SPECIAL MAGAZINE SUPPLEMENT "The Idea becomes power when It pene- trate• the muses." -Karl Marx. IHE DAILY IECOND IECTION Thla ma1ul i• IUppf• . ment will appur eve r1 · 8atutday lf'l The Dally Worklf. SEP TEMBER 27, 1924. Karl Marx to the Communist · League · (ADDRESS TO THE CENTRAL AUTHORITY OF THE LEACU E IN 1850) ) . EDITOR'S NOTE. At t hl11 time In the dnelopme nt' or tbo- Amer ican cl ua atrunl e. when pe tty bourceola · liberali sm and · procr t!aa h ·lam Ia mak· tn& a bid tor poli ti cal power. and, In ord er to u. hl eYe thla end, Is attempt· toe to t•MP th e labor- monme at a.nd the poor farm era Into th is middl e d&U LaFoll e tte monmeat, U beeomu tapr emely necesS&l')" that •nry andenlaDd deUV tJ!.e natare or the petty boarceolse. •e all:nlfteaaeo or 1 .. poliUea.l ambiUoa a and the cor-rect da.u attitude toward them. The rollowin« .. Addr eu to t be Com· munl at Lrucue .. by Karl Marx. altho It dat ea b¥=k tO USO and Is de:alln.: pr imarily wit h th o bour geois llh- erol moYcment In Ge rmany :l t th at ttd\e, yet thero Is a whole trorld ot truth for- lh o Amer ic:n n worke rs of today to be U IJP'd to 1reat :a.dnntar;e ln th o solution or the ir lmmed l:lle pr oble ma. ' What b It that enry polilf C!l liY cons cious American work e r- wants to know no w! J-l e wants to know wboth er lbe workera ahonld aupport tho LaFollette mo,..ement, tho work ers can deriYe a. ny W: ne ftts for t beauelna from ua.Jtiar poUtJc- aHr with the IOo<SIIed .. PtOJCTeUI Y e- mlddle eluaea. and c e.nerally wha t Ia the bc"t way tor tho wor ke rs to Uctpat o Ill polltlca. Theae a. ro t ho 1u pr eme q ues ti ons of tbe n1ome nt . And to ques tions t ho W' orUra f'•arty ot Ameri ca h:ta .:hon Ita anawar. It salll: No a lii· aaco wltb tho monment or am:lll capt· tal No support tor l_ ..,3. •·olh·ttc. Jn· dependent political action br l:t.bor. An lnd ependen t clan p:..rtr or work- ers and the poores t l f! ctlons or Lhe farmers. T heao llrot: on tb e experiences ot lho workf'n t hruou t tho world. on t he hllt o r-y or our own Amerlca.n cl:a.ss . alrukJ:le, and on the burn In,; netda or t he American worldnc d:LM of today. Kar l Marx 11 d eAUp& ln t he follow. add r eu wllh A set of condHions and tbJt t · are in rn:s.ny re- spect a simila r to th e onf!s contr ontlnx: the Ame ri can work ers a-t present. A corefu l 11tudy ot t his docume nt will opon tho eyes of many a. de luded wor ke r lo th a real prol et:arlao clau po"ltlon to bo t ake n by tb e workc ra In thl l hclll or tho UPPf! r whose objec t It Is t o swee p nwar nil remnants or fetulallam .ci nd at .. · (II) Th e pe tty wh0Ae main ob-. j e<: t H• Ia to eatabllsh D d emocratic f eder ation of tho Ge rmanic alatea : (II) The rrpubllca.n petty boa r- ceoltle. whose Ideal lt Ia to t atll Germany Into a aort or Swiss r-e- pub11e. These repabllc:a.ns aro all· lot: the miel,.e• .. llad " 50Cial d emocr at• .. because they ba,." the pious wl1h to r f! mo Ye th e ot lo.rr;e capital upon the a wall!n one. :tml or th e bit: up- on th a petty bou,;eolslo. All p:.rtlca. afl f' r tho defea t they h3YO nre c::a llln,; them· ael •e• r epubli cans or r edf, just a.a In France thn rc pu bllc.lln pe tty bou r· mutt A .cl lnct epeaden llt. The demo- wtth, It Is ou r lntereat and ou'i- tuk c rBtl c petty fll r fr om d e- to ma ke th o roYolutton l)ertnaaeat. to alrlnl:' to r evolutlonlz.o tho whole ac> keep IL golnJ; until a ll t he ruUol: a.ad ' , cl et)' . aro almiDJ: only :at aucb poueu ln& clauu are deprtnd of or tho aoclal conditions u power, tho 10.;e rame nL&l macbtoery would mmke llft: - ln aoc:let7 oc:cupied by tbo proletariat; aDd the more comtortab,e and prorltable. o rcaalu. tlon of th o workln' cl._,.et; They d ul re aboYo all a rt'ducllon of of all bnda is ao tar &d.-ueed that nationa l upendlt"" lhru a decnue all rinh7 4 and cofbpetltlri amonc of buruuen cy, a a:d ;be lmposl'r.lozi ...:or them.elna bu ceued; untU the more th e malft burdea or ta. utlon on tbe- Important torcea or prod.cUon an l lan\town era and c:apltaliata. They d e-- roncentn.ttd the hands or tbe pro- mand. llhwl af", th e eatabllabmerat or letarla.D.s. With ua It 1.1 not a mauer b:anb and Ia•aa::alaat uaury, or rdormlnc prl nt e property, ba.t or to eaae t he pr euure or t he big abolla hln c It ; not or buablnc up the c:apl!:.llst upon th ,. am:a.11 t raders :1nd cia .. :uua.a;o nla m, but of abol bhJ ac to JCt' l fr om th o atate cheap credit . the duu a: not or ame llorallar the Th ey d emand alao tho tull mob111z.:t. · e xlaUnt: society, but or eatablll blnc a Uo n o r th e land, ao u to do :tw:ty nnw one. Th ere Ia no doubt tha t, with with a ll nunnan t f' or mnnorlal the furt he r- •le.-elopmtnl Or tbe te Yo- For th eao pu r po11 e1 th l!Y need a demo- Iutton, tho pett y bou rceola democracy cratl e c()natltutlo n which would ch·e m:ty for a time beeomo the mostlafhl · e ntiat puty In Oe rmony. The qu e. lion ta. th erefore, wbat 1hould be the attitud e or tho prol eta riat, and par· tlcu1:u1y o r t he l..ea rue, toward.a It : · (I) Durln10 the con tt.a atJon ot the preae nt Mndl tlon s l.a wb le.b the petty boura:eola d emoeraq fa abo · (II) In the enaul ar n Yol aUoaa.ry atruqlu wh kb would ciYe them momen tary (UI) After those darial' tbe lime or th eir uc:end ancy onr t be def ea ted c baua and tbe prole- tari a t! (I) At thf'l pr ue nL mome nt wbcD th o de mocratic petty bourkeolsle are eYe r ywb ero oppreucd , th ey lecture th o prolet ariat, ex hl'lrtl DIC It to. el! eet a unlft catlon Dn tl eoncll loUo n : t be7 would like t.o join banda :md torm one oppositio n party, embrnc:l n& within tts fo1dl all ahlt. dea or r acy. That t., t he y would like to ea· t&DIIe th e prolruulat In a p&rty or· canlutlon In •h lch the u ne ral aoc:l al democrati c phruu predominate, be- bind whi ch thei r particular lnt erest.a are (:()ttcealed, and Ia bleb the par· tkular proleta r ian d em:and.l ahonld not. tor the uke or pe1ce and con· ror· ward. Such a uolft· cation wou:d be to the u ch:aiYe bene- fit or t he petty democr-acy et.nd to Uu, Inju ry of the prol et ll rlat, Tho or,;3nh.cHJ "'Orklntt clan wouh} l, sa lu ha.rtl·won Ind epend ence ond would become :t,;aln a m ra a. ppend· or the omclal bour, eolt democ- racy. Su ch a unlfteatlo n muat be r eso- Wo hue told you. brethren. :1111 f: :s.r lut ely opposed. back u In 1148. t h.s.t Germaa Liberal· Instead of th emseh ea to would aoon come to power KARL MARX form t he chorus or t be bourr;eols d e- would at onco uae ll the mouuy, t he worklna-men. and par· workln& clua... You hue se-en bow tlcularly the Leacu e. mut at rh'e to thta b.u bee n tulftlled. It w;u the ee ls!" u -e callln1 soelath em tho majorHr Ia p; ull a.ment. mue11tabl t.h nut to tbe omcbJ democ- boa.rxeolale who aCter th e Tlctorloua bt•. Wh re, howeve r, they hne the Jc:l p:tll ty, and pariah. racy u a aeent as well monmeat or 184!, took t he opportunity o r pu raulaK: t heir :a lms by With :a. Ylew to cbecklDI' the power as a tep l or caal utloa or the workJnc· teiDJ of c onr11ment. and th e fi r st uae const itutiona l methods they are usia,; :and or blc the <:Ius part y, aDd to make ea.ch com· tb ey mAd e of the ir- power- w33 to t orce their old phra.eol OkY and show· demM r:t.tlc party •t e m:snd a reform ot mu.lll ty the ceate.r and naelc u• of back the their alll e• In IDJC by dt'eda t h:t.t they not th o laws or Inhe ritan ce and ler;acles, •orklar;-c la.u aocletles In wbh:h tbe the O&ht absoluUs m, to t heir chan.: cd at a. ll. It b a m:ttter of llkewlao the tr an.re r o r tho · public attitude and the tntenata of the ronner- oPpr essed condlllon. They th :t.t th o c hnn,;rd nt uoe ot t hat nnd Ill tnl\ny Indus tri al ulet.Arlat abould ba dl acuued tndepencould nut ach la Ye t heir purpose wll b- d oe• not n.tte r their attit ude th•rutkhlJC S AS. to the atnte e nlly oC bouu·eot1 Jnnu!1,ct. How Ut · out tha ua\a tan<:o of ' lhe : defentetl towa ttla th tt c l:t.SII: It merol>· :tntl rnunlclp:t. l As to tbe ue tbe bonrf{cola de moc t• ca..re roi- ari• t ocracy, to whom they e Yon proves th at In thei r stru,;,; lo worklnr. uu:an- wcll , they 11 hould r e- an atua.nce In wblcb th prolctartua tranafe rntd KOYflrnmentD l power-, so. tho unit ed rorcca oE llDtl ! mai n wu,;u workA_u : for whom, bow- ahoold be r e«ardod u co-putnera however Cor l hcmACins t he lar,;o nplt t tll11ta r equi re th e I t ho d emnc ri llc par ty. would pro- wtlb equal r1shta and cqu.a l 1 t:uu1lnc utttma to cont rol of \h o J!:OYernnunt au[lport or t ha prole rial. curtt wace•. OOII e r- labor coad 11 shown bJ"-(ho a ttitude of the Dre• thnt t he bud,;4tt. . . . . Tho pellf ho urJ: Ia d €' mocr:Hic ll oua. " st•cu ro e: dst e nce. The lao d emoefa ta. wbo In th ei r orhA!l. The part wh1ch th e liberal s played In Ge-rmany hl Y f! ry powe rfu l tlt•mocrata ho pe to achleYe partly the dder-Zcltunc. arc a ttackt nc those In UIS, t hla rolr will at ll e mbra t"t:"A not o nly lht" ma., thru ata.te And munlc.lp:.l m:anar;e· worlr:tnr;men who are lnd epeadenUy the nest rcYolutl on be plared by tho jorlly or lhe town popul:stlon. th e mPnt and thru weUar e lnatltuUona. Ia and whom lb er atri-n.ame democ.ratlc peU:r who. •m.:.ll trader. a.nd cra!umen. but :1111 sho rt. t hey hope to bribe t he worklat IIOdaiJats, au bJ ecUa r lb em to seYere amonJ the opPMfnr thf" co,.. II t hf! pdPnt rr and the Ia. cl :au int () Quiescence, a.nd Ufu.s to pe_raecuUona... T he Kilt of tbe matte r ernment . are now Mcupr ln,.: the borua, In 110 tar :a..1 tbe latt er h:lYf! wetl kt! n their r eYol ut !on2lry .. spiri t by b thla : Ia eaao of an attack on a same poeltlon wblch the libef11s oc- yd come Into co ntact with the prole- mome nt:.ry eonceuloas :and comtoru. common &dYenar')" no special union Is cupted pr ior co the larch rnolutl on. l tarhu of th,. town'- Th e rcvolutlon:ary The d.-moer atlc de mands c-an nuer In t he t!a:b t with au_cb ... aa Thl a de mocratic pGMy, • hJcb b mort! ci:Uia a c ta In u; r eement with th e D arty of L be pr-ol etarla.L enemy the lnt eresta of botb pa.rtlu ., to t ho wnr ltlnt:olcn th an thut l'l'lrty u lon JC :u. It 18 a quHtlon Whll o L bo l d'aOocratlc Petty bour tbo democr at• an.,.,tbe the llhernl party wl'l a, consist• or the II of fttchtln,; 1\ ntl the :u ls· «eolala would 1\ko to brine the rue> party, colncldo rSr- tbe · tollowhu:; thr ee el••ntenta : t ncntlc·llber mt ro t dltlon; In a ll other lull on to a closo a.a aoon as thf! lr' d e- moment, and both partl ea will \I I Th o rnuro mem· thlnKII the r eYo lutiUIIIlry claa15 m:l nds ll ro moro or leaa compile (Coatlna e<t on pace 81

Karl Marx to the Communist ·League· … · Karl Marx to the Communist ·League· (ADDRESS TO THE CENTRAL AUTHORITY OF THE LEACU E IN 1850) ) . EDITOR'S NOTE. At thl11 time In the

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Page 1: Karl Marx to the Communist ·League· … · Karl Marx to the Communist ·League· (ADDRESS TO THE CENTRAL AUTHORITY OF THE LEACU E IN 1850) ) . EDITOR'S NOTE. At thl11 time In the


power when It pene­

trate• the muses." -Karl Marx. IHE DAILY WORICE~


Thla ma1ul i • IUppf• . ment will appur eve r1 · 8atutday lf'l The Dally Worklf.

SEPTEMBER 27, 1924.

Karl Marx to the Communist ·League· (ADDRESS TO THE CENTRAL AUTHORITY OF THE LEACU E IN 1850)

) . EDITOR' S NOTE. At thl11 time In

the dnelopme nt' or tbo- Ame rican clua atrunle. when pe tty bourceola

· liberalis m and · procrt!aa h ·lam Ia mak· tn& a b id tor political power. and, In orde r to u .hl eYe thla end, Is attempt· toe to t•MP the labor- monmeat a.nd the poor farm era Into au P"PortJn~e th is middle d&U LaFolle tte monmeat, U beeomu tapremely necesS&l')" that •nry worlr~ r- andenlaDd deUV tJ!.e natare or the petty boarceolse. •e all:nlfteaaeo or 1 .. poliUea.l ambiUoa a and the cor-rect ~worlr:lac da.u attitude toward them.

The rollowin« .. Addreu to t be Com· munlat Lrucue .. by Karl Marx. altho It d a tea b¥=k tO USO and Is de:alln.: primarily wit h tho ~tty bourgeois llh­erol moYcment In Germany :lt that ttd\ e, yet the ro Is a whole trorld ot truth for- lho Ame ric:n n workers of today to be UIJP'd to 1reat :a.dnntar;e ln tho solution or the ir lmmed l:lle problema. '

What b It that enry poli lfC!lliY conscious American worke r- wants t o know now! J-le wants to know wboth e r lbe workera ahonld au pport tho LaFollette mo,..ement, ·~~tber tho work ers can deriYe a.ny W: ne ftts for tbeauelna from ua.Jtiar poUtJc­aHr with the IOo<SIIed .. PtOJCTeUIYe­mlddle eluaea. and c e.nerally what Ia the bc"t way tor tho wo rke rs to ~­

Uctpato Ill polltlca. Theae a.ro tho 1upreme questions of

tbe n1oment. And to lhe~e questions t ho W'orUra f'•arty o t America h:ta .:hon Ita a nawar. It salll: No a lii· aaco wltb tho monment or am:lll capt· tal No support tor l_..,3.•·olh·ttc. Jn· dependent political action br l:t.bor. An lnd ependen t clan p:..rtr or work­ers and the poorest l f!ctlons or Lhe farmers. T heao answen~ llrot: bu~· on tbe sccumu l at~ experiences ot lho workf'n thruou t tho world. on t he hllto r-y or our own Amer lca.n cl:a.ss

. alrukJ: le, and on the burn In,; netda or t he American worldnc d:LM of today.

Kar l Marx 11 d eAUp& ln t he follow. tn~: add reu wllh A set of condHions and problt~ma tbJt t ·are in rn:s.ny re­spect a simila r to th e onf!s controntlnx: the Ame ri can workers a-t present. A corefu l 11tudy ot t his docum ent will opon tho e yes of many a. de luded worke r lo th a real prolet:arlao clau po"ltlon to bo t ake n by tbe wor kc ra In thll campal~r:n .

hclll o r tho UPPf! r bour~~:cotsle , whose objec t It Is t o sweep nwar nil remnants or fetulallam .cind at .. aolutl~tm: ·

(II) The democr.~t. Uc<oaaOtuUonal pe tty bourt~:aol•le, wh0Ae main ob-. j e<:t H• Ia to eatabllsh D democratic federation of tho Germanic alatea :

(II) The rrpubllca.n petty boa r­ceoltle. whose Ideal lt Ia to t atll Germany Into a aort or Swiss r-e­pub11e. These repabllc:a.ns aro all· lot: themiel,.e• "r~cla .. llad "50Cial democrat• .. because they ba,." the pious wl1h to rf! moYe the prn.~ure ot lo.rr;e capital upon the a wall!n one. :tml or th e bit: bou rl{~lslo up­on th a petty bou,;eolslo.

All t hea~ p:.rtl ca. a fl f' r tho defea t they h3Y O ·~ tre rt'tl . nre c::a ll ln,; them· ael•e• republicans or redf, just a.a In France thn rcpu bllc.lln pe tty bou r·

mutt A.cl lnctepeadenllt. The demo- wtth, It Is ou r lntereat and ou'i- tuk c rBtl c petty boU r~too l sle. fllr from de- t o make th o roYolutton l)ertnaaeat. t o alrlnl:' t o r evolutlonlz.o t ho whole ac> keep IL golnJ; until a ll the ruUol: a.ad ' , clet)'. aro almiDJ: only :at aucb poueuln& clauu are deprtnd of chnn~~:e• or tho aoclal conditions u power, tho 10.;eramenL&l macbtoery wou ld mmke llft: - ln n:IJtln~t aoc:let7 oc:cupied by tbo proletariat; aDd the more comtortab,e and prorltable. o rcaalu. tlon of tho workln' cl._,.et; T hey dul re aboYo all a rt'ducllon of of a ll bnda is ao tar &d.-ueed that nationa l upendlt"" lhru a decnue all r inh74 and cofbpetltlri amonc of buruuency, aa:d ;be lmposl'r.lozi...:o r them.elna bu ceued; untU the more th e malft burdea or ta.utlon on tbe- Important torcea or prod.cUon an

llan\townera and c:apltaliata. They d e-- roncentn.ttd ~ the hands or tbe pro­mand. llhwlaf", th e eatabllabmerat or letarla.D.s. With ua It 1.1 not a mauer IIU•U~ b:anb and Ia•• aa::alaat uaury, or rdormlnc prlnte property, ba.t or so:.~ to eaae the preuure or the big abollahlnc It ; not or buablnc up the c:apl!:.llst upon th ,. am:a.11 t raders :1nd cia .. :uua.a;onla m, but of abolbhJac to JCt' l from tho atate cheap credit. the d u u a: not or amellorallar the They demand alao tho tull mob111z.:t.· e xlaUnt: society, bu t or eatablllblnc a Uon o r th e land, ao u to do :tw:ty nnw one. There Ia no doubt tha t, with with a ll nunnan tf' o r mnnor la l rh;ht ~. the furt he r- •le.-elopmtnl Or tbe te Yo­For th eao pu r po11 e1 th l!Y need a demo- Iutton, tho pett y bou rceola democracy cratle c()natltutlon which would ch·e m:ty for a time beeomo the mostlafhl·

e ntiat puty In Oermony. The que. lion ta. th e refore, wbat 1hould be the attitude or tho proleta riat, and par· tlcu1:u1y or t he l..ea rue, toward.a It : ·

(I) Durln10 the con tt.aatJon ot the preaent Mndltlons l.a wb le.b the petty boura:eola demoeraq fa abo · oppreued ~

(II) In the enaular n YolaUoaa.ry atruqlu whkb would ciYe them momentary ucend:lncy ~

(UI) Afte r those atru~tc1es, darial' tbe lime or thei r uc:endancy onr tbe defea ted cbaua and tbe prole­taria t!

