one line dot slash second hook two lid man son, legs enter eight down box cover ice table open box knife power wrap spoon right open box hiding enclosure ten divination seal cliff private again mouth enclosure earth scholar go go slowly evening big woman child roof inch small lame corpse sprout mountain river work oneself turban dry short thread dotted cliff long stride two hands shoot bow snout bristle step heart halberd door hand branch rap script dipper axe square not sun say moon tree lack stop death weapon do not compare fur clan steam water fire claw father double x half tree trunk slice fang cow dog profound jade melon tile sweet life use field bolt of cloth sickness dotted tent, legs white skin dish eye spear arrow stone spirit track grain cave stand bamboo rice silk jar net sheep feather old and plow ear brush meat minister self arrive mortar tongue oppose boat stopping color grass tiger insect blood walk enclosure clothes west see horn speech valley bean pig badger shell red run foot body cart bitter morning walk city wine distinguis h village gold long gate mound slave short- tailed bird rain blue wrong face leather tanned leather leek sound leaf wind fly eat head fragrant horse bone tall hair fight sacrificia l wine cauldron ghost fish bird salt deer wheat hemp yellow millet black embroidery frog tripod drum rat nose even

Kangxi Radicals

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A list of all radicals and meanings from the famous Chinese dictionary.

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Page 1: Kangxi Radicals

一 one

丨 line

丶 dot

丿 slash

乙 second

亅 hook

二 two

亠 lid

人 man

儿 son, legs

入 enter

八 eight

冂 down box

冖 cover

冫 ice

几 table

凵 open box

刀 knife

力 power

勹 wrap

匕 spoon

匚right open box

匸hiding enclosure

十 ten

卜 divination

卩 seal

厂 cliff

厶 private

又 again

口 mouth

囗 enclosure

土 earth

士 scholar

夂 go

夊 go slowly

夕 evening

大 big

女 woman

子 child

宀 roof

寸 inch

小 small

尢 lame

尸 corpse

屮 sprout

山 mountain

巛 river

工 work

己 oneself

巾 turban

干 dry

幺 short thread

广 dotted cliff

廴 long stride

廾 two hands

弋 shoot

弓 bow

彐 snout

彡 bristle

彳 step

心 heart

戈 halberd

戶 door

手 hand

支 branch

攴 rap

文 script

斗 dipper

斤 axe

方 square

无 not

日 sun

曰 say

月 moon

木 tree

欠 lack

止 stop

歹 death

殳 weapon

毋 do not

比 compare

毛 fur

氏 clan

气 steam

水 water

火 fire

爪 claw

父 father

爻 double x

爿half tree trunk

片 slice

牙 fang

牛 cow

犬 dog

玄 profound

玉 jade

瓜 melon

瓦 tile

甘 sweet

生 life

用 use

田 field

疋 bolt of cloth

疒 sickness

癶dotted tent, legs

白 white

皮 skin

皿 dish

目 eye

矛 spear

矢 arrow

石 stone

示 spirit

禸 track

禾 grain

穴 cave

立 stand

竹 bamboo

米 rice

糸 silk

缶 jar

网 net

羊 sheep

羽 feather

老 old

而 and

耒 plow

耳 ear

聿 brush

肉 meat

臣 minister

自 self

至 arrive

臼 mortar

舌 tongue

舛 oppose

舟 boat

艮 stopping

色 color

艸 grass

虍 tiger

虫 insect

血 blood

行walk enclosure

衣 clothes

襾 west

見 see

角 horn

言 speech

谷 valley

豆 bean

豕 pig

豸 badger

貝 shell

赤 red

走 run

足 foot

身 body

車 cart

辛 bitter

辰 morning

辵 walk

邑 city

酉 wine

釆 distinguish

里 village

金 gold

長 long

門 gate

阜 mound

隶 slave

隹short-tailed bird

雨 rain

青 blue

非 wrong

面 face

革 leather

韋tanned leather

韭 leek

音 sound

頁 leaf

風 wind

飛 fly

食 eat

首 head

香 fragrant

馬 horse

骨 bone

高 tall

髟 hair

鬥 fight

鬯sacrificial wine

鬲 cauldron

鬼 ghost

魚 fish

鳥 bird

鹵 salt

鹿 deer

麥 wheat

麻 hemp

黃 yellow

黍 millet

黑 black

黹 embroidery

黽 frog

鼎 tripod

鼓 drum

鼠 rat

鼻 nose

齊 even

Page 2: Kangxi Radicals

齒 tooth

龍 dragon

龜 turtle

龠 flute

Page 3: Kangxi Radicals