W hat a year! I have had busy times - active times when I have ound mysel in a spin but nothing like this past year! Greetings to the members o the KB amily! It’s that time again when I get to my desk and sit, hopeully, or a ew quiet moments to share some thoughts with you, highlight some developments and set the path or the next quarter. Since we last spoke in August last year so much has happened nationally and locally , right here at KB . On the national scene we experienced a change o government; we wish the new administration God’s blessing or a successul tenure. raining I now turn my attention to some very important things that have taken place here at KB. Te consultancy o Dr Grace Martin Hall has come to a close afer almost two years o intense consultation s and discussions. Te pro- cess was not a particularly easy one but it oered us a welcome opportunity to evaluate our systems, identiy the weak areas and mo ve to put the necessary corrective measures in place. Some o the areas that were dealt with included: • Strengthening of revenue streams Impro ving daily departmental operations • Improving reporting activities • Enhancing Personnel development through training Introducing new systems in Human Resource management A number o adjustments have been made in these and other areas, all with the objective o creating a more productive and knowledgable work orce and systems that will ensure positive results. I believe we are oon a good ooting and it is my wish that we will all work together to ensure that the gains we have made so ar will be maintained. My thanks to Dr Hall and to all members o staand in particular, members o our management team who were integrally engaged in the various exercises. As indicated earlier it has been a very busy year and I know I have been some- times “missing in action” but I intend to improve on that and in the months ahead I expect I will be sharing more in KB concerns as together we work towards sustained viability. Sales & Marketing In our last issue we introduced our new manager o Sales & Marketing, Mr Gareld Dixon. Te depa rtment ha s si nce been strengthened and already we can see and eel the eect o their eorts in our yard sales and in collaborative events with the Education Promotions Unit (EPU) (see page 6) Sports It is not surprising that sports is considered one o the best bonding agents in the cementing o relationships. Tis is a reality that we have experienced here at KB. Over the past ew months we have been engaging in a number o sporting activities, internally and externally. And i I may so mysel, I think we have been doing very well (see pages16 &17) I want to congratulate Karim Harvey and his team or their eorts in organizing and seeing through the successul mounting o the in-house aspect o these events. I am greatly encouraged by these initiatives and pledge the ull support o the organisation within budgetary limits. May I also Inside this issue KB launches the KB ESSA Awards Minister of Education, the Hon Rev Ronald waites (4th from l) in a rm handshake with KB CEO the Hon Steadman Fuller to cement the KB/Min of Educ partnership in the KB ESSA Awar ds competition for high schools. Sharing the moment are (from l): KB’s Mkting Mgr Gareld Dixon, EPU Mgr Norman Livingston and Director Ste adman Fuller Jr, From right are: JTA Secretary General Dr Adolph Cameron and Actg Permanent Secretary in the Min of Educ Mrs Grace McLean. cont’d on page 9 Hon. Steadman Fuller

KB Newsletter Easter 2012

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 W hat a year! I have had busy times- active times when I have ound myselin a spin but nothing like this past year!Greetings to the members o the KBamily!It’s that time again when I get to mydesk and sit, hopeully, or a ew quietmoments to share some thoughts withyou, highlight some developments and

set the path or the next quarter.Since we last spoke in August last yearso much has happened nationallyand locally, right here at KB. On thenational scene we experienced a changeo government; we wish the newadministration God’s blessing or asuccessul tenure.raining 

I now turn my attention to some veryimportant things that have takenplace here at KB. Te consultancy o

Dr Grace Martin Hall has come to aclose afer almost two years o intenseconsultations and discussions. Te pro-cess was not a particularly easy one butit offered us a welcome opportunity toevaluate our systems, identiy the weakareas and move to put the necessary

corrective measures in place. Some o theareas that were dealt with included:• Strengthening of revenue streams• Improving daily departmental

operations• Improving reporting activities• Enhancing Personnel development

through training• Introducing new systems in Human

Resource managementA number o adjustments have been

made in these and other areas, allwith the objective o creating a moreproductive and knowledgable work orceand systems that will ensure positiveresults. I believe we are off on a goodooting and it is my wish that we will allwork together to ensure that the gains wehave made so ar will be maintained. Mythanks to Dr Hall and to all members ostaff and in particular, members o ourmanagement team who were integrally

engaged in the various exercises.As indicated earlier it has been a verybusy year and I know I have been some-times “missing in action” but I intendto improve on that and in the monthsahead I expect I will be sharing more inKB concerns as together we work

towardssustained viability.