( I ) At thf'l pruenL moment wbcD th o democratic petty bourkeolsle are eYerywbero oppreucd, th ey lecture tho prole tariat, ex hl'lrtl DIC It to. el!eet a unlft catlon Dntl eoncll loUo n : t be7 would like t.o join banda :md torm one ~~::rut opposition party, embrnc:ln& within tts fo1dl a ll ahlt.dea or dem~ racy. That t., t hey would like to ea· t&DIIe the prolruulat In a p&rty or· canlutlon In •hlch the u neral aoc:lal democratic phruu predominate, be­bind which thei r particular lnterest.a are (:()ttcealed, and Ia • bleb the par· tkular proleta r ian dem:and.l ahonld not. tor t he uke or pe1ce and con· cor~/brot ror·ward. Such a uolft· cation wou:d be t o the u ch:aiYe bene­fit or t he petty bouu:~l• democr-acy et.nd to Uu, Inju ry of the prolet llrlat, Tho or,;3nh.cHJ " 'Ork lntt clan wouh} l,sa lu ha.rtl·won Independence ond would become :t,;al n a m ra a.ppend· o.~o or the omclal bour,eolt democ­racy. Such a unlfteatlo n muat be reso-

Wo hue told you . brethren. :1111 f::s.r lut ely opposed. back u In 1148. t h.s.t Germ aa L iberal · Instead of allowln~t themseh ea to b~n would aoon come to power :~~nd KARL MARX form the chorus or t be bourr;eols de-wou ld a t onco uae ll ~a.Jn.s t the mouuy, the worklna-men. and par· workln& clua... You hue se-en bow tlcularly the Leacue. mut at rh'e to thta b.u been tulftlled . It w;u the ee ls!" u -e callln1 t b~ mael,.es soelal· them t ho majorHr Ia p;ulla.ment. muD· e11tabl t.h nut to tbe omcbJ d emoc­boa.rxeola le who aCter the Tlctorloua bt•. Wh re, howeve r, they hne the Jc:l p:tll ty, and pariah. racy u ladependea~ a aeent as well monmeat or )lu~:h, 184!, took t he opportunity or pu raulaK: t heir :a lms by With :a. Ylew to cbecklDI' the power as a tepl orcaalutloa or the workJnc· teiDJ of conr11ment. and the fi rst uae cons t itutiona l methods they are usia,; :and th ~tt ~:rowtb or blc capil~ the <:Ius party, aDd to make ea.ch com· tbey mAd e of the ir- power- w33 to torce their old phra.eolOkY and :~~re show· demM r:t.tlc party •tem:snd a reform ot mu.lll ty the ceate.r and naelcu• of back the workln~man. their allle• In IDJC by dt'eda th:t.t they h~Ye not th o laws or Inhe ritance and ler;acles, •orklar;-c la.u aocl etles In wbh:h tbe the O&ht at~:al nat absoluUs m, to their chan.:cd at a. ll. It b a m:ttter of llkewlao the tran.re r o r tho · public attitude and the tntenata of the p~ ronner- oPpressed condlllon. They cou n~e th :t.t tho chnn,;rd ntuoe ot that ~~~ r \'it"f'A nnd Ill tnl\ny Indus tri al un· let.Arlat abould ba dlacuued tndepend· could nut ach laYe their purpose wll b- p~uty doe• not n.tte r their attit ude th•rutkhlJCS AS. poulbl ~ to the atnte enlly oC bouu·eot1 Jnnu!1,ct. How Ut· out tha ua\atan<:o of ' lhe : defen tetl towa ttla th tt work l n~ cl:t.SII: It merol>· :tntl rnunlclp:t. l a uthor ltl~8. As to tbe ue tbe bonrf{cola democ t• ca..re roi­ari•tocracy, t o whom they eYon proves that In thei r stru,;,; lo a~!\ID IIt worklnr. uu:an- wcll, they 11 hould r e- an atua.nce In wblcb th prolctartua tranaferntd KOYflrnmentD l power-, so. tho united rorcca oE ab~Jo l utlsm llDtl ! mai n wu,;u workA_u : for whom, bow- ahoold be re«ardod u co-putnera curlo~t however Cor lhcm AC ins t he la r,;o nplt ttll11ta t~y requi re th e I ~ ve r , tho demncri llc part y . would pro- wtlb equal r1shta and cqu.a l 1 t:uu1lnc utttma to cont rol of \ho J!:OY ernnu•nt au[lport o r tha prole r ia l. curtt hlt~:h c r wace•. OOIIe r- labor coad l· 11 shown bJ"-(ho a ttitude of the Dre• thnt the bud,;4tt. . . . . Tho • pellf hourJ: Ia d €' mocr:H ic ll oua. :~nd " st•cu ro e:dst ence. The lao demoefa ta. wbo In thei r orhA!l.

The part wh1ch th e liberals played p~y In Ge-rmany hl Yf! ry powerfu l tlt•mocrata hope to achleYe t~at partly the dder-Zcltunc. arc a ttacktnc those In UIS, thla treach~roua rolr will at ll e mbrat"t:"A not only l ht" ~re::at ma. , thru ata.te And munlc.lp:.l m:anar;e· worlr:tnr;men who are lndepeadenUy the nest rcYolutlon be plared by t ho jorlly or lhe town popu l:stlon. the mPnt and thru weUare lnatltuUona. Ia o~nl1ed, and whom lber atri-n.ame democ.ratlc peU:r bou~~lsle, who. •m.:.ll trader. a.nd cra!umen. but :1111 sho rt . t hey hope to bribe t he worklat IIOdaiJats, au bJecUa r lbem to seYere amonJ the p:utl~• opPMfnr thf" co,.. II t hf! pdPntrr and the :a~;: rieu llur:d Ia. cl:au in t() Quiescence, a.nd Ufu.s to pe_raecuUona... T he Kilt of tbe matte r ernment. are now Mcupr ln,.: the borua, In 110 tar :a..1 tbe latt e r h:lYf! wetl kt! n their reYolut!on2lry .. spirit by b thla : Ia eaao of an attack on a same poeltlon wblch the libef11s oc- yd come Into contact with the prole- moment:.ry eonceuloas :and comtoru. common &dYenar')" no special union Is cupted pr ior co the la rch rnolutlon. l tarhu of th,. town'- The rcvol utlon:ary The d.-moeratlc demands c-an nuer n~uary : In the t!a:b t with au_cb ... a a Thla democrat ic pGMy, • hJcb b mort! •·orkln~t ci:Uia ac ta In u; reement with ~tatiAty th e Darty of Lbe pr-ole tarla.L enemy the lnteresta of botb pa.rtlu • ., dan~~:N o u• to t ho wnrltlnt:olcn than thut l'l'lrty u lon JC :u. It 18 a quHtlon Whllo Lbo ld'aOocratlc Petty bour tbo mldd~lua democ rat• an.,.,tbe the llhe rnl party wl'la , consist• or the II of fttchtln,; 1\ ntl onrth rowln~ the :u ls· «eolala wou ld 1\ko t o brine the rue> worktn~e-cla..a• party, colncldo rSr- tbe · tollowhu:; t hree el••ntenta : tncntlc·llbe rmt ro tdltlon; In a ll other lullon to a c loso a.a aoon as thf! lr' de- moment, and both partlea will ca~

\I I Tho rnuro proJ( ru!llv~ mem· thlnKII the reY olutiUIIIlry workln ~: claa15 m:lnds llro moro or leaa compile (Coatlnae<t on pace 81

Page 2: Karl Marx to the Communist ·League· … · Karl Marx to the Communist ·League· (ADDRESS TO THE CENTRAL AUTHORITY OF THE LEACU E IN 1850) ) . EDITOR'S NOTE. At thl11 time In the


The Proletarian Will to -Power Tbe helcht or Cbartllm had bee n fo come to reTohallonU'1 'trance . .. ilono.:. wortacmeA'I rnolatJoa .

By MAX SHACHT .. MAN. ~ached and from thea on, despite th r There be &'Alber-ed the membeu of • • • took uadt.puted. awar of THE blatory of the worklnc tnatat-a e.,Ondle outburata, tho moYemont the Lea1_ue of CommuniiU a~d pr~ Parts.'' The mOIL mature ud tm· • le &.bo the history of their il· was doomed. Tbo nnal blow wu not ~e~W to tho Rhineland to eatabllab port.a.Dt eu.mplc of tho proletarta.D

tempts to free lhemaeiTH from op- o nly t he rlft lellloua f:allaN!I of the aee· tbo b ls Jorlc Hue Rh•l"l•che Zelt.u"D· wUJ to power of the nineteenth een· preaaloa; U Ia the blatory ot n ruc,;le ond petition but alto the npeal of nts br1111ant eontrtb~na to Its eol· try wu belnc ezblblto:l In awtft. d,. acatut tbe rull.nc dua. the Tlc:lous orn Laws of '46, t he pua· umna remain the ou'b u.ndln' reaalla m:~.tlc acenu. The C.ll of the Little

The oual.&ndln« liltru,;clel'l· of t he '"' of tho remedial Pac:tory Act•. the of tho CenJlAG rewolutlon. !n them Napoleon, the failure ot Tblera• wortia.c clasa qa.laat the bourccot1 te rl1e or tht) s tandard of lh•lnl!: A«Om· arc conce ntrated the his tory, the treacheroua lfttempt to 1cbe tho cu· lA Ule al.Deteenlh centa17 1iere thtt pabled by the!: N!IThal of a atroncer lba.onaJ the CritJclalOt. ud the eom· non of the National Guard, the frate..r· Chaztl.at moTetaent ln E~~d. the tr2de union monmeot. meod:lllona ot the Cerman and J.'reocb' olutJon of tbe troopt of the Ltne. t.be nrtolaUou ot 1148 Ia. Fri nee abd Ger · The fte ry appula and l~denhlp o r reTolta. r lao a.od proclamation o t tbe Com· many, a.od. moat Important, the P:nt1 Fearxu• O'Connor, O'nrien and J ohn " RoYolutlona.ry upbcanl of th~ mun~ of Creu30t, St. E:ttcnne. Lyoat, Commuao of 1171. Jt Ia or tbc11e tha t }o"'"rost we re forf;otte n u tho hun,;ry Prench workln~ cla.u, ~~tencrnl wnr- ~l:t.nellllet, Narbonne, and t•arle­we a~l trea-t here. ma.saca ruahM to plek up the crumlt• th:1t Ia tho Index for t bo year 1!4:). a.U followed In bewHderln£" tuccea·

that were fa llln(l{ from t.ho t.ablo of And alrudy In t he eaat a re1"olutlon· alon. The Chartlat Movement.

The condltlon..a or the Dritiab work· In~ etau i.t tbe middle .oWbe Jut century were lndeac:r1hnbl y horrible. The Reform DIU of 1132 b11-d been of adnaU.:o to tbo middle dua alone

~::n~l.1.nd 'a ovcntocked pro11Hlrhy. ary ar-my, comprls~ ot warrlora of Parts. whence a n but the ruola· They wt-ro lulled ~ to •Jeep _by tht- a ll n:a.t lnn:allties at.1.nd.!l eontrontln~ ttour1e• h:ut fted. u tabllabed lbo ' t r:ade unlon111 under tho vaclnat lea..t· the oM Europe represented by an1t In worker11• dlctntonhh> on r all France. er~hlp ol tho predeceuou of J . II. lenr;:u~ vdth tht Ruu lan Army, Marx hlld adTiaed n(Jalbtt tbe re Yolt, Tbomu :~.nd .... rank llod,;u. a.lre:uty from P:arl1 looms thf:l UN He be~.d •proposed, Ins tead, the crea·

, and le tt the wcrll:en wllhou t the .uf · I Cr~e. F'h'e . ye~ later, one of the numeroua radical soclctlu th:lt had I PfU.DC UP all OYCr E•~elantl , the fAn• don Worllln,;m~n·a Aucx:l:atlon. dra.ned a al.x. point. ~tltlon which • late r beume the P~phfa Charter. It called for equa.l e lec:tora.l dlatrlc:t•. uniTeual malo auttrl\,;c, annual 11ar· liruneota, Dp pr"opt rl 'I quaJIOc:atlo n for M, P.'•. the paym~nt o f membcn &nd YOt e •r ballots.

To achh~., ., Lhl.a nlm, no reTolutlon would bo neceaaary. nut atlr.l.ctetl to tbe Chart111t movement wero tlw lc:lden of t ha ·•' m iserable prole tariat oC tbe • 'orth ... the phy•lcal torcl•t•

or tbtt Hrootcrre O'llrle:t t)~po who I m.ado It plain t h:~.t t ha Ch.:trtc r waa tho prollmlnnry &tep to 1odal CfJUtd ·

Uy. T hus. J . J . oombc. Q Cha.rtJat j<Ju r

oallat. a.aawered the que1tJoo u to tho objec:L or the People'• Charter by wrlUnt: :

"Soclal cqunllty mean• tha t tho all mu11t work all muat ba happy. And now b.s'riDJ: answ~red tho Inquirer as to wb:at I coaalder •ocllll and political equaUt r · to mca.n. Juat le t Dl«! u lt: :rou., kind re:lder , oao 111 ln~;le queKihm. do you u~ct tb:u 1uch a atnte or lblnJ;"a, will ~v~r co me to p:ass, by r;o In£" down on your beodcd k.n~C!'S An•l prayln,; t or It! no not dech! , t'd, your t1T&nta will n~Ter c:onct-du ju 11tlf'" t ill they arc comPt'IIOll : never will they ylt!ld to your demands e1"en t ill thC'Y are o1"e rcome by nrc and s wor•l. and drtn:D or e atermlnated from thf'


9,750,000 Dead • 25,000 Oend 20,000 Dead face of tho ~a.rtb." The Spectre That Haunted Europe. Republic :" - ·rote l!an.

Tho Chartlat asllatlon was r;lnn For atmoat :a. dec.1Ld1J tho wave of Pro~htltlc worda. tremondoua lmpetuA by tho SM~rr t:uropca.n revolution w:t& at l)bb . Tho r;•volt ot tbl'\ J'.ul11a.n prole· crisis of lUI. The m'o,.ement K•lned 'fhen, auddenly, followtnllt' on t he tarhat. la.cklnllt' In conadosne11 •nd thouaod.a of adherent•. A conl'C!!l· beela of the Communis t M.1.nlfea&.o- dl!idplln~ h!3den hlp, f~Hn~ to rnl­Uon whleb met ID ~·<llbruary prcaented Its memorable ber,:lno lnr; : "A ape<t rf' h:e that t here wu o nly ono mcana, tho rlnt petition , :~nd . while aw;tllln,; Ia hauntln~t F.urope-the lfl'lectrtt or In t he words of Man . .. of ahorten· the re11ult. considered what ltl'l polk)' Communl1m :" Ita ominous worntu~~~: lnJ:, llimplltylnc, a•d concentratln.: would be In the u ent or rejection. - "Let t he rullaa: cluae11 t.remble at the tortu rln;: a.conlea ot aocle ty-4)nly Tho phy1leal ton:l•ts were lncreuln~ a Communlltlc rnotut lon"~ame tbe ouo ml"ana-re~olutloaary t errorlam," tbclr tatlaeoee to the d~Lrimrnt of uprlslnt;a ot t .4S Ia J.''nnc~. Germaby, wu butcb•rt'd by t he troops of CaY'· the mor-al Cordata led by LoTett. Tht' llua,:::a.r)', and ltatr. al~:n:\c In tho fricbtful da:rs of Jane. llltu:ltloa, c::onalderahly IUU;rantcd by In France the workf'rll, who eoul•l Thn Gcr m.1.n uprlalnr. a re nu tho bloody riot In nlrmlnr;h:un. a nd no IODJ;er 11nn•l up un•ler tho horror~~ larcely, oC the ., .. rench oHempt, rose tbe arrest o f Lovett. brot the co n•en- of unomt\lormcnt afl.,r the severo crl· u eu lly as tt • ·u put down. The tlon to d~lare a r enera l atrllce On "Is or t11e winter ot lS I';, P3rticlll.31t:'tl rc,.olutlona were Pl'tiY bour,;-Pol t~~, with MCOttd tbot the 1tr1te c.all wu with· In a tlemonu rat ion ; soldle~ 3Uacked lew prolet.1.rl.1.n e le ments. Order wu drawu, but It wa1 too tate. Wtlah t hem; n riot IM! .;::~n : tho klns ned : restored by t he bourJCCOhlle. the prol· mtnera ap~ucd. In armed banda tho pro1'1s lonu l ,;o,·nument w~ pro- c tnrlnt Yhtorous ly 1uppreeaed, ao l hat beariudownon Newport wltb tho In· cl:lhnf'd hy J .. '\martln6, nnd tbo noml commerce and ftnaneo mlcbl continue t e.nUon or captor1n~r I he town and noea o(A-tro-workers , t he aoci:I.Uata a.ad uabampered by turmoil! proceedtac to Card Ill'. At Newport r.uUcJ.t, :r.MieatN bdore it. Dut from Parle loome4 the n edRa-they were met w1tb " fus illade by t he M:a.r'1. who •o early as UU In • public! bJdlfen ~rowu tbroope and retJrcd in let ter. to Arnold Ru,;o h:ld predicted The Clorlou1 Commune. contusion. · tho re•olutlon;u·y wan, wu lnltW Oo the JSth of .Marcb, 1871, the'

Uon of a atroc,; proletarlac Achttnc or,;anlutlon, tatln,; adYantq:e of any fr~om they could aqueeze out of the cotlu or republican "llberttea·• and with ~-rowlnr. dla<::lpllne-d n.rmy of reTolutlona.rlea. :n ... lt lhe propitious

ment to strike for Ylctory. nut the Commune wu ne·nrtheleu

t'3tnhll• hl!tl. (Rnolutlons bli.YO thDt luablt of not w:altln~ on nnyono!) It 'A' U t he ft u t prole ta rian dlcUl.tOrlhlp and' It b:wl ILa numeroua abortcom· IDI::I . 'tfe:tlcneues. It f:21ted to lay hands on the &nk of France; tt d id not d ea l 11ummnrlly with tn.Hora In l t3 own rnnka: It hnd tho Ta.ln hope ot M-curlnJC peace with Thlera; only a.t the l.ut hopPiess momt'nt. did It put llele1clur." In cba r ,;e oC the army In pl:ace of tho lncompe~tent <..'luu ret, or Hoascl.

nut then. It wu eompoaed or auch dln·rsto C"lt'mcnts a.s Dlanquiat.s and memb('r. oC t he Firat Internat ional ; radlc:alA a.nd rcl'olutlonft r lea: .crloua rebel~ nnd dabblf'r" : honcat men ~and hrnvo llkiJ Of'lel'lc luzo nn1l scountlrcll'li Ilk& Dl:lnchet or mouthera like 1-' eliJ ~,..:.

