Kayla Potts Amber Presley J. Llanelly Paz Whitney Chislom BREAST CANCER CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL “When Life Kicks You… Let It Kick You Forward! We Got Your BACK.” - Kay Yow

Kayla Potts Amber Presley J. Llanelly Paz Whitney Chislom “When Life Kicks You… Let It Kick You Forward! We Got Your BACK.” - Kay Yow

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Kayla Potts

Amber Presley

J. Llanelly Paz

Whitney Chislom


“When Life Kicks You… Let It Kick You Forward! We Got Your BACK.”

- Kay Yow

“When Life Kicks You… Let It Kick You Forward! We Got

Your BACK.”

The purpose of this campaign is to inform and reach out to those who are in need for help, and also to

save lives through early detection.

Explanation Purpose


We want to capture the attention of women mainly because women are more likely to get breast cancer than men. Men are possible, but rare to get

breast cancer. The group range is of 18-30 year old people. Everyone should be aware, no matter what age.

A woman’s risk of developing this disease increases as she gets older. Women who have their menstrual cycle before age 12 or went through

menopause late after age 55 have an increased risk for breast cancer as well.

Anyone who has family history of breast cancer having a first full-term pregnancy after age 30

never having been pregnant having dense breasts

obesity after menopause alcohol use.


Our main goal is to help reach out and inform those who are in need for help. We also want to spread the awareness of Breast Cancer.

Early detection = Early diagnoses = Early Prognosis

Help younger women be better updated about themselves. Increase the percentage of women getting regular checkups which will decrease the percentage of women who are diagnose with breast cancer.

Also, we hope to cut down future medical costs by catching and treating symptoms early. We can save more lives by early detection of breast cancer.


Kayla’s Mother’s Personal Experience: My mother’s first breast cancer screening was at age 40. It was then that she found out she had a mass in her left breast. The doctor took a biopsy of the mass and sent it off to the lab for testing. A few days later, my mother got a phone call that would change her life. The doctor told her the mass was cancerous. My mother could not believe it but never let my sister and me know how serious it was. She had to have a lumpectomy which is the surgical removal of a breast cyst or tumor. After the surgery, she had to go through 6 weeks of radiation and she took medication called Tamoxifen for 5 years. Some women have to have chemotherapy, but my mother did not. Because of her early detection, her breast cancer had not spread. My mother is a breast cancer survivor going on 9 years.


The Be Aware of BC (BABC) is a non-profit organization that offers a complete resource for breast cancer, including up-to-date information on the latest treatments, screening tests, and radiation test. BABC don’t want money or insurance to be an issue for anyone. We want to help women and some men who may be at risk of getting breast cancer. It’s to benefit people whoever it’s affecting.

We hoping our campaign to last for a year. This should give us enough time to get started and known around the area.

Be Aware of Breast Cancer (advertisments)


This Breast Cancer Campaign will only go on for a year. If we see any improvements or see our campaign grow, we intend to keep sharing information.

$250,000 Budget

Salary for workers: $80 per week (52 weeks in a year) $4,160

Advertising (Fliers, Newspaper Ads, TV commercials, etc.): $ 5,840

Renting locations: $ 3,000 for each 4 locations = $12,000 Testings, Screenings, Treatments, etc.: $200,000 Merchandise and Donations: $28,000


Amber’s Reflection: What I learned from this

project is that breast cancer is the most common

female cancer. Breast cancer takes a toll on

women who can’t handle the truth. I also learned

that the treatments for cancer period, can make

you very sick. I also learned that the rate of

breast cancer has decreased because of earlier

screening or taking tests on the breast of women

50 years and younger. This project has made me

to want to learn more on the topic of Cancer.


Kayla’s Reflection: From this project and

my personal experience with my mom dealing with breast cancer, I learned that

cancer is hard to accept. Most common

reasons women don’t get any tests or screenings because lack of knowledge,

financial problems, or unaware of the seriousness of the cancer. Even though

there isn’t a cure for cancer, there are

treatments for it. I also learned that an

early detection equals early diagnoses and

tends to have a better outcome. Llanelly’s Reflection: Whitney’s Reflection: This healthcare

project has helped me tremendously in our

study. I now know more than what I knew

coming into this project. Breast cancer death

rates have been going down. I always thought

that anyone that was affected with breast

cancer had no survival rates and always

resulted in death. I was shocked to hear that

the chance of dying from breast cancer is

about 1 in 36.

Wieser, J. (2011). Breast cancer awareness: Think pink. Target Audience, Retrieved from http://ash-dawn-88.livejournal.com/2404.html

"National Cancer Institute." Breast Cancer Risk in American Women -. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2013. http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/detection/probability-breast-cancer

Breastcancer.org - Breast Cancer Information and Awareness. (n.d.). Breastcancer.org - Breast Cancer Information and Awareness. Retrieved December 17, 2012, from http://www.breastcancer.org/

Breast cancer - PubMed Health. (n.d.). National Center for Biotechnology Information. Retrieved December 17, 2012, from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001911/