Sales & Marketing 

In our last issue we introduced ourmanager o Sales & Marketing, Garfield Dixon. Te department has been strengthened and already we caand eel the effect o their efforts in oursales and in collaborative events witEducation Promotions Unit (EPU) (see p


It is not surprising that sports is consione o the best bonding agents incementing o relationships. Tis is a rthat we have experienced here at KB. Ovpast ew months we have been engaginnumber o sporting activities, internallexternally. And i I may so mysel, I thinhave been doing very well (see pages16I want to congratulate Karim Harvey an

team or their efforts in organizingseeing through the successul mountithe in-house aspect o these events. greatly encouraged by these initiativepledge the ull support o the organiswithin budgetary limits. May I

Inside this issue KB launches the KB ESSA Awards

Minister of Education, the Hon Rev Ronald waites (4th from l) in a rm handshake with KB CEO the Hon SteadmFuller to cement the KB/Min of Educ partnership in the KB ESSA Awards competition for high schools. Sharing the mare (from l): KB’s Mkting Mgr Gareld Dixon, EPU Mgr Norman Livingston and Director Steadman Fuller Jr, From are: JTA Secretary General Dr Adolph Cameron and Actg Permanent Secretary in the Min of Educ Mrs Grace McLea

cont’d on

Hon. Steadman Fuller

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KB Newsletter is indeed proud to sharewith the amily the newest KB initiative insupport o the education sector. It is the KBEducation Support Sta Achievement (KBESSA)Awards introduced to highlight thecontribution o non-teaching staff in high


Minister of Education, the Hon Rev RonaldTwaites, has “ warmly ” endorsed theinitiative describing it as one “redressing an

important imbalance in the society andputting it straight for the future.” Notingthat hierarchy is a act o nature , theMinister said however it has been used “inways we want to correct.” Elaborating onthis, he added: “I there is one message weneed to get across to our children in theirupbringing, to ensure wholesomedevelopment, it is that we must value everycontribution.”Minister Twaites expressed the hope that

this move by theKingston Bookshopwill be 

“ h i g h l yinectious, not

only to the educationsystem but tothe society as awhole.”e Jamaica TeachersAssociation (JTA) hadsome very kind words aswell. Dr Adolph Cameron,Secretary General o theassociation, said thatalthough the localorganisation has not yetembraced this group opersons as is the case withtheir North Americancounterparts, the JTA is very aware o the contribu-tion o these co-work-

ers. He highly commended theKingston Bookshop or the moveand pledged the ull support othe JTA.For his part, Custos of Kingstonand CEO for the Kingston Book -shop, the Hon Steadman Fullersaid that in his role as student andteacher he had benefited rom thesupport o persons classified asnon-teaching staff. “I see manyo these persons as “a solidiyingforce in the system. Principalsand other teachers come and go



but veryofen thsupport remain sothis new efit in the po e d

 initiatives being carried out by

Te competition was lauFebruary 10 at the Ministry ofActing Permanent SecretaMinistry of Education, MMcLean, chaired the functKB staff members in attendanDirectors Steadman Fuller, Jr aJohnson, manager of the Promotions Unit Norman Training Manager Ricardo Sales & Marketing ManagDixon.

Te competition is high nominations already cominacross the island and a htouching base on acebook. presentation ceremony widuring Education Week.

your own lie. Be on the lookout or Hisroad signs as you travel on. Listen to Hisinstructions, and you will find your way.Better still, let Him do the navigating andthe driving.5. (W) Warm up your relationships.Time to allow your loved ones to feel thatwarm-and-sunny-spring you: not thecold-and-cloudy-winter you. Reach outto the people you have taken or grantedor lef out altogether.6. (E) Erase the burdens of guilt and

sin with a good, honest and humbleconfession. Heed God’s call: ‘Come backto me, with all your heart. Don’t let sinkeep us apart. Long have I waited foryour coming home to me’

Presented at the Blessing o the Palmsheld in the Stony Hill Square on Palm April 1. While written with Holy Week

d, KB Newsletter is recommending theall seasons)

Halt! Stop for awhile, or al least slowTake time to rest and relax. Your

eeds rest, so find time to be still.O with your worldly pursuits and

ns. Turn o your cellular phone ifve to, so that you can ocus on youral lie this week.

Listen. If you are in the O or Silentthen you can really, listen, pray andte. Take time to listen to God and tellat’s happening in your lie.

Yield to God. Let go of your grip on

7. (E) Express your love. Whatever you do,especially this week, like praying, let them allbe expressions o your love and gratitude toGod, Let them be done not out of fe ar, or outo obligation.8. (K) Kneel down. In humility, kneel downin prayer beore God and thank Him or su-ering so much, or dying on the cross and orrising again or our salvation. S omebody diedfor you and me. Let us not allow this week topass without personally thanking Him.