Yet It waa the workln~ cl:us In power ! The Commune ot the ~"»" r•la's rumy, tho tlrmollshcr of the Vr ndornc colDfD D. t ho eel:le r of ab•n· don~ factoric,, tho ":~..!ly In a conftl~t which can only end In the t riumph of th,. communal ldt>a.."

Thi) Commune l:utOO " HUla onr two montbt. It Wfll' drowrfe.l In • 11<'3 of ·Ha own blood, drawn by thO WTetch CaHife t. It will bo .. foreTer celebrated: u the ,;lorious bvblnctr or a new society, .. lbrz wrote Ia the Ta.ledlctory which wu al.11o the fa re­well to tho First Jnt arniLllonaL

The worken: or t:uropo wero not to rtae auln for & half ~entury, wlt.b the .nter1ude of the heroic Rua tan re-Tolutlon ot 19GS, whe n Lenin nnt reco,;:nl&eil tha SoTieU R-1 tho form ot tho proletar ian dlctatonhlp, Out wben the prololariatt. will to power &KAla u ·presaed lt.a.elf, when the Rb• stan cta.nt roao and felt Ita huce 11 tren~;th. It had behind It tho leaaoas of tho reYolutlonary nlnetetntb cen­tury. Jt. hnd as ItA tlllfr a.nd aword t l\o tcachlnp ot lb& n-Tolut.lonary MU"%; u Its leader. tbo lron-wiUed ~nln. In the lm&Ko ot the F irat ID· t ernatlonat It bore from lta Join• the Communlat JnternntloD.al, CD"Jio.c the red lor~h to CYery corner of the e.arth, rhll:tc lc• otratlon, hope, &Ad belief In the eomtnc of the new .o­cle(J', lD the proletarb.D wlU to power! -----------------------------


By Nathaniel B~chwald

Comuch)l, there is a otblnl{ to tt. lliP~edlr bu swept a.nd sw:~.yM. and 1 me.an that ~olloUe hullabaloo. altrred up the wcl1-adYe rtlaed mua· 'rhe bla:: mectln' w.u a boat. It wu ca that ua behlnd l .aFolle ttc. Out 1

' hollow; and Ule ft..oe a.cou• Ues of Madl· did not h:u·e to call upon my rua"ea : - .on Squ.aro Ca.rdea cue full reaon· c t h.a.rd. Comma.nbt thlnk.laJ:. A primer

ance to thla holloWllOU. wu more than sutnel~t. Not ena a To eoofeu. t wu all tenn arl ap. primer of Commualsm, but or r.peet·

pro:tchcd tho Ga.rdea. 1 wu ready to ablo mlddlo-of.lhe-road aodalitm, oar, 11Ummon up all t.hc cleRr thtoklac that of lntetUceot. honeat llbct'ft.Usm. Jl Communism h.u bu1b t me to with· require• a creal c1Ml leu than d .... 11t:1nd Ule onrush of thAt bUnd bot at:n:lca;:1e tuacts to detect the ordiJa&rJ' com~lllor; cothtuiiUm, of lh• re.-ln..l· .peelee ol plflle, to e.ra.ml.uo U &Dd IIH procrcu iYism (l!tz.t bnlDd) which pronou.ac. lt pltrla. A.D4 pUOe tt wu

r ~e c.halrm.all. the p-r-.ttmlaa.t7 wbJeb Ulamloc. Communist raUJee 0(

tpe•hn, "'F1cb.ttDc Bob .. &Ad all. aile. which wu cba.ractc.rl.tUe ot 10-

Perhap.a l ean Impart to 7011 a tonso daUat ~ralhe:rlo.p of yean aco. Not •

~ th:~~th:::;o'r':t ~~~ta f:~ :: O:f1~ ~~~= O:t :::':i d..d from L&l'oUetta dowu or from aport.. aD tu:a.. People Applaoded. the a.Sieoce a:p. The aoi.H at Lbe wlllltlecL Telled 1A a Ucbt-hearted. oaadld.a.to't anini wu a tDirttle.. 1D&II...MI'. b&Atertnc u tbe7 did eo. pertuao&erJr _,.,. malt1Dc. K....,.IU!t. Llllch!Dc at tllolr "'"' ehlldllaboou or Jo.c !a tllo ....C. I JeoUcl at tllolr ~ Ill tile DOIM. Tb!a oUU·boro rae., I ...... c..~ t.o ~ Ia u..m lila! anjlalo 'II'OUI bYO ruo Ito eoono Ill looplncl &)ow, that - laltll, - cr throo llllaai.M, &114 It It lao~ lhat Qlrlt ol- &114 Nallce, (Cootbl~ OD pop I) '


Page 3: Karl Marx to the Communist ·League· … · Karl Marx to the Communist ·League· (ADDRESS TO THE CENTRAL AUTHORITY OF THE LEACU E IN 1850) ) . EDITOR'S NOTE. At thl11 time In the

~ : I

' ,; ' .;_


Make It a Party of · Leitinism nuclei : ( !) ; A rorrrct trade aa lo"ia pol·, ~ cert:rin :amo'Uot of le"dershlo fa :ablllt r to m:u teu Tf!T u a U!n lnlat

By EARL R.ii"AowoER. icy and work : (J) lallla.tlon :a.nd Uok· their at ru~c lea. E•en hu o. howe• er . Pa rty. Amon,; other tbln~t• thta eaUa J' tbn-e .. one t.ult or npnme lrlll up •ttb a abop commltlee moTe-- Ia untlereatlm:allnr: tr. hnport :r. ace, for a tt'n fold lnuaalft catlon oC our portat\ce before the Worken PartJ mont : (4) A to rrect po11cy toWV'd but ln a tendoney to allo w the cen ter cduc.a.Uooal a ctiYily, ahd the keenest

of AmeriCa It Ia that or remaltiDI tho farmers : (5) A correct policy oo oC cravlly of th4l atruu(e to allp oYer acrutluy or enry He m or ou1;.._ educa-ltHit Into a bobhnlat party. the oallooaJ question. . too far tow:nd the 111 r.Jnan eleme nts. tlonal work. that It may bo lAalalat durtac t be commemoraUon of Shop nuclei , the tint law of orsa.a· The leadenhlp mu..~t alwaya remain In rac:t .... we ll as phrue. death of oa.r creal leader . Leala, lutlon Cor a Party of Lenlalam, are wi th lhf:'l nncH Drd or th o lnd uat rl al A Re volutionary Pa rty. laaached tbo r ecna ltla.r alopn : •· only now belnl( OrKanlled In ou r worke 1 1 On tho third pro·rflfttllalte Ja.Jd down the Party or Lenin ... we all we re part y. And wo attn lack tha t driYinr: On :~e national ueatl on wo mil by t ho ··eomlnte rn, that tho Party or le .. contcloua that Cor the Worll · fo rrc o r a conTiacocl and en lhus lutlc q 1 m ui'JL be eucntltUiy and undeTiattniiY en Party" tbla waa aa u plratloa me mber ahlp that w111 make our ab op 83Y I hat our theo ry }faa bo~o correct , " ,~, olutlona ry , nnd ~hnlat Party, rathe r that~ an t atabUabed r.et.. Now nuclfl l tho IIYinJ, Tllal oreana of t be but our l'r:u:qee hu IM!en udly lim· w (! e ht.lm tha t the Workers Patty more than enr we a.re ro.altd.ac parly, A dra•tle awakentnc of ou r ltod. Only on tho que• tlon of the t:o lnea d cne to tbc alandud. Da•l• (IInce tho dls uu loat In tbe Fifth me mberah lp to the a b-.olute nee~- Phl lr"~P lne. can we lay t hA t the part y tiona rrom l:~ck ot underat.andlnc, World Conveu particularly) what a t lty of thl • re-orcanlz:atlon • tasll. Ill ~u rea lly mall ~ ll acU " ractor . 1" r.rom au Jncompl to uslmllatlon of blc Job we hue to malle r;ood our c:al led for Imme-diate ly. Sou t h a nd Central Ame r ica. whe.te the Cotnmunllt thoory acd practice, boaat o r beJnr thd Party or Lenin. Correct trad e wr~lon policy hu been bt: m ln ,; qucatlon• o r nationa l at rutc· hA•e appe.a.red a.nd wiU a ppear. But

Le-n lnlam Ia Not PhraKmongery. nne of the atron~te t polnu of the rl ro :uo lmnnlde rl n ~ and ft ~arln!C · UP ou r party r econt Ia not too bad Ia · In thl1 tuk we must d etelop thr Work en J .. art y from Its Inception_ I urul~r t be o pp rualon o r Amerlan tht.s ret~ peeL ncna.n t acrutlny of all

dl•c:uu lon n~~ry to m!Lke the II · ll ut OYt' n h(!r f" . te ndencies to de• late lrnperlalbm. ou r party a.ad ly fa ll t'd to ou r OKlS, and merctleaa ae.JC< rltld.l.m, suet d ea r to ou r nu!mbersh ip. At the rrom t he t ruo line or '""rUn ha Ye :.p- m~ko thtt m~t of 1~ opportu nt lt l · wilt kM p ua on t ho correct road . aame time th o d:am:f'r or der;ene ratla~ pured. -not a lone :lmoa~ am:ll l cl r· T here are a hund i"ed c :a:~H for Into ph roumon~~:ery, t be nry opposhe- clh o f ou r mem~nhlp. but :.ba t bls. b.c k of re::ou r eea. (! tc .. . ... ut th ~ ~~~:~:~z~; :::'i,~ l ~b:·r~:rtJ. of l.enln l• m. la e,.e r preeeot Ia a. p.:..r ty :.moo,; 10m_, lt.:"ad l n ~ comrnd .~l$. F...s- fac t rem3in• tha t untO wo make 10 youn,; a nd untrltd u our o wn. It p.•cla lly 11 1d w,. nntl th e d!Wtrous ~001.1 thiA dcOcl~ncy wo cannot cla im poi nt. that we be~tln to s et ao a~ Ia thla te ndency to le t tho wont of the .,. C e rm:~n com r:W u to bo fully a Leoln l•t Pa.rty. ~:e~i:~~:e 0~V~~:e::~:~~~l' ~b=~.::r: atand In placo o r th t' deed that Com· on th h• queatloD ft nd lnll:' echot!s ID Summ:a r l:zln ll( th e co ndHiona necet· o fS:f.-@ n in.l.s D\ Tho Comlntern •ara : r adtt ZlnoYie Y atrucll. at. whea he aaill Am fl rka. Thc~ty must 00 c;OD· Jl.ary fo r m:akiDII( !h" Worke r:~ Party o "'It rnul't be a centrallud party, at tho ••trth Conr;reas: ftrmed . from top to bottom. In the m:au Party of Communl1m, wo mar prohibiting factlona. t endenc ltl, and

\b;~A c:.:'ea~ t:: t~:. o::!".1~e:~~~·.:.~ !:~:~x:~~~a t:~:e tplon ~~:~· t:~:~ :r11::,·~:"11 !:: !'~~ ':~~d ,t b~n~a~!~~ uroup1. It must be • monolithic

ahnYIIIInll( tho partlea, or r emalaln' pa:ybl:::"re~~,:":/!~:e~olnlt Lea· tru n to Lenlnlam. We would preCor IO lfll sm, s tAnds h era lll&ln•l ou.r mOTe-hear le•.s,.bout bols ho•lt ln& the p.:artr . me n\ Ia Am e ri ca. Not on ly huo we but to haYc the t:taence or I~enlnl&m alle iHI)' acquiesced Ia our AOC:Ial-dem· lt&tiC atudled more d« plf, e&pec l.allr oenUc lohe ritaaee of atructural Corm, Ia. r e~ard to th e trade ' un ion qu n · which redueea eentraUtatiOI:I to a Uuo." mod:ery- we ban done worse, by

In line with tb ls ~eatle hint Cro m ayatematleally placln,c a pre mla m Comrade ·Zino• le.-. Je t ua try to kH p upon faction•. tendeoelu. and l'f'OUpa our d lacu1.slon on bolaheT i z.ln~ the within our p.:a.rty. We hue a pernlc· Worllera P a rty upon u coac:rf' te a.od Ions tradiUoo. runnloc •lolently

· ~ e ftn l to a pla n .. a. poulb~. counter to the CuDdarne ntala of Lea-Five Pointe of Len ini&M. . to la m, that thff road to ludenhlp

Aceordln,; to th f! theses oC UU) Fifth Uu th ru tbe deulopmeot of "'teed· Conll(reaa, tb e r e are ftY e rund:~meat.:al enc.l«" dUI'er ln« rrom the partr line, ruturea of "a re:a llr bohl he .. ik party," and the crrata lllutjon or fac tion• a.ad wh tc.h are : croupa :~ronna th~•e " te nde ncies ...

"(tl) The pnrt )' mus t be r~:~11r a A sharp halt must bo e:a ll ed to thl1 hlau pa rt y ; 1.~ .. whl~ be ln« 11 le~:t 1 un·boiShevLst practice, anll M t~nd p.ut y or If ob ll ltl'd 10 bfocome ilk.,;u l. put to th l" t~ hamefu l tradi tion. Tho It nua ~t t ma.Jnt n.l n lhc clo~~• t nnd un · WQrke rs Pa rty o r Ame rica mus t . too. ~tc vu rn blo ti c~ with th~ mus of the bec:O rno " .C monolithic party hnwn of workc,.. An1l •••t,.•! Att the ~preu loo one . pl ec~." Tb~ re Is no roo m Cor of th lr nce<b nntl a.s pl rallon :o.. -.·:urln.; fnctlona nnd r; roupa within

" fb ) ll mu!lt huore the :abtl ll r to a Co rn mu nlst . pa.rt y. Wbeu t ha nest maneu ,.e r ; I. ~ - . Its tacUcs must not c~n tr-a l •:a:ecutl,.t> CommiUeo a nd t~ dn,. tn:lll t o r JICctar l::u:a: ll mu•t b•~ Jl1strlc t Commit tee. of ou r party are a bl" to resor t to c ve-ry at rat tor;lcal et c-t ed. let It be uodc n tood. oncQ abd rn11n eunr a~;.o'll n •t lh~ e nemy, whic h Cor :~. 11 . that when the party haa eltab-wllt e n:ablc It t o ro>rnaln lntt> t o ltJtetr. Hs bed Ita line of policy In t ha d lscu• It Is one o r the chid t~rrors of ou r alon ~rlod an1l by conTention dec!•·

tl lf'A i ba t th f'Y rrequ~n ll r C::t.U to lon. :u t ha t momtrll a ll attuKIIe nderstand thb. wltbln the patty ecda a.nd enry mem·

(c) It m Ul l bo.• esaentb lly ":. re Yo- btr, rrom top to botl om, bec9 tn e11 one

~~: no~~;r~n~~n ~~~~!at 0~1~· :~~~:~: :!!r l~e~~!!::C~: .. monolithic

ata nc;ea prKf!edlnJ; to w:ards the .-oa l Prop:aganda In the Army. and male In ,; t! Y~ ry eft'ort to · llr ln~~: t n t he rUth po iat. tho aylle m:7.UC nea re r tho hour o r vlctpry or the pro- pre p..u1atfon or th o armf!d forces of le ta rlllt OY er th e bourKeOllle. tho bnur~eol~ s tat e fo r rt~ fuaal Co ftra

" (d) It muSt be a. centraUz~d p:arty, upon thei r brothu workt~ rlll wht~ n or·

:~:~~~l.ttn~t rn~~:~ ·· ~en~ eo~~:~~~~~~ LENIN ~=:~ wt: ~:d ~~n~~h~~o :::!:~~~·~,mt~~ . Pll.~~~) hJ~w~u~~ :~~,; l:cuel a re rular trlld o union•;•• ··u nt~y. na tlon:allr and ber;l ~ ul n c• . On the fourth. lbo :~a~~r~~a~f :::u~~r~~·.,.eN~: t::: dt~ ftallo propaca.nda ln. the bOurr;t o la Int e rnationa lly, ur tho trado unloa Ca rmera. our u t:e ptlonal opoortunl· by 01 h:at been occoru pll sh~. lm· armt. 1nonmc nt ;" " Auln"l apllla a.nd l ies hue r na bled u• lo make prol;reu inersed In the practl calafl'alra o r dally

.. Jlolah e•la lnr; t he pa rty m eant the •cceulona:" " Jtelc nUeu s tru.::cle whtc:b Is not dl•cr edllable. Only on m e, we b.aYe uettc.Cied what wiU appllatloo 10 our aertJoua what In wUbln the mau ors :~ n l utions tho n~nd. lh:tt o (. trado un ion policy . t ODD beeome 0130 o r tbe mos t pracU-Ru.ula.n Dolahe 't lsm wu aa.d 1.1 late r· ::t..e:aloat tho polldea of dsu colbbata· ceo • ·e u y th a t our p a rty bu r eall y c::ll and prestiDS' proble roJt o r the national aDd or Ke ne ral ipl)Jicatlon. llou and Cor potldeA or d au llniC· m:ut'. appre-c::l::ab le •t r ld~ tow :~.nla the monment. ADd tor tho ulti ma te .

