New methodologies to estimate the hourly global solar radiation; Comparisons with existing models S.N. Kaplanis *  Head of Renewable Energy Laboratory , TEI of Patra, Meg. Alexandrou 1, Patra 26334, Greece Received 30 November 2004; accepted 8 April 2005 Available online 9 June 2005 Abstract This paper describes two new friendly and reliable approaches to estimate hourly global solar radiation on a horizontal surface even with a pocket calculator. Such fast and reliable predictions for the hourly solar radiation are necessary for the real-time management of both the solar energy sources, like a PV generator output in the one hand and the power loads, on the other. The predicted global solar hourly radiation values are compared with estimates from two existing packages and the recorded solar radiation for the two biggest cities of Greece. The two methodologies presented in this paper can be applied to any other site. q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Hourly solar global radiation; Energy and load management; Prediction 1. Introduction Methodologies for the estimation of the hourly global solar radiation in a day n  j , on the horizontal,  I (h;n  j ), have been elaborated and proposed by many researchers, as they are reviewed in  [1,2]. These estimates are necessary in order to: Renewable Energy 31 (2006) 781–790 www.elsevier.com/locate/renene 0960-1481/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2005.04.011 *  Address: Megalou Alexandr ou 1, Koukouli, 26334 Patra, Greece. Tel.: C30 261 036 9015; fax: C30 261 031 4366. E-mail address:  [email protected].

Kaplanis 2006 New Methodologies to Estimate the Hourly Global Solar Radiation Comparisons With Existing Models

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  • reviewed in [1,2]. These estimates are necessary in order to:

    Renewable Energy 31 (2006) 781790

    www.elsevier.com/locate/reneneE-mail address: [email protected]. Kaplanis*

    Head of Renewable Energy Laboratory, TEI of Patra, Meg. Alexandrou 1, Patra 26334, Greece

    Received 30 November 2004; accepted 8 April 2005

    Available online 9 June 2005


    This paper describes two new friendly and reliable approaches to estimate hourly global solar

    radiation on a horizontal surface even with a pocket calculator.

    Such fast and reliable predictions for the hourly solar radiation are necessary for the real-time

    management of both the solar energy sources, like a PV generator output in the one hand and the

    power loads, on the other.

    The predicted global solar hourly radiation values are compared with estimates from two existing

    packages and the recorded solar radiation for the two biggest cities of Greece.

    The two methodologies presented in this paper can be applied to any other site.

    q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Hourly solar global radiation; Energy and load management; Prediction

    1. Introduction

    Methodologies for the estimation of the hourly global solar radiation in a day nj, on the

    horizontal, I(h;nj), have been elaborated and proposed by many researchers, as they areNew methodologies to estimate the hourly

    global solar radiation; Comparisons

    with existing models0960-1481/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    4366.* Address: Megalou Alexandrou 1, Koukouli, 26334 Patra, Greece. Tel.: C30 261 036 9015; fax: C30 261 031

  • S.N. Kaplanis / Renewable Energy 31 (2006) 781790782thisand;nj) for the representative day of the months January and July.

    Third, a new approach to Jains model, as it was modified by Baig [19,20], was tried in

    paper and the new estimates for both cities in the same days, as above, were obtainedI(ha. Size properly solar thermal or solar power systems, i.e. PV-generators [3] and predict

    their daily or their long term expected performance.

    b. Manage simultaneously both the solar energy source, e.g. the output of a PV system and

    the power loads.

    The target is to determine via the estimated global solar hourly radiation the power

    output to meet the loads, according to the priorities set in a micro-processor control


    The aforementioned methodologies are based either on the analysis of recorded

    data [410] or on modeling techniques based on the analysis of meteorological data,

    like humidity, ambient temperature, wind speed, etc. in order to predict I(h;nj) [11,12]

    where h is the solar hour and nj is the number of the day measured from the 1st of


    From the ASHRAE model of the clear sky [13], various methodologies were elaborated

    which resulted to sophisticated packages such as the METEONORM, which is both a data

    bank in meteo solar data and a software package [14], using auto-regression techniques to

    simulate expected stochastic variations in I(h;n).

    The solar radiation data used for the prediction of I(h;n) in the methodologies

    proposed in this study, are usually available on an hourly or monthly basis for Greece

    [15,16]. Therefore 12 monthly values which give the solar radiation on the horizontal are


    From the 12 monthly figures of solar radiation one might use a top down approach

    to determine I(h;nj) from the determination of the clearness index kt(h;nj) as described in


    In general, although sophisticated packages try to simulate stochastically and generate

    I(h;nj) estimates with a good record, it is on the other hand, very useful to build and have in

    hand reliable and easy to use models to estimate mean I(h;nj) values.

