Ken Casada Developer Evangelist Microsoft Switzerland [email protected] http://blogs.msdn.com/swiss_dpe_team

Ken Casada Developer Evangelist Microsoft Switzerland ...€¦ · ASMX Web Services In 3.5, WCF Service Support for XBAPs (!) Via basicHttpBinding Huge better-together story. WF Activities

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Ken CasadaDeveloper EvangelistMicrosoft [email protected]://blogs.msdn.com/swiss_dpe_team

Visual Studio 2008Visual Studio 2008

Windows Windows Presentation Presentation FoundationFoundation

Windows Windows Communication Communication


Windows Windows Workflow Workflow

Foundation Foundation

Windows Windows CardSpaceCardSpace

What’s included with Windows Server 2008?

Best tool set for Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista & Microsoft Office 2007

.NET Framework 3.5 design surfacesOffice 2007 support including ClickOnce and VSTOMFC support for Vista common controls

Improvements for Web DevelopersHTML / CSS designer enhancementsIntegrated AJAX and JavaScript support

Language advances.NET Framework multi-targeting supportImproved Data & Language integration in VB / C#

Side-by-Side supportVisual Studio 2008 side–by-side with previous versions

Multi-targetingTarget multiple versions of the framework from a single tool - Visual Studio 2008Supports framework versions 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5Enables only features available in target framework

Toolbox, Project types, References, Intellisense, …Making is easy to upgrade to Visual Studio 2008

Unit TestingNow available in all editions of Visual Studio Professional

Massively improved HTML designerSame WYSIWYG designer engine as in Expression Web

New capabilities:Fast designer/source switchingSplit view designer enables you to see your HTML from a source

and design perspective at the same time.Nested master pagesRich Cascading Style Sheets support:

See a filtered list of which styles are being in a page or selectionVisually apply styles to elementsIntellisense for CSS styles in the markup editor

Enable better designer/developer workflow (Expression web understands the Visual Studio project structures and ASP.NET controls)

All ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 features included in .NET 3.5New enhancements in .NET 3.5

Support for WCF JSON EndpointImproved Performance

JavaScript Intellisense & DebuggingCode Intellisense for client-side JavaScriptIntegrated editor support for ASP.NET AJAX JS LibraryIntellisense against JSON enabled .asmx web services/WCF servicesBreakpoints in .aspx documents

ASP.NET AJAX Extender Control SupportEasy design-time to attach extenders

New ASP.NET Controls (<asp:ListView>, <asp:LinqDataSource>…)

Note di presentazione
JS type-system

Visual Studio Designer for WPF (“Cider”)XAML-based editing directly in the IDE

Changes reflected in the designer in real-timeXAML IntelliSenseSelection Synchronization

Expression Blend IntegrationShared Project Format

Firefox Support for XBAPsHTTP Cookie Support

Access the data from HTTP Requests

Side-by-side support for WinformsClickOnce Deployment Support for WPF AppsProject Templates, Debugger & Deployment Support

In 3.0, Web Service Support for XBAPsXML via WebRequestASMX Web Services

In 3.5, WCF Service Support for XBAPs (!)Via basicHttpBindingHuge better-together story

WF Activities to consume WCF servicesWF Activities to consume WCF servicesFunction similarly to the InvokeWebService activity available toFunction similarly to the InvokeWebService activity available todayday

Hosting extensions to expose WF workflows as WCF Hosting extensions to expose WF workflows as WCF services (Messaging activities/ send, receive)services (Messaging activities/ send, receive)Integrated developer tools in Visual Studio 2008Integrated developer tools in Visual Studio 2008

Autohost & test clientAutohost & test clientAdd Service ReferenceAdd Service ReferenceIntegrated WF DesignerIntegrated WF DesignerProject & item templatesProject & item templatesWCF Configuration EditorWCF Configuration Editor

New enhancements in .NET 3.5New enhancements in .NET 3.5Partial TrustPartial TrustSyndicationSyndicationJSON serialization & ASP.NET AJAX integrationJSON serialization & ASP.NET AJAX integrationHTTP Programming ModelHTTP Programming Model

Build Office Business Applications including support for SharePoint workflowVSTO becomes part of VS Pro!