"'Oaly to the esteot that tbe ~c- ~I e... KO.:..I ot ett:t.bii•Mnr: • IIYIDl:' eon tact s truttle Cor power, we kaow that l loha of the Comlnten~ become really Th~ probltm of anop committua b with the m:a.uc-s. f apon. t.bb proble m be lnK aoln od do-('on•e rted lato bolabu lll. p&rtlea, wUI onl y no w bela,; racro a nd m;uler rtl Ab ility t o Man.cuvf'r, peods the tate or the re•ohat lon lt.srl r. the Co'mlnt ern. Indeed become a by our part y In It& th~retlc:al a.IIPt"Cl. In tlnelopln JC: th e :~b iU t y to meneu· It Is :a. ple.uu re to m.alte DO\O or tbe World 8ol.ahe Yit Party Imbued n ut t oday It Is a bo becoming :~. ma· n r. t he •«on•l poin t ll\ld down a.s :s. tOKt. howt~nr, th:s.t IC oar ~rty has tho IdeM ot Lenlnl1m:· Jor pracllul problem of our moYe-- nec~tult7 fo r ~ Pa rt y o f l...c.nlnlsm, ne~;lec: ted tbls work. lh tt Yoanc Work·

Where Do We Jl'a ll S hort ? mf!n t, Me:au•f" only Insofar :a.a th!' we mus t r«-~;ls t <' r 1omO p ro~ra.! but ('ts Leal'liC bu DOL It baa ~ :s.t QOes the Worker~ P:any me:uu ro u a hop ~C"ornmltt~ mo,...ment • ~ now de · m:any 1\hQr tco ml n.:s. We bue detl· te:u.t a Mclnnl nr; by aenLIIn~; pl~etl

to tht~se atnndardA! No one will pre· ,.clop.•fi will we be 111ble t o sec:nre t he nltely o•e rcom o th tl acc t:ar nn a tt lt ull c memben Into the mlll t.ary tnlnln~;: t~ nd . that wo du. llut It wiil be or ncce!laa ry contact with the~mau~ t o our proh lern A, :.nd u bll., ht"Cl p cnm p!'l, c.ompllinc Ita e sperl~tn ro. n.nd .:rt":t.t va luo to ua to know wh•re and fnr l h" d rv cl opmt~ n t o[ ou ,,,,.ho le wil t tu maneuvf"t. Hut ih•• nr mnc u m. ako it nnllnhl o ror tb e moYcoacnt I" what m.1nn~r WC fall 1hort. nnd 1D fi\'NII6ht . CI I)CC~ Ilfly In li s t de on· O( f•l ••fiiOJ::)• In 011r ntt'm bc r" hl p, necea· gener:lllf, r nhm to wh nt t•Xt<' IH we have rea ll y l~h nAOII, un to the new lt l:~ p;c rtn ry to t•ur r~· 110\ ma nc uTc r" 8Uccca~- Conc lusio n. pro,;r••,utf"d In the d c:tl r~ d lrtlr. t lnn. ro( br th o da"~ Mt ru s::,;lf', In· tull r unll ru k~~' l' tlu r o wn ro rc('a :wd Yt's. It r l!qui rl'!l more , mu ch mort>,

l .c l It be admltt t"l n l ODC"£' th a. t nethlt y nnd atmlr In .lnltta tln g 11rocr3 nC lnt :w t. hull no t n lwAys been t ho.n me re rcpe l hlon of phr:&J!Cll trom nil 0Y6 rotn u ur \\•o rkc~ Put t)' :uul undc r •lanrll n r. rc:a l. pr:aclic:a l z, re lt)(IUI. In our l.abor I .. :U I)' cam· 1ho bookll Cor n• to r each the polnl not IC'Ome up 10 atandnrd. \Y ith t h l~ nHJY\'ITI•·n ta Cor ehop ~Dimlll("{'l I ~ fl~l,.;n~. wo tw mrlhnclf ftHihl l lndl vltlu - where we can s :a r : "\Vr IHlTe a Pa rty r1u:dldca Uo n ·~ c-:a n the n aay, l h.:lt nn t•,. lny tlw ous t :t.ndluc prob le m on th e a l1 ::a llll c VtTI •·hole un lt a of our pnrt r o f Len ln h1 m... It requl r • lh:a t Wf'

flln mn polnta wo ha ,.e mode di sti nct N·nonm l•· n••ld of :a 1-'llrt r o f l..en lni~m h,.lnc .~nuru ,..-•d IJy opportunl.!ll hle'us . l:ike bo ld o r our p.llrty nnd ch :an~e II , r•rnc r MIJ, • ·hllf' on o th era wl! lt,. Amerl ca . ln.Ato•l ol o f on•n.•l l!lln~ and de reatlu~t org!\n luUona lly and JdtoO io~lc:a lly , far•· t hr nnt (!l~mt-ntn.ry "tep!' . A correoct policy toward the fum· auc b det'lat lonl whic h a lwa ys t h rt:"aten h:uDmerfnc It Ia the r.ouno o r ou r

t'l"t. w 6 mus t be<-f'me :1 m:au ers b :.noth .. r poi nt on whkh we ~a In lt U('h m:a nr u,.f'n :~monc h::~ckward s truale. In tbe ('00~ of aprlrinc p.:art r T o accompll•h tbb.. ft•e rnr ju .. tl r claim pro~~:-reu . \\·e b3 Yte I m:'ISt~N. Tho tdroloKr o r ou r mem- the prlacfplea of th e Commun i t In· t hrr prr tl"ffuhall rs :a rf' l :~ld down b) ~·- l :a hlb lu.•d vlt.a l . ('Ont..&('t 5 with t he bonbl p must lM' s treor; thenetl, lla Ia · tetu:lUona.l to t he liCe of the Am erlea.o th t> f'lfth ('on~,,. .., .. . t 11 po-.orl" r f:a rm•• ra. and h.:a.Ye ,;IYt" ll t he m s tln<" t a~eahua opportunhun mu.s t ~ worklntrr. da.a, Into lbe kind of a

wo• hillY .. 11i1'r lo"'"d we:akn~U~'"A-not llh:t rJH"n""'l. be-for" W (" ra n cbh:n t he (Coa!'aa~ on pa&tl ... )

Page 4: Karl Marx to the Communist ·League· … · Karl Marx to the Communist ·League· (ADDRESS TO THE CENTRAL AUTHORITY OF THE LEACU E IN 1850) ) . EDITOR'S NOTE. At thl11 time In the


-=- ·

The Founding of t}te _First International tats", an Ulfumcnt tor aectarlan 11oiR· ber UU, thft Council oppoAed I:IYlnr; and tho coverament !Jed to Veraal1~

By HARRISON GEORGE tton. The clotlnc pva.rapha ct the a. dinner to tho American ambuudor tea. Tbe Parla Commune bad be&ua.

ReWh:a the .red f1a& or tbe SoTiet :~~':!~~~-.! •. Manifesto" contndlt1 :~:e~~ .. ~"al:eh•enn~_:l~~e:f~t J.~~ toJ ~l:on:tbtl~~o:;':;rtehf~r ;r~~::~~~~ rro':: J~eh:r 0<?~1 ~-rt~n ~~';- ~o~t Aa an 'sample of the queer kind of re:tr, a motion to make an ad'dreu on fort of tht Parta work en to eatablltb 1 • oa 1 n 1 0 • tblnp the workln~:: du.a wu asked the uent waa oppoaed bK:auat .. ,.... l)f"'ielarlaa rule. Suf&elent to ur da~~'-1.'!.';: ~at OD eom~ ~~er~o:lal to awallow, the tollowtn• from Proud· :llnJ wu oppo&ed to the. c.Lau itruK"· tJ\at on lhe Central Committee or the

.,......, ea ou m.au 0 e n °0 bon a l40 aptlr llloJiitrales how tbe ,;le... Strlkea awept Europe. Commune aat 17 Dtembera of the later· :roteta.riat will crowd br tbe huud~b aaarch11t theory which md:u lUI Bot Man.'a wor)t wu not to r:o on r•Atlooal. For deta iled Incident of t.ho

f lhouu.nda aroo1:1d lhe corner o r oppeal aa bfl(ac ,:mora rnoluUonary" i:e_aeefully. One or the moat able a1:11'1 ~tlrug,:le fn which IOO,OVO Par1a work· ll Louc Acre and EadeU atreet, ,tor, on than Man:lt~m leads atral,;ht to clau ahaatele .. mut.era of lalrl«uo waa era .. dlaappeared'"- aa Poatcate pulJI lt. ~t ,corner at.aDda SL Martin • Hall, collllboratlon: '"The social quefl tlon Ia aeekiQII: admlfllllon to the lntemaUon· and. 30,000 are .Ckno.-ledled •to hue 11:_. : th:! h~~ ~\ Septtlm~r,J81~· there : rou cannot ucape from 11. To a l .. Mlcha-.I,Dakunla. led an anarchist been maaaacred br the VenaiUese, I ~00!-' A "' 1 ~~ 0 e~a ;;na 1 1 ~r • soiYe It wa muat hue mea who com· orp.nluUqo called the "Alltanee of refer the reader to '"The Ch'U War lA ~ uoc. a on- e ra 0 c.r· blne extreme ndlcallsm with e.ureme SoclalS.t Democraq.H Able u be waa Fraace," wrltt•a br Mars and Juue4

Pre•loa• to that date the dYaa~ ;oou~".::a'!s-:nio ::Uo:t::;lo:eo;:: ::J ~:,;,::.rJ!: n;~u~~ ~:~~~re:.:~!f. ~~c~·\.:~ bl~=~~~~~erew!~U· ot eapttallat domlaaUoa bet bt-ea a a· )'OU.. emplorert, do aot deliberately boabt ""abMliate Jlberty"... be· .added dam pia& cad.awen tato tbe Setae. ~=D&'t:· .!!csba4 ·~·':~cb ~= repulse the adnac-q of Ua.ou wb~ .. U.Oiate etaflalltyH. · !!mbradal bolb 't1te membera of tbt' laterD.aUoaal WUM • Aftn · · .. were rour wa.ce eat1ler&. .. . Aad tblt abetractloa, -4-. th' probJ.tm of re- roqbt bedde t.be other "Pa.rU worlr:en

rtr, l:qll&llb' a.a4 Jl"iatenalty rroDl the .. Father of Aaarch1"' · who coadlla&' th'ae two ab.olatea. Jlqt abt da aft.u dar oalr oD.Ce dhl the mem­' meuhl& tree trade: eqaalltr or ~r· cried that the S tate t1 a ··acUoD'"' " No rein befo" he bad acJ~r:e~4 Alex· be~ oa lh• Central Committee rt•lca ~eo~t ":1l1Jfh~b~l~. ::(' ri!e ~~· more pa_rt._, ao · polltlc.a. ao ...r. aDder If, pledclar;'hll lojtlty'it Ale:r· u a pro(eft :...ata1t ac'Qpa.· ·or tbe at~: ,o:c_ .. !t tb 0 Utbua . ~..:b.k:: a.uthorttJ'. abeolate tllbertJ fH . .. aacter woaW oaty become .. Car of majo'rtti: • Tbet. we..e orchire4 · back

• 0 e .,. ~ . ADIODir the h,;llab Germu. l;'ollah the JrfoaJika:f" Bakllala•.- r AIUaac:e" br tb4' 0nent CO.DCII· &D•· llke aoo4 ::S&J!:! :!.::, ~~=~:~~~·= aqd l_tallaa de&ecatei at the lAaac•~J appliH tarl adm.luloe e .. ,..... \to tlae Tf!TolaUo.-ltttl • th..,. obe:recl · t•te,... 8 ,...._ CoDCf'HI • ere a•meroua Freq,c.b lateraalJoclal. . • • r . Uoaal dlac.lplble 0a llla.J Jld tM 1\ bad o•e-rhnect. COTena .. ata Tt&bt w-orhn ~ by Tolatu, 811 anfeat np- ' Bak•ala'i .. AUla.oce"" wut~ ad· Veft&U&eae tate~ try a.•f7'f·Mtra7aL ~ a.ad .:u-Pt for ~ted ~ct portlt ·of Proadboll'a -m•taaltftl"" ptluk)a apoa IU"owtr: DrbatiJ"t Pf'\D· A wee1t'Ot b&nica4e Jlchlblc,follotred.

re• t.ucea aac."\ u e ~r aa applied '"to people'• ·ere- Cfple.. • ""T'M A.lllaace decla.rM <ftatlf Tbe pi-Omlae or MaY lSUl wu kept. OU1lat Mowtmeat, eapltallat adYaare dlt baak1. Man. foo.cbt qaJa1t tbl1 atbebt," ""There ab.all be ao alate," It b.a4 aa.Jd: "Part• bu treated. wltll 'T: . ae ualaternapted triumph. dlcrt:laloa tor rear.. Bat It wu the and, after fJaiUIOIIl 'had beea dlup. deatb Deb lad ber forti are Jaer

Bat with the birth or tho I. W . M. rJaiDI' tide of tt11de -oaloalam, ta&ether polated ID political aUtuce with Bwlu wau1: behlad her walla are her _,.. A., wu tor1ed tbe ftrtt crude weal)On wllb a re•olutlonary political mon· llberab-"Pollttcal acUoa Ia forbid· rlead~a· be~lad her barrlcadu are which the lotemaUoa.al workla,; dua meat, wblcb left -,0 bub tor auch dea.'' But It wu bla .. eeoaof!lle aDd heT boU.. wblc.b wtu hue to M uud Ia bloelr.Jac the paU~ of upltat. petty-bournoll ooatrums, and Proud· eodal eqoallutloo of daaae1 which w"M(ad•ed from her oae by oae" Allct :n uplolt.atloa. Caplta.Jbm. .. w the honlam died a oataral deatb amaas drew the fire or tbe General CoaDdl whu the lllhUn• wu onr tb .. Ver. blrt.b or lt.. Implacable eaemr. ud atr1te. a.Bd rla.lnc ,...,.0 tatlon. :a Ua replr deorlac the Allluee ad· ~a.Uiue uoder Tblen . aDd GaJUret ron:uw1 with abJect terror Ill bl.ator· Tbouch I he tntnnatlorat wa1 ter- mluloa aa .. D orp.al.uUoa.. Tbe repl7 bet:au tbe r:DOet lOt}' ud alclleoJac

