Karma Yoga Goal, Principles and Practices

Karma Yoga Goal, Principles and Practices. Goal of Karma Yoga Inner Emotional Perfection –Security –Happiness –Peace –Fulfillment –Purposefulness No external

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Karma Yoga

Goal, Principles and Practices

Goal of Karma Yoga

• Inner Emotional Perfection– Security– Happiness– Peace– Fulfillment– Purposefulness

• No external Goal.• External tasks are means to the

internal Goal.• Means are as important as the

external targets.

Principle of Cause and Effect

• As I sow,So shall I reap.

• I only get what I deserve.

• Nothing comes for free.

• I am the maker of my own destiny.

What is Karma Yoga?

• Why should I work?• Right attitude

– How should I work?

– How should I face the results?

• Right action– What should I do?

– What should I avoid?

Why Should I Work? Reason 1

• We have already taken a lot from environment, parents, society, etc.

• We are under a huge debt already.

• Nature will not let us go free.

• Give willingly instead of being robbed forcibly.

Five Kinds of Debts

1. Deva runa – Debt to inanimate nature. We are made of the gross and subtle elements. Earth gives food. Sun gives heat and light. We need air to breathe, water to drink, etc.

• Preserve nature and support people doing it

• Plant trees• Avoid pollution• Conserve water,

electricity, paper, etc

Five Kinds of Debts

2. Bhuta runa– Debt to other plants and animals. Plants give food, clothes, etc. Trees give so many products. Animals are used in agriculture, for milk, honey, silk, wool, etc. Dogs, cats serve as pets.

• Pay for services• Treat animals kindly• Give comfort to

animals• Plant trees

Five Kinds of Debts

3. Pitru runa – Debt to parents and ancestors. We have got our body from our parents and ancestors. They have fed us and taken care of us. They have spend so much energy towards what we are today.

• Don’t hurt the feelings of parents

• Take care of old people and children

• Don’t scold them unnecessarily

• Donate towards old age homes, orphanages, etc

Five Kinds of Debts

4. Manushya runa – Debt to the society. We avail the services of so many people in the society like farmers, masons, weavers, shop keepers, drivers, mechanics, police, soldiers, etc

• Pay for services• Treat other people

with due respect• Help others• Donate towards relief

work• Donate towards the

development of underprivileged

Five Kinds of Debts

5. Rishi runa – Debt to teachers. Man is different from an animal because of the scientific and cultural heritage, which is inherited through teachers, authors of good books, makers of good movies, etc.

• Study well• Keep the scientific and

cultural heritage a part of your life

• Learn music, art, etc• Buy good books• Teach others• Donate to schools

Five Kinds of Debts

• Pancha runa– Deva runa– Bhuta runa– Pitru runa– Manushya runa– Rishi runa

• Paying them back brings our account back to balance.

• It is ok to overpay. It will be credited back.

Why Should I Work? Reason 2

• Work exposes our limitations to our conscious view so that we can analyze them and try to improve ourselves.

• The world is a gymnasium to develop ourselves.

How Should I Work?

• Remember the goal– To pay back– To improve ourselves

• No shortcuts• Hard work and being fair

is more important than being smart or achieving the immediate target

• Introspection and stretching our limits is the way to grow

How Should I Face the Results?

• Face the logical and illogical consequences

• Success or failure, learn the lesson and go ahead

• Face success with humility and failure with dignity

• Remember the goal– To pay back

– To improve ourselves

What Should I Do?

• Do my duty• Whatever comes my

way and whatever is expected of me in my current position is my natural duty

• Make sure I give more than I take

• Clear the five debts

What Should I Avoid?

• Lethargy• Shortcuts• Self pity• Blaming others or the

environment• Anxiety towards the

immediate target• Over consumption

Karma Yoga – Summary

• Goal – Inner emotional perfection– Security, Happiness and Peace– Fulfillment– Purposefulness

• Means – Yagna, Daana, Tapas– Pay back the five debts– Give more than you take– Stretch limits to grow

• By product or side effect– Prosperity– Achievement

Bhagavad Gita

• yagno daanam tapas ca eva paavanaani manishinaam – 18.7

• yagna (fulfilling the five debts)daana (contributing more than consuming)and tapas (stretching the limits)purify men of wisdom

Bhagavad Gita

• yatah pravriti bhutaanaamyena sarvam idam tatamsvakarmanaa tam abhyarchyasiddhim vindati maanavah – 18.46

• Him from whom the world has arisen,Him who pervades everything here,By worshipping Him by doing one’s duty,Man attains perfection.

Bhagavad Gita

• yad karoshi yad ashnaasiyad juhoshi dadaasi yadyad tapasyasi kaunteyatat kurusva mad arpanam – 9.27

• Whatever you contribute or consume,Whatever you do as yagna, give as daana,Whatever you do as tapas,Do as an offering to God.

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