Tanks to Mrs Jackie Irons JP, Executive Member ofthe LMA (Kingston chapter)

inters or Holy Week  

KB ESSA MOMENS: Minister waites and Custos Fuller

in a rm handshake...(below) the Custos in conversation withMrs Grace Mclean and Dr Adolph Cameron

managers had kindly extended Christmasto the KB family. Please see excerpts from

ssages below) –Te Editor

hope that the peace of the Christmaswill impact the other activities,

icular the General Elections. Pleasevery best wishes or a Holy andChristmas from the Fuller family to


uller, Director,

ate Services

mas gif suggestions:

r enemy- forgiveness; To an opponent-ce; To a friend - your heart; To aer - service; To every child - a goode; To all – charity ; To yourself,

- Oren Arnold

d like us to remember that Jesus is theor this season, so while we are outting and enjoying the estivities keepour hearts.


r Liguanea 

Christmas is a time o giving andsharing. It is the time to eel the joy andhappiness o being alive and blessed,to be loved and remembered with thegifs, thoughts, wishes or bb messagesreceived. It is also the time or lovingand forgiving... May this Christmas bea Joyous and holy one for you and yourloved ones… and remember :-“Christmas is not a time nor a season,but a state of mind. To cherish peace andgoodwill, and to be plenteous in mercy,is to have the real spirit of Christmas”.

- Calvin Coolidge

Tamara Dolphy,

Financial Controller

My earnest prayer this year is thatChristmas nds us all in good health,enjoying the love o our amilies andclose riends. May the peace o God,that passeth all understanding, keepyour hearts in perect peacethroughout this season.

Christopher Barrant,

Supervisor, SpanishTown 

Let Christmas be a time that is set apart forthinking o those who are dear, who hold aspecial place in our hearts. May the love oGod warm your hearts ; may youorever cherish the memory o what thisseason imparts. Remember always, it is notthe gifs that are wrapped and placed underthe Christmas tree but the Christmas thatlives within our hearts that will makea difference to you and me.

Tashana Johnson

Retail Co-ordinator


e Editor and Editorial team extend apologies for

the absence of the Christmas issue of the KBNewsletter. As a result, this issue will cover theperiod September 1 2011 to February 29 2012.

I trust you will find the issue interesting and that itmeets your expectations. Please let us know yourthoughts by e-mail to: [email protected] Tank

you.KB Newsletter needs YOUR input; please share!

Lois Gayle


ristmas Messages

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uman Resource Department

period August 2011 – March 2012he Human Resource Departmentvery active mode. Staff activityed six new members of sta, 11s confirmed to permanent staff; ours receiving promotion and 21s leaving the company or one reasonher.

elcome:Hill - accounting clerk; Marla

s – Purchasing Agent ; Ramonmnce and Ainsley Cowell- Marketings ; Josephine Ulett White –ntant and Jermaine Blair – Salesentative.

ish for you all a productive andlly rewarding tenure at KB.

roductive it seems to have been aste that a number o these personsoined others in being confirmed tonent Sta. On that list we have:d Dixon and Ainsley Cowell – M &phine Ulett White and Niketa Hill –nts; Frederick Grant – EPU; Joseph Spanish Town store; Marla Francis –sing; Jodian Meeks and Patricia Peartonery; Tishana Walker – Boulevarder Miles McLean – Liguanea.

atulations on this development! Pleaseue the good work.

tionsest congratulations are in order

ollowing persons who have beented. Tey are:

pher Barrant now manager, SpanishIan Foster, Jason Smith and Kymonnen now supervisors at Liguanea,ard and Pavilion respectively.

wsletter wishes you every success in

your new role.


(Resignation & ermination)We said Goodbye to the followingpersons during this period:Annece Bryan-Wilson, Kadean Groves,Lorenzo Burke, Cedrick Henry,Ian Gordon, Delrose Mcherson,Vinnette Herridge, Sheriika Moulton,Sheldon Rowe, Robbeiann Salmon,

Dwane S cott , Ayton Stephens,Tavar Lynch , Keron Williams,Patricia Peart, Garnett Williams,Georgia Francis, DevonSpaulding, Daviot Barnaby,Naemaro Lewis, Omar Skiers.We do wish these persons all thebest in their new endeavours.

Staff Meeting 

Te first general staff meeting for 2012 was held onFebruary 5. Te ManagingDirector spoke on exercisingconservation in these economictimes; the challenges beingexperienced, and the wayorward or the company.Presentations were made byHuman Resources, Training &Development and thePromotions Department.Guest presenters were Mr.Derrick Plummer (e Health

Plan) and Mrs. Joan Davis-Williams (How to get rid ofstress).