leal ut nctlooBeotnnlno• ~~~~t:a:r~':::S::d ~:~~~c~~~:':e~~~ "~·: =~~:11utloa. of clu&H literal· butcher:y ot tbe eentDry. It wa• upon the material, eYeD Ia parln~~: Ita aecre\ary nen the small lr Interpret eo.ea to tbe barmonr Marx ••r• th.at lD ordft' to ftod

~~~ou:ho;n~~a~~~haot':-a'~~a~:r:~:o~::t aum of , n per wMII:, lla lnftuence or capital and labor. ao pertlaacloutlr ~:,~~~!~~n a~rb~~~ cot!c!~:~ otriJ:~·~ the Firat lateroatlonal wu band. Sulla and the two TTJumvlratea of On the Continent. union• wero for· FRQM THE INAUGURAL AD•D.RESS .. no .... .. . There Ia but tbla difference, bidden and oab' oct.uloaal, Impotent lbat the Roma.na bad DO m.acbloe ~~:roup. or republlc.a.Ds lrd br lta.ulnl £ J N T £ R N A T J hN A L cua..s for the dl1patc.b, In the lump. futtl .. lr ulotrd. It wu the bo.,., Of TH . V of tbe prooerlbed, and tbat tbey ltad

nndonbtedlr, of Drlll•b unlonlau to -WORKINGMEN'S ASSOCJATJON not 'tbe law In tbler band<' •or oo U"lend UDionlfm tO the ConliMDt. . thdr II PI the err or 'dwUiutloa.'" , tba t led a Kroup of them headed br Between the ch:uUr wouad o r tho Geor~r:e Od~~:er to a.end, In 1863, an cruahed Commuae aDd the uaceulnc

~~dr~~':: ~-~: ,~:r~~::~~::r:;~~:~~~:!~~: ~ By KARL MARX. ~~~11:~\~~;,~~arou~:a:~~ 1~'t:!nU~r::!: 4u!~t1t"Dn a~~~~n .;;::u~:11!11urr.!r::~ Do livered to the Public M eeting in the St. .Martin's ~=~o:e!:tt 111~':n t~h:u;~~~c~l t~!::. :..:ttfljt, the aubJectlon of Poland and th-= H a ll, Long Acre, LOndon, on Sept. 28, 1864. at which tho lbe orcaa.. or combat, were wiped out rrcent •uppreuloa of the Pollah In· assoclation w as founded: br tbe terrifiC' rractloo. followlac tbe

~::·~0!. a DT~tp17eY:: =~~~ ~:~a:~ "Th~rdore to c.apture political po~r Is now the ornt duty of ~~~:!u~~~u::=.y~U~~;:!~~ French manttu to, u It uJd : '"\\'e the working class. This 1ppcara to have bun und~rstood for almuf. aad oearlr thlrtr ID Amer1ca, the echo rour call for a futernltr or taneouslr In Eng land, France, G~rma'ny and llalr lndlc.atlons Or a whole eaera:r of the movement wu people•. hl~hly uecua:ary f()r the revival are to'"' be aun and In all th~ae countrlu att~mpt.s at the taken up In racUonal ftK"htln~. Baka-

:~~:nr~.~a~~·~ ~~r~ee~l~ ~~o!!'n v:ee:~ political r~orgar~lutlon of the workers• party are now beln; made.• ~:n :.r::~da::tl~:!e:::c ;~~~;.ta::r~~';;.~ :!Sth, l~U at St. Martln'll Hall •• Lon· .. One elem~nt of auccua h poneued by the worke,.._thelr great " 'ould not atltrender one tach to don. numb~rs. But the maSI can only brino their preuure to bear wh~n •narchllt theorr.

Allhouch. u mentione-d. the Pollab an orvanlutlon haa gather~d them togtt!'er and give n them an lntelll· - Anarchr. "a.ar1 Marx. " l.t the l'rNt

~u:e•,t1~:. :.-:er ~:~c'.:f:.!;ao::~ 0~h! a~nt lead. Formu upc:rienu has 1hown how n~glec.t of the bond• ~:f~"::a~~:f:ok~a~~ thl~!l t::C~~:•: potltiYI.at prorusor, E. S. Deuler . bad of brotherhood, •hlch can unlfr and ~ncouraoe the workel"t of the tbe proletarian monmeat, tbe aboll· tbe formulation of a protut on be· varloua Iandi ln all th~lr atrug;lu for freedom to atudfa.atly atand tiGD of clu•e•. oate attained, the halt of Pola od 11 Ita tint order o r by one anofh~r. leads to the punlthm~nt of the worktl"t through the 1 poo,wer of the atate wbtch aen ,., to ~bU:1:re:bt;e~f~er' t~hfta~o~:~n~fonn!ln~;;:~: frustration of their unconnected .Jtlempta. Urg~d by the knowl~dge t!:~n~~e t~~t~~k':"~~rl!r 8~3~r~~~=r~ Iutton or tho workJnr; clan wu tak~n of thlt nnd workera of vuloua countries have on September 21th. ln.: m lnorltr, will dlsappellT And ~to-up. ' Le J ... ubea, a French re tu,;ee llvlnr; 1864, at , a public. meeting lit the St. Martin'• Hall, founded the lnte,.. vc rnmt"ntal functions become mere

~u~~?~~iu:~:·~o~: !u~e::.':~ h.atlenat Auoclat.lon... • :~C:!~~7!~~r"::.~!~~!1,J)h~e~!~; ehes Ia aU European capit.a.lt, ahould this. It proc.talma uarc.by ta the

:: !~~~~~::;,a~: ~~~:J"'c:::c~~e:r~ ~pread like wlldftre a~rou EurolJ('. a4weea ted by bourceob aoefallalJI. H r:~a~o '~ea~~oJe~-;-tad~~t~:: m:! appointed ll number of En•lllh union- Ualona t pt1li:IC up Ia SJW~ID, Denmark: I~ not tho eq aallz:atloo of clm•ae•. lo- powerful concentration of t oclal aod JalJI, MaJor J.. Wollr. who repreaented. ::aanor~e'anltu~~~~~-l~~~~r~ta :~~Ike ('~~:t ~!~~:!~. abu~o~~rattl~t~~'!it::~·t~:~~.: political force,. In the hand• or tho "' hll\ .ccrel.ary, the tde:u. of Mau.lnl. with the upllall•ta. The J-~n•dl11h llllon of ctnuca. the r eal 11 •cret of <'Xplolten. On thle pre text It requlrea :1:,~2~~ :~~:\,e::x~oml"t a•d r evolu· Trade• Un loa Con,;Teu ot 1 Gl In· the prnle t:u l:\0 mo,·emcnt, which Ia :~~ ~~~u::::~~~:~ea~1th~o me~~::' ~t.h~

There were rour prlm~rr currenta. !itrucl~ll llll unions to Join thn fater· tl~c .:r,.at al!'" o( lhe IDJernatlonul replaeo Ita orr;anl:r.aUoo ( llakuala had F J.ntly, Odcer and Howell. t~nt:llsh national, ... ·hlc.h beJd Ill coD,;re .. that \\ orkln~:mt•r;' • ABPoc-lutlon. . demanded abolition of powen of tbe trade oalonlau. wlahed merelr to pro- rear a t Geneva. _ nut ~lux 1 work wu not 10 ~0 on Cc.nen.l Council) with anarchr . "The Ytde the worten oa the Coolloent A detuate from Geneva uosaln' dlqoh'lnr; !111 cent.nl bureau. atftllat~ In ternational poll~ uU 00 mOre"'. with unlon.a. Some P reach refu,;ee:5 the t~rench frontier wu aearc-hed a nd branch by branch followln.: 1 ~Iars a nut eapltall• m t.J:aln triumphant . boped that • the aew orr;anl.tatlon docurnenta of the lntrrnallonal .elud. propoa.al th21t. th~r ~ adml~t,.c .. flmku· rtod siHI uceodaat was c:reat ln,; Da· would attempt the USAIUiinatlon of The f' rench authorUiea otft-red to le t nln • ·u. aa I o, t,::ate u ys, lntolde tht' llunal fnteru ta even amon~ the aoc­NapoiNJn Ill. Thirdly, Mnulnl. them throulth. bow~ver, "It you will fort." Whllo he did very conMtrucll"e l;~llsta. Tho ftnarchlst.l!; were aowln,; tbrou~tb hi• ~~: <:retary, MaJor Wollf ln11ert 11omo uprf'as lona of ~~:r:ultude wort In f'l tablh,hlor; brnnchc• the .seeds of dccentrnllz.allon which (lnt~r cllpoaed a11 a pollee • Pr by the to the Emperor who baa done "o much throu~:hout Sp!lln, his very nMturc were to turniAh the J>OIBon for the aellurc of rKonls In the I"AriJI Co- for tho wnrklnr; cl:.'l.u." The ln ternft· ren•letl Ia Intermina ble quarrt' ll, and ~c-ond lntf'{.nallonat and Ita collDJHIO m une ) hoped to lt1TD the I.W.M.A. llonal, howt<V('t, thout;ht It better to a llbout:h the "·hole lntern:ulon:t.l wou fortr rean ater. Y arxfana emblller· 11110 .-rolf or s:ecrel re publican ao- rat~ $~.000 rtollef fund• In En~land beromlnJC • nl~: htm:.'l. re to t he bourr;e- Mt br BakuoJo, controlled lhc llane d etlea. Uat Marx. with hi• tlr~leM for lotk,.d-Gut Pui.J bronze workers . ohl:le, tbe mcn,!acloa.a b.ctlonall•m of CoaKreaa meeUo~ 00 September 2 rnetJ:')' :.'I.Dd paUeace woo thf!l dar with ID ut whkh ,;ue It tremendou-. pre5- llakunln had l pllt It ia two before the lSi!. Jt Toted to moTe the Oeaerai hi• famou~a "Address and Rule•" to t lr;e throu.:hou t F'ranc-e. "' ,a trl ll:e l dC"illh bin• • hen ll br the rru•h las Cooaclt te New York. Man: wa.a 111 aur. make the loternatloaa l a .~: real prop,:l· leadt!r on trl11. l rleclarrol, wh•·n :uclte•t l or the l'arla Comuae. . rerlu,; teYa retr and danr;t rously ;rom andl• t bodr. unltlnr: and ~ducatla,; If hr wrr1• a me mber of lhf• lntnna· W:ar brolte out In Jul)', U70, be- ovr,..,rorlr. En•el• coatlaucd to ftKbt the workcNI, lit.dmiUIDK bolh union" tlonni- " No, but t hope to IJ" a llowed tween J''rnnce ""d Prussia. The C:er· the a nnrchlsla. Dakunlo failed to build and political Arellonl. ta...be." m:a.n mc mbr u or . tbe tntc rnu11onal n rival lnterno.tlona1. On ~e 15th or

Ia realltr. It waa Marx·• t int op- II waa the role or llan; In ft11 this ' ' lt.;orouMiy DllPOI('d the war, but with· J uty, 1S7G, the ) .. lrst Jotern al h eld portunltr to realize Ia action lhat up.s wf'f' l) nt worklnr; elaa1t or,:: o.~ nlz ont ~tr!'~l. The French aectlon httd Ill Jaat confereoc.e at Phi del~la amu.lni latellrctuat conlrlbullon. atlon to • · .. ~d out the frnk phllo'lphles l\revloul ly been aub~ted to bitter Th.e ou.lloot watt~ black and the meet: -rhe Communlat Mantreato" which he a nd utoplaa art tcr:n.s a nd r eplace them persecutloa by lhe aparte r;onro· l.ng :accepted facta and declared tbe ADd hb brtlll&r~l co-worker Yr~d~rlct with •clentlftc: AOCiallat. \hat I• to aay. m~nt. It wu powt"rle . In 1ls: -weeki Gen·eral Couacfl aboJiabed. Jlallunla, Ear;e l1 had wrlttea ID !Sf7 for tbe Communlllt, d a rlftc:allon. \!~ut he wu tbe J.' r encb armies were 1maaned or It a.eems, bad n · But Lenfolam wu

=~I:Cna~~ ~~~dJu~~~ for,;ou en - Ft!det· ;,r;;~:~ ~~'f~~P~~n:.'!J"r~~e~~ef::.';~ ~~~~~f:~n~Y . I~~~~~~ ~n.'!t ~~~1:;~1;;: !~o:~~r~10~~~ that. of count, u Aa lndlcntl•e or the political direct· Cully from dl11eu e and hunll{t•r. ,\nd on Septe~~~th. The ne w ,;.,...ern·

~~ al~~::t;~ol::a' t~:~~~·t~~=~~r::.\lo~~~ !'.\e ~~:'7:~~!7~a~C:t~~ r~•.!.',.,ft:!":r ~C:~ ~~~~:;'~~~dlnc:l~~~~:~:et~~~!c~~ Food Prices Climb. drea11 mar be quoted : "C'onqueat of ..... ·•kenln~t dan •~kiD,; Jlrf'maturelr On Januar~, 1171, more afraid \VASIIINOTON, SepL ~s.-coat of polltteal power It the rtNt ta•k of lhe to throw off Ita ch ains . lferely by h i" uf the l•ula worklnea. It bad ban the prtnc.lpal a rUc.Jea or food (wel,;ht·

:f.~k:~~n 1~a;!~~r 0,"""';~~ ;::.!!: ::n~;[Julm~ott~~ wi!~:~' !~~rl}.~~~~l ~~~:;.~~e~hat: 0~~eior~':t::~~~:::~ ed aYera,;e) re taJied In towua thruout only If l.btr are orc-anlud .. d Council. ' Llll e our ,.-reat lt!'aftrr L..enln. It alr;ned an arml.atJee. Pa r i• wa1 ra· the coua try ahows an Increase or t U ther a re ,;aided b' taowledce." he did th~ work of two m .. n. betel r11:ed. Thfr ra. c:omm:a.nder of the ~ .., .. ~n·•entha of 1 per cent for Jutr 1 1 "'Tbft llbf!raHoa of tbe worklnc- cia,. hr biller dlfftculllu thour;h he wu. gular troops aod t:ooo to become one thl1 7ear, como:tr~d with Joae .. ,, ~ 1 rauat be •n:ompllshed br the workla.: an1l llvtn,:: the lite of a half·l laned Or the most Infamous b1.1tr hers of the bureau of labor ataUs tlcs. Tbe I c.lnu lt ~telf." Thl~ last quot•tlon ••• refu~:ee, In llhi8 he brou~:ht torlh workln,.- people, ordered bla IOhJic:r" cos t of lht>l c Ite ms I• ! .G per-rent ( · ~~';~~:c~":~~~~ .. r~~~h~~a":n~ol::~~~.~~~~ g'arpl~~~ edlllon or hi• ,;n•111 work- :~ t~-:r~,'!ri~SthNatt~u~!~tc 0t::rd~on;~~ lo-.-·e r than In Julr, tnJ. Cotfea 11 12 ' L tot 1 .!d J,y ··;~fa.otUe l~tl· lla.nl11m .. -u at work. In l ~ccm· troo~ rratNolud, shot the ir officer• pet t ent hl&hr r thla ... a r e:a.T •10. ----;-

- --- --- --. !·

Page 5: Karl Marx to the Communist ·League· … · Karl Marx to the Communist ·League· (ADDRESS TO THE CENTRAL AUTHORITY OF THE LEACU E IN 1850) ) . EDITOR'S NOTE. At thl11 time In the

·; ..... ·, : -

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.'[i . I

-Carrying the- Bann.er· of Social · t .... • kt.a,u a.a.d e mperon "and aa q:a.la st Internal dl .. c aUona ban. b.rot to a bouad to bet-ray tbe workf!n at the

Revolt ly ALEXANDER BITTELMAN t he expa.caloalst ambiUoaa of the rt.- cloae the exlateace .of the Fln t later · ftr.t r eal U:at wUb capltalltt reality TM "fltory of all hitherto cxlat- lac bourctolsle tbla Jateraalloaal AI · aattonal ADd It wu only Ia taU wbleb came a.t the ~laaloe of the

tng 10elety Ia fhe history of era.. &OCiaUon of Worklopnea puts up Uie tbat tbe attem t)l wu made q:aln to late -war. e:trvgotea. Idea and the mofeme at for worklac· ciYe fntecnatloaal expreulon to the Ia. tac:t alnce the berfa.nlac of tb.e

'"•man and slav .. pati-lclan and clan aolldllrlty of t.be toillar; nuuaea workln« C'lau moYe.meat ot the world. pre.u.c.t century the labor monmerat plebela"- lord arwl Mrf, gr,.dldoindter lhe world oTe.r. tt IJ naJiy ma.tc rta llz.ed 1Dto what Is ot tbe world entered t.a.to· a period. o1: and journeyman, In 1 word, oppN• Can you reel the wortlacs o{ tbllll f!OW ltnowa a.a tbe Second latera&· t e}Dpoi'UJ' eclipse u tar u lzlterua.

• ew- aftd opp"IIH<f• stood In con.ttant ldea In tbe labor moYement or today'! tlon&L · Uon.al actloa. wu coacerBed. ODe oppoaiUon te one another, unied Cao you •ee buadredl or uloua&.Dda 1t wu to conUaue tbe tn.cUUon.a ot mtr;bt l&!eJr aar lb&t lhlc:e 1101 •• an ""Jnterrvpted. now hidden, or prole tarl&.tll cloaln« tbell' nnlta be-- tile F'lnt oaly oo a mncb wider Kale. tbere hu boe.D no worki..D.I c..1&.- bodt' aow ope• ft ... t. a ftQbt that each hind tbo Commuoi.Jt lnteruaUonat. lt wu to nbc a.r;a iD lhe banaer or etrectiTdt tuncUooJoc ln. the field ot time ended. eit.htr In a rnohitJon· nuarchln.« proudly uoder lhe banner AOdal rnolt aDd to carry It on o.aUI u.e laternaUonal clue stnac.c:le. Tbe ary re-cOMtJtvtlon a( 10del.7 at of aodat re•olt and delennh1" to t.ho D•al •1etory ot tb• world prole-- late .,.,. &lid the total collapee ot tbe ........ .,. In tt. common rula of Ute eetabll.ah a.a. IDtematloa.al SoTkt Re- tariat. SecoD4 Ja.ienu.tLobl merel7 ~

-~•;,:•:: Man .,;4:~eder- pu,~u;!. cu an u..- iDo•emnt. a.a.d llt~l~~ ·~~ ~~:i.e~·: -:;.!:;'; ~~ • decade 0~ -.P'ct ~be>-kt. ~ la the "Coamn.Ml )(a.n.J. IC TOG abio happeo to kDo,r,· what ~•loa of ._.qu~ m ,l.b·e upbaU4lDI ,_ so .. A,.._. A.-"'-~- 011 t,M• a.t'IIN 0! ~all IOd• lr&upfre4 . fD Loo4ciD. f& n )(artiD'f 0( potkk:&l JDU,f.,putia ol. tJae'WOr1t• -'l'b.6M ~ 'lfttt~.:J~for,U... ~·. et:J' .... o& IJl,e pdae haacSameataJ Hall. OD. a g4pteaibef' 4&7 1ia. J1&4, en ta & DUmbf!r -::.t•hropeaa c::otQ;. taat ,.-4...~;~U.W~ IC, toro. t1u1t U.. Jll&.kt.ai' lti ..ck'f;elo~· you. will re&Jbe wbt the nret Ja.let· trtu. a ml•illoa wlafdll ' wu 'accom· Ole world.. .·"n•.-Maa• 0( 80dd· ,. meat aD4 lhalllac the daaacee bl Ita uUoll&t JLU· meaot ftw tlte W'drJtJa.c· piWIM :..ct.rlD~t two: ~.n .. ot. ~' vOlt wu uwiMift n.tW. oa tM ~

· - · · dan lltro~~ lor tr.edota. ,.,..u.oJ~a«hll capltallot donloJ> ...UOaal borlaoa,"· ODJy ~ Wb&l J. .. ue •totT ol IOda1 lite~ .Th• Ro•d to Pewe:r. meat: ;the i ecoDd riternauOut....e•t d.u. of RuMtJi.· Uder Ute · ~· •

It .. a ltof'7 or atna:1e,. or c1... Co back to the ••Ja.aupral Addreu" ballkrupt u4 later coli&PHd a.lto- of U.. Bota......:..U• u4 Ua&fi-• ' • · lli'alut daaa, or the oppreaed ap.la.at b)§- Karl lfaTx. deU•ered at tho (OUDd· cether becliUH of lhe la.abllltt' &ad leader. LeDlll. aD4 &r:Dall • oa Oae oppr-..or. a •truc1Je tor poHUcal lD&' ot the P'1nt lDlenaalfoDa.l Read aa.w1JUo.pe'.• of Ita · ludemlp to mJUtaata lD other Earot»e "'CCatrt• power to reebape aodety- t.b'e owner· fl. Study IL Try to eztnct from 1t cope Ia aa etrect1n way wltb t.be were Ya.li&DUT n•ll~) tllta •ladE tlalp U'Ct ·coatrol of tb8we&lth ot U.e Ita moat momcatou Jeuoa. ud dl· capltallam of lo4ay- llle capttalt.:m ol Ude ot a,et_rayaJ &Ad d"em.oraUu.ttoa.. ·

~ :rzt~~~~· ta.tenat. ot tb~· ~~'!"~ ~t th;,.;o:.~z!. ~pollt~:.~ !:';:t~~:.c: wara aDd proletariaa U~~~ U.. Red Saa a~ ta Jh• , Ttl; Lut StNQOI• for Po-Artr· Eaat. the Ruutan Rnolutloa la'UlT. Ill the put It wu a ttro~t~tle of The format~ or U.e 'Commun.tat la-

tlaYe qalnat · frcomu, plebeian temettoaal ID UU. ADd aloce thn: ILI'&IDit patrtclao, aerf •Kalntt Jord , ... tbe triumphant march of the ,...,ola· joame:rma.o. a,ala• t r;alld·ma'.t e.r. UoDary prolelarfal t.bo world onr. No1f Jt Ia a alTunle or worker &«&Jnat The. b.a.oner or social re'tolt hu capltaUat, lbe proletariat acah1111t the &&ala. rlaeo on r the beada of t.he boaTKeolae. And ID lbla at.rU'r;r;le or worklo& ela.at, pursed ud ttea.a.te4

