Kappy 2009 Application

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  • 7/31/2019 Kappy 2009 Application



    LastNightWas 28

    Dear JonMinkove:

    With this letter,I wish to submita formalrequestto play in Tour de Court XIV .

    I realizethe imme diate reaction- and understandablyso - is a dismissalof said requestout ofhand.But please allow yourselfa full review to understandmy qualificationsandwhy I will enhance TDC as itreaches the fo rma tive - and rebellious - high school years.

    Tour de Court is a Pikesville institution, woven intothe comm unity's fabric likeOldGlory's 13th star. One day a year, rain or shine, war orpeace, bicycles wh ir through thestreets in search of the ne xt d riveway -- or in one case, a hosp ital bed. The priz e is not jus ta helmet,but aplace in thehistory books. Yes,Mr. Minkove, Tourde Courtis thepeipetuationof Zebulon Pike's Am erican dream that began in Lamberton, New Jerseyand ends in L arry Marder's drivewa y. For as you see, the story of Pikesv ille would notexist withoutNew Jersey.

    AlthoughPikesvilliansscoffat NewJersey and pride themselveson grime (See: Bite,Kosher),I have managedto make in-roads more vast than1-795. Y ouwelcomeme intoyour homes, invite me to your w eddings, send me your women (although I assume thatcarries a $2,500 incentive).You offer pleasantriesin publicand intima te embracesinprivate.

    You accept me as one of y our own.

    Unlikeprevious TDC requests from rival M aryland comm unities, I carry no animus,possessing the innocenceand unique perspectiveof aguest. Every Passoverwe offerall

    who are hungryto come and eat. I amhungry.Let meeat.If you are worried about the precedent tha t my inclusion would set, fear not: I am theexception, not the rule. I bring with me Shabbos ba sketball exp erience and, moreimportantly,parityto thetournament.If Yoni is Superman, thenI allowme tointroducemyselfas k ryptonite. Thestudious Troy Mu rphy 's dom inant reignwill vanish quickerthan freefood at a Jewish gathering.

    TDC hasbecomea spring staple, predicatedon traditionand ostensible munificence. Likethe post-bar mitzvah b oy navig ating his entrance to the overwhelming world of highschool, de Court must learnto adaptif itwishesto remain cool.Let me beyour varsityquarterbackand togetherwe will takeTDC tosoaringnew heights.

    Enclosed, please find my resume. Recomm endations are availab le upo n request.


  • 7/31/2019 Kappy 2009 Application






    P.J. Carlesimo Seton Hall Pirates Basketball Camp South Orange, NJPlayed for Jazz; Learned proper way to catch ball; Wore blackUmbros July 1993Five-Star Basketball Camp Honesdale, PA

    Played fo r Syracuse; Nicknamed SilentAssassin; Broke opponent's ankle in one-on-one August 2000

    Israel Defense Forces, Infantry IsraelCorporal Nov. 2006 - Jan. 2008 (Honorably Discharged) Selected to play for eventual champion Nachal932 basketball teamon Yom Sport Won the ping pong championshipon military post alongthe Lebanese border

    Livingston, NJOct. 1999-Apr. 2002

    Kushner Yeshiva High School Varsity Basketball TeamStarting Guard

    Led Yeshiva Leaguein Scoring senior year (369 points)First 10lh-grader in school history to m ake Varsity squadMissed one free throw entire ju nio r year (In-and-outin closing secondsvs. JEC 2/20/01)Notchedcareer high30 points twice (vs. MA YH S11/22/01; vs. MTA 10/30/01)

    Helped end Ram az' un defeated season with26 points- includingfive three-pointers- in 51-36 victory(1/19/02)Took one career charge on qu estionable call along the sideline at hom e againstTABC;Did n't evenfall down

    New York/New JerseyWinter 2000

    Young Israel Basketball LeagueStarting shooting guard Led league in scoring at 26.5 ppg Scored 42 points against Broo klyn teamin synagogueKiddushhall;Cutknee on open kitchen door Scored 20 points on 31 shots against eighth-gradeAAU national runner-ups

    Regional Maccabi Games Cherry Hill, NJStarting shooting guard August 1999 Averaged 12 ppg forsilver-medal winnersthat includedat leaston e eventualD-1 player (Schafer, Ma x) Lost confidencefrom SandyPyonin yellingat me to"Stroke the ball!" after missed threevs. Chicago in Final

    Unleashed J urassicPark-esquestool that refusedto flush prior to championship; Biggestpre-gameof careerRegional Maccabi Games Philadelphia, PAStarting shooting guard August 2001 Led bronze-medalwinnersin scoring Scored 23-pointsagainst Philadelphia"B" team, including career-high seven three-pointers Hit 26-foot buzzer-beater against Lon g Beach to help overcome18-pointhalftime deficit in OT win

    Pan-Am Maccabi Games Santiago, ChileShootingguard Dec. 2003 Rode benchfor gold-medal winners Scored 10 points vs. Venezuela Discovered only kosher restaurantin Santiago; O rdered steak with avocado, g rilled onionsand eggs

    Boston, MASept. 2002-Feb. 2004

    Boston University Basketball TeamStudent Manager Filled cups with waterand handed towelsto players during games Managed clock, sweptfloor and videotaped during practice Averted eyes from Shaun W ynn showeringafter practice; Glanced backon w ay out oflocker room

    3-on-3 Experience: Runner-upin Frisch Tournament (2002); Semi-finalsof An dl Israel Tou rnament (2002);Runner-upinUCLA M usiker Discovery Program Tournament(2001);Winner of Hebrew U. R othberg Tournam ent despite not playing w ithbruised rib from Softball injury - Did notreceive 20 NIS winning prize(2005); 1,387-439 career Shabbo s record

    Awards PoweradeFive-StarFree Throw Champion(47/50,94%) BU 2002 Intramu ral Free Throw Cham pion(8/10,80%) First Team All-Tournament2001,CHAT Israel Becker Selectedby Tiki Barberas one of his"Top 5EverydayHeroes" Camp Ramah M.V.P. 2000 Fourth gradeJC C one-on-one champion (1994)