NEW ZEALAND Katka Berková, V8A 1. 12. 2014

Katka Berková, V8A 1. 12. 2014. basic information flag, anthem, national holidays history Māori culture fauna & flora food interesting things

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Katka Berková, V8A1. 12. 2014

basic informationflag, anthem, national holidays


fauna & florafood

interesting things

New Zealand

• in Māori language <Aotearoa>• island coutry• southwestern Pacific ocean• capital – Wellington• consists of two islands (Nothern & Southern)

Basic information

• capital : Wellington• total area : 268 680 km2

(Southern Island : 151 000 km2 , Nothern Island : 115 000 km2)

• population : 4 414 400 people• largest city : Auckland• ethnic groups : european (67%), māori (14%), polynesian

(7%) and asian (9%)

• population density : 14 inhibitants/km2

• official languages : english & māori

Basic information

• form of government : Realm of New Zealand• head of state : Elisabeth II.• head of government : Sir Jerry Mateparae• religion : christianity• currency is NZD (New Zealand dollar)

• realm also includes → Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau, Antarctic (Rosso‘s dependence)



extinct = vyhaslý


o Anthem - "God Defend New Zealand„ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFxr6PCrohg)

National holidays

• New Year (1st and 2nd January)• Waitangi Day (1st Thursday in February)• Easter Monday• ANZAC Day (25th April)• Queen‘s birthday (1st Monday in June)• Labor Day (4th Monday in October)• Christmas Day (25th December)• Boxing Day (26th December)


• 1000 AD – 1st settlement of Southern Island by Maori

• 9th – 12th century – arrival od Maori• 10th century – discovery by Kupe• 1642 – Abel Tasman discovered western parts of

Southern island• 1769-70 – James Cook plot NZ on maps• 1814 – Samuel Marsden brought sheeps, horses

and religion to NZ


• 1820 – 1st european settlements• 1840 – Treaty od Waitangi• 1852 – GB gave autonomous status by

constitutional law• 1876 – 4 chairs were created (privilegion to

vote)• 1907 – NZ is British dominium• 1945 – NZ is founding state in UN

„Shaky islands“• one of the most tectonic places on Earth• lies on boundary of 2 lithosphere bounds


• 1st Māories in 1000 AD• original inhabitants of NZ• X traditional villages • X culture


• X old historical sights• Māori art• Māori tattoo – moko• woodcarvers• Haka


• lots of endemic types• none of snakes and poisonous animalskivi, bat, gecko, scinkos, haterii new zealand,

chicken takahe, parrot kakapo


• originaly only forests and bushes• nowadays grasses & swamps• beech woods on Southern Island• palms and ferns

Typical maori lunch

• prepared in ground oven – „hangi“• hole, warmed up stones• food in wrapping


• spiny lobsters, eels, oysters, fishes, seashells, mussels

Did you know that…?

national sport is rugbynational animal is kivinational color is blacknumber of sheeps on the islands is 40 millionThe Lord of the Rings was filmed thereAll Backs (rugby representation) is the most

prestigious in the world if you turn map of NZ, you have the second shoe

to the pair od Apennine boots



• http://www.aotearoa.cz/• http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nov%C3%BD_Z%

C3%A9land• http://novy-zeland.wz.cz/index.php?strana=

maori• http://www.ahua-nzmaoriart.com/• http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haka• http://www.cestananovyzeland.cz/clanky/info