~~,;[~ tb:,. B~::erc:~!:~~~t n::~:n~ ~O:~r '!::r~~~~c ~~:::':,":~t~:uf:: tlonoJ- tbe spiritual aad political sue· Tbo Communist Jnte rnaUoa.aJ hu ceuor to the Firat JnternatloDal. como l.ato cstateDce a.ad wllb It, tbe

Socl.a.l cb;an,;es or former epoc:ha rc- resurrection or tbe beat and mott ,. aulted, as a rule, In aubstltutlnc q,J»C tent tn.dUfona or the Pint IDtema. rullnr: · c lua ror anether. The . •l:ne tlonal. Or yesterday bec:a.me the freeman and ' K:arl )larx Ia JUf, la. Sl M&rt.lli'1 .nu t er or today. Tbe opprt!ued bon) H:t.U. In Loodoa, EDilaDd: Nleholu ~~;eolle uDder the feudal re,;lmo be- Lenin In 1919. In tbe h&Jl of t.be K.rem-c.ame lho powe~rful eapltalltit c ln11" ot ... lin, ID MotcOw, RuuiL Two tiUa ID today, boldln« under Ita Iron heel the chain of atruu·le. Two mil• mUUona upon mHUona or tolllnc mau- •toau on tbe Road. to Power. '

: C!:ll: But when tbe•o ln their turn 1uc- ID tbl• day or celebration. let UJ

cecd ID onrt.hrowln& 1be rule. or lbe dedicate our Jlns to the caaae cham p.. u pltallau, t be only Dew Corm or ao- toned by our lu d ere, Ma'n:, Ecu:e .. clely that can re.11ult out of 1ueh • aa4 Lenin. Let Ull ODce more dedu.re revolution Ia a aoclety o[ eq ,1atiJ. a befo,re the whole world : aoclety or Communist brotherhood. No compromlso wllb tbe e nemy!

Ours. therdore. Is tbe _last etrug- A IJ.:ht to the ftniab for the prole-. t lo Cor power. The •lctorlous work· tarla.n •dlctatorablp and the CommuD·

lng clus can materlalhe Its • letery t.t Soelety! onr the bour,;eoh1lo and ~a11zl! In a • Lonr lin tbe loternatlonal So•lel meuure thG t rull3 of tbe social ret· Republic! olutlon oDiy In one way and tho.t Ia ------by •boUahln« duae8 allo~tether. Thai fa wby. tbo ft'l.al alma o[ the p'htletar­tu class atru~t,;le, In dlallnetlon from the anal alms Or former u plrnnts to power Ia not the p~rpetuatlon of claaa rule but. on ' the contrnry, Ita total Uqoldatlon.

ll'a the nnat conftlct. Let each aund In hla place. The lntt:rna. tlon•l Party ehall be the human race.

The First International Hu Shown the Way.

But bow Jball w~ reach tbl" .:oaJ! The Fln l Jntr rnatlonat, founded to London sb.l.T yean: ACO. hu.s sbowD tho WI)". Through tbo medium of Us Immortal tuder, Karl Ma rT, tho Fln l Jc ternatJonal has proclaimed tho truth tbat tbe aebure or po)ltlcal power by the workJD« dan Ia the only roa~ to the aboiiUoo. of capltall.t flll:plolla­tfoa, t6 tbe abolition or claa.su alto­«ether, and to tbe ln•UtuUoD of a · ao· dety or boman. brothe rhood.

Tho Flut Ja te rnatlonol! O nly 1..11 Incident t.a t.be veal Prole tarian atru,;c~Je tor freedom waa It Dot ! And yet wb11.t a caD • h·makln~;

tncldt . wu! EYcry In« or lm· portance tbal bappt:Ded to the work· In~ cia., within the lu t 1i:dy years can bG traced, directly or lndlrctly, to that memorable. day Ia Septt:mber. u u . upon wblcb there ~rat made IU a ppe&l"&lJce the .. lotenuUooal Wotlt· ln«mea'a AlloclaUOn."

It "'Wu the Gr• t 't'l• lhle manlfeJt&· Uon of workiDI d a.aa ~tt:rnaUooal· l.lm.. J ust tm•rtne . Jn a world b&Jr 1ubmer,;ed In blood a.ad Dearly torn to ehreda by kiDCI. reud&JS D.Dd capl• t.a11J~ta, the re appun to the uet~a

or social lire 1l body of worltlncmeD lnteDt upon actln~t Internationally. Aa a~::alnt~t the pellr .Jea.lousles or

Hillman In Toronto. NEW YORK. Sept.' U.- S idneT 11111·

president of tlle Ama1tamatod Worken of Ame rica.. bu lett

trip In eut e rn C&D· conrer wltb the local

of the UDIOD 'In !'ltOD• and Toronto. The reeeDl atrllte

FREDERICK ENGELS Ruuiana Postpone Play.

power. lt fell& th e. worken ID se many words that the ro~ to freedom Is tho road to power. How! Dy tl,;bt· In,; tor lt. ntLtlonalty anrl laterna.Uon. nlly. Thru what means! Tbru the me.an10 of a reYolutlon:ary workln,; dan polltleal party. Thla Ia the 6· aenco or tbo theory a.ad pracUct! ol

On a.ccount or lbe a ffair to be ,;Inn Tbe Beooad lDternatiooal. led b•y Saturd&T. SepL %7, for lb., be0en t of

Seheldeman , Nosh. Hendenon, Mae-!;'e:~~~~y ;~do~:::~~~~o ::!~!' ~: Ooollld, ete.. hu bet.&)'ed tho tr:adl· poatponed Ita performance to Satur. tlon or the Ftnrt Jnternnllono.l tn two day, Oct. -4. A Ruul:~~n pl:sr. "Tho fundamental rupcda. The former DeYU'a KltcbeD," In four acta. will be turned oat to bo a eJtber International ~;Inn . by the Society at ISO% W. Dlrl­nor r~vohttlonary. Jt Jl'&a lbererore •foD St..

tho F irat JaternaUOD<tl. ;-------------------------~ .A_nd when roo DOW aee elus eon·

11clous prole tarians flocklnr Into tile riLD.k8 of the CommWiil t latern&lloaal you und~ntaDd the coonec:tlon be­tween It a.od what bappeDed l.n · SL Martln"4 HaJ~D September of U64. And when yo .ee o•er the beada ot lbe ruolutlonsa wortera of todar a red banner aoatiD.C wtth the faserlp­tlon : " llaU the Dlc:tatonblp of tile Proletariat... yoa will feel I&Uifled that. the work or the Flnl •Jnterna· tiODill bU Dol been ID. TaiD.

A Temporary EciiPM.

D4NCE ~8sfc~~ _JOE HILL Played by the Black ~t Orche>tra

At the 3rjl Annual Dance of I. U. 3300 1. W. W.


(1534 Clybourn Ave~ near Hal>ted St.)

Entree 7:30 P. M. Admission 3Sc-

Tho ~roleta.rl~ s tru.st:le tor power has ad lt.a ups and down.a. 'the same 'l.t true of the lnternatlon:~~l worklbJ:"(-l:uus: monmcat . The ddeat or th"e Parla Commune. which reaulted l.n a terrltle onatau,;bt upon tile pro­letariat by the militant rea.c:tlon or the world bou rt::eolale. ·coupltd with !.....------....,.-------------------!


I I 1

1 i I I



! -· 1

Page 6: Karl Marx to the Communist ·League· … · Karl Marx to the Communist ·League· (ADDRESS TO THE CENTRAL AUTHORITY OF THE LEACU E IN 1850) ) . EDITOR'S NOTE. At thl11 time In the

I .

1> -

r-----~-----------------=~~- ~-=-=~~~---=~----------------------.

How to Start a Shop Nucleus By MARTIN ABEAN

Rraac.hes belon~t to the ume poilU~- esc.h other ~t.ad an more e:ully flad rature Acent and other of4eet'1. a l party, the Workers ( Communist) wa,... to ~et aloe& tOCelher. The laa· Thea, tho comndu mut p.ay thfr r,a rty, and .o haTe like pollll~l attl· caace obje<Uoo fa 110phlstlc and must dun through the Shop Nuclew kcr­tades, be oYerulod therefore. TakiDI IC et.ary. It become• aad Ia · tbereby

To be~o wltb, ooo cannot ,.t down a bard and fut rule for lAkin~ the lint atepe lo oryulafDI a Shop Nu­cleus, the political unit of the P.s.rty m:~.do up of Party members worklns In the ume • bop, factorr. mill, e tc. The waya are many: there Ia not an arbitrary n·,ure to the number re-­q.,Jrell to e:atabllah a Shop Nucleus. F.un one J»arly member c:an con•tl· tute hlm•elt u " Shop Nuclou•. nnd by cJUTyln~t ou a •7•tamitte Activity build a IJ\rp;er «roup ot Puly mem· ~,. around him. nut thAt 111 a m~ttter whh::h can be duh with anoth~r lme to conaec:llon with prolJienu ::rowhu: out of lt. Thin~ are liOruo nut Jlh, l•·• tow:ard Shop Nucleu• or,;.:~nlxl\tlun

whfch are common Ia vlrtually e very loa ta o co.

b. The comrades wort Ia. the ume for ~rraated, therefore. lh.at tho com· tbe leadtnr and mala polltkal Ulllll ot ahop, Allen Machinery eo., :uwl han rades of tbe nrloua Branch~. foaad the Party, and recocalna llMit and the .. me economic aad Job problema to be worklac Ia tbe aame macbtae acta aa aach. Tbe alleaiance, If ~t In tbe abop to meet a.nd 10 eohe. abop, are rea.dt. and wUUnc to IN or· lerm c:&a. be uN<I, ot lbe membera of

c. The. comrades are surrounded &anlaed u a Shop Nucleus, what Ll lbe Sbop Nucleul Is not to the terTI· In tho ~thop by thtt aame other work· Lb.e dext stept To outline brletly, for Lortal F:aaUsb , OT l&D.&uace braacbu tu upon whom our comrades bave to the m:u1y function• and pToble ms to wblth they formerly belooced. 11. a work wllh a common polltlc:&l a.ad abould he dealt wJtb Ia. detail MP&· to the Shop Nucleas. The Shop tlu.· 11conomle prosram. ntely. eleas thereafter Ill an authorlted botlr

The"' are more Identical Jlroblema Shop Nucl•ue.. Not The Branch, Is Th• meeu re~ularly to lay out a. p~ocram which c.o.n ~ noted but the•o wfll do Authorlt.atlve Political Unit. o r .o.cUon for ltl'elf- a JltOIT&.m or po. Cor our purpoH. The queatlon occura: It Is poulblo, In a de~tree, rw coua· llt!CJI, economic and trade union work, with thcaa factora Ia com moo to at.&rt rades work.la.: toacHber La a ahop to educational, lecture11, literature dis· with, Ia It not loalt:nl that the Party c.:a-rry on work of a polltleal &nd eel> :,:but~~"· ladi;Jd~al w~rk of iho mem­meu•hert ahould be orc:aalaed U a noralc charctcr. wblch 11 akin to thtt 11,.· t m~ an Pace 0 mee t nc• .. etc. 'K)IJtlcal unit In tho ahop to carry on work a Shop Nuc:le"• would car,.,. • 0 w lc.h mut be dealt with In 11 ~t tc:uly , common nod ayMtetn::t.Uc pro- on. We han tn mind a ~roup of com· ~~~clal artlc:~ea, ,;ram for communism nrnOD« tbelr rndt>B from nriou• Dranche• who Shop Nucleus Activity Once Started

Ther• Must Be a Cor,..ct Industrial fdlo"' Bhop-rn:ltct'~ t·•taluly 10. Far work toccther In \he u • bop. They Will Oo Away With So-Called R•glatratlon more IOIO:IcA I. aens lble. practicable and t prend prop:a..::tt.nda thru literature, Dlfftcultln.

\Vbe re do tb" Party C'omr:adea communhlt th:u th,.ac Putr me.mbt-n e tc. : they formula t e aad try to c:trrr Thl• art.lcle trlf!:a to touch aome ot work! .That mutt be known accura- Mhould be or~:a nlr.d :11 a Shop !\u· out urtaln .1bop demand•: they do t.be toc.hnlcal aldu to &e tttnc startN tely before artrthln~ can bel done to cleu• with tleflch.ITe wort to do. some common work In the abop ta to..-ard Shop Nadel. The mt'IOben orcanlu poliUcaJly In the ahop. A That Ia true, comrade, aad s-ood. relation to tho present election m· ot the Shop Nuc:leua, meetlal:" tD&ether 100 per cent C'Orreet lnduatrbl rea:la· but wa doa"t apeak En1ll1h nry well. ~l.;o or the f':uty. Dut- lt Ia not a rr~ul.arlr, Ia dally conLact with one tratlon of the Party b hence wanted sad that nukea the work a.od or&-an· Shop N•deu a.ad does not do the another, with a pro,-ram or work In a.ad required. The Panr Ia now lullon of 11 Shop Nndcu• 10 dltl!cult. work It mlsht · lt It were a bonafide the ahop wlll aooo rind tbat a.~~y laza. takiD& an lad)latrLAI reclatr-at lon II an obkctlon which Is at once Shop Nucleus Instead of just a abop t;uaae dtrncaiUea. tt real. wilt dlaa~ tiatloaally. Tbe Draacb Secret..ary or heard. Th.at obJealon i1 more eYuloo Cra.c:Uon. It I• oot authortuth'&; tbe pear. The beart &.Dd work of the

todu~trlal Ot'K••Iser must therefore ::~:.. •::~~=~c~'-:i tht: ~e~t!:C.:!~ :r:~~~~f ~~;::OU:. Dt':eoc~:u~~ ~::::::. ';;!~~~: : ~~~. f~! :.~~~r:.~::al~~:~~=·::~:e '~:=~ ooe a.aot.ber aad wllb a Pf'OCT'llD lD bodJ. Tbat brine• torwUd a fund&· their Shop Nudeua where tber are

lmportant- u to place of work or ~-:e:h~: ~~~ca~~,o':!ltb~e ~~k~~ m~~~ s~'::'~-=c~:u!b~;.~o:e~=~~e~:: =~~tc:'e:. tb:n~"!~ o:hl!e:lt~~:l= ~~:cb ~~~::d th~:'!mol!~ell~ o':: of nrloua l.ana:uacea tocelher In t.be the ludln~t and authoriLI.tJn poiiUca.l 1r2121 of Commanlsm. Shop lht.Jeu.. me!:!bent tbf!re arf' .comrades worktrt, aame abop. In fact. too wf!'ll .and pro- -.nit of the Party. It Ia the bulc uniL Of"'IUII.ullon will muo a beUer anct tpaetber In the -.me shop. The Rtahlr. Party m~be~. as Wt'll u Tbe comradu of tbi Eaallah, Llthua· clearer uadentandlo~ of tbc labor Dn.nch, however. I• uked at preaeat the other worke,... han to &et aloac. olan, J ewlAb and South SlaY Jlrlln~hes moYemeot and worklna: du.a prm,lema to u"d In IU coml'lete Industr ial rl· deaplte lhe all~,r;M l:~oncuace b..,-rlen, mernlooed u ezample, me,tiDI to- In America. and wUI produce better. glatratlon to the City Central Com. wltl) the bou. Certain ly Puty JDem· «elhu, elect a Shop Nudeua Secre- Party members tor tho cau~ ot Com-

::~~:~~~::. '::,~tr~~~::dt:Oa~:::!a~;; ;._l>e_,.._•_•_••-_.:;-••_,_.,_•_••_••_co_.,_.,_••_w_l_th_u_rr_._•_•_d_l_•_d_••_"_'•_•_o_,_~_•_••.c.••_'_· _L_II_ero_· -"'-"-"-''-"'-·----------bla.au have been proYtded. I •'

With the lnduatrlal tft&llltaliOD Ol mpressions all the Bra.nche-. Ira It• ha.nda, t he City

:Wr::e~~~: !~. d•n::n~~·.~.~~~~,~~~ of the LaFollette Meeting

Information will be ~;ot. Amonl{ thllt will bc:l tho knowl"dp;e of whcro th~ Party membeis work. wbeth~r alono In a ahop-or to~;eth••r with other com­rades wbo beJon~~; to varlou!l Party tl!'rrHorlal nranch""·

(Conllaued from f'~e Z.) h311, and of th~t olll su:ard there muat ihlrtOt!D minute., U was due to the ba Ya been some two ~ three thou· rnntlc ch~cr· le:adlnJt from tbe llpt::lk· a~ot.nd. IA!-~ollettf''a refe rence to hiJ:h ~Jns' platform, ault1ted b1 aedlon telephone rates atruck ll sore s pot. cht•t.: r l!•ttden wbo were ul'errwhere. nl11o bls denuRclutlon of hl~h electr ic

1 tflll you, cllmradca, there La nolh· billa. 'rhero wllsn' t 11 doubt tha t thtJ In~ to lt. ll hm't cvea much of a hulk of the nudh·acc \lo'Ouhl .:o bomn fra1ul- lra a blutr. nntl the r ~t.re Muck- Into 4p:trtmont• \lo' lth all modern lm·

Let a. take an nample wblch will tor• lnd~<."d who t:all for lt. At that, 1 pro.,.e:uenta. It " ' :11'1 th llt kind of " occur hundreds of time• anll which •lon't know It that particular audl· c rowd. wUI thereloro bd the a tarttnc polat coC'o of 110 me thirteen thou8:Lntl, fe ll \\'aa lt l.A Guare-1:1 or wa• It thP lnaamenbiJ towarc.J Sbop Nucleull for 11. Thf!'7 altaply didn't care. the>,. cb::alrm:.a who reforT'<'d to Coolld~~t~'• orcanlntlon. wert" nol coacern.ed. th~ro wu noth· old~ u •·our republtc:m frl('ndl'l! ..

The Ci ty Or~;anlzatlon. h:avlnJC clu· Ia,; "' at:.ke for them one ..;,ay or !ID· Wihlout :1 snt-u. mind Yt.•u . wlthnut :1

a lftt.'tl tho lollulltrlal rulatratlon. Rnll• ot11er. Dr the w:ar t ho :aurl lcnc:o re- umorous quirk. It W :t!C IJf•nutlful, that fa tbe, let u• ny, Allen Machin- .:eiY(.od tho nrlous •~akel1' :~od r eo- th:at "rrpublkan friends:·· It waA the ery compa.ny are workln~ l'arty com· t~pondcd to n.rlou.A t ellloll{ pbrne• rou ver r bulrl'l ere oC tht! prop:;;naalvu· radea who belon,; to : 1-:aall.th JJranch· coulcl'aee wh.at e lementa It was com· Umpafco aplriL l t"a a_s between three memben: Lhhuaoian Orancb · pOsed of. l..a Gu:ardla ,;ot a bl~ and frie nds, flllr eompetlto~. honeat op.. two OJembera; J ewlab Draac:h-one nolay hand, ll.nd when he :usured t he ponents, drummer• In the ame line, member; South S-laY Dr:a.ach·two Vt"OP1,. th:tl the pro~r('aSIY~a. f:tr rrom f>~ntlemen all. And then that happy mem~r.-elabt f'a rty m~'mben tn the lntenclln(" to bru.lc do wa the conatl· e pitome or La Guardl:t'a : " All lntel­ume abop. The du•lftea tlon will tutlon. wish to m.21ntaln It aad ~arT}' llcent ~publlcana and all lntelll~tcnt O«"Ur In diYera ways In the lndu- out fallhfuHr I~ JltoYlslons, then~ wu democrab ano a.nd ouaht to be lo t be s trtu . What wUI ~the tlrat duty of a he-ftr applau e of rclld aad reusur- pro,;·t't'uiYe movement ! .. tbe Cltr Orc·aolutlon. the four ance. NormAn Thomu' applause about LaFollette's prepared addres.~ wa.a Draoc.hu apokeo of, aod the elr;ht, tta,;ed the aoclallat conteal!l of Lb.e ln e nry re.pect barmoolous wttb the membera! The Co"'mon lnteruu ot the Com·

radu Unite Them ~or Activity • The City Orcaolutloo informa the

Bnncb.ea and memben of the aboYe ISadlaca. A m~etJor of the comrade• from the four Hrancbea Ia called. Tbere are a aumber of lateru c.. obviously, ther have Ia common but wblch they now take • ote of; for It

' Is the obYioua. v,.rr Otten, wbkh Js m03t lrnportant anti to which the :a't· tenllon of peopl•• mut b4: cn.lled. Wha t are aomc p f the lh ln~ea In com· moo of the comradea?

a. The c:omr3cht~ of the Eu p:;; llsh, J ewish, ~ltbua.nlan nn1l :Wuth Slav

A Party of .Leninism (Contlnu~l frnm r':a&o 3, )

pnrty th:at Vla.dhulr llyll c-h L~nln