KB Trif Plan

Te Kingston Bookshop Tif plan wasintroduced in January 2011. It is asavings and loan fund. To date, thereare 63 members and loans of just overJ$1.3m have been disbursed.

PensionStaff members are still being encouraged

to increase their pension contributions rom5% to10 %.

Birthday Vouchers

In recognition o their birthdays’ thecompany continues to give staff members gif vouchers which are redeemable at Ammar’sstores.

Uniorms/ ClothingNew uniforms/clothing have beendistributed or permanent staff. Tis issue is

scheduled to carry through to July 2012

Staff Rotation/ ranser

Te ollowing staff members were rotated ortranserred:

alitha Wilson 74 Store to 80 King Street

Kymone Gordon74 store to Pavilion

Garwin BoswellLiguanea to Springs

Richard Dobney   Pavilion to Liguanea

Petrecia Tomas  70b to Springs

Jerome McKenzie  Pavilion to Springs

Melisa yghter  Springs to 70b

O’Neil Lorne  74 store to Springs

Curtis Anderson  Springs to Pavilion

Ruel Matthie  74 store to 70b

Paula Plummer  70b to 74 store

Patricia O’Sullivan  70b to 74 store

Andrica Reid  74 store to Springs

 Jodian Montique  Springs to 70b

Novia Parke  70b to Pavilion Shanique Bancrof  Liguanea - 74 Warehouse

Kafier Miles-McLean  74 Store to Liguanea

Other Happenings:BirthsCongratulations to the following personswho became proud parents during thisperiod:Andrica Reid –daughter Tatianna Jahnel;

Nadia Mighty  – daughter Nakaya Brown;Florence James –daughter Julissa omas;Duwayne Sutherland – twin girlsShawayne & Shamille;Devon Fray  – son Devan Fray;Patricia Peart – son Nasean Brown


Sincere condolences to the ollowingpersons who lost relatives during theperiod under review:

Mr. Odaine Kitson  - aunt;Mr. Jermaine Hylton – mother;

Mrs. Claudia Facey  – brother;Mr. Stewart Johnson – father;Miss Andrica Reid  - grandather;Mrs. Sherine Young   - sister;Mr. Duawyne Hyatt  - brother in lawand Miss Andrica Reid – grandfather’

Identification Cards:

Te majority o staff members havereceived their ID cards or the periodSeptember 2011 – July 2013. However,employees at 80 King Street will receivetheir card a little later as their ID’s willbe prepared to serve a dual purpose –ID’s and swipe cards used to enter thebuilding.

Sonia SmithManager

Liguanea Sto

It has been a tough year butwhat we have accomplished aTis summer was one o our bmanaged to overcome.I would like to take this ocommend all the staff membhelped to make the season would also like to congratu‘Cappo’ Darling and Jahmomaking the KB ootball teatopped their zone in the firstwas quite impressive being thfirst time we have entered.

Garwin Boswell


Spanish own e year 2011 is quickly comor some it has been a difficult a good year. Te end o the yeexcitement, with elections to border.Te reduction in major crimedevelopment or the country, are alive to share the Christmloved ones; this is indeed iEconomically , Jamaica re vulnerable, with the challe

epartmental Reports 


HE NEW UNIFORMS: e Ladies and lassies do look gorgeous intheir new unirms. Showing o in ne style are (anti-clockwise froml): Anna-Kay Guthrie, Audrey McKoy, Latoya Swaby, Novelia Green,Claudia Facey, Talitha Wilson, Kimone Gordon, Primrose Brown andMelinda Matthews. Tatiana Nakaya    Julissa Shawayne & Shamille    Devan    NBabies 

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has done it again with theuction of their Employee of theer Incentive Programme in July 2011.wsletter is pleased to extend heartiest

atulations to the trail blazers (winnersly to September 2011) while at the

time acknowledging andatulating those ollowing in theireps (October to December 2011). It isorthy that Odaine Kitson, Customere Representative from the 74 King

store won the Employee of theer or two consecutive quarters. Very l

congratulations Odaine!

e Programme has as its mainobjective the maintenance o excellencein all areas o operation at KB and thecriteria set or it seeks to unearth thatexcellence. Tey are as ollows:•Performance factors such as jobknowledge and competence, initiativeand commitment, team work and

co-operation• Company image• Interpersonal skills andcommunication

• Proper work attitude• Punctuality and attendance


The Summer Workers’ AppreciationDay was held on Sunday, September 18,2011. Nine persons, from the variouslocations, received awards or Te Best

Summer Worker. Te appreciation daywas celebrated in the orm o a concertwith each location presenting an itemwhich included solos, duets, dances andskits.