    A model which was considered for comparison reasons to the model proposed and

    examined in this work is the one proposed by Jain [19] and its modified version by Baig

    et al. [20].

    The solar insolation data for two cities in Greece, Athens and Thessaloniki, available on

    an hourly basis [15], were used to provide an estimate of the basic parameters for both of

    the above models [19,20]. Those recorded data served as the basis for comparison with the

    predicted I(h;nj) estimates.

    Hence, a comparison of the predicted I(h;nj) values based on [19,20] and the mean

    hourly values derived from records over the past 10 years [15] for the above cities, is

    presented. The comparison has been extended to many cities covering the

    geographical latitude of Greece and for each mean monthly day with very good

    results. Here in this paper the comparison is shown for two big cities and for 2

    months, January and July.

    Second, the METEONORM package was run to estimate the mean solar radiationcompared with the results of the above methodologies.

  • kt(h;nj): the hourly clearness index

    kt,m(h;nj): the hourly clearness index of the average daily profile

    S.N. Kaplanis / Renewable Energy 31 (2006) 781790 783y(h): an auto-regression function of first order

    h: hour.

    As hourly variations are simulated in METEONORM, while in this work mean

    hourly values I(h;nj) are sought, METEONORM package was run for a group of 5

    days, that is 2 days before the representative day of the month January and 2 days

    after it, i.e. the I(h;nj) values for the 16th of January was obtained by grouping the

    values of 2 days before and 2 days after the selected day. The same methodology was

    followed for July.

    Hence, I(h;nj) values were obtained by running METEONORM for the 14th, 15th, 16th,

    17th, 18th for January and July. Those values were averaged for each hour.

    The results for the cities Athens and Thessaloniki for the 16th of January and July arewhere1. the first, calculates the average energy daily profile, and

    2. the second, simulates the intermittent hourly variations by superimposing an auto-

    regressive procedure based upon:

    kth; nj Z kt;mh; njCyh (2)parshots.Au2. Models to estimate I(h;nj)

    2.1. The METEONORM package

    The I(h;nj) values are generated from the Aguiar and Collares-Perreira Time dependent,

    to-regressive, Gaussian model [6], as described briefly in [14], which consists of twown in Fprocessor for the management of the solar energy and the loads, too.proposed reliable and friendly models, easily programmable in the frame of a micro-Finally, an estimation of I(h;nj) is attempted with a new model proposed in this work

    based on the formula:

    Ih; nj Z a Cb cos2ph=24 (1)a and b depend on f and nj, i.e latitude and day, respectively.

    Instead of developing sophisticated and complex functions to determine them, a

    methodology is developed, which uses two conditions easily built along with this proposed


    The target of this paper is to assess whole I(h;nj) estimates derived from the twoigs. 14.

  • Athens 16/1









    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

    MeasuredJain's modelNew approachMETEONORM Proposed by author

    Fig. 1. A comparison between mean recorded I(h,nj) values for the 16th of January for Athens and estimated

    values from the METEONORM package, the Baig et al. model, and the two proposed methodologies.

    S.N. Kaplanis / Renewable Energy 31 (2006) 7817907842.2. The Baig et al. model [21]

    It is based on Jains model [20] which tries to fit solar insolation to a Gaussian type


    rh Z1


    p exp K h K122


    (3)Athens 16/7











    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

    MeasuredJain's modelNew approachMETEONORM Proposed by author

    Fig. 2. A comparison between mean recorded I(h,nj) values for the 16th of July for Athens and estimated values

    from the METEONORM package, the Baig et al. model, and the two proposed methodologies.

  • Thessaloniki 16/1








    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

    MeasuredJain's modelNew approachMETEONORM Proposed by author

    S.N. Kaplanis / Renewable Energy 31 (2006) 781790 785whi


    valurh12 Z Ih Z 12 Z 1p (4)is the standard deviation of the Gaussian curve. s is obtained from (3), when h is set

    equal to 12, i.e. solar noon. Then, the value of rh at hZ12 is equal to:rh: is the ratio of I(h;nj) over the daily solar insolation H(nj)

    h: solar time


    Fig. 3. A comparison between mean recorded I(h,nj) values for the 16th of January for Thessaloniki and estimated

    values from the METEONORM package, the Baig et al. model, and the two proposed methodologies.Hnj s 2pch provides a formula to derive s.