rnado oC ttJe Huasl;:w Cotumunht Part y. Into 3 party cap:.ble of l••:ltl· log tho ma .. t"tl million• of tho work· tar; cl:uu Into stru~;,;le acllln• t thQ. c3pltallat •JI'Item. for the acohurr of powe r :and the eatabllab tneDt of the praletarla.n dlctlltorahlp. And at the Jlr~t momeat "'t ua say, all to­cetht>r: " We are det,.rmloed t h:tt 1hall bue a f'.utr or l..eolul un:·


FRATERNAL DEI..EGATES.- A group of Ruul~n Tr~dc Union vlaho,.. to th1 Tradu Union Congt't'U. with Mr. Ben Tillett, M. P. ln. the back row on the right are Mr. C. Hlcka and Mr. R. Coppock, t he builders•

luderL Comr~e Tomakl Is In the centre of the front row.

·- ~

audlenc,., h,. aplrlt of tbe tt.tl'alr, a.nd the hmnr of th& prellmlo:lry ahadow­hoxlr:p:;; wllh "priYIIc~e." •'ra.nkly, I JtaYo old Oob more credit tor su~ 11tunce. The amount of bunk, pltrle, llriYel. , twa{ldle and reh:aahed tommr· rot must haYe dhunared enn the fa lthrul, c • en Jflllqnll'• proaelrlea. You' ve reAd tho IIK..~ch anJ you know "'' hat I 01h n . That "~oYornmcnt by the people" motU wu too cheaJI e'Von for l.n•·ollelle. The YUIIar lrlcka ot ta UtlnJ; Ab•tract "dt~mocracr" wbleh liu ' ' Yer ~D the meQ,n~ of the old· ty'1o polltlelana to make ::a lot ot hoi· u•· noise without- aa.yln1 • .ortbt.nc lo particular, was the Yery bad:booe ot Ld"olle tte'a addf'f!'... ~

Comr:adea, If lhla utherfa~ ll a fair mpl •, hole lhlac Is buak, aDd

there Ia no auc.h lh lnc u a LaFolle tte atampede within the raaka ot b.bor, and there Ia ao new delu.lon that bu ~doud~d the prlmaJ l.u ue ot tbe dus atrunle.

I uy thb b«auae there Is a poul· biUtr or some or a• haYia~t b«D tall:u In by the aotar preu aaenU ot tbla dla~tastlnc boda&-PDdae. Tbe tblD& cannot UYo beeauqo It la sUU bora.. tbe df'laalon annot pentbl. be-cause there b notbfoc but low·&n.de plfl'le to austala lt.

It Ia ala:altlc:ant tka1 eua tbe Jack· ed·up aplrlt of the enola& did not aut­ne-e to keep the audl~nce attenthe to llnd lote reated In lAFoiiette's oration. Afte r lhe Idle curiosity wu &r-allthld, · the crowd became rtaUeu ADd to­ward tho middle or the addrus there wu to be aee-n a stream ftowtnc exit· wan:t. Th~ Atream kept • wr.;,lla& un­tttt'ow:ml t he end ot the .. bl t " the' ftllllarle• were empty nd the people on the noor were mllltnx. • lck with bor~fom. 0 1•1 Hob Is n rtull apcnker nnd the whol., tt~ wns so damned dull, uno wlt~hl:/! ·onu wore In the movies lookln~t It " 11lo-throwlns: C"Oint"tfy.

Subscribe for .. Your Daily," the DAILY WORKER. .

lL~arn t•• ~:~·;;::~·"'' JD01 l&. pau• IUI '"PM,t . oh•i"O oulll"'• of l 't"O~.aoe. •"'••'"• lit •~periorlty ower i!J Ptrollt'll•. t' le,. ' '"' ff"41•.

The Workers ldo Federation Roo"" ~. OM J.am .. St.. N. S .

• , . ,.,...,~lll'lell ll~ 1".\ .

' .

Page 7: Karl Marx to the Communist ·League· … · Karl Marx to the Communist ·League· (ADDRESS TO THE CENTRAL AUTHORITY OF THE LEACU E IN 1850) ) . EDITOR'S NOTE. At thl11 time In the

·Marx···Engels···Lenin - By T. J. O'Flaherty Vt"orll.lni(DMn'a Aa oclatlon waa thatcount.ry abow a de termination to lion from L<'nln'a ""Tho State ud

MARX. ENOELS, LENIN,-Tbree ortcanl&aUon. Lenin wu ucuaed of make a real bid for poWer. ReTolullon .. b pertlaent and tlmelr : namee tha£ wiU co down LD hta- bela' an lacunbto do«maUal and an That Man did not mention the die· "The lowe.r ·middle c.la.u democrat.,

tory, tbo names or cia.ata: who Cor,c:ed lnnterato ractlona11at. The aame ac· tatorahlp or tho proletariat merely In thue ahara aoclallata who baYe r• the weapons with wblch tbe worklnl cuaallon wu tlmo and acaln hurled pualnl' u a cert&Jn achool of alleud PlAced. tho clan alru&&le by dreama' oC cla11 could omancJpato JtaeU a.nd a&a.tnat )la'rx by tbu10 who could not Ma.nlana ln Amodca cl&tm, but COil· harmony between cluatl, ba"Yo lmaa:· taaaht tho J)T01etarfat. bow to use the undorttand the 'lclenllfte mind of the aide red It of para.mount lmport.aaec ta I ned t Yon :a tran.aluoa to aoclaUam, In weapoaa. Marx and · Eacela 111'ed founder c f modern f'OC-Ialtam or could t~bowD by lbe ronowlar ltatement coo· n. dream u It were-that II, not In 4arla« tho period wblle the bour· not lo1erate hi I laalatenco on the) UD· talned Ia tho Communlat Manifesto, tho Conn of~e OYO.rt.hrow of the n · ccoJae was 1UI1 perCorm~ Ita blt~tor· compromlalnK atrun:lc acalnat capt· •riuea by Man: and Earelt lA No- premacy of Jhe- {iPtOIUnc Clut, bat leal tuk ot preparinr IOC.Iety for the tallnn. nmber 1147: In tho form of the peaeef•l aubmlulon

~':b mo:roa f::na~orordr::hert.e~!: Man'a Ute, ala eo' he ftnt entered "Tnclnp; tho raost ceneral phuea of :~e!th!.';::~~:.~ ~a~~~~~~~~:~~~~~: the reTolutlona_ry moY~ent was a the denlopme.ot of the proletariat, we cal of tho Sodalltt Labor Part of

;.c:akt= 1;~:,. ~~r::':..::e r!:ott:t~~a~~ cona1aat battle qalnll the c:aplt:allat followed up the more or l~a bidden America u It Is of the ahamelU: So-enemy on lhe oatalde and q:Unst lhe cl.-n war. wltbla ulatla.c aocl~ty to dati~ Part . lt ls naked 0 rtan·

worklac cla.n mon.ment uer pro- aaar~thlata, and social reformers who the point at wbteh It t.. tr:anaformed I.Jm. y ppo dac('d. hM matund u a scl~atiOc re•· were llbera.lly r~prt-.eated Ia the First Into open re•olutloa, and tho prole-otuUoaa ry mec:.bA-ale at a Ume wh~n laternallonal An:archts'u. llll:e Baku· t.arbt eatabltabe., lla rule by m~aa Frederick EDcela. the botom trleDd the capltaii.Jt system had passed lbe nla who oatenaibly b:at~ tho bour- o[ the • loteat o n rthrow or the c:apl· and eo-worker of MU% b MCOD4 zenith of Itt , power :and wu u a KeOisl~. bt)ptod to brlna: about the rella:· tallat clua ...• We hue alrt.ady oa.ly to hit ETe&t coatempon.ry u a world hlatorlcal l)'stem stutlnt on loua, political and phlloaopblc ema.ad· aeea thAt the Gut atCl p In tbe Work· aocf:lllat lrrlter. Hla mott popl:liU' the dC!Clh::r;e. p.s.Uoa of humanity lh ru a bour&eola er5' RnoluiiOll\l.s tho tran.aftcuraUon book& are '"1'be Orlcla ot the FamUt,

Karl Ma rx,· the Inspiration of th,. Lea«ue for Peace and Freedom. A'n· of the proletarLal-lato tbe ruUnc ctu1, :rtnte Propertr ud the State .. &a.d First tatern•tlonat or tho Jnterou othe.r anarcbls l, Proudhon, h~ld to the tho conquttt of democ:racr • • . . Sodallam, Utopl&D. &a.d SdeaUOc." tl~nal Worlc.lnK"D~ton'a Auocl.at.lon, the theory, that war' 11 Impossible bec:.uu The proltolarlat will u.o Ill political Tbe.o books ra.ut wllh the Commall· father of modern sclentlftc soc;:llliiMm, hu n1,_n1tr doea not want wu. Thr. •upremacy In oMlcr ,-;r#od uatly to wrest lat Maalteato aa aoclallat c.lualca. ED· · waa no mero nnatytst of tbe mt."Cban· fo"' ra nco-Pruulan war brotc.o out In the tbc whole of c.apltal ,;r&dum1ly from cell •ltb Ma.r:a formulated the tbeot')' lam of the hou rge-olt~ ayatc m of produc· follo wJn,.- year. The ~hn ,.-roup Jn the c.:a.piU..IJet cta.u, to ccatraUze all of tho materla.U1t conceptloa or bl• tlon and dfllributlon. He waa n r111 the lntf!rDiltlounl hl'ld that "-= real the lnatrumeat1 ot flroductlon In the tory, wblcb TeiU 011 lbe bua. .. that and foremost • revoluttonlat, unll If wua aro ,wQ~;ed not •Jon" In the Inter- bands o! the alAte, t. c .• or tho pro- tho production. ct means to IDDport l~nla h:uJ ilccompllabed a othln,g tlbc. rflt a or •lynutles but nlllO In the Inter· Jetarht.t orttaallt"Cl u ·tho rullnr: clau, human lito a od ant to production. · but tho rca"cu4.l or Mar.s: from th1• ut~t of lhc ~;rent powen nnd tr.adc, uu.l to tnc.reue u quickly AJt ponlb1e ~he eschi.D&e of tblnu produced, .. clutthtoa ot lhe lloclal rcformera who and are ("()Dducted ror thCl adunt14tt the tota l of productiYft rorcee." hft bula of &11 eotlal 11ructure; that would malt~ of blm a hu.rmteu ob- or tho rullna: c:Jau." , Thha Is 111e dictatorship o f the pro- In uery aodttr that hu appeared ln aerYer of .11ot'lal phenomena, he would Runnln~: lhru ~ht.n:'a writ In'" lltc.r ltotarlat with a venre.anc~. One can ~~~~~rr. the lD&nlle.r Ia wblch wealt.b

:~:~ 01d:•~:r~:'!t •·e~~to~~h~ d~:~~~: a rod lh ru d Ia thto lnaJalenco on thf!' almoat lma,;loe IAloJn Ia be 7ear 1917 ~~a.s ~~rtbo~tC:r::!. ~e':e~:~ec:'t10.~ , · cia .. atrt:~tla :and th:.t the cmanclpa- , t.a.ldn,t: down hl.a Cbmmanlat Ma nltn to. b t r..

than th:.L He not alone r~scuMI tlon or tbc workcn must ~ t be tuk naclly a-annt7 yeara to the month w ._ produced, how It I.J prodpc~ ~la.rx (rom the Kaut .. ~7• and the and how l..be ProdUct• uo eu.h.a..Jlced. other qenta ot tbe c.apll:t.list clua t.ul ot the yorlc~ra tht'ml t' l1'11!1, aDd aot rrom the da7 these tinea were penned From tbl.s polnt or •.-lew the ftaa.l

be proceoded to traast:ue M:ars lcm eauau O[ all todal c:.h&.aCH and po-lnto ac:t.lon. l~nln wu lbe roondrr 11tlcal 1"eYo1aUou are to be aoqht, or the o .. t proleurlao at>t<- fRATERNIZATION oot lo meo·a bnw. not Ill mao•a bel·

Tbo name oC .Msn is bo~ortoll by ter hulr;hl lllto eteruaJ tnltb and Jua· millions of worlr:ert the world oYer tke, but In chanau in mod• Of

producUoa. I.Dd exc.haa&e. Thet are Jt I• equally hate-d by the bout;l'olah• tp be soacht not Ia tho phUosopbr bat

~~:r~b•e ~::~,.0~~::~~h::,e~~;:r~h~: ln the eeoaotDia ot each part.Jcal.u lhla ... ..,ct. The prole torlan ct .. • e poch · · • • " 1trut:lle ulatcd ~tore Man's day, While Eaalea &niYed. at tbe ume but Marx waA tho ftrgt to brln« llw formulaUoa ot lhJa theory llldepead· reYol!Uit~aarr movemP.nt down rrom cuUr of Man' be modeaUr Ktna an tho douds of utopia and pl:.ce It on n cradlt to bla n eat eo-worker. JI!D. aolld acle ntl01' footln~:. '->ela waa 000 of the three oat.tandiDI

Hitherto the workers hnd d r to:ml! of •aiTilllon but t h~r were not su re th:at the •rslcm or ,.:xplo!U.tion would bo a bo11abed. M:an: put the moTtoment tor lhe em:t.nc.ip.;atlon or the wort.••r tl on a thtoOretlc:.al bula :and •howt..-<1

naluae. th:.t the workiD'-> ela11 reTOlD· Uoaary moumeat produced..

Ma n: and Enctll r:an tbe caplt.alJat clu• no qoa.rte.r d urlll&' their UYH and now that ther are botb t'an~~ed Into daat mllltona or worken are u-10&' tbo weapoo.a tbey forced darla&

that tbru the continuous de•~lopmr:nt their eslatent-O to batter down tlae or perfe<:tlon of tec:.halque capltallam upltaUst ata.te and 4nlah tbe tad: wou\4 reac.b tbe point wbere It n)Uid whlc.b hlatory bu aaal&t:r;.ed. to them. ao lo~e.r tuncUo:::r; a.ad muat n~et~· THEY WE Le.ala, the foa:Dder or l..bo lnt Pn> aarlly ciTe way to tbc new order, so- l~taria..lt at.&te. tbe ba.Uder ot the Ra. dallam. Dut lfarx neYe.r Wled 10 In- •Dl•H 11cl,.ct «roul)a of con•plr-ato:-al b,- ~I an; .and En eels and puttJnc t ala / Comma..aftt Pa.rtr &.ad the a. slat Lhat tho ne w ayatem of prodnc- pl:aanN by tho French rCTolatloailt ldn cont:aJned Ia thla puuce into ator or tho Th.lnt {Commanl.tt) Jater-Uoa could only be eat:abllshed by the m~n,tul, but by crut muses. operallon. Yet we are told that 1\hr:z:. nalloaal, wu tbe e.claeer of re"rola- · ltr'U.Icle ot the prolet.uiat a,cala.st the Tbu fo~ranco-J'ruuht.n war wrecked Ism could not be applied In an Indus- tJon. To h im Marxism wu a .t.blna caplt:allate. who etrho to uphold l be- tbo fo"lnt l ntern:.tJonal :a.s the late war trta.Jty backward country, Tho mor t- to be applied, aot acmotblnc to &d· present aoc:lal order. •muhetl the •ocoad, lla unworthy oao reada Ma.r:r, En«l'la and IA"nln. mire at A dlsta.bce. Karl R&dek

Tho tbcorc Uc::.l formul.lltlon ot thr ~tucceuor, •nd In order to cet tbe lh& more ona :1r,rr~11 with tho trulh In wrole In an artfcle 011 "Lenln'a Lite elau atrubclo and tho rt:Ydatlon of wrccknr.:o out of tho h:\ndt~ of the an- Comr3de Hol>ert ~tlnor'" charsc and Work" published thortlr after tho 1ccrct o[ c:aplt:t.llst production 1\rchhll ll ~t.rx ahlpp('(l It to tbo Unllcd ar.;:.lust tha aoclallst party or A"merlcr~ Lenin'• death : "'Tho Iron force or Len· thru aurplue To.luo .:ue tho workh11 Stntea "'here It wu pe:tcefully burled. tlu\l It was a "hu~te machine for lrtns ln't~ conYicUoa round Ita •ourae ln. the etus a new o.nd powerful wupoo. lip lO 191-1 It waa quito tublonabte nbout aoclaUam." Tl10 11o.mo appll~• fo.ct that bo bad thot out Han'a •o­Ther Wf'ro no lon,er h:~ doubt u to 10 prof,•lla Adhr.rCJncc to tho MAr:xJan to lhCl aoclall•t p~trtlu or tho world. cld tenrt.a aa ao ICholar of Man bad the ftnal result or tho atru":le. MllTX theqry, but moat of lbo lhcorlaU were The Mar:zlan r nnccptlon of the enr done before, that f..bcao teDcta aavo them tho ~;oal and tbo we:apona bually enr;:aud upla.Jnln£' Mux out 1t:.te fa t.hat lt Ia o. clua Instrument had become part of bJa "lnar, aad with wblcb to brln~; about their own ot es:latencft or u Le.aln pall It Ia bll for auppreaalng other cluau. Under that he appUed. them uno follower of emaadpalloa. ..Workers ot all Coua- l'roletrala.n ReYolutlon.""ta rula£' Ma n: capitAlism, for tbo aupprualon of tho tbo Father ot Scle.aUGc Socla.llllD hu trie:a Un.lt.e; yoa ban aothlas to lose Proletarian Re•o1alloa ... "turnlat:Man prolet:trlaL Under proletarian ru1o doaL• bat roar chalDa, roo haYo a world to Into a backacr e4 UberaL" Those who for the aapl)rutloa ot the boaf'leolale Leala, uu !ian: an4 £aceta dnot.ct ~&~•:• Thb wu the alos:ua rabed for desire to po1o u Ma.n.ilta bat at lho aad to abollth a.ll eJplolt&tloa. The h1l raUre life to l.be wt ot em&Dd­tho tint Ume that cut across n.t.tlooal umo limo Wl.llt t"Cl to make Manlsm theory adYaneed bt the toelal ntorm- pat~ the proletariaL lJko hla two bouaaartu and Jolned l..be c.Jau con· confo-rm to bourceola liberallam en that t.be atato Ia a a ' laalrume.at cre.at prodeee.uon, be had the dtTt.De acloua \workers or all eouat:riu whue b-;zraod the mldal&ht oil dlltortlnK the for lhe rocoaclUaUon of ctauoe ta ln.· lire ot r..,olaUoa wilhlD bJ.m, wblc.b tho labor mo•emeat bad pbntc:sJ, IU mea.nlar of t.be mat loader'• wriUop fa.nUie. The ap.ltalt.t du.1 cannot m.a.de all h.lll ~n ba.na wtt.b rut, lnto an army ptc:od,;M to c.:uTJ' o.nd partJeularb' tho theory of l be: pro- aft'ord to ellmlaate tho workfnc clUJ hatred for the roll c.lau. u.; saw

.oa the atrucEie acalas t a.pftaliam a.n· letArlaa dlctalonblp aDd the ?loleat eTta. lr It could; U 'depe.nd• oa It to hla brother taken~ CJ.ect~ted for a.a.

Ul~~ro::rp~~~m1::toT:::;~h~ ~~bel~~~: ~aJt~: ;:';!~'!~~:teo::::~ th'!ep:~a:nry .~~o·:ro;'a~cc~::,~ ~~:o~~e.th:nC:::~ == ;.~ old tb~ry that -codall.lm 11rould be aenee ot Man'~achlnas." wtu be to set r1d of capU.aU1m cr:ld· 11t'd.. b~ from place to pbc' brot aboat th.nl lho a,ceacy of Intel· ~rx wbo U In EnJI:md the uUtr a11.d &lao of tbe capltallat dua Lenin \leTer we.ak:eued Ia hla deter· Uaeat and beanoleat peaple. He «ro:tte.r part ot b 1 a ctl"o Ute. once whJcb beeome.a unnecta¥ry wllh the mlutlon. He pn!p:ared hlmaell tor ahowod t,b.at Ill com!n&' did aot r e.t thot that It a puc::dul cba.as:e from est.ablt.hment or aoeLaUam u an eco- leadenhlp. was or&:toi.Eer a.ad tucber on tho ablntn& und• of jusUce and capllAIIam to aocla.Uam wu poulblo aomlc IJ'Il em. and when tho ol)portunlty aroM lD moraUty, but ou the eaorlS of the In any coantJ, lh•t coaat:ry wu Ell£·· Lealalam Ia Man.lam In action. Aod 1917, he g:aaiCCf tho rlr;ht moraenl to clus wboe& lnttorcata demand a land. nut be wu alwa.r• earetal to the core ot ro<rolatlona ry Ml,nhlm nnd aetu power and. ~an t.ho cnateat chunge Ia. tho 11atem or prodac::Uon. etate lhat tbo bourreotalo would not Leolnl•m Ia lhe prote ta rllln dictator· uperlment Ia bu.ma.n. bl• tory. from aoclal prodac::Uon &nd prh~te aurrcador J)(lacetully 1D Eac:la.nd, anr ahlp, whJch e:nablu tho worklns clus M:u-x and Enpla toa.uded sc.leoUOe owne rablp to .aclal proda~Uon a.od m9r0 than In the coaUao.ol&l coun: to be.ll-n ta,lDc tho foundation for lbe aoc:lallam. LeDin m&lalr conce.raed 11oclnl own~uhlp. tries. An)'bodr wbo follows tho situa.- atra.ctn.re ot IOdallam on tbo rulnt of blmnlf ,with tho tuk of conqaerta•