Summer Workers Appreciation Day

• Customer service.

Teir effort was not in vain: winners wererewarded with a congratulatory lettersigned by Chairman and Managing Direc-tor the Hon Steadman Fuller, and a cheque.In addition, plaques with the winner’s pho-tograph have been conspicously placed inthe respective locations.

Something to work towards – and not onlyfor the prizes! Let it be also for the successo the company and one’s own personal de-


FROM HE MD’S DESK Cont’d from cover

encourage more staff to get involved in theactivities that are put orward rom time to


KB ESSA Awards

I am pleased to introduce the most recentKB initiative – e Kingston BookshopEducation Support Sta Achievement (KBESSA) Awards programme. It is a novelinitiative which seeks to highlight thecontribution o non-teaching staff in highschools (see page 3)

Back to School

It may seem a little early but not tooearly or us to begin to prepare or theupcoming Back to School season.I encourage all store managers as well

as the Stores Coordinator to get thingsin order. Ensure stocks are in placeand most importantly that all staff areprepared to offer the very best incustomer service. I cannot stress enoughthe importance o quality customerservice. Remember: the edge is not onlythe product but also how it is delivered.

During the season we will once againengage our valued customers in our KBBack to School Giveaway Promotion

scheduled to begin in mid-JulyTere will also be the very popmagazine programme or child– A Reading Moment – to be aiFM 101, Nationwide Radio and

From all indications we awonderful Christmas season angive thanks. Easter is herereflection and new birth. I trustsome time over the holidayreect and rejuvenate – not thrcheese!.A blessed season to you and yo

Steadman A R Fuller


October - December2011

Shari Ann TompsonBrian MorrisonAnika ullochDoneil Dunk Nordia BakerShemaih Darling Kirk NeitaAmoy MillerOdaine KitsonNovelia GreenDwayne SutherlandSonia GreenRichard Beckord

July - September


Ankara GrantAlton NewmanSherene Young Avion LaayetteJuanetta WrightQwayne Savageavar LynchJoseph SinghShanae ColeKemar Woodley Odecia AdmanOdaine KitsonFrederick Grant

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What, When, Where and How;questions are asked daily o aasing Department. e KBasing Department is no dierent.

epartment has evolved over the yearsas increased rom one individual ino its current sta complement of ninens. Tis growth has coincided with

owth o KB rom its two stores at thening of 1998 to the current eight retail

In our view, the department couldbe considered the heart o thezation, though some otherments may beg to differ.

Departmentponds to thed o KB’s Retail

W h o l e s a l eartments and in

d o i n g a l s oponds to the needhe wider Jamaicanlic.

services which include theng and purchasing o books o allgames and novelty items; extendsindividuals, public institutions and

e sector organisations. Not to be out-s our Special Order service which,

h not perect, is the best in the localndustry.

KB has exclusive agency

arrangements with a number opublishers out of the UK, the U.S,Trinidad and here in Jamaica where werepresent e University of the WestIndies Press. e Book PurchasingDepartment assists in the maintenanceo these arrangements by ensuring thatour warehouse and stores are never outo publications rom the publishers werepresent.

Te department boasts a goodmixture of youth and experience. Withover 47 combined years of experiencethis team is undoubtedly the mostestablished in the

local industry. Team leaderDenroy Mullings is surrounded byAssistant Purchasing Manager LeroyTreasure plus three Purchasing Agents,two Database Administrators and anAdministrative Assistant who all havetheir specific roles.

Te purchasing agents are:Amoy Miller who has responsibility

or novels and general trade books. She alsomonitors and coordinates special orders orHEART trust NTA, Mona School of Businessand maintains all consignment arrangementswith local suppliers. Amoy has over ve (5)years experience as a book purchaser and is very keen about her role.

Karim Harvey, who has responsibility or

Tertiary books. He also monitors and co-ordinates orders for UWI Library, UTECHLibrary, Edna Manley College and CPTC.Karim has over seven years experience in theindustry and has proven himsel worthy ohis title, and Marla Francis, our newest team

member. Marla is our Children’s bookpurchaser. She also monitors andcoordinates individual special orders andassists Mr. Treasure with local purchases.She is very keen to learn and has acquittedhersel admirably thus ar. It is very obviousthat she has the potential to develop beyondher current scope.

Our two Database Administrators are

Nardia Boswell and Orlando Henr y. Nardiaand Orlando are responsible ormaintaining our product database. Teywill add, remove, and effect price changes,and print reports when necessary. Nardiahas ten years o industry experience under

her belt while her protégé Orlando hasour; both are considered very stronglinks in the makeup o the purchasingdepartment.