    Thessaloniki 16/7

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 240










    MeasuredJain's modelNew approachMETEONORM Proposed by author

    4. A comparison between mean recorded I(h,nj) values for the 16th of July for Thessaloniki and estimated

    es from the METEONORM package, the Baig et al. model, and the two proposed methodologies.

  • The I(h;nj) estimated values are shown in Figs. 14, for the 16th of January and 16th of

    S.N. Kaplanis / Renewable Energy 31 (2006) 781790786July for Athens and Thessaloniki, Greece.

    2.3. A new approach to Jains and Baigs models

    This work proceeded to a different approach to determine s without using the values

    of I(hZ12). Two versions of this approach are presented as it concerns the determinationof s.

    1st version. So, the day length of the day nj, as determined from (6), is set equal to the

    time distance between the points, where the tangents at the two turning points of the

    hypothetical Gaussian, which fits the hourly I(h;nj) data, intersect the h axis. These two

    points are at G2s distance from the axis origin [21]. Then, s is interrelated directly withSo, as SoZ4s.

    2nd version. If one draws the tangent at the two points which correspond to the full

    width at half-maximum, FWHM, of a Gaussian curve it can be easily determined that the

    tangent of each one point intersects the horizontal axis, i.e. the hour, h, axis at points G2.027s, instead of G2s as in first version.

    Hence; in this case : So Z 4:054s; or s Z 0:246So (9)

    This s value has to be compared with the one given by a related formula; see Eq. (7).

    In this new approach, the determination of s, by either version does not require any

    recorded data like, I(hZ12), as the Baig et al. model does.Estimates of I(h;nj) under this new approach, compared with the previous models, areBaig et al. modified the above model to better fit the recorded data during the start and

    the end periods of a day.

    In this model, rh is estimated by:

    rh Z1


    p exp K h K122


    Ccos 180

    h K12So K1


    So is the day length of the day nj, at a site with latitude f:

    So Z2

    15cosK1Ktan 4 tan d (6)

    where d is the suns declination.

    So is further investigated for a possible correlation with s. So, is proposed in [21] to

    satisfy the expression below:

    s Z ASo CB; where A Z 0:21G0:02 and B Z 0:26G0:18 (7)

    From the hourly data [16], taking I(hZ12) and H(nj), one may determine s from (4)and/or (7). Then, from (5), rh values are obtained to provide:

    Ih; nj Z rh !Hnj (8)plotted in Figs. 14.

  • estimates of the previous models for Athens and Thessaloniki.

    S.N. Kaplanis / Renewable Energy 31 (2006) 781790 7873. Conclusions

    The estimation of I(h;nj) was tried for a large number of Greek cities applying the four

    methodologies as outlined above. In this paper, the results are given only for two big cities,

    Athens and Thessaloniki. It is clear that the two models, the new approach to Jains model

    and the proposed by S. Kaplanis, are very simple, fast, effective and reliable. Estimations

    can be derived even by a pocket calculator.

    The estimates obtained by both of them are very close to the recorded mean I(h;nj)

    values as provided by the two data banks [16,17].

    A comparison of the results of Jains model and the new approach to Jains model

    shows that they lie, also, very close as it regards the recorded solar hourly radiation. Their

    differences are less than 2% with the new approach model giving better estimates.

    Also, the proposed data by the author model estimates I(h;nj) are quite close to the

    recorded solar radiation data during the day length.

    During solar noon for both cities investigated, model no. 4 gives an underestimation of

    about 23%, for the worst case, which is January at solar noon, while for the rest of the day

    I(h;nj) estimates are very close to recorded values, even better than that achieved by other

    models 2 and 3. It is remarkable to underline that the statistical standard variation of the

    recorded I(h;nj) values is G10% for January.As it concerns s and its relationship with So, the empirical formula sZASoCB by [21]2.4. The proposed model by S. Kaplanis

    In this model a and b are parameters which have to be determined for any site and for

    any day, nj. Their determination is quite simple and is as follows:

    Let; Ih; nj Z anjCbnjcos2ph=24 (10)Integrating (10) over h, from sunrise, tsr, to sunset, tss, one obtains:tss


    Ih; njdt Z Hnj Z 2a!nj !tsr K12C 24bp



    H(nj) values are taken from recorded data see databank [15] or by fitting the function

    Hnj Z A CB sin2pnj=365 CC (12)over the 12 monthly values, E(mo), of the solar radiation [15,16].