Visually build Microsoft Office applications with the power of Visual Studio




Take advantage of key components of the 2007 Microsoft Office system

Focus on App-level Add-Ins

Document-level add-ins for Excel 2007 & Word 2007 & InfoPath 2007 Application-level add-ins for most client programs (both Office 2003 & Office 2007) new MS Project

Provides integrated visual designers for:Word and Excel documents and templatesFluent RibbonTask & Action panesOutlook Form Regions

Workflow & SharePoint SupportData Binding in Word Content Controls

VBA VSTO InteroperabilityServerDocument – manipulate documents without automating OfficeClickOnce Deployment (just for Office 2007)Prerequisites:

.NET FW 3.5VSTO 3.0 RuntimeOffice 2007 Primary Interop Assembly

Visual Studio Tools for DevicesUnit Testing for Device ApplicationsDevice Emulator 3.0 – Certificate support, Xml configBroad Platform and runtime Support

.NET Compact Framework 3.5Support for LINQ (XML, Objects and Dataset)Windows Communication Foundation CLR Profiler / Performance MonitorBCL enhancements: Compression support, Client-side certificates, Sound APIs

Currently in BetaFinal Release planned for this summer

What’s new?Improvement for client development

New .NET Framework Client Profile Setup PackageApplication StartUp Improvement (40% faster startup)…

ADO.NET Data Services (formerly code-named "Astoria")ADO.NET Entity Framework

Do you want more information?http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2008/05/12/visual-studio- 2008-and-net-framework-3-5-service-pack-1-beta.aspx

MSDN developer centerhttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/aa700830.aspx

Overview of “Orcas” whitepaperhttp://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=6625887

Cider MSDN Forum http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowForum.aspx?ForumID=169&S iteID=1Cider Channel9 Wiki http://channel9.msdn.com/wiki/default.aspx/Cider.HomePage

BlogsJames Nakashima http://blogs.msdn.com/jnak/Brian Pepin http://www.urbanpotato.net/Chuck Jazdzewski http://www.removingalldoubt.com/Richard Bailey http://myfun.spaces.live.com/blog/

MSDN Developer Centerhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/webservices/


BlogsMatt Winkler

http://blogs.msdn.com/mwinkleJustin Smith

http://blogs.msdn.com/justinjsmithVittorio Bertocci

http://blogs.msdn.com/vbertocciSteve Maine


Community siteshttp://www.netfx3.com

BlogsVSTO Team Blog – http://blogs.msdn.com/vsto2Eric Carter (VSTO Team Member) - http://blogs.msdn.com/eric_carter/Andrew Whitechapel (VSTO Team Member) - http://blogs.msdn.com/andreww/default.aspxJohn Durant (VSTO Team Member) - https://blogs.msdn.com/johnrdurant/default.aspxPaul Stubbs (VSTO Team Member) – http://blogs.msdn.com/pstubbs/Mike Hernandez (VSTO Product Manager) – http://blogs.msdn.com/mikeh/default.aspxKathleen McGrath (UE Team Writer) - http://blogs.msnd.com/kathleenOffice Zealot Site (Tim Huckaby) - http://www.officezealot.com/VSTO/bloghome.aspx

Visual Studio Tools for Office Developer Center on MSDNhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/office/tool/vsto/default.aspx


.NET Compact Framework Developer Center http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/netframework/aa497273.aspxMSDN Forums: Smart Device Development http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/default.aspx?ForumGroupID=11Blogs

.NET Compact Framework Team http://blogs.msdn.com/netcfteamDavid Kline http://blogs.msdn.com/davidklinems

Case Studies http://www.microsoft.com/casestudies/search.aspx?ProTaxID=1714


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