Mrs. Sherine Young, Sherine isourAdministrative Assistant and isresponsible or all the clerical dutieso the department. She schedules andsets meetings with oreign and

localsuppliers and she is the first voice thatgreets you when you call.

Tis team is determined to keep

Te KB shiningbrightly!



Te Purchasing eam (L-R) Assistant Manager-Leroy Treasure, MarlaFrancis, Karim Harvey, Nardia Boswell, Amoy Miller, Shereen Young, Orlando

Henry and Manager-Denroy Mullings.

Miss Miller and Mr Harvey at work 

Database AdminiMiss Boswell and M


Special menbe made o teClay Tabanpresently oprotracted sic joined thPurchasing as a PurchasJuly 2010 co

rom a one-and-a-hal-year

Boulevard store.He was responsible or individual special orders servithe Purchasing Agents on varito the time o his illness.In addition to his duties in theClay was the representatiEditorial Committee forNewsletter.We miss this dynamic youngaith has brought him throuillness involving surgerycontinue to keep him in our hour prayers. We are looking foreturn.

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one, and some developments in the2012 will prove to be another

nging year or us all.

pray for our families, our country,ur leaders, that God may grant them

sdom to lead us in the path ority, and development. Let us alsood’s guidance or our organization,we do our part to contribute to itscement and development. We all

ace the challenges of 2012, and s eek tohe best o the year ahead.

opher Barrant


ationery Department

at time o year when all around theeveryone’s happiness is likely to be inIt is that time o giving gifs, creatingharing memorable moments withmembers and loved ones.

so that time o year when we, herereflect on our perormances and

ements as a unit and as anzation. Troughout the year andally during the back to school seasone perormed creditably inspite o oureconomy, amidst the rise in cost oction, increased competition as well

direct challenges to our industry vian technology.

were able to expand our line ofory moderately through theation o some new suppliers whichout o our visit to the “Frankurt

nery Show” in Germany. Further totiative, we have secured, in principle,vity or the distribution o some ouppliers’ products in Jamaica.

I think it would be air to state that anumber o these new items did wellboth in our retail stores and with ourresellers. Additionally, arising out othe strategic planning process, we havemade major changes in the structure oour unit which has greatly improvedour operation although there is roomor improvement.

On a lighter note, the unit also creditsour o its staff members who playedan integral role in the achievements o

the organization’s first Business HouseFootball team. Our unit’s own ootballteam “Stationery Madrid” topped off afine year o sporting activities by tak-ing second spot in KB’s annual ootballfiesta, a eat worthy o congratulations.

Overall I am indeed satisfied with ourefforts to improve our product line inregards to variety and availability andwith respect to the overall service thatwe offer.I look orward to greater improvementsin the coming year and beyond

Boris PalmerManager

I Department

In a time when technology hasrevolutionized the way we do things –at home, at work, on t he road, IT

Departments all over the world arechallenged to keep up and ensure thatyou, our customers, benefit rom theseadvancements. Tis is our challenge, orrather, it is what drives us tocontinuously seek ways to improveoperations through the use otechnology and ultimately enhance thecustomer experience.

Te last six months have been pretty

busy or the department. Te three majorprojects we have been working on are:

• e implementation and conguration ofthe Exchange Server

• e restructuring of our current networkand

• e implementation of additional Solomonmodules or better inventory management

O course, in addition to special projects, weare always engaged in the daily tasks o

assisting departments that experiencedowntime.

e IT team is very excited about the wayorward. Tis year we plan to utilize oursystems more and really maximize theircapabilities. To do this, we will work closelywith the Training Unit to develop plans foryou so that you get the necessary trainingwhich is reinorced through constant practice. We also intend to introduce otherexciting “new stuff” later on in the year…solook out or the details.

As a unit, we have been putting things inplace to improve our operations as wellbecause you are our customers, and we striveto serve you better.

On behalf of the IT team, I wish you a very  Happy Easter!

Shauna Fuller-Clarke

Director-I and Special Projects


Captured in Pictures

WHA A COUP! Mrs Fuller(right) and Mrs. Fuller-Clark spot a KB basket at the Toy Fair in NewYork. With them are George Swiger of the Good L Corp Big Basket Company.