    A second boundary condition provides a relationship between a and b. That is at hZtss,I(tss;nj)Z0. Hence, from (10) one gets:

    anjCbnjcos2ptss=24 Z 0 (13)Relationships (11) and (13) provide the value of a(nj) and b(nj).

    I(h;nj) estimates of this model are presented in Figs. 14 and are compared with thegives for A a value of 0.21G0.01, while s as determined in this work takes a value either

  • 0.25, if the first version of model no. 3 is followed, or sZ0.246, for the second version ofthat model.

    One should remark that the new approach to Jains model and the one proposed by S.

    Kaplanis, as developed for our research in contrast to Jains model, require only the

    monthly values of the global solar radiation in a site.

    Then, the daily solar radiation, H(nj), required for the new approach to Jains model and

    the one proposed by S. Kaplanis, is obtained from the 12 monthly values when a function:

    c1 Cc2 cos2pnj=365 Cc3 (14)similar to the one proposed in [4] is fitted on them.

    c1, c2, c3 are constants to be derived for any climatic zone in Greece.

    In the model proposed by S. Kaplanis constants a and b change with site, f, and with

    the day nj. Especially, a becomes zero at equinox, njZ81, as it becomes obvious, since I(h;

    S.N. Kaplanis / Renewable Energy 31 (2006) 781790788njZ81) should provide symmetry for day and night time lengths over the 24 h.Constant a was determined for Athens and Thessaloniki and for all mean monthly days,

    see Tables 1 and 2. Its behavior is of the type of Eq. (14) with a correction coefficient of

    higher than 0.99.

    I(h;nj) estimations all year round, with METEONORM package, exhibits, even a

    filtering procedure is followed, rather strong fluctuations, which are obvious both for the

    winter, and the summer months, too, see Figs. 14.

    As it concerns the Jain model modified by Baig, the estimates of I(h;nj) show the

    symmetry close and around solar noon, as imposed by the fitting functions. The fitting is

    based on rh(12), obtained by the I(12;nj) recorded values. This model seems to provide a

    very reliable performance, close to solar noon, which is due to the I(12;nj) recorded values

    required by this model. For the rest of the day estimates of I(h;nj) decline within the

    standard deviation.

    It is remarkable that the modified, by this work, Baig model, does not require the I(12;nj)

    value, as now s is determined directly by the boundary conditions set, as in Eq. (9).

    The target of a further work is to apply the proposed by S. Kaplanis model to a large

    geographical area and to provide formulae to estimate parameters a and b which are

    Table 1

    Constants a and b values for the representative days of the months for Athens

    Month a (W/m2) b (W/m2)

    January K128,26 K425,87

    February K85,50 K457,07

    March K18,41 K505,71April 72,05 K540,57

    May 148,78 K558,29

    June 188,70 K569,41

    July 177,32 K597,82August 112,43 K625,32

    September 10,15 K636,97

    October K89,03 K610,96

    November K149,24 K540,48December K157,04 K467,54

  • the basis of the I(h;nj) estimation without using the values H(nj) or the I(hZ12), by the


    S.N. Kaplanis / Renewable Energy 31 (2006) 781790 789The author acknowledges his research student N. Papanastasiou from the University of

    Applied Science of Aachen, as well as Mrs L. Androutsopoulou and V. Spartianou, for

    calculations of I(h;nj) for various Greek cities.proposed by the author model and Jains model, respectively.

    To recreate a real case scenario, fluctuating I(h;nj) values may be further predicted

    through a Gaussian sampling procedure applied on the model proposed here, as this will be

    presented in a next paper.Table 2

    Constants a and b values for the representative days of the months for Thessaloniki

    Month a (W/m2) b (W/m2)

    January K116,32 K351,46

    February K81,27 K396,40

    March K17,63 K451,88April 71,42 K488,39

    May 148,04 K503,34

    June 187,36 K512,31

    July 175,83 K538,62August 111,64 K564,49

    September 10,64 K573,97

    October K86,37 K544,18November K141,98 K467,56

    December K143,31 K387,14References

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    S.N. Kaplanis / Renewable Energy 31 (2006) 781790790

    New methodologies to estimate the hourly global solar radiation; Comparisons with existing modelsIntroductionModels to estimate I(h;nj)The METEONORM packageThe Baig et al. model [21]A new approach to Jains and Baigs modelsThe proposed model by S. Kaplanis
