready for validating this data.

CRDC Support

CRDC Website: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/data.html

CRDC Partner Support Center:

(855) 255-6901 or [email protected]

KDE Contact:

Candy Johnson [email protected](502) 564-2020 or 800-884-1754, ext. 2471



Closing and AdjournmentThank you!

Ask questions through GoSoapBoxhttp://app.gosoapbox.com

Access Code: KDEData