KB staff in rapt attention at the first staff meeting oryear held on Sunday February 5 in the Leslie Ridout Hat 80 King Street. Right up front are Chairman and Ce Hon. Steadman Fuller (at le) and Manager for thSprings store, Mr Garwin Boswell

Mrs Joan Davis Williams is quite amused as Mr Kevin Fullerton,Educational Rep expresses appreciation on behalf of the sta.Mrs Davis Williams had addressed the sta meeting on the topic “Let

it go” - How to manage stress.

partmental Reportsrom page 5


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ehind all these smiles are sad faces-Mrs Fuller (1st right) and the Boulevardteam say goodbye to Ms McPherson (centre)

elrose and Mrs Fuller sharing the momentA pensive Delrose (at le)with colleague Shanae Henderson

and CEO Steadman Fuller

Ms Johnson and the beauties ofBoulevard at Delrose’s send off dinner

 H i g  h l i g  h t i n g  

 J a m a i c a  a t  B o

 u l e v a r d

Kids from Pembroke Hall Primary School having a grand time at the Boulevard store duringtheir recent visit. Tey participated in ace painting, reading and colouring activities.

Jason Smith- Supervisor Blvd making preto Juanetta Wright for selling 182 dictionar

resently concluded dictionary sale prom

was a fine evening o laugh-and sadness at the Cuddy’z

Kingston, where membershe Boulevard Store and thectors o KB surprisedose McPherson with a heartyoff dinner.

on Voyage Delrose

Tere were tears overflowingas the tributes went out, andone by one we all shared ourmost treasured Delrose mo-ment. Te directors as well hadhigh praises or her work, andcontribution to KB in her over

nine years with us…..

Bon Voyage Delrose!!

In Store  Activities


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Sportsomen’s Football was

d or the very first timegston Bookshop as thens came down on the

Department five-a-sideall competition with a

header . Testion o introducing

male match this year

d out to be a bright idea.

match itsel was excitingprovided great

ainment or thesands” o supporters

nt. Te match wasen Diva Licious captained by Mrs.

na Fuller Clarke and All

irls captained byna Johnson. Diva Licious emerged winners 3-1 on penalties aer

teams played to a nil all score line aferal and added time.

ding the women’s game was the nal of the-side competition between Danger Squad

ned by O’Neil Lynch and Stationery Strik -

ptained by Jermaine Simms. e match asted was keenly contested by arguably two

o the better teams in the competition.Not only was it a match to decide thechampion for 2011 but also to determinewho would emerge as leading goal scorer.Going into the nal, both O’Neil Lynch

(a former Calabar High Student) andKemar Woodly (a former KingstonCollege student) were on two goalseach and it came as a surprise whenWoodly missed the easiest chance

o the game. In the fifh minuteof play Jermaine Simms skillfullyworked his way around the DangerSquad deenders and played a well

weighted pass to Woodly in fronto goal and he somehow managed tokick the ball wide when it was much

easier to score. At this point o thegame Stationery Strikers were

dominating and this continued or theduration o the first hal. At theresumption Danger Squad made theirintention clear with a series oenterprising plays which saw shots

raining on the Stationery Strikers’goal, Swayne Fuller being the mainculprit. Stationery Strikers themselves

got into the game which got high tempo and

exciting as the “thousands” o loud

spectators cheered on their team as it appearedthat a goal would be scored soon.As was expected, with approximately threeminutes remaining in the contest, a quick pass bySuwayne Fuller resulting rom a ree kick ound

O’Neil Lynch in open space who controlled thenfired home the ball pass Goalkeeper Savage at hisnear post. Tis goal signalled the end orStationery Strikers who never managed to getback into the game even thou they ought

gallantly to the end. As the referee ( Norman

Livingston) blew the nal whistle not only wasDanger Squad the Champion but theircaptain and most inuential player O’Neil Lynch

emerged as the competition’s leading goal scorer.

Afer the playing o these two games, it was time

for the main event, Executive Force vs. UltimateStrikers, the matchup between the masters o

Kingston Bookshop starring our own ManagingDirector and Custos Rotulorum of Kingston theHon. Steadman Fuller from Executive Force.Te Masters match was entertaining and o high

quality but ended 1-1 aer regulation time.Ricardo Fuller broke the deadlock afer sevenminutes o play with a scintillating and powerulstrike. However, Kevin Fullerton equalized withtwo minutes to go. Te game went into penalties

and Ultimate Strikers emerged 3 -1 winners.

Contributed by: Richard Parchment

Kingston Bookshopcreated history bybecoming one o the firstteams in the BusinessHouse Football Five-a-SideCompetition to have wonsilverware in their firstseason o entering thecompetition. KB FootballTeam was presented a trophyfor emerging as Group Two (2)

winners. is indeed was a HISTORICeat.

e Team came, stood out above therest and mastered the art o winning.eir impressive record of Eight (8)wins and three (3) losses saw themamassing 24 points in the rst round.So impressive was KB that at the hal-way stage o the competition they wereOne (1) of Two (2) unbeaten teams.