Karl Mux llko Lea.J.n. ... not &at- Uon In l:..'n~taad lodar wlll harbor no tho capltalJtl a tate. Thl1 Ia a. card I· power ,.ror l..bo work lac due. Ma.rx laOed to -=l•e n. tbeore.Ucal bula to Ulu•loaa aa to lbe lntentlon3 of the a.al :grinelplo ct COmmanlat theory. ILD-4 Enceta d.J~4 white the capltallat J

tbe rcYolutlonary movement; h• alto BriU1h rallac dau to ft&ht llko Ucerw Ju Tfew ot tho penentoa of Man:· elaaa 'W'U lUll powerful and cozi~de.at 1 built an Orflt&Ditatloa to l'iYO U:e (Or the PR&e."&tlOD of their power- lam bJ' A etrt&l.a brood Of ADa.erfea.ll of JU power • .,. Len.la Jif'ed to ... lh- - ---theory elfect. Tbe lnternatJoaaJ wbeoo .. ~r t.be workiac c.1&u of that paeado-Kan:.tata lbo foUowlar qa ota- (Continued on Paco L)


~ _ :..

Page 8: Karl Marx to the Communist ·League· … · Karl Marx to the Communist ·League· (ADDRESS TO THE CENTRAL AUTHORITY OF THE LEACU E IN 1850) ) . EDITOR'S NOTE. At thl11 time In the

-· -. . .

Karl Marx to the _CommuniSt League J:OTe rnment. but of tbe r e ,.olulloaary • h:all ~ put In lhe midst of th t> declare tor a moderale pf'OCI'ti.Sire

(ConUnu~d from Poce 1..) &Uiborltl e• aet up by tbe worken . cMJ.mhUna- bourceola property lu..tltu tu, the worlr..,. mutt lnalat oa. a t.u It on by a temporary underllllnndln~r . w ·hcre workeu are empiOJed In Alate tlons. Ju1t aa tho -demoCrat• hue ao Ateeply &Taduated •• to e~~uae the Thla wa. so tn tho pa~t. and will be Kc nlee they rnu•t arm a.nd oncanlr.e combined wllh the 11 mall peas&lltry collapse of tarae capital; lt the dem~ 110 In the futur~. It Ia a matter of In 1peclal eorpa, with cbl• fa cboaen ao wo muat aabt •boulder to abou1· crata propon the reculaUon of· the raurae tbat Ia the future aan.I'UIDary by tbemulua, or fotlll p&rt of tbf! der wltb the as:rlcultural prolet&riat. oaUooal debt, the worllen; aua1t d• coniUc t•. u In all prerious on ea. the proletarian &nard. 1JDder .no pr~tut ~urtb"r, tho d~~::~oerats ,..m either mand al.4te bankruptcy. Tbe de.maad.l worklnc mea br their eourac~. resolu · matt they cl•e ap their arma and work directly for a federal repubUc or oLthe workt!n wlU depeDd oa. the ,,.. tloa, and aelt·taerlftce will form the equipment, and any attemp\ at dlt· at . le&lt, If tbey ca.nnot uold the re-- PD¥1a aD4 meuu"' of tbe 4elnoet'W. main force In the attainment of •1c· &nDameat matt be forclblr r~tlat ed . public oae and Lod •l•lble, wiU aeek to It the German workt!rl wUl oD.It tory. Aa hitherto, 110 in the comiDI' Deatructlon of the lnftuence ot bour· p:lr.!llya.o the centr.!lllz.n.tlon of ronra· come to power and to the e'ntore. atruu l ~. t.bo petty bourceol•le u a pols democucr onr the worken, mont by l(ranUnlf the createat DOiilblc wool ot their claJII Interest• after a wholo w111 maintain an alUtudo of lmmedlate lade~ndent a.nd armed la.deperulence to the mUDiclp.alUie• proloaced re•oluUonary denlopment. delay, JrresoluUoa, and lnadhlty u orp..nlutlon ot the worken, a.ad the attd proYlaces. Tbe worken must aet they wnt at lout cata tbe certalnt7 lou& u poai:tble. In order that~ aa HM)D e~r:actlon of the moat lrkaomc a.nd t.helr face acatnst thla pta.a. Dot oab tbat the ar.-t act of tbla re•o1utlon&l'7 u 't'lctory ls assured. ther may arrc> eornpromlaln~ terma from tho bour· to secure the one a.ad ladlrlalble Ger· drama wUl C'OIDclde wtth the Ylctory cato it to themae.lnt and call upon ceol~ democ racr. wh~ triumph Ia m.au republic, but to eoneentrate u of their elua tn Fran«. and tbla will tho workers to rtmaln quie t, return for I he moment unuoldablt~-tbete much power u poulble ID the banda au reiT ac:celorate the mon.mcni of t~ work. uold ao-caUed ezceue111. and are tllo main point. ;wbtc:h tho prole- of tbe ceotr~a;l son.rnmeot. They thei r owQ emaaelpaUoa. Bat thOJ tbua 1hut otl' the wDrker• from the tulat. :anti theretoH abo the r .. e~ue need no~ be mUted by democratic thcmulna mutt a«ampllab the rnatU •ot Yldory. Jt · t.s not In the bu to lr:e-ep (Jl alcht darlac and aner pla.Utudee about freedom or theeom· uter part of tho work ; they ma.t power of t.be worll:era to prrnnt the the comlnc upheanl manes. ,etr.cteterm.iDatJoa, etc. In • be coaaclou or thelr da.u tatert~ta ,.uy bourceol1 democr.u tram dolnc (111) Aa soon u lbe new ao•e,. couatry tllr:e Cermaa1. where there and talr:e up the pos'ltloa. ot u Jad• tha.t : but It l.a wltblo their power to meat 11 eatabUabed tber will com.· l!e 10 ~medina! remnanll: to pendent party. Tbey 'tiUlSt not M d&. render tbelr ucendaoc:y onr the menee to Ga:ht the workerL In order be •!epC awat and ao muc.b local aud Yertect_ from their coune of proleta.r­armed proletariat dlmcult. and to to be able etrec:t11'ely to opp()le the prOYinclp.l obltlnacy to be onreome, tan ladepeadence by the bypoerta)J dictate to them auch term• u shall pett.y bournOta democrac1. It Ia le under no cl~tnnstaac.. mut 'P&I'· or . the democratic pett:y' bourceottle. make tbe nle of tbe bours:eola d• the tlrat place ae«uary that the llhe:a, towns, and pro't'IDCM be aU.owed Their battle-cry mu.1l be : ""The reYOJ mocncT CUT}' with in ltlelf tfotn Ute w6rlr.ers should be IDdepeadeatly or· to be made leto obstacle• In the way Iutton In permanence.• beclnalar the cerm ot dls.aoluUoa. ..ad l&nll~ In elu~. wbJch ahould aooa of the re•olutloa.ary aetlrlty wblcb London. Kareb, 1150. tta ultimate tubatltutlon by tbe rule be centralll.cd. The central author· moat emanate trom the center. Tbar or the proletarl.at. coulderabiT tae.lll· lty. after the onrt.hrow of I be nlat· the Oermaat ahoutd ba•e to G&bt and tat~ . " ID« co•emmenta, will at tbel.r ea.r llesf ble«<. u they han done hlthe~o. for

Tbe workera, abo•o aU. dariD& the opportunltT transfer tu beadQuarten oYery adYance onr and onr q:atn Marx-Engels-Lenin.

eohftlct IUld lmmedlately anenrardt. to Cermanr. lmmf41atety call to- In uery towa and In enry PrGYJace (Conlillued trOm Pf.Ce T.) mwt t!'J" u mach aa enr poulblt to cetber a c:onKTe._ &Del aako the aepa.ratet.r ca.nnot be t.olerued. AI La hated eDemT onrtbrown lA a tenitotT counteract all boarreola attcu:npU at ncceua.f7 propoaalt tor the centra). Fr&.a.ce la 1111, ao It Ia tod.ay the co1'erlac one-aUt.b ot the eart.b.'t aur­appeuement. and eompel tho demc> lu.Uon of the worlr:era" dab• onder an talk of the reTolatlonary party In face and u.. eapltaJiat ayatem achtlc& erata tq, c&tT7 out tbeil' pre.eat tor· ExecutlYe Committee. who wiU haYe Ce.rmaay to centralln tbo DaUoa... rorlat phnaaoa. Tbet muat act In their beO\dqaa.rtera t.a the center o~ We hno aeen that the demoerata for Ita Yer'J' Ufe and the Co~manJtt :~:~ce':n:n~::.tb:!, t::b~~;:~~~::;r. ~~o8n.~/r":~J:~t ~e .. r::~~.:;:e·:~~:; :r11!bc;~•o!:z!::~r.!~ t:he.:~~e:b;~~ :~~;;;t::~r:: :CO:Cabe~ 0~~1:!::~~ ateiT after the YlctofT. OD the eou· a proTtac:lal uaJon ot the worlr:era' be obllc:ed to ,propose me.uuna of • UODatJ' workera ot the world . tor a

=It ~"'io:u~ :::.~~~: ~:r ~~: ~~~ ':a 00°u~ :!,n'!:e.::!a!m:~~ :oreuC:ec!":..=lal!!.::;;re~e.~ anal USAlt on the caplt&llat a)'»teaa oppoalnE" wCH:atlod ncessei and mall: YlsouUna: and dnelopiDC' tile Work shou ld bo proposed . bT the worten.. and the establishment of Worlr:era' ~ lnr eum plea of bated ladl't'lduals or era' Partr. Tbt aut reiUit of the Ot eourso tbeT C&Jlaot Ia the becln· Ylet Repoblfca In nery country or public buildings to which hateful onrthrow or tbt ultUnc conrnmenl nlnK propo•e ac:tunl Com.muntat me.. the world. Lenin cou14 dte wltb a momorle. are attached by aacrtGeln& wtu be tbe election of a national rei)" urea. but they . can. (I) compel the amlle on bl.a u,.. them to populAr ruence, tuch deeds reaentaUon. The proletariat muat democrata to attar:k the old aoclal or- On thla a.a.aJnnuy of the foandla& mutt not onlY be tolerated, but their ate to It ant tha.t ao worlr:er ahall be der from u ma.ny aldea u posalblet of }he Pint lnteruatloD&I. tbe Com· direction must be taken Ln. band. Du.r· deprtYed of bls autl'.r&&e by the trlclr:· dtaturb their repta.r procec!u.re aod muat.ta ot America eould pay no mo,. In& the ~&bt a.cd ~nruda the e ry of the local aathortUe. or COY· c:ompromlae them~hea. &Dd concen· tltUDI boaOT to tbe ~at reYolaUoo­worken mutt 1elao nery opportua· ernmeDt commluloa.e.n; t eeoa.dly. trate Ia. tbo banda of Uae atate aa &ry trinity wboae names wiU at.aa4 tty to preaent their own. dcmanda be• that bealde the bou.rceola democratic much u poulble ·or tho . produc:tl•c out u beacon lli:bta to the oppresaed t ldo thoae or the bourceola demo- eandldatu there tbaU be pat upoun forcaa, meana of traa.aport. futorlca proletariat of all eountrlee euldla• crata. They muat demand ruaraateo• where worklnc-c::Jau eandl.datOI, who, r:a.UwaJI, etc. (IJ) The muauru of lhem atone the palh to •lctory. tblll for the worlr.era u aooa u the demo- u far u poaalble. aha.U be merpben the dt~mocrau. whkb l.a any case an to •It dowu at the feet of the muten c ralll propose to take onr the re ins of tbe Leape, and for wboae aucceu not re•oluUoaar'J' bot merely Tf:form· Man. En&'t"la a.ad J~ln and tecu.re or IO't'Crn.meat. It neceutlry, then a.U mu•t work with enry poulb1e bt. mu.at ~ pressed to the point of the taowlec!J;:e a eceuan to lead tbe a:uaraf!-eea muat be c.ncted. a.nd cen· mea.na. E•en In c:onaUtuenc:lea where turnln1 them toto dlrnct att:aclr:a on maSH-a a.ad rout the peneru wbo crall,.-e mu~tt 1eo to It tba.t tho new there Ia no prospect of our eantl ldate Drhate property; thua. for lntta.nco, would make or Manlsm a..nd la.ter on rulora should bln1l the maelna to every befnlt e lected , the work en mu•t neY It tho pettr bour~cnlalc propoac. to or Lealnlam a cud tor 10phl11ta to pou lble ronc:ua lo'n ADd prom!~. ertbe·teaa put up eandtd:t.teJI In order purcbue the railway• and fllc:torlea. chew on and to mlalntcrpret. whlc:b Ia tho aure.t war to c:ompro- to maintain their Ja.d ependf! ace. to the worlr.en mcnt de mand that sueh The te'fOiutlon.ary workera of tb• mlao them. The worke.n matt not be steel tbelr forcea. a.ad to brlns their ra.ll•aT• and tactorles. bela& tbe work! a.o today pay homqe to their awept ott thei r feet by the c~era.l reYoluUoauy a..tUtude and p.a.rtt property or tbe ructlonarlu. abatl dt a.d leaden wtth a ll'ht be.art maN etaUon a.nd enibastaam for the new Ylowa before the publle. Tbey mual almply be eonl1aeated by the lt.At,. co~dent than enr of ultimate 'fl~ order of thin«& which uauaUt tol1ow not allow themtclna to be dl u rted withou t compenaU!on. lt t.be d~ tOlT u the edll1co ot capitalism prop. uoon atrect. b:r.ttl ea ; tber muat from tbta work by tho stock •.r~tumeot crata propoae proportional tuattoa. ped up b7 the bayoatlll ot tho hired quenc :all ardbr by a cool and dll· th:Lt to apllt the Yote of the democrats lho worlr:era mu.st dem11nd procrenl•t j:anlaaarles of tho bourg~olsle. t.a paulo ate conception of tho new con· means aula linK tho reac:ttonary par tAUtlou:. U the demoen.ta thetnfthea ahakln& to Ita toundaUoa... diUon , and moat mulftst open dlt· tl ea. AU auch ta llr. 11 but calculated tratt t the nw conrnmeut. Besides to cbeat tho proletariat. Tbo adY1D.ee th omdal conrnme'Dt tbey mtut aet wblc:h the proletaria.n p:artr will U~ a retolutlonary worlr:e ra• KOYCrn · malr:o thru lla Independent poiiUc:.lll menl . eltber In tho form of local en· a llltudo 111 tnnnlt elr more tmportftDt cuU.,-ea a.nd commerciAl eouncl11, or than the dlladnnt.ace or buiD&" " worken• ctubl or workera' committees. few more reactionaries In tbo natloa.:ll ao lbat tho bour~~: eo la democratic ~~::o• · representation. Tbe •lctorlous dome> ern.menU not oniT Immediately loae erats could. It they liked. en:n pre­aU backlD.C a.mons the workers, bul •cat the reactionary P'ortT tuYinc any from the oommencement lind them· accesaa a.t all, If tber only uaed thelr r.olna under the aupenl.slon an1t ne wly won power with aumc:tent en· thrc&U ot: authorlllea, behind whotn era. at.aada the entire mu1 of the worlt:ln lt The f!nt point which will brine tho dau. I a abort. trom the erst moment of democnta Into coaalct with tbe pro.­Yictory we mast no loacu direct our ltbriat Is tho aboUUon of aU feudal dlal.nllt acaJ,nat tho beaten reaction · rt.:bta. The petty bour1eola demo­DIT e.aemJ', but acatut our fonner crnLJ, followlnlt tho ex.ampte ot the aWes, ap..lut the party wbo are now ant French RoYolatlon, will band about to eaplolt the eommon •lctory onr tho Janda aa private property to for th~lr own ends only, the peuanta; th&t 1&, they will lean

(II) Ia order tbat lhla parlT. who .. tho qrt~ultur~laborers u they are, betrayal of tho worton wUl be1ln and will but c: ate a petty bour1eol~ wltb tho ant bbur or 't'lctory, abould peuaatry, who will pa.aa tbru the be frustrated In Ita nefarious work , tt aa'tne cycle of terlal and •Dirltual Ia neCCilltu"J' to or~a.nlto and arm the mliery In which tbe f·rencb peasant prole tari;at. The .rmloK of t ho now J'lnd11 hlmac lf. whole proleta riat with rlftea, cuna and The lforkcra, In tbe Lota.r~st. of the ammuatttoa muat be carTied out a t aJtTietturaJ proletut.t a.s well u ID once ; we must pre.ent tbo re•lnl of tbelr own. muat oppose all IUcb plana. tbe old bourJ:~I• miiiUa. which bu Tbey mutt demand that the c:oad• al ways b&ea dlr~ded. . .,.a.lnst the c:ated lAnda aball be o:lllonalh:ed and wurlc:en. \Vbere the latter m~aaure con•erted Into aetUemeota for tbe c.a nnot be carried out, the worke r• n•soclate<t. 1roups of the landed pr~ mu At try to or~~:llnlzo thomaclna Into letnrlat ; rll l tho ad't'antAce• of larc-c· an Independent 111ard, with thei r own aea.le a«rlculture shall be pat at their c}Jief!l .!lad ceneral statl', to put tbem· d lapoul ; tbeae al"f{c:ultural coloalea. lf"h e& under the ordu. not of tbe wortedi on the co-ope_ratln pliaclple.

Stir the Shops! The 'fe_I"J beat place to car17 on a worldac d.au eampaii"D la Ia the

tho~ and rac:torle• where the worke n cather to earn tbelr ll't'tas. It 1.1 there that mlnda aN!I open to the meuu.res. pa..rt.le.a &Dd ca.ndldatea that at.and for concrete aolutJoaa of tbe problema .ot bread and butter faclnc the workln1 clan. It la Ia tbo ahopa that the worlr.en will ae• moat clearly, tor ex.ample. the dUferenco betW"een Fo1ter. tbe ualoD orcllnber and t'lchter for \be work:en, and LaFoUetto, the lawyer and tlcbter for tho !diddle clu•. (Editorial D&IIT Worker.)

TilE ABOVE "JilTS THE NAill" on the ben.d. Nolhln~ eoa14 bo added to tha.t. It'a up to yoa reader, to do oYorythlal pbytle&llr poulble to plar:e .

THESE PAMPHLETS ID tba band• of the work: en you work Cocethe:r with ~ tbops aa4 rao. toliea. Sell tbem enrrwbere. Now Ia the Ume. J The LaFollette Illusion- -

.U " n:aled Ia an A.nalyal.a or the Political Rote or Senator LaF'olte tte, by Jay LonatOoc. Slncle COPY-------154

J>artiea and laauea in the El&non Campaign-or Aluaode r Btttelman. Questions and aaaw~n. how the dlt· rerent p.artiN •ftlw the rnndltloo• a.trec:ttac tho worlr:lac eb.as. lt'a o c em. No worlr:t!r should 10 to the poUa tbl1 year without nrst rendiDK" thla pumphlet .. - .................... _.:_ .............. _ ______ ,Oo

Unemployment--Why It Occun a.a.d How to Fl1bt lt. by Earl R. Browder. Tbla: p.a!Dphlet dea!a with tbe mcnt Important Wae bdoro tbo work· en today. -------~----·:.....___----·---- 5o

In Iota or S or moN •• as per cent discount.. Place )'owr or-ders at once.

LITERATURE DEPARTMENT Workers Party of America

1113 W•ah lngton Blvd. Chicago. Ill.