Kayla Curry The Music That Makes Me Dance Victor Hugo once said “Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.” Growing up, I cannot remember a time that music has not been in my life. From the five year old me dancing and singing to the Disney songs in the living room to the twelve year old who had the opportunity to join choir. Joining choir I can truly say was one of the best decisions of my life. It has given me doors in my life to opportunities I can’t even describe. One of those opportunities was being part of Rhythm And Motion Show Choir. Rhythm And Motion Show Choir is an extracurricular competitive choir offered at Ross High School that combines choral singing with dance, often having a theme. Show choir has allowed me to learn how to become someone else, much like a character in a play, and emote emotion on stage, telling a story. Show choir has taught me discipline, that music is not easy but when done right is powerful. My current director, Mr. Sterling Finkbine once said, “When you go out and perform you’ll never know who will be watching and who you will impact.” When I go out on stage its indescribable how it feels, rushes of emotions overcome you; I hope that sometime in my music career I will be able to impact someone watching in the audience. Being in show choir, has taught me what it truly means to come together with a group of people with the same passion, music. Its not always easy but when a group of people preserver together the results are amazing. Being in Rhythm And Motion Show Choir, I has the unique opportunity to have a director that I had previously had in my middle school choirs, Starlet Rams & Rockin’ Rams, Ms. Rosie Jennings with her Accompanist Ms. Betsy Horton. Since I was able to have these two ladies for 6+ years of my music education, both retiring in 2013, I was able to have deep relationships with them. They were able to leave lasting impressions on my life not only about performing but as well as what I truly hope I can aspire to be in life. Since then,

Kayla Curry

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Kayla CurryThe Music That Makes Me Dance

Victor Hugo once said “Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.”

Growing up, I cannot remember a time that music has not been in my life. From the five year old me dancing and singing to the Disney songs in the living room to the twelve year old who had the opportunity to join choir. Joining choir I can truly say was one of the best decisions of my life. It has given me doors in my life to opportunities I can’t even describe. One of those opportunities was being part of Rhythm And Motion Show Choir.

Rhythm And Motion Show Choir is an extracurricular competitive choir offered at Ross High School that combines choral singing with dance, often having a theme. Show choir has allowed me to learn how to become someone else, much like a character in a play, and emote emotion on stage, telling a story. Show choir has taught me discipline, that music is not easy but when done right is powerful. My current director, Mr. Sterling Finkbine once said, “When you go out and perform you’ll never know who will be watching and who you will impact.” When I go out on stage its indescribable how it feels, rushes of emotions overcome you; I hope that sometime in my music career I will be able to impact someone watching in the audience. Being in show choir, has taught me what it truly means to come together with a group of people with the same passion, music. Its not always easy but when a group of people preserver together the results are amazing.

Being in Rhythm And Motion Show Choir, I has the unique opportunity to have a director that I had previously had in my middle school choirs, Starlet Rams & Rockin’ Rams, Ms. Rosie Jennings with her Accompanist Ms. Betsy Horton. Since I was able to have these two ladies for 6+ years of my music education, both retiring in 2013, I was able to have deep relationships with them. They were able to leave lasting impressions on my life not only about performing but as well as what I truly hope I can aspire to be in life. Since then, I have formed outside relationships with Ms. Jennings, now the choir director of the Celebration Singers and the Handbell choir Director and Ms. Horton, now my youth group leader and mentor at The Presbyterian Church of Hamilton. These two wonderful women have allowed me the opportunity to bring my musical passion into my religion by allowing me to be part of the praise team and Choirs during the contemporary and traditional services.

Throughout my life whether it be listening to music, learning music, or performing music, Music has made me a part of who I am today. Music allowed me to be a part of something bigger than myself. Music has allowed me with the ability to express that which cannot be said but only heard. Music allows me a safe escape from the weight of the world around me offering an oasis. Music has blessed me with mentors and leaders from which I still have so much to learn. I am so blessed that throughout my school career I found that oasis in choir, and as I journey on into my college and adult life I hope to continue this passion.______ = Reword