Tis afforded them theopportunity to enter the quarter-nal stage (second round) of thecompetition where they were placedin a group with four ( 4 ) othercompeting teams. At this stage othe competition things didn’t go asplanned or KB who surprisinglylost all their games.

Te competitiveathletic perormteam have gainplace in the reand in the heartssupporters wBusiness House Organisers competition wimpressed with t

have acknowledged and va

and excitement that KB bryear’s competition.Tis flare and excitement wthe impressive brand o ooplayed along with tenthusiastic, passionate spectators who ollowed tsuch, KB Football Team wto be reckoned with in theo the competition.

History Making Football Team

KB Football eam

A - All Star Girls ootball teamB -Stationery Madrid ootball team

C -Ultimate Warriors - Tewinners o the masters competition

D - “Tousands” o Jubilant spectators at the match




e winning Diva-licious Devils Team

e Executive Force football team

Danger Squad ootball team - male champions


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n Day 2011 was labeled “OneFun Day”. It was held at the Font

Beach Park in St. Elizabeth onay , November 13, 201 1. eities this year were a littleent as Miss and Mr. KB and KBg stars were reintroduced. Teers were Miss Anna-Kay Guthries KB, Mr. Rohan Chambers - Mr.and Mrs . Primrose Brown - KBg Star. In addition to theities staff rolicked in the water,

relaxed with co - workers;participated in the games; and/orcheering or their respective teams(Ridout, Panther, Cuey and Shim).(Congrats to all the winners.)

Kudos to the winning team “Cuf -fley”, who proudly gave meaningto the statement “Hard work reapsSuccess” they really worked hard or

the win and enjoyed their prize…A BIG BEAUTIFUL CAKE…


Te un didn’t end there; however, asemployees were later treated to a night oun and dancing at the “Riddim & BoozeAll Inclusive Beach Party “where ourown Omar Bishop rom the AccountsDepartment provided the music or theevent.

Submitted by the HR Department.see pictures on back cover

 Annual Fun Day

test yourself1. How do you put a girae into a


2. I you are in a dark room with acandle, a wood stove and a gas lamp.You only have one match, so what doyou light first?

3. What is represented by this BrainBat?

GLOOOOKD4. How many squares, of any size, can

you find on this chess board whichdo not contain a Rook?

Marketing and Sales new office space

 H I S T O R  Y  MA K I N

 G  T R  I P :  M e m

 b e r s  o f  t h e  K B

  T e a m  w h o  a t t e n d e

 d  t h e  2 0 1 2  T o

 y  F a i r 

 a t  t h e  J a c o b  J

 a v i t s  C e n t e r  i

 n  M a n h a t t a n

,  N e w  Y o r k .  P

 i c t u r e d  i n  t h i s

   r s t  v i s i t  a r e

 ( f r o n t ) 

 M r  F u l l e r,  M

 r s  f u l l e r,  M r s 

 F u l l e r  C l a r k  e

. ( b e h i n d  L e 

 )  M r  D i x o n  a

 n d  D a m a n i  J o h

 n s o n 

 T e  K B  C h r i s t m a s

  P r o m o t i o n

 s   e a m

  O  ur Vision is to be national and regional orgais recognized as the leadinand Stationers o choice by

Our Visi




  O  ur mission is to provide products andservices that oster and enable our growthand development in keeping with our vision o being recognized as a premiumBookseller and Stationer.We will continue to listen to ourcustomers and stakeholders and continueto seek ways to provide them with creative,innovative products and services andexceptional customer service.

  W   e will encourage an inclusiveenvironment that allows the talents,experiences, and perspectives o eachemployee to be recognized, and aboveall, we will be a good corporate citizen bycontributing to national development andenriching the lives o the communities we


Honesty and Integrity 

We believe in operating withhonesty and integrity and in anethical mannerService and Loyalty to OurCustomers 

We are dedicated to offeringquality and exceptional customerservice to our customersRespect

We will endeavour to maintainan environment that respectsthe well being o our customers,stakeholders and employeesEmpowerment 

We will provide anenvironment that allows orinclusiveness , growth and

development o our employees

Our Fundamental


5. What is represented by thisBrainBat?


6. What is half of two plus two?

7. How can you get ten horsesinto nine stables, one perstable? CHECK ON THIS

8. What is represented by thisBrainBat?


1. Open the refrigerator, put in theand close the door.Tis question tests whether you tesimple things in an overly complic

2. Te match

3. Looking good. (LOOK in t he wGOOD)

4. 128

5. Back to square one.

6. Either 2 or 3 depending on whetinitial two is halved first.

“half of two” plus two →(1+2)

Or half of “two plus two”→½ x [2

7. Place one letter from TEN HOR

each o the nine stables.

8. Odds